Weddinq UZE- BDLLOCK Winona Elva Bullock, daugl 1&W'éndards of yellow and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulmoi Oe pompom 'mumns form- Bullock, Orono, and Mr. No lovely setting in Orono man Gerald Stacey, song Church for the mar- Mrs. Roy Stacey of Newtci on Saturday, November ville. Rev. Basil Long off 962, at 2 o'clock of Ruth ciated for the double-rtn brq CUleaners C/wcA/ fDad, guess what? I've got a* tint part i a play," en- thuued the budding Young actor. «I play the part of a Mlan who's been married more than 25 years?" '<That's a good start, son," Ieplied his dad. "Just keep up the good work and one of these days you'I1 get a speak- fat part!"y Ed. Leslie CLOTHES CARE IIINTS: New Clothes Are Sometimes Unnecessary... the nex best thing to new clothing is freshly cleaned clothing. PRE-NATAL EDUCATION CLASSES WINTER SERIES STARTS THURS., JAN. 10, Health Unit Offices, Liberty Street N. 2 p.n JANUARY CLEARANCE "Q.à»PARTY DRESS FABRICS -ALL RYDUCED RE. 2.0DRESS BOUCLE ODD LENGTHS .UU 0 15>P. DAINTY PRINTED PLISSE Reg. 59e 5 ocYd. lq 5409 WOOLLENS Reg. to $3.50 $1.00 yd. Reg. to $4.00 $200 yd. Reg. to $4.95 2.5O0yd. ceremony. Church organist Mrs. Rich ard Morton played the wed ding music and also accom panied soloist Mr. Larry Hal h- of Port Hope. nt Given ini marriage by he or- father, the bride wore a fuil of length gown of white eii n_ bsoidered peau de soie. Th fi- fitted bodice was fashione mg with a scalloped necklin iic-edged with seed pearîs ari crystals, and had long lii: ppointed sleeves. The bouffai skirt flowed into a chape etrain which was acc Fented b: a self bow, and a larger bo' was placed at the back waist line. Her elbow length vei of tulle illusion was held ir place by a tiny crowno pearîs and sequins, and he: flowers were a cascade bou quet of red roses and whili carnations. Mss. Gwen Manning, Osh. awa, was matron of honci and the bridesmaids were ti bside's sisters, Mrs. Jear Heard and Mrs. Betty Colvin both of Osono. They were ir emerald green brocade de. signed with scoop necklines Icap sleeves and bell skirli with peau de soie back par. els. Their feathes band head. dresses and circular veils werE in emesald green, and they xt carried cascades of yellow and bronze pom 'mums. Little Miss Ellen Hear< niece of the bride, was flower girl in white peau de soie with n. green cummesbund and bow. She carried a white hand- basket of yellow and bronze *pomn 'mums. Master Jim Sta- *cey, nephew of the groom, was ring bearer and carned *the wedding bands on a white Ipeau de soie cushion. mî Mr. Larry Manning, Osh- Ml awa, was best mnan and the ushers were the groom's bro- ther, Mr. Bll Stacey of New- tonvile, and Mr. Ken Gibbs. Port Hope. nephew of the groom. A receptIon was held at The Acres Restaurant whes. the guests were received b: the bride's mother who wore a grey wool dress with pood:e cloth jacket, pink and blaci accessories, and corsage of white carnations. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother who chose a blue printe< dress with black accessories and corsage of pink camna- tions. Later the couple left ona wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Ont., and for travelling the bride wose a three-piece double-knit suit in dank bsown and beige, dark brown accessories, and corsage of yellow roses. They will reside in Hampton. Prior to her wedding, the bride was entestained on sev- eral occasions. The girls ir her department at the Fittingar Ltd. office had a supper party at the South End Restaurant when they presented her witil a clothes hampes. Mrs. Larry Manning, Oshawa, was hos- tess for a personal shower ai the home of Mrs. Ross De- Hart, Whitby, attended by close friends and relatives. In Newtonville, Mss. R. Sta- cey and Mrs. M. Kube gave a pantry and kitchen shower. A miscellaneous shoYwer was held at the home of Mss. Ev- erett Stapleton, Osono. Mrss Stapleton was assisted by Mrss Walter Stapleton, Mrs. A. L. Heard and Miss Joan Aldread. On the last day of work be- fore her marriage, the bride was presented with a floox polisher by the entire office staff of Fittlngs Ltd., Oshawa. The groom was also enter- tained before the wedding. He was guest of honor at a party held at the home of Larry Manning, Oshawa,l when he was psesented with a sum of money. A party was also held at the home of Ms. Wilbert Stacey in Newton- ville when Messrs. Ken Gibbs, Ray and Glen Staple-ý ton were hosts. A magazine rack, hassock, cushion andi sum of money were presentedl Recently Married ln Orono United n,' OBITUARY GLADYS YVONNE SPELLER le. The e n tir e communitv 0- mourns the sad passing of Gladys Yvonne Speller, aged ýs. 19 months, beloved daughter le',,of Dr. and Mss. Stuast S. Spel- ler of Bethany. The little girl t was taken suddenly ili on ato Sick Children's Hospital in T Toronto, whcre she died on e Saturday, December lSth. ýk The funeral service was held fsom the Comstock Fun- eral. Home ini Peterborough on Tuesday, December l9th, s:v4d with the Rev. George Richard- s1~~~~~~ ~.:Y.:gs:. on of Athens in charge of, the service. Shown in the above photo are Mr. and Ms Edward Cleland Lane who Other relatives who mourn awere united in marriage in Orono United Church on Saturday, November 10, 1962, are her brothers Donald and sRev. Basil E. Long officiated. Tebiei h omrGi uryCoeDavid; sistess Katherini and The rid is he ormr Gal AdreyCooerLynda; her grandparents -rig. Ldaughter of Ms. and Mrs. C. W. Cooper of Orono and the groom is the son Of and Mrs. Randaîl Speller of ýMr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane of Newtonvîlle. -Photo by Astor Studio Toronto; Mss. Ralph Rinley n of Willowdale. , Trri;h,,r 1l rC' V ÇA/ ;rri A/I-. A rPmtpv-Pi i nriih 111111 ~/4..Yy' JUIIII]y Yya-lb ./iJIruIu u'.iIeu Instalis SN ew Off icers 1 The December meeting of rall units of Trinity United Church Women was held in tthe Sunday School room of the church with President Mss. Earl Osborne presiding. Reverend W. K. Houslander asked the nominating com- mittee chaisman to bring in the slate of officers for 1963. sMrs. Alldred thanked the committee for theis help. The president will be Mrs. Earl Osbosne; fisst Vice Pre- sident, Mss. S. R. James; sec- ond vice-president, Mss. Nel- son Osborne; Recording Sec- *retary, Mss. Chas. Welsh; As- rsistant, Mss. A. L. Hooey; *Corresponding Secretary, Mss. Roy Webber; Treasurer, Miss Mary Jewell; Assistant Trea- sures, Mss. H. D. Waters; Pianist, Mss. Russell Oke; Lit- Terature and Comunications, *Mss. Ivison Munday; Steward- ship and Recruiting, Mrs. Ir- *wîn Bragg; Programs, Mrs. W. C. Ives; Co-operation in Christian Education and Mis- sionary Education, Mrs. Wal- lace Munday; Finance, Mss. >C. Barrctt, Miss Mary Jewvell, Mss. N. Osborne and Mss. I. Bragg; Flowess, Mss. A. Colli- son, Mss. G. Elliott and Mss. K. Summersford; Nominating Committee, Mss. Chas. Johns and Mss. T. Buttery. Mss. Alldread moved that the siate of officers be accepted. Each leader of a unit is on the exec- utive. It was decided to purchase some books fromi the United Church Publishing House for- use at the unît meetings. The unit leaders were given per- mission to ask for expenses, for speakers if they have onel for the general meeting. A recommendation is to go to eneral ouncil of United '...L1u1i vvuuieiirecummend. ing that the women's year be from January to December, 4mazing New Smooth and Spiritedl Here's a spirited wine! New inexpensive Zing is versatile and pleasing. Jordan Zing is a dramatic new drink. Taste it and be convinceil Serve cold, on the rocks or with your favourite mixer ... tonic, ginger aie or soda; twist of lemon, lime or col Experience its smooth quality. You wili be amazed at its light, appealing flavour. JORDAN eiâA Now avallabla throughout Ontario jL,&jL&-&jl6L A-&K J6Av - a SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF Short Rib LEAN. BONELESS or BLADE CCHUCK 591 591Tl ROAST 59e ROAST LEAN - FRESH LEAN - FRESII BRAISING RIBS HAMBURG 39, 3 ibs. 99c KING 0F 'EM ALL! STANDING IROLLED Prime Rib 5 C Prime RibL TIME TO STOCK YOUR FREEZER FRONTS .4 c 411h ÀPL" SPORTS WEAR 57 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerald Stacey, pictured above, are shown leaving Orono United Church follow- ing their marriage on Saturday, November 17, 1962, at 2 o'clock. The bride is the former Ruth Winona Elva Bullock daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulmont Bullock, of Orono, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Roy Stacey of Newtonville. -Photo by Stannett 1 Courtice1 ri igh School News e by Lois Ashton green and white streamers1 ýwith a silver chandelier (and' : "FostyFroics" provdedof course a sprig of inistletoe) a seasonal theme for the sec- as a ccntrcpicce. Two realis-1 ond annual Christmas Party tic snowmen stood on guard" and Dance held at Courtic3 at both sides of the stage and High Sehool recently. The a huge mural of Santa Claus gym was gaily decorated in and his "'eight tiny reindeer"' adorned the back wall as both for finance and programs. well as the familiar greeting i ed and green letters, Mrs. Ives announced the '"MERRY CHRISTMAS". suggested program for all units for January would be on1 The stage wvas decked out Stewardship and Recruiting.1Iwith three gigantie, red can-ý The January meeting will be 'dies and a beautiful Christmas on the l5th at 7:30 p.m. with tree, which put everyone in! units one and twvo in charge. the Christmas spirit for the Mrs. Leask reported a bale ýparty in the afternoon. Theý had been sent to Toronto iprogrami commenced with theý which would be sent on to reading of the Christmas, Korea and that a packet had-_____________ been sent to a Bible School. The president asked the YÇ E unîts to supply the refresh- ments for the church senior citizen meetings during the coming year. Unit one voluni- WEEA ETNGSTM teered to do the Valentine WV ETNSSE- Party in February. The cor- JUST PLANNED FOR YOU responding Secretary report- QUALITY--RODUCTS ed sending 36 cards in Nov- SV 6 ember with a total for the year of 213. Mrs. F. Train, Oshawa, ac- companied by Mrs. D. Alil- dread favored with a vocal(iJ solo. Unit seventeen was in charge of the worship service and those taking part wvere Mrs. D. Mlldread, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. T. Park, Mrs. M. E. Leask, Mrs. H. Richards, Mss. W. Cowan and Mrs, G. Caw- ker.a Reverend W, H. K. Hous- m M lander installed the siate of I D RE SS E#S 3 Racks Cleairing Reg. to $14.00 CLEARANCE - 4$1500 Reg. to $19.95 CLEARANCE -$10*00 Reg. to $29.95 CLEARANCE. -_$15.00 Cardigans - Sweaters Bulky Knits 1O0/o OFF ALL WINTER CLOTH COATS Some Fur-trimnied 2Ocyo OFF-- 1 RACK< ONLY 1 WINTER COATS Limited Quantity $1 DOUBLE KNITS 20/00OFF KID GLOVES LIMITED QUANTITY Special Soc pr. * I 4 ING ST. E. , :OWMAN VILLE Sizes 14%/ to 32%/ Reg. up to $24.95$1 00 1 RACK ONLY SPECIAL -~ 150 ALL WINTER CLOTH COATS Some Fur-trimmed DISCOUNT 20Gfê ALL CAR COATS 2O00o OFF "DOUBLE KNITS" DRESSES - SUITS 2 and 3-piece 200/o OF ALL SALES FINAL AT BOTH STORES DURING CLEARANCE SALE WHEN IN OSHAWA VISIT OUR STORE AT 68 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA SÇee Our BARGAIN TABLE HOUSE COATS - PYJAMAS11 BLOUSES - SWEATERSA 00 BRASSIERES - ETC. _______ BUY NOW... AND $AVI acRipture and reciting of a Thie Cana<!ian Statesmnan, BowmdwMe, Sua. i Chita om yMiss E. ~_______ Prower. Everyone then join- V ed ini a sing-song of Christmas g ~din.ner a diort business n Carols led by Grade Thirteen N e ic r ng opOfled with prayer girlsN.ffice s fllwesy ol c Bob Kozak, acting as 1MC.eiean sgotatlied ait severaw.c.atsnan rou- - Afrs by S is. essePrut seea ktsolos ad Clu installation of new tines by each of the formL>nn rpaeafols:Pt qrm te nd ntamiaerbrsopdent, Sis. Hazel Samis, quatete ad pntoimeby Club 59, P.N.G.'s of Bee- Sis. Alma Powell: Vice-J the teachers. hive Rebekah Lodge 125, held Sis. Grace Murdoch; Sec., Our party came to a close their Christmas dinner meet- Elva Beckett. Retiring P with Santa Claus paying us a at Memorial Park Club dent, Sis. Hazel Samis, visit and distrbuting gifts to Hiuse on Wednesday, Decem- presented with a gift or ail the students and teachers. ber 5th. Twenty-six of the 28 haif of the club by Sis.A Many students returned to members were present and Powell. the school in the evening to were welcomed by President Court Whist, under the enjoy the dance sponsored by Sis. Hazel Sanus. ection of Sis. Marg. Highf Grade 13. During the night, The tables were beautif Uh was a highlight of the Bill Warburton, M.C., con- decorated in Christmas them'e, evening, which ceoncluded ducted several spot dances and and the deliciaus turkey din- an exehange of Chris a few of the Grade 13 boys ner was enjoyed by ail. After gifts. presented some "take-offs" on the teachers. A lunch of Christmas Cake and punch was served later in the cafe- I teria. -* WN The tired dancers left the F R H B O S school as the notes of the last dance echoed through the' QUALITY MEATS halls, anticipating a happy 47KN ST E.PO E 235 holiday to follow.47KN ST E.POE635 Grade 13 would like to thank ail those who attendedi and participated in our party PORIC SPECIALS and dance; the various com-ý LEAN, FRESH LEAN, FRESH mittees; Mrs. Drew; our chap- Proer, Mr.Ba and 91.Wol P RKSD Mr. and Mrs. Murray, M*sý HO K lb PORK '4 9 c Jones. We would also like to take the opportunity of wish-1 LEAN, STORE SLICED ing everyone a H4appy and'c Prosperous New Year. 1 RE1AKFAS~T BACON 791E c ib 1" 0F BEEF HINDS Cut andc wrapped free! 551b r v I -ALL STORES-J LARGE,-SIZE I~I~Ij ~ SHOPPE Reg. up to $19-95 1 RACK ONLY SPECIAL $1o00 1 m »»,-" rlan des. ttookc Presl« Pres., -Pres. *. Sis Presl- ,was n be- Alma edir- ifleld, Sgala bd by stas 'i=