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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1963, p. 12

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[2The Cafladian Statesmaii, Bowmanville, Feb. 13, 1963 The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. amd Mrs. Grant Moffati Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, A very successful card and faxily of Oakville visitedlHaydon, Mrs. J. Russell Orm- party was held lest Wednes- his parets, Mr. and Mms. Wm.lIiston, Enniskillen, visited Mrs. day evcning in St. Saviour's' Moffat, on Sunday. lFred Temblyn and Mr. and Parish Hall, and to, be fo- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis Mrs J. D. Brown lest Thurs-ilowed by another one later with Mr. and Mrs. Relphiday afternoon. 'this month. The following Thomnpson o! Toronto are eni- Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat were the lucky prize win-' joying a Florida holiday. of Toronto, Mr. Wm. Daveyiners: Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mrs., Mrs. M. J. Osborne, Mrs. D. were dinner guests o! the for-, Ed. Dean, Mrs. Geo. Hender-, Raines, Mr. and Mrs. Hervie mer's sister, Mrs. James Mo- son, Mrs. Caldwell Sr., Mrs. Osborne of Morrish were din- wat and Mr. Mowet, DvsinF. C. Vegg, Mr. Geo. Dunlop, ner guests o! the former's Street, on Mondey cvening o! Mr. Wm. Davey and Mr. Wn., daughter, Mrs. Brooks Cowan, lest week. Miller. Mr. Cowan and family, onl Ian, four year old son of1 Mr and Mrs. Herry Cowling, Tiiesday o! lest week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack< D. Moffet . 0f London visited bis aunt, Mr .ed Mrs. Archie Lunn hed the misfortune to break !Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, on Set-ý spent the weekend with Mrs. his leg on Saturday. urday. Fred Winsiow, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winslow, Millbrook. Mr. Roy Patton wes elected 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powcî s Dr. Campbell Graham o County Master et the Annuel O! Scarborough spent Sunday Russell, Manitoba, Mr. Frank County Orange Lodge meeting with bis mother, Mrs. Cecil Graham o! Celgary, Aberta, for Durham West in Black-iPowers. and Mr. Gordon Warren of stock lest wcck. 1 Weekend visitors o! Mr. and Toronto were dinner guests o! Mr. Ben Medili wes home Mrs. Win. A. Tomnlinson and Mrs. John Morris on Monday. front Dunnville for the week- femily wcre Miss Maureen Miss Edra Best, Mrs. Frank end. Whitney of Toronto, Mr. and A.don and son Allen of Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Mrs. Cecil Tomlinson of Belle- on.,Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gail and Sandra, Lekefield, ville, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boet and sons Ron end Bob Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Yeo o! Oshawa. were dinner guests o! Mr. and Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Mvls. Wayne Hoopy Toronto, Chas. Wood. on Sunday, Feb. 3rd. Mrs. Geo. Clark and Miss;, o m nt Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson Kay Clark of Newtonvi]lle. attended the Robinson-scott Mrs. Gus Wilson and dau ch- wedding reception held at ters Catherine and Margaret; Bowling Garden Hill United Church attended the miscellaneou, Sunday School on Saturday. bridai shower given by Mvrs. "Ir. and Mrs. Geo. Coie Walter Clark of Welcome foi: Newcastle-Following is ai Mrs. John Sherry o! Port Miss Shirley Scott of Camp- list. of the high scorers in the' H-ope, Mrs. Heber Souch, Mrs. bclcroft, on Fridey, Feb. lst. variaus leagues on the Com- Neil Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Miss Kate Foster, Oshawae, munity bowling lanes for the don Power, Mr. and Mrs. Carl spent Saturday with Mrs. T. week cnding February 9th. Býllings, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilson and Mrs. E. Gredy. Monday Ladies' Leegue- Graham, Mrs. Harry Bailey Mrs. Susen Hutchinson Hem- (200 and over) R. Couch 240, and Mary Lynn Bailcy were ilton, widow o! Dr. John J. L. Farrow 240, J. Arde 205, diiiner guets o! Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Bethany, pessed R. Foster 202, M. Couch 202. Alex Watson on Friday cvcn- awey et St. Vincent's Conval- Tuesdey Men's Leegue - ng. escent Home in Ottawa on (225 and over) L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sug- Sunday, Feb. 3rd, after a 297, R. Peerce 265, H. Aiken gitt of Toronto visited Mi-c lingering illncss in Civic Hos- 252, C. Gianville 250, L. Wm cmu.pitai, Peterborough. M r s. Pearce 235, George Butlerc Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middle- Hamilton before ber marriage 235, B. Lake 235, G. Kimbal ton visted Mrs. Ernest Gisn was a teecher about 60 years 234, K. Neal 226. Oshawa. ego et the Orono Public Wcdnesday Ladies' League Seoo.-(20.0 and over) M. Couchc _____________________ Mrs. C. C. Caverly !Wi 270, C. Hcndry 242, A. Rowe1 by, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat 230, B. Morgan 223, W. Love- tvîsited their father, Mr. Win km 212, B. Tcndam 204, B.a UuG~WN1A IL' Devey, lest week. Ferguson 203. i ('Mr. John Patton, Mr. and Teenage League- (175 and Mrs. Roy Patton visited fri- over) R. Good 303, J. Besker- ends and former neighbors in ville 270, J. Cunningham 257,r Kendal recently. W. Pearce 201, G. Allin 200' Mrs. Hcrb. Murray, Mrs. B. Heatlie 193, N. Gaines 189. Robt. Stewart, Mrs. A. Mor- Thursday Mixed League- ton, Mrs. M. Birch, Mrs. Orley (200 and over) B. Fergusonf Chepmen, Mr. Wm. Devey, 28,B1 Rw 5,M.Rw Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton 2846, M. Aidead2, . Roweb were dinner guests of Mrs. 207, J. AHead 20 . Rw John Morris, Saturday even-27J.Had0. 0 ing. Thursday Ladies' League - Mrs Elizabeth Margarpt (175 and over) D. Stark 242, 01Campbell Graham, widow of J. Hall 231, J. Stacey 212, B. the laite Mr. Caldwell Graham, Boisvcrt 210, E. Elliott 202, E. o! Winnipeg, mother o! Dr. Willems 199, M. MacDonald IN MANY CARS, REGULAR GAS Campbell Graham of Russe'l, 197.0 PERFORMS AS WELL AS PREMI. Manitoba, and Mr. Frank Gra- Friday Night League -e IJM! Many cars do not get better hem of Calgary, Alberta, pess- (200 and over) B. Hoogkemp inileage and performance f rom prie- cd awey in Winnipeg e few 280, B. MeCreeken 265, K. mium grade gasoline. Because of the months before ber lOth birth- Whitney 263, A. Rowe 257,d Iiihe otae f gsoins ody, day. A service wes hcld in H. Partner 253, D. WhitneyP niany older cars performias weillon The Lang Chapel on Monda'y 248, M. Henry 234, T. Em- k ~. sanardraeashsdidnyste. ftcrnoon. Rev. Besil E. Long bley 225, A. Pearce 220, M. days reium I asopay t kow officiatcd. Interment in the Peerce 212, L. Dyke 212, H. daâty'remt spystako family plot, Orono Ccmctery, Munro 211, B. Ferguson 208,V tht ouIIge te es <w,,. in the sprin.g. Mrs. Graham I. Cunninghem 201. buy on insurance for . I was the only child of flhc late a-______ your car with StateI'!I Mr. and Mrs. Josephi Camp- i Farm! Cali me today! -- bell of Orono, and had visited TYRONE t Orono oftcn - her lest trip 117 Mr.was nd1950. Da ds About 30 people attcndcd I Mn. nd rs.DeanHodsonoun Euchre Party Fridey nîght of Ajax visited bis aunt, Mrs. in Tyrone Hall. Prizes won D. G. Hoopen, on Sunday. Miss Cheryl Cooper, daugh- by high lady, Mrs. J. Gibbs,a ter o! Mn. and Mns. Cliff. high man, R. Gibbs, low lady,F lioerhs been a patient in Mrs. D. Phasey, low man, t Coor, optlBwa-Toni Janczyn, effen whichE Memria Hopitl, owmn-lunch wes scnvcd and enjoyedh ville.- by aIl.k Mr. and Mns. Kenncth Kil-2 Imer were necent weckend L. J. Skaife C. A. 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris DIRK 'McGrath, Peterborough. 8 DIRKChartered Accountent Mn. and Mrs. F. Werry vis-: B R IN KM AN Whitby Mr.end Mrs. Earl tpes Mill St, N. Newcastle P. O. Box 208 t Sutton, visited Mr. and Mrs.ý Phone3671W. Park Sr., they also visit- Phone cd Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Tay-E STATE PARM lr Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Orono 138 i Mr. and Mrs. Semn Howey, 1 - ýLondon; Mrs. H. Brooks, Wes- Head Ofice, Toronto, Ontario, '1~hty 6889 on, spent a week with Mrs. D. A. MeeGnegor. i _____________________Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans,E Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Dickson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Windsor. i-i Mr. and Mrs. W. Park *Jr. Loo ààE were supper guests of Mr. and Mr-s. Tewn cot Gr-den Hill. Mns. Edne Philp, Miss Jean Philp, visitcd Mrs. W. Good- fellow, Codrington, and Mr. 1 and Mrs. G. Phiip, Morgans-'i ton. iý Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith i and femily, were supperj, gucsts o! Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Crago, Bowmenville. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ten-' nant and family, Bowman-, ville; Mr'. and Mrs. Don Real and boys, Greenbank, visited Mr. and Mrs W. H. Taylor.1 along with other members o! ý their femily. Mn. and Mrs Bradley Sneche and children, Oshawa, visited,) on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.! C&rl Clark. U Saturday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. A. Garson were Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason and dauglitens, Toronto. Mrs. Percy McCoy visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Atcheson,z Toronto. « Mr. and Mrs. W. Rehm and I Robent Griffin were supperI guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rehm, Saintfield. The first 4-H meeting wes1 held et Mrs. H. Steinton's oni Februeny 11 th. We opencd ouri meeting wîth the 4-H pledge il followed with the election o! officers as follows- Shelaghl I Murphy, President; Anne1 Skinner, Vîce-President; Press j Reporter. Sandra Hall. The1 next meeting will be on Feb-1 ruarv I8th et Mrs. L. 5kn- i ncr's. Mrs. Stainton, our lead- er, gave us a list o! objeets to get for our sewing box. We1 ail tried on some different matenial to suit us so wecacn buy our meteriel for our,' blouse. Our questions were il tiien teken up and discussed.: Dîfferent essortments o! met-1!< erial wes then pesscd around1 to look et for our homne as-1 signrnent. Lunch closed the1 imeeting. Enden en - --- 11 - 1-l-1 1..83 . I _ _ ýEni Tenant _ - ---- ý _ - 83:elected their officers for the" Virgie Faircy---- ---- 183 1956 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SEDANcoigyr.Tenwps- 200 Games New paint, good motor. Very clean body $42 dent is Bill Rosnak. Jack iShirley Biekeli 220, 232, 1955 CHRYSLER 2-DR. HARDTOP aFras wilerve as seonre 263, Kay Beauprie 224, Jean Good motor andboy radio, power brakes $ 495 tary-treasure n Mrs onald* Sellers 249, Virgie Fairey bdGbo n ae acewI 266, 221, Rose Bîrkett 21?,ý 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN be in charge of music, and 'Onie Etcher 212, Enid Tenn- we1- Mrs. George Mitchell and ant 259, Helen Park 223, Du-: Rn................-MreeWo ilb epn aine Palmer 212, Bernice 1955 OLDS. 2-DR. HARDTOP sible for the hymn boards. Budey 256, 263, Jeekie Trim- Needs bd work----------------------$ 250 For their Februery meeting bic 208, 223, 237, Helen Nich-boy. ............ $ the Kedron Doubles' Club oison 230, Peggy Haynes: 1955 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DR. SEDAN toured Hilsdate Men or n 217, Oiiie Petfield 208, 259,] Automnatic, dean body -came--b---k--to--the---hurch- for9 !Dcli Vinson 215, Ada Richards boy -- -their business meeting and 205, Nyhi Sheehan 249, Doris 'lunch. Joli 267, 217, 208, Doris Pol- T RU CK S1 The World's Day of Prayer iey 264, 220, Audrey Os- 194DDG T Nwill be jointly observed by mod247, Dot Brooks 231), the Kedron and St. Stephen's. 254, June Baker 255, 277, Stake body, dual wheels, helper springs, ladies in Kedron United Marion Slaght 240, Joyce Ma- good motor and tires. Handy size truck $ 595 i Church et 2:00 on Fridey, jor 214, Emma Brommeil 272,' 91 M 3TN TK March lst. Special speaker Hellen Dunn 248, 217, Nancy 15 M -O TK for the occasion will be Miss Bryans 259, Molly Mairs 209,: Good motor and tires .. $ 375 Shirley McKce, Deaconess of Ethel Morgan 201, Norma 1951 DODGE 1/-TON Northminster United Church. G24 , rLora0in ee ry ne trs ed ,g --- -----------$ 275 It is hoped that al the ladies G4, ay 244,Lorrain, e Mety n owtrseeayt o-o! the community, whether or Burgess 223, 230, Ena Etcher not they are members o! the 205, 224, Muriel Holroyd 2051 5 - U.C.W., will turn out to join Marion Pearson 266, 216.:21 7, D ~ f c n ~ Mt r in this World Wide Service et Thelma Forrester 208, Joyce B a k t c o o s thc beginning o! Lent. This Lyle 227, 250, Joyce TenrIant year the theme is "More Then 239, Marilyn Wiggans 235, Phone 986-4281 Blackstock Conquerors," and the service Shirley Bickie 204, Donna was prepared by a group of Preston 213, 238, 270, Dorc 7A Highway - 3 Miles East of Port Ferry Korean Christians under the Mutton 250, 216, Bernice CAH.TRD R EM adership. of Mrs. David Partner 221, 216, Rose Kelly CAHT DEO RM Chung. 205 Ron Werry bas retuxned FEBRUARY l4th What shall I give my Valentine, Deep roses red, or violets blue, Or shall it be a locket fine Engraved in gold with, 'II love you?" But stay, - it has been forty years, There have been roses, violets blue, And xnany a jewel, - laughter, - tears, Carved on my heart is 'II love you." I think ll say, "Dear Valentine," I'm just so glad that you're stili mine. '--'k- t. Congratulate Woodbridge R.O.A. Manager 1ei e :irley Scott, who were mar-, ried in Campbellcroft United! Church Saturday afternoon. The U.C.W. meeting wasý held Wednesday evening ati the home of Mrs. H. Fosteri with our hostess presiding over the meeting. We were pleased to have Rev. R. C.! ýWhite present. The scripturei reading was given by Mrs. R.] Mercer. Mrs. G. Cathcart in the devotional spoke on the parables and read a poem À "Opportunity Knocks" where the chief excuse was II Have- n't Got Time" also told the story of John Newton and read one of bis hymns "How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds". Teaching religion in the schools was read by Mrs. J. Stapleton followed by an interesting discussion. An in- ,vitation to a Valentine Tea was received from a unit of Orono UCW. Plans were alsoL made to attend the Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. at Bow- manville on Feb. 12. Mrs. t Low and Mrs. Garbutt sup- I plied the very tasty lunch.t The next meeting will be at1 the home of Mrs. E. Couroux with, Mrs. Stapleton lunchE committee and Mrs. Cathcartd program convenor. Hydro's Rural Operating Area Managers of Uxbridge, Bowmanville, Church and Sunday School Richmond Hill and Lakefront Area congratulates Area Manager G. Roy Blake were held as usual Sunday. R.O.. Lne Mintnane stff stabishd Ithe minister in preaching on of Woodbridge after the Woodbridge ...Ln aneac tf sase te parables of the empty S a record of 3,140 accident-free working days and the Forestry group had 2,140 bhouse, the incomplete tower, accident-free working days. In this picture from the left are: A. C. tgCy" the unprepared warrior, said, i Richardson, Uxbridge; Charles J. Drew, Lakefront; Mr. Blake (holding plaque); "If you would start a new Bowmnvile, nd . J.Royof Rchmnd beware of an empty house W. R. "Rex" Walters, Bw avle n .J o fRcmn il morally, it is dangerous, if you -Ontario Hydro Photo woffld build a Christian life, count the cost, if you would t e becomne a Christian warrior,c M ixed M ajo ýdrw on aIl your resources. 'M ixed Bons piel Mie1ao The alternative ta oftii is found in the little phrase j !sdby Jesus, "or cise". BowlingMr. and Mrs. Jerry Byersd Most Success fui Bwig Pn and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cru Team Standings thers were dinner guests Sun-h Pts. Pinss day with Mr. and Mrs. H.e ~o nv w I DBuday-----_------ 13 1955-9 Foster and sons celebratingt A t S ou hview lub 1Bickell ----------- 12 19-334 Carolyn's birthday. Beauprie ----- -- 9 18598 Mr. and Mrs. G. MacDon- On Saturday, February 9th, son and Cyril King as the j Dunn - ------- 8 18345 ald, Roy and Treasa, Kathy curlers fromn Napanee, Oshawa, other members of the rink. 1 Patfieîd --- ---135Sihad ai ecrwr Whitby and Bowmanville met In the Il o'clock draw, ail Etcher ----- S 18592 in Toronto Sunday visiting foranenoyaleda ofcui-prizes were won by entries' 200 Averages Dora's brother Mr. and Mrs. ing. At th e completion 0fof h s a a C ri g' r u e---- - -------- 237 Selleck. ed t play, out of town rinks had Club. The rink of Fay andci B. Buday --------------- 236 A baby shower was hl corne out on top and the love- Bill Henry, Margaret and TedlE Perfect ---------------- 235 Wednesday evening at thee !y prizes were presented by Reed came out on top, with R. Wright ----------- ---- 228 home of Mrs. Jack Neal for1 Presidenjt Dr. Ivan Woolsey, the second prize going to the 0. Etcher--- ---------- 226 Mrs. Gordon Langstaff when i assisted by Bonspiel Chairmanentry skipped by Bab CoppinJ. Nowlan..............---- 218 some 15 friends were present.1 Jack Munday. who had his wife as vice-skip:N. Hcnning ------------- --»21.1 After enjoying some games In the 9 o'clock draw, the and Edith and Tab Gearing B.' Heari---------213 Mrs. Lengstaff was called uponC rink of Mary and Elmer Pol- throwing lead and second B. Barter--------211 ta open the lovely and useful lard, Eileen and Giles Gould- rocks. . Burgess--------21__t orwihse xrse ing of Oshawa Curling Club Tcrsit fteJ. Murphy ------------- ---207 bier thanks. Lunch was served won their three games to win were as follows: drw..Elot-------------- 205 by the hostesses Mrs. Jack first prize. The second prize 9.00 a.m.- B. Holroyd------------------ 202_ Neal and Mrs. Ariel Lang- wes won by the rink skipped S. Bickell -------.------200 staff. b y Bill Le Gros of Whitby W. Kitson (Bow.) 4 - B. Le! High Single-Ollie Patfield; Curling Club who had his! Gros (Whitby) 4. 38 wife Marg, Rosc Marie David-ý D. Blaney (Bow.) 7 - 1. Wool- ihTrpe MieHol- K D O sey (Bow.) 6. royd- 749. E. Pollard (Osh.) 9 H. Faik High 200 Games At the Fcbruery meeting of A ~ .(Bow.) 3. Bernice Buday 272, R. the 25th Brownie Mothers, LADIS" M JOR T. Cowan (Bow.) 12- J. GayiWright 270, J. Nowlan 268, B. final plans were made to stert Three clubs are tied for sec- i (Bow.) 6. Hearl 294, M. Holroyd 300, a new Guide Company, which 1:00 ar.- l268, J. Murphy 271, Oniie Et- and, two for third and three B. Gulley Nprc)8- .cei 9,J.Bkr38 u will f111 a real need in the each in fourth and fifth posi- 1y(aac)8-B chr27J.akr3,Bu community. The first meet- tin.Burk (Bow.) 4. Barter 298, 254, Beauprie 329, ing wilî be held on Wednes- tin.But Monday night Bu- B. Henry (Oshawa) 8 - S.'Pete Dobbins 284. dy eraylta :0i day retained their slim one James Feru(Bow.) 4.7:0 i point grasp on the league lead B. Coppîn (Oshawa) 8 - A. - the Community Centre. Al by defeating Haynes 2-I. i Trevail (Bow.) 3. TT~TZ girls who have reached their Joli claimed the lone shut-1 J. Burton (Napanee) 11 j. .L\1NDAL 1llth birthday, whether or not out, whipping Brooks 3-0, Munday (Bow.) 6. they have been Brownies, are whilc ail other games, cnding [1:00 p.m.- Mrs, Grace Gray, Perry- 'invited to join this group. up in 2-I scores, saw practie- H. Falk 12- J. Gay 5. - town, visited with Mrs. Mary Further information cen be, ally no change in the stand- E. Pollard 9- T. Cowan 4. iLuxon on Tuesday. obteined by telephone from ings. Preston downed Lylc . itsun 8 D. Blaniey 5. Mrs. Ted Coatham, John, Mrs. James McNally (728- tail-end Gay upset E. EtchýerB. Le Gros 7 1 . Woolsey 4. [Carl and Kenny were guests 0008). Gail Hitchens has 0. Etch-er defeated Biekeli 3:0 p.m.,- 0f ber mother, Mrs. Irene a'greed to leed the group, but and Baker was victorious over, J. Munday 9 -A. Trevail 7. iMercer, Sunday. additional help is badly need- Dunn. B. Coppin 10- J. Burton 4. Sunday was an ideal day for cd. Mrs. J. L. Bird, Commis- Oni Ethercam upwit B.Heny 8- B Guîeya. the Ontario Junior Champion- sioner of Rossland District, a nice 350 game and Ollie S. James 15- B. Burk 4 ships which were held hy the attended the Mothers' meeting Patied rlid u a341scre7:00 p.mi.- "Oshawa Ski Club at Brima- to instaîl the new officers for Pt in the $5 vucher41scfrm H. Falk 8 - T. Cowan 4. /combs Hill this weekend. It the year. These are Mrs. Nel- towmnvilhe $Ceancers tr ia quite înteresting to learn son Brown, president; Mrls. igsoewnttJueBa-l E. Pollard 5 - W. Kitson 3ý Ith at they now have 1:38o William Rosnak, secretary: ker-277, Emma Bromeli -1I1. WtiolsevY il - J. Gay 1. members, a few of whomn are Mrs. Norman Wodatr- 27,DnaPetn 7 n 9:00 P.m.- i local residents.. Conditions surer; Mrs. William Steck, B. Burk 8 - A. Trevaîl 4. 'have been mostly good this vice-president. Doris Jol- 267. B.Clc 0-J ud y 'ear. Their five ski tows are The 25th Brownic Pack en- Ollie Patfield bowled a big 5 . James 7 - J. Burton 4. bcmn vrrwe njydatbgnigprye 808 total to capture highi B. Henry 6 - B. Coppin 3. busy days. the home of Mrs. William triple honours, followed byý Bruce Mercer, Tommy Fos- Stack on Seturday efternoon, Onie Etcher- 736, June Be-ý The social highlight of thelter, Reid Foster, Brian Fos- January l9th. After pleying ker-727 and Donna Preston day was the delicious buffet ter and Billy Planke who in the snow for an hour and -721. I dinner served by the ladies of play hockey with Orono were a haif, the girls were driven Team Standings Enniskillen United Church to Millbrook for the hockey back to the church, where the .Pis. who also provided lunch and Tournament on Saturday. Mothers' Committee served Budy -12coffee throughout the day. They won their first geme bot chocolete and doughnuts. iHuaye --..4!th er 41-a. enaTfiedswshtoad egla me i o!te2h a* eoir Fremd It alI depends on whether your home needs the touch of a master-p ainter, new bathroom fixtures, or a complete re-modelling job in the kitchen. If there's work to be done to iinîprove your home, now is the time to put it in hand. Wintertime is the tirne when hands skilled in putting houses in order are available at short notice. Now is the best time to get repairs and renovations done thoroughly, quickly and at lowest cost. If the work you have in mind costs more than you care to put out in cash - there's no prob- hem. Simply see your neighbourhood branch of "MY BANK" and arrange for a low-cost B of M Home Improvement r Loan. The man who serves you MY iRh I at the B of M wilI be glad to oM'1."$ do it - even if his name isn't George. .4I BANK OF MONTRIEAL 64g4«4"9el:d sa" Bowmanville Branch: Oshawa Branch: JAMES BELL, Managez JAMES McCANSH. Manager WORKING W1114 CANADIANS 114 VERY WAtK 0P LIFE SINCE 1817 rIumcII OWNERS. you should attend GARDEN NuTE in the U.A.W. HALL, BOND ST., OSHAWA on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2Oth starting at 8 o'clock GUEST SPEAKER: MR. NEVILLE RICHARDS former editor of the Garden Magazine Door Prizes valued at over $150 Landscape Films - Free Admission The evenlnt will be sponsored by the local membe. of the Reglonal Ontario Nurserymen's Association. Participatin : Brookdale-Klngsway Nurseries; Van Belle Gardens, Hlghway 2, Bowmanville; Henk Kobeu, R.R. 3. Bowmanvllle; Liberty Nurseries, 129 Liberty St. North, Bownianvllle; Hasek Nurseries, Pickering; George Ells Landscaping, RRR. 1, Picker- ing; Kunle's Garden Centre, 1015 Klnt East, Oshawa; Vertluis Nursery and Landscaplnt, R.R. 1, Oshawa; Sensenh Bros. Landscaplnir, 355 Oshawa Blvd. North, O.hawa; Oshawa Home Landscaplnt, R.Rt. 4. Oshawa, po.J. Jausen and J. Kamstra. 0 0 -Marjorie Cunningham MAPLE GROVE~ Mr. Gordon Beech returned visitors with Mr. anid Mrs. W. home from the hospital Mon- H. Brown. day afternoon. Glad to report Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ewing, that he is much improved. David and Diana Ewing, after Mrs. D. C. Bailey returned visiting her parents, brothers home last week from Memor- and sisters, have returned ta ial Hospital, where she under- their home at Seven Islanrd, went surgery. Quebec. Mr .and Mrs. Lawrie Staple-, Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. ton, Toronto, were SundaylIBob Snowden visited with her visitors with her sister andisister and brother-in-law, Mr. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.' and Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hamp- Ted White and famlly. ton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olliffe, Miss Susan Thomas, Mr., Al- Stouffville, were last Thurs- bert Franklin, Oshawa, were day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visitors with her Fred Stevens. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. Llyn Coates, Brantford, Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coates and Mr. and Mrs. T. Molemaar son Byron, Port Credit, were and family, Blackwater, were Strnday visitors with their Sunday visitors with ber par- cousins, Mrs. L. C. Snowden,, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Groen, bro- Mr. Bob Snowden, and also ther and sister-in-law Mr. and called on Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Henk Groen, and other H-uband, Oshawa. relatives. Miss Barbara Brown spent1 Congratulations to M i s s the weekend with friends inBonnie Beech on passing her Ottawa. Grade 6 in music with honors. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, M. and Mrs. Stephen Jef- Islington, visited her parents' ferir visited their sister-in- Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens' law, Mrs. Lorne Plummer, Mr. nd rs.Wallce un-Port Hope, on Sunday. Mr. nd rs.Wallce un-Mis ses Lynda Edwards, Osh. day and family were Sunday awa, Lee Ann Hoar, Betty El- homefro th Oshwa en-le n Kuhnke were Friday over- homefro th Oshwa en-night guests with Miss Mary' eral Hospital after an opera- AnDye tion on the cartilege of his M.adoyle knee.visited Mr. and Mrs. Gaston, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lam- Toronto, on Sunday. bert and family spent the Judy, Sandra and Sandy weekend in Kingston as guests Coonev spent the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Thomas. with their sister and brother- Gail McNally took part in in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Micky the Snowflake Ballet present- Dowson, Zion. ed by pupils of the Harvey Sorry to report that Mrs. Dance Academy at the recital Blanche Cooney took sudden- in the theatre of McLaughlin ly 111 on Monday evening, and Library on Saturday night. is in Memorial Hospital. We Mrs. Grant Farrow of Port wish her a speedy recovery. Credit spent a few days with Miss Kathryn McGuirk cele- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee, Su- brated her llth birthday witli san and Nancy, this past week, a party for her sehoolmates.

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