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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1963, p. 11

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The Canadiari Statesmn omn~tl,.a.2,16 Chme ln ak nallocation Io - a CrsmsIsceay <1k I'/ewcad le Y;~4upe~#î Chamber Plans Talks ongift and an article fcohgItwsmedadeodd ________________________ for two boys from 1it oteta i eces ntrtk y & £ 4'IPt F tage of three yea ruadhl vrSndymrigdt VI a es a nu u e a vocation packet. uenenetthswkd r uOI1 Village's P st and FutureIt was decided taenfr Gordon Agnew, Edilor 1 Newcastle>- The Chamber had been dismantled and star- opposite the Post Office. But' two boolt ws a a*IpBeO g 96.Mr eog 1n o o-mrea t aurcdfrfuture use, by Howard it wâs said the P.U.C. were'seconded that the PormHrl son ertr*ra Council m ee t ing in the Quinney and Robert Wagar. not i.nterested. It was stated'Commlttee be responil o Queen's Hotel on Wednesday A report on the progress of the Holubenko property is go- te med tatian andaruecncued hessonwt evening decided ta have two the hockey ticket sales was irig ta be renovated this year. at each meeting. Itwsare ryr Seek Volunteers meetings when the subject of given b,.t Murray Walton who The Chamber passed R me- that bis for literatr n h oia lb0 ors Couples Club village planning would be dis- said the tickets are nlot mak- tien authorizing the payment fruitbcpad cussd. y cmpeentspeakersi ing very much money and sug- of the Chamber donation to L in te d h u r h V / rne toElecOffiers givingrnernbers of the Cham- gested that t: seil season's the Cenôtaph Committee. The Febury metll OOsr Elc fies ber and other interested citi-Itickets was much the best There was soine discussion' held In the Sunday cal.antwidwetad e ried Couples' Club of New- necessary for planning in the out selling tickets every weekltist for the village, and the meantime. Mns. Llodi a viatrcve tm per.Mn Il f~~~~~~P ~castle United Church held village. The iirst of these:throughout the hockey sca-1president, E. R. Lovekin sald and Mrs. Helen MelmlnhfinarmPrtHp ar their first meeting ai the new talks on "Newcastle Yester- son. 1'he had written tealal groups committee. The mein waweky uet. he ar S p on so.r IV arcli o f L )ires yea~r wth an evening of cards day" will be given at the Feb- 1The members discussed the K oncerned with pîacing den-. then turned aver tahePopcehsjeneeld adasocial get-together at ruary annual meeting by Mr mt stores on the main tists and always came up with gram committee, Mxi ons ral mrvd ec t'i oeof Mr. and Mrs. James P. Lovekin af Toronto street and it was suggested the same answer, competition and Mrs. Beckett. rtaeth coiee n Maurice Pedwell. who has prepared a historylthe former Helens Groceteria is too strang amangst munici- A short poem «TeNw'shtecu veysceu 1-lere on Ilion. F ro 'r, 7 to 9 A devotional service was oi the early days in Durham property w:uld make a goacUpalities looking for the ser: Year"was given by Ms e' ôsisr:ws~i~ H e e o o . F o o 9 held after which the members Caunty. Anyone interested place for the -Public Utilities vices of a dentist. dersan, an accordian eeto 0am o udy âur helda biefbusiness meigwl ccrilywloe t c.I a huh It could Teewssiefrhr i-b u on us Newcastle - The annuali large number of canvassers ta get information with regard'when the new slate of 1963 these meetings. be purchased for a reasonable cussion with regard ta high- Horseiield ai Porti îc xnme peeticu March ai Dîmes for the Re- spread throughout the village ta the drive and ta receive officers was installed as fol- The President, E. R. LoYve- price and have the Utlities way sxgns, and the meeting study period on "TheWîigsvrlfina fa lJ habilitation Foundation is be.!and caver the entire villa ge i mi1g eol"arne lng ponsred n th vilageuhortordesthunmakng itun-jtsupSleven dvane tasave]ows ePreiden, gve arepoteofa mee-pOficeodfwstais an reOtfadcursd unil Fbruay 20Paope" arangd an givn Unted hurc conregaicrn ong Monsdaeeingth vJanua t ry n essr or an ai teun- time an the night ai the Francis Jase; Vice-President, ing of the Great Pine Ridgelthe upstairs apartment. fIlwhen the Annual Ge'neral by Mrs. Harry BecetadTeRv.M rea x 28n boy e Newcn, asteUnite vss fr eaut ifthe col Bîz.Te ae oun rM. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard; Tourist Association held at'ýwofld be in a canvenient meeting will be held in the several musical seletnsbchr. 28,urchthemenwauge ie ail iers arbor onteod f'ter aeThe ma lrtee Secretary -Treasurer, Mr. and the Village Motel in Welcamelplace next ta the bank and Queen's Hotel. Mary coflcluded the rga. Tiia armn u ChrhWmnwoug alwne i o on eid i .hr ae h mle h job Mrs. Frank Hoar; Press Sec- January 11. He said the name Or udu asme citizens ai the village to leave itime. required by each ta caver the retary, M. M r an Our guestewas most generatis theinfinrst In a Ncw Year their porch lights on Kent. ~doubt with the "Trent Valley MOI Hahat vtMft the way ai the Marching Mio-i hour or twa on Monday even-1 Don't forget ta leave Your Following the business meet- and Rice Lake" members fav- Vah ermuhprcatdndM FedMCne, thers, on Monday evening from1 ing, whether mothers or not1 porch lights shining on Mon- ing very deliciaus refresh- orn their namne and others The W ua onhymet-"I h teaureMsaGoge vnherVt. itak a esa h eso 8 7 a9 p.m. i_______phoneNewcastle_3571___y________ mens were sevdb h avouring the "Great Pine ing ai the U.C.W. was held an Harness gave the report which The Rev. MacFemaaiTe or'Suer Tvryhe laies the v llange o hots and oaly conv en- Ridge" naine. He said the, Tuesday, January lSth, at 815 was Most satisfactory. It was gave a short address n o- Sna'Sha a e4j receive ontribuions tathis LUO fl~tt~ uoriat joyed.question of signs on Highwayý p.m., at Mrs. H. Beckett's, moved by Mus. Cornish and duueted a discuusopcid Il. Teession ~a reat w oribretabisita th!in ai Thnte $6joe grup ould be very 401 was discussed and the meniseven niembers and ane visilor secolffl(d h Mus. auold 0.-- ie U.C.W. PraYer yM.dce y h ueitn th pyicll anicped C M 0 gldtahaene mmer aàfram the Department of Tra-present. The nmeeting opted bn that \xe send om-si ~a1 Fucernan coiieludt e nie-M.ereHaes.Rg the phdysicallythandicapped. a-jiereapresent-ta ta Handicapped persans are tra- urL~*geatoue nte ebesd ihhm 6," Gd0,(011iis lound fr themhavingin mmdcame alng ta he nex meet-that the pressure be continued'iHelp in Ages Past", follo\wcd <'d Io 'he Sick Chi]iducns ile- A iove \\asiniadet thoe'r-aandcass,? thil attdeuaabnecatedTeNwcsfofcrs wll e eectd t te lg tenscod Wdned ofaita have these signs erected. by prayer by the pucýidcnit. pital. lorolitc: saI\ a t i o il diiiiig uoom wý\hceadeiixstrPlMCnnlwap ilîties February. There was aisa sanie discug-' Auini, Childuetis Aid Society, 1lunch seuved anavr'itndpyevcyiele their aptitde, capabiities 1 Necastle- Th Nesonsaieothe LakewlOntariaeDe- aThehecril)tuy.esnueadihe Lke OnteutoDeope.he cd pticeeredMi-ghaplvPorocialphaFi-cheurco\\laa --,social hal end physical condition. ýLionettes Club held their first February meeting. edbMr.HolOsrir One can hardly realize whatPac an o Dikno netto adpyrb Ms smal onriuton frnidinner meeting ai the new A repart was given on the Pacead o D i san eent Assciation and tr dbyMranarddOso ne,~~ ie Childîi's ApFend s- prerithaksIoasexrIl salcnrbto rmyear at Otto's Restaurant an Christmas Cake Draw and it netted one each for the Roy- bs'eeHdcie tatthindiaia ad raerbtMs.anclosdNaies ppalbhal ueen t hehotes, foMoawrBy f'HConihtacos tisdeo-fr hidue.gîet ndaI tkigpaî riBadlo tei rsev every home in Ontaria can Highway 115 near Kirby with was reported the draw netted wthGreat Peinlpr i rgai brninta eta inhe]p m in'mthismebmostn tim-an13anmehebers$60inicattendanceIntheandks fiae club It$60 epwhicht twasoieorder-gin.68h Unndianss mvinbyCanada 1 aMeeingef t portant work and the many Ithe president, Mrs. Irene Cun- ed paid aven ta the Cenot aph eeig Orona took the Clip- It a reportthed ta the Federal GoovILifcrnment"andsecnde b volunteer canvassers trug.nngimpresiding. Canimittee as the Lionettes. pers by a score ai 6 ta 3 withSCher that theNtivtv My e HisAn d Do LiftHenrso avnan scond e bY A meeitofe Snda Thank-affering for 1962 beinuctdiiti okvaspd¶hionmny Thbnmesejyda e oaintwr the rpsd The secrctary, Mrs. Mouton tLirned aveu ta aur local M. and 'lield on Wednesdav si mllondolas a innc iciaus meal and had a mast ICenotaph. l.ndoope ength si ilo olr afnne1 n ary Coe edroclo h al .tesrrt eceie aJmînuaiy I6th, at niehoeaAecis this rehabilitation pi'ogram. njybl mein. cing the! The members decided ta Orona scorer. Rallie Spencer, K N A hech -s asere by pay-Mo reristb ceitd ta is lul sire h~Dme onhp nt Volunteers Wanted business portion ai the meet- lhold their February meeting Ken Gray and Howard Quin-, eto esfr163 h h Ietn eaadRv a rea 1 r.AlnFse n r.ýminutes were read and adopt- chair.. Thecre was btltl ossoeo h ietntr arrangements for the village 'elected from which the 1963 'ruary ini Otto's Restaurant. lasers. M. E. Foster went ta Snce, cd. A number af "Thank coh"aagen Sal tilebe hld i adage many hands make light f-ea fMs amn u-adfutwr ed agr sitn en %vork and aeseigvalut'- iHAYDON funkerlon Mrs. ai a l.nmerofths rmebaner IAt the recent Sales B assi Mst a n ae te o4 teers50 tht thre ma be ongreat~on1 meting iîî'Miss Jeanette Maartense ces than usual were sent,!Cobourg, $12.50 was cleaued ta Mus. Milton BrimaobndteIinst up ber ata hremyb e gaeld on Thursdayinthwl as the gues this weekend o tweîxre in ahl. also boxes of after expenses were paid. Mus. D. Haines succed r.fat. aua vt. (tcsteb led on ht),satingte Doothy and Shirley Mercer. ehocolates ta fuiends at a dis- 0ur' allocation for 1963 is Morley Harness-- worcettinaîdsuR 'k evennt (oigt, tring Mu. and Mus. George Mercer tance. 1$100.00, for Home Missions aur ly resigned as Crie alto~aescnmu I with a Pot Luck supper atan mlywrinToto Communit cS'oci l anci'qfIJ~>es15a o cre ivn ut a heSunday visiting Mu. and Mus. I Bowling Spupiîsl 'dock.rsandliamselRsk iy e it ap iso the Sunday School RrslRsdie ihM. Newcastle:-ssesfoollawîng isenana and Mus. Chaules Elsey, alsoouDlar B ylie Newcastle>lasse fou egula attedancecalling on the Harold Elseys. o r Dl a u s Mr Ilgt ai the high scoreus in the Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Rick-i end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. during the year, on Sunday Mu. and Mrs. Jack Neal and 1 variaus leagues an the ca-!ard and Mrs. Wmn. Storks at- Wm. Stauks and fami]y. morning. aiywrdne gsto: ITunity bowling lanes for the'1tended the annual general Mus. Pearl Hutchinson and' Sunday School on Scnday iaiy ee inneit r.est nt Y u omnvil Gt r week ending Jancary 19, 1963. 'meeting ai the Progressive Mus. Lillian McGaw visited on las UsUal at 10:30. Chcrch s unday s.evenit rng ih. A ou owa v ll dA . Monday Ladies' League (200 Conseuvative Association in Saturday with Mrs. Hutchin- vice at 7:30, Sacuament will end aveu) - R. Cacch 331, M.'Ottawa ast Thusday, Fiday son's sister, Mus. S. Richards! be administered.Itpis q fuite llasnt ayach Winter 252, R. Poster 240, E. and Satuday and while there in Cavan. Mu. and Mus. Frank Osmond who apar t aii ehe!y Perrin 230, M. Naylor 229, A. Mrs. Storks and Mrs. Riekard Mr. Harold Deline and Mus 'ene n rae ndBanrounds ai the village thesei Langstaii 228, M. Taylor 225, stayed with Mn. and Mus.Ar Rae Friedlander ai Torontoi Adamis, Bowmanvihle, weue cl onnsi erho F. Cornish 215, G. Manders chie Hendry, foumerly ai New- weue Sunday visitors with Sunday cahiers at Mus. Alice cald unns. i erha 214, E. Meadows 211, A. Mc- castle. They also attended the Mn and Mus. William Starks Th ompsan's. hd-ouseries da Carcken 201. Prime Ministeu's Reception anci family. Mu. and Mus. Ross Sharp, Cuc evc a eda Tuesday Men's League (21adBahl at the Chateau Lar-Te January meeting ai Kathy and Gardon, Enniskil- R.sCalWhuteday marning ei and aler - K. Whiitney 225and Hte on Friday evenîng. Unit 2, of the United Churchi len, weue Scnday dinner igo ofHaelkng George Butler 263, G. Garrod' Heu many friends wili bec Women was held at the home guests ai Mu. and Mus. Ross indomaihe aavelenif he 256, L. Pearce 249, B. Lake soury ta leaun that Mus. Char- aof Miss Oldfiehd and Mus. Em- Ashton and family.ituath pabes ite 246, R. Munro 246, J. Cughan les Cowan is ihi and is a pat- bley with Mus. Wmn. Allin in Mu. and Mus. J. Potts and hidden treasue, the peqari aiý 231, H. Pautnen 228. lent in Memonial Hospital in charge ai the meeting. A de- Bihl were Scnday supper great price, and the net tak- Wednesday Ladies' League Bowmanville. ivational service was taken b by s n u. uhnigail indiz ii sadend- (200 and aveu) - G. Couch Mus.Lil*ian McGaw af Ton- Mus. E. Hoar, Miss OldiieldTrewîn.cdbsyigThGopls 235, B. Shaddoek 234, A. Rowe enta is iiting with Mus. Pearl!Iand Mus. J. T. Brown. Duuing jMu. and Mus. Ray Graham tmansurie.wheMit oyenEters 207, G. Hughes 203. Hutchinson.1 the business part ai the meet-î and famuly, were Sunday vis- ms a'bclue." Missaye n elitt Teenage League (175 and Mus. Leopha Buttenili ofijing, puojects for 1963 weue dis- itars of Mu. and Mus. Clem isitial be cnguafthe atedan eu over) - W. Peau ce 275, J. Bas- Smiths Falls spent the week- cussed. Rahm and family, Lindsay. ignita pinga the e e tieb keuville 245, J. Cunningham Mus. Arthur Read and Lyn- 0ua nte bec iMus. 231, N. Gaines 218, G. Aluin- ne visited Mn. and Mus. Clay, Poster. 209, B. Heatlie 203, B. Rickard Los ton Read, Peterborough, last TashelCingteatina meeting 203, B. Couch 199, T. WaltonC jlppe s Lo e gyy'jjend 199, J. Allduead 197, C. Storks 15Mu. and Mus. Lloyd Slemon raom an Tcesday evening with 195, B. Powell 181, B. Tendam 1 1 weue Sunday visitors ai Mus. Rev. R. C. White presiding. He 180, J. Powell 175. F.. Toms, Enniskillen. repouted that there were 125 In T w n H cke LOO Mrand Mus. Ross Ashton, persans under his pastoral (200 and aveu) - G. Barchard To -i ci y Ronald and Ray weue Scndaycaeio 40hshod.M. 247, D. Rowe 212, M. Couch Newcastle> The Rayals and one ear-hBowmanviîîe cr dinneu guests ai Mu. an'd Mus.W.Mcerpatdo th 205. sean-Gordon Weury, Toronto, and wark ai the 12 U.C.W. mcem- Thursday Ladies' LeaueOnono cambined last week taeuswre«na record. called on Mu. and Mus. J. Aik-,'bers. Mu. Len Falls rcpoutcd (15 ndovr -M.MaDa-keep Howard Quinney's Chiia-r In the second game the enhead and Mu. Fuecker. lhe had received $162 ta scnd, (1ad , . rown 196 aDnpers off the win sheet bath Rayais taok the Clippers 8 ta Mus. Ross Ashton and Allan 'in ta the M. & M. Fcnd. Ar Strk19, .Stce 13 with goad margins. n . Rayais scorers wcre Don visited hieu mather Mus. Edna thur Thanipson gave the trea- Porer17, D Cvsale~ .'took two games and the Roy-lRiekard 3, Lauuy Peauce 2, McLatighlin on Wednesday atisurer s report. The average FuiayMixd eage oo isand Bowmanville anc Bnuck Cowie 2 and Hohlis Beal Mu. and Mus. McLacghlin's, !ex penses ai the church lasti Fan av eu .eace (20," Howard Quinney with 2 Columbus. lyear peu week wvas $48.06. an. Ferusn-22,A . Tithe irs gam0an1cd-and John Page 1, weue the! Miss Sheryl Ashton enter-lKendal paid $1,758 ta theý 241 B.Allued 26, .'Clippers scouers. 'tained Alice Joncs and Delor-, minister's salary. As Arthur' 241 B.Aldred 36,B.Part-, nesday evening the Orona acato usa ihlhsbe raue o 4 nen 236. C. Glanville 230, L. Ouphans trocnced the Bow- j In the fiust game an Sundayles Marchn on Tesaynigt hyas beendtea hsre for 3 Dyke 223, T. Embley 223, B. nianville entry 12 ta 5. Erie'Bowmanvihle toak the Rayais the occasaion Sey's11 yasHe rhanded nhaiei- ' laltn]dtewn swth5t ihDnGrad ýdbiuthday.'nto.H rpotdhahe Hoagkamp 222. G. Zweir 216, Cltnldtewneswt5t ihDnrad ea . M and Mus. Wilired Bow- had rcceived a legacy ai $200, K. Whitt'ev 215. mH. Minrolsix couniteus folawed by Garyinz the wnneus with two and ff -_ vice stateci that '"thank yaîxs" had LOO0kiflg unionls - b baqg oiUred - 2 R Pk :~ E Y I x etrnt z --18"i Mrus. Otis Pritchard and .gon bpen received fuon the re- __________________KENXIIE>2'rSc B E Y I x e t r n -8o.- . 8Paul, -Manotick, weue week- cipients ai the Christmas ______________________________ Eu iu 1"' endi guests with heu mother, Cheer boxe,,. The "Pennyo * ili. Mrs L. . Snwdenand ro- ale"was dîscussed and iocnd L I li,1R__ REEM ___ V/ z c te ob. interesting so il was decidedý CaflorniasFetTbe e',. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r anYLd EE - - ~2o. -68 h~ Mrs. Micky Dow- ta make an appiqued qyilt, R O AST'rOr P OR k EMPERORVait Il'R I C ID IN ------_----_-2's9 8C tr wth- her parents, The proguamn was in chargecfRBC 1TN ELI ~ R I I-- --- 25's_____--- 9 8c I Mus. H. Cooney and iamily. Mus. Turansky. The rall cal RBc TNERONf ei,'tl Mu. and Mus. Ray Snowden, was answered by naming! PORTION 4 1 PORTION lC rA Islingtan, were Manday visi- what we considered "A dis- 3 lb. avg. l 3 lb. avg. 5 5 b NIV A RE E----4oz Muos. ith heu parents, Mn. and advantage of living in the lau: No. 1 Grade -Ciie~ tors. . tves.chr nd Ms-t knedga ar e c55 G A E S lbsOFER 1h OL SPIC Afte Shav Lotin . ~, -1.8 "îIBob Snawden, Maple Grave, tages. The motta was "A lit-, 1 kI.b:TabIeRite WIENERS ' LRD EEY2o2c Ii'PC fe haeLto--9,,o.A09Ms ti rthr n Ms l nweg is adangeuousiTableRit. IALL 8 oddwt te alPritchard, Manotick, thing." Mus. Turansky tok 1'pkMacaroni & Cheese Laddw t Inrr 3l el( a eSaturday supper guestsî heu tapie tram Caîhenine FORt j", FLORI ENT Ai Deodorant - Re, 89e 79c "iii the foumeu's daughter, Mu. Sheuman's 1 "pin n n i pkq. CHICKEN LOAF Tabi:RcfeN. rd AROSi9 and Mus. JohneodoHubandeg.Osh--Ai-cl.ei siand" whih tondai' Ontario Cee(rde6g.bse WTATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WTEEK M~~I, and Mus. M l Eaud s-Al slan", he hkias d Gaeo"ferse eayfrOe 2-1 b ag 9 WATC FO HSfDECHWl1 r n shael wawres the effetet white man s Y OU NG TU RK E YS lb. 49c hoda - %z4' and arnlyOshaa, erehaving on them. Mus. Manders Sudydinner guests with heu and Mus. Couroux assisted by --j______________________________ sister, Mu. and Mus. Anthun aur hostess Mus. Poster pro- G AER I fr5 BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE jB ugess. vided a tast ' lunch during, Mr and Mus. Harry Larmer, which a social lime was en-, > COLINS DUC TOR JONSONS DUC TOR 'SuthMonaghat', Mu. anxd joyed. A vote ai thanks was Mus. Eveucît Beech, Part tcndered Mus. Foster. The ALEX NcGREGOR, DRUGSI ORONO .1111 Hope, visited at Mus. Gardon Febuuary meeting istob athi OW M A NVUL E UWM JURY &LOVEL STUT'S PHRNACY .1iijImemorial Haspital. Bowman- with the proguam i charge'f~AEaIiiu > JR OELSUT H NAY vle osee Mu. Gardon Beech. ai Mus. Ctcr n lunch DVIUREVLL Glad to report that Mu. Gar- cammittee, Mus. MeMaclcin I W AN ILE A& » _AI& I AbI& L Aý I&Aý1 L A, Àdon Beech is mprovlng. and Mr&. Turansky. p.1

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