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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1963, p. 5

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Il y SAVE AUTO LIABILITI INSURANI PREiMiL'MS AS LOII $25.00 P'ER ILAýR SBudget Terms Avail Easy M1onthly Paym Ille are as îîear as your 'phone * D>on Ellison * Gerry Osbor'ne *Raiph Schofield * Reg Akcer Pe r LIFE INSURANCE sonal - Busý Mortgage Planned Prog-rammn Contact Ken Hockin RePreseîitinz Empire 6 ?3 -5 5 Schof ield -AI [.iîited 360 KING IWEST OSHAWA - j' Phone 723-22& SAmple Frep Parking '"Who ay., a LEAF M si-me sc ou can I si xi it stilI atîss tir to a It-ap 'I'm ,Iiirtiing the Ne" nuoxI 01î:îkW tc dcli st- a modestco \xc foc Mi r-iiOi-str-osil x un the k itche "NIln urît i , u. xc id a decidesi to lt-ai'. I iat's Faiilx- Finance Plan in1 osixc.lTe fiuontiltI- litid2et. aind xxe couniut credit netIN titiesi ,nuglyx - b'is Ne\% Year. it's newx... -thanks 10 the B iw1YHNNf .t-v-i a ti hiî-fi... a titi couil bu i,î'icilu (riÂNK 0F Fe nifilFi L0W- Osàhawia Branch: W KING wiTH CANADIANS SOLINA One-Year-OId On New Year's Day Cheryl Cla: by Sandra the Woode chiet bx Sunday School and church New Waterford, N.1.9.aton servic-e were weII attended on 'vIiýses Anne Werry and Rae Tuffor( * Christmas Sunciay. Assistant Pat Knox are home from liheW * Superintendent Peari Leach, Teacher's Training College, îng. Jenr * led in the opening of Sunday Peterborough, for the Christ- ol'Od School and read a story "If 1 mas vacation. Barbara OD had flot corne". Carol His Mr. and Mi-S. Wes Yellow- Holy Nighi played a piano solo a nl d lees and sons ivere Christmas sag."Mea Gladys Yellowlees read "A Day guests or MJr. and Mrheha.i Christmas Prayer" xvhich AI- Clare Allun an-d sons, Bow-- big as himi addin recited on the Lawrence 'manville. Lsi TVlSaCrda isîa gramOf Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- shiny blaci- TV atravngh.lowlees and family joined a;owtie At the church service Rev- Christmas faînîlv gathering at Austid erend Page gave a fine sec- Messrs. E. and Glenn Lai,- "No, John, mon on "Christmas and Love". mer's, Blackstock on mon-. oa n The maie quartette- Ken day. "'ne Knox, Edgar Werry. Harold MIr. and Mis. Ralph Davis . Nicki G Yellowlees and Ronnie Baker and Pat. Constable Ross Kos- . *: Diner. M sang "O Holy Night", and liesatz, Newv Waterford. N.S_ Tufford ai- choir also contributed a Christ- Mr~s, J. Yellowlees and MisS tbld "Whnfias selection. Two Christ-!Gladys Yellowlees s p e n t! Claus".Tnas mas trees, gay with colored'CîsmsDywt r n eol o lights stood at the altar. Mrs. E. Davis, Oshawa. .col o rE Th Christmnas concer-ts of Mr. and Mî-ls. E. Larmer,; v ein bv Ga CE the three schools were thei Blackstock. were sup p e ri - ing the bea usual enjoyable events. On ýguests on Christmas Day with à Christmnias VAS Wednesdav evening Brad- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- Th....oeri:u leys teaciier, Mr. J. Cryder- lees and fainily.Ch man and pupils presented Mr. and Mrs. BruLce Titnk - Santa CIa: their program to an apprecia- and fainily, spent Clirîimd i ,--a- plhyen.u tive audience and on Thurs- Day %vith Mî's. W. A. Oî mistoli sBn day night, Solîna teachers, Brooklin. schlool is s]ý ilable. Mî's. Snowden and Mi,. Snid- . Mrs. H. E. Tink %vas ti - a proposal rnlt rpeetdtheirs with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Percv* Dewell je; Vaîctie Aus Don Taylor accornpaniFt for: and farnily, Hampton, on cx o U(-e-- the mnusic, %vhile on Fridav Chirisimas Day, Motlitr (Joý night Mr. Dennis Barry ai-d Mrs. J. Chiapmtian, Oshawa.,1cr <Darici: pupilk of Baker's sehool hadjis visiting at Mi, Bruce Tink 's.- iînrs (Glen Z4 splendid program ,vith Mi'. and Mcs. Roy MeGil!, ' -.Clarke)v~ Gladys Yellocvlees. accom-t Enniskillen: Mrs. Q. Gox ne, U -Christmlas d panist for the singing. Santa .Prestonvale: iVlîs. T. Guvnl -.>bv fin ding .%as present on these oct-a- Roy Langmaîd, spent Christ- .~~an nid c, sions and %vithh utIle nelpers mias Day with M' and Mr.3,..s ping tii rcr distributed gifts from the. Charles Langmaîd ai-d fam- - puui'ci st il I preîtily deccrated icce. 'îly. l'he pro, Congratulations 10 Lois Ash- Mr. and Mis. BruLce Tay lor '- \ith the sin iiiess ton and Phyl lis Ann Westlake and tarnily xvere xith Mir. on receivin g County Honours elnd Mrs. Bruce Montgomery 1 p. ai-d t0 Harold Yellowlees ai-d On Christmnas Day -.~ ig Ronnie Baker who also won Mr. and Msrs. Bruce Mont-.~ awards at the annual awards 'Ornery were Sunday evening iiighit for Junior Farmers at viSitors Wvith IIr. ai-d Mss.ý Orono. Bruce Taylo-'ai-d fainilx'. -S Life Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Wotten, On Christnmas Eve. I-. and Arnot. Allan and Donna have! Mî's Don Tay lor ai-d children nioxed to their new home aI anld Mc. and -Mis. Br'uce Tay-.-- Hainoton. loi' ai-d farnily- wei'e xith Mr. . ker i and~ Mrs. Ralph Dav'is ai-d Mrs . .Tylor.Sh-i ttlle Ter-iv Wax'nc Miller, above, celebî'ated his fir'st biî'thdav on Ttîes- - faînily dinner paî-ty on Sat- win and sons. Dur'ham, spent da\', Januaî'v 1. i 96:3. 'lie is the son of fN]rî. and Mrs. Irv'llin ilîler of' Hampton ~ Lirday evening. Pi'escnt on 'Christimas Day xith Mi'. and, and gi-andson of 'Vf. and Mr1s. Ilaî'î"K ilpatrick. Bonaivi île. and MvI. and 'Mîs. )NT. this occasion wei'e Mi'. and Mr7s. E. R. TýIr ap Tayloro aiaNS ls.podg-a.,iaipieisaeM.adiýts Mis. Wes Yellowleesq. Harold . Mr'. and Mis. L.loyd Broorne ap ali iHlfxNS u iu îetg'npiet ieM' ii îs %5 and Nlurrîay,.1\i'. and 'Mrs. and son-s vere Christmas Day Ar'thîur Klipati-ic'k. and M0rs. Jarnes Kirribic, ail of Bowman\'ilc'. k> Harvey Yellowlees ai-d fajm- gciests of Mr. ai-d Mis. W'al- ---Photo bY Asýtur Studio Poff/ g* ily. lrs . J. Yellovvlees, Mqiss lace Munday. Boxinanville.- __ Gladvs \'r'llowlees and Con- Mi'. and M\rs. N. Leach, izv4l c'hildren stood at the front e,4MBEé stable Ross Kossatz, R.C.M.P, Tauniton; Mr-. and Mcs. A. 1 ' 2_ew_ a B b to sing God Save The Queco, Y oungnian ai-d tarnily. Ty- ýer ~su it ivili bc impossible lu i-one, and Miss Peari Leacli - -- - name crh one'. *spent Christnmas Dav x-îwi- ý'-i Murrav Paviie actcd ia s Mcr. and Mî's. D. FlebI and -- -carii nI te sno family. -ef piýipils sang carols foi'- th e EC Mr'. and Mî's. D. Flett arnd - - n tmes. accomipaied ET --.--4 ' % Openingnme TýT family x-sled on CI-iît-a - -Y--i<-~~$by Mus. Carroll Nichols. The CNRC ;,Sunduav With Mi's. T. Flett, - -'ecome xvas gix-en bv the / ~Colunibus. - -Z - tIle bots of the Linday REFRIGE -, /4 The Vice fami]y Christmas, - i - - cho egnes cîass direct- MOO- i IIV a a11. ing as held in the Sol- - - 'jed bv Mar'ie Austin, and the TA- RAD ina all Pi'imary S.S. Class sang "Away S Mc. Elmer Crouse, Ina'- --'? - ,bA MVanger" ai-d 'Deck Thec i . 'Mc. and Mi-s Arnot Wotten -< Halls'. and childi'en, Hampton, spent There xxeie piano solos by -Christmas; Day xibh Mi.ani-id Mrs. E. Spir'es and farnilx . AWI Juanita Fraser,. Cold ýLake, Alberta, ACI Gilbert -- - Tapp. Centralia, were Christ ~. mias Day guestr, of Mi. and..... -&- - Mrs. R. Fraser- and family. 'Their Christmas Eve guests à I ~were Mr. and Mi's. Stea ad-- farnily. Solina. and rM c. ad- t j - - Mrs. Frank Chumbley aînd------ i , -ifamiiy. Sauina Road. >~' - MI'. and Mcs. E. Hockadav' and daughteî-s spent Christ-~ mas Day at Mr. and Mrss! Fcàttk Wright's, Bowmanville.' uday dinner guests of 'c\1 îand iis Rae Pascoe and fani-- y wee Mi. and M-s. Neil 'Gitfoi'd and children, Taun-ý ton. -Mi-. and Ms Rae Pascoe and fan-ilyxvcre xxiîh Mr. ai-d;: Mss. Harold Pascoe foi cli- neî' on lVonday and spent Christmnas Da'-' xith Mr. and I-Is. J. DyecPj, Oshawva. Mr'. and'Mu-s. Ai'not Wotten ~~ And children. Hampton, x cre -. ~ -with Mr. and Mis. N. C. Mlot- ________________________ten on Christmas Day. - Su1nday' guesLs or Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker' and famiiv C r ShisssBeverley Cowling Leisk 1\arkharn. was one-vear-old on Tuesday, Mario-iimouch acs H.1Wrs.RbM.tTodd Leasn nii\lr.and il's.roerti ýell, Hampton: Miss i-IeiîîBa-!IBwmn-lIar u ker ' \Miss Eiieen Conich anid piobid grandi-nother s i 1 Miss Iine ragg. 1totýr-orto-; - vtrx - rtCi l . /11-,t i re Sauli. visited Sundax' ex-cii- îa-ciMssPtit-b Ithe éx ext-IEacl, gave entoctaining. tir/ton îri -ih\r. and Mss. Star! piano. "T'e- gaxe Ibleir x\\el- recîlations: ron Chiistnias con-ý ' îcIpti h ifieBof I "oi 1 i1lîsaonn(.ie-oit'xxi ba -choral andi sing- (-el-Iis tomplele xxihout the, 'p/c ai '11Y B.VI i/ c i'i ld Nir. and Mis Wcs His ands ing grecting, Tht' major iitîri- Christmnas slorv an-d this xxas, a (o î<i.lf-iîudBo î anI ix' iied on Christnmasijber xvxa s Santa's vorkshop di'ainaiize(.d iin thc stable scene I~ aine Pau nut tualouiId Stlcinax 1 vl I.,garderit xhit-h Donna Parneli xx-ilh song ai-d story, by the I - .1 ilti do at i ocipi 3. col Mu-auýr-id.Omemet'. aîîd Blair Austin askcd theirepupils il-icostume. Before . i % w, a% ti h3.andMrs. %e We rr guesîs 10 visit ,vith them. The\, san.a's airival they sang,' and fanuily xver-e du-mer guests sa-x' xx' Eskiînmes. Jîm Par'-. Ta To Ail ai-d A Merry of Dr. adMus. Cpr- Wer- 'oeil andi Robertb Scclli'lope, Christimas'. For so fexv pupiis aîd Gog x<ix i'f-eîniternx this c'once'rt xvas a triinph Ir. Eci \'v shared 1ils language. repairiigtg oys: Jiiai-d sui'cly xxhen sorie of these -E' Chistmias Day dmnner xxith ISuulthoi'pe andi Zane Austin, yoiing men î'cuî for fturie of- pm iKLTR ALM: Werrx un Oshaxxa Hos-; fice on a Ioxxn rounicil tbis pil ani-d aiso spent the af- ýBîoonie, Bob Blackburn, Sa- rarl'vtraining in speaking be-i bernoon xwith bier. Ieni. attcodesi the Cook tain- fore the public will be of gi-cal Mr and Mi Keibh Cry.- il vChr'istm-as partly voui Sabur- xvalue. Cristmas Dax- xxith Mu-. an;,'Ciubouse. Boxxmanx'ille. parents and Donna Parneil Ilaiice P lan ai-d Mss. Hoxward Mil- Mi'. and Mrs. Fr'ank Westlake in Port Hope hospital, dc e 0CE -COST. LIE-INSUREDLOANS kon andi dacgiters xxeî'e xvilh Jr.. and famnilx' xveî-e Ms. andsi 'li xith ont' grandfathei', G OO .E # Mc a-ciMus J R oo.Mss. N. Fîce. Douglas aîiîda Walsh, and gransimoîher Pai-, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Hampton, on Christmas DaN'. Keith. Taunton: '\Ir. Grant oeil. andi great gcaodmother Be sure to see Bonanza on the CE Mcr. ai-d iNs. Knox vei'e hap- Glaspeil. T rone. Bob Black- Coluer. py to behe -ome from the hos- buco. Salern. Mr-. Ron Buoomc, Wesieyvillc's concert xxas JAMdES BELL, Mlanager pîtal for the day xxith their, Mrs. Frank Westlake Sir.. and hield on Friday evcning.1 Dec. R O Y!1 lAMS MCANH, anaet amiy . ýMr. and Ms Percy Westiake -21 st andi xxas joint schooi aîd McE KASMnael. and Msrs. Joe Siwe:auid fainilvý. Sunday School sobedsthCH R L T had Mr. Isaac Hardy andsi Shirley' vai-d Gor'don West-:local schools, Port Granby,' H V O Stanlex' willh bhem foi- Christ- !ake spenu sex'cial diixs xith Newxtonviiie. Welcomie. Port IN EVERY WAI.k 0F LIFE SINCE 1817 nmas Day. Mc s ndb Mus Nrlsoî F'ic:ý ri.R tpi ' . ai-id Port Hope Ilighi COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 ___________________________ Mr. and Mi.Frank We'st- Taiinton. School xx cc repi-esented . At lake Jr., and iamily au-d Bon i Happy ?ý'x' X'ear to all!i1 l'the conclusion ci the program arke, "Sileu-t Nf ght";IThe Cau¶adlan Statesinan, Ignwmarîville, Jan. 2, 1163 Payne, "Parade of-___________ [e So'tdîerns"; piano, Phiilip and Jamesby the senior group. The aud-1 ed bo distribute them tn well NinIes Wonderland".1ient-e participated in the sing- descî-xing boys and girls. sand monologues byýing, led 'by Truman Austin aI- In Port Britain, Miss Doreen rd, Ruth Nichois and'intermîssion, ont' of the cai-ols Perrett. and lin Vesleyx-ille Miss 7hile xx cc entectain i sung in mernory of Mn. Hay- Joan \Valkee and Mu-s Carroll inifer Payne sangîsI de. Rex'. Frecinan sent is Nichols shoulsi be bircd but iSt. Nichiolas".* and regrets that lie was cînable tca happy at Iheir. finle achieve- inner the loveîy .-0 be present. nient. It xvas a deliit te se@ it*. Robert Dinnci'! The Christmas ti-ce ai-d soclî happy ro-opesabien be- and My Teddy Bear" icandy' xvere in bbc Sundax- txven bhc tcachcrs an-d child- xvith lm, almnost asiSchooî andi heu-e Santa arriv- ren. self>. 1 .. 1 - - - Ford, conipiete iný -k loppeî and sxvaî-, coat. andi Valerie' h odm Ww floxving goxxn sang Th-oer a No". A trio, Glor-ia,, Ruth Nit-liols sang,ý To Be Traditionally onderiaiid". Sr'oeneveld, Stex-en C- c Jarsha White, Rae -id Robert Dinucu' W' ýe Like Santa 'lie Txxelve Days o x. mas scui-g bY .h lloxxed in serlous îî-ficld Payot set- autittul xx-,oi-ds ofthe( vecc txvo dialogues. $.<- rsmas Fuin, xvhen i Lis, Lari'y Dinnes. pid and ftelped the- Wanda Ford. (the' diy of bo * s> hurdieB o q e -t lut A ipool- tamily ceiix (Gixxen For'd), n it t o )au- Nichois>. daîgh- I v t t o lie Gren)iand xis- iGre--u ai-iciCher'x' resavcd fi-ont a liî-iler of SOLIp Y, Ix', a ilote ansi pn,nx coat thcv xxere îý Inake foc sonie oîc nging uf more t-arîols T'17 l ie h weaaing I nvitations Thermo-engraved (1 t1rD n TR.E'NC)«~ 'V'r-lîing andl eîgagenîent ahoîueneu~ iruh aninunrfq- nienis. C-u11irmati',îiit iations, guldcuî and suber auii'rsary anîioîîncerinits, etc. Theritno-engraving (EAISED LETTEIIINC,) Looks and fee/s like the finest band engrav-ing. The lttem have an elegance and individuality onty the finest band en. graving can match. Thermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERING) Co.sts a'bouît hall as mzîch as harid engraving, because it elimin.* aies the copper plate that makes han engraviuig so expenaive A&NDlTMS RE.&DY WITHIN THE WEEK Of c.otre you. cano onu-r matcisiig ent-lîîyuie candl, riplion, res'pnme, ihank voli andi au Iîoiutaid.e, I-c. SiItI fer'îî "ir giani caliIc'pî of flive;îvi- irn rt paei..Ilcl'ui ue tîbeof bliio 'eddigs pi î,ed a ..a-, low lu' 30 I .00and 100 1for $13A~, comp piete wiîli doubile eni'elopes and tissues. available at C9aiaia/n Sltes;nctrt si Bel Ais 4-Door Sedan Istanding array of durability and dependability features! 0 Air-washed rocker panels: cleanesi andi driesi by waler and air from thé cowi inlet. J) Inner front tenders: shield under-side of front fenders from sait andi slusil. * Extended-Iife exhaust systemu Iliberally aiuminized muffler plus heavier gauge tail pipe mean longer life. 0 Delcotron generator: gen- erates power even at tow engine speesis. 0 Unisteel body by Fisher: Ail sections welded firmty together. 1@ Sutety-Girder tramne: X-built with heavy steel centre support. O Self-ad justing brakes: each time you back up, brales Jare adjusted. 0 Magie-Mirror finish: resists cbipping, fading, sait and tar. 10 Extended tubrication interval: 6 months or 6000 miles between lubrica- tions - 60 days or 6000 mues between oit cbanges. (D Fult Coil suspensioni S gives that famous Jet-smooth ride. AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALERS !?OLET oj ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTRE BC-TV netwsork each Sunday. Check your local list:ng for channef and lime, N. NICHOLS C l"Q )", - OLDSMOBILE DEALER BOWMANVILLE - Phone 623-3353 rRIC T7j ING REPAIRSj RATION - ELECTRIC SA IlEs - s E RV ICEI DIO PPIANCFS r il ýmý4p 731 m 21

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