Rambier Service -Rambler dealers and their service personnel from this arca wilI make their day time home in this huge trailer for the next couple of days as they return to sehool. The trailer cuntains a]most everv part used in the 1963 Rambler automobiles, including complete assernblies such as transmissions, rear ends, etc. Well qualified instructors will answer questions and explain intricate details of the Ramhlers which havp been designated the "<Car of the Year" in a * special award by Motor Trend, one of ihe top auto- cSocal £ersolIa! Phone 623-3303 Mis Jean Cull * was- a wee.k- brook was a weekend guest entl guest oft friends in Napa- with ber sister and brother-ý nee. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John * M. ad Ms.Harv A~'Killeen, Rosemarv and John igent the weekend with rela-'David. A recent familv Sun-, ti%-Pcs n Napanee. day gathering included Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Coombes, and Mrs. Harvey Aiken, Tom Wayne and Gary, Libeuty St.an BrbaMlrok M. Norh sentSaurdv w~hand Mus. Ouville Challice and 'Mr. and Mus. R. R. Muirhead family, Orono, Mr, and Mus. and oys Wîlowdle. Keith Tregunlna and Nancy of and oys Wilowdle. Cou tice. Mr. B. L. Burk is attending Mrs. Annie Bradlcv, Mr. aToronto-DominionoManage- '.Goudon Bradle v, Mu. and Mr,. nient and Development Semi- William Sultlhcland, Doris and nar ât the Lord Simune Hotel,Jon lofBdHedM. Toronto, for two wceks. and Mus. Wm. Brethet and The Rev. and Mrs. S. Snow- Gleni Tottenham, Mu. and, clen and family.v Millhrook, Mus. 'Ted Colwell, Susan and called on heu parents, Mu. 'and Tommy, Toronto, Mus. Veua Mus. Chaules Johns, Iibeuty Lymer, William and Douglas, .5t. Noth, on Satuudlav. Mu. and Mus. Ray' Lymeu and Mu, and Mus. RoY Jackson John, ail of Oshawa, ere nd Buenda Jean, Marmora, Sunday dinner guests of Mr.s. sýpent a few davs, ecentlY, Bert Colwell and Iuwin, Car- with relatives at Courtice, lisie Ave. Osýhawa and Bowmanville. On- December 9th Mus. E. .Mr. and Mus. Ait. Brown, Rose, Toronto, foumeuly Mu-S. Jack and Miss Marie Hendi ' Wilbeut Ridge, daugliteu of 4ttended t h e Bowmanvilih the late Mu. and Mus. Johil Pigeon Club banquet xvhich Wright lifeiong residents or asheld in the Township Haydon, was an honored guesti ial., Hampton, last weekend. at the chistening of ber Mu. a.nd Mus. Harold Ham- great-grandchild, the infant rnond and Mu. and Mus. Cha- s0n of Mu. and Mus. Raymond les Johns, Town, attrnded the Laing of Searbouough, ancd weddine anniveusai-v celebua- fiust guandson of Mu. and Mis. tiorn of Mu. and Mus. Lbo. d W. Dobinson, Toronto. Afttr SnowdePn, Maple Grove, on'the christening at thec chuuch, Lr aturday evening. gue.ýts %vere enteriained ai the Recent calleus at the home home of Mu, and Mus. Laing. of Mu. and Mus. Ait. Rrwn Mu. and Mus. E. J. Faiuevý were Mu. and Mus. Harold attended the chukstening er Skinner, Tyuone, Miss Mo1!iz their grýanddaug.hteu, Bobhi Shaw, Toronto, Mu. Bruno Ann, daughter of Mu. and Mus. Miller, Scauborough, and Mu. Rohert Fairey, Courtie, i Loune Butson, Willowdaie. 'Ebenezer United Church on Miss Mary Lou Mar, Ci.i, Stimd a.v. Also present weue Hospital, Peterbouough, and Mu. and Mus. Teuuy Masters Miss Patricia Mar, Canpdian a nd daughteu Kimn, Mu. and Imperia] Bank of 'Commerce.Ms eFar'vl oTwn Peterborough, spent the week- Afterwauds the * vweue lunch- end with their parents, Mu. con guests of Mu. and Mrs. and rs. amesMaur,-Lowe Robert Faire «v. Thev weue aiso SntrMs. Jmsdùîneu guests rif Mu. and Mus. Strse. SmBoos .eli Wilfued Brown, Courtice, ma- Mus.SamBroks, eiln~-teunal gandparents rif Bobbî ton St., Town, and heu aiiAnn. Mu. and Mus. Lawrence Mai-_________ colm and famiiy' , Nestleton. end Mu. and Mus. Grant B3rooks, Port Hope, spent an. B O N en.îo abie thuec-week Christ- Buowns H. & S. Club helcl mias holidiay in Flotid. t eireular monthiv meeting Mus. S. MeMurter, Mus. L. on Tuesda 'y evening. Jan. 8th. T. McLaughlin, Mus. Duincanl\ wîth Puesident Mis. Wilda Smith, Mus. Lawrence Masori Simpson iin the chair. Mrm- ,and Mus. T. W. Ca\wketrwere Hilda Caîl acted as ,;ecretar',- Ruests of Port Hope Hospital in the absence of Mus. Joan Auxiliauv at its annual mect-'Couch. During a short husi- lng on Monday evening. Jar- rîess peri nd, h u' as decided 'ni uituY 14th. Guest speaker of holul a tew\, home card parties. the evening was Mus. Sheri- wvith a small chauge,.in ouder- dan. Ottawa, whn is the Pro- tri raise a uitIle extra mnevincial Presidleut. j towaudis a newue cnudr plavur Miss Barbara Aikcu ont Mii:- for- the schnoi. Ms lune TRINITY UNITED CHUR, Ntister - Rev. Wn. K. l-iotiîsiauclp, B A. Oirganist - Mr. Arthuîr Collison, Mýus.B., L.1 11:00 at.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "Losing and Finding" SUNDAY SCHO(>L 9:431 a.rn. - Junior, Intermiediate, and 11:041 ar. - Nurscery and Beginners 11:20 nan. - Kindergarten and Prirnary A CORI1AL WELCOME TO ALU REHOB( REFOR SRev. John C. r 9:00 Li 11:0( Lb 7:30 )TH CHRISTIA WMED CHURCF og Street, Bownianville \'cî-iug .HA., B.D.,NMii Telephione 62.3-5022 )RSHIPSERVICES Dar. - Ihitch 00 a.rn.- English Dp.m. -English Proclaiiming the W'hole Counsel of G "Rack To God Hour" Broadcas i[ riÇKNB, Oshawa, at 9115 pan. every Sui Reports fr Women 1s HAMPTON W. 1. * Hampton Women's Instituei was held on Tuesdav. ,J anr. P.. -a week late. owýing tri the hol]- day. Mus. Buruows. puesident. was in the chair, and theT *meeting opened with the Odec,P the Lor-d*% Prayer and Mary Stewart Colleet. Roll eail wAa answered b.\ '"One of my New1 Year Resoutîins or a Curuen! Event.' Manyv thank-you notes weý,rE: uead, and business dealt witha Plans weue made for a con- r cert in Mauch, moue pauticu-i laus later; also fou another quilting in Jaouary for a Tor-1 ontri lady, hoping enough heîpý Iwill be available. A donaticni oft $100 was voted towaud ourý chuuch fund. Mus. Theron Mount.ioy then l ook the chair for the pro- Igram on Histouical Research frrim our Tweedsmuir book. motive magazines. The award was for outstandin gMus. Mountjoy gave a short7 design and engineering leadership. They took261reading, followed by a duet pages of a recent issue tri detail why tbey had given Mus. rawt ford nd Muslo. the Rambler this top award. The' service trailer Edga&it rs.Wrvt fenniailien.- here is located at McQueen Motors ser-vice station. conupanying them. Their first On the steps. from left to right: Earl McQueen, Presi- selection was -How Great, dentcf cQuen Mtors th Bowanvl]e nd reaThou Art", and the second dentof cQuen Mtors th Bowanvlle nd rimoe, '-Lord Teach Us tri Puay," Rambler dealer; Mocley Pickering, Factor.) Servicelwere very well renderd. Representative and Herb Clarkson, Mobile Unit In- Mus. J. W. Baison gave a structor. ucading on parts taken from the Tweedsmuiu book on thr, Pitthad harg ritthe eet-IiTmT1T~7 bstory of Hampton. Mus. Jark ing which was cards. Thos, UfITUAIl aob edapemddct wion hehg uie ee DA .PANN d tri Rev. W. W. Jones, a fou- Mus. g he hpidaCal ad rt- EDA 1.MANmGner pastor here in 1925, that Gwen Hughesaihlowandcoue. Folloui1ng a lengthy illniess, wvas veuy amusing. The nieet- Gwen Hughes; ~the crste'eath rit Edgau Lionel ing closed with the National beig hld Y Rth rowllManning occurred at Whitbv Anthem. Lunch was seuved and June Pitt. Ont. on Satîuday, December aod a social haIt hour sppent. Mus R.LajaWhiby spnt29, 1962. He was in bis 62nd From Tweedsmulr HisçtorY Thuusday with Mus. Lorraine ya.Bo Brown. Born in0Oshawa. the de-ý Dedicatec tri Pastor W. W. The tirst rit the etîchue pa, -, ceasd was the son rit the lateiJones. B.D., on his birthda.v tics fou the Record Playeci'Mu. 'Prid!Mus. Walter W. Man-, 192.5'ini Hampton: Puo.ieet was held at the home ning. He attended Base Line hnIamodad yhi ofMu. and Mus. Rohert Simp- Public Schriol and Oshawa Whn1a l n yhi son on SatuudaY evcning, an.l High School. swie l2th. with 411 tables playing. Mu. Manning had residcd In;AdIstwt huhso The high pizes were won bv Vihyfuaou 5"cr n the past. Mu. and Mus. W. Bennett, aiiipior to that in Oshawa wheue, The flashesbfie ewt the lo\w prizes bh' vMus. Hilda forrs rlyears as long as bisi A een deliht h - Cali and Mu. Welington F - heaîth Peumitted, be wsa iT a rrmeme that hol met. row. The hostes seuved lFah., ek vith tihe Royal Bank of casm aktiangi Tt s bin hd ntat thIlecCanada hranch. He was ago home rit Mu. and Mus. Wel- rmemtber orithte King Sraetn the .\ear rit twentyN-tieç,, iington Faurow. United Chîuch, Oshawa. , There ahrdngtesoe Some rit the Grade S8 pupilq He is sur vived by a sister, i frho syou know adtheir parent.q, alonýg uiib Mus. Harvex' Aiken (Barbara) :h weue verv mueh alive. thnd tahrM.1nea-RR3Mi There were Souchs and Houns thei teche Mu Rnwn, t- .B.3, ilbuorik, and a num- n Cri'1hr tcndcd a special meeting at ber rit nieces and nephewvs.1 adCrts h Clarke High School on Tuer- The tîîncual se1rvice wa' With their laughteu and joker day evcning. lhcld front ihe Morris Funerali galore, Masteu Tommy Simpsoin and Chapel. B3owmanvýille, on Mon-1 And Betty' Sargent with au- Master Coi-Y Cal] weue hom- Lday. Dcpmheu .11, and ivas burn hair, from achool with "I'u« b a ( crOdtlctcd 11Y J?,. H.A.Tuiu NoW l]et me think rif some couds last week, but ha\'e'u- ner ot si'. Paul's United! more. ('rvered sufficinetlv Ibis ve ek Chuucb. Bowmaovilie. Inter-!Will Wilbiîr and wîfe were tri be back I achoril. ment was in Union Cemeteuy,! there, oft course, Visitors with Mu. and Mr-,. Oshawa. jOur neighbors who lived next Alex Martin and boy s on Sun- Nuimprous loveiy, floua] tri-i door, day wcre Mu. and Mus. Alex butes weue- from close friends!And Harry the blacksmlto, Foldeak, Toronto, and Mu. and and relatives. who shri mry horse, Mus. G. Martin, Rriwoniil\ille. Pillhcý,rcr-s 'en esi.1-is wite and Ruth Johns were Tt was a joint bithdlay celc-Sane Sargent, Wilhuî- Down, more, huation fou Master Don Ma:r- Ar-hîie Bitton, RosPonley, Aod out fuomn town camne, tin and biis gandtatbeu, Mu. ail]rit Oshawva, Clarence Yen, Mary Cole Foldeak. Hampton, and Eveuson Nor- To join the happy thuong, Dont fouget the ueg-ulair ton of Maukham. Principal Groat, a meury soul, montblv meeting rit Brownis - ~ Did also corne aion.. Busv Becs at the home oritM- M ~ ~~Mus. foidge and Will wr ni:lýr Matn on Thur.sdav .L IUV I amring the cuowd, e\'eoing, Janiiary 171h. gtio,,' Anul .fJ. J. Virtue and ie - - . hoîs.,ucganea.\4il'JIn ti . The Paus.onage that night re- he eldWedesdv, anu 1 y sounderl loudi .rT!TTT 3. 19611. 'ihsnt fjyu i WELELLI1LL Congratulations.rIMu. and With ou tws itlvonsurlie Cliuuch guouîps ini the comn-Mus. Lloy d Snowdleo .no 0 m ce't salasrrs mujnitl' weue hurv lart weet lc lbuated their 251h we,,tddin;Zr koewm notbing about the wiîh annuuaî mreetings in pue- anniveusary on SatuudaY, Jan-, affalu. paration for the congregalion- uauv 121h. But mv decar wite Birdie, drin't aI meeting whco new mcm- Mu. andi Mus. Jim Fwiîsg v .ilsrer and childuen, Seven slandF, bers are appointeul trireplace : xpecleu the\,ail uid cïbe those uetiring in the seveuaî Quebec, are visiting uith bei Ibhere. depautments rif the cbluuch parents. Mu. and Mus. Lloydvr At seven tbirtv they came uork. The joint men's club Soowden, hrthers, sisteus andi îuoopin;z in met on Monday night. and othor relatives. Wt ra n At n thcse cnnnected wîtb the Suno- Mu. and Mus. C. P. cakowWtbheada at n day Scbool met at the home were Suoda 'y calleus al Mu. The cake.dth hr, n i rit the supeintendent on Tues- and Mus. Rom Lake's, Hamp-1 and tim. day cveniiig. ton. Witb neveu a pain nor ant achep. T'he first meeting rif thc Mu. RaruY 1Bleks, Oîtawa, A finreyeniog wax ineyer UCW fou 1.963 was he lula the was a weekcnd guiest at Mr. spt chrc wthth xetii\p nand Mus. W. H. Brwn s. 1ugae and stuots and ni ke7, charge rit the prog"ramme. The Mu. Sam Snowdern, Osha, Tirildau vig ilsee devotinos weue io char2erior \was a Moildas' visitor at Mu. hent Mus. Hauold Best, MIrs. George Tufford, Mus. P. Snell andi Mus. A. Austin. The tripie for the aficunoon uvas eduicatirn and uvas introduced 1)yvMus. H. Reeve and special speak- ers ,uvcre Mus. R. ScuýIlithoro and Mrs. T. Wilson of Port Bitain wbn spoke rit a nc\%' method oritptachiugnzmithea- tics andodfiterlucat ion inScot - land . ,hrie Mus. Wilson r- ciuveul heu teachrr tuaininz. Mus,. Reeve gnve a biet re- .mP rit h.- Rohauts plais andl temeeIing xas nîseneul for uso.This %vas li:isk atiil W D huleul t the discussion fuoni R.S.M. hissvruy puactic.il knowlc1:g,' rif secouular v ehuicaiion meth- Ods. l'le eaer ure thank- ed hy Mi-S. Harold Best. Duriug the business, reports w'.ee heard tirom the tîreasurer and secretaries giving an ac- count otfuvork accomplished dui-ing the yeau. The ougan- ization hadl met ail its comn- Senior mlments during the year lri the Pucabvterial, the local charge and to the local chuucb. The-,lar-gest item bring th(, crintributiion tri the exteniio of the clhurch basement. Twri iu0baies rit clothing 'ueue shiippcd rduuing the yeau tri the - Sayp, the Childueni Fund, andl ~ several hags sent tri ihe Cuîp- '~'pied Civilians. I %va-, decidedi Pltai tb meeting that a chilul ~ 4 ] hriuld be supporeul rc UR asgain fou the comiog year, Hi thriugh the Save the Childuen. -I 13 Mu. and Mus. Carroll Nich- 1ns. NMu. and Mus. A. Ciarkp P nd Glen, Mesdames .1. Walter, initer H. Re Pv and EF. Bauu-owciotugb nL5ter atterided the plav "Arms and th e Ma n' at the high schriol on Tbuursdav night and Mu. iand MuIs. Cauroll Nichrils at- ltended the- Lois Marshall crin- Iceut at Cobour-g on Saturday 13The Stewards of the chuucb 1met at the home rit Mu. and Mus. Harold Bu-st ou Thursdav nig ht. nd Word was ueccived lieue iast 1.1 xveek ot the sudden death rit 3Mus. Vicuhile rof Rochiester. ISlîe was tise former Rubyv "sis 13'houudyke, aunt rif Aunold's, Iand a inative of Wesie.vville. nday 1 Gerald Hill of Buou-k\illg ,3 pcnt thp wcckcnd with E. P ,l ,mBerrowclough's. 0 SAVE! AUTO LIA BILITY INSURANCE PRElMIl'iNS AS LOIV AS $25.00 rER YEAR *Budget Teums .Avilable Ea 'tlo Mnthly Payýmént-, IVe are ax nrar as your 'phnne Evenings Don Ellion -7?5-6687 Gfrry Ofhnrne - 725-7294 Ralph Sc'4hofield -1'29-3376 Reir Aker- LIFE INSURANCE Personal - Business Mn rtga Ire Planned Progzrammlnt contact Ken Hockin Representinir Empire Lite 623-5055 Schof ield - Aker lAmitedl 360 KING WEST OSHANVA - ONT. Phone 723-2265 ».Ample F'ree Parking 725-0201 Oit making bie fuin rf folk. Wiil Wilbuu versus Mu. Souch A whistling contes!t rieul, Fiirst baviniZ soda biscuit. lunch. Welil auEgb - we îiearlv died. The trick was, take the bis- cuuit tiraI. Ail diryN, anulhard b eaîm, With oever a drop tri qîench the tbroat, The tirst tri whîstle. brai Will Vuibu'u won the prize. von het, Altho' 'twas baud tri ndo. Eut Mu. Soucb rotululront gc A houe Iwisi thi-01igi'. WPrpia.ve<i tise Pe-ter Crcidd:es- ga me And table, croquet tIo, And maov rthrrs I1nigh1t nmarne. Rut that 1 shahl not duo. The lunch was servecl andl goodoights said, The lime had crime ti part, Sn off the >y weot tri home ane, bed. With a light and meuuy heaut. 'Twas a jouiy event tri sayv the least, Aînd 'twill live in ii y memor.%v epa r, TIse1-ampton tuiemuls arnd thr littie îfeast That wvas hè.ld on my Eiuth- dlay dear. andi Mrs. Lloyd Snowden'%. Mu. and Mus. Ernie Folev. Bowmnanviie, were Sundav supper guests aiI lus huother's, Mu. and Mus. IH. R. Folev,. Theyv calird on Mu. andl Ms. E. Twist, Salem, in the even- iog. Mu. andl Mus. Johui Aitchi- son andc1 cbldren. Blackstock, weue Suoday visitorrs with heu parents, Mu. andl Mus. Aluin Snriwden. Mu. andl Mus. Allun Snow%- den visited heu parents, Mu. and Mus. E. Wilkins, Port Hope, on Satuuda. The sympathy of this com- munitv is extcnded tri Mu. and Mus. H. R. Foley. Mu. aod Mus. E. W. Fribex, Bowman- ville, and tri the famil-v rit their sister, Mus. Mark Black- burn, who passed awav aithte Strathiaven Nursing Home. Mu. and Mus. Jack Parvý and famiiu'. Prince Alber*,, wvere Sundayv xisitous with Mu. and Mus. C. Milis and tamily. Unit Here for Dealer Mechanics' School j DRUG and CLEARANCE Corne in ..0. phone in ... SAVE! Sale ends Sat. Jan. 19 Canadian-made TERRYCLOTH Bath Towels 20 x 40 inches Assorted Colours 2 for 99C VELVETTA Beauty Soap 3-oz. cake in pink or white 5c, 6for 29c Toilet Tissue Snow White FACIAL TISSU ES 400 single sheets 29c. 2boxes 53c FACE C(LOTHS Canadian-mlade of gôod quality terry, about 12" squares. Usually 19c ea. 2 for 25c Choice of Aqua,F Pink. Yellow or8 0 White. 8 8 Stock up and save 3%c on each roll you F buy. I.DA. Brand - O 100 ft. xr 12"R Dish Towels. Lady Gait lint-free F 8 5 "Terrifie Terrys" o 141/in. by 271/2 in. 2 R8 tin about 16" square. .ot . rOpen weave for best Dish C ()ths cleaning action.d s A v E -CO0U PON -.__-CO UPO N -C S~AVE 31% Thi% Coupon worth 29c SAVE 25%/ This Coupon wort 25 on the purchase of one on the purchase of oneI BAYER ASPIRIN VITALISi, .1xprs$0 V 100's, reg. 93Jan 19/63IEconorny, reg.$10 -COUPON- - TflfTH - COUPON - SAV E 25% 'nTiî Coupon worth 25c I SAVE 20%, This Coupon worth 38c o the put cha se of one B R U S H on the pu whase of one 1 3 c ~1d n INoxzemaSkin Cream 15's, reg. s1.00 anda -P iý .3 l4 oz., reg. $1.89 - 9c S - -COUPON -- COUPO N--S SAVEF 200,% This Coupon worth 16c SAVE 20% This Coupon wort 21 A on the purchase of one[ on the purchase of one A BUFFERIN TABLETS CREST Tooth Poste Jn qf)i36's, reg. 79C Jan. 19/6 Economny, reg. $1.05 ' -CO0U PO0N -SixC0UP0N SAVEF15 This Coupon worth 34c Transistor SAVE 15% This. Coupon worf on the purchase of one[7 on the purchase ofon DRISTAN TABLETS IILYSO LDis ne KS rExp rr' 50's, reg. $2.25 9-Voit BatteryI Expires 5 OZfeg. KS Jan.179773Jan. 19/63 Z~rg s *PRESCRIPTIONS ..9ID.A. REMEDIES ALEX. McGREGOR, DRUGS BOWMANVI LLE -Phone MA 3 m5 79Ê Jan. 19th. The new Club Pro- The Canadian Statemnan, Eowmanvlfle, :an. 16, 1983 ject is "What Shahi Wear".ý 4. .Hrlpad wiîî ty toffpro Our children 0rw into good had the improper attitude toà RO M tI helpedwl r. opo citizens with themoulding of wards drivîng and the differ- Our Senior Short Course character in the home. The ent reaction when the proper "Home Managerrient" is to be nid standards of the Ten attitude was used. onMarch Ath and Mrs. W. C[admnsoten sli p; A Barber Shoppers Quartet Insti utes rownMrs. F. Stevens and a1way. We need to know andconsisting of Ken Brooks, El- Mrs. C. Jeffery are the rom- practice the basic rules.ofmeDonKnBttrad 31APLE GRC>VE W mittre in charge. Mrs.Fred'ight aod wuong. A goodci ctli Ler n. enfavore d u Tho re-gular monthl\, moet- Stevens agreed to stand for zen is a volunteer worker in with several selections. ng of the Womnen's institute District Office. It was unani- at least one of our many cofll Miss Susie Laird movèd a wvas hrIld on Jan. I4th, in the mouis that we remember our, mun i t y organîzations. We, vote of thanks to our guet. Church hasemecnt at 8:15 shut-ins at Valentine's Da%%. must be prepared to adIOPt newv Meeting closed with the re- p.m. Presidient Mrs. Howvard Our regular donation 'of su'methods which are better than1peating of the Mary Stewart Bradle *v ,telcoilccl the ladies was voted to the church. the old.' Collert. andi guests. Me\Ieting openrd Mr!s. Bon Brooks, conveniorý Mrs. Brooks introduced r-- ivith the singinp of the Orle for Citizenship, presented the:guest speaker, Constable Jani- PESSOISATC! and thr e uenetinz of the following program. Mrs. Fredes McDonald of the Bowman-ý O SSOR SATCE Lord's Pi ver in unison. Stevens, commentrd on the ville detachment of the OPP., WANTED Roll Cail, "Somethinr 1I motto "A good citizen is flot.He said that. we muist have ai ,u v ,gneswne e ubtêiiemV lvidlke to accnmplislî in .iî:st content I sit*". She said, proper attitude towards driv'- i Sed your mm with $2.00 fer .dIie 196'. -as viau'ed and showved *-Some people think of citi- ing which in the end leads to: 1feno, and slfaddra,.d ewaIoqfor m0e. a wigh tri do maliv unfinjshed zenship with as littie thoughtbetter citizenship. A film oný BERN LITERARY AGENCY piec"s, of %,ork. The 4-H Aeh-'a,% the art of hreathing. It is "Safe Driving" showed thei 60" Duie StTeet, Toonto 9, Ofifrle levemerni -Day kj,, at Orono on -tnoo asy tri sit and flot act. i chain reaction when a driver IeID.A.i DRUG STORE huge annualJ SAVE 25% This~ coulpon worth 33)c1 on the purçhase of 1 SILVII<RIN I iuid SHAMPOO Ex\pires .- Jn. 19/63 Large - Reg. 1.29 Corne in and Save on Many (lear Out Bargains Ail kinds of items drastically reduced SAVINGS f rom 15 to 5OCYo SAVE 15% This coupon worth Bc on the purchase ni 1 TAM PAX Expires Jan. 19/63 10"s - Reg.Sicý -IN