Men's Basketball ÇCoronation Upsets Fuels /HoteI Defecds McQueen's s,- Stephen Fuels, dropping scored 21 points and Norm place McQueen's Mlot o rs their third game in four starts, Buwalda counted 15. Ben saw a once insurmounitable King, the league scoringi lead rvaporate ta four points, leader, was, as usual. Steph-] lasf Tuesday night lu Mcn's en's top performer andtheli Town Basketbali League ne- nighf's big scorer wif h 23 tion, peints. Tho Fuels were soundly up- Iu the second game, Bow- set 48-32 by Coronation Cafe manville Hotel rernainedti ied in the opener as Dan Seto wifh Coronation on thc stren- back after a one game absence gth of a 37-32 win over last1 Lose a Big One s. John F'owler pacedth e win- ners wifh 17 points andi Ted Faircy scored 10 for the auto dealers. League Standings WV L T Pts. Stephen Fuels - 9 4 0. 18 Coronafion Cafe 6 5 2 14 Bowville Hotel 6 5 2 14 McQueen's Mators 3 9 0 6 Pic-O-Mats Chances Dîm Lose Sunday ta Dixie 4-3 Ings. Scott Langule (2), Gil- bort Wagamese and Alec Capay wero the B.T.S. marks- mon. Tbe Raiders two goals wore scored by Guy Pa.rk& and Peter McCullough. Sttutd.ay, Vebtnary IStb Poc Wee League 7:00 Bears vs Hawks 7:45 a.m.- Leafs vs Rockef s 8:36 a.m.- Wings vs Bruins flantam Hockey 9:20 a.m.- Pirates vs Lions 10:15 a.m.-Tee Pees vs Hus- kies 11:00 a.m.- Flyers vs Cubs Atom League 11:50 a.nx.Indians va Vikings Midget Longue 12:35 p.m.-Orphans vs B.T.S. 1:30 p.m.- Maroonu vs Raid- ers Juvenfle Lesgue 2:15 p.m.- Canucks vs 1%t. 3:00 p.m. - Midgets vs Aces Monday, February lSth 5:00 p.m.- Royalî vs Bisons 5:45 p.m.- Rams va Hornets Tuesday, February l9th 6:00 p.m.- Bombers vs Giants Juvenile League In the only Juvenile gameý played last week the Midgets defeatcd tbe Aces 6-1 f0 move int o first place in the stand- ings. John Hughes (2), Peteri WerIrwin Colwell, Don1 Third Game Here Thursé Uxbridge Ev Uxbridge Black Hawks uit- half-dozeti lcashled a terrifie attack to minutes. Ti joit Bewmanville Olympias ies is now 15-2 ln an Infermediaf e "B" gainte ach playoff clash, Mvoîiday night at here Thurs Uxbridge. The Hawvks dam- Art Ren inatcd play cornpletely - ta and Paul grab a 6-0 first period lead, t1 produced was 9-2 after a niore eveniy Waynîe Re( playeti second stauza, and Ipair ant is the winners__addcd another1 Cornish, Fr Local 189 Playoffs Raiders. Boi Bruins Tie Scîni-final playoff action I The Raic got underwvay ln fhe Local ,goals ln six 189 Hockey League Sunday in a minui uiorniiîg with tflic Raiders ta vhip tf bombinîg fthe Horitets 10-0 in Vince Van! day iens iin the fin le best of fii ,deadlocked i witii Uhc -sday nbght. nnick, Don1 1Tornlinson hat-tricks, dshaw triggc ingles weîît1 Ireti Etcher, B, mnb Cor iders scored x mintutes and ite and 20 s le Hornets ustone hai a Bowmanville Pia-O-Mats'i a single goal with nearly, Lewis ut 19:03, but Stan Shar- MIcMuriter and Howard'Parrythï irtgan, ndte r- aitve-eaytin playoff-chances took a turn eight mninutes remaining ant ila clicked on a close-in play scoted for the Mldgets. John mnspulling out a 1-i tic wi1h jlectin-j the shutout asti for the worse when they drop- turned it on, puilling goal with Roland Mackie and Bob Adamis scored for the Aces. the Cornets in the secondi tilt. pltct'rs wrare ilci OOt ped a close hard-fought 4-3 keeper Lorne Camrpbel with iCamrcbell, 18 seconds before League Standings decision to Dixie Bee-Hives 45 secpnds1s ht. StanDoe.h period ended. as of February 11th nt the Memorial Areiia. Sun- was in alone, Duaine Rutley Following a scoreless mld- Atoln League A ctay afternoon. It was Dixie's had a great chance and Ron die session, the Bee-Hives WV L T Pt * îs vnoe h i--Mats Moore nearly rammed the grabbed a 4-1 bulge early in Barons _ _8Ma o Icere this season. Bowman- Igoalie into the cage with a the third, Mickey Cherevaty Indians 3 0 O0 ville bad won the first -three blisteriiig shot, but Ron Rut- scoring after 40 seconds and Hornets ___3 1 0 61 The Major LeagLie bo'vlers Don Bagnell 18 games. 'ledge stopp e d everythlng Harry Orr clicking tvro min- Rams - 2 1 0O 4stin continue at a terrifie pace'Ted Haliman 15 A disastrous eight gainelIthrown his way. -Both net- utes later. Bisons 1 3 O 2 and this week four membeisý losing streak, started off bv minders played outstanding: Stan Westfall fired a beau- Royals - i-1 2 O 2 1Hqrold Bennett 18 a itwin defeat at the hands of games In the free-w'heeling tifull slap-shot that pîcked Glants ---___ 1 3 0 2 Erf the laect wsthe p00mar. H arrv nwrh . 1 Schoniberg Chiefs, lbas left .affair. I!the bottorn corner at the 3-25 Bombers 2 0 2 Eri e Perfct83-30t1p2man o la cnile1,0 Bowmanville in the ceilar, 1 While teani-mate Doua.,Mc.- mark. Canipbell assisted on Vikings . -----O- 0 4 0t are f23-0-6 frDx0Mcn~t 1 three points off the puce. 'Gowvan sat out a boardin g~ the play. Gord Wilson puit the 1'ee WVee League 844. flud Okze lad 331249-25211on Mavnard ... 1,9 Sunday's tilt featured last, sentence, Bill Watts sliocok Pic-O-Mats back in conten- W L T Pts. for 832, I-v Nelson well rest- I Bill Oke ........... 18 end - to - end, bard - hitting Doug Givilliam loose for the tian at 12:27 from a goal- Canadians 3 old ffroist6 t Fordaba!Mike Murphy . .... 9 hocke for he clsappintin- firt gol at 7:51 f th ,nîoth scarnbe, a2er4R21ey9-29gs3forO 6 814.69-91 fo 814 FraPiperîPip8 hoy fol rowhedisof 00fn.ifiî-stpgod Watt1751mfade i t 'a Morae, terada kR ocketWins 3i0i i6BluIit aving his best year :n 1Les Sm-ah . The Pic-O-Mats drew within:2-0 fromn Gwilliain and Brian-at fixe piuck. __ Bruins 1- 1 0 2 bowling scored garnes of 3 3-j1Mel Burge&s 18 ___-Bears 1 2 0 2 179-310 for 802. !Si Trewin ......... la Leafs ; 2iBob Glanville had 79é, Jac1kîJirn Calan.....1a 0 l. .Hwk 1 li-Lander 790, Art Rowe 7119,iElton Broecl e c e t on R VW SRangers.......----0 3 0 ,3 Laurence Leaman 76U, Georgeý Jack Gav.....1 P R e c r a t i n R v ies H Bantam Leagne Jones 757, Auss Ifallman 757.ýGeorge BeËfbee .. 18 Papier Macho Course and Brian Peters scored for ons goal scorers. The %vin îeft HusWiLsT2Pts1J5172 CalDn Oe72, NBi nHWelk e fsli . ....1 î, Tfyo ae ntrcte ii th 't1 Braves. Paul Parry tand'the Barons al alone in firot B2aves 2727 Donike 70, 3, Norm lien-l esle.....18 Ifg tIc apeineresediiMacl ore'Rgr wnwee te eplace in the playolffstandings. Braes o I nng72 John Carter 74 akJne...1 ki te aie Mch ojjreF1ye Sanwreth Te2 î o j Clarence Oke 700. IGeorge Piper ... 1l being co-sponsoreri by tle 'Pees goal getters. :[nl the second Atorn gaine, Tigers 1 o 1 3 Bab Glaniville won thie hlMîr' arir ...- . 17 Recreation Departmenit and L Pee W'ee Leag-ue tlhc Ramns defeated the Vik- Pirfates I igepz oigu ih ossWit IV teCommunity Pi-ogrammnesl In the first Pee Wee gatine îngs 3-0 to move into fourth Lions 1 i 2 o 2 a nice 343 ganie. Jûcit LanderRlav Fiw 1 Brnie o h nai efth a h risee place ini the standings. Randy Tee Pees ý 2 I 1had 331, Bill Westlake 313,' Baranenh of Ecthe on lase- 0f uthedyteBun kdRogers (2) and Mike Gilhooly Cubs o 3 o ELslie 309, Jack Bond 807,1 part fic- ento cation pff eouta narrow 3-2 sin overacutdfrheRm re0 3E L cal heReicaio Ofce at'the Bears. Kimi Rogers, War- ' 'ountdfo h Rns he Lioni Midgret League Art Rowe 306, Don Oko 305, 62-3379 before Friday, Feb-l- Alier and Borys \Vert-- -ils.T a-aireceLam 01,Bil rua,.ry 15th.* szczynskie accounted for the In tle third Mtoin gaine fhe * Maroons-- 4 o o 8 ,Hearle «002, Jim Callan 301.' The course wili be lield at IBruins tbree goals. Ken Tabb Bombers came up wifl their B.T.S. ___ 2 2 0 4 Other good single games. the Bowmanvilie Hobby Cen-!adRck oe we itefirst playoff wicibý; defeat- Orphans __ 2 1) O 4 icyLw wr h went to Russ Halîman 299,;, tre at 21 Ontario Str-et. start-Igoal getters for the Bears. lign fhe Bisons 2-0. Keith * Generals - 2 2 0 4 George Jones 293, Doug Tay-' ing on Wedîîesday, February I h eod e e a: Mountjoy accounted for both1 Raiders __ 2 0 O0 lor 296. Mike Murphy 294, Art I ntescndPeWeg incof t,eourtl oas.*Gm ne poet aei 89 a amr25 20th ut 7:30 p.m. Cost foi- Illiote dyfi îg cr'ic h obr ol.Conets--------- 0 4 0 o Rowe 292, Si Trewin 289, Alf four evening course is ""5 00;tlîrce ties ini the finai per- the Ilornets defeafed the Lin ueh Lgu ClfTei 2,Jon arr j îd fuis 2î-iii iîîeludc aIl 9f Bantanihockey Ron Webb (2), Sandy Browîx :ond place fie wifl the In-Mdet3 O O 627,H kJnen7. yoursuppies ' 'ad t de ett aners ih iats 6-3 0 mov intoasec3W L 0P6.277-5, Nrnk Hnenni27 9- In the first Banfain gaie.Wns n rave en. t t r ianySh ackletonrougi (),s -2 1 O 4.Garf Clarke was ini grand. plaed he irtesdefate ampell inasnnB labun Rick Slack2) on and Jim Aces------- i 1 2 0 2 fox-m and lit a low 87 gamne. thydflerae e us32A]ad ampli rian Blakbuîî,og5 2)jrete1onesCnucks - ---0 3 O O'Cecil Mutton lad 88, Bill Oke tueCus -2 AIBrwî, licy udCodonFiotifscoer 1 iscort2nŽ. Steve Reynolds Th ile twe top feanîs at ftic and Si Trewin lied ai 114 ecd.; lacLeaîî and Gary Slîniyr nc- for the Ratigur.i crcl aIl flue of Ille Giants end oh the playoff sledule jFred Tip>pins had 434 to cap-. counfed for 11wP lirtets goals. lai the tliird tid finial Pt ý- ~a~ iletr "io oky+îelwt-rl n eclMt "he Cubs .goals w'tci-e S..ored:, Wee gaine the Callciîacîwl ne Hceýuelo roead élMt Ly Bud Depew anti Grecg clialketi up their third straiglit I<g1Lag. iit o ensaMar(itnlt49 Iiutchinsoîî. wîb eetn lcLa~ Ini t ii-st Miget gainie, 27t1î, to play for the league Aiyclte hInte s Bî> -antaîi gaîie 5-l tu move Into a first place i lie NM-i'cons defp.e t te Geni- dhanîpionship. The reînaining Bob Galagher was at Llb-;. the "~îst- ae l~Il-tic wjt thfe Wings. Kou ~4-3- Hany -awthor-ne, teainsisnieachle Iague ""i'i ertv BowJ on Wednesday niglti--~ ' r'- 3-2 t c btua ifofurîù fcîlî c-Uiod uau 1c -iIol--- Lit-iy liai- ' aoff foi- the"Mî 'I.gettng in a 1,2w practice plae b îl .aciliîg~ Tc-rr' LwrnccCoutie ad Ti':Bm 1:111 )uii loîcui ure is a tie ini tue staind-iganes foi the coiring tourna- i,-~ Flintoff, Paul Me-adows and, Braybrook vere fhe Ciiiîtîl-ti-e2, te Mao scorers.,iiigs at fixe en~d of the, sclîed- u-nent5. Bab passed 'Out a i-e-' Lee Lention weré the Tigeî-s jans goal seau-rs. Bruce Welsh .iRiC-ky Luc:cs.fBruce Meadows le [lhe best goal averge will mark -to your reporter titat - goa scres. )anTaloraadscred thc Leafs ouly gi),rI. ul0(1 J0ohn1 Kilpatrick account- decide iwhich team w-%ill ad- Li berty Bowvl was one of the -- Do-.Hanes ccurte fr' Atorn League eti for tie CencraIs three goals. . vance to Minor Hockey Niglt. cleanest establishmients he had- Doug. Harness accounted for 'li garwa is being pî-otested Little NH.L. Zone Piayoffs ee oldi n o a the Flyers two goals. lIn[lie frst Atom gain i i le,,,the Gejixi-als. O audy Mri9ilevebo 1ed in nd eve las Iin thc final Bantam gainîe;IBarons clalhcd up titeir -Iiîl'e-at ide Onie a-îta at-l itt fe1>wl N.H..iln nar I g e aaleî- of t[he day flic Braves defeat-ifourth playoff vîn by tLeit-ý il tesen îcOtgreEstriOtxoLtl ... Otro 'esMng ed fhe Tee Pees 3-2 fa move ing the Rayais 34. .Mtxravy e rphaîîs landed tle Cern- Zone playoffs wili be beld iiiGeorge Elliott can staîîd un lotoa frstplae fi wih te Cwke, Tan Snîpoîiand. e-fs tîxeir fourth straiglit de- Bow.-nanville Arena, starting and take 'a boîv for he de- idie Hufisi aes. oet arge,>Ialter, aS ikar pson te ar- feat. The Orphans four goals*at 2:00 p.m. . servesaiI e credif. _ wHsie.RbrtLre()tWle Skr er h z r e scoî-ed by Bill Bujday,i T1liere wil lebc ine tearns! TIc bowlers are ierinded KIN S M EN Teri-y Walton. WVerner Wall- takiîîg part in ftic foux-cament that wedie-zav- night bowling. raffiat Terry Devitt. George represent i xig fowmiariville, starts shaî-p .at 7, sa Leatibeater accouxît e d for Port Hope and Cobourg, -%%ithi plense be on hanie and ini fIl URNGTHSbath of fIhe Cornets goals. 'games to he played ly the xav you wil not hold up fhie BIGTHSIn the flird anti final Mid- Atois, Pee Wces andtifan- leagaes that start at 9 ilpu SPECIAL i /2P CE AS etgaine of the day the Boys tains. inr h I iu The captains of each tearn are.u Ries4-2 fo move into n leagues ivili advancc toaflic ber.; of theïr teara are ready to the FRIDAY, FEB. 22ndscnd place fie in the stand- Ontario Ghampianship ta be ,to start on tinie. E P A S- beld i ni St. C atharin s i ý O h ycs, oie m o rle t he [ April, bîowîex-s are askecl uot te bovl KI SM N UP R-CA when flere are dead pis on -BI13GO BWING Teenage Leage and Mani-er George lit i ehgeBy lins requesteil fIat ail bDwlerm AT TE 7rsdayîî ght Itie league- j Charles 5 - Cll 2, cou-ideak vo a, ; bek1 n se ivd vern PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ' t î ig aders were dealf ville 5 - Gay 2, Peferson 7- 'froin the aley lefore deliver- ~ l k 0.i.g île bowling bail, and in, 1M k - » ldig -andtinow find flerselves re- Clv l 1eanStandings titis v.ay yotî wsuUbc hehpi)ng ITableRite td Over ~fh I i Prizes inldi. posing ini fhi runner-up spot, iCovle - 26 to kccp te ecuiprnerU in tice $8 6 0a Single poinit off ftic pace.I Gay .Laot21n vex-v lest condition. E 2 lb. Pkg.CI 1963 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEI' ar $2,000 tcash. * Laora5-orydomnes Macone IPtersn 16 Men's Major League Stanîding ITableRite 0Il $1,000 HI-Lo Game. $1.900 Big Snow bail (58 Nos.p 5-2 aîîd Combleainges nChales _____- End of 6th Week, 2nd Sehiedule $1,100 Jr. Snowball (57 Nos.) Plus S600 regular wiiiiiers deufflocked for first Virtue T e Bow W.L.Iic8iz. k game . $4 0 sp ctai game . pl ce. Lib rty oýv112 6 12 1 IC gams.$40 peja gaes .Plce Bitssxye l cn- gh igle-D. Gy K,:ra-nps Ftir'î're 12 6 i12belt sobTheBlsc Med;I C1-1. Charles 268, 256, W. lur- St5ephen Fuels 12 6 in Perfeetîuî Brand S-N LARGEST AMOUNT EVER teîîtiorî, cefeatiîîg Office 5-2 gess 236, 270, J. Oke 236, 218,'Fx-ark's Var. Store 1l 0 1 î '-" oo t tic Leati Press for foiurth,, C. NMutton 231, P. fluckler 224, 'Landîer IlTa1Awmîre_ 10 e 1 i $3,000 in Snowball oitly foui- belîii th ie leaders. .202, T. Callan 222, D.McSd- Grant Htg. 10 8 10 ,Last place flanbury boived Kniglif 218, P. Peterson 28 evx EquipcnY'Ilt 9 9 rU I L $1,900 in 58 Nos. $1,100 in57No. -2toFia Belts, Mlile the S. Oke 203, J. Callan 201, 206. Bena9e9 Lumbet 8 10S8 atrcto sw C rnt High Triple- M. Charles'Nels Otborne Ins 8 10c 8 K NS M ENo'rHae-2 665, D. Gay 659, J. Oke A59.JPpiCl ~. Fr. là h icakcn tutb J, 'c Piper took lîlgI triple.W. Burgess 64,) Kens M' Col a r il iîoiours w-,itli a 769 total, Teenage Ginis Jury & L--l 3 1 lolwdb Bl lotr-4,Bon5 - Paedia 2, Van-, Averages u o George Dadson- 732, Elgin stono 7 , yOJefey -Ok Nror* G ve OPENING EB. l9th GreenhRun-725, Ron Wht- 0. - ---MarceAverd 8 3 71,Davidi O'Rourke-72.1, Teain Standings lEd Lugtenburg 18 238 O E I G F B 9 h 1-Frank Blunt. 18 233 Food Prlces Murpliy-706, Frank Wright Oke -______ 17 hIv. Ne-s-on .. 6 2,11 -698, Phîl Vowis-685, Art jeffery -6 Jack Laner138 1230' No. 1 GRADE - ft - ~~Rowe-681, Farewell Black- Paedcn __--- Lurne eao 15 20B U E'ý O - EPA John Catr66 , Jack Ga sf...... Dr.H. B. Riiiîdle 18 2 26 NEW BR N ~~Dunn-663, Howard Bromeli - Hg Snl9-P efevRuas Halîman 18 2') -657, Jack Bond and Ted28,27A.Kto 25, 'i Hearie -18 22 (omryBowmanville Slîoe Repair) Hallnian-bS4. Aif Rande- BaIl 221, 201, M. Lynter 217,!Bd Erniii.iig - 18 224 (omry652 and Murray Graîit-65O. H. Vanstone 213, 216,13B!!Ernie _er ..ect 18 2 2 YKI(; T. . OWM NVILF Davidi Snowvden came UP Brown ?10.G. u 'an -1 - --- r 'Dn Oke 158 22 e Canadimn %tteuer4 , owmmnvMle, feb. 18, 190 c Mixed League Bowling» S e rie s Prout moved a single point ell-257, Vince Prout-254, in front of the Mixed League Bob Glanvllle-250. 'nai 20 kinsun and Dick Bertrand, standings Friday night, down- Staninte Feb. 8. 1963 vé ser- 1 enc ing Glanville 5-2, while Pal- Pins te at oe 1Renickalso garnered four mer edged Etcher 4-3. but Of masists and Etcher was in on dropped out of a tie for the Prout ...... 17693 219 lhrdsx goals for big seven-point lead to second.Pamr .... 763 2 evenings Bromeli racked pa31to Etcher . ......17654 24 Haynes eg. up a 3361 to- Glanville ........16887 24 i -eachý Don Master,, and Keith tit wlo rock 7-0 and Bromeli .......... 18304 23 whileWest replied for the Qympias. Per7-.fet nett l-end ux-b Bennett........... 16818 20 gered a It was onc. of the season's dt ong Graent 5-2,U b Grant ... . ...17151 19 to Bill best refereed ganies, handled dfaigGat52 Perfect .......... 16719 19 Bob At-iby AI Proinaine. Joan Brunt really turned Brock ......16556 17 - -- --it on rolling un a terifflc 848 Luxton......... 166370 7 triple, whlle Vince Prout and Frank Wright combined for Averates men's high tri ple honours Lew Welsh..._ 15 221 with171 totals. Other top ser- Oleer1, _. Il18 11 were registered by Bob Hap Palmier ....- 18 218 Glanville- 684, Joe Nowlan- VInce Prout _. 18 218 H o in ts 71,Dick Perfect- 670, HaP Harold Bennett .... 18 216 Palmer- 659. Harold Ben- Howard Brorneli. 18 216 H o m et 655, Marlon Wiseman- Diek Perfect 18 215 6ie s i I54, Fr Bradley- 653, Terry AU Saells......... 18 212 son- 61 Bob Leaman-651, Bob Glanville . 18 20çi d four of the w.yAif Sarnells- 650 and Lewv Frank Wright . 18 208 id three . Archie Cro'...ey se*t the puc Welsh-650. !__ seconds %«th tI'ree goals -and two as-1 Lew Welsh's 3C8 single set, Air. Rail or Steamsblp s1û-0. ssts, while Ray Crombielthe pace, Joan Brunt rolling, T l C X E T 8 a cortn--scored three anci added onte1318. and 298. Frank Wrighit' l' EVERYWHTERE ini coi- andi Larry Piper fired wvas next at 284. followed hy out îe tird'i inge înrke alng IthGord WiIcox-276, Matt H-ar- '~ icur assist'. Lloyd liarnilton.!rison---2tÎ5, Dielk Perfct- J 3tI ft %. & 1, O V E L IL Bob Johiis(or anri ob Mar-1«16" 9583 Grace WVright-261, 2 King st. E. V.3-3361 *errson coînpletect the scnt, Muriel Melansol- 260. Bob Bowmnanvllle Learnan-25t.. lloward Brorn.-______________ IJack bante carne u with'-.- - --___ tion for the tail-enti Bruins 8 212 an)d Harvey "Slip" Rowej 8 211 eral top saves for the Cometc th B ET i .. u 2091 Ted Fairey gave the pen- Pl _00,riant-winners the lead at the Pl 0,,W19:45 nmark in a nice passing, PURE BEEF CHARCOAL 8 2_69, play vith Don Prout and 208 With six minutes rernainmng O L DBuR 8 207'referce Bud Perfect awvardedý R I E U G R a 2"(7 a penaît', shot when Johný 8206Lunn gloved the puck In the'Vsi a 206 goa1-crease, Rowe made a 8 206,sensational stop on Don Mi~s- A A *1 14 Division St. S. m205. ters fo nmaintain the Cornets Pl 2-031slim lead. BOWMANVILLE 8 2_03ý lit the final minute Mas- a 20j2 ters sEd the equalizer Into the OJT RD S 21cage. after Rowe had mnade' QIICK SERVICE ON TAKE.O TODR 8 201iconseculive stopsý on "I-Tank", regardless of quantity! 1 2')1a1-ne and Howard Quinney. 20Mantle liad just reached txe' .1.1 Cooking Done ini Our Open' Kitchei 200 beneh w-Oc-n the puc went t 8 2.00' in. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37i Off - King Suze B reasts 5 9 l Fab Detergent $100 ýEffective Feb. 13, 14, 15, 16 -A Ilearty Energy Fond iSWICK10 B. Ioes 3J, IGA - 100 Ft. Rolls Wax Paper 4'.$1.00 lb. agi MLx 'Exn or Match TEM - PEAS, CORN or MIXED or $ ~ VEGE TABLES - 12-oz. pkgs. 5F10 pr Libby' s Frozen Foods R $ No. 1 Grade A ABBAG j~ t 1KMTotal ABBAGE '19c Recelve $6 lu Bonus Trapes -No. 1 Grade' saui or Irish 24 oz. 'ring u~p~> 2 IbsYORK STEW 3 for $1 ">ize ~Light Bulbs 6 for $1 0 Ballet Tissue 8 rolls $1 Ap l R 39C CoigatoE conomy Ss --aTOOTHPASTE $1 $3000O ln Bonus Tapes Refelve $2 ln Bonus Tapes rrsaa.rval. Frosen . 18 mi. Pkq. RASPBERR lES FweUyostoua;md - Any Pki. MINCED BEEF U.S. No. 1 Grade - 14 on. Tube CELLO TOMMTES IMANVILLE IGA MARKET - BOWMANVILLE- à - . 1 1 i