and he smelled strongly of 1 JA AA f Orono, vis!ted Mr. and Mrs. The Canadian StatesmaEwqvle,.a.1,16 co0hol. He could lot produce H A M P O N Geo. Yeo on Sunday. Mr. and~ 1 adriver's license. His pre- j Mrs. Paul Van Eyk and family, r n r.RyE M a gra t s C U iatvious driving record showed ,Mr. and Mrs. Herma, Ux- 1Charl e Appleton, Myrtle. sTyprone wer Sundad1ight Mr andewMrs thndanrs Carv I~~~~~~~L h~~~~~~~le had been convicted in Pet- bridge, were Sunday afternoon On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. spe usswt r n hlrn ecslwr u-bwr udyvstr il MI i tte s Cu tebruhlast year for driv- visitors with their daughter alrd1 n aghesvsie MsGo night supper rsW.Wlb. erborough Mraand Mrsanden Smith. Mr. an Mrs. Wilfred Fowle ~. IIing while his license was un- Mrs. Harold Heimstra BallarMr. Mr. and Mrs FranasBaJoard,1 Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Jhn H-ela in Bowmanville der suspension and he had twvO Heimstra and were supper Columbus. Burw eemdwe iioswt r. adMs oknS hadJd n eeSna cnitosi Osaafrguests. M n r.Mr. and Mrs. HarodSle.visited on SaturdaywthM.enngsprgetswt ~~~~~.. ~~~~~~~~~failing to stop and speeding. Mr. and Mrs. MatnRnnutdMrn ros su-! Mrs. R. M. Short spent a Jack Smiîth, who is aptetM.adMs oadLe n n 5h 93 pine u htMr .Klywa ie 5 nd$ ot rThe fine on the first charge ick, Port Pery, visited Mrs.!rows, Brougham onSuda week wvith ber mother Mrs.!in Bobcaygeon Hospit.fed.MsJuyA'nowe Fran Shackreton., TtR. No. of Oshawa had sent a proper 10 days and bis license sus- ,vas $50 and $9 costs or 7 days Luther Allun and family re- Mr. and Mrs. Quinn and Jean an M trsorouell.nd wr.nday n oigt upefresatabtha pry Bethn peae i w- notice and then telephoned pended and $10 and $3 costs or !and on the second $200 and $3 'ety vrtehldyMs on Gordon, Oakville, were' eeSna ih inanville -Magistrate's Court regarding the matter. After 5 additional days and the 1-icosts or two months ini jail. HlnAi noe ii udyvstr ihM.adRicki, Peterborough, spent thp guest with Mr. and Nr.10-o audy on Dcemer 4h aidzpleaed isteingta ohn hacleto's uorconfscaed.Ronald Burr, a truck driver with friends in Germany, go-IMrs. Alex Carrick. Iweekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'ard Brown. Kedron._________ flot guiity to theft of buiid- testimony Magistrate R. B. Constable Donildson testi- o aeaea as charged with ing and returning via jet. riTe hn Short. Mr. and Mrs. RonaldSeh Joh Sa-Bate dsmise te hage fed e adstppd he ac-obangfrauea, wy rst. . CMre.wr Trot oanddM. m.Sit, r. c-eso wr SndyniCtha-nEtA PR ckeng . n-e,i r St. N., William Duncan, 215 Court cused because he was driving,2t by presenting a worth- Mr n .C . Care, b inTootoontayQuade, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. per guests with Mr.FFES Bowmanville. Crown Attor- St., Osbawa, and Roy James in an erratie manner. A liquor'ls hqeo h Toronto- Regina, Sask., were overnight to hp celebrate the 89l Clifford Swallow, Maple Gro- Donald Lee, Enfield. nyH. R. Deyman,'Q.C., ex- Duncan, 59 Buckingham Ave., bottle was found in the car1 Dominion B a n k, Lindsay guests witb Mrs. A. E. Bil- bt a fM.SaiŽ'Cat ve; Mr. and Mrs. Don Jonah Mrs. Gertrude Stepenan Inherptofectnst plained that in the ternis of a Oshawa, appeared in Bowman- containing a white liquid and Branch, for. $15 Mrs. Cath-Blsn, civil suit John. Shackleton was ville court on January l6th, in a paper bag a vinegar bot- cart, owner of a Bar B-Q at was a dinner guest with ber Gene, Ginger, Tony and Gre-1 Sunday visitors with Mr. and, dale. visited Mr. andMs.Brfirsasnomeeaddd gi-yen a certain length of lime 1962, one year less one day tie containing wbat looked Nestieton. He had appeared in sister, Mrs. A. E. Billett. gory visited Mr. and Mirs. Ai- Mrs. Ron Luke. ýStevens recently. oticuesm ofheo- tar get specified materials and ago,, and elected trial and like wine. On examination by Bowmanville Court previous- Rev. and Mrs. Reed, Sun- Ian Baison, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love-: Mr. and Mrs. Bill asnl\ii he had not -gone for them in pleaded guilty to a charge the L.C.B.O. the liquor bot- ly on a charge of theft cof derland, aldo eea f Mrs. Harold Baison, Mrs. 'ridge, Joy and Charles, Hay- and two cilidren, Ptro- Ms .G icel eti Mr.- E. C. 1H11l of Lindsay, they assaulted a named fe- tiiled alcohol witb a content ter suspended sentence foripeople in the village on Sun- Cliff Robinson, Mrs. Clarence 'mon were guests of Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Caec n r.AneOe uios coutîsel for Frank Shackleton, maie and were found guilty of 50.3 % by volume and the one year on condition that1 day afternoon. i Yeo from Hampton attendedi Mrs. Douglas Strawbridge. Tink. Mrs. I. HarriladMs ee ak ersna eacbcas, te tene f te voume abut sandrd or nenwekTorpnttadayin orono vsitng aMrshallt unda viit-day isiorswit Mr.andMrs CubPac: Ms. Mnni EnMis ~'Ttor, QUALITY Cars bon were that they keep the wine.CaisDvi eR.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wakely Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoiroyd1 ors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tînk. ad Ms oeCwn o I hresDvd re, ..and Mr, and Mrs. Richard Jr., Susan, Joe, Biliy and Lyn 1Yeo0. Mrs-. Fre-d TamblynOoo ovnrifEcrs and Service' peace and be of good behav- Terence Kelly, îawyer for No. -1, Bowmanviîîe, pîeaded MeLean. They also calied on visiteonSda wih r. --= - SEE - îour during the period of two the accused, explained that not guiîty to a charge ofim MrI1 ' - ed evidence proving conviction bourg Construction Co., an0iH a fudgît s hawa. lOshawa. oa*n 15 charges in Oshawa had driven for 20 years with- fined $50 and $3 cost anr'! Mr. H. Tink, Solina,a Mr and MIl- MCIL O - 2is. or Miss Lulu Reynolds, Bow- 'Bowmand Mr, vs. WdM.Lryn i *M voQaains each man. They were out being in any trouble. Mr. days and bis lîcense suspend- manville, wr visitest Ms Wn Hlod on . ndyUlA*.ii - ~~emanded in custody to appear H. R. Deyman corroboratedlcd for 3 montbs. manvwile, wre undayst Mrs. WmPHeryeoySndy Iii for sentence on Friday, Janu- tbis statement. Constable Joynt testified ors xvidtb aily Mr. and Mrs. Kencv, i i M OTOR SALES ary 18th, in Cobourg. Benjamin C. Prouty, Osh- that hie xas on patrol on No. Ms ec eeiadbr n aiy saa iie LIMITED - Donald Allin Davis, 17, awa, pleaded not guilty ta a 2 westbound out of Bowman- mother Mrs. H. Tink visited . and Mrs. Sid Kersey onONATN I Coîborne, who had been cag ofipre divingiville when he observed a MrsI *NAT ONA Earl McQUieen, Pres. brougbt down fromn Guelph on Noveinber l7tb and guityVuxhaîl coming east swerv- a ga ret Chiamafnosh- SMr.nday. BRANDS * .111 219 KING ST.- F. with William Duncan and Roy of driving wbiie bis lcnew g over the centre un e and Dawa on Frîday f th e and m rs. LemnvPlyer o rL cilD u gs' BOWMANVILLE James Duncan, had been found suspended on thesaiedate. 'forcing the constable off on-wDoe cs nt y satIofeand sTedommSny, BwihMa r.j A Y u oclD u gs' h rs n a.. guiltv on May 15th, 1962, a Constab le Phillips and Da- to the north shoulder. 11e turn- to Mr. and Mrs. George Gil-land Mrs. Jack Lyon. M Large, Reg. $1.29 - SAVE 25% Authorized Dealer for Brighton and been remandedvis were in the cruiser on the:d round and folowed t'e brhi liiimeo srow Ra~b1e Cars on bail to appear on May Dominion Store lot when tbey Vauxhiali which xvent over the bjtinhstmeosrrw Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lapham SULVIK I IUD H ] m3 lst. Mr. Deyman stated be observed a vehlicle parked in overhead bridge west of town a beloe duhter, Mrs. Den-, Mrs. Howard Farrow, Stark-~ 1',Rg Sc-SV 5 -Phone 623-3356 bad not appeared then and the center of Simpson Ave., in the xestbound lane. For- nis Marshall, Brampton. ville.10sRe.5c-SV 1% - .**had been sentenced in Sarnialbetween Prince St. and King tunately no veblicle was west- r.EmrHaeWb, jMr andM43 en.1111n an June 6tb to nine months St E. When tbey drove ta bound at the tîme. When the Ms. Elmer a wes Whitby Mr. and Mrs Ben-Ki--ens- definite and three montbs1 Simpson Ave., the car in ques- officer drove alongside 10 stopd t Ms .L bieM and Milrnold F liie indeteroi.ate for breaking lion was driven atabout 10 the nnn"'s'd the driver looked i au vlger, uale n e.lir. t s. otr, i100s e.9c-SV 0 2-Dr. Hardtop ýand entering. 11e aiso was re- miles an hour down the road straight ahead, kept on go- number of friends including Mr. Raymnond Killens, Mon- li BAYER ASPIRIN - Automa tic, custoui radio,i manded in custody 10 appear and into a laneway. The con- ig.Wben bie finally was this shut-in, who was greatly treal, recently visited relatives eto_ New car condition. ! in Cobourg on Friday, Janu- stables knew this car did not ! stopped and asked ta gel outicbeered by ber buoyant per- in this district. , Econolny - Reg. $1.00 - SAVE 25% ~ Pontiac ary 18tb. belong at that residence and of bis car hie staggeced, smell- onalityisNny Mclin and l Potic Josepb Zakrajsek, Cobourg, ,a check with the owner of the ed strongly of alcohol and bis 'Mr. anid Mrs. John CarriganJ Master Jimmy Mackiin had a V UTA LIS-------- 75--c-- -------- ileaded guilty ta a charge of 'bouse confirmed tbeir suspîc- speech was slurred. H1e was v;ere Sunday afternoon vis-Icombined birthday party SAE2%one. 1O L.automtin. Local careIssdciving on 401 on ions. The accused staggered brought ta the police station itors and supper guests with ISaturday. SAEj5.-Re.B10 in above average condition. ýliquorin 1 an iliegai place. H1e bll2odsbot, bis speech thick 1 fied hie xas unable ta diai the . nd . J SWdhven Mr. and MrsRo 1 aws hI EEA~ Orono. Whî1by, Mr. and Mrs. Ron 'SAVE 20% bi ee wregasy His friends in tbe village are1 Luke and cbildren were Sun 14 oz., Reg. T$T.L8D 196 Frd2-r.and bis trousers unzipped and sorry 10 know that Mr. Arie Iday dinner get witb r 16 0 Fy. uomrtiecusî stained. He said the accused De Groot ils in Oshawa Hos- andy Mrs. Earl ue. Mr.Z M S IN CR rado ,ejttic. ny,00wsoseetsrewatliepitl, for painful repair work Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashtonli.N X E A S I R A .1 'l radio, etc. Only 31,000 1 ~~~~~~~~~~it was and insisted lhe had ta ntelgwihwsboe ootadM.adMs 1s e.1c-SV 0 ori.ginlal guaranteed miles. iîtke his ife shopping ai- in the simeg hi asb oke Trosnta , d r and Mers.e 6s .7c-SV 0 Relgood car. ;îhougb it was aîrnost 9bte umr DbocinkCurie er M. * 3. ANUARY ~~~Mr. Morley Hastings, Tor- cailers on Mr. and Mrs. Ear] BUF ER N T CTS- 1959 Pontiac~~~~~ Terence Kelly put the ac- onto, spent the weekend with Luke. liFFER N TA B .ET -'ii .195 Poniaccused on the stand wbere he 'Mc and Mrs. G. Adcock. The Bowmanviile Pigeon Economy, Reg. $1.05 - SAVE 20% i ~~~~~stated be bad been working Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Club enjoyed a banquet u~in~ CRES OTH PA S 6L.autoatie, custom overtime fromn 6 a.m. 10 6 Bowmanville, cailed on Mr. the Municipal Hall on Satur - -TTOT P raio boeavrae'pm i abîftn rukwihand Mrs. George Armour. day evening. It was a hot tur- 50shi. 22 SV 5 ra onditbon. aerag defective exhaust, 11e had then Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Nash, key supper catered ta by tbe s .$.5-SV 5 codto.gone ta a friend's bouse and Oshawa, were Sunday visitars United Church Women. STA N liiiT i cnsuedfour battles of beer with Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Ax- On Monday evening, the Ip R 4-Dr. IENyWATSthiecndsthe dfectihemebaut ad dagUersated taa anuer th eLans 1j5oz., Reg. 83c - SAVE 15% A- C L E A R A N C E 1 Magistrale R. B. Baxter re- Mr. and Mrs. RlhBallard Ued Chaanuerthemensr Bev DereScycutmKENW TO etdtedfcieehutadduhesvisîted on club members in Bowmanviile. LYSOL D IECTAT radi, 2-tonecpait ocalas the cause of isa condition. Sunday with ber parents, Mc. M. and Mrs. Milton Gray, ~ ~ LI F RN-- *car >in top condition., CU R IN GIBOTS engineer of Water Resources Whitby, and aiso visited an son, Oshawa; Mr. Harold Av- IlA CHl.I ME' e.$79 cuitted of careless dciving on week visitors witb Mr. and *1957 Chev. 2-Dr. MNS e $7! 1~ No 35 on the 12th of Decem- u.MranMs.Sgewept Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy. Mr liiiNVLL 6-ion, s-tndadnis- O E' -Rg$s9 ber. and finaliy the constable called and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy ii aio, - onitiuo. WCLERNG A--g.$1.9 Laurier Simard of Peterbor- Mr. Singer's motber-in-iaw in motored ta Toronto hast Mon- jl'C OWLING'S DRUG STORE JOH S NSDUCT R 11 radi. A1. ondiion $1 -99 ough had a charge of careless Belleville. His sister-in-law, day. Gbod variety ai over 60 CLAIGA ----------- drîvîng on November 8th on1 Mrs. Marilyn McCormack of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pe rcy ALEX c E O , DRUGS nia and models Iram Counity Road No. 1 dismissed. Richmond Hill, testified sbe Page entertained Mr. and Mrs. ALRU ,.11 Wten s lh tu ali er Hillerest Park, Toronto, was o'clock and put up bail, in Saturday. t& &VdUESU TS P A M C Is th tue a hav ILL SON aN W ALK iNG Ein wthima reddiv- r#sponse tb a phone cali from Mr. and iVrs. Norman B air- _- - --- -- -- -- -- - - - -- in nDecember l6th on King ber mother in Belleville. slow and Mc. Oscar Skelding, ~- - -- -- ---------- youre ce a eILSONAD LKN ELSt., Bowmanville. 1He was _ deyr crae Reg. $14.95 $15.95 found guiity and fined $50 and de-sra ed CLEARING AT $4 99to $ 2 9 $9 cosîs or 7 days and bis lic- and enise suspended for three Sïtow Tires WOMEN'S WOMEN'S Clonsleh Davis testified he Durina the aovernment sponsored and Anti-freezeBo tSh e was in the ccuiser opposite the 1Bowmanviile Htlfcn lutle.Sn w o t ress h e i east about 6:30 a.m. when a ItA , * * * lackGreen Reg. 6.95 o $12vehlicle proceeding east, very f l U . !k..iham Brogwn.9,t $2.5 lowly, pulied aiongside and ** aI I a u I a woman in the passenger 24-Hour' Reg. $5,99 - $8.99 CLEARING AT seat asked how ta gelta Belle-.....> Towirig Service«1 January $ 9 ~ ~ $ ville. She appeared ta be in- eeA W Service Station 623-3401 Clearance --- 4 9 $ . 9- gered when hie stepped from n~ Alter il 623-56451 the station wagon and smell-' ebru .A .F Rn ot n n ibn ot #4' U We are- now a recognized FO itWE REN IEF M L ed strongly of alcobol. There the a altougthe epera-it Our Sheli Service Station ALiBENG CLE RED ATth akof hte vecerwat Io open daily until Il p.m. DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES uewsaot1 ere.TeW ili e 1_r CONTACT:, constable charged the driver Earl Mcueen M D ~~5*with impaired driving and the I Ealdocen on~L i parents and children w e e e!-M Weldo' Bron V ù d Fll-ç Çh pç onaleyhttotPackrpan 000 milTHURS., JAN.1H -AT- WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND J OIN WITH U NACK AND DOUGHNUTS! M ENS& OUR CONSULTANTS WILL BE ON HAND TO ANSWER YOU G E O R G E' BOYS' WEAR QUESTIONS ON REMODELLING JANURY CEARACE ,PRE-OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL JANUARY CLEARANCE ~MODERNFOLD SPACE MASTERHADRE Ptsug6N AU WINTER -FOLDING DOO R AR .i uiDEA R EPAItTSbug TR DSGE rAniwith Vinyl Coated coverings PAnNTS RECREATION MERCHIAN DISE Ju702'6"tx6'60 AU 352.O' SATINHIDE ENAMELROM COATS - SUITS 21 o5TERRIFIC VLE--le95 0lbOFand IINDBREAKERSThr SHiRTS UNDERWEAR3/16" UNSELECTED - UNFINISHED RUBBERIZED Temtextnie ako WORK CLOTHES- MITTS U~ Rotary Lauan Mahogany Pîywood SAINFIISerainrom vrpb RUBBERS - BOOTS- ETC.F F 4' x 7'~ 4' x<8 Perfect paint for woodworkpae FO X M L :SHEET3 .3 6 ~SHEET'3 .8 4and furniture pgs ihpln, as dss Heavy Duck, Strong Zipper, Wool Lined4"x4 Poplar Plywood. Underiay 50/o OFF 29 AR .49 ~WATERPROOF MENS PARKA PRSET---- --96C IREGULAR PRICE wORHM HMR REGULAR $12.95 VALUE--. --------- --- ----$ MNS-ALL COLORS AilWol r LAmNae COATS $11.98 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS td Al Wolo Lmiatd10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Oshawa OfficendSorm REGULAR $21.95 VALUE------- Main Office and Showroom BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 OSHAWA SHOPIGCNR 42 -X-NG ST. E. BOWMANVILLE COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 Phone7817 1