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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1963, p. 1

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r"- '~"'-~-~ '-Y - -~ r' Signs Contract With Oil Company Durh'am ttlay s rreaîi aulnyJo urnal ___ 1\ 0 8Pageés--BOWMýAN VILLE, OTRO ENSAJANUARY th, 193 erNUM ýBER 'Ma yor Predicts Great Progress Here During '6 3 At ttt ùhâr~t Buv. iiiatiViI c TownuîCoira'il nmeeting hl 19e)3 hieid il,. -e Ccoitînil Chaier on ýMo-'day eveijng al!w'r ti' vere pr'.ni r.ith '-le exception of Cmmn<i ior Keî"'î due to 1îr. Mjayor lvaiu Hobb, HsWorrhýip. :vlayv Lt IThobs nia stiori addi-k-'ss. i" viewed tit' Dasi t2 rrorîtlx-. "Our' 196" coùi ias lIad 'q very active year. 'Ple cre-ontet- ation of oui' coîniffttee~i-i muen, couiîc'il rmenrbers. dep-qi'i- iliiett heas. ind a i! oui ployee ha torîtored to Its "Duruîg the vear a fftan oi' flic :o. i u s O p rib- den th aiMe 1nier;itv otf Totorto wirt, nIanx'y ugge.o'- ing. P/1 l;d t't'î,rt nu It The year 1962 tx-iIlunL, buu-ienbrdbv Jacksun u01f1 n)perial iOul imied. Reevre Garrnip *pdd fù ;fj ý Alfred H. Allun of Rý.R. No. 2,BwrnmaIville, Ontial-jo. Bivkau'd <Slaudcing righti and E. Richard Lvkn rûnrhvfra *~'ni (seated Ieft) sbown s~ ~ a cniatfor a iservice soiicil or'fo'r. Aluni, are uil ncssilip t be luapPv een tr'iaîi tUiiiii b Oi.S .1t station developtneni on jpat ofai is farin with C. R. 'i' .tapordaB- v Trwoyea:'s of kAiNIcme btenMr'. Alliii L'i Il' tO1New ivem bers W loe bodies includinulo.i a, po-.. 'Leaves for U. Ka vincia1 authorîîîes led UPtip the T L.. Wavrly Rac ,,t,,,,,,Tw~o Former Reeves Extend icchek ppie 401 and wIt ii -'a - e StU'Àon aand. 'e,-aiîai. F.;tu-, tot.eîrpr'ir ..ttle f e stW ishes tb New Coun cil 15ad iraffie -ill ir't'an'g. ,- -ft D i nJl D( "Tti'rl trib ri e ect' j D 1- Identify ilt as -In Iinîper-iati Oii A t D arliDIIa4I I na g r iU5'd c.r e)'tet 'jnd ttill. iii iJ 1ý1 1 i W.jj r'tlJ irdek f Rppearaflci' <i' 'I,' O "V'S' 1 0 Cp-Iirier»... 01vr- Jackson. Sales PInîtr' C~o- l'or' ':4U 'iC i-1t re ,îI in nr~ 'hsle onfirlenen of 'the . . "' S i' i-'5.Ivi- i!S.' ritted a dxeopi'tPIO)i ir l iii eid Ree-, A JE 'a t o'r f1 r~n ' ue .1 1 'hQ' jJpr' ' ui r r' R1hnost V o tw iEa' r, o oDurit-, tiirîci. i)î'rîrr R"r-r Il. tCuD-i ' .e -1,(- tîrer'i,~ e r; rlî~it Or."ia ' ljr ington Coî,îiH anrd the: Daxî- li o nl s c;,11 i 110 -ijrît t'J 1I '1 rC!..r if . .'itîiaoie h-ai. Ington Pl,-tiiti rr.d Ic' ' ir' îrrrîri'î 'plr" the viewý tof tbe Coulnil (a; Rej; i , New A. & F follows, "w Nerre arîxiaus o jirrJj,, itPA hbave nothW butt he bu-t type ls.IPGE'W *. of buildintitdclose to 1Higli- I ls a 'I In, a*,401 and ou' i-îr'jienients' AL R 1 "S.-~Oid' Ba:ii"' ,N'Mhýk idux'î'sW îew-gmp va tyassisted!in determi- eage that sits atop tht- globe in front of liis impie-Ho itlI ld IOp i ': t pcifoîd httîvCouracl1metstore on Kino S-,. We'st, rtridhome on . egn g andlrtectuiral mntAnnual Meeting Fentidahy e adiceand" afier' being absent from bis place - j' TO PAGE i.VO) orîhonor ?ince Nw ea'sEv. hemuciin N et W d xlc-enoe h 40l.displa\'. appareitly -as 'etW d Have You a Job For This Girl?0 Main'Ya<'irî Tt îsî'titP îil laiiC a~ persoil ha u-1 <kj."ti foîtuuate. tor'r, cirdu e eau'r preth . rvîg t1J r'Icia "Or-r rir gi r usi tu i- 1iI,. Bu thfai s t wu'I a ' i'. t!;'- peied 1lo M i tfit-1-111 'l uieamlî-3k r 'n.'H,-i Mt< C. A. !:l' i lie irl-, 0R.R. .(utir breah- 'orat o',Oi fa tOf' o' it-i' bîîel:" t u-lt r et eru- al i '1 tri it lýic"('(i Ftde was nîîirI 'zÀ'i urh' spech w'-%as irîrorîr cd. boil 'oh gorie tt'eat nl'inl .id Oi-'r effort (it1 Martie ':part -! . - is- reco'-red thc t r heflt"r'p: leg. u '.x Mt Ohtiluroc1 per-eottiblt, ltMp îrîd r ged hfom losPitznl. -lit \t-1, - toolz a riul rurh 'ri r r- bolsiic-l- r. rr'c'ri)' lx sia~ti cli ipg. SShe l natu îùr-kjni i r' , .ob end is pr*epa:'eLd ta t',%l'i1iii. ".«nt of her tna> She tUdte'd bookkeepilim. eirlr. h~ r' rTURN r.-'~ r a pr'ank. 'ho tdlasay th-ey ' ould return the item. prox'ided n questions wer'e askî-'d. Sci, al is back ta normal along Kine St. t IIOBBY CENTRE -- Information 'ras -each-'d us ihi \ijHelen \'aiDî,lsen t w'bu ba.-;bieteninteiîselv illieresle i in ti;w developnieni of hbisal-d ec-'tfts thti'ougbuhut Ihe-'a nlis pîîî'ctjasecl ihe formel, PenýtecosýizI ai Clurci on Jntar'io Si. Site planls roto COfl\'i il if a a Fbb ,VCctlii l)i) - o)ptrtatlil WitbInc! u'rns hrra ililtr- estedi in ihis work. t 7 t 1 MORE SU'PPORTLERS - Thle Junior "B"' Pie - 0 - Niaislay Dixie ieiti îrjStunday in a crucial -,un' li' the Jun-i .soîtfl e F%-e('-Ltive has sent oui11 an )U1'C!c'nt pica loi- :tddi, jou) ai tnsupport ta î'u',ilbei t' ICafli on. [' "Pie" 11 ave the wix ] hi' pî'u'.idi-ri liu- 't îie.n il u be litteit ,,'ft hie oi'\ îtne il n,- tuo lie-e nielsait TlE "iî Diiiclima ti lIotoi R -t alaiii . t's 'ixi- NAME IS KING -- O1)TLtes(o'.iiitrltg a b-ar iti- fi t' o îI& u ,jueùo'. icd it ri tb Boys' 'n iai --r'i. selr oi faim. 'vit l u ii bed t a:, at ¶ eli( -i lu 'r iipi' ar'unîid i li ieuk. Il r'eaîci: NI'.' n i' s K iîi d plî-;îî iic e n i iî ". i 'rns lii 1,!i e. blouti. Obxiously a biouse pe'. lte undet' a vear n[id canire was mosi etrgei' li crime inside. Sanie- ancF apa feî yiit tlîî'y coiidn*i look afier it and clto OtItb jemetiîod of Ii0U'5i ti'i liote 's i tii. Tlieîe at-e bomnatie s -C e~do~ uti officeis, i '.in almost e.e' coit'îiuîuini t -'. We c njî'1 lielp %Vx'nîri 'ng '.'. b'.' t l is tnt ci ei'.I îetliiird .v s adrîpipici t dispos-e u f a pet. MOT'IIEItS VAR('Il -îThis j,;daitad\ iii(!e lul ic 'tn1 t ali rî;uj! M\luei's Niai cl i lui Dîm- ':il iake place bie-e on Janu;l'\' 28t h. Chief Mirarc1îlng Noiie iel-i Sîs. O. \\'iI liants ami iCnmpail-i l rlair'- tuai ruj Is rs. Ray a b 01.A iyotut' t'istin& 1.0 wii'p '. 1 b iii. nî.'rs sl d 'pluoriu 623-51 44. kitîi 1(l.I ti lrh Rutiaîlir4mor 1"tlldrtil)i Ill he IN TU1E NEWS -Ilii flic \imiiipcu 'f net!Pie:sS \\r-ek]1v ni' Dece-îiber ' 26tli. a cat'icatuu'ed likeuiess cli (kîî'nci B. Rickaîti tva.. publishietioui the front pg.alutî- wtt'hbfive alLer inational agricultural lr-adi', nti s Pi'esideiît ul' îbctCaîîadiauî Seed (~ ~~~~~~ý i t'tr-.vvau'lttt î t-II s libe i lîl tIlicfedJetýa t ui~.'~\ It'". ~aîîjd t r' ci Dtji"iîî,-) jiî i i fêtf- IN ERItOR sptcnukj:l. tIuli lcs.'o - iradF ail elr11i olasi ".eek itilt';drCi s'ii'l sledu]ing v'i itI) is itS rîtllie t'îîtitY 1)'. Riiîzel'l C. HToîîeHoir viui alîeadct ftiîîu' aaN.-oid a cdoplication of "t~~l it i.happenî-ed in prini "iii ni der i' ta aoid o duipliciatiuu)I u f 't r>tible tt'ielt nma\liîav.e b--ii ctnu o rct i 'r tfy!rp The annual meeting or heldi ue.Nt W'ediuesday even- iu:g ai eighf o'eiock in tfhe f'at'eteri'a of'thu' ho'pital. [teside its nit te tour Darliuîglurî, ('Irrke and Ne- <'sle erved b.v telt os- pitai wili be wîh'ùmnbile hi at- tend. uînd eliiible tb vote. lîcîurîsut'ofthe bouard t: III hi- prîes'ented. anîd theeh- tiot: of îlîr'.'lor' for 19613 -wuiii be lfieid. IL. %V. Beebeî M\ayor For ni'~jo ui et, i rl 'S54.'ý r.4- '- "A Record oh.rlttlLoîi]d.iiig wiIl be coi:trLcied fri lie t-ezij future, south e Hig,rav'. x40i1 and adjacent to W,ý,,e2tey Road. Il will include a se'rice statio*.,~ and res'auît. Ar ouilined es- ee a caItrac'tvas si gi at fl- ed recently between Alfi'et AlPii. ownet- of the land ;'ô nIraper.tal 011 iited wlio %ilI lie in cu&g f the opel aion Hard to Beat" Town's Portion $621,600 "A recoird hard to beat" ]y w lien r iw'n.ik Il e cr Ntlatesoian for I9otl. rkie beii fier letter t» serihers for the paper lie %vas absoutitu, ptelii. lier ~~ jr(~ îr.., Engineers Estimate $1O0,400 For Sewer, Watermain, Bridge To Service Industrial Area BIaî'khîîrn Har'dyrtook 'Che Tr.t hJr a' ýes.îrr.aed. rost . c-,Kî.rhe-s irr-ved br he iao __ Candii 'tales1naîî àfl'ef î- .sh oî0 s"ïîandrtract for tne birdge he aw, rîd-,~II LiueedFote CJ.~Wvill S eak at tilariy of thiergrst'hlri. .ur1" r-.aa'r 'n srcii Copay woe are r't.<'iving il uuw. o f a b'rj ir<-ge over tender an'n'dto $40 961 '9d, Ian1s1ib he'i i nadoan UU 'S ilt o the apiproval.aiCa ad C u [lar'd>, %hitbv H re a B ce 4Proc!,or anc Reterr.'Uepa?r-nift u! Jghwayh', an d Haîrdy s. iw.~a, isud %'îrilt'îuir -'ia.'!'bîe n-re-<e ri.'gp Construction. Con;- iweI'e 411takiiîg the vawr (o r '..1OY '-irl .ariram aiar$5,a,727,19 ;r ro, - wlit'n1v NPusied awav. 'irt' ri.r'îQ'c'î b ' O'wn î c E02favorable z'eDort MNrs. 1 î,riih .Iarted tâk- L'O 'b 's -r.S2riJ'ret îornPro'çtor and. Rden liîz ilit- paipr iii 1907. aund t"B'rr5e-d.-l -jr-dTswa;ecdeby oni .' riil T-làià thé to .nc> Ir'C tper fl s2;n.-cu cillor Annie O3ke, and carried.. in-'. andi domo f titin:.î», 71i-ccrsl.1.-0irM. .te. orxned cotin- e-p"al.the .49 v.arý, agon Jý-~ j"e r> rCle !,ha, lie "iiihavre Proc- î'~lrrn - I~ce.r'.er-l n irc :.rr rtO' ' R. Tedferr's fir.ei. ce-ck N e..~lr. .,'îm'.. : rside.. ûr'1WsiO'rt. .u~toflDn ti ie Tripp Constructioni The ' tkt l.<ii: iaewî '- ' ridge rc six foi' +;,e 1j-C(onipany readv by the end of' agrs-e Your fiuîly due, ýet Is aiaroÈ saws aeti waler-' t.9eek. o~mîtii f .îi reord. Nfay "1-s'f'I T" lre'ti i - ive BY-.Law's wex'a'iven- yoli .-u..w 'in-Tbe ieinaQ K'.- - i ee.< n readirtgs ly corutcil aridi' fur y ~'e e". lu cone. ~~ .~ ise.N.1862 is the B8v -Lavr te appoint representa-i i res to boards and e-ommi*s-l sions for the cwrrent. year. P, Food Store Here !-aN33shoe onD cu.stomarily passed at th ja Late . in -Feb ruary r evýYR-v Rs ïvnsi '<c ËAi". L. W'1es.Pr-~O'î î~r..uoc.'>ake-iV 81-diconitin Sçî. iiog Ra. .igWalIs"liasbee selec or' A.&P. io<îjc 'rIOttIS li.' - 'OCI 1IeiYs: liealto jand Cu.u ged to have a let- ' fDi. J.D.r foh ~<t .jtli-'lr-sOi C. Cn rc.i"' d atiohe' ir.seIer se flT to th.e tïii e!C r- rf oth et u ýt1ttii'1 ir r~ ' trn'riinulirc, w: iI lie simoctect. t ds<onliue ,tin Thai acrsst h Ws u "f~d rai'i ' \itr-tj.riSrMe,-' U 7rr rhlveitieyrcs be nmýac1e to thiis!Caîraian Club meeting in tb C! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýOzi ite"rrit" ';wf'e3daad, Mayo7,Hoibbs state'dýLio!isCentr'e, Bowrnanville, of igtîhi'lg, 4 e wrld iUke to see the iWered January 16th. Di r' rrii'Pil " " '~ EP'~'I 'îl îr'î fi: :rrr r ~~r~îir i 'N T ~ r',.roi irfficî lathe' General Direc ""'A n-iH tO~'o f"0rli -o tiie Canadfiar: Mental Hea anti -O> *c_,soeuat1on, za uoqition whic 1" 'rJ'- ~ r "-"r-r ~ ~~--r ,;~:~ - ~~- R PPY IRlIDAI e 1 ashelt sîicie 1952. Heie 'r.&:P 'ir>"rnarl-rrts, : ".dcay aftern~oori, r'e!a' t'pry îa'and spt-cialist À -r rr r\j~ iti:': . Or' ~ -"'. 'o-~ 'l-'o-'; Erad;2cî'i Psrc% ru. '% î early ex O r-t'-~'îr.0.. O .. -~er~ ~ "'r - ' t' -r'-j'g'~ ~ ~ rrr>C"~'t r>~ >in iaadpostgrad '<r.-'.. r -Giii ovr-e.î. Pov rnce i.r'Tneai.reirGUri, .r.r.,ranJIonidon, England;, tir - 'S '1. ln ura" rv appy ret'urus. Fire Destroys First Prize T'obacco at Pontypool. Ail T'l iRettiaiiied of' <Ceorge Van DmnBarn %avied Jus! zAn Airmfui tùpprzeýn011,.rd l m mrenilsp s e cià"uba + .ý;,i.orii) --ft.i.r.unrî'd 0r%. V "< i wn hibs, b.ut tn-ey dos' manage Pta Uiit'rrI. in uthe bailà-stovei '..euîi up u%î '-urke on Thu- nhe inad nîrkviwd e-,i-r O rle , v'acw"" Il S b » i fizfe a'.r'.keep iit fî'rrn -pîeadi:;g ic aj'vl Un Daxît Ctdd not.iM cia' zfeî'uooo ..Ilt 25 lolis'liune sl'îe ai'ritirjSn ' hdA t'- bi rlY r tr c Ww"rr.alr-t. t -uSng ftîrO tt-u'rlt %-in' al -8es garage roust a 'e'.'- feel a asti-d liow it #tart.eU I, crfit ' .o.-ri- tr- dat bc ir' d1'- Ils1. 'isu wa "..r-i' d "L'oP 'une"r Roc,- Ci:l.1 rtof r.Un;.gl >t- Pi SP. 'r>. r 'l' ti f aultx {i. "lioft a.' 1r rr. .iU -g eçr- o stc'1 'i,- .13 nm t.. P.oe -'.r " ' t >r' e .î t t' -'Ui-'C I' .'. -' i4- : a '">:' . rcr1J a o t~ b'r il111 r-r orrw1 4.r"î' t' "i P -. rutr'r .'basrli ..î'rr . slàmo. ur - "r <et'.. !uo r 'r '-.'1 t"-('ÈunteerriCIILSI Y CI'i Y a. abot t jl N'ai ] î g f Puîlxp'r ..-r'- i- i ùr ,.re-î '.rrrU rîî<'r rrr'- Irrtlt. ri-*i t~' , . ,lr"j c.:lUt" ri-lh*-ra 5> Van Dn of imtph aPOËà" &psdjeeua o ""b W ei r t-. 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