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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1963, p. 14

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14 Te Cnadin Satesnan BowneniUeJan 18,196 and Mr. and Mrs. Robin AII.I i A he analanStaesnin, ownanvUedred of Newcastle who cele-1 ___i_______________ ___________________ New Legion Officers Installed Durinç niversaries jointly in the 1.0.' 0.F. Hall, Saturday, January! 5th. T h e O ron o II e S iMr. Fred Kelly is a patient'"' manville. ...... Mr. and Mrs. % Reg. Suttoni Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor spent the weekend with Mr.' and Mrs. Kennedy Gray andý David, Cadmus.i Mr. John Milison of King-i Toronto spent the weekend tient in Memnorial Hospita!,I Mr. Roy Beatty, Toronto,' ston visited Mr. and Mrs.1 with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bowmanville. called on his aunt Mrs. How- Harr Row las Thrsda. Poer.Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, ard Walsh recently. Mrs. Ji.m Lamb of Ottawaý Mrs. Fred Eagle of Church Mr. Ross Adams and daugh-1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogg' -visited her mother, Mrs. Street South bas been a pa-iter, Mrs. Elliott of Bowman- and familv, Mr. Walter Mon- Thornton Wilson, over tne tient in Memnorial Hospitai, ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg. crief and daughter Olive, Fra- weekend. :Bowmanville, for the past'Sutton on Sunday. :serville, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miss Catherine Power ofitwo weeks. Mri er.Luni aptin;oncrief, Peterborough, vist- _______- --~Miss Shiela Barrabali start- in Memorial Hospital, Bo îd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin- ed her training as a RegiA-r- ýman ville. ýson on Su.nday. lied Nurses's Assistant in Tor-i Mr. and Mrs. M. J. TamblynpMr.thJack Wlsnd of Barie C*LL ~onto last week. visited Mr. and Mrs. Cari pn1heweed ihM. L. J.Skalf C. A. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cochrane Payne, Port Hope, on Fridav !and Mrs. C. V. Wilson and! and family, Mrs. Howard Lin-i Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barrabaîilfamily. Chartered Accountant ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wood n aml istdheIah r . Ivan Farrow and Mrs. Oýn aivscar dshSeHrnes revistig rs yard and Mrs. Tom McRob-'ýýMr. OcrAas Roseneath, DcS arrieshicare ti, Mchi Whitby i~erts attended the funeral ofIon Saturday. ýarePtik eriMci P. O Box208 the late Miss Edith Empring-ý Mrs. Arthur Austin of Cal-igan. iham at the Dixon Funeral gary, Alberta, and ber daugh- isBrh tyn " Phn'Home, Markham, on Monday.iter Mrs. P. Freenian of Tor-;wt r n r.EvnR Mr ad rs DugasAllen' onto, visited Mrs. HwrRainey for the winter. MrrspectDon ugla Howarond1n Mrs. W. Penwarden of Long On Sunday afternoon, the Legion Hall on Queen St. was well Officer Keit] Orono 138 pid thir repectson Suday.'alsh n Sunay. Sault is staying with Mrsfiled for the annual insalto officr.Tenw fiesae: eeuiem Orono 138 M ssEmpringham is survived Mrs. G. Meredith (Kit) Lin-salto fofces h e fiir r:eeuiem by her sister, Mrs. Roy Coch-iton is a patient in Memorial'Fred Kelly. fi-ont row lef t to right, Sgt.-at-Arms Jack Knight, Secretary Jim Kilpatrick ID Whitby Ç68-19'7 ia and a number of nieces: Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staples, FirtZn omne b ai,1mdaePs rsdn i utn h and nephews. Congratulations f0 Mr. and!Normaîn Woodley and Mrs. Woodward, President Ted Sheehan, lst Vice-Pres. and Service and William IMrs. Herb. Murray is a pa- Mrs. Leslie Alldred of Orono __________Bomavile Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Ken n " their individual aptitudes and' Chamberlaine, Oshawa, visitedM a ch of D i e ri e ablties. The majority will Mrs. D. G. Hooper. tind employmnent in the most M.and Mrs. Tom Hardi fU l aconveniently located s ho p lnd family visited Mr. an'( SKS Tor v olunteers iwthin the network now being- 'Let ?iour t(Po& rc/i c7£,g/t Q i.> t i Mrs. Bruce McArhur and clevelopcd by the Foundation. *daughter Jo-Ann, Oshawa, on iThose who can will graduate those wbo are completel Mr. and Mrs. Fa'y AdanmiS o H l wih C n a so and son Donnie, Mr. KenEP. home-bound will bc supplied' FO ams and sons Larry and Rau-_ As the 1963 March of Dimes angue stressed the importance andvith r tiworvihoe dy visited Mr. Oscar Adams,1Campaign reaches its mid- of voluniteer effort to tho n ihmreig srie Roseneath, on Sunday. pitCifMrhn ohr~ac fDms Tew~î for t hcir production. MrGe orge D. Glass theforder'Mrs. O. Williams, has issuedCampaign rests on individuai, of"Thainis ust on exampl M O I IlE R ' A R H arareMilsnofroovolunteers to carry the drive~ contribute o for handicapped tos f ony and sferivice are: M O TE R ' A RH gse 6, uand ft heormner anourgen appelhormoreiiebis o aretyillng o w hindivInlual conrbu.ý volutee,,ai of us Iwork, there are no big con- January 9h 93 after a help should phone 623-5149 asiamn sure, have hiad momentstrbos. Ffy husand 9e t b, 1963, t marching mothers caîl on haîf' lenthyîllesssoon as possible. Mrs. R. Lath- when we thought our part was, very sinal] and would neyer be1 a mînilion hon-es in one hour., 0 F D IM E SHih S h l Darlington m-ember. missed. Ihave felt this way Siuîlionofithna ovncedoofths On-P& IJ an d Messrs. Wih, e ,sece how mucb individual con- 'This works out f0 an average: ýB a d S t J Nchols, Allin., tributions can mean in terînsi of 10c per person- truly a P Local Committees - A Lo- ;of concrete assistance for theý'Mrho ie' M onda y, ian. 8th Board Setscal Committee for each schoolidisabled. 'achoDie' M ond y, an. 8th1 1"The Marcbing Mothers and 'Com m itteeswiil be composed of the mem- 'Take tbe Rehabilitation 'thi egbusae the stren- bers from each area. Foundation worksbops which gtb of the Rehiabilitation Foun-i The Durham County Dis- Advisory Vocational Coin- are supported by the March of 'ýIdation. They are the contact, trict High Scbool Board met mittee - W. E. T r a n mn e r. Dimes. They embodî' every-1 the channel tbrough which are Spnsrd y omavil Knet Cu r~nCare ib cho Wd caimnRosRihadon'thing that could possibly hein made possible tbe miracles of Sponoredby BwmanilleKinete Cub nesday, January 9th, with aîl vice chairman, a.nd Fallisi a disabled person to prepare rehabilitation. And I do mean members present. Parker, Creigbton, Carman,! himself for emplovment- pro- miracles. At a turne in worldI on recommendation of the new Darlington mn e m b ea r,!fessional guidance, necessarY history whien the mind of man Past Chairmen's Committee. Black, Crawford, Kemp, Cot r facilities and equipment. as can calculate with split-second the following committees were trell, Smith, Hope. well as medical. psychologîcal accuracy the arbit of a space: BLITZ HOUR - 7:00 TO 8:00 P.M. approved for 1963: L. A. Par- A list of accounts totallingland social counselling. capsule, the signs are clearly ______________________________________ker, Chairman of tbe Board; $21,111.40 were approved forý "Last Fail, the Foundation pointing to the day when this Jl. W. Wright, Vice Chairman. payment. î naugurated the first of sev-1 same mind will b;e able to Management Committee- The Board decided ta join'eral psycbological assessmentlmend a spinal cord so thati Alan Strike, chaîrman, Reg. the Ontario Trustees Council 'Leanis, eacb e)f which wvil ipelopli- in wheelchairs can, in: Ail funds collected during this one-hour blitz will be turned over to Fallis, vice chairmaru. and and the Associated High.comprise a clinîcal psycholo- fact, rise and walk. Messrs. Tamblyn, Creighton, School Boards. 'gist, a graduate social worker, ' If in hearing this appeal, Paterson, McCreery, Nichols, The Board approved a re- and a job-placement officer you should think 'they dont the rehabilitation for poliomnyelitics and Parker and Allin. commendation of the Teacher- Each team will operate witbinIeed'me', reject the tbotîgbt.I Fi na n ce Comnmittee - Board relations Coinmittee a work-assessment shop f0 be We do need you. Ail of us- th othpedcalydsale.Forbes Heyland, chairman, that this Board adop tth e est ablîsbed by the Foundation wbether volunteer or donor-, the rthpaeicaly dsabed.Garnet Tubb, vice chairman, minima figures of the Toronto in Central, Western and Nor- are vitally important f0 the" and Messrs. McGregor, Rich- Board salary scbedule and to theriu Ontario areas. Patients success of this great Humani ardson, W ri g ht, Paterson,lkeep within $200 of the Tor- passing through these assess- Resources Development Pro- Carman, C('lwill, and new onto maxima. ment-shops will be tlaced in gramn." CASIIERS\ÀREiREADY WITH <- E ~ CERRY HILL - 12 oz. cut c MILD CHEES E4 7 MCAINS FROZEN -' 2 lb. poly bagc FANCY PE.As5) HOSPITALITY - Thurs., Fri., Sat. RAISIN PIE Grade - PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IGES CALIFORNIA - Size 113's - NAVEL ORANGES 49d NEW ZEALAND CHOICE SHORT CUT - WHOLE or HALF LAM'B AQc LEGS lb.4 NEW ZEALAND CHOICE ROAST - CHOFS - STEW LAMB in a lc BASKET 211b 39 25 LB. BAG CALIFORNIA No. 1 Grade - Large size LETTUCE 19 C LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE4 IGA APPLESAU-CE 2 Tin LIBBY'S - IN TOMATO SAUCE oz SPAGHETT1rI2 Tins 20 oz. 45 27C 31C AYLMER'S 24oz Strawberry JAM JairZ*43C ; Impressive Ceremony 'h Ferguson, 2nd Vice-Pres. Glen Virtue; back row, ýmbers, Past President Ed. Rundie, Ron Johnson, Bill 'on Cameron, AI Smith, Maurice Conway, Llewellyn lain John Living; absent, Treasurer George Thrasher, LWallis. HELP 0 0 a The Oshawa Business CoHege is endeavouring to find a candidate for a New Free Scholarship Course and needs your help. This Contest is open to anyone - Ageis no barrier. Ail you have to do to enter is write a 500 word Essay on the subject, "HOW A BUSINESS COTILEGE SERVES THE COMMUNITY" Entries should be rnailed to: Oshawa Business -College 10 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Decision of the judges is final and ail entries become the property of the Oshawa Business College. The Successful Candidate wvill receive, abso- lutely free, a Nine-Montb Stenograph'ic or Cler- ical Course having a Monetary Value of $385.0 including supplies. Act Now! Contest Closes - Friday, March 1, '63' Oshawa Business College 10 Sirncoe Street, North Oshawa Ontario" Malcolnm C. Barnett, Supervising., Principgýq.: F REE GIFTS FOR MGA CA&SH TAPESe THE QUICK, EASY WAY TO GET F RE E! VALUABLE, BEAUTIFUL GIFTS à% EUM f -'O9>, C AS H REGISTER TAPES SO SIMPLE, SO CONVENIENT ... Pick up an officiai savings folder at your Boxvmanville IGA Food Market. Then each time you shop slip your cash registeî- tape in il for safe keeping. Just keep saving these IGA cash register tapes until you have enough to equal the value indicated for any item in this catalogue. Ail premiums can be claimed in this manner with NOTHING EXTRA TO PAY. IGA "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPES ... Each week a number of food features are selected as "BONUS BOOSTERS". When you purchase these produicts you are given "BOOSTER TAPES" whicli have a catalogue value of $2.00, $4.00, $6.00 or $10.00 eacb. Just save these in your folder along witb your regular IGA cash register tapes. This enables you to claim your FREE GIFTS faster the easy wvay at IGA. Ask for your big Free Gift Catalogue today at the checkout desk. No obligation.' Thousands of dollars wor th of Christmnas presents and toys were supplied Free to BOWMANVILLE IGA Custom.- ers at Christmas time and the trend is to save tapes now for summer Iawn furniture fishing equipment, camping supplies, barbeques ,etc. WATCH OUR WEEKLY SALES 0F LOW, LOW COMPETITIVE DISCOUNT PRICES. YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT YOUR BOWMANVILLE IGA STORE. RECEIVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITHI *IfIUUIfMecOff KLEAR LIQUIID WAX 32o.btl KOTEX REGULAR Pkg. of 12 RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH FRUIT COCKTAIL Fanbv 2 tn EEMaxwell Hbuse INSTANT COFFE 10e off 6 oz. jar NESTILES QUIKti TIDE ETED~LUT 20e off TIDE ETER ENT iant ize Giant CREST TOOTHPASTEsz RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Llbby's 15 oz. BEANS & PORK 2cOff2 tins White Swan COLOURED TISSUETwin Pack Farmhouse Frozen CHERRY PIE . 24 oz. pkg. RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITHI IAIIELIDC 1 l. TABLERITE WINRpkg. Chopped BEEF STEAKETTES lb. ~AflD~TCNo. 1 Grade CRIS CAR OTS 3 lb. cello bar No. 1 Grade Copkig ON ONS3lb. cello bag, RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS T1 GRADE "A" EGI MARGARINE SAUERKRAUT IGA PEACHES APPLES Mclntosh SLICED COOKED HMJ APES WITIl Good ib Luck TAibby Faner 28 oz. Un 15 0 Choice 2v 3 lb. cello bag Table1ittg w-4. BOWMAN-VILLE IDA MARK DON MILLIGAN Proprietor BOWMANVILLE MEAT MGR. - GROCERY MGR. PRODUCE MGR. ET George Rlchirds . Gary Nesbltt - Fred Thompson No. 1 POT Jw 000or il

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