..................... _______________________________________interfere in any way with the A 1 dotor's rights. Any province that wishes ta have a differ- lbr oA ent plan, providing more ser- Liberals (hoose Delegates vices, wl be entireiy free a' ddese do sa. It will get fromn the fed-o th otcovered in the Lîberal Plan. To Provincial Party RaIly Service Work InFu to "The service work part of'I o r L c my duties can be defined as Hea Re or by Fed ra M .P.the assistance given ta con-i The Inter-Church Fellew-g H ear R epo t by Fede ai M P ostituents wherever fhey have ship Services were held lastç a problem that falîs within week in four of Bowman-c 'The meeting of the Durham, impartially and conscientiaus- ters. '*On the consideration of the -ield of federal govern- ville's churches. A good re- County Liberal Association ly, he declared. the amendments ta the Food!mn.Ti soeoftera1 rsnato rmec oa held at the residence of Vice- "I arn serving on the Agri- and Drug Act, I pointed ouf:i rewarding aspects of a mem- church was present nightly ta President John Rickard, NeÈv culture and Public Accountsi the danger of Parliament dele- ber's duties. listen to the Rev. Gerald Gra- catle, was also attended by Committees of the House of ýgating wide powers ta the, "The enquiries include such hamn of Millbrook.t enthusias t i c representatives Commons, which are compris- executive, (government). This matters as pensions, immigra- Mr. Graham sioke on dif from every municipality in the ed of members of ail parties. lhad reference ta the delega- tion, Farm Credit Corporation ferent aspects of the parable1 riding. The president, Glen-iRepresentations on the com-'tion of authority ta prescribe' bans, veterans affairs, indus- of the prodigal son. This very bolme Hughes, presided. mte isapxmaey nrgulations affecting the re- trial promotion, tariff pirob- aiia tr yielded much MPReors nSesin rootin o heprt rpr-moval of certain drugs from jîems, etc. truth as Mr. Graham spoke toi 1PReors nSesIn rootion ta the party epr e )akt" he oited ot. Puli' * us. Long ta be remembered Russell C. Honey, M.P. for snain i h os h a t ane O. Pbi ok i was Mr. Graham's address ont Durham, gave a report of his Comn.' ttdth oiino h In regard ta public works.I Thursday nighf: at the Chris-i activities in the first session "In addition I serve on, Liheral Party to be that as a have been able ta assisf: in tian Reformed Church when1 of the 25th Parliament ofi t h r e e committees, Healf:h, f matter of principhe Parliament three areas. The need for a he showed convincingly ther Canada. He emphasized the Easfern Agriculture, Econ-f should retaîn these powers if:- federal building in Part Hope tact that his efforts have been i my and Unemploy m e n t, self, and delegate them only is now recognized, and the ance, George Thrasher; Cub on behaif of ahi the residents which have been set up by af ter careful consideration problem has really been one Pack, Raymond Welsh. of Durham irrespective off Hon. L. B. Pearson within the and in special circumsf:ances. of finding an appropriate loca- Prior ta the installation of their political alliance. While ILîberal Party.[ "An amendment ta the Ex- tion. The Department of Pub- the new officers and execu- Iarty is the motivating farce Mr. Honey stated thaf: he ports Credits Insurance Act lic Works is proceeding on this tive for 1963 a branch meet- by means of which a candid- has had the opportunity ta increased the credif: of the matter, and will make an an- ing was held with retiring ate la elected, if: is the duty of i speak in the House of Com- Exparts Credits Corporation nounicement in due course. President Woodward presid- ail members ta serve everyone mons on a wide range of mat-. from $200,,000,000 ta $400,-1f "In conjunction with the ing. Three new members were 000,000. This credif: is used ta, Cartwright Township Council initiated, Orville Selleck, Hor- r 1insure Canadian exportersi arrangements were made wif:h ace Brown and Gerald Mc-t againsf: financial loss due ta the Deparf:ment of Transport Gibbon. I-I ~~~~foreign importers not makingifor preliminary repairs ta the Paf1ficrsMdaswr paymenf: ta them. Ps fie' easwr B L wlharf af: Caesarea this year. presented ta the retiring1 "I urged the government to1 More extensive work has been Branch Service Officer Rosst Suse saine of the additionah auf:horhzed and will be com- McKnight, and the retiring *j ~~J1credif: ta establish and expand pleted aff:er the ice is Ouf: Of Secref:ary Ron. E. Richards oveses aret fo Cnaia fthe lake this spring. by President Woodward, whoa tobacco, and suggested that f "With the support of the spoke of their ouf:sfandingt this mighf: be one of h etPr H6pe Council and the service ta the Royal Cnda ways in which the Cnda Board of Trade, representa- Legion. by Jon W.Lowr tobccoîndustry could be sta-1 tions were made ta the Minis- Secref:ary Ron Richards read bilized and expanded. iter of Transport and the man- a letter from Mrs. Osborne s your teephone"An amendment ta thel agement of the Canadian Na- Williams, president of the8 i Excise Tax Acf: provided that tional Railways relative to the Bowmanville Kinettes Club,a manager i 'baler twine' would be exempt; condition of the CNR station regarding the March of Dim-1 froni excise (sales> tax. I in Port Hope. This -matter is es ta be held on Monday even-1 110W MUCH IS QUICK SERVICE WORTH ? asked for and obfained an as- 1 under review by the company, ing, January 28th. The com- e ---surance from the Minister of and an announcement may be munication f:old of the won-a January means cold weather and with if: often cames . Finance that the governmenf: expected in the near future. derful work for the rehabili- s those familiar littIe household emergencies . . . A1 would interpret the words1 Mr. Honey sf:afed that sen- tation of the handicappedC 'balecr twine' ta include binder hor Civil Servants and staffs which the funds raised in the furnace goes dead. A car won't sfart. It's times f:wine used in agriculture, and have been most co-operative annual March of Dimes pro- s like these when the telephone proves its worth. If'sUfcrd used in the tobacco in- and courteous. These people vides. If: asked for the co- s sa simple: you just make a quick cali and wait for dustry. This assures that the are of tremendous help ta operation and support of2 help ta arrive. Yes, it's so, simple with a telephone exemption under the new leg- Members of Parliament and Branch 178, and requested thatj . .butcanyouimainealltheheaachs w'dislation wîll also app ly t o parficuiarly ta new members, the members leave their porch biv iutcaney!iaie i h eaahsw' these items. he asserted. lights on during the eveningf hae ihotan!"Considering the difficuity' Referring to the privilege of of the door ta door canvass. t SPEAKING 0F COLD IVEATHER. . experîenced in the marketing1 being elected ta parliament, Comnrade Monf:y Gosletf: and s of the 1962 flue-cured tobaccoMr Honey sf:afed, thaf if: was Comrade Jim Newman were% Fire Chief Tom Lyle crop, I have urged the govern- made possible through the de- made the recipients of 25 remlnds our readers ment ta grant the request ofdiain fth hurdsoYerMm rhp Pins. The t again about the in- the Ontario Flue-Cured To- members of the Durham Coun- presentation was made by creased danger of bacco Growers' Marketing Bo- ty Liberal Association, who President Woodward.t tire during theseartaetrntan gr-gae usitnly o thr In giving the Presidenf:'s1 crspJaurydasment undér the provisions of time and ability during the Report for 1962, President anousyeanbeetg the Agricultural Products Ca- îast election campaign. Woodward said if: is an honorc nddyndhaig . operative Marketing Acf: for ohv seedaprienD systems are taxed to ~ the marketing of tobacco pro- "I trust that my efforts ta ahvoevda rsdn the utmost. If's a due nOtrai 92 odate as Member of Parliament and thanked the membershipc good idea to make date ihe ntagovernn 962has o for Durham may in some smaîî of the branch for havingt sure the heating hdated ts position reative way have justified the canfi- given him thaf: privilege. s equipment is work- ta, the request. dence you showed by your un- rbt ateofcr n Ing properly. Also, "te set farcl tiring support at the time o! executive for their fine work keep matches out e urlpocfo hchIhv the e!ection," Mr. Honey sid president, Comrade Ted Shee- the way et ebjîdren. ~ advocated government action in closing. , ward "I hCopre Thaf: henew Many a fire was are thaf: some realistie solu- Allan Beer, Bethany, a for- prsia n t, Coade te see- stared nnocntl bython be found for the problem mer Warden of the United port and good luck that I have a curlous youngster fachngth ar nutyan onisanth ielCn-ad esae. playlng with match- the restorathon of the prem- didate for Durham County in Reporf:ing on sports Presi- es. These are per- ium on Grade "A" hogs. the coming provincial elec- dent Woodward spoke wif:h haps obvious things "One o! the duties of the tion, stated thaf: he welcomes pleasure o!f:the Provincial but if: dees pay te, caucus committees is t h e the Ontària Provincial Liberal Darts Championshîp won by remlnd ourselves drafting of polhcy for the Lib- Part:y Rally ta be held in Tor- James Fair. He said that thec fiabout esue wrt thetlehoeAumnre erals. In the Liberal Party, onto on January 25f:h and 26f:h. branch's golf feam capturede finlly besur towrie he elehon nuberofpolicy cames from the grass "IIt will consolidate and a third place, and the Euchre your Fire Department in the front et your telephone roots, from the members. Each brhng the benefit of the wide feam alsa won a third. directory and inake sure everyone, including the of the caucus committees on experience of a true cross sec- "In Public Speaking we had baby-sitter, knows where It Is. In the event et tire, wyhich I serve is now comple- thon of Ontario Liberals ta the two representatives in the s phone the Fire Department Immediately - every ting policy statemerits for pre- policy of the Wntermeyer Provincial Finals. Miss Ave-I second counts! isentation ta Mr. Pearson. team," Mr. Beer pointed ouf:. lyne Lycett won the Junior Lîberal Health Plan The following delegates and Elementary for the province,t OU FLM LIRAY"The Health Commif:fee's alternates were appoinf:ed ta and Allen Fraser won third 1 OUR FLM LIRARYstatement s now ready for attend the Ontario Liberal place in the Senior Higli Divi-r About 700,000 members cf service clubs or other presentati on ta the leader and Part:y Rally: Russell C . Honey, sion.E organizations throughouf: Ontario and Quebec saw iriembers of the caucus. I can- M.P., Port Hope; Allan Beer, He commended the Special Bel ils as: ea. ot reveal details of this Pal- Bethany; Albert Stewart, Pan- Events Commitf:ee for the suc-r Bellfils lat yar.icy until if: has been announ- typool; Elmore Scottf, Camp- cesaful Vimy Night Banquet,8 Has your club or group ced by Mr. Pearson. I can say, belcroft; Rager Kîrkpaf:rick, the Branch Picnic, the Arm-C availed themselves of!' hawever, that the Liberal Port Hope; Han-y Wade, New- istice Dinner, and the Christ- BE Lthis free service yet? Health Plan is basically the tonville; Neil Malcolm, Black- mas Part:y for the Bowman- BRESET mngar1ttofr samne as that adopted in the stock; Mr. and Mrs. Glenholme ville Ladies Auxîiary ta the P R S k Amng ur ates ofer-1960 Liberal Raily in Ott:awa, Hughes, Bowmanville; E. R. Royal Canadian Legion. ings is an outstanding an which formed part o! aur 'Lovekin, Newcastle; Robert: President Woodward also t movie on safe-driving' policy in the ast election Kent, Bowmanville; Clarence spoke of the excellent work a! - --called "Anatomy of an' camnpaign. Woodiey and Mr. and Mrs. Al- Keith Ferguson and A r t t lm Accident". A n a t li e r "We do nof: daim that the f bert Hilîs, ail of Tyrone. Sheehan, who were in charge Health Plan and other social i o! the Car Draw held byC feature is the Holly- legisiation can bc completed Branch 178. He voiced apprec-c wood production, "A ovcrnight. A Liberal govern- Le atian o! the work o! Ed Run- 1 Manner o! Speaking," a humorous piece about correct ment will give priority ta i-es- L i s ndie and James Firth and theirc telphoe sag. Aon th 5 facintig;f1 toringý confidence and the mca- ýcommittee, which ensured the t den-ts -and -the -past president retiring fromn the position due was composed of Comi-ades ta iii heaîth. Bill Bates and Don Cameron. Secrctary Ron E. Richards fThe important induction Of and Treasurer George Thrash- FLYING D UTCHM A N thepresident was the climax cer Ross McKfflghtwo a of he mpoing cermon. fom President Woodward for M oto Hot l R stau antsumed the chair. Comrade Rosa done, and he congratulated the McKnight moved a vote Of branch for having had moat T lai.. - thanks ta Zone Commander efficient officers holding these Ef fective laflUary £'IUA, The Flying Dutchman Mavin for offîcating at the two important positions. impressive ceremony. Zone _________ Motor Hotel Restaurant will start Winter Evening loa Ps rden'Main presJam-e Cloin Hur. hee il cntnu troghto es Woodward. Chamnber Closng our. T ese will coninu thoug toIn hîs acceptance speech President Sheehan expressed Mari lth.appreciation ta the members Com merce Marc 18t. 1for his election ta his high office, and assured the branch, <PROM PAGE ONE) that he wilI undertake hîs i-es- rCratc's address, reports During this poriod the restaurant will ho open. ponsibiiity wif:h dedicationan for 1962 wîhl be presented, of- work ta the utmast of his abil- ficers elected and plans dis-, from 7 am. u til9 pm. dily Ban uetf ailites ill ity'. He thanked the members'cussed for 1963. from7 am. u til9 pin. ail. Ba que failites ill for their support and askedý Here is an opportunity tai for their continued ca-opera- hear the views o! an ouf[- not bo affected by the change in hours. For reserva- tian. f standing speaker on a topicuo! Theý chairmen of committeca j paramount importance ta our nîons 'phono 623-3373. for the coming year werc an- community. Whef:her or o p nounced: Special Events, Ed yau are a Chamber member, 'Rundie: Entertainmcnf:, Wil- you are cordially invited ta motel usui liamn Kilpatrick; Canteen, Glen attend. Th oe ilcontinue to oporate a sa Virtue; Poppy, Maurice Con- Tickets are available fromn way assisted by L. Burton, and any Chamber Director and at £rom 7 am. until midnight. Don Cameran - Sports, Jack1 the Bank f Montreal, MMul- Knitht: Membership, William 'len Hardware, Higgon Elec- * is;si sted by Ron John- trie, Kramp's Furniture, Lan-i L__________________________________________ tY. AI Snmith in- der Hardware and Rickaby's. i 1, Fvý Ainister Services al Churchesý gracious attitude of God to all wrho return to Hlm with sin- cere confession of sin.f The choirs of each churchi helped make these meetings worshipful for ahl who attend- ed. Especîally to be noted was the Legion Choir present on E'riday night at St. Paul's Ujnited Church. The Mînisterial Association is thankful for loyal supporti accorded these meetings by the people of Bowmanville and certainly look forward ff further gatherings of like nature. Accident Roundup ' FROM PAGE ONE) by Henry Buma, R.R. North, Orono. Total damage ta the three vehicles was about $62. Thomas Grace, Burketon, had a fortunate escape fromn injury when he lost control of hîis car when driving on Coun- ty Road 57 and it rolled over it Oak Corners on Tuesday. The accident occured at 10:45 a.m. Considerable damage ta the roof and a fender of the vehicle resulted. Constable R. S. Diamond, OPP, investgated. There was a two car colli- sion on Sunday morning at 8:50 o'clock on No. 35 Highway, ashort distance north of the T h i r d Concession, Clarke Township. The drivers involv- ed were David H. Kilpatrick, age 33, Orano, and Verni Harri- son, age 32, R .R. 2, Peterbor- ough. Mrs. Harrison, age 29, a pas- senger in her husband's car suffered chest injuries in the accident. She is a patient ini Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Damage to both cars from, the accident amounted to approximately $500. Con- stable J. Donaldson, OPP, in- vestigated. A car driven by Ralph Lax- ton, age 16, 759 Shelley Aven- ue, Oshawa, went out of con- trol on Sunday afternoon on No. 401 Highway at the Cour- tice Interchange. The vehicle craslied inta the ditch. Robert Mitchell, 721 Whitman Cres- cent, Oshawa, afterwards was treated for the injuries to his shoulder sustained in the acci- dent, in the Out-Patient De- partment at Memorial Hospi- tal. Lions Governorý (FROM PAGE ONE) of the increase in North Arn-i erica, District Governor Gar-1 den stated. This is good be- cause it is one of the ways of defeating Communism, he as- serted. The speaker told of the Lions International Conven- tion held in Nice, France, w.hieh he attended. The main reason why this important event was held in Europe this year was to encourage inter- national feelings of goodwîlli and peace amiong the peoples of the world, he declared. He mentioned a saying of General Romulo's, who was secretary of Foreign Affairsý in the Phillipines and a mem- ber of the Manilla Lions Club,ý 'Ahl men are brothers under the canopy of heaven." "The problems of peace in our harrassed world bouls down ta one word, brother- hood. Peace cannot be buiit on hate, or suspicions. Not .întil men learn to be brothers Gel Cash Today For OId Appliances througb STATESMAN CL AS S1F 1E DS8 Phono MArket 3-3303 corinection with Lions Clubs, Birthday Box. in Cuba and China, and thel It was decided that the Boy,' difficutes memrirn had epin manville Ladies. Auxiliary-. subjectedato in connection t with their work for the bene- h oa Cnda ein fit of the people were describ- -ýwill cater for the Bu g ight_ ed by the District overnor. Dinner to bc lheld by the Bow- Disric Goeror ardn, FRCM PAGE ONEI manville Legion Pipe Band o spoe o th inepton f Pesid en tMîlie ate, 1f:Saturday evening.J.nur ispoe oftheincetio ofIresientMille Bteslst26th in the Legion Hall Pre Lionism 45 years ao I h Vice-President Rena Bathgate, !dent Bate, assisted by r beginning it was a thread. "nd Vice - President Graceigeant-at-Arins Jean Burton,( then a cord, then a cab e ibcteaerncovm. bridging the gap between na- Murdoch, Treasurer Ruby Pal-wibetectrn o eor tions and mnen, and binding mier, Secretary Helen Wallis,. Following the businessnieet- us ail together in an eventful'and Executive Members, Ann îgasca ou Sejyd world, he declared. ýPiper, Bonnie Boisvert, Ada Lnhwssre yrtrn He urged all Lions in the Butier, Gladys Belsev, Mary nd Vce-PrsdetBet new year to be even more in- Westover and Hilda H1iumph-_ Wood w'ard. telligent, more efficient, ijn'rey. Two other members of their work for others. and to: the 1963 executive. Comrade s- create better unestninjý!Mel McNulty and Comrade between the peoples of vari-,'Leah Graham, who were un- ous countries. avble to be present, will becn James Marr,apst -- stalled at a subsequent meet- T/Y4/YNJk dent of the club, moved a vote ig NtF/~S EL. of thanks to District Governirý Other office holders for tho c /E#VFtD7/ Garden for his inspiring ad- coming year are Stan dard Êtor. ieP/c dress. The president, GlenlBeare-r Georgina Carter and Martyn. also expressed his'Chaptain Leah Graham. The T qrOOa6XeAt/ personal appreciation to the auditors are Comrade McNul- p) distinguished visitor. tyadP1 Zone Commne The birthdays of .Jamc-s'Rose Dickinson. -"N Marr, Glenn Lander, Bill AI- Comrade Florence Knight. a I lin, en Kely, Hwrd i past president is table and de-I son and Bob Mutton were coration convenor, Sergeant-ý celebated by teir ello at-Arms Burton is Bingo chair- 1 Lion c is eepe mani, Past President Milliei Attenance ins wre pE-ates, entertainment conven-. sented by Robert Mutton, the or, 2nd Vice-President Gracei Attendance chairman. as fol- Murdoch, Birthday Box con- lows: William 1{utchison, oflC venor, and the lunch conven- year; Gordon Chartran, Doug0rs are Sergeant-at-Arms Bur- 4 Kermp, Ted Miller and Ken ton and Standard Beare Cr Kelly, two years; Ralph Kelly, ter. six years; Claude Kilm-ersv CT R - en years; George Brown. eigit, Commitee reports were pre- jOTACTING REPAIRS~~ years; and Jack Brough. 21>sented as follows: Past Presi- years. <ldent Bates on anniversary ERIHAIO- CIC The winners of the hockey flowcrs, 1sf: Vice -President MOTOR AIN -ELECTVICF draw were: Januarv 19th, Don ýBathgate on the canteen ,Com- T.-RAI AP ANS Hannali and Bill Oliver; Janu-'rade Dorothy Richards on( the I' RA -PLANE ary 23rd, Miss Mary Jones1flower fund, and 2nd Vice-' #F and Miss Marg Stanley; Jami- 1President- Murdoch on the ary 26th, Mrs. Boyko and W. David Hîggon. Reports on activities during. '5 en by committee chairmen. BACK TO GRIND On Monday, Parliarnent xiii resume its adjourned sittings' in Ottawa. Most political Ob-: servers beieve this will be the final session before an election is either callcd by the Prime Minister or forced upon him by the opposition. No doubt, one of the mattc'rs high on the agenda of the sittings will be Opposition Leader Lester Pearson's recent, remarks concerning nuclear weapons. Most people feel the Prime Minister will an- nounce a similar policy iný order to live up to NATO comm itme nt s D u r h a m 's representative,: Russell C. Honey, M.P., had a: busy holiday, taking care of fence-mending and problems' of one kind and another throughout the constituency., His Reports from Parliamentý Hill probably will re-appearq in this newspaper the week! after next. USED CARS 1960 Valiant 4-Dr. Automatie. Sharp black with red trim. Local. anc owncr car. 1959 Belvedere 4-Dr. Custom radio, windshield washers. A-i shape. 1957 Hiliman 4-Dr. Custom radio, mirrors, windshield w'ashers, 2- tone green. One owner car in new car condition. 1955 Dodgje Royal 4-Dr. V-8, automatie, side miirors and wlîcel dises. 1953 Chev. 4-Dr. Special Deluxe model. Custom radio. Real good shape. PALMER MOTOR SALES CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH VALIANT - DODGE 20 King Street East Phone 623-5487 r Paramnettes 100,s with 25 FRLEE TabletS $7.50 value $4.29 Devilbiss Vajporizers $8.95 'alue $6.89 FAMILY Hot Water PERTUSSIN SCQUGH SYRUP Reg. 89e Only 73c KLEENEX 40O's Special 29c VICKS VAPORUB Reg. 64e 0n1y 49c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Special '; OFF Only 99c ORNAL COLD CAPSULES Ail day relief of heâd'«c cold congestion $1.39 size $1.09 $2.97 size $2.39 TYC'fTT 7! MT ]3ottleLOZENGES $2.65 value Reg-. $1.25 $1.89 Special 99c ALLENBURY'S S0AP 3 for~ $1.05----- 3 f or 85c C.RIEST TOOTH PASTE Reg. $1.39 - ---- Only 99c INSTANTINE Tablets Reg. 99c ------- Special 87c EX-LAX Reg. 49c ---- Special 37c JURY& LOVELL Your Rexail Store 2 KING ST. E. 623-3361 !' _____ Amazing New JORDAN ~1; Smooth and Spirited! * Here's a spirited wine! New inexpensive Zing is versatile and pleasing. Jordan Zing is a dramatic new drink. Taste il and be convinced! Serve cold, on the rocks or with your favourite mixer ... tonic, ginger aie or soda; twist of lemon, lime or cola. Experience its smooth quality. You wî'lI be amazed at its ight, appealing flavour. ~w~tck±ê~ïN62~ Now available throughout Ontario > I 4T m