Lieut.-Governor Instalis Kiwanis Officers for 1963 On Monday evening, during a special ceremony, the 1963 officers of Bowmanville's Kiwanis Club were installed. They are, f rom lef t ta right: front raw, 2nd Vice Don Mountjoy, Dist. Lieut.- Governor Harold Mitchell of Dunbarton, the installing officer; President Ron Brooks, Secretary Bruce Colwell, Directar John Brownlee; ba Jackman, Di] Hank Jensen Cranston Scot LU kMoriety of the 20th century.ý B E THA NY She also read excerpts fo MacLeans magazine "The In-, A community Party was the members of St. Paul's An- 1 dian" which was u scd on a re- 1 held for Mr. and Mrs. Regi- glican Cburch Woman's Aux- cent CBC television broad-, nald Palmer in honor of their iliary for their January meet- rast. In conclusion, Mrs. Pres- recent marriage, on Friday ing with Mrs. Ernest Lamb! ton gave items concerning a night in the Parisb Hall of St. presiding and leading the de-!native Indian poet, Pauline Paul's Anglican Churcb. votional period.1 Johnston and read anc of her The cammuni gift of a: Letters of thanks were read 'poems "Tbe Sang My Paddle chrome kitchen suite was pre- by secretary Mrs. Noci Wood1 Sings". sented by the committre in tram sick and shut in mcm- Mrs. Glenn Preston conduct- charge of arrangemens--Gar- bers wbo had been sent r.jfts c ots nIda îia dan Smitb, Levi McGill, Bob at Cbristmas, aiso fram theenaces. Lu nchx a s tvrdbal Ryiey, Jack Neals, Charles ýSuniday Scbool for a donation rs.A ctMr.R rs McGili and Harry Jakeman; of $2000. Mrs. Emory Smithb ,. ont, Mrs. iliam Pilis, with Allan Bigelow î'eading treasurer, reported a bank bal-'o Mrs. mory imihind Ms.' an address of congratulations anre of $247.05. 'e r St Mrs. irn and good wishcs and welcom- Material was given aut for 'Jackson expressed the thanks ing Mrs. Palmer, the former sewing and several bazaar of the group for an intercsting Brenda Hully of Peterborough articles xvere turncd in. Theý ta the village. next meeting will be at the ' Dancing was enjoycd ta borne of Mrs. Wm. Phillips inusic supplied by Wally Reid, when Miss Fiedda Veals, mis- Donald Hamm, Robert Sissan, sianary on furlougb from Ethi- Pat. Mantie, with Creigbton opia is cxpectcd ta be the' Carr and Ernest Youngman guest speaker. The membersl "ýcalling" the square danres. were asked to prepare ban-ý Lunch was serx'ed and a dages and sheets ta be sent pleasant time enjoyed. bark with bier. St. Paui's W. A. Meeting Mrs. Reginald Rase show- Mrs.InaPaler ntetaiedcd slides of St. Paul's Ch urcb. Mrs. In Palmercntert in Halifax, N.S., and the Royal visits ta that city.I Trent mv.Lunch was servcd by the: Women's Institute Meeting Receives The Bethany Women's In- stitute met in the United jpS Church Sunday School room' Scholarship Monday night, with Mrs. i i U Harry Ryley pres'ding, The President-?Elcct Thomas H-. roll rail was answered by nam- B. Symons announcd two ing an Indian customn or per- special gifts ta Trcnt Univer- sonality. sity in Peterborough today.! Secretary Mrs T. Jenningsý A U E Mr. Judson Ncwcll, the read minutes of previaus meet- President of the Neweli Man- ing and greetings for the New ufacturing Company of Pres-iYear from the Laverstokei hcott, On'tario, has permanent- WlI. branch i0 England. I UL T ly establishe and endowcd a, A donation of $10.00 wasi $500 fee-paying scholarship.' given ta the International! This marks the 8th birthday'Scholarship Fund. of his father, Mr. W. A. New- An invitation was received pany. The gift of $12,000 has Club Achievement Day at been made by the Newell Orono on January 19 far last Manufacturing Company t ersporm"h lbGr WALN Trent University and the1 Entertains". scholarship wili be named The' Announcement of this year's' OO L William Allan Newcll Scholar- course "What Shal 1 Wear?" ship. ýand the training scbool for. O S L Another $500 fce-paying'leaders ta be held in OronoETED scholarship bas been perman-'on January 29 and 30, resuit-1 XED entiy cndowed anonymously cd in the appaintmcnt of Mrs.,4W LU by a friend (>f Trent Univer-'Ralph Preston as leader for 4W LU sity living in Toronto. Thisthc new course witb Mrs. Har-M ela scholarsbip will be awardedry Ryiey as assistant. Tbcyl eua annually ta bring a student ta ýwili attend the training school. 1 Peterborough tram Out Of The pragram was convencdj WINTER SI town ta live in residence et by Mrs. Addison Scott for Citi- 1 the Uiverity.zensbip and Educatian. She The dctailed terms of the gave commcnts an the motta 8 two schoiarships will be work- 'Undcrstanding is the path-Scoasi n ursaryfrainta iie' aa ed out wîth the donors by the wa 'y of Toicrance"; also in-, Cornmitte Of Trent Univcr- zinc dealing with same of the SIHL sity. progress made by hclping SIHL The Trent Universit *v Found-1 Canadian Indians ta hclp ing Fund is now hcing organ- themsclvcs. ized ta raise $1,520,000 in pub-ý Mrs. Ralph Preston gave an lic subscriptions ta support informative taik an "The Can- the 5-vear programme ta cost aidian Indian" saying thatM a total of $11.225,000. 'The Canai Indian is caugbt M between two worlds; the aid,i B D R c ulture with its own tbougbt1 ~**pattern and attitudes and the By such well knc w~u ~ i CONTINUES with èAcrgains Galore WALLPAPER R0031 LOTS BORDERS PAINTS and BRUSHES ABERNETHY Paints & Wallpapers 33 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE KROEF OBITUARY NIRS. ALBERT J. STAINTONA The death of Mrs. Albert J. Stainton orcurred in Toronto on Saturday' . January 5, 196:3, fallaxxing an illness of seven Year's. She was in ber 75th y'ear. Fornierly~ Florence Helena W.e Pycand Lur o atPe J(nM ý.Pye aghte r h ate Joneal Soucb), the deceased was barn at Enniskillen. Ont. The late Mrs. Stainton at- SOME - tcnded school in Enniskiilen SMOOTH and in 1909 married Albert J.M and SIM3 Stainton. wbo survives. She WINTER had resided in Toronto for ap- proximatels' 50 years, and wasM a member of the United Church. Surviving besides ber bus- band are a son, Clifford, of Toronto; and a brother, Haw-M a rd J. Py e of Enniskilien.M With Hea, Thî'ee grandchildren, John, Janine and Florence Anne also Size 3' 3" su rviv'e. 1 The funcral service was heid WINTER at the Truli Funeral Home, Toronto, an Tuesday. January 8, and was conducted by Rev. F. W. Brailcy, and Rex'. Har- ald Stainton, Oshawa. Inter- moet xvas ini Hampton Cerne- tt .I v PaIlbearers were Messrs. A'lbert Cale, Boxvnianville; Krei Cax erly, Hampton: Mil- ton Stainton and Floyd Bcck- ett af Enniskilen. Among the lovely floral tributes, exidence of the esteemn in wbich the deceased M 37 KIN asheld. was ine from the mnanacenwnt and staff of Trul Funeral Homes, Limited.* HLER -1 VILAEl adboard and Legs $59-01, !Reeve Asks For Hope Tw R e e v e William Lightle stressed ecanomy, in arder ta. hold down the tax rate, as he adgressed the inaugural meet- in fHope township Launcil reccntlv. He also cailed for better relations between the township and the tawn ot 'Port Hope. Rex'. G. Wright of Canton United Church opened thei meeting with prayvers. Deputv-Reeve George Fin- nie and the three counicillors, Westan Bannister, Lao r n e White and Howard Quantrill.1 ail spoke in support of Reevc Lightle's policy far 1963. Councillar White proposed that caunicil review the cxist- îing building by-laws during Be.Hese (Intended for lasi weck) On Friday, Jan. 4, the Cour- tice Seniors Basketbail Team played an exhibition game in Bowmanville. Although our teami tried they were flot too the ýQi cor tav di. w] jc f e' isel cor gra anc cil get tom ed sen Col Econonm y The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Jan. 23_.1963 f P. C OUnCi 1 1ketbaIi against this teami place February 22. A contest- C ouwho are College ciass. was held to find a suitable Monday, Jan. 14, the Girls name for the dance. The win- e yer, ad CunciiorB Tea ms were guests of the ýner of the five dollar prize îe anrill ad Cthat COUIIClarke teams. They Played ws eaeteMarsden whO uantillaskd tat ounii erywell and were the vic- wsJaet nsider some measure of tors in bath bard and rogb submitted the theme of Sche- ýwnship planning, but of a gms The Junior game waIs'herazade. ffernt nturethan thatverx' close and ended in a hich was s-o strongl *v ab- scaie of 16-13 in favour of ted ta bv' the ratepayers a Bowmanville. Congratulations ears aga.grsKe p h dwr. N OI E y Roads Superintendent Rusî i]-epu tego ak 1l Baker spoke in favour of Wednesday afternoan, Jan. ntinuing the existing pro- 16, shauld prave very inter-' AVAILABLE FOR arn af road impravements esting. At 3:30 in the boys id maintenance, asking con gym, a strange spectacle will N 1flot to cut the roads bud-_ be prcscnted. A comical game:M 0BT AGE t in favour of some ather Of valleyball will be playcd' ýwnship pragram. bY B.H.S. Students' CounilJ N O.ift!l Elmore Scott was reappaint- against Courtice Students'JO ES &mCHR 1as the township's reprP-- Council. Since the costumes: atative ta the Ganaraska \vili be vcry stra nge, as weil RALPH S. JONES n-servation Authoritv. as the rules, we expect all of TOA - -Guide B.H.S. ta came aut and see TOA H. GREER their team wifl! 130 King St. E. Oshawa We are now warking an the 728-6246 N F W ~ ~ ~ ~~ "At Hame" which will take _______________ §mm ~w w40 Starting Thursdav, Jan. 17, Sock Hops will be hcld in the girls' gym during the lunch hour. Let's sec a lot there! IVEEK 0F JAN. 7 - Il successtul. The score cnded Most of this week bas been 51-29 in favour of Courtice. spent in basketball practîc2 )ack row, Director Jim Colliss, Past President ROSS 'Top scorer for B.H.S. was and then games. On Wednes- "ectars George Bebee, John Marton, Bill Cobban and' Bradley Yourtb. Better luck day, Jan. 9, tbe girls junior m; absent, Treasurer Don Milligan, lst Vice-Pres. next time boys. and senor tcams piayed ex- tt and Director Gardon Beech. The same day our Juniors hibition games in Bowman- visited Courtice and beat them ville against Courtire. We are 25-17. Top scorer was John glad ta say that we were vie- Kilpatrick. C o ni gratulations toriaus in both games. Good program. 'built home in Peterborough. team' showîng girls! Mr. and Mî's. Vincent Jack- L Mr. and Mrs. Ed MeGlynn We' are now well ino the On Wednesday also, tbe ban- san spent last weekend 10 .a n d family, Peterborough, ratice scason for the bas- tam, and junior boys' basket- Toronto witb Mr. and Mrs.'spent Sunday with Mrs. In a tb Cecil MGill.kPtmea.l1srhcdulc whicb will bal teams played games in Ccci MGil. almr.start Jan. 13. Ajax. Tbe juniors were defeat- Ernest Lamb is home again Fricnds xviU bc interested On Monday, Jan. 7, Clarke cd in a score of 31-20. The. frmCivir Hospital, Peter- in a clippiri-g rereived here Iligb Srbool wcre tbe visitors bantams, altbough they played' borough. fî'om The Sarnia Observer con- in another exhibition game terrific basketball, iost by a! Andy Watson bas returned taining a îpicture of the newly againsi our Bantams, 51-28. beartbreaking score of 25ý-24.1 fram, visiting with his nepbew electcd offirers in Sarnia Sen- Top scorer was Lloyd Clifton. I'm sure they will win aIl fil-, Ian Munroe in Elliott Lake. 'ior Citizetîs Club. The pitître Tbe Junior game foilowed ture games. 'Mrs. Clara Armstrong, xx'ho shov.,ed Alex H,1 Monk, former- irnediatelv and we are praud Friday of the saine week,, is in Civir Hospital is reported IV of Bethany as the vire- ta sav that wecrame out on top the Boys' Si'. Basketball tearn: as improving. president. At 81, Mi-. Monk is agaiîn , Ibis time the score be- girls wili play hasts ta Caur Mir. and Mis. Elmer MIl1i- ale and hearty' and still ar- ing 39-1:3. Top srorcr was John tire' Higb Scbool in an exb ib-i mayl, Pcterborough, w er e tive in chuirch work. Kilpatrick.i played an exbibition game' guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jak Mi'. and Mrs. Reg. Palmer On Wednesday, Jan. 9, the'against the visiting Mormon Palmer for the weckcnd. spent -the weekend in Peter- ition game. We would like to'Eiders. Altbougb the bo0ys Mrs. Rboda Johnston mov- borough xvith Mr. and Mrs. sec plenty out ta sec them xvre defeatcd, we feel tbey cd last week ioto her newlv Frank Huily. play. __1___piaycd __ xceptIonally good FURNITURE. END OF YEAR LINES.. r. 'UT ITABLE TO 72" CHAIRS $139.95 PECIAL ;095 >AMAGED CHAIRS ee RECLINERS - SWIVELS ROCKERS TO CHOOSE COVERS IN NYLONS OR COMBINATION NYLON AND FABRILITE 'J, 4.$39e95 - $49*95 - $5 9o95 (UP TO 25 per cent REDUCTION) 'OM FURNITURE )wn manufacturers as: PEPPLER - ANDREW MALCOLM S AND MANY OTHERS CRIBS CARRIAGES AND STROLLERS ND -OF- FR11 HEATED STORAGE Pi P GREATLY REDUCEDI LAMPS HASSOCKSI c SOFAS V MIRRORS , CUSHIONS * AND- )ccasional Tables 25 ?/yo OFF &ND CHAIRS H V i.LrLfi1fCH PRVI1NCILI - IEARLY AMERL AND MODERN A REAL, SPECIAL. BY 4 SETS KROEHLER 4-Seater Sofa and Chair Heavy Nylon Fabrics Regular $299.50 - WINTER SPECIAL $249501 OTHER 2-PCE. SETS f rom $ 179.50 up 7 pc. Colonial Dining Room I Solid Rock Maple Regular $349.00 WINTPER CLEARANCE $29950"1 KITCHEN SUITES Copper and Chrome 36" by 60" - Table - 4 Chairs AS LOW AS S--..M-W w------AV--- UrLJ PHONE 623-7071 1IMI1T ED VAULT PROPOSED FOR BETHESDA (EMETERY It has been announced that a public spirited citizen, a former resident of Tyrone, Miss Alice Creeper of Toronto, bas very generously donated $5,000.00 toward the cost of crccting a building (or vault) in Rethesda Cemetery, for holding service and temporary interment. Haif the cost of this proposed building must be raised by private subscriptions. The members of the Cemetery Board will gladly receive donations from those who are interested. It is the intention of the committee to contact as many as possible either by letter or in person. Persons interested please contact ,.a member of the Board. S. E. WHITE, Sec.-Treas., Bowmanville R.R. 4 Phone 263-2202 Il, I I Prices from $11950 up ittresses and BOX Springs - 1 ONLY 1TOPS by SERTA MIONS CLEARANCE CONTINENTAL BEDS FUCAN M IG ST. E. BOWMANVILLE $79915 I 0 0 0 b-P fl-ý )' 40 40 3 4 0 9u5p