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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1963, p. 7

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three of the teachers went te I Toronto by bus and saw the play, "Arms and the Man" by ers onGeorge Bernard Shaw, in the ersonal Crest Tete >23-3303Canon Ashmore conducted ')'233303the inaugural meeting of the School Board on Wednesdav Ievening. Mr. Don Frew re- Mrs. V. G. Snider and son Florida. They left by jet on Brock, were Saturday visitors Saturday. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lang- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moffattl don ef Lindsay. and Kevin and Mr. and Mrs. Saturday visitors wîth Mr. Leon Moffatt and Steven, Osh- and Mrs. Ray Lathangue and awa, spent Sunday with Mr. John were Mr. and Mrs. Jack e~nd Mrs. A. E. Moffatt, Pros- Whiteman of London, Ont. pect Street. mrzT'W (nwk-s.î,...T ,hprt+,, Mr. A.T. Pennington, Ham- i places Ivrs. sC.arnagllan fur this year. The High Seho>ol hockey team played a game with Clarke High School team ati Newcastle, Friday after schoo., Hesuits, 11-4 in favor of Clarke. Better success next teboys. Religion for T( Captain Don Ritsc A man, If he Is sufficiently and empty cenceit. They tfl ambitieus and is determined, te measure up te the mark. can often rise above even the The true Christian is mea-ý most adverse conditions te sured by action, neyer by become a success. Throug.- word or pretension. We can histery, this has been proven spend hait the day on our time and time again, and ne knees, be in church on everv: doubt vou are familiar withlpossible occasion, testify end-' many cases et influential and lessly about our faith . . . but oday In fact. who can have life at' ail in his soul unless it draws strength from its Creator? When we repeat the Lord's Prayer, we beseech G-od for our daily bread. The bread we ask is net merely bread for our bodies, but bread neces- sary te feed and sustain our Xmrsi. i. w. . OwftCi L4JriL -- - - .- .. - .,- ... chow e i ui JmenAIwîntnave seemu- an ucîîs ,.îans veryiyitie i--sols.-as-wel-.-Nurshen Et. North, has returned home ilton, and Mr. Harry Penn-, A bus load ef High Sch gly '14made the grade," heart, mind, and seul are net susa el orsmn after spending a few days with ,ington, Toronto, were recent students enjoyed the tri- thank toheronuaddoced ihadvnefead of the seul is an absolute es- Mrs Fan Hnniet o Tr-visiters with their sister,, Mrs. school -skating party a st hronuai Mii-efort. urpoe. iha iiefeadsential for Christian living. oils.Frn HnnstetT- Vera Adler, and their niece, brook on Friday night. Those In the spiritual order how- Christianity is "chariy Neither aur bodies nor our Mr. and Mrs. William Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bethune:. from Blackstock who W vr ti dfeetsoy.tu oepacie nsao seuls were self created. Nor and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Morri- A few weeks age mention jpîe eeDu ecî,Ne man can ever beast he has and eut; it is God's grace re- ca h îe e edb e! son, Toronto, were Saturday was made of a robin which Idoor prize, Sheila Tomchishin eoeatueCrsino ri lce i h okad a-md hita ns gust t r adMr.Jonhad been seen locally. e and Lloyd Trewin, an elimi- ewn. True, he might train tions ef every day. It is the' Clearly, we have te work uessofMan. adMs on can't help wondering how he'snainkte and discipline himself te earn Spirit et Christ within us. hard at being Christians, but Recet wekend visiorsbee n making eut in this frig- The annual Congregational' the titie. But he can never Thus we must live as a soundaiau efotwudbe s with Mr. Mort Kilgannon werei id climate. Please remember meeting et the Blackstock, win il without the power and tree, "bearing good and abun- nothing if God, through Jesus hi boteran ssîr-n-aw te put eut bread crumbs, suet, United Church met on Mon- ihelp et Jesus Christ. dant fruit." IChrist and the presence et Mi r t and rs. H r- Klgan seeds, etc. fer our feathered day, Jan. l4th, at 2 p.m. Thereý There are many who, judg- Who can measure Up to the Hely Spirit, did not heip nonetErestonOn. friends. were 30 members present. The'ing by outward signs, deserve these standards unless he is us te walk in the way of Hîs Sunday dinneî' guests with Guess the bad driving con- meeting epened with a hymn,1 te be called Christians. But vitalized by God's grace? Who light and truth. Let us trust Mr. and Mrs. Jack Childs were ditions, coupled with the deep a scripture reading and devo- their religion is full of pre- can keep sinless unless God in Him every moment et ev- ber sister and brother-in-law., freeze temperature kept every- tional commentary and pray- tense. At the first real sign, supplies the energy and ery day. In very truth He is. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hodgson, Gary one at home durîng the week- er. Reports ef the varieus of ditticulty, they stand re- 'strength teoevercome our in- "Alpha and Omega, the be- and Debbie, et Scarberough., end. We made many phone church organîzations were re-' vealed in ail their shallowness bred tendencies toward evil? ginning and the end." calîs seeking items fer this ceived and allopted.___ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Crawford, coîumn with very little suc- The "Messengers" reportlA Susan, Heather and Bebby, oet cess. Apparently home was1 presented by Mrs. Arnold'v s u e l c Leaside, were Sunday visîtars the 'best place. I Taylor shewed an average at- E. . CawfrdConessonstudent nurses at Ontario Hos- ings held during the year, and Street. pital, Whitby, whe will ferm an income et $57.00. $45. 0 Winner et the Canadian Or- the School ot Nursing gradu- was sent te Angola for the tr,50-50 draw fer the month in the recreation building, This work has been going onv me, c~ s S pae of December in the sum et Wednesday, Jan. 17. Among fer a number et years and the' $26.00 was Mrs. J. Kane, Highi those accepted into the School gift sent under the directioniý While the start et a New ter, Barney Lewis, Bill Alger, et happiness, and we realize Street. e usn elwn hi tRv .Fruo h a Year is a tîme te look ahead G. F. Shreve, Sid Hopkins, that we cannot impart happi-1 Mr. .A.CxTan adfoursonh proaiengpeieiAlafr 25 year erg s. wh s1and plan worthwhile ebject- Frank Montgomery, E. A. Lup-, ness by wishes alone. We must Mrs . A. oT oswnadweoreElzath p Coain et ow- Mrs.nome fri25 prsntd iheives, it is also wise to glance ton, N. Richards, Nick Jeni- be n1wDe practica], and if we Mrs S.J. rinie anill an Fena aintr reort Ths gou back and retlect on what bas kins, al et Oshawa, Dan Nyk- know et a situation that should are enjeying a winter vacation mavt Oro na ano. ___ ,.xplorm bers eot TheincrneP been accomplished, Rev. W. H. oluk, Toronto, and Robert be altered we should de al et The Sahara, Miami Beach, of___5__ is.Th ncm Crawford told the Bewman- Dykstra, Bowmanville. ýwe can ta better it. rfor the year wa s' iust Overiville Rotary Club at its In introducing the guest Mr. Crawford asserted that $100.00. Twenty-one dollars luncheon meeting in the Fly- speaker Art Ribey tld the the New Year fer seme may B LA C K T O C K was sent te UNICEF and $20 ing Dutchmnan Motar Hotel Rotarians et Rev. W. H. Craw- 'mean the conclusion et a per- te Missionary and Mainten-2on Friday, January 4th. ford's eutslanding ministerial led et wailing, and that a trea- Unit No. 2 ef the U.C.W.' nual Presbytery U.C.W. Iiance.A new member et the Bow- career. He said that Mr. Craw- sured goal is nearer. For oth- met at the Manse Tuesday Pt Trinity Church, Bowmanville. The minister read the Sun- manville Rotary Club, Ted ford was born in England and ers il pessibly might mean the 1 p.m. and enjoyed desSeit, Feb. 121h, was stressed. Roll day School report on behaîf Samuel, was inducted by the educated there. He also in- !reverse. I well remember atter which the leader, Mrs. call at Ne. 4 braught in sev- et Miss Elaine Mountjo..president, Dr. Keith Billett, formed the club that Mr. when World War II began. We Romeril conducted worship of eral good suggestions te work There is a membership ot 215. assisted by three past presi- Crawford became a minister, had been told that if a siren Bible passages and music. The e ut during the year. Four Sunday School members dents, Rex Waters, George who achieved renown through- was heard it weuld mean that Bible Study discussion unlSt John's W. A. held their became members et the chur-! Vice and Dr. W. M. Rudeil, eut Great Britain for the elo- war had been declared. Il was Acîs, chapter 5, was very in- annual meeting on Thursday,Ich. The Ireasurer, Mr. E. 'and the chairman et the Maga- quence et his sermon and bisla Sunday mernîng, September teresling and worth while. Jan. l7th, i~n the Rectory. AtISwain reporled thal the in-'zn n oayIfraingetdvtint uy r,13,adw eea Nine ladies and three chîdrenthe kind invitation et Canon came was $647.00. A large Commitîce, Walter Reyolds. The Rev. Mr. Crawford was 'Communion Service when we attended. Closed with silent i and Mrs. Ashmere, the mem- part et this is spent on edi-, Gucsts present at the lun- inviîed te make a tour et the heard the siren's wailing prayer and benediction. i bers and ether ladies of the cational literature and distri- cheon meeting were Ken Coul- United States and accepted, sound. No. 3 Unit met at the home parish assembled aI 6:30 p.m. buted free ta the scholars. At Mr. Ribey stated. He told et "This marked the est et of Mrs. Leith Byers. Wednes- and partook et a lovely but- Christmas, instead et a white 1lTT the success et this undertaking a cloud et darkness and w ayp.m., with eight ladiestýet supper. At 8 p.m. Presi- gift service, the ottering which IJLJ.Lidungwch M.Caor'eepugdastwreno and two children present. l dent Mrs. John Hamilton cali- was $30.00 was sent for Lus-; preached in almost every State a valley et despair, but iA aise Metigopnaskt uted thCaeno Ashore tecn- sThe i-Ano (lntended for last week) in the Union. "In 1957 he came signitied the commencement music played by Mrs. H. Tay-iakdCnnAhoet o-TeH-,ams promlising, Mrs. R. Eakins had charge te Canada and served at Port et a perîod ottering new and ler. Mrs. Wes. Pearce read a duct the opening prayers. Thet greup et young people et highiet the missionary program at Perry for three years, and wider opportunities for ser- poem, "My Prayer for 1963",'Canon then gave a short ad- scliooî age, report a member- iSunday School on Sunday aflerwards heid a pastorale vice and awakened new zeal, iolewed by a hymn. Mrs. dress as ta the real purpose ship ot 31 and have bad a morning. The Junior classes near Ottawa. Then Mr. Craw- fervor, and determination for Stanferd VanCamp gav e a: et the Wemen's Auxiliary, very successtuî year u.nd.trl sang a sang, Sally Langmaid fard transterred tramn the Pen- the achievement et great as- splendid develional lalk on; which slarled as an auxiliarîr their Ceunseilors, Mr. andigv eiainadJa tecostal te the United Ctîurch pirations. l"Worthwhile Beginnings fer a t h isinrroieyadMs.Ia hmio n r Baker read a stai-y. of Canada. We are fortunale The speaker emphasized the New Year," reading Psa. 121 b as now become an auxiliarY and Mrs. Harold Kyte. 1 Reverend Page conductedI1te have him as aur minister aIt act that service during the end led in prayer. Mrs. Wal- ,ta the whole church. Minutes The Town and Country Club the Cmuinsriehs Enniskillen United Church," war years brought realization lace Marlow, who was unabi3 etf last meeting were read by held regular monthly meet-, sermon ion ei en,"he'M.Rbypil u.e h morac tgiac te attend, wrote eut an mIiro- 1Mrs. Evelyn Edgerton, follow- emThankbin n TeMr ib in rte orthe obfted ione scoouiaetx duto e"h odadtee yrprse h fiesings and report a balance on, Marriage Suýpper." hnigM.Rbyfrteotaedntescolfex Way" nd e eveorand que-easuer report hewofie ai hand et $400.00. The annual meeting efthte introduction the guest speaker perience and obedience. tiens. Mrs. Lloyd Wright read 1 Obligations met and substan- A very interesting report' Community Hall Board was bdteRtrasta h r rwodrcle h Il and led the discussion. A. tial donations given te the was presented by the presi - held on Friday night. Wes mton tetUbistpehing trfaset te r d eduringe card was sîgned by ail for Wardens of St. Jo n'saddn wteUie hrcielwespeie o he iad reminded him etf the oc 'the hope that 1963 will bring Mrs. W. Bradburn in Portother werlhy appeals. The Womnen, Mrs. N. Malcolm. The eleclion e Jtcr casion sherîly atter bis arriv- new hope and courage. "For Perry Hospital, who was 84IDercas secretary said the ar- activities et the year wcre:Bruce Tink was elected chair-aiteewnhe dresdom tedan ttisyr years young that day. Closed ticles and money for an Ii-o'lndadafî iaca1ma ot heba- wes a Michigan contcrcnce on July' may have been disappoinbing, with a hymn and prayer. dian outtit were sent and sev- report given in which the, mernbers are Harvey Yellew- 4th. He peinted eut that he !but if i t is used as a chance te Unit No. 4 met aI the hom" eral quilts made and sold. A total amount raised was ever lees, Bruce Tink, Bruce Tay- was such a newcomer ta bbe impreve circumstances, and of Mrs. Keitb VanCamp on bale was sent ta the Diecesan $1500.00. 1elr, Lloyd Breome and Percy land that he bad net recalled carve eut a new lite il will be Wednesday evening wilb eigit1 Centre in October. Ail agreed The Church Treasurer's re- Westlake, whe replaces Stan the signiticance et the date' worthwhile," hie declar e d. mnmier ad ou vsier pe that 1962 had been a very port was issued ta the meet- Milison, retiring member, and te the Americans until just "Wbat will happen in 1963 de- rnent Forworip, Mrs Glen successful year for the Branch. ing in printed form, showing, chaîrman of the board. Ever- befere he was te rise ta speak 'pends Iargely on the vision we Lamr terdpryrandi The presîdent then asked the an incarne et some $4500.00, ett Vice is the bonorary mem- the man sitting next ta hlm bold," he added. Mr. arey Gfre ramra Canon te instaîl the otticers -but we stili require anothcr ber appointed by the Town- on the plattarrn speke etfil. Discussing the wisdem of scrptue pssge.Mrs Rih-for 1963, which are: Honorary $11000 te balance the account.îsi onî.Duigtels "The audience laughingly pausing te look back at the be- ar VnCm ad r. lenPresident, Mrs. J. Forder; Mr. John Carnaghan, who! year the hall was opened for took il in gaed spart when I ginning et a new year, Mr, Larmer intraduced and con- President, Mrs. J. Hamilton; bas been treasurer for the neW ! variaus tye.e ntraimn commenced by saying it was;-Crawford remarked t h a t ductd adiscussion on thel dn Vice President, Mrs. J. A. Mc- Christian Education Buildn on 126 occasions. There is a wondertul that an Englishman 'memaries can be good. "Some dustchpeof"h WodAtu;Sceay r.T udrprted httebn balance on hand et approxi- had been invited te address are treasured always, but first~~ chpeGf TeW rdIarhurmSerearr,Mrs. T. lFun d rerte d ht fteand' mately $360.00. During tbiAmericans an July 4th, and'others we would ike te gel and the Way." Business at rha:Teauersr. .bacaibeapilttad ' hourLt He ail Unils included the re-in- Sta niland, Dercas Secretary, no furîher debts were ou'sciluo erwas'that il went ta prove that they ýrîd et and permanently erase. statement et atticers as et lasI Mss Eva Parr; Litle Helpers, standing. A small credif bal-ý played, with Mrs.BueTy'~cudntgtaogwt-Alsol eebrta verplnin e rora 1 Mrs. H. Ashmore; Living Mes- ance remained. A very hearty 1eor and Bruce Tink winnîng ut the British. leven the best can make mis- pamet t ee, tc "Te 'n sage, Mrs. H. MéLaughlin; vote of thanks was passed for prizes tor highest scores, w ithi "New we have just entered takes. Mistakes have a pur- ________________ Sick and Social Service, Mrs. the fine work donc by the Mr. Wes Yellowlees and into 1963, and doubtless you 'pose, and sbould prove te be a !W. VanCamp. Atter the meet- treasurer and ail wba belped et Cryrmn eeinghvalhda es oep- means et re-direction te suc- FIRST CHIJRCH OF ing a social hait hour was en- hm consolations. Lunch was ser- snsy'htsnwaoti? esntal e usle CHRIST, SCIENTIST ýjoycd.ThBorofSead s ved. Caustie remarks came from but tor ethers," he stated. St.E.,Osawa Tueda evnin ws Pr- heBoad e Sewads as Mri. Linton Herron, Osh- frustralcd people who have "Mistakes can be rungs in 64 Coiborneent-Teacher Night inteHihr-lcd frtb cnug awa, visited Miss Gladys Yel- net found any meaning in the ladder et success. Informa- CAN APPY BBLE Scool ben the arntge year. The minister and bis ewlees on Monday evening. lie tien is obbained througb bhem. wit wrethnked for ter Ms Ewart Leask enter- "The New Year net enly1 They aise keep us humble and STATEMENTS Grades 9 and 10 pupils had services and asked ta stay an-,tained several litIle girls on marks bbe end of 1962 and the1 remind us that wc are human. TO O-DY'SLIVNG? theoportnit etintrviw-other year. This will be the nie occasion et ber daughler1start et 1963, but it gives us l is heiptul te retresh our VES! ~ing the teachers and school seventh year of Rcv. and Mrs. Margaret's fifth birthday enth petnt aws t-'eais Lisen bard Te god bledace omeil' mnisrv n Bac-' January l0th.i ers a happy year ahead. This, "We tind bhat actions pro- Litnt proves the interest baken by stock. Harold Yellowlees and Pat'brings thougbt of the saurce duce memeries. Il is a good "The Bible Spe aks !parets. Some et the girls ef In St. John's Cburcb Sun-'Knox were among those tram Icesolutian te decide te con- iteegrades, supervised by day marning, Canon Ashmore,ý this area attending the Jr. [sider befarehand what sert et to You!"Mr.DtnDrrlsve delivered another wonderful,ýFarmers' Convention in thie-PO-E-MS--STO-RIES-ARTICLES mernory an action et ours will i Each Sunday lnh sermon frorn a series on tbn ýKing Edward Hotel on Satur-'W N E produce. Will il resuit in a Wednesday atternoon most theme et "Fellowing the Star." day.W N E memory tram whicb we wil CKLB - 9:00 - 9:15 arn. et Grades 11, 12 ad13e In tbe United Cburcb, Rer*.1 Mc. and Mrs, Tony Corbish- erîve truc inspiration, or' _jCartwright High Scbool and Ramentl chose as the theme.ley, Thornhill, were Sunday 0. hon, nd od, s.dethI$2.00f.,dt-.g will il became semething we for bis fine discourse -Our, tea guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Wes BERN LITERARY AGENCY would mucb rather forget? Sens ofVales. He Yellwles ad sns."Actions can be bbc spring RINITY UNITED CHURCH Sense t Valus.' Hexviii ehlowles and50fl5.609 Durie Street, Toronto 9, Ontariobarthppns.T R- TRINITY UNITED CRURCH ~continue Ibis next Sunday. Mc. and Mrs. Carman West-bortehpis.Te - The choir sang the anlbern, lake and tamily, Oshawa I _ _Clb________ ingod Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A.,B.D. Ged's Love." visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oî-ganist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmier Westlake Jr. and family andB S N ________attcnded the evening with Mrs. Frank Westlakc Sr. same et Five Oaks staff in, Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr.' r J'i, N On Wednesday atternooný 11:00 - MORNING. WORSHIP King s., Oshwa, Snaind Gardon visited Mr. andl1e L nc ni n) Mrs. John Turkovich was bas- Telephone 623-5023 ]home Sundav atter spending daunig rHea ther neDwneuH R AM S AppEgio ________ a mnth wiîb be daughtenne as b met inximately 35 people, an, oa\?,- Do w n nd garnes. They report an 9:0 .n.- uthGlad te report Mrs. Wilbert McI. Ronald Hope, Prince INSL RANCE REAL ESTATE enjoyable evening, which bhcyi 9:00 .ni. utch Archer. Mr. Melville Grifell Albert, Mis,; Judy Brown, King St. E. Bowmanville hope te repeat once a menlh.1 11:00 English and Mr. Edgar Gibson celurn- Newcastle, were Sunday visi- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aguanne' c:0pm nls d tram bospitaI3 la Ibeir ce- tors wilb Mcr. and Mrs. Keith OfieRsd nd Aganno,TcatrM. and .Sm 7:0pr.-Egihspective home, Saturdav. We Crvderman. Ofc eineAan famioyoMo,n Mrs. am' Proclaiming the IVhole Counsel of (iod wish them ail a speedày ce- Bradicy-s Community Club 623-5681 623-5493 Mrs. Mcl Shiels and Garry,, covery. will mcci on Friday nighl, Martin Road, Bowmanville, ý -Mr. and Mcs. Gordon Strong Januarv 18. Mrs. Garîshore Repre.çenting were Sunday guests et Mi.ý joincd sarne Sinclair relatives of Newcastle wihl show pic- Hartford Accident nd and Mrs. Fred Wright and "akT o or racs at bbc home of Mrs. Phvllis turcs. Indemnity Com1,p'1any tarnly. sSinclair, Bowrnanville, Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Tony Corbish. Member The HartfordI Mrs. Herman Dixon is a' CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.m. every Sunday day atternoon in houer oft e\v. Thornhill, were Sunda-1, nsuraflce Grouppainin Ohw erl Beverlev Sinclair's t h i r d cii'crýs at Mr. and Mrs. Ha r- Hartford 15, ConniHpitalin shawaeeae! birthday. i ve'y Yellowlees'. ber at home very soon. Social Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service ExPORfK CIGARETTES EXPORT PLAIN 20's 25's.4 SAVE ON THE CARTON Dodds KidneyPills M Fer Backacbe, 1Tiret! fl~1~I~15Feeling due to linin- sry Irritation uand . ~ Bladder Di.i.mfor.. Save Today at I D A These SPECIAL PRICES effective te Jan. 26 7-oz. ADORN --------------Special 1.68 8-ez. AQUA VELVA -------Special LS 11/2 oz BAN DEODORANT ---- Special 98c, Band-Aid Plastic Strips Special 48c 8 oz. BENYLIN Expectorant Special 1.28 .1 e/2 z BRYLCREEM ---------Special 68c 2 oz. CREMI CLAIROL imORMLA Special 1.68 25 's CORICIDIN ----------Special 981, 4 OZL. 79c NIVEA CREME Special 1Ç _________ OLD SPICE LOION~V Special.1 COLGATE SHAVE Speç~ BRISI< 1AsTEl--------- Special 65ecand 35c TOOTH BRISK PASTE------------- Both for 6 c 11USfWhite Rain SHAwPOOSpecial 2/99c LISTERINE ----------------------- 1.49 METRECAL Wafers -- Special 98c 39c 75c What su~p $ Neutraogena s ts rne. It's non- alka ne, ts mild, and its so pue t's transparent. Most important, though, Neutrogena's glycerine f or- mula does noir de-fat and dry the skin, as so many soa ps do. This means that women with dry skins, can use Neutrogena with complete confidence. Yes. Neutrogena costs $1 a cake, but what it does is priceless! SOLO SAFETY-TP BOB PINS BLACK or BLONDE 75 for 25c Early application usually prevents the unsightly formation of a Cold Sore or Fever Blister. Medicated for quick relief. Daily use conditions the lips, keeps them soft and healthy. r ME-az A Liquid -- Spec. 6/1.871 ENO FRUIT SALT ---Special 99j" 6-0z.. TUSSY COLOGNE -- Special 1.2j 90's VITA DIET --------Special 2/4. "Utiity" Hot Water Bottie -----Special 1. Hot Water Bottie -----Special 88 "Heatmaster" HEATING PAD Special 4.4 FLORIENT AIR DEODORANT J Vý 1 Ea SPECIAL 7 4a"O aThis price is i mm lOc off 89C 7 HERMESETAS World-famous Sweetener Calorie-f ree - Ne after-taste - - 500 Tablets 25cc Liquid Now! False Teeth Fit Beautifullyl Dental discovery gCes . cushiened- comfortî *' ;Ihea nug as a NeW theons .beautiful new way te hold fais. tê.th fast, stop slip- ping, clicieing, embarraisment. Ne mes Y,aste;, powders orpia. New C JHO-GRIP la a soit pliable plastic tlsat bolds mu i asa a dentistià mold, thru soothing suctia.,. Givez gums ceusblonsd- .fmor t'--ç.lieves sort spots, re- fit ., re-lin.a denturse, too. No taite, no odor. Goe. on i, minutes, iapplication laits monthb, de- ite nightly démaniez. Emaelly r.- mov.d. Full mon.y &C k tuerans- tee. Cr t CUSHION-C.RIPtd 98c 2.25I 1.25, 85C Woinan Nearly Itches To Deati "In earlýirsbtdiode,î ., new woidr <resue.Nw l'ni haqp , ri n P. Ratsy',ie.~s p lier.,s blesied reliei from. tontunc ai vaialith. sect as îtch, llcSh and cluaswich an îmaling nW Scient formulaicalled modicated crame kilîs hîm' "iu l ce while it soothes 1a anitste.d Dontr sufi.r! G.e LAKACANE ac drugg 1.35 2.29 Prescriptions - I.D.A. Remedies Alex. McGregor e DRUGS e 5 King St. W. - Phono 623u5792. & Phone 6 1~I actions, worthy projects de- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvllle, Jan. 23, 1003 7 signed te bring uplift and en- couragement te others. Ro- tarians live in a wonderful PflMTVPOOLf oigt e Bb rut way the principle 'it is more for many more years. blessdtive.ta t e Friends here of Mr. Uorne A fair crowd was present. tO Mr. Crawford stressed that Bowins, Orono, will be pleas- hear and dance to, the "Comfl those who have done their, ed to learn that he has recov- try Hoppers" Orchestra In thO best te make worthwhile con- ered enough te return te his Orange Hall on Saturday, Janl. stributions for the welfare of home atter several weeks in 1t.T hs h ae t society as a whole have ac- hospital with a heart condi-lth Tohsewocntt quired an indispensable ini- tion. tend these local dances thit sgredient of happiness. He ex- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker group can be heard on Chan- rplained that vision should be who reside on the Fallis line' nel 12A on Thursday evenings 1cherished as the inspiration Cavan Township, were bot at 6 p.m. rfor good deeds. Without *vls- sent to hespital in Peterbor- Congregational meeting of ion there is stagnation, he as- ough after an accident on the United Church was held rserted. iHWýy. 115. They were hit by after services on Sunday. 0f- tRotarians who continue te a car with three ladies en- ficers for 1963 were elected serve their fellow men wihllroute te the Conservative Con- and reports were heard from, knew great inner satisfaction ventien. While injured, their ail the different departmefltS from their efforts, Mr. Craw- condition was net considered of the church. rford predicted. "God bless you tee serious. To ail a speedy Mr.RJ.Pyeetne in 1963 and your great endea- recover3'. hme Sun.d.aye r sendin ver," e sidin oncusin. A meeting and social even- ten days in Toronto. On behaif of his fellew Ro- ing sponsored by the Manvers W r ldt eotta tarians Rev. John Verbrugge 'Progressive Conservative As- W r ldt eotta moved an appreciative vote eft seciation will be held in Mr.. Arnold McNeil is con- thanks te the speaker for the! Bethany Anglican Hall on tinuing te make good pro- b oreut es e ub "efleet Friday, Jan. 25th. Both ef gress in Cooksville Hospital brouht t th clu. "eflet- heircanidats wll b pr where he is confined with8 ing on xvhat the guest speaker i hi addtswl e'e heart condition. sent. The campaign in both has said we realize that te- elections should be interesting Mr. Norman Porter, Orono. morrow began yester d a y. wt h etyopsto a eetysl i oea There is a centinuity in lives wt h otyopsto a eetysl i oea as tereis n hstoy."premising bath "Beer" and Manvers Station. President Billett aise ex-'"oe"t hi upres Mr. Howard Brown recRakl presed his personal thanks te Happy bir-thday te our old- heard of the death of his si Mr. Crawford for bis inspir- est citizen in the village, Mr. ter, Mrs. Darling (Mary> o ing address. He presented the Robert Halboran, who will bp Toronto. A few short weekiI guest speaker with a copy cf 93 in a few days. This grand age bis brother Meredith ais aRotary International book, old man is stili very active passed away. We extend au "Seven Paths te Peace." and bis many friends here are symnathv.i 1, di

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