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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1963, p. 10

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i No wonder! Heres the '63 you can pick and-under eadlight arneet n on sight, even at night. The headlights otherwaytotell Pontiac? Just look at the are not only a unique styling touch, but drivers. They are always smiling. Setter they aim better this way. And by day, check into it by seeing your Pontiac Pniac's grille complements the over- dealer. He'll have you smiling, too! PontCOAR THE DIHEH'OD3'$ WISH THFY LDDKFD LIKE ROBSON MOTORS Limlted 166 King St. E. MA 3 -3396 Bowmanville YELVERTON iMr-. Fred Argue af Kenora is spcndîng a few wveeks witli bis cousins lie Ernie Lanies of Yclverton. Mr-. Argue, now 86 years of age, was born and raised in Manivers Twp. and eninys discussing thase good aid days wîti other pioneers of ths ai-ca. Miss Adele Page and MIiss Candy Malcolm dîd a fine job in Iheir tap dance routine on ileur debut in tic field of helevision ai, Peterborough on Tuesday cvening aveî' Talent Time. l'le Ycivcrton UCW tret briefly ai lhe haine of Sec- retary Mrs. Jerry Bristow on Wednesday ho deal withia! tew business matlers priai. ta their visit 4o Janelville ,wiere they were guests of tic Janelville UCW. Dorothy's (Mm-s. Bristow's) acivities are quite limiteci but sic man- ages to move around a litIle iwithicrutches witi bier hi-o- ken ankle in a cast. iCongratulations lu that coniterous correspondent Eci i Youngmraiî an being chosen 'Correspondent of lie X'car" by tic Ontario Weekly News. papers- a well deserved hon- or wiich will permit lie af- fable Ed ta bask in an aura of appreciatian of his liter- ai-y efforts tenîporarily at leaet. Mx. and Mrs. Wm. McCabc ai-e cavorling somcwhere in southern U.S.A. with oncei-e- cent city of caîl bcbng Kansas. Tic MeCabes dcpartcd fi-rn Malton Airport last wcek for points sauti. They are ta be commcnded for thei- iniative never having been muci fui-- hier from home tian Tar-- onto and neyer before ai- borne. Happy holidays and a well dcsei-ved change ci acen- ci-y la aur next door neigi- bours. Mi'. and Mrs. Arthur, Hyland are belping Joe ta' keep tie home lires burningý in their absence. Here at Malconia lie peace and serinity af oui' quiet (?) domîicle Ibreatens ta be dis- ruphed sbortly. Wiat wilb lie- creaseless admnonitions of the Mirister of "Labour' via 10 The Canadian Statesynan, Bowmnv'llle, 1reb. 13, 1D63 ceeved and dedicated. It ils teDr - - .--- -be used this week for a KorDu h m A iul ra So et eau boy or girl. Dianne Tay- r giutua o it fIVC ~ Vlor read the next wch-ol is Metn ofY a BL C .T C ers of the Study Book "Thef~gFrtMetn fYa The Mothers Auxiliary mneti.Mekley,, Principal of Vncent DaY of Swings". Each child tionda Cnre winh th era-1 asse%-hair omanile waz- give okmark as a Mr. Francis Jose held the the last Thursday, Frîday and Itio Cetrewit 9 othrslwascharma. itoken of the day of toy giv- first meeting of the Durham Saturday of September. atteriding. Decided to purch- i Ope ned by singing O Can-ling. Meeting closed with The Central Agricultural Society Two tenders were submit. ose a tent for use bvf the dif-adla wîh Mrs. Arnold TaylorýLord*s Prayer. for 1963 at the Odd Fellow5 ted for, the operation of thi ferent Guide and Scout or-, at the piano. Following arel Prize winners at the L.O0 Hall, Orono, on Monday, Feb. Midwvay at, the Fair and tii' ganizations. the nrmes of the nine speakers:IB.A. euchre Wedinesday night 4th, when some plans were tender of Mr. Dane Found Father and Son Banf4tet i5 and ihecir subjects: ieehg ay--Ms rn made for the 1963 Fair. was accepted for a 5 year to be held April 20th. for. Educat:on - The Robait jBailey, high gent-- Roy Tay- Mrs. E. H. Samnuel and her period. which plans were made. !Plan bv Carol Bain of Cen-.1lor low lady- Mrs. Gordon commîttee met with the Direc- Mr. Horace Best. President The Auxî.iar w mold he Irai School. Bow-manville: Str'ong. low gent-- Harry San. tors to discuss the Drama Of the Athletic Association, rnost grateful to, anyone w-ho Upper Canada Village by derson. Door prize-- Mrs. Festival and received the full reported on the completion of would donate IGA. Tapes. Linda Bull, Blackstock: Mîld- Calberrfv support of the members in the new- refreshmenî booli al Mr ad rs JhnRo l and lndîaîî Village by Nor- Cartwright Curling Club sponsoring the Drama Festi- the skating rink and outlined lan an M. ad rs.Jon. naSinthBehan: l Pyshel aBonspfiel in the local val. Mrs. Don Staples 15 to the financial staterrent. sto Rw ~a ~. Ml ;Iko1 Advertise by Boniiie Beach. arenia, FiaFb 1.T' ovn i ersmn Two committees were ap- ritd R. a n d M A.ohn Maple Grove; Louisburg, Nova riiks entered. First prize went mittee which has been a prob- poinîed as follows: Promo- ston, Tuesday. Scotia, by Lillian Page. to Dalton Dorreil (skip), Gor- lem in the past due to lack of tion - G. Carson, R. Dickson. Thesem-fnalPubicSpek-Hampton; Does Fatheîr Know don Metcalf, Bruce Mountjoy co-oiperation on the part of R. 1lbr, W. E. Reid, D. The Comfnetxas hulinc part- Best hyAe. nLyet n and Harvey Graham and the the Directors and Iheir wives Found. A. L. Blanchard, R. J. wright Central Public School tain re- hti t hol, Bowmeanijprize w as pop coolers. 2nd and Jack of adequate facili- agrCW.Blis;Ot en Tues. evening. Feb. 5th. Mr. ville Watisitltk bbea as won by Neil Wer- ties,at the Hall. It was decid- Tagrt.C. W.rcilxing s Ou Doctr's son? by Donald Spe - ry (skip), Roy McLaughlin, ed to hold the Festival in tle G. Carson, D. Found, W. E. 1er, Bethany; My Pet Poodle lHarold MeLaughlin and Jim Town Hall, Orono. in 1963 RiG asn .G oft / '1J ~~by Daine Taylor, Black- Gray- The prize, Barometers. because of the identilv asso-RedG.Wso,.G.Mfa 1~' ~stock; The Satellite Called 3rd rz of Barbecue Tools ciated with lhe plavs as berng Lt was decided that along 4p Ti 'elstar bv John McGurk, ivel to Boyd Ayre (skip), part of the Orono Drama Fes- with the Field Crop Conipeti- I 111/Il ~ ~ Maple Gruve. Joe Snowdien, Jim Stainton tival, and the dates would be to nOt optlo o ~I 3f'f - After speaker number five. aiRvWrv.- __ Grain Corn would be held, Stephen Billett, son of Dr. and M McArtp 1ur, Mr Ash-dcso amdetalt j\rs Keith Billett. renderecl/r.adNrs on set amount of prize oe ilhrce~ beautiful numbers o n more, Mr. and Mrs. Gej. tURIU TU A o the Big 4 Guernsey Club as - -' -. tle violin. accompanied at the Wolfe tedd te Ac requested by their president -~piano by his mother. Stephen deacunry Conference of Scar: ALE D R at the annual meeting. Mr. visllge. 3pplinBwn borough. Oshawa and York, certain changes be made in ;I the Diocesan Centre, Tor- Feh 18 and 19. 9:00 Wiethe juciges were mak- olto, on Saturday. This as King Edwaid Hotel, Toionto. Theisey C wthattle prize l. ~~ ing thieir decision. the chair- in conjuniction %wilh theAfAnalmeigOnroPo-Tsaogwtharatda ~~iman explained the rules ofl of other busines wilb ~ tc ones ad ntodcei îîglicani Congrrss. Lunicheon men's Association. "Sai witha heMri et speaker was Rev. A. H. O'chm t the contestants. Judges were-- 1 Neil, Archi Bishop of Freder- AT nusay1Meetin9, 10an. iang Miss Koscens, Tyrone: Mis'ctn Dean Gilling of Tor- Ann etnCnda L et DUR do . Couch, Lord Elgin School, ot losoe Shorthorn Breeders' Associa- t e ,. ,,!Bowmanville;, Mr. Terwil1iger Mviss \Villa Robb, OttawaloQensHtSanDr,- the Pu ping ýancd Mr. McDougalî, Oshaw and 1RnPire ap 700 Windsor St., Montreal. M uRRISH Public Schools. Five "' S bellford. called on Mr'. and Qe CAVING TIME .. REDUC-.;were - Linda Butt, Bonnie ~Ca.SihadOie Saturday, Feb. 23---Durham There has been very 111 ~ IG LBO. ..NCRASBechLilia PaeAveynI Satiir-da,ýý Junior Farmers' Dance, Orono news to report the past few ING PRODUCTION. DURO!Lycett, John McGutrk. Al l tel i.adMs onMwTw al ekwne ete Purnp, desgned or Frni dty, cntesants ere ,ivetibook* s adMarchre4 Toroto,8senFarmrcBus-ndgbe-n lieus-topicth. of i lieft moment.t aupply fresh water where and Chairman uxpressed i hank. hewekj wt M.and flOss Mngmn ore hs rgt amrdy when you need il ... in the homeî10 all. National AiteM.'ýrs. Austin Beacock. O.A.C., Guelph. e apcitdb mo f barn poultrvyar nTsday after sciocli, h r1ndMs7Ry ame, March 8, 9, 10-- Juriiot- Farm- lie eIder generalion. frukgade . prvies eseyeMessengers mnet iin the C. E ikrnvstMs c. ers' Annual Meeting and Con- Mai»y members of lie IJCW for fire protection. roorn. The uhildireîi made FoirSna.fe -ence, O.A.C., Guelph. spnlog ousaun ti Secyon Pambr - DROcîrcles; representing lie Kor- :s ayLa acl Wednesdlay. Mar. 27, 1:30 quillîng fraînes, foui good daealeruforbfule infopmeteon entertaincd lie girls of uer p.m. .-Durham D.H.I.A. Annual sizedoe hv en ape dele fr ul ifomaio aou ~laîci' meetings and macle clas in scinol on her 7h Meeinad ept. ut iArilue. ed aOsiboe ofMs. .Har-e the type of DURO Shallw orltooamural. The Worsiîpbirtiday, Saturday. MBoA.M er ownvjlle..,nid Osborne. Mrs .hanest Deep Well Pump you need, Or olloweci lie therne of Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Rupt. Werry gMi'.sa.k. erso..C, aig lequlshoe. write for foder,"Running Water, ian Giving with the caîl 1adRo gussekr. in. The use of a home for taFarm Neceiaity". wriplaetrinPa1 l. îa Roy erDr.and babe Thursday, Mai. 28, 2:00 pi..this wvork 'Aas muci apprec- 4B. shi A R.SV.AneW hy03:Mo vistedr . aid Mrs. - ~Durham 500 Bushel Club iated and t ianks were expres- 2,Kingston, Anie r.adMs nual Meeting, B c t h a ni y sed thle hostess for this xvas learneri "Let uis wth a ,iJohn Weriy and Arme, Bow- Tow'nsh~ip Hall. Glacsoîne Minci'. 'Plie scrin-i inan ville, Saturday. .fedy1Arl2--uhî and refresiments served. ture followed the saine theiiie M,,. aiid Mrs. Jîîn Mott. iorhhoro CAplub -A.nua m ae Regular Chuirch services usn aul avice, îoving toheb were held as usual. Worship usîn Pals tfeingxva ~ udbryspet. ie eeknd :30p.m. at farn of Fred service on Fehruary 3rd, was oioJoh Venning. r Wednesday, April 10. 6:30 held at, Morrisi and at Zion OUftO i.sses EMaine,;ha Sor United Churci lie following iîn.Car~ol Rahm andi Paul Information for Busy Farmer,ý incharge. AVAILABLE F'OR Rahi altendeci a 1-i-C party, Two-houtîîalks on subjects! Sunday Scool was ced at Mr.andMrs Vicen Ar ýhni ouny, dd ellws all thrý,were 18 present on Sun- TG A G E S ceBwmnil;Mr. and Orana. Time 1:30 - 330p m. day tie 101h. Mrs. Helen Me- i. .z ~ ~ MrN. ElYeBonnerMutoy ia V nnd JimAI] 1ac. ckho1n lciegClub M. Fi-cerna! JOIRES& GREER l Wlbrt Archer and Mr. De- 1 rymple, Grain Corn in Today'S lpanied tic hymns.Marh JACKBROU II ALPHS. JNESMr. Bey Nealy and Miss! Tucsday, Feb. 26--Dr. -j 1s gaining in popularity, many I~~i JILPH . JNES Brendla Dunsmoor, Toronto; Archibald and B. Heniley, oi ptons coming fi-rn Part PLU BIG ndIIATNG THOMAS H. GREER !Mr. landi Mrs. Barry Duns- Management andi Nutrition loi Hope and vicinity. Last week Division Street South 10Kn t . Ohw moor and Kevin, Osbawa, lie Apple Orchard. celeven tables of cuchre were 823-615 BOIMANILL 130Kin St E. Oshwa spent tic weekcnd with Mr. Wedncsday, Mai-. 13- Prof.r.lnprogress, lunch is scrved ta S2565 OIMAVILE728-6246 land Mrs. Ken Dunsmoar, C. M. Swilzer, Weed Spi.ay.coilcludc Ibis friendly get-: ___ _________ Brian and Beli. Sebool. together. -- - -- - -- ---------,Mr. {crb Lord wa- a pat- ient mn Port Hope Hospital for a few days, bis condition, is improveci ard aur friend is,ý ilexpeched bhome early tis! WT~Tt~T9Vi!Ieek. Master Edward Hendersoný î*iderwent la ionsilectomy latweek in our local hospital, ____he relurned home on Mondayl lihe 111h. Edward w'as fouri years aid on January 31st. Mrs.' Brown of Canton, mother of Mrs. Harold Os- Dy MORE CANADIANS THAN [VER IlHorne, a tkto Por-t Mrs. Harry Lee r-eturnedi borne tram our local bospi-: .... tai reccntly afler a mino a peration fram whîch sic is, sbow'ly recovering.1 10r. Neil Anderson %vas home for the weekend, l waqi a birthday surprise for lus mothe>-, lVrs. Frank Anderson. Mrs, Franks Anderson \vas supper guest of Mrs. Minie ~. . ..*..*.*..*.,.E. lVclIolmn andi Miss Beckett .. ... onSunday teloti. le ir it n. WESLEY VILLE (lntended foi' last weckj Tiere was a happy lune atl a social evening in the scina]i house last Monday cveIInn wbcn tiere wcrc six tables of,ý cuchre playcd and cottee ai-d', tic usual refreshments ta cnd! lie cvening. Mrs. Snell and, Harold Barrowclougi wcr eý tic prize winners. A quilt was finished at iMiss, Darke's during the week by the ladies of thc U.C.W, and anotier made ready to quijt' tieî'c ths week by Institute: mcm bers. Pi-ogress ollen secms to be a malter of building up and tearing down and rcpcating thie process. Wbcen Mi-. Riciard ýBest was attending Part Bi-i ýtain sehool as a nalbyh held at TEWHAVEN FARM LTD. which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and 12 imile soutb of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highvay 7A. 50 W OFFER PURE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD We are olferlng a useful gronp of Fresh and Springing Young Coivs and 2-year-olds, as well as a number of Yearlings and Calves. ?ICCREDITED - VACCINATED BLOOD TESTEI) T'he majority are ready for Inimediate expert, Ali catlle tcsted or ellgible te enter lIsted or certified area lierds. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD MARCII 231h Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARMI LT»., R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 Aucttoneer : IOIVARD TREW'IN, BlackNtock. -. I When you bank we try to be a littie more human Ji about it Back in the old days, young people were sup> posed to be seen and not heard. They were expect.. ed to keep their pennies in a piggybank and not worry about real bank accounts until they grew up. Nowadays, chilciren are as welcome in The Bank as grownups, and just as likely to have savings accounts with rnoney in them too! We at The Bank deal with young people like this every day-and think of them as very special cus. tomers, worthy of our rnost attentive service. !Iave you.r youngsters drop into the riearest branch of The Bank, or corne in yourself, and see. You'11 flnd that our people really make the happy difference in banking. v. TrORgONTO-DOMINIONM Where peopl make the differenoe B. L. BURK, Manager Bowmanville Branch =» M~ radio, T.V. and post office- 1watched warlamen erectingA ehaiige that imead fýrn! Mr&i,. U ~rr&we1ouh wua "10o fot wait for spring, but! pales and stringing wl-e along there ini waves liat reached in Tororitô last Thursday and do il now," coupied withý Mother Nature having runlIte lakeshore for tie Bell even la Wesleyvllle by earql Frîday visiting Mr. and Mrs. ber course, oui- Board of Man- j Telephone Ca. That wouid be MethocLqt preachers. 1 E. Karvonen. agement bas prescnted us witiix about 1900 or before. This Mr. and Mrs. Hector Darke~ __________ a brand new play toy- al was considerably rebuilt about spent thc weekend in Niagara__ jwbopping 8 lb. 2 oz. daugh- 11923, laler copper wl-e slrung, F'alls with the latter's sisler, W/ t1er and sister respcctiveiy. !and laler stili wben Mr'. Best's Mrs. Eva and family. -, If you have neyer practiced son was altending school in We are son-y ta report Al- cprozýrastination, we iumbly itic 30's. a new line was built Ian Haldaway still in Port advise you flot ho start wien on thc line* belween lie first Hope Hospital where he wenit 1il cames ta taking your wife and second concessions and lasI Wednesday for treatment rta keep ber appoînîment with the oid uine haro doa w n. for an infecled liumb. liat long-leggcd bird. Suffice Now tuis lne is being remov- onWle.voi ok til ta say, wc beat hlm ta tic cd ini the year lie third gen-in J o onatorwashome fwor- -_________ bospital by a nase. eration of the family, Wesley lie w___ __nd___oo i Fancy lie franlie feeling Best is completing bis first weed n e10 s~ ~ LO.2V~. thenwhe on he ay a th yer atscholsuffering fi-rn a disabledc tien~vie anlic ay a ti yea atsciol. and. In his case be is able 1111fh floor ta maternily ward. There were 55 at Sunday tao continue is work. He i.s i lie elevator quit coînplelely Sehool and ail enjoyed the wcaring a cast la repair a toi-n in belween floors and rctused very urarin building on a cold tendon on a finger. ta budgc in any direction for- day;. This warmti was not by A sleward's meeting was several minutes. Il must in. chance but by lie eanly ef- hield last weck at tic homeu dced bave scemed like haurs farts ufthte carelaker for tbe Mi-. and Mrs. Alia Came,' ta tie doctor and patient, day, Allan Clar-ke. Tic assist- and Allan Clarke was appoint- 1. .LZ 'I/ wiat witb tic stark standing ant teaciers had charge af cd treasurer for tic commna W Z S > bere panting down.tbei- nccks. most of lie classes and Mrs. yeai-. Fortunateiy, for oui' peace of Clarence Niciols read lie Snay iiosweeM. mind and remnants of sbrub- ritr.S-dyvsoswe M . bcry on aur ever lengtiening siitr.Ruth Tinkiess of South Burna- forchead, we missed al] this Tic tieme of Rev, M. Fi-ce- by, B.C., with Mr-. and Mrs. fun. Barely bad we begun Io nman's sermon for tic Howard Payne. Mrs. Tinkless CTRC 'D 'Increase aur Word Power" service xvas tic mai-k of cf- wio is a nurse brougit a lit- COTACTING REPAIRS ' wihh le aid of a small fective Ciristianity as illus- tle girl down ta lhe Sc magazine noted for ils con- t-ated by a vivid description Children's Hospital, and S *ý_REFRlGERATON-ELCTR~IC densations and oui, cigar asi- Of social conditons in tie visiting her parents, Mr., and IMOTOR -SALES -SERVICEI es were scarcely an inch long, Englanci of tie laIe cigiteenti Mrs. Allan Peters aI Moirisi. T.V-RADIo -ApplIlANCES wlien a very relieved prac- century andi tic miraculous Mr'. and Mrs. Reg. Bec and titioner of tie medical pro- change wroughl by tii-cc men Don wili Mi-. and Mrs. E. fession announced aur ne-%v andi especially John Wcsley. Bai--owclough. income tax deductian haci ai-- rived. Also, il allevia ted oui- own morbid supposition thahi "Rastus" <ici- prenalal cog-,m nomen) had somehow seenTKEWnAvEN ici- siadow last Candelmas R I HV N Day and gone back for ana- lier 6 weeks of wînter. If yýou care ta attribute al this in- CONSIGNM ENT anc blithering ta tic tempor- ary (we hope) mental de- rangement af a proud poppa, who knows, you coud becA L rigit.SA LE Mr-. aond Mrs. Frank, Glas- bergen mciGtrecL ho Malton this week la welcome Mis. ,Glasbergcn's step-sistpr from M onda y, Feb. 25th Holland. Bad weatier rlelay- cd lie fligit by 12 hours.193 - :0p.n Il - OIPD NIAIIY A GENEReL MOTORS VALUE PARISILNNE 2-DOOR SPORT COUPE White*ali vre$ opimil et extra Co-st. 1 TH

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