-\ ~Newcastle Atoms W in Tournament at M illbrook TeCndm ttun omnilFb 3 03 i ClipeersbaakToTom Clp pas ka ole" ersTak te CTopersSpotd eBrueen Jack" ray sht out he Roy the oPees WeeventPault- Nesbittee N cal stdhl -the OoCl-ipp s le utolafteriat oglth! Al reOoogaswr aIJh a odn o movd nsto rtwo laein theraneduowrthie ose ace. sora By Eri alo. Jhson ihe crgr Town La e a uigute durig nt ah anrdt grn e , l olas e h irst aeooudyBh MClogPtrHn week. Erie Carleton of Orono Lake and Maurice Clements Bowmanville n IlBut o, rn edy rc is1 the top scorer in the league wvth one each bombarded the Dave McCulog an RnMcDal, anv aLan havng scored 36 goals in 11 Royals goal. None of the Roy- Dickinson soigtetreJm WihGro amr v ganes. ais were able to beat the Royals countr.CamnReot The league cornes to a close Black Jack in the Clippers LeaguetndnsAchranoteRce- with a double-header tonight goal. i (Two giek og) to omiteIwudlk > ~ and the playoffs will begin In Wednesday's seconild'W LTPs osyhwmc ea with the first double-header gaine Bowmanville doubled Clippers 6 4 i 1 omte nf ob h *~of the semi-finals scheduled th! score on Orono, 6 to 3 on Orono -4 2 12prns apeitetej for Sunday evening. Final goals by Bill Ellis 2, Ray Bowmanville t ldn n h iesetb standings will not be avail- Croznbie 2, and MreisnRoyals 3 6 2 th me wocac tes Three Local Teams Entered Hwr uneadu standing Ju io Anfo Twrdo WVIfs Little NHnL lournamefi ~ Newcstle - Satur d a Y, Brian Anderson and for the onds of theganwen rinti.Noeeesayhepi ' i4 February 9th was Little NHL iosing Cannington teamn Don- Anderson sliîpe n eidcranyapeit Tournament day in the Mill- aid Nicholson and Glen Tait. the MilUbrookgai otesi Udrterbls u '~~brook Arena and three teains Foilowing the Atomn game the score, focin e i-Aoswl eepce o~ represented* Newcastle in the the local Pee Wees took on ute overtime ei.toCnngnsmtie n vaiu ge groups. When the the Keen entry in a fast skat- h vriewspae "Mrh t iyfrtePo local teams, the Atoins, ern- boys proving too much for the teams et aiternt nso h none ae n ed These lads may look bright and fresh in the photo, but on Pearce, Ricky Stephenson, Tom Wallace, Norman Tilson, Tim Crhaposothe asten HLOntaro loa. ad dfetig temink.eoabyswrfr-hpagodyubeofan Saturday evening they were a weary bunch after playing three Walton, Greg Gray, Bud Wagar, coach; back row: Leslie Miklos Chra amions r.oA.the iitt n, h eL. ta ocal un a rt ie i crn uin h ilspprmhs os TYT ~ ~ 171~ k. TXT1~ T ~ winning the Carruthers Tro- terest was the local Bantams ing excellentdfnie ocSaulJBrro. games and winning at Milbrook where the Rural Little N..L Doug vvaîlon, aSSL. coach; Geordie vvaîlon, .ioe Bezubiak, .R¶alpn phy. vs ron with the Orono key, were ale oh nt himn Tournamnent took place. The Eastern Ontario champs include, front Cobbledick, Bill Wagar, Robin Rickard and lDoug Rickard. The three local teams en- boys overpowering the locals the end, beîn ictros row, lef t to right: Howard Quînney, manager; Brian Lewis, Ron ___ tered were the Atoins, Pee in size, weight and scoring a score of 3to2BraAn Th onyscmetee ____________ _____ -- Wees and Bantams, known in power, winning the gaine eas- derson scored l he oa rwngtî a oti i uau ~the Little NHL as the Jr. A, ily by a 9 to 0 iandslide. goals, but wEdonthvthofNthAeiaartob A American League and Nation- The next big 'moment came scorers forth Mibrofun at idsy i te ai e ig . * ah Hockey League, respect- when the Atoms, after a well club.ConyoVitra Smef d A M E AAA i ~~~~~~~~ively. deserved rest, met Orono. The Althoughthewre u-tefistciin warso M akes Donat~ion s A very cold and frosty day local team scored three fast standing playesi3h ti h otnn r lot stke on tarted early for the Atoms goals in the first period, Tournament, w elta i on ihntebudre 00 who left the village at 6:30 playing exceptionally good the boys werstsinherotecuty T n inS h a.m. in readiness for their hockey and went on to de- own right durnthdaad To ndan Sc oo firt game scheduîed with feat the Orono club to the were a wellgru Gordn .gne, EdlorPhoe 361 me atin of the Eegularl first anxious moment came the Newcastle Atoms and the easier for the cahs]n Brneeî of Sth eoEen in for the locals when Canning- weather haed warmed up con- managers. ' man's Auxiliary was heid in i h ton scored the first goal early siderabiy. Goal getters for At centreicimy a- M ay N e d w o R oo i dd ti ntheOAP arish Hall on Wednes- la howintialpe~srodrbtnce thigaie were Newcastle: ton, captain iAg~ Febrary th.The re-extremely good hockey the son 2, and Joe Bezubiak 1. donor Keith artesclRMOE H IL M ay N e d w o R o m dd ti n idntopened the meeting score was tied a littie later. The lone Orono counter was Port Hope. Teby n ceD i rs' erswrran d . ofi Cannington were then spurr- scored by Tennant. coaches were ec rsne OR ITo TL I( ed on to go ahead again. The Atoms then went on to with a nice creta hsfm. AKNUK TL Newcastle-Only one don- A requisition for an Indian At this point in the gaine meet the Millbrook lads for A vote of fhns1 xed Sc oo oa d d ns s Co nc tinwas received for the sehool ouf fit was read and the the extreme coid caused our the Championshîp ut 5:15 ed to Mrs. HoadTmsfrE. Neecwfal-tAtifsAt brury Cunci is ehin thecommt- Dpartnentof Hghhes.cANemitt-eMemoial enotph tefitms wich ere ot b- frely ecaue thir fet wre bcaus thee twhteastwms fo theboysafte thegains; meeting on Monday evening tee 1005' but are flot sure of new sidewalk cun flot be crin- IFund this pasf week bring. ing donuted. Thc oufi on- cold. With the heip of the very eveniy matched both in fo the driversoca. the members of the village the legal position.. structed here until the level ing the fund to $957.61. sisf 5 0f dresses, pyjamas, to- parents, the boys were taken skating and hockey ability. The champio fmta couincil were warned by a Mrs. Storks again address- of the new road pavement to 1Hwvr ln o h i ques, scarves, mîtts and fwo a couple ut a tume, to the With Millbrook scoring the was freated toacikndn delegation fromn the Public ed council wîth regard to the be laid by the departinent 15 Hwvrpasfo h i dressed dolîs. Also a sum Of dressing room to warmi their first goal the local youngsters ner by the Reraio'en School Board that a new two- condition of the sidewalk on knowr. nor Hockey Night f0 be heid money fo be used for purchas- feet before sending them out fought back for quite a few mittee te e do thedy room addition to the school the south side of King Street, Other routine business was at the local arena on Febru- ing shoes. into the fray aguin. Wîth their minutes before they were able Before the by t hi building may be required thiý; east of Mill Street. Council dîscussed by council before ary 22nd could add consid- Mirs. Talbot Alldread and feet warmed, the local lads to put the puck behirid the dinner, the Toh u a year. The delegution composed are aware of the need for a adjourninent with the Wa- eruble ft thîs fund. The pro- Mrs. Wm-. McCracken volun- went ahead to score ttLree more Millbrok goalie who played filled wîth PpiCl n of Mrs. Wm. Storks, D. G.1 new sidewaiki this urea,1 fare Department receiving'ceeds from 'this affair have teered as a committee to look goals fever looking back and a very fine game. After anx- each boy lied a coydik Walton and secretary-treasur- but are stili held up by tne consideruble discussion. been earmarked for the fund, into the purchuse of an article went on to win the game by ious moments at both ends cf Below are th1 ae fte Eis U N RSR er Ed. Barchard said the new__________________________ thus giving the people of the for the Parish hall. a score of 3 to 2. the arena, Millbrook finally boys who partcptd: h à~ addition would bc built ut the village an opportunity fa see The mmesdcddt oa crr eeGe hn ha o1 odn hstunret souh sde f te pescit ou r chapioshi hokeyhol aCard Party in Febru- Gray, Tim-nyWulton anda lead untile the lest eight sc Cobbledick, 1'Wgr o building and is estimated to t earn, and the other local ary and plans were discussed ~sc u cost approximately $50,000.1 minor teams in action and ut for Ibis event. The next re- No action has been, taken by the samie time be contributing gular meeting wiIl bc heid on the Board as yct, but the colin- toward the erection of a Memn- February 27, when ithe mem- cil was infornied the uddi- .1," orial to the boys of this vil- bers will meet ut the church tion would be needed very a îJ e so aj luge who fought and died for forteAhWdedySr c) octtaae(omplee Medica Coverag The secrefry-treusurer 6f Donations ness meeting in the Parish the Fire Deparfn-enf, Albert fd .1bM G dJ. d'rvoil hall at the close of the ser- Cn p e eMd 6 a Naylor addressed members His many friens wî l e rs.Gordon Garrod r.and acknowlede 976yie tti etn tm of counicil with regard f0 re- pieused f0 learn that Mr. Per- Floyd Murray Langley, son John Rickard, needed for the kitchen will placement needs for the fire cy Hure is home and out of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Newcastle,..... $ 10.00o be discussed and the purchase departinent and was given round ugin following is_________In ud g Ho e a a O fc (il permission to purchase the 'brief stuy in Memorial Hos- Langley of Bowmanvilie. Total f0 date - --- $957.61 of these will be made during Icu iq H m n f required replucement s. pital in Bowmanville. His many friends wifl be The meeting concluded with Messrs. Fred G. Couch and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes sorry to learn that Mr. Mel-!r refreshmenfs. D. G. Walfon uddressed coun- and sons Donald and Darreli vin Graham is a patient ini-ann g cil wifh regard f0 the Ceno- of Toronto were Sunday Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Pa nn tuph Committee. The Com- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy ville, and iwlU wish for him wa sigtecuei o Ms atrHigh of Winni- a sey udcmleer-M eeting 'V ed. U C WvV Plans _______________ baclçfthe committee for the peg is visifing wifh her mofh-coryVae tn balance so thaf the Cenofaphler, Mrs. John Garrod anýd Newcaste- The first of aVae tn a could be ordered and the coin- 'other relatives and friends in TeCt f elvlehudtwo part series on village T aDRA ONYC- PRT V mittee would go aheud and ýthe village, ifs beginning as an Indian vil- planning being conducfed by Newcastle- Unit 4 of the ruise the remuinder of the Two infants received the luge in the 16th century anti the local Chamber cf Com- United Church Women met DRA ONY( inoney required. Rite of Infant Baptism on Sun- was later settled by United ýmerce will be helti on Wed- in the Sunday School room of age_ There-is n~o charge lor 'a lot of blessings during the J r t t F e Il"~~~ ~ ~ F REN AiDedrn .-7c.1 admission. mntplanning for tbc 61,2 oz.Consideruble fume was spent "iiiTea and Bake suie tf0 be held' I"'~ J. J. BABYPOWDER z. --~--~ 63c !Horticultural inthe Sunday School audi-NoC nelinonA cut fAg IlibJe& e BA Y P W DER -------- - 9 o. forium. The members decided j t~rm o have a special table for, o(neltoiinA c 111f' 1IE e i children and if was also de- I~It Aa t LoionZ.f cideti a 35 cent charge sol OLD SPME 91er Shae Loton w,,89bilmade for admission; this. 1963uOfucers ldis ocvrtecs'For Furtmer Informeto TOIM erFl :.2 - 9 'of the te. Ladies of the con-! 1 Necasle At reentgradmsion f0oere the o stn 1 OIHome Permanent 4 oz. 1.69 im eting of the Newcasteahrnadere outarnd HN APTN2324 ji' lHorticultural Society beld in support this worthy projeet. 1IH NE H M 9C the Community Hall the fol- The next meeting of the 1'V ITA LIS Hair Tonic --------- oz. -89 ' lowing officers were elecfed unit will be beld in the saine ,-- fo 19 . place on the first Thursday in .~. . ~ ilPrasident, Mrs. Geo. Ste- Mrh -N W A TE 36 jî. HIE AI ~A Dffl oz 2fo8c ~ phenson; lst Vice-President, EWA W IERI. SA P 3. 2 OZ- ----2o8 Mrs. Louis Clark; 2nd Vice- President, Mrs. Percy Brown; WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK ' Sec;rearr, hs. egi'* 11fr * * * ~~~~~~ Directors for two years, Mrs M -33BAKSOK9649 Il"BO MAVILE EW ASLEMilligun, Miss Barnice Milli-fe BOWANVLL NECASLEgan, Mrs. Harry Jose and Mrs. WNA ~ IhCGWINGS DRG SORE JGHNON' DRC STRE ~tiHerbert Gibson. COWLINGS DUC STORE OHNSON"S RUC STORE Directors for one year, Mr. E CRG.MFA 411len ugMrs. Albr Pea.rce,- , SERRVIMFATCSEy-re I:ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO Len OugrsAlert Mrs.. -EVC sm,1111 Ben Hoogkamp, Mr. Welling-, ORONO 63 JURY LOVEL UIDTTISPVA'N'CY ton Farrow. JU R Y «., _ _ Auditors: C. R. Crveth and1 k. ~ - - - ---r- -- -George Bonathan.