, n 9 k Turn It On in T hird /1 Trenton GlobeuTrottei "Oympias iniCoeG flowmanville- Olympias pla 'v- ed thieir bc'st hockey in a nmonth, but it xvasn't enougli to prevent a sixth straigbt rde- feat as lengue-leading Tren- ton Globe--Trotte-rs snapped a foîkr garne losing streak. tak- In& i close 3-2 xii at the Mcm- cri ai Arena. Thursdav nîght. Tlie 01*lympias slîould bave had Pnough goals in the first two periods 10 win. but insteadf tlicv heîd a slim .2-1 lead and Trenton came on to hold a wide margin ini the final stan- za. Onhy gnal-keeper Vince Vanstone's great puck-stopping prevenfed the vinners from adiding to the total. Then in flie final minute Vanstone vacated the cage iii favour of a sixfh attacker. and the Olyrn- pias came wvithin an exe-lash et netfing the equalizer. Although Bowmanx'ille c-on- trolled play, v.ibe lntie tallY of1 tht- first period was scorcd liYj Local 189 Hockey 'Orv Gravelle at the -1:15 mark 1 Don Masters evened fh- iscor,? at 5:29 of tbe middl session. cutting in to take Bnl Marerrison's pass and firinj the puck between goalie Der rel] Johnstone's pads. John. stone made one spectaculai save on Jack Sneddon. ever thoug"h be still baso't seen the sh ot. Dean West, standing at thf edge of the crease, poked Me! Brcyxns behind-fbe-nef passr out ruer the line 10 send th,, Olymýýpias in front at the 17:24 mark. Terrv Masters, Vansione and Terry Maronnev tangled late in the perind, 1-esritiniz i roughing, cross-cbecking and slashing penalties, respective- l'y. lle visitors look ovri the, third. their higb-fl *vinz taceti, forcing BrîwmaiivillI into c crors in their own end. Bruins Upset Rc Cornets Down IH For the second coiisecufive cher on a pass from Prout. Sunday, close, well-played The eaguie-eaders kepi, for- hockey fcatuced Local 189 'ging in front but back camo League play, Sunda 'v morning the Hornets tri ]eave fthc gamc' et the' Memorial Arena. In the lied 4-4 affer 28 minutes of lid-lifter the cellair-dwellingipla 'y. Six goals, tbrrc by eci Bruins edgmed the Raiders 1-1) team were scorcd in six min- f0 move within tbree points of utes. the Joscrs. The Hornets came, Prout, John Luiin, Dan from bebind four timnes in their Girardi and Mort Richardis bid tri close the gap. but the rcounted the other Comnets' league-lr'ading Cornets rifled in markers, while Ray Preston, threc ate in the game 10 win Pauîl McCullough, hruice- Col- 7-4, while grabhiîîg a bugn xvell and Gary*N Cooper scored Seven point bulge. 'for the Hornets. Gary Bagnell casbed in Don League Standings Mvaste'rs' pass-out ai the 18:35 W L T Ptç. iark for the lone tally of the Corne"ts . .101i 3 23 first contest. Jack Manth' ont 6 tuîrncd in a steady garne 10oadres -7 8 2 16( Parni the shut-out, while Vince Raîderns 4 89 2107 Vanstnne %vas aimost as effec-,iin tive Pt tbe opposite end. Lepading Scorers A double milior for elboxv- G A Pis. fng and cross-checking 10 Don Donî Masters (R) 19 10 29, iProut liack-fired- on the Hoî- B. Marjerrison (C) 9 18 27 îiiets. as Grant Flintoff whip- Raye West (H) 10) 14 24 1 ped in a pair of penalty-killinz Don Prout (C) 8 16 24 goals a minute and 40 seconds Ted Fairey (C) 12 Il 23 apart to break tip the spe-saxv Fred Cowlp (B) 10 13 2 3 liattle. Witlî one minute ]eff, H. Quinncy' (B) 4 15 19 13oh Abboft applied the clm- Bihl Crossey (C>) 9 9 13 Roy W. Nic Bonspiel Bic Thé first RoY W. Nichol :N1nsý Open Bonspiol hel et t he BRowmanvil]e Go] end Curtlinn Club on Saturdia,, Jan. 1i9th, wiIl go down on thi recorrds as heing a huige suc cess. Gond travelling wcather true sportsmanship, keen corn pétition, and wonderful foor ell cornhined to make the daý otirt stfandin g. Fight visiting rink.s trony Oshawa, Colborne and Black. stock, pitted their curling skills against cight lnca' rinks, and found the going tough. Bowmanville was suc- cessful in capturing three of the four events. In the 9 arn. draw, Jack (Thay's Bowmianville entry was t;uccessful in wvinning thei thrce gamnes. His tcamn-mates wecre. Lead Jerry Peterson, Frcond Deac. Goddard and Vice AI. Rundfle. Second higb- est wvin with two wins and a fie went to Xen Fletcher'r local entry, with Stu. James Lead, Harold Falk Second, end Ivan Woolsev Vioc. _FOl- Iowing are the teams and their scot*ecs: Firt Draw (9 a.m.) Ire 1- Oshawa RZ. Gibbs. H. Lapp, L. Rolson, r). Jacobi, skip 2. Bnwrnanville S. .jaim rs, TA. F'alk, 17r. T. Woolsey, K. Flptlbr, skip 8. le 2- Colbornep W. Slîelpa~rd. S. Carr. .1. P Dis . McIauigh- lin, skip 5. Oshaws E. Lhpaî,t. Gunn, J. Navl-ntr, R. Smith, E. Pollard., skip 14. Ire 3-. (,oîhornn 1 -~i.A Thro,ýv(Pr, R. T'val. C. Hall, skip 4. Bowmvralville - J. Petersoîî, D3. Goddard, A. Rundie, J. GaY, skip 7 Ire 4- Blackstock- J. Staintuîî, . Snowden, L. Ayrc, B .Ay re, skip 4. Oshawa -- R. Payne, B. Potts, J. Grîex'e, T. Murphy, skip 8. In ilue second dal Mil a&ni., Alpe Brodie's Oh foursorn m trerl with three 1ighwîn,. Hi,; rînk rornpri.5- ed Jôhn Luke leadi, Bob Hill SrAT. 4.30 P.M. CHANNEL 9 SHELL'S WONDERFUL WORLD 0F GOLF Gene Sarazen analyzei Smatches between inter stars-played on the greatest golf courses. This week: Dow FiNsTEn vu. IPETER A Te P. G. A. Golfer of the Year, ' teSt. Andrews Course Recordi [Tryall, Jmia 8 ELL OIL COMPANY 0F1 beyond a doubt that he's tops,~ The Canadian Statesman, Bow in this departnient throughout ý...i mrpias .S ort-rianded the league. Whitey Preston playing his first garne in a couple oftie L a u weeks teared upwith TeryiTO l S j c7 T 35 Fdanih'Mxe pair realv had the Black- m p a ria ihtsMxe ol Ed e i though there were several Trnton Glnbe-Trtters mnade TIe brothers, Sneddon Crosey cashe i in Faireys pass of fit pleatioutawEthed m ei3es plac a on vali w isi 4 or vradZeonwowr ntea 357 ftete asPotidrpae. m e 3 2as the two took turns belting .Bowmanvilîe Olympias, hand-Iîine-up Thursdiay night, didn't After that it w'as Trenton oteo f ete e lt hrdpce.-2 Fred Etcher and company to! ing Bowmanvi]le their seventh make the trip. iiapping in five unanswered, v, hile Prout was subjected to k. Vanstone wa.ç the victim he ik.A]inolfh am taih setback. before ai Ted Faircy gave the Olvm- tallies to put il in the bag., a 9_2 upset loss to Bennett. e he-art-breaker, when yv<-n proved one big point- Thelhome - town crowd, Friday'pias the lead after only Il Gravelle, St. Pierre and Pet- A 5-2 win gave Palmer sec- le Blanchard'., blue-line drive boysý, can produce and thl inght in Trenton. The Globe-'seconds of play on a neat pass- erson each added their second'ond spot with Bromell being b caromed off a defender and Patience Of onur supporters is Trotters trounced the under- ing effort with Crossey and markers, with singles going Io on the Iosing end. Brock down- g dribb]ed into thic opposite cor-i about to pay off. Don't miss manncd Olympias 10-3 to take Mort Richards. Goals bv Joe'Frank Lewis and Auîstin Scott. ced Glanvilie 5-2, tying the los- ner a 5:46 Kehb Wcs miss r Iis big one Thursday the 24tb, a commanding six point lcad St. Pierre, Terriv Le Grandc Goalie Vince Vanstonc, busy csfrfut n utnfn i- cd a sure goal seconds, later at 8:15 p.m., wbcn these same in the Lakeshore Intermediate and Jim Gelbardt made it 3-1 as the proverbial onc-armed allÎvlilt the score sheet, but r But Treton gaveit back vbe ow teams square off at tbe standings. lieforp the pcriod cnded and paper-banger, tîrnrd in a stel- i ws' nuba h al n Austin Scott %vas unable to ilocal arena. John Fowlcr xva. in uni- Orv Grave]] added the fourtb lar performance to kee p the enders wcnt down to their e direct the puck into a wide- - form forIhle first tume and early in the second. Paul Wak- Olynmpias in the gamne tntillthirdi straiglit setback, edged open netOR "Arcbie*' Crossey caught up rl * and Dlon Masters rom- the tbiîrd. Shots On goal by 4_3 ly Grant. le Jim Gebhardt talîrd tf1he L AflIthe buI hn Port Hope as bined to set Bob Marjerriso;nlperiodnrl; vre 20-4. 15-7 and, Bob Leaman racked upa 'I winncr at the 13:20 mark afler- MU E MJOR'bc raIs were able to ice unPta the 5:55 mark, but Jim 127-7 a:, the Globe-T.rotters; hig 760 triple, while Onie Et- sintercepting a clearing attcmpt The ladies really took Bow-ý only the minimum 12 players. Peterson countlered, before helId a wide 62-18 margin. icher's 6119 effort was tops ip inside the blue-line. Vanstone n te aie. i. . ,among the ladies. Jim Coe ý4 saw his screened riser just as mavieClean er t ond .te Three Points ut had a rough two games, but it was about to enter the goal, cnr" oda ih,__ really poured it on in the other a but couldn't grai il, in timc xvwith Doris Joli applying the i to record an excellent 342 eSneddon was rîglht in second',; 324 t pressure witb games of . M single. Betty Lolib rolled 266 n atrbu ,onson3cme 24d and 318. Doris also carded f i to pace the ladies. a ing out to block the sliot. Jun - a 212 for a huge 854 tripe i s g u i aeî an pwt -o Wetanshe e rndhighcst in P ithe Major League a nc318 g . efollowed liv WestandTerv L Grndefor both scbedules. Onie Et-nie. am were, baih for roîîghingche R0 o inL o h ob Lcaman-304, 251; Bih] il Ahv maines fcon tnuetend g h-,topd gleJ o r the-31 1 owranville Pic - O - Mats 'c.ils' reair-gîînrds Nweren't near-, n a mintite and 12 seconds of Charhes.-297, Lew Welsh- th AliRors linues we ihav a n Joe Lesle boys forstarted well, but Sehomberg ly as effective. :the n'iddcle session to make il, 274, Gord Wlcox---273, AI F, te ý-r)r;t ineman e hve aso ookthe esle bos fr :Dujaine Rutlev and Ricky 13-2. Flaherty assisted on both'Lonbb- 271, Malt Harrison-_ 1. evcr "en. ouhr n teohr aeo rier -2 derision Switzer combi'npe to set up goals. 267, Bob Glaniville -- 264. lî,igh single howlers vere close. ai the Memorial Arena, Sun- Bob Waltt for a prrttv goal alt Dv'aynp Fergus-on frnm ,Jack Thelma Bennett - 262, Onie Joyce Sellers rackedi up a 299 diay afternoon. The defeat 59:32 of the first period. Tht' Forliani early in the final pr thr21 Fern Bradley-- scor-, Enid Tennîent--- 292, dropped the Pic-O-Mats deep-Pi- Shir ley Bickell -287 and June er loto the Metro Jr. "B" ccl- Pi--Mats wcre- stihl in high iodi put the homnesters bebind 261, Mcl Burgess and "Duke"' Ba(-also 287.! lar, three p oinlts be h i rd agear whcn Rulley connected! the ciglit-baîl and Jack Wrav BriunI. 254. JeBaker cm pwt Scbomberg in the fight for the on a pass from Ron Monre ipt the icing on the. cake ;;t thel Othcr high tripfle went bo ne Bker ame ip wthPt the 11:57 mark, but that:17:43 mark witb King Boake Al Lobli 714, Frank Wright ad r Ua73 total, followed by Nancy last phayoff bertb. provcd Io be their final ially. and Fnrhan assisting. _679, Lew Welsb--665. Fern 719dEid enan Bowmanville grabbed a 2-0 Just before Stan Westfall's Schombcrg ledi the pnlyBaly63 Matt Harrison P02rnd rcmined b first00. lead, but Schomberg's de- elbowing penalty was up, Jbohn ' parade with tien minors and i 661, "Rap" Palmer- 660. Mcl plac e. esied in 2-1 t f. -tightened rip to prove Flaherty passed Io Ian SlaterlWray's rmiscondiiicî, to Bow- B;urgepss,-6,51, Jini Cox--635 o m e ts eî deste lia 2-1 'rox'0 almos inpregnable over the for Schomlierg's first at 18:32.: manvillc's eigbt mînors and a and Elton Brrick---632. Ethrbu ay21 tove loat 4 iu" hieteI Ron MeNeil trizgerecd a pair ;misconduet to Tran. Ta tnig Bob Sheridan (H) 10 7 17 tie for the head. Preston made!Fcer.8598 17 GrntFînof Ci1 76the biggest move, shutting ouf l M O al PaIier -9' 819 115 P.an McCllouîgb (C) 17 9,16Brooks .3-0 to grab a piecee fM U a M E t *l E v r I aProuit 8699 Il tbiere oters. Twlot of io b i geWse Glari e m Brnve -- 84129 12 loI ansbowing to Baker A R rock - A' 078 12' 2-I a;nd Jolh dropping a 2-1 iL I l Gt~F~ h m rantJI8176 Fi fl C e VUMrI dcîsion b Bickpll. Lasi place vl ni s '( l romell -----8630 6i ILyle came up with their Jo t- i ý Perfect -------- ----- 8055 6 To P e e tial vitnry Fn th~e tercon- 1 ~~î~~Luxton 7621 3 I Team Standings their losing sfreak extended Buid Lebian drrw amirRors playc'd exceedinglv '0. Etcher . Q rts. b ceiglit games, Monday night for hutt-ending and Fi fight- uvell. Kt-ilh West centred H. Bennett -. - 9 221 Equipm ent é3 i 6n Uxbridge, wheo tbey suf- ing major in fthe second, but 'Brown and Robierts, Pach Of V. Prout 9 22I0 Ru day 6i fered an 8-7 rivertime set-back Preston showing iRreat res- the xinzers scoring twire a ;nd a îmeFr. q21 Seeen menibrs IV P e(1H ayvilr.;5 at the hands of the high-fly- traint refusedi to be drawn into collecting two assisis. Keitti 1. Welsh -J3 20 xxlcorned to Hockey Moth- 0. Etchr 5 ing Black Hawks wbo rollcd a penalty. pickedi up four assisis. E. Brock 9 90 brs byPres. Joan Simpson ,ol-Sxihntrepit Ifrf Brown broke out or bis iUxbridge out-shot Bowrnan- M.Burgess 9 207 TueSdav, Jan. 9,.11963, al thp Prestnn 5 place. lack-lustie show r g of pie x île 49-43.M. Harrison g 204,I Lions Centre. A JIer roîl cal Ga.4 Despibe anothrr loss, the minutes werre îead and p Baker --- - ----- î eam management finally saxv proved and financial report Bickll -4 . M fenorgmeta h gie.Brooks -------- 4encouragement«as.th...... gie.-Olympias furned in a so tid ... . Moe b ,dtç u E. Etcher - effort, bouncinizliack front ndaLle3- M ý-- - ,s.cornen hy iiiia k-arry, Ihai outstanding bilIs be paid, Pres . Joan asked foc voIlun- teers 10 male-"Bowmanx,,ille"l Badges. Edythe Rundle offer- cd ta baxve a wvork meeting at ber horne, Jan. 16, to niake tiiese badges. :h i M en' draxv prizes reported tley had Chosenî MrBr-ieliLuggage, \Va- gon Type Barbecue, T.V. Tali- Success]es and cart. Tliese were uin- g S cce s animiously accepted al if xxaj movrd by Nellie Oyler, sec- seqLcond, nnd Fred Thnompý:on onded by Marg Tabb Iiliafbuis 1vice. Second higl i wtb t\vo for these items lie paid. The win.q went tb Bill Btirk*.s Cormitte conspntcd tb be bome,-bown entre witli Jack respoîîsiblc to bave these dis- Lander leadi, Charlie Cattran play ed in a central location 3 second, and Jack Cruiikshanîk wceks prior to orir ticket dcaw. and Tom Woodlock sharing, After sorne discussioii about the vicing slot. crests for allhi boys playing min- Second Draw (Il a.M.) or Hockey in the Recceation le 1- Leagiie, the' Scecretarv was Bowmainviler: K. Nick., lîDr. asked tri secure pîrics for E. Sisson, B. Robertson, J. AI- crests, bars, etc., for the nexu. lard, skip 4. meeting. Plans were made foi Oshawa: J. Biddulplî. J. ticket sclling for the Littlei Walter, 1D. Holden, M. Hart, N.H.L. on X'oungZ Canada Nite, Iýeé 2 - Bowmanvilie: G. Stephet R. Coriffie, P. Chant, G. Vi ish. skip 7. Bowrnanx'illc: G. Vinson.1 Ormiston, J. ONeill, S. W. den, T. Cowan, J. Bell, skip Ire 3- Boxymanville: R. Aîîîes. Rowan, C. Warren. J. Muind skip 6. Oshawa: J. Luke, 'B. Hi F. Thonîpson, A. Brodie, sk' 8. l e 4- Bowm-an\,ille: K. Riindle. Blane.', B. LYle, C. Bickl skip 5. Bowmiariville: ..Lander. J- C. Cattran, J, Cruikshank, Woodlock, B. Burk, skip U< Ivan Woolse'v , President the Men's Section, extended \varm welcomne to the visitor and commented on the fellov ship and pleasure to he foui nl inter-club fraternizatic He outlined some impor-tai dates on the curling horizo inlLdiniZ the British Consu pla 'v-offs to be bcld here Feý 5th, at which the puîblic cordiallv invited. J a c k- Munda v, Bon.rspiý Chiiirman, e x p r e s s e d h ýhîank.s to Em. Crawford ai Ken Fl: wrxho assistiý rhon. prior to d ist ribît ing th prizes, wlî cli vw e presente bY thec President. A special vote of thanl, \wj5 giv-en to the ladies wh( iindeîr the convenorship c Eilceeî Osbornîe, Ladies Socia Converior. srieved refrcshmncnt tlhrottulioLitt he dayv. A delà, îotiz buffet at .9 oclock WH srvd bv thp Enniskille- mational worid 's WALD '58, Pl ays hoider&I CANADA, LIMITED' - -- ---- -341 eî iciLdn d lying wïtnout 200 Games the services of veferan star Shirlev Bick cIl 287, 215,'Junior West. KaY Beauprie 223, 240, Jean Frd Echr pnd th Sellers 299, Virgie Fairey scrin Ece oer h 245, 22 1, Doris Joli1 212, Shir- scrig ai 7:04, witli Ken Rob- ley Davis 201, Ruby Wood-'erfs off for tripping ,and add- xvad 26, acke Timbecd another 12 seconds later. 271, 200, Bernice Buday 222, Dc etadmd f30a 278 Noma ay 31,Lorrainei 11:35, before Jack Sneddon; 278,i Norma Garyn esterclicked in less flian a minute Maryn 29,MarlynWebteron a play with Roberts and 239, 215, Marion Brooks 210, DnMre.DnHyc a Onie Etcher 20:3, Enid Teni-inhepalyo nan 27, 92,DotBod 29,in th pealt'bx for elliow- Hna Piper 2923, JoyceABond29 nd athe finie. Roberts capp- Heln Pper235 Joce lmoded a fhree-way effort witb 200, Helen Duiin 214, 246, 240,,MlBonadKil et Nancv Brvans 228, 285, 206, but, Bertrand eounbed bis sec- Ethn1 Morgan 213, 225, June ond before the period endcd.' Baker 287, 2.11, 255. Peggy Haynes 24.5, O111e Patfield 210, Wayne Redisbaw senît Uic- Dell Vinson 200, 202, Adla bridge three up again earlyi Richards 200, NyhI Sheehan in thc second, then Sneddoný 206, Eleanor Dadson 222, 'Don- bib again for tlie perind's only; na Preston 232, Marg Perrisoflici tally, Pari] Wakely andý '108, Bei'nice Partner 235, RoDosMaters assisfing. 923. 271. 215, Marion Pearson 1Roberts rmade it 5-4 in flic. KeIley 241, 216, Ena Etelier first minrite ofthfli final ss 203, 249, Jny' ce L.yle 221, 220,'sioîî, set-up by Keifli West Joyce Tennant 203, 22,3, Elsie and Brown. Finally at the Spencer 214, 209. 14:26 mark wifb Art Rennick Average% lui- Ineruers oiDorisbxJoli utive to officiahly present DrsJl iF, cquipment tb the Little N.H L Bernice Briday --- in- and Recreafion Dept. thatOîiEcir night. ~~Julie Baker ---- -- nih.Helen Dunn ----- -- K. President Joan exftidc.d an Nalncy Bcyans ---- - ---- or- invitation to Il 'Hockey Mofb- joyce Lyle ---------- 8. crs' from Mr. J. Crombie 10 Maýrion Pearson attend the Junior -B" 9gare Dll Vinson, R. on Sundav, Jan. 20th, ai ::15 Emma Brommeli ly, p.m. (free admission). Bantam Shirley Bickcil ------ socks wc're mended duriig Dot Brooks il]. the meeting. Stella Brown - - Ollie Patfield 'Ena Etciec - ----- .Ioyce Tcîîoant ------- D. Olympias JE imi e a _- __- -_ Je, Jacîi Tnnant ---- - - ViceFairex'- Dr. Scedule eritsB.,r^nice Pirtner Port lorraine Martyn - - W ior Pcggy aye -W tPotDoverNoamR . - a Donna Preston h3' Bill Orme Helecne BurgI-essý-- - W 1li anial-oui effort bo reuuîh MrlnWebster nd pak form for thiebeginning KaY Baîii nr. of playoffs, Poxvnria nxv ilIe's Rose Kellev lt Jnteri-nediate Hockey tram ha,; Karrn Beauprie- 'ri, scbeduled a home. and home MollY Mairs 1ils exhibition series wiub last Hele(n Piper b. yar S Intermediate 'B' chîaîîî- Pa rli Biîttonqhaw pionis, tlie Port Dovcir SaiIor<ý. Nyýlîl Sheclian &Olymnpias travel to Port Do- Shirley Davis Ver toc the first game this Mre ory Sundav and thie Saîlors rcîurîî Jean Sellers ------------ id liere f'lic foluin'igliuîsdav Babe Brown -- --------- 2 Janî. :îilst. Gaie tfile for tlis. Marg Perris --. . ..-------- colitest viii be t9:00 pni.Thii Mai'g Kinîg ------------ ud w.ill be ani excellent opportun- Ada Richîards ------------ itv~ f or local fanis to see the Joyce Alrnond - ------- 0.imust expect ift tlev aie 10 Dore Mutton u--- ofreacb buiîours at the. Proxin- Jo.yce Major ------- ---- 3l cia, level. A large tuinouf is Essie Cox -- - ----- -- ......- e xpected for this match a Dot Bond - ---- ... week fcom iTliursday. Marlon Siaghf - is Bernice Terry- ýn Afler ahsorbîng several s'- Eteanor Dadson csie ovrwhelrtninpg lir at- Connie Osmond ingS i tr(erut weeks, Olym'Pi' Shirlex' Bickle showed on Mondav nigh Irn Wity Uxcigc.ha 1te are abouit Marilyn ign to reverse tbis situation aîîd Rs ign.... ýgebackto fle \,ining oseBirkett ghe back 10 ele wiiiniig avsElsie Spencer the enoyd erlyths sa-Meg Gibbs son. The Biack-Hawks,'xlio Marilyn Cale - --- iandîrd Trenton Fivers sýo Thelma Forrester -- -- easily in their last two meet- Glad Ralime ,ings, were bard pressed tb Ruthlight-. sqrieak througb te an 8 f0 Shirley' Grecnliam .- 1 oxertime decision1 over Sam Doris Poiiey . - --------- Smith and bis boys. The con- Mollv Hortsman.........----JI test was a rugged one anîd HlnNcosn---. Olynîpias fought ferociously, Linda Gibson.......... l fieing the score twice in thec Helen Park -----------J final periodi oniv 10o be out- ehCatn---------_J 'scored 2 to 1 in the extra ses- Audrey Osmond .---- sion.Marion Martyn 14 A most sriccessfuî experi- Rubv Woodward ment was fthe tbrowing 10- Hilda Simîîick -------I gether of a riew 1orward . uie Marion Brooks--------- .12 vhich saxv Keith West pivot- Pauline Wiiiatts ------ _ . irîg %\iîîgeris Mel Broxyvn and Doîî'.- Brooks -- -------1: K el Roberts. The trio picked Dorothy Burgsma 13- - rip tuvelve of th'e total of t\uveil- MUabel 'Williams _. --------. t%, scoring points earned liv Mary Connors ---- 1: the teamn and if gave the club Marg Harvey 1 a reai lift Ia sec skafers like Daisy Haxynes 1___ "Big-Red" and Kenn 'y crnie Joan Wbiilans 1 loto t heir ciwl. Keith. oif cours,- Greta Luxton Il has been the Olynmpias' spark-- Duaiîîe Palrner il plug aIl sea.sor. Linda Rundie .Il SVanstone ini the netb proved .Doreeli Park -- 24 24 22 2L 20i 20. 19: 19" 19' 19( 181 181 18( 184 191 191 18( 175 181p 17 1 174 172 172 172 171 1 7t) 163 17() 164 163 163 163 162- 162 162[ 160 15q 1.58 154 1.53 152 151 149 119 1481 148 148 1,17 1 ii '45 145 144 143 W: 1il 40 .10 3 2 3 3 8 S 8 2 O 9 R R R 'n 4 '1 off for cross-clieçking R. Pres- ton ex'ened the score f0 cul- minate the up-bill struggle. Sneddon and Roberts picked rip assisfs. If took tixbridge only 16 seconds ta go back on top on Bob Atkinson's marker, and Keitb West passed to 'Brown af 16:16 to send the game into overfirne. Rennick scorcd mid-way ihrough tbe overtime session and Vern Ferguson bagged the eventuai winner ab 6:19. Ls Ithan a minute later Brown made it 8-7, aided by Preston Pnd Keifb W'est, but the Black Haxwks licld an te preserve "Night Hawks", Ladies' Leagueý Team Positions Pa feurson - ------- Hodgson - - - Cîrago Burgess. ' Pickard I Averages iM. Sedman IM. WVisemnan F. Allen M. Hodgson -- 'M. Waiznian G. Scott - - ---------- M. Coyle - -- - -- S. Coombes .- M. Crago ------- V. Pickard------- M . Firth - ------- --- M. Foster D. l-olro 'd - M. Swann F. Paterson E. Pickard L. Burgess M. Burgess ------ I. Wright . - E. Coombes .J. Parker B. Rogers V. Sarginson ....... B. Wilbur-.- J1. Scott .... - ---- C. Cotirs- O. Moffatf - ------ K. Campbell M. McLarigblin High Single - M. Sedn' 292. High Triple - M. Scdn- 672. 200 Games 1901 173 166 163 133 157 153 152 152 148 145 144 141 1 10 139 1:16 136 1315 135 1:31 129 129 124 120 111' 10)3 98 98 98 ian i ai M. Sedman 292, 222, F. Allen 272, M. Waizman 218, M. Fos- ter 208. Gel Cash Today For OId Appliances through Phone MAret3-3303 mamvile, Zan. U8, 1983 A. Samellu ___s - TIMING YOUR eCAEEN e t- UEARt IS AGOOD WAYTO RUiti' ITS PERFORMANCE The humaas wa just isn't Sharp enough for ta. day's quieter, wslf-insulated en* aines. Sa trust the factory sapacueca tions. NEyER advance the timing beyond factory specifications or You'll soon find yourself wlth a costly repair bill. It also PmysW Icnow that the best way ta insure your car is through State Farm Mu- Is~wî tui. Phone me todayl F. - DIRK BRIN KMANI Mill Si. N. Newcastle Phone 3671 $TATE PAIMA-' Mutuai Automobile Insurance La5 Head Ofice, Tomonn, 5tDAVEK- DBIG ANNUAL DO 1T NOW W Let Beaver do the complete DO Il NOW ' job for you! 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