-IL a- e, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jan. 23, 1963 4-H Homemakers Receive Provincial Honors The Township Hall at Orono was fîlled on Sat- exhibit "Table Settings for Different Occasions", be- uday for the 4-H Homemakers Achievement Day, ing admired by, from left to right, Home Economist when four girls were presented with provincial hon- Miss MVarion Waddell, Honour winners, Dianne Hark- ours. There were many interesting exhibits, skits ness and Dorie McGee of Cavan Township, Dianne and demonstrations. *This photo shows the Morrish Tink and Marie Flett of Solina. Mr; and Mrs. E. Thornton, I Millbrook. I Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Re i i n foIo a Ebenezer, were Sunday din- I ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. BAVE Religion for Today Rev. W m. K. Housiander Mrs. Wilfred Fleury of San-i SAETHAT MAN'S LIFE iremain frustrated for the resthas been snuffed out by 8 ing classmate, Mrs. Stan Miii- Sman is about to die. You1 of the day. In this welter oft careless driver. Nor can lie son and family, recently. ei.u save bis life. The manltension and frustration theijustify his actions ta a wife W r lae oko r does not know he is about to! otherwise useful car, in the~ whose husband was the vic-e laedt no r die. If you save him, vou mayl1hands of a careless driver, tim of a drunken driver.v_ N. C. Wotten returned home from Memorial Hospital, Bowxý- neot know whom you havelbecomes an engine of destruc-, No, aur faith does have manville, on Sunday. z.If you are a Christian, tion, spewing death, pain, and something to say about this o V t Fa {j !auld be conservedno In view of the tremendousiwe own - house, money, cat- Sain Otwad A (rr W>lther anybody gets waste of life on our highways tie, or car is not as important I Gilbert TpRACnrl credit, When a mnan is the church cannot remaîn sil- as a man's life. ýia, Tapp, RCAF, Cor erpal- t to dia., saving his lif2 ient. The problemn is an inner Jesus tried ta bring home ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser .the highest prority. 1 one, and because the church this truth by asking if a man ait the wcekend. man is about to die andýjs the steward of the Gospellwere not worth More than a Miss Pat Davis, student mnust try ta save him.tof love and peace, then it be- sheep - but if He put the nurse, was home fro 1m Ontario marn can live if lie chang- cornes a matter of responsi- question ta us today, He might Hospital, Whitby, for the Ais attitude. But vou must bility ta God. Life is a Pre-, well phrase it, "Is not a man weckcnd with hier parents, Mr. ang yar atitde als. cousgif fom odandasworth more than an automo- and Mrs. Ralph Davis. mething must happen in-1such everyone becornes vita llv bile?" We must admit that in fee two heads - yours, and1concernedà when a life is at the economy of God ail the The condition of Mrs. S. E. -~~ . ~stake. millions of cars are not worth Wry rmis mc h !7'he man about ta die drives, When a miner is trapped the thousands of lives lost and same in Oshawa Hospital. i an automobile. He is one ofi in one of our northerni mines bodies mutilated eaeh year. lé survivors of the year 1962. every effort is made ta rescue If we cannot believe thi s, Vie end tobe complacent. him. Dollars do flot matter, then we are mouthing mean- He refuses toacacet the dead- hie must be saved at ail cost. ingless words about love ta U KE O ]ýy-nature of the car he drives. A hunter is lost in the bush, God and neighbour, and keeP- Glad ta report Mr. C. Van He seems ta be totally un- the air force is called into ing the Golden Rule. Dam is home again from Me-' *Ware of the vast number of people killed and maimed by service, hundreds volunteer ta1 Respect for human life 's morial Hospital, Bowmanville,ý cars. Indeed, the number î search for hlm. A littie child flot a relative thing, it goes feeling much improvcd. greater than in war. is has wandlered away and the with us everywhere. There- Our Congregational Meeting Car manufacturers are the whole community turns Out tC> fore, it is inconsistent for us was held in the church hall silent competitors in this look for him. to sit in church or in our with eleven members, las, -- 1nd1y>tIcè in building cars These examples and others clubs or in aur charitable or-Wdeaycnir Rpot with exde--sive power and wauld seem ta bear out the ganizatians and go through Wedesdayven ingo . t epoffrts speed. When a man gets be- theory that we do consider the motions of alleviating suf e rgavnzfomthendiffr-l hmnd the wheel cf one of these every life sacred. Hawever, fermng and sorrow - therf ed A delicious lunch was 100 niile-an-hour thunderboîts when we turn ta view the climb in a car and drive as if sre ytelde hc bis pride knows na limit. He terrible toîl of life and limbaour lives depended on speed - broughta wthwhaiesevening must prove bis superiority by that is exacted each year on with the blood vessels popping ta a close. passing everything on* the the highways of this country with hatred. Choir practice was hcld an road. No one dare challenge we are forced ta colfs that The automobile can serve Tusa vnn ttehm his right. It is an unpardon- we are harribly inconsistent aur best interests and can beof r. ay n Ms.J.A.t urnbume' able offence for anyone ta at- in this belief. a means of great usefulness. fM.adMs .A unul tem'pt ta pass hlm, or get Someone might say that this It is also capable of brînging Mrs. B. Hubbard spent a' away before be does when the is a free country and "really out the worst in us - feeding few days with Mr. and Mrs.' Ught fashes reen. it is my own business how I aur pride, and stirring up the Rs ubr n aie We live in a day af greatiýdrive." It might be his own 1bully in us and making us Trenton. tensions. Taa many people business if hie could drive insensitve to the values of life. A card party wvas held ini are living on a diet of finger-1where no other lives but hisi Surely God is concerncdtheschool Saturday evcnîng nals. Someone has suggested aw.n were endangered. But he with any instrument in aur with a good attendance. High that if such individuals missijcannot very well say that ta l]ives that is capable of being lady prize went ta Mrs. Mary a leaf in a revolving door thev [ parents cf a child whose life a blessing or a curse. Dean; low lady prize wcnt ta Mrs. Bill Mantel; high gent prize went ta Mr. J. A. Turn-~ N. bull; low gent prize wcnt taij Mr. Floyd Argue. In cribb age,ý gaia1~ nSO LIN A high prize wcnt to Mr. Frankl The anualcongregational Taylor, Harold Pascoe, Wes- tended Achievement Day ex- M. Geadl o tt. Aewntothe meigwshlonMonday ley Werry. lercises at Orono, with their card party will bc hcld in the nih.Rvrn aethe Auditors- Mrs. B3. Tink and leaders on Saturday. TherescoînSaudvenig chairman opened the meeting Pearl Leach. lwere 8 clubs presenit. Dianne colnSaudyenig *!th a brief meditation. Ai Truistees- John Knox, Gar-' Tink and Marie Flett receîv-1 canuary 26ith.tio R p.m. Ade film "Beyond the Bell" show-i don Leask, Rae Pascoe, Ws ed provincial honors, having codatniuio sctne ed the work missionaries are e ýcmltd 1 lbpoe to ail. doin beynd he sund f l ley Werry, Frank Westlake cmltd 1 cu rjcs church bell nd how ladlyfowrthmette- ea Mrs. Smith, Home Econoit Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Argue churh bel an ho inlaLy1Feahrs. R Dis, n Parlfrorn Prince Edward Countywere Sunday guests of Mr.' the good nesi1rcie was also presenit and assisted and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. these areas. Mrs. C. Langmaid jUshers- Frank Wcstlake, in h a' rga.M. o enls ete was appointed secretary fPorrj ouglas Fett, Fracis Johnton, was Sunday guest of Mr., the meeting. Reverend Page inistan, Ewart Leask, Rae Pas- Bradoneys Comunih it hClub e osisadMr n'P his pastoral report stated ,coe, Ralph Davis. Harry Knox. mtonFi1yngt ihth rhsterJa kinlirand Mn.ai threwee10batim ad Ognit Ms Gadspresident Stan Milîson in the 'Ms akSnli n aiy. there we r 10thbaps at ari elorganist. is ldschair. Mrs. Gartshore of New-! Mr. and Mrs. lHarolti Ash- whraedd 12ng duringm-theopasteadars YellowDee:.castle, showed and commented !ton Ennîskilleil, were Sundav Thereare 12 curchmcm- hoirLeadrs -rs. on O coloured slides of the Holy1guc'sts of Mr. and Mns. J. A bers and 10 non-resident mem- Taylor, Mrs. C. Langmaid. Ladwiherynejod.unuladfal. bers. Ooiaig Comte f added interest ta the child- Mran Ms. una A- Tebadostwrsr-Stanley Milison, Bruce Tink, rn ee1eerlscns r M r.andfaMilyBowmanviAbc Tebadostwrsn-Mrs. F.Westlake. e eesvrlsire rmbott ad aiyBomnil, Fort given by C. Langmaidth SaaClu prdei: showed a balance of $85342. A vote of thanks wvas exth- Snt las ardei were Sunday guests of Mr. tenedta heorgnit, ha" Bawmanville. Reverend andi and Mrs. Howard Abbott. The M and M givings were tMrs. Crawford of Enniskihoien $813.DnTyo nteleaders and caretakers for MsCrwodfEnikle $eme.er. o adrort rn theirsrie.Ms c e-I pleaseti everyone with vocal Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Dam vealed a Blanc eor$4047. oeervoncehaf of te con jduets. A sing-song was also and family, Pontvpool, were, TeTsedbleBoard40.rep ort geaton voiedapprfte cton lIed by Mr. Crawford. Mrs. W. Sunday gucsts of Mr. and Mns.1 The Trusee Boar reportBowmaninthankedappeveryone iCornelius Van Dam and fam- showed a balance of S$1,522.89.t eeetiPg o is who had MurayVieS.~ teaurr~splendid co-operation through- hha kindly assisteti on the 1v Mrpreay balancS ea $5350 out the year. Lunch xvas ser- program. The February meet- Mr. E. M. Mcdov, Newcas- Th ..sceaysreportevedabyaladie of the3Adu.t1ing will be in the form of a!tde, called on friends in the shoeda mmbrsip f 52Bible Class. social evening. !village on Sunda.v. Several men from Solina at- The Women's Institute bas, Wc have some vcrv active with an average attendance tended the Oshawa Presbytcr.y, planned a Family Night for, people in aur community o f 95. Thirty-five younger Men's Round-Up Saturday af- the community in the hall on Tuesday evcnings, C.G.I.T. menubers will receive merit Bwards for attendance. The ternoon in King St. United Saturday. January 26. Supper girls and their leaders meet C.GI.. rou dsbnde cr-Church, Oshawa. Iwill be at 6:30 o'clock and a in the chunch hall at 7 p.m. lie li he ea wth bl- We are sorry ta report How- social time will fallow in the Wednesday evenings. Badmin- ance of $43.28 on hand. The ard, Milîson is a patient in evening. Everyone is wel- ton Club meets in the schnol Exporr rop rpot asMemiorial Hospital, Bowman- carne. rmme udyf rom 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m. Age I givn The l eader a Mrs.M and Mrs. Ralph Davis School will begin pramptly at are most cordially welcome Tin. he efmberh adv were tea guests of Mr. and 9:30 a.m. Sa plan ta be on time.ý ta attend. Thunsdav evening andhav abalnceonhan ' Mrs. N. Grills, Cannington, on Church service will follow at is choir practice at 8 p.m. in $21.95. The Hi-C group has Thursday. 10:45 a.m. the church. Ail childncn are 22 membei-s and a balance on. Miss Doris Milîson is spenti- Eldad U.C.W. will meet cninviteti this Thunsday evening handcf $0.00ing some time with her bro- Monday, January 28, at 8:15i for practice. Friday evening he sleocf oficer-as0re-ther UHowarda nd family. pm n h uda colisExpnlrrs ýmeetinga" t '7p.m. /i