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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1963, p. 2

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X' The Canadian Statesinan, nowmanville, Jan. 23, 1963 Agricultural Soc. Hears Glowing Reports of Fair Whîch Broke Ail Records T he annual meeting oif the pleased tri have been in officeý -Durhami Central Agicultunal at the lime o! the finst two-: Society was hcîd on Friday, day fair tr ibe held in Ormeo JanUarY 181b, 1:30 p.m., in the and tri note that the 1962 faim, odd Feilows Hall, Orono. had broken aIl previeus ne-i George Carson, as rctiring crirds. Hie aske-1 the continuedi PrÇ_idemnt, expnessecd bis sin-:support of tht members for~ cei'e thanks te ail bbe mem- the iucoming president, hep- bers and dinectors who had'ing that iu the mot trie ditant, gtren him se mach hclp dur- future Durham Central wouli ing bis term cf office, statingýbe the main County Fair. t10it had not ouiy been an: The financial report for 1962 hdi'our te be presidprut but'sl-owed a cousiderable iu-, als an education. lHe was.crease in the number o! ex - - ---- ---hibitors, entries and pnizel money paid. Total expendi-' 'lunes for the year wene $11,-1 771.28 as comparcd with $9,-i 382.93 lu 1961. The reports from the chair- EPEDA~E man ofeach dePartmenit prov-ý The hcavy horse show bau! heen te largest tri date and' bbc teams in the opcning parade had created a new bu- terest. The Hostein show had. USED CARS an excellent ringside crowdi 1961 Dodge 4-Dr. -tri. virw its 144 entnies. G' ýWilson, presideut of the Big 4i 6 cyl., custom radio. One Gaeruscy Club, stated that owner, new car condition. ,th, show held at the faim was 1960Valint 4Dr.the largest even beld lu On- 1960Valint 4Dr.tari. The poultny department Automnatic. Gieaming black under Len Pears had been! Wâth red trim. Local, one greatîy impmoved and with 2081 owncr car. exhibits had been an out-' standing success, anticbpating' 1957 Bevedere an even bigger show in 1963.1 4-Dr. eBau heapples hata- 6 cyl,, custorn radio, wind- R. Shonisa e h fruit shild vascrs A- shpe.displays had been paticular- 1957Fordly attractive. The ladies' d2-1 parîmeuts were, as usual, a, 'r cyl., side mirror'î. One focal point o! interest, espee- owner car In A-i shape. - ially te those new exhibitorsý 1who had participated in tbc 1956 Doge 4-Dr new classes open tri Duma 6 cyl., customn radio. Locally nesidents only. The Drama owned, in good condition. Festival sponsored by the 1953 hev. -Dr. Society had becun a financia> Deluxe, customn radio. newv Since bbe fair had expand- paint jlob. Aluove average i cd se rapidly in the past fouri condition. lycans and duties o! the presi-1 de-ut and secretary had be-1 MA I 5 l'ifcrime so complex, the boiard PAL~ERUU -dccided tri appoint a manager for the faim and were pleasedý te bave Mr. Geo. Carson ac- OTOR SALES ceept Ibis apitet CHRY SLER - PLYMOUTH Officers for 1963 are as fol- VALIANT - DODGE Iows: President, Mr. Frsncis 20 King Street East Jose, Newcastle; lst Vice, Mm. Don Staples, Newcastle North-, Phone 623-5487 12nd Vice, Mm. Jack Reid, Or- Directors: S. B. Rutherford, w, e' wp1,gI -I s-. m tbw-- p t'. B Theres a real "eold "- ' rush" of BI1G 'w~ VALUES in seas-w onal needs at JURY & LOVELL'S store- DAYS!. Corne shop for 10w, LOW PRICES on scores of things to help C you weather the winter healthfully and cornfort- ably. Yot'll snowball your savings with our great mid-winter buys in health, groorning and cornfort supplies. Aiberto V05 Haïr Dressing and Shampoo Reg. 1.40 ff SPECIAL .9Y9 C April Showcrs SKIN BALM SPECIAL $1.00 PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE SReg. 89c _ Now 79c ;BRYLCREENM Reg. 79c SPECIAL 57c BRO310 SELTZER Reg. 1.49 for 1.29 OUR PRICE- $1-09 SOAKY :Reg. 89c .PWE -Now 79c -.:ETRECAL PWE Reg. 5.69 SPECIAL $4.67 METRECAL LIQUID (6 tins) Rleg. 1.69 NOW $1.34 GILLETTE Slii Adjustable RAZOR Reg. 1.5<) SPECIAL $1-19 CLEER-SIIEEN SHAMPOO Reg. 1.69 now 1.4- ------- - OUR PRICE $1.29 R. H. FASHION SET IIAIR SPRAY Reg. 1.69 - ------__-------NOW $1.49 New 1R V D0 YO0N Lis t e rine I Vit. "C" Tablets Decanter Bottie for Colds Reg. $1.25 99C $1.50 FftEE ! Flintstone Drisan Tbs. Character with Dr'sta abCOLGATE You Get More at Your Rexail Store JURY& LOVELL YOUR REXALL STORE $King st. E. WE DELIVER 623-3361 R. G. Moffat, C. Tamblyn,, John Stoine, Wmn. E. Reid, Bruce Tink, Ross Gilbart, Ray, Mumday, Dr. R. J. Taggart. Associate Directors: Lloyd' Atchison, C. W. Billings, WM. Bumna, B. Cowan, J. Cruilç shamk, P. Chaten, R. Dickson,ý D. Fctund, W. Farrow. L. Huri ey, J. H. Jose, A. Jakemnan, ;W. S. Moffat, Aleck Moffat, John Moffat, R. Osborne, Len Peans, O. W. Rolph, G. B3 Rickard, Johin Riekard, Keil Wood, Wmn. Watson. A. L. Blanchard, Geri. Carson, Bruee Guistar, M. J. Tamblyn, Clanr- ence Turner, Wmn. Slatom and Ross Stevens. James N D P Candidate Blasis Government years that objective sin i D vole assisted by Gladys Et- tude bas gradually improvedi Make-up and Costumes, Ann the outlook for the mentally C U D MeKeuzie. assisled by Betty iii, Dr. Gniffin asserted. Depexv, Dut Bagnell, Ingeborge Hie drew attention tri the ( FROM PAGE ONE) Rietmuller and Gail Baker.u fact, bowever, that the services wîndow drapery, orraments Ligbting, Jack Darch. Business and facilities for the physically and books. ianager, Fanîk Stenger, as-( 111 provide a startling crintrast Act 1 took place eue meru- sisled by Auha Hodgims and,,, te, those available for the ing, the second act was an Manjorie Couîch. mentally sick. The speakerievening îwe weeks later, and; compared the average per diem 1tbe third the following menu- patient crist of between $25 ing. Special credit is due the- and $30 in the Toronto Gen- director, Mns. Sheridan, for tbcu eral Hospital te the averagewell paced play, and the com- S per diemn patient cest of aboutplete naturalness of the act- eL. $5 in the Ontario Hospital at iug. Wyn Wunnacott xvas the 999 Qucen Street, Toronto. - stage manager. She w-as as- r "There are appreximately'sisted by Pat GilI. 75,000 patients in Canadian The splendidly able cast w'as - Mental Hospitals and psyciIdesenving of the enthusiasticIm atrie uits new. Nearly 40,000 applause rcceived. Elizabeth are admitted each year, and Prowen was outstauding as almost as many discharged,",Alice Garth-Bander. and hon the speaker stated. .characterization of a chariig, "The great majenity of but slightly benîused yet doîtu- mentally ill people are met in'inant wife and mother was do- hospital at all. Many o! these:lightful. ,uu -aem.- cnrcgrieio John1,Amesb--y as-tite11uis- diagnosed as beiug mcntally iii. Others refuse help, and their relatives are reluctant te insist. Some altbeugb emo-: tionally disabled attempt te carry ou, sometimes witb dam-' aging cunseqileuces. Dr. Griffin pointed oct that band and father. Malcolm Gambl-Baruden was perfect. Ilis potrayal cf a îlacid aiud ab- seut-minded man, xvho x'et w- remarkahly discerning, anud whouriefused lu allow bis soren- îty tri be uîpset, was nemank- able. e derîmnta efectof his Dave Presson gave a spark- hudn of undiagnosed and un- S tu tt c~~~~~trated mental ili health o n ln efrac stevu (rRM PGE NE)dustrial efficiency, fmiybara Bof the mland Bar-e life, and national vitaîjv is Bthn, theatfrecin- each vear for a two ycar norous.dubtrl Fani, asiren terni. This gives continuity, : nkul palng u r ilt Wdas epan Those stand-, lie told the meeting that a Cowling showvud exception, 1 cxplaîncd. IRoyal Commisson on Heat linin is performaceu îing for re election were Kcith wt ietriOfhesodonwa tcgy lJackson, Rex Walters, Harry Sriewt ietrsc tesoismwa tdy V.Crdema ad hoasreference including mcntal but xvell intentioncd older son, Cowan. hat is at present holding Claude. who biad a devotion il) 1Scrutineers appointed for meetings. Itlxiii doubtless be busiîicssý., the lecton wre: rs. ay~helpf ul, patclrly in pro- thrmcion Mrs. A Ln -looymtig ubi iIles ad AioiiForster pla>'ed Ille ;Ormston Mrs A. . Hoevunderstanding, but psychia- part oflftie personable imusic- William Thieshurger and Eric Har Iv' Ashton, who w vil] represent the New Democratie Party in the forth- îrssaewî wr f what'ian, Roger, with distinction. *Colwell.crnn prov'incial cicclion, spoke lieiels ekan1lse heOtrog'-hsould be donce, he explained. iRoger, a close friend of thc The Secretary-Treasurer, R. c rnment for ils scandalous record. Ile is shown here with one of his best slip- 1 W ee oreoerod ounger son of tbe bouse, and J. Dilling, placed the resuits b '1' ht Jti Osbawa imes Photothe only girl of the familv, lof the balloting on a black- porter's, his dauher Juih.-Osaa iesPot blocks to progress and get Frankie, provided part of th(, board. Those electedt were: satd ohigbtacm romantic interest. !Keith Jackson, 61; Rex Wal- pleenwd ,anwvso ters, 60; Harry V. Cryderma,'isAI Ilee newdeaahnew vison The other romance in the 56; Maurice Prout, 45. Cte, a11fhl P Jind slt ed. ahing p oaldplay was that of the older son returns were: Thomas Cowan, H . , W a k y c l imdi*ol a temorar stop-gap.1who fell in love with the 31 Dr.d.J. Hendry, 33 iJamee A Il Coyle, 6;r W.J . H iggon, 233; 0.1.1 "Such a new deal would ter role was particularly good. Coyl, 2; W D.Higgn, 5;ý paceemphasis on the develop- The amusing part of Beci', William Cobban, 16; Owen me i ia ae îpaeto integrated community anoîher servant, xvas succcss- Nichola, 15; rs. Anne Oke rather than on afully playecl by Wyn Wonna-ý 1thedrDmidmesoftboard0.Il. F:.Walkýcv, Recve of jthe resicdents o cf m liicentralized provincial pro- colt. Othe memers f te bord, ownhip f' CarlS beamu iici-d.gram, on procurement and, Ted Samuel was responsîble: for- 1963 who werc elected last orO\\i1ihH) U ntred bCalin- ai~'h ad training of personnel, on a for the fine set design, and 'year for a two-year termi are, W:îrclen cýs f NothueranitdCo- In soliciting support for the!stepped-up plan of research, Bob Sheridan and Ken Dennis Jamnes Stutt. Mrs. L. W. Dip - 1 f utunbradandl responsibilities ahead, Wardeniand on a complete revision of for the set construction. The! pelI, A. M. Thompson and, D i b acclamation lit the Walkey said lie vas beginningimental health legislation. sepinngwsdehyJa James Bell. A pp r@ ves )Cina rl1 tn~ edr- bis eighth year serving the< At metig f he ie cetinj Cobourg. Hie receiv- ctLinties cotincil and hiad en- Dr. Griffin urged a vigorous Darch, assisted by club mcm- Boa meDet sofuthelo.wgROM PAGE ONE, (,dl Ihi aclama:tion on motion jo:deevpr i lprogram of public educalion bers. teannual meeting James Th(, Bowmuulville Plannillg b\ DepuiN' Reeve J. W. Stonc * ' ~~~ ~ tri preparpelefrudr Louise Orme was in charge Stutwas elected Chairmnan Boards submnission cf esi- (Clarke),' seccded by Reeve malteGcon.ratulated Waden b eed edprticipsa f Margo tyStaroeliste andKeih Jckon iceChir-mats xasals reercd o te R (arlw (rihto Tou-Walkey on bis election and its direction and management. Betty Flaxman ad Merv Ecgý..- ma analrpot o oadFinance Coininittec for ci-lîp.J. I.LcxvIer.velecteci satnthtWaan ale The nulrprsoBod sidcraticn. Thismt vs in 19ai3. vas the lait Warden had served on the Clarke The spekrepaie htlsh. Hand Properties, Ede" Charma ad o te Cm-madle b. Deptvý,-Ree(ve RoSsfriCkreTxnip Towvnship School Board for ,a compreheusive communityý mittee chairman will be pub- Stevens, 'eccnded lix Rii\C e x. eieW Vig tfouir vears wiîhout an electioniprogram wudicuecs lised n ubsquet ssus f Sidney,ý Little. Canitoni United Chiurch opened and on the Clarke Tcwnship f i ndi ng referral services, 1h tetig ubsrrak Council for ten x-cars withoufiemnergency 4horsrvice, the Statesman. Following thei Council agreed to grani pcr- Ifc ieuî nhsrrak he~~~~~~~~i IOlt'dOI lctuhi h presentation of the reports, mission tu the Bownianvillehopitdoctietuhl 1 an election. ;mobile psychiatric team for '*wnisClu to,,,d,ýofSt. Pauli when out- ;home consultation and treat Dr. E. D. Hubbard spoke brief- iai Cu uhold RHum- icrrli o mUIC-1 x ma o Mir. WalkeY and bis wifeIet ou-ain l is, ly. lie said the reports were mage Sales un Frida.y evening. nte îe ~ a ere aise cougratuîaîed bYpyhari nt i eea good. He added that while'February 151h, and fol!oxviw iebr fon cv u past wardens Stewart Gray,'hsias lca rrgoa thf-re are a finance, property,!Fridaiys lu the former' 1(,A îEîttglaou xihu h an Nelson, Rav Bothwel:,mental hospitals with not more P E building, staff recruitment, store on King ,street W..ote:sornieserve and tesRv LodHoon(an)lh 20r30bd ac, furnishings and equipînent andIThis was moveci bx- Couincillor o' e Gre ikad .H ,uie!hlee oksos oain other committees, there is DotHlooper, seconded by Couincil- cîpbold tle,' ,"lie ,said. Rev. Ga1ne. Ri ar-ýIe etrednngworosanvocao-!Every apatient committee, and hellor Oke. Wr iiiebxvs bled by R eth; R.Cabcll: Cvecia-îtann ete n af hoped the patient is not a for- Cou illr;Fia.deiaiman . Lihtie(Hop').throug gote prsn.o ue Fillr omice. report-a Mrs-. Walkcv, \x, ho vas in-Ion J. Elliott, Bownanville,1 Dr. Griffin advocated a Board Chairman Hughes cd Fire Chier Tom Lyle la- rcue vbrlubn.slwowswre i 97 systemn of hospital and bealthi poite ot hatth wrkofinseced buinese ~reî e:fl( ide hl durt-mg the mccl- Mr. Elliott stated he hadfiinsurance which would give!niastel aîie coumt tesatothe wrbofu petd ail sehuols. 11 în. mssed the warden's clection the same status tri this type of, stepa fitof he atint, ad te twn.ConcilorFic con- ibis, is a proiid niomrent b e'I once .,ince 1927, and hadiprogramr as is now given to objective of the briard is tri mended the fine wcrk of ccir lixes and e are grateful been present on two occasionsIthose for the treatment of proid fciities for the best Chief Lyleantelolfi-fr the confidence with whichiwben a warden was elected Iphysical illness. He also ad- patint are men an sad tat fne usss xii have cutriisted uis,' 1w by acclamation, once in 194G vised a number of day and Mr.J 'Nilo bhl fwol ae enhgle u-saici. wben ex-wardcn Cecil l Car- night care hospitals where. BUSINESS FOR31S Mr. . 'Nîi o bhaf f oud av benhie dr- l is xitlî somte coîîcern!'vetb, Newcastle, was elected, patients could receive hospital they Womten's Haoital Axi- the yetsar wnefoitsn. orthuit I cuter mb toe duties, and noxv again in 1963. treatment without leaving their SALES LITERATURE ary, tatd that sme ears ol thioutndo igefftsd but 1 have the scupport of tbcýý Mr. Walkev is a resideul ofihomes, or jobs, and the estab-ý LETTERHEADS aghe HitalBohredmemern' oîncille or Fieerbabed 1members of counceil and withiNewtonville and is employcd ilisbment of eut-patient clinies.' was cuit tri two, later afterthe Brgdluwrd12ilrn h elp cf God, 1 am sure wc by the Port Hope TelephonelFacilities, wbich need not be' TAGS and LABELS was ut o to, ate afer he Bigae asweed 24 ]a caoý carry onurii objectives C'ompany Limitcd w bich has Ih ospital, sbould be provided- new constitution came into!duiring 1962. Hie reported tbatl ae16 cdya o!isha fie uN~tuil.frae eiepolb effeet it was given only rime' 55 wcre frffin Boxvmanville ti k 93ago 'a o t edofc nNwovle fradded snl eolle representative. The Auxiliaryl and 69 fromc Darlingtcu Towi- PeietNwl ne alu o netmt was assured by S. Wilkins,! ship. He also said that 59 Pm~ 7 M r GiffintNwl hneCa u for bis infomativ the former administrator, tIatwere grass fines. Counicillor Y u g ad i Drs. infHe a noredtateou cx o no hospital had more tban onme1 Fiee moved the adoption uf luis addr te next metinof eth a-nyu n o, member from the Auxiliary,I repent. Tais was secouded by the D dinexClub in of ethDurham she stated. Councillor Houper and Cc ccc-ar-u b awialb odatthWes Cohm- Afterwards the auxiliary i ied. wl chl tteLosCm found that other auxiliaries in: Counicil dccided lu petiticit PROM PAGE ONEl îFROM PAGE ONE> înunily Centre on Thursday Region No. 8 have at Ieast two the DpiIelc ibvy usapcito u en n c i sGnrlDrco.evening, February 7th. A. H. Th Deprtmnt f lighvav, hs apreiaton or ein in cdIii asGenralDircto.ýSward, M.A., Executive Assist- and some tbree members ou for the annual subsidY, on a vîleci te Boxvmanville, statîng lie declared that Dr. Griffi. n ut teThe Preidet eath Boards, she declared. 'We selonlder! hx- Couimillor Ilîcîcî work for minci' hockey arefying public support for im- thjescakfcr onstddes will 66KIG T.W feel that the wonk dune by the er lcîîiîg,. Ifi' aise puiutcd out provcd mental beallh serviceslb 1ild TePa frPOEi auxiîiary enties il te more fltthie youngsters are happy lu Canada. bF tie dcv elo P an or!Pni- recognition. The represent-, Io s eiir mothers îîirning! îtis on l Fiiutulit111vreties lOpntri."- atives also feel that their turn o ut Io xwatch theru play. The,--yi-h at1Ovriisi is up just wben they are bc- A C C I eflnockl facecl off the puck tol cuming familian with tiic Ifîicially laînitchl Ie hockey' ruutine and iu a position tri bc; a~~ ctioit. o! real use." R u d Aturnîý -Aftc-r a scorcess Mrs. O'Neill, secondcd hy, urnst penîod Gar'y Carter scor-I Mrs. Duncan Smith, gav'c PROM PAGE:ONE d -un a pass from Mike Gil- notice of motion 'hIt there be ors of bbe txovo V b icvol- olv u t 6:05 of the second an amcndmcnt tri bhc consti-'e d wene John Kur,11Cha ucîLt 'Ray Bevan conected on tutien o! the Board Of bcîru Str'eet, Oshwai ad oh abi'eakaway a mtînute aîîd a IDirectors providing for twe Williami Cantîx ilit 41Kin tapittber te putl Cobourg on nepresentatives f r om t h e Street East. Total damage xx--us ex-uit brnis. Tom Sinmpson s Womcn's Hospital Auxiliany. esti-ated tr i anoîitt ta ccefr i h :5mr i Ken Hooper spoke conceru- Ibin I$50.pstsloefforal, pe 3:t 5 garkBow ing the shortage of doctors in Police x etigatciaccii- niax-iliterio gve o- Bewmanville cveiY sommer, sion oit the Lake Rcuad alI-4.20 and asked if bbc Hospital 'olcoe.K ci Sîila-ant ucî. Poe VW'es ----Boxvnville i Board bad any plans lu im- Il u itîesctî îultîecr -î t itxice iiilte opeuiug- - pnox'e this situation dluning the driven t\, Mi -- DeialI E, tîî. Iiui/u nicadul-ci a pair eariy doctors vacations. 2:Dix i sti-ctbicIc l l-i lui1wu- seccondl uutocixxn Port! " hat is a rtter for le ot it-ce c ic rai :ic Iî u2 iM l ~ P e W e ot Bwanville lVedical Asso cia-x-a -ltwi-i xlu-uilil .Jq li Iiit e v hxe Fuusev Chtar-» ticîn. We provide facilities, ecolicu utaliu-t-cile l:tiu îc and tily vBî-oxxu and cooeaei epr-enb i.(u)hR bu ,1. 1 ieuul(ed I[ 'canîd ail doctrirs iin pnîvate lînacti ce rb injuriî es, Dionnua Kiunîg, ýýg I jIace te wiiuiens. G. Tran- that they must stay bere ailî î tecîîcnti utl i iti r andl Neil Sentît\vere(,te summen," Mr. Hughes repiied - lowiug t-iugts b:lFer- Poirt Ilope tulst-t Mr. Hooper contcîtded that ~Rt>iilitFniVu uiit.- om ag' tbere have bhecn înohlems for Hucut, a rnke u cnnl Bc' ciuc oa iihrlite gali bpeoiple becaulse of the doctors uliKngbriFr o; vacations. He spoke cf a tape i iiD--l Kuc n eicIn fit-i-cir ut a siuxtlt ai- ireconding answering a doctor fo jî itrrutru uîi< u-îrgx tx-tuxilea'*** **** '1phone with the information lte ,(iii pi Iguri icti it- 4.ltue witih Whiiby. as, a the physician xvould bc iin bis Soit -, cr, Llu im.- mo-inre ciiteseccndci nitî itecinii riffce t to o _loc .luthecuie!xil ii t l1 ie guu onel1ý T 'rii xsuturs led LIABILITY INSU RANCE I>IIEXIII NI1S AS LOW AS $2M5.00 PER IEAR Budget Terms Available E-s .% Montlly ,Payments IVe are as necar as 'oir 'plfhne Eveningis Dorn Et-*1'. nii-725-6687 Gezrry Osborne 'Z547294 Ralph Sechofield - 728-3376 Reg Aker - '25-020 LIFE INSURANCE I>ersonal -Business Mortgage Planned Programmiflg Contact Ken Hockiri Ilepresenting Empire Life 623-5055 Schofield - Aker Limited 360 KING WVEST OSHAWA - ONT. Phone 723-2265 *Ample Fýree Parking foir eRSONAL yprinting jo' that goes igh liere gets personal, idual attention f ro m er craftsnien at every along the way'. Try us! Il Statesman BOWNIANVILLE UA 3 -3303) ir future Is 'e have the largest iCanada to serve tsoon with your ank of Commerce Imm - i--- -

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