To the consternation of the single maies, leap year will be here again in 1964. But even in the 12 months stili ta go, the bachelors aren't quite as safe as they think. There are disturbing changes tak- ing place on the marriage front in the U.S., and it's likely that much the sm dleveloprnents are occurring in Canada. There is, in short, a marriage craze '-and it'% due ta the fnct we are al mnuch more prosperous than was the case a couple of decades ago. It was pointed out in a recent sur- vey that a never-rnarried waman in the 30 ta 50 age range now has a better than 70', chance of nabbing a spouse compared with only a 581/i possibility backin 1940. If the girl is 35 or aveu', there's still a 50-50 chance of marriage as against a one-chance-in-Ihree 20 years ago. Whether the wornen have develop- ed better trapping techniques aor the 1 These days when TV commercials, newspaper and magazine articles and advertisements are doing their utmost ta scare people into buying vitamins, dandruff preventatives, stornach reme- dies and ail the rest; when we wonder if the cigarette we are smoking will resuit in cancer, when water pollution will reach the stage when we all die or have ta drink battled water, it is heartening to note that aI least one eý rortisfavorable. '"I t wa-s jpr'eèpared by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States and deals with a topic which has 'ý4roused considerable interests of late, riamely, if pesticides are making food dangerous and if there is sufficient vitamin content in what we eat. The report follows and should make every- one feel a bit happier. "The American food supply is bath safe 'and nutritiaus, accarding ta resulîs of 'total diet studies' just completed by the Food and Drug Administration. "FDA scientists analyzed market . basket samples af foods for pesticide residues and vitarnin content. "Pesticide residue content was faund well wîthin safe toleuance limits set for specîfic pesticides on individual foods. "Levels of Vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin were found ta be more than two times the Recommended Dietary Allowances of the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Re- search Council. Vitamins B6 and B12 were well above the amounts estimated as required for good nutrition. (Recom- mended allownnces for B6 and B12 have not been established). The studios did flot include vitamins C and D be- ,.<a'use the rnethod of sample prepara- tion results in destruction of these vitarnins. But FDA nutrilionisîs point out that other studies have shown thal these vitarnins are adequately supplied by food sources. "The samples analyzed represonted the total diet of a 19-year-old boy - the biggest enter in the US. population. 'Market basket' samples consistin. o(f about 60 poundus of ginevies - - a11 One week's supply -- wei'e obîainied v'î three months f rom chain graceries in the Washington D.C., aiea beginning in May 1961. Beginning in May 1962, similar samples were collecîed also in kAtlanta, Minneapolis, St. Louis and San patience, and other worthwhile quali- ties; while the so-called lucky lad is going ta be sof t. When lîfe starts to batter these boys Inter on -- as il will do in one way or another 1 believe the boy that is learning ta take knocks now will stand Up better. To stand up on one's own ta the difficulties this life presents ta each individual is nat easy. It requires advance training, an ability ta take it. For the persan able ta do this life is a thrilling, experience. Some parents denv their children this training. Then they are surprised when, at the very f irst buffeting, the adolescent caves in, because he has flot been properly temnpered. Instead of enjoying the security that cornes from individual ability and strength the child finds life just too much to face. Some end up in mental 'hospitals or similar institutions, the only place where they can find the so-called '"security" their parents forced on them. men are just getting weaker isn't known but there's been a definite de- terioration in the bachelor camp. In 1940 if a man reached 30 with- out falling by the wayside there was a 30%: chance he wouldn't faîl at alI. If he stuck it until he was 35 he had a 50%c chance cf going it unencumbered forevermore. Naw only 15%, of the 30-year-old bachelars survive feminine wiles. And of the men still unattached at 35, only 405' can naw caunt an sticking ta their selfish single, happy state. Bachelors may be less reluctant than a couple of decades ago, but here's a tip for the girls of 30-plus who are wondering where the hunting's best: Divorced men of age 40 or so have a 90',( probability of trying mntrimany for the second time. Sa much, indeed, for that old saw about once bitten twice shy.-Finnncial Post. Francisco. "Commadilies and q u ant it ie s sampled were from the 'moderate in- carne' food list furnîshed by Household Economies Research Division cf the Department of Agriculture. The Clinîc Kitchen at the National Institute cf Health assisted in preparation of foods normally coaked before consumption. "Determinations were made for residues cf 20 chlorinated hydrocarbans, including DDT, and for crganic phos- phate type insecticides. ' Most of the samples contained fia residues or mere traces of chlorinated hydracarbans; a few contained amounts measurable by extremely sensitive techniques. Only a few traces cf organie phosphate residues were found. FDA scientists interpret the findings as an assurance of confidence in the protection provid- cd by the Pesticides Arnendment cf the Federal Food, Drug and Cosrnetic Act. "The survey findings also support the conclusion that foods readily avail- able at superrnarkets cantain ample quantities cf vitamins. They contra- dict the allegations cf food faddists of that the Arnerican food supply is nu- tritionally depleted." SAY JT AIN'T SO! Il may came ns a shock ta beer dinkers but wâter is used in the pre- paration cf their favorite beverage. This bas raised a spectre in the minds of those who were aware cf the fact. Toronto is ta fluoridate its water supply. A grent deal cf beer is pro- duced in Toronto. One cao under- stand that the prospect cf fluaride in the beer might be disconcertîng. But before, anyone could, sa to speak. gel his teeth int an argument against this frightful prospect, a re- assuring statement was issued by the managing secreînry cf the Ontario Division cf Dominion Breweries. Most of the flaoride in the water will be removed by the pracesses which pre- code brewin'o. Oune I liaI luis infoinalion xvilctuie as a suberuuî. tloughl lu the proviuces beer drinkers-Trenlonian. Taxation for CBC support rIoV a\'erages about $20 per family annually ...and thue \ie\vers îhink ii's ail free. ~be ~~4~l4fl ~t4te~m4u Durham County's Great Famîly Journal Established 109 years aga in 1854 Aisa Incorporating The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News ilAuthorîzed as Second Class Mai[ by the Pest Office Dep . Ottauwa, and fer payment of postage in cash" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 King St. W.. Bowmanvilie, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EDIroi-PUBLISEER $4.003 a Year, strictly in advance GEO. P. MORRIS BusrioEss MGR. $5.50 a Year in the United States Hydro 1962 in Review . de. Highlights of Ontario Hydro's development pro- gram ta meet iocreasing power demands. which grew by 6.2 per cent in 1962, saw Chairman W. Ross Strike (top centre) taking part in official opening ceremanies of NPD, Canada's first nuclear-elecîric generating station; construction of North Amnerica's first major 500,000-volt EHV (extra high voltage) transmission For Ontario, 1962 xvas "Year irmiles nif Canada's first 500,-, One" ai the nuiclear-electrir .000-volt (extr~a bigh voltage) 1 age. ýtransmission fine, designeci ta NPD, Canada'q firsi nuc- move power tram hydro- i iear-electric power station, clctic resources now being wetcritical on April 11, anci tievelopcd on the James Ba.y txvo nonlbs later delivereci th2 * xatcu'shed ta markets in the first nuecear poxver'la Hydio'sisouth. Southero Ontario Sx's t e mi. Thîe construiction ni the first Whiie relativels' small (20,0010 transmission uine in Ontario kiloxxatts), Ibis joint deveiop- buuilt complelels' by belicopter' ,ment ai AECL, Canadian Gen- mnethacis in the rugged nortb- eral Eiectric, and Ontario Hv-ecm bush country' belween duo is the prototype for a fuili- Manitouxvadge a nd Haine-' scale. 20(,000 kiloxwatt nue-: pas'ne. Icar power- station now beîng Mu. Strike said power de- buiit by AECL at Douglas mancis quickened durin-g the Point on Lake H-uron. lasI quarter ni 1962, reflecting In a review ai 1962, Ontariou;the gencral trendi ai tbe econ- Hydro CI-airman W. Ross a my. Peak power demands in Strike autliiocc deveiopmen-ts!December reacheci 5,948,800 in the suppîslny o ue encrer- kiloxwatts, an increase oi 6.2. igy ta 355 associaleci muinicipal per cent aveu 1961. Resources utililies, 97 rural operatiu-g au- ta mccl these demancis totlb-, cas, and beavy industrial us- cd 7,088,000 kiowatts. Foie- eus, representing aimosl 2,00(0,- .casîs indicale electricai con- 000) customers. stîmptian during 1963 wiil risc Other higbligbls: about 6.5 peu cent, equal ta The extension ai the inter- the iang-term average. On- nationial inîerconneecl tîtilits' tarin Hydra supplies 90 per .ss'stcm ai which Ontario Hy- ce-nt ai' the province's power dia isian entegral part, inoarequiremnents. ibe xvold's largest poxver pool.'1 To maintain the ecanamies Firsî power inom the second andi mxv rates xvhich 'esul 10000 - kilowatt coal - fired: ftram increases in Il-e growth thermal unit- at Lakeview of power dcnands, Mr. Strike SUGAR SPIcE r Reports from the Venus probe Indicate that il is unlikely that planet cah* support life. Well, it isn't tao easy ta support on this one! writes Ambrose His in his "0f Many Things" column. Parents make a mistake when they raise a child ta think this world is an easy one, he declares. A child should be allowed ta stub his toes early, ta fal from bicycles ta get a black eye and broken lips, ta do withaut, ta share the work araund the home. Jo the old days, there was wood ta chop, waler ta carry, and those chares were goad for us. Today, too many lads enter the aduit world with na toughening up ta enable them ta face difficulties. 1 know one lad wha owns an aid car. When a part breaks down, he must save for a new one, or devise a part. H-e probably feels sarry for himself. In mny opinion, he is better off than anoth- er lad whase father sees ta it that he has a new car and that it is repaired on demand. One is developing character, 4The Canadian Statesmnan, nowynanvllle, Jan. 18, 1983 EDITORIAL COMMENT Life Isn' Easy 41 fifOiil Bv Bill Smdley We go coast to coast tbis i1 ag'ree, but 1 don't see any- weekthing wrong wlth belng un- * And as usual, l'm belated,, happy. They're the interes~ but thanks anyway ta thosejing ones. readers wbo sent cards and, Fîom Don McCuaig in Ren- notes at Christmas time. irexv cames the annual photo They're appreciated. In my ai the famiiy. Eachi year, the better moments, I tell myseif1 inverse ratio applies. His wife * that there are about a millioniand children gel better look-' people, give or take a couple, ing, whiie he gels . .. Another t i ieading Ibis calumn every!velcome photo is thal of the i :lweek. But sometimes late at Rudelis af London. Fiiled the V ýnight, column not going well,,vhole backyard with boys be-. squirreis scampering, xindIfore Jennie came along., Six, . . . . .bowling the banshee blues boys and one tiny girl who Z. around the window, I feel aslxviaps them ail around e thaugh l'm wîiting in an im- pinkie. mense void.*** * Thank l'Il haxve ta go doxvn I spent a goad part of Christ- east this summer. l'm gaing mas Day on my knces. AndI great there. Loveis' card, witb waso't praying. Quite the re- - ~ seagulsfrornCyndyvGodbod',vere.I had been suckered from Miss S. Forban ai Hali- II vas tiying ta gel the bliglit- fax, enciosing an advertise-ced boots ino the biastcd bar- ment, wbich reacis, "Whs', yotioness. This kind ai thing is . . . .. ...... . . . .. .haven't been in GERMANY second oniy ta crecting the yet! Plan yaui trip now!~ She Christmas 'licee in aur famlly said it made ber think ai me. convulsions. Sorry. I've been in Ger-* * , *~umany. In those halcoyn days That Boxihg Day is the bcst they didn't have bo advertise.'day af the year, as far as I'm AIl sorts of tourists were concerned. Fire in the fire- dropping into the country. place. Friends wilh zoggins. Most of them by parachute. Kids off somewhcre in the' They didn't spend a lot of'wild, white yondeu'. A great money. Yet, despite this f law, sense ai relief. Exchange -of they were wvarmnly wclcomned anecdotes. With message. by the natives. 1 stili have a One ivas about the South lump over my rîght car ta Seas isiander who had-a great, line (top lef t) ta carry power fromn remote northern prov.e il.1 desire ta bc king. With thMs hydro-electric plants; and the second 300,000-kilowattl Chap in Aylmcr, Ont., drop-ý in view, he savedl up, purchas-, unit at the coal-burning Lakex'ieîv plant (bottam) in 'ped a note ta say a columnofai d a beauliful throne. But lhe .mine gaI hlm in trotuble, allost the election, or somnething. final stages of cammissioning. New techniques inyea. g.Aprnis..a'u h trn wyi h construction were also us'ed by Hydro when helicapterseaorne home, late, cold, wet,iback roomn, ta await better stîung a new power ine across 50 miles of nartherntird and had cîawied inoabcd limes. Had a fire. House bush countrv. -On'tario Hydua Photo wiîh the aid Trouble 'n Strife.ýburned down. Moral: people- I had comparcd heu ta a litIle who live in grass Ieouses *ia an initutril ie!s. x'a puave. oxvxx'lerlevisbox slave. (And l'Il stand by'shouldn't stow thrones. en he atesbes das-il). Chap in Aylmer did thel Anoîher stars' was mathe- ci lemajor aesd rs samle thing, but gaI a litIle matical. Indian. back.groundl., The s'ear 1962. M. Strik,2 tically reduceci the uput ai mixed in bis metaphors, andRule ai tube: suilor must pro-' onlinued,. \xas anc in whicbhvýdra-elcctric geneîaîing sta- said ta bis wife, '"You remind'ducc requested giit for poten-, Ontario Hytiroadpmatie aO5nui nSoubroadNo meaofan ald pot-beîlied heat- tiai bride. Youn.g chief wantA cinSuhenadNot-e. xife. She wants No. 1 buffalo, peialion2i andi administrative caslern Ontario. But new ther- ih" ide. Easy. Five years later, conomuies. mial capacits' took up the Mu's. Frank flastin ni Moujnîchief decides ta take second. One i 1w mst sgniîtat qaitenstipplying up ta aoc-,Biydges, Ont., sent a note ue-îwifc. She wants polar bear Oneof ll Mot ignficl-t qarerai power icquire- vealing that there are stili a bide. Chief sent braves. levclopmcnts ni 1962 \vas tht mnts. evra hitasaîa.Mnb ae hs euo wt expansion ni the international fwra hitasara.Mnh ae hyrtrwt nconetdpxvrssei ntesles iront, 1962 was She refercd ta a columo aibide. Nuptiais celebraled. Ten of xvbich Ontai<o Hyclua is an i a successfiol 5'ar, Mi. Strikeiwbich I had mentioneci Mus .yeaîs later, chief spots beauti-, otegual part, ino the xvrid's, said, xith sîuecial eniphasis i MalietI, an elderis' lady, siek 1 ful maiden. She wants hippo- largest poxwer pool, stie(tchingbejing placcd on elcctîic beal- 'and alone, who had found time ipotamus bide. Chief 'gent rami the Gulf ai Mexico to irg. Bs' the endi ai the yeaî, ta Ihank me (I sas' it humbiy), braves. Four ycars later, they JmsBay, andi frai-j- the so m e 4,000 homes,1,0 fou bringing a litIle waimth return-, with bide.. Nuptials Rocky Mountains la the At- apariliient stuites, 215 motels, ibose alieîu, fuliain nteîeÏewo wiv e l son, "Ys latcsabad hs ru f115 bhurckues. and 50 sehoolsilsd etr ulo neetowvs complain, ou aniltie scabyo Tîgoupr ni xvere electuicalis' heated. and cheer fou Mis. Malietl, spend as much lime with ncw .utiiie, y ooin pxvr e-asking Ibat I fouward il. w iie as you do with bath of us uources on an emergenes' hasis, "We arc forlunale in On-ý Old friends, Mis. Viola Nick- together." substantialiy îeduîce induvud- lanao in having power ratesierson of Massachusetts, and Chief replies, "Natch. EuclicT. ialreqireent fo stu'dbs amng l-j îoesîinthe!Mus. Paul Raîz ai Red Dcci Squaw on hippapotamus hide generating facilities and Ilhere- xvorld"',Mu. Strike said. "We 'sent cards, with friendis' notes. equai ta sumi ai squaws. on is' reduce operating costs. In'- at Ontaria Hydua aim ta keep Margaret Brontmicu, lino ap-'otbei twa bides."' erconnections with neigbbour- it that xvay. As in any other eratar at the Paris Star, sug- And that reminds io-h ng tîtiiities aiso provide eci business, we must kcep sales gcsled an addition ta MY listlsad, litIle, grunting hound, onamies throuugh tlle sale au volume up ta keep unît cost ai Christmas guIfs: Giving theiwbosc anis' desire was ta joîn puichasc ai surpluis poxver. down. As in ans' other busi- lasI twenty years back ta the ýheu' predeccascd mate, and go 1962 was aiso a s'ean whon ness too, \we must strive for unhappy people. She adds,îto the Happy Grunting Hound, he valuue ni Hydcra's current eveis' possible impiovement rather cynicalîs'. "'Il bet thes' but perhaps we'll Jeave that. beuma expasinti pingraiTi in'iefficieiics and technolags'." cauidn't do ans' better." o nthrdy_______ ~1 people bath aduit and child,,. May yau have a Happy New, 0191 ~.Year. F Generating Station on Ter- saia, uOntario Hr and the j I,-î->--nfi1 Cb ,f4l lYours very truly, ontos western outskirts, which lassociated municipal utiities d j u gn a s u o u n ý has a- planned capacity of 1,- will continue their drive for I -'ý' <arrY) Harold Ashton, 800,000 kilowatts, ia greater share of the energy New Democratic ProVincial1;b The construction of 1 (00 market in the home, commner- Here's somnething that. Fred 'Bull terrier, with teeth las- a shovel and board-no ready Candidate for Durham. 0 H-ardman sent to flie writer lened in the youngster's cloth- 'mixes in those days of 1904. ____ * -w iand ,vhich we pass along ta ing, puilling baekwards theI He was working on the farm Canadian Statesmain,' ~ vith.~J~u1vi the piscatorlal buffs of thisicaption is "The Watchfuliwhich I was to cail home for Bowmanville, Ont& ~ ~ A~L5~ egin, s aservice I0o uï Playrnate." the next five years. Since then, In th D imreader, s adbcuse Fred Ný It's surprisinig from what a he quit being a farmer's hired Dear Sirs: o ne of a fast dwindling group'large radius, good will mes-* man, went to college, taughtý Will you please print in the and of buddies of mine of forty sages comne, at this time of school for many years in Re-! Editorial Column, one of these plus vears ago. xvhen wfý year. Among the hundred plus, gina and for the past sixteenwes hefIoin tmo twisted Kaiser Biis withered were cards from California, years, has been living in re- Ueesth n efigiong te.o L)st nt Iis arm. iOhio, Alberta, British Colum- tirement in Pr Dover, On- "A ast, there are rumours The ptiistClu ofKes bia, Ottawa, Wales, and one taria. When hie attended cal-l of the two larger religious de- r olTehtaesanFies wik, invit lubtaotaeIpartfrom Vienna, Austria. Coming lege, it xvas with the intention nominations of today uniting, FromThe tatemanFile to ake artfrom so rmany points af the of becoming a Methadist min-!namnely, Protestant and Rol- Dnter a s ic. Janaryconipass, these messages of ister. Wonder what changed!man Catholie. In unity thé 25 EAS GO49VERSADe2rdbyfor Herrig, echandr gond cheer, mnake us feel hum- his plans? Some folks thought religinus strength would soar 25 EAR AG 49YEAWhite2rdfirsh.Fising staîts hei and hpy It'snice to be 1 ought ta he a preacher, buti to greater achievements. , Whýeis. isin .mberein lea dap. I wanted ta be a lawyer, so1Could it be possible that (in 0,13)(Jan. 22, 1914) you arrive and ends at foui.rerem eed W. (J. arrt s omr s a. Soe2,0taaiococ19m3o8tem)s 1 e ie uprs a aended up being what 1I stiii worl e'umgtbegie W. H. Crruthes, formr' Mrs Jas. ý,lcacd pletForrheramasa chaplewhom ram- aahnotwhverym-brightv forestt f throughhr thisth unionn Reeve of Bownianville, xvas visitirlg at Mr. S. W. Scobell's. sum of five hucks per person.ifrs a.'mxnceetihcaear.Iwe eeain ath re-elected President of fthc The girls of the Durham you ma,"' have your cbmice aifwoud not ail missionaries * uhr etalArclua but transportati'On frorn shore aheeterga namc 'Socetha Ce ntral mg inguaGlove Cluib enjoyed a jolly I-achevether galunsaac * Scityatth aua metngsleighride ta Oshawa Saturdav ahîthi nî ils lsa/r.. sotrtie G. eit ýo rf/l odfihdinre-t the world" wouid soon beé a Tusdy vning, Margaret aiternoon. goodtfish dinner, xvith trim Westaway, daughtcr nf Mr. Mis. C. Relhder and grand- taurant at six o'clOck lIf To bc of anc faith, -.Pro- *and Mis. Herman westaway, daughiter, Miss Yvonne Hazel- vou ,vish overnighIt accommno- 248 Vipwmount v. enfo teffoige-testant ism could givé tiý lalf suffeied a broken hip in a xvood, have been visiting dation just Pilonei(sc Toronto 19, ample. nif their ircedom aof which we skiing accident. friends at Paris and Hamilton. GR 6-4594, or GR 6-4161.- December 31, 1962 If we take the average fam- have too mucb of. The Ro- Mr. Wreiord Souch. [Halifax, M.A .Hrd.frmn When your scribe wvas col!-~ De;,r- Su: ily of four, statistically a mar- man Catholie religion could N.S.. xvile ou a business trip at the Goodyear factory, leit sideiably youigei, he %viiSnl xii find enclosced a ried ma n t o hidean take Iihat haîf and we wauld ýéýi ta Montreaical spn, fli, wentSauthe or kro, hioni vere turday foi itofmot(,ronfe fohiurallrsoaverse eryeta a plan bcungedtafbeite nil end vwilh bis mother, Mrs. F. the interests ai the company. bookey' froiniS.S. No. 1. at Ofor th e r\flofourhdolasad triut a imernn siuitda ta aenth evar M. Souch. Shanty Bay, in aider to (laip- mari for 196:3. xve can readiiy xisualize, it known before. The beginning * r. Mrjre Tuston. Mi. Percy Chapman, Orono, en a borroxed lu-jethrougil 1ejyredn tasw e ýouimee that e wou1 pamust camne from the membra " Toronta, visitecdlier mother, bought the aid toil gate bouse the ice, near tlic north shor oreaigi si epoehtudr$20.00 per,0 adofbtchres tMis. J. Westaxxay. oveî' the on the Hiampton road and in- ofLk ice 0ýi~î e ntuhwt h esadyear income tax and thus be- Ltspa orwso n weekcnd, having jUst retuin- tends building a bain o is be a bit ai fun, aiter fifty' ofa course adfins we 80 n 70 e year lave. ed tram an enjoyable holiday ne%% place wvith the material. vea is. ta try Oui iuck xithi Wihn o i eycnrbto nti anrt Z. M. -Graham. *in Kingston, Jama. Mi. and Mrs. Chas. H. And- the finniy denisons inear the ap Ne Yarmdire Sidnev Cashoiin -peiît tetStlut îîv<cpithehe suhsoeo h aelk.Thank you. Comparing this w ith 617, ait weeeitlo luoittcxxti ir-~ u-e *~h> io ouîingi te < ouhshoe of ~îîîI theïî saine , l sarîng.incme as the article states a or'a is oncle aidautItII, u atl Nî . (1xi '~~~s20,a thiî'ty lu cîje cx- it R. J. erl .uI toiLable w t ia.,, si llvs "lix aggeriOn, or un taxable in- 'S na V st !.J oh.anid toîîiiîtdiuus residetîce. but as suet duesnut~i.t b bos ai~~~~ DoiinSoeLdw Bo\x iiwille Womenis Instu- 10tu is excellent îf î' ~ ~ ~ > cneihtearticljou- e 1s. o r in TomintoonStsid as t uewl odternx eg asewntko h elBoxvmanville, Ont., 'not even give the beniefit in Trono onThusda, at tue wil hld heirriet, rg- alJan. 5, 1963. $96.00 crn a tweive ta anc ex- V tending a staff meeting of uLiar meeting at Mis. W. L. trasnfor sms. e ai those xvSn-:*aggeratian, the misstatement is! Mrs. Murray Osborne and TDominion Stores emrpînyces Ilyscan Friday, January 30.teabntemsW ecivdDaS: evident. IMis. Ross Hawke presented %vhohadsered ivetenor r. eral Mcee so ofa, nice tard tram bher receuitl. Af'ter reading the editoria1i As Churchill might havea very enjoyable pragram for xvh ha sîve fieteî n Mi Ceal Mceen sn a xhich ended 'With lovet auJ columun of January 3rd, i0 stated 'some exaggeiation".1the Christmas meeting of fifteen yeais xith the tom- Rex. J. A. MeKeen., Orono, kinci regards." Let's hope she which you included an articl'acahrfcs u ewi~at orie Jlm n -,pan'. lvi. .Jones is a 15 year %vho bias been an the Mc- eloe te acs utxxiiiot Cutc Hm n emporc an xxas iesnte Lagbln ofic stffOshwaneyer iinds out thiat Eduiîe by C. J. Harris on medicare, leaveI these to the realm af School Associatio'n. wit a oldsevic pi. In eveal ear, as oneta,'is a bit ni a stinker. If my' fid yseif unabie Ior- pnînifyou so wish.()Te Mis. Osborne read the Scrip. Mi. Rbvs D. Faiibairnn.oi the Norlbwc%'(st. foimr rch indasnt t2ei fraîn tram criticizingz such an New Democrati' pragram's ,tujrc, taken from Luke 2, 1-20, n t. xi ssFAa . otril wnh I e ht. ald appartent misstat- st imate1s b aserf on lbe'and then read a poem entit1ed :Toono, pet Titr,;iaý -vih Iiý FinaH.'Botrllw v wtb xvhom 1 Iîvpd. xvi, ?-mcnt1. nf the falets. amount putsently pain forl"A Little Bit af Christme" bis siser. Miss Fa;irbaiii. lbas been a memher ni The calise slw rînps îbrbet Aitiloigil the mrical pro- medrical sertvices in Ontarin Mrs Hawke read a nostalgie Many ofni ar readersxii he St at esmnl office s ta ff for this periodical and xiii noxvw sin h epead"ci n h aen nrae fpe nild A l intcrested in the folloxving narly six and a hall years, te prleitnd icainad tthrtet, iont f'xo!poCrm entxvint"Aerl ite fomthesoia cotio atuda' or ornt er school day xa s spt,çlent in te reIlxiii est be seîved hy'those expenses as determninedlFashionèd Christmas". With ni Tuesda.v"s Toronto Star: she xvili take a business course cnie ad*'nwîge a calm, honest and fu11 ap- during the paqt five years, giv-1M. Jh.oerla h Mis. David Grigg cntertained at Remington Business Col-'bo."praisal ni the economie, social, ing an approximation so me- piano, many Christmas Carol 4 Fi iday and SaturcdaY at twvin lege. Before leaving she was nothrxu." i u i health and ethicai issues aifxvbat under $165000,000 at aýwcre sung. Aiter this a rous- . teas for bier daugbter, Misspresented wîth a suitcase and unt .O.reckicy. f orcoly any' pragram, and opinions pro point two years hence wben!ing chorus or two of .ingle : Jane Grîgg, whose marnuage ta rtypeupnwt tdopda il not.Spe which iecat anti con should have equal tbe plan could became a re- Bells brought ,Santa on the . DunanGado My peaaks on xiscs n the m erscrh ea i weigbt when based on logiciaiity. (2) This amaunt is ga.!scene, who joviafly presented plae hi wck n aooît a te frman hr ofie s-part, "Hope you beard "Retuin wtatmlc, viaehsing ta ho spent regardless cl it t ail. Rev. John ~m tavM.s"UanCtBeC radi, Nov a duty ta properly express1any consideration o that the iii ciosed this part ' of,' the .' Ave. anitd rCbrtur. ciales.lith, intvbich the l9tb Bat- facts as they are, and opinianspremise ai Ibis bcbng an ad- meeting with prayer. Mr.Pec.Pierandi a Miso fguAnthury ndJoeaPerfect, reidnt Cobourg, spent the xeekend MiteryPieywo15a tlonîgue irefindJet, and no issueiditional burden on the tax- Mi. Garnet Goyc rsdn, . witb Mn. and Mis. George Per- , peet at Geleit, while near O'Neill, General 'Macklini and xviii cxci be settied in anipayer is unacceptable. presided for the business and fect, Westmount. foi Lo aks e, was b th e s_.H.Mthll- xcletequ itable, just and farthrigbt (3) However if the niedical weicomed ail. Il was voted to Marriage: Smith - Pearce -tv asrcnl ibtebest bour long pragram 0o manner uniess this maxim is1profession insist on a grealer hoid the meetings the second . AtSalISt. areOnaratheimomneter at 44 degrees Volrd War i I've exen heard." foilowed. share ai the profits of aur Monday af the month urîtil lia Mac, daugbtei nfi vrs. belox zerio. My ansxver ta that, 'Spreck",' It is witb ibis in mind that ecanamy, they will not beifurther notice. Mary Pearce. 'Satîlt Ste. 'Marie,' Misses Winnie and Lillie is, anytbing ta do with the I1umpainting out only ane ai changing the pattern they ý Mr,4 obeft . strey, prino4pal, Michigan, ta Jasper DuncaniBouîsail gave a very interest- l9th B2attalion is bound ta bc the manY misstatements ai bave set in the prtst, some-isaid lie wouLA,1ike ail Êàrents Smith ai St. Catharines. son îng progressive euchre and excellent, tacts in the article. As a mcm-,tines justifiably sol but 1:01 Grade VIII students-to see t af Mr. and Mus. Duncan Smith, dance Mondas' night in bonor This is a gond opportunitS' ber ni the provincial counicil wauid reiterate that any of.bim individually befoe--the Bowm an vi îleaif Miss Mabel Waiker. Toron- ta tbank the many people x'l'h I can sax' that at no lime, bas these costs wiii he refiected'end af January. PIease lall1 Newcastle: Mi. Leslie Ali- ta; Miss Kale Perey' and Mr- se> kindly sent uis cards and the Ontario New Democratiemu te greatly under other ta make an appointment. dread is operatîng the bamr- Rynid Cousins being the caiendars, recentîs'. One cal- Program calied for a six per metbods ni payment than bs'1 Library Committeepoms mer miii for bus cousin. Mr'. prize-winners. codai came frnm Pont 'ypool. cent tax on incmc but rather ours. (4) It is possible that cd ta bave the hooks on the Russel Gimbîcît who brake bis The installation of the toxvn Engiand, and was sent by usasxprcetsrhreo'i-sm dîina evcsra heives by Jan. lst The meet- wîist cranking the engine. dlock in the Post Office lowcr Beatrice Harding.,xvbosc bro- camne tax. ibecome available to the publicling ciosed with "l'he Qucen" Buketon: Mi. Thos. Breck bas heen completcd and it ther, Reg. lives in Bowman-.ý This is ont a play on words'but I think you would agree jfollowcd by lunch served. by was in Toronto Tuesday on strtîck on Saturdas'. At nigbt ville. It depiets a toddier, a-d hox vivcinusis' thc article1that this would hbe refiectcd:Mrs. Alian Tamblyn and her ~butsiness. the dial is iluminated. close to a pond and a Boston distorts the prog;am can be in better health for our comnuttee. "4. "c,, Sp "1 .2. o. "AI ""I .»: i What are Bachelors Doing? AHeartening Report GEO. W. GRAH-AM ADVTG. MANAGER SUBSORIPTION RATES ci C( 0 d e: ir ir h fi u 'Si si u 19 b t( p ti ti