O0ver Or Q f Lii e i By Sun 1 Suin Lite Assurance Con pany of Canada sold morE than one billion dollars o life insurance in 1962 for th( fourth consecutive year aný ¶vll crease policy dividenc; tn lZe~ for the 14th consecu' tive year, Mr. J. B. J. War. sink, Sun Life manager ir Peterborogh announccd fol- lowing the companys 92nc enri'al meeting. Forward strides by the Suý Life during the past year aIsr Jncludcd the mutualization ci the company, which wa, commenced in 19.58 and corn- pleted in December, 1962. DYKSTRA'S Variety Foods Phone 623-3541 Weekend Specials FRESHR - HOME-MIADE PORK SAUSAGE I1bs. 9 9C 9 A 1, E SHOULDER OR BUTT PORK CHOPS OnIy 5 91b LEAN -LOIN PORK CIHOPS Ony691b CELLO PACK TOMATOES 2 5ca pkg. F R E S H LETTUCE Ifor35c; GOLDEN YELLOIV BANANAS, iIs. 35c We have a large variety or Fcincy Boxes of CHOCOLATES These make IDEAL GIFTS for Valentines Corne and have a look ! INVENTORY 0F PUBLICI SERVICE LIFE INSURAN CE COMPANY Since 1871 SUN LIFI 0F CANADA has beer active in the publi service. 1962 was anothef year of achievement -E 'n ic FOpR TYF RA fhat rd! last Suilday concern 'The Canac¶lan Statesnan, rommnanvl1e, Freb.. 1969 -l ing conditions in England be -________M________a________y___ ie B l i n Dl a sfreponsbley ndoftedheh Famlly Night to be the Wed- which was dedicate v n ie Billion Dollars frepWsblety andthoe he git a es Co r for the state of the countryv. EVU s C or nesdiay following Anniversary Robt. Muir. Mrs. f.bt then and at man *v other per- Sundav'. Pot ]uck supper with read several passaie fsrp jod i hstryý,venth pw-local entertainment a f te r. tutre on which Mrs.ot.Mr fn u a c o der of an inspired man wrouglit ed i Bo m n le That there bc a suitab'k based her talk "CrstnsI a change. At a recent service, plaque made and hung in the their Daily Work."Mr. ur the new member of session C. E.Builing naig alephaie h !feA ss ra n e G . church. Mrs. A. Aus- Feray 2h 16 cohol and observe an 11 o'clock' "There %as wetheavy snow, person-q responsible for its wre. oehr as inductedS. .,codiinswee haande-stblatrnl. ther gis finebeinc aeTa ecodth dvti weksseie e.FrealBowmavle pard n1 port once a month ta Mr. J. D. north on Counity Road No. 17. refer discussion of the instal- Mrs. Erie Courtice n e ,expressedth appreciation ofBwan v il1 1 e Magistrate'S: Mitchell, Probation Ofcr h a ahead with three pas- lation of a P. A. Svstemn to thc daughter Charlotte lae n- The Peterborough Branch to ý. i83,033 ooo. Or this the congregation to the retir- Court on Tuesday, January Os Ofan saystic u eng e r ~a rvligfonSna col e-rlohrdlgtu in u e reported that Sun Lire sales amunt, $690 millionis in ing member, Mrs. E. Barrow- s.iaan tysrcIousegswstavlngfi S dvSho.SvrlohrdIgtu1pnoi o last year of $1,128,440,000 mortgages, mostlv on îesidca clough and Mr. Snell present . 29th. He xwas charged with'of Bowmanvilie except to 50 tu 55 miles an hour. toro items 'were dealt with. Mrs. Wallace Mcig n e were larger than those of anv liaI praperties.of il assault on his father, George visit his mother. fast for suchi road conditions. A vote of thanks was mov- troduced Miss Grc Trl d ohe CnadanLie cm- AtthecopaYs nnaled her wlha copy fWl Lane. and waîs remanded in, Russell G. Belanger. R. R. At Caesarea the accused ap- ed to Rev. and Mrs. J. P. who has had thepesreo Is pany, and brought total in- meeting in Montreal. lîsi-am oed"ABa fCa-csod.O adaFb No. 2, poiit\pool. pleaded plied his brakes and skidded Romeril for ail theY have donc \visitiflg Jerusalem, hl i î-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ surncein orc wihotf cm- entAlstgr M Capbel' hroghatltie-arattnd-ary1lihe n Cboug. e wstuieyWohirvte wihou aticeuntt e srucitx Whte a te pstaindoahsandEngandassn an hage ee .Panty to $10,840,722,000. This spoke on general ecanomic ance cards for tle childre.n sntenced ta six months in ense on December 5th. He was Rose gasoline standard at theexeddainttonathmcr.MsTultodohr in is ant increase of 6.4 per cent maitters and said long-termi are kcpt for church service brook2 ot r5 as crero Mle'ssor.Mr o Ontarlo R1f9m1torfthe1 totnl, $$4n- $2lcosiors5 das.coi-neî- ofMiseersistoe.oMrk.forthem to remin anoîhertnp b the Hlythand an t- ve 191.O! hetotl,$4, sluton shul hefondta and those preseat a certaini Constable P. DenHoed OPP, Miller xvas shovelling snow vear. Meeting adjourned. showed slides whihbrut id 265,659,000 is ln Group LifeýCanada«s financial and trade number of Sundavs are caia- ' Joseph James Childeihose, w a S investigating officier. frorn the sidexvalk la front of, insurace andthe baance i !prolems. e saidthe con- meded aHaipustorycrwas- thathahe, had chathe wstoreHiat the asttme.lietnitede torurlctheVomen nitedealithWommano rplaces vwhiy p individual contracts. trv*s reputaîlon la financial Rev. Freeman spoke ta these impaired driving Februarv dodged to miss some (hildren 1Gt'e stated he xvas a student At the genex-al meeting or are familiar to us tirug h During the year the corn- markets suffercd from the younig people on Sun., mara- 2nd on Highway No. 2. He walking along tle road and!at East York Collegiate and the Ebenezer United Chu,,chFýible. Among thesensf :)f paoy paid $199 million in pal. events leading up ta the ex- ing viho were present the re ýpleacled guilty and was fbned lost control of the car," sta- ihad a beginner's permit. 'InWomen, held on Januar-Y 11 intercst were theTob f *i cy benefits, of whbch two-Ichange crisis last summer but qired number. They were $50 and $21 costs or 7 days. ted the officer. fact" explairied the accused. 'I,~ 1963, Rev. J. P. Romeril con-.. Lazarus, Gethsemaeyt thirds was paid to living poilwas gratbfied ta observe the John and Rae Tufford, Cheryl Constable H. Wight, opp, Dennis Gee, 169 Laagford1have had six before. Every ducted the service to instaîl Mount of Olives. th1 olo icyhiolders and annuitants steady improvement in Cana- n oy lre ae,*testified that the accue wsAvenue, Toronto, pleaded lime rra father persuades me teeeuiefrte~erSlm a h ra al 1963. Jerusalem. The' picue and one-third to the benefie- das foreiga exchange balances Phillip and Timm Nichols. driving west la an erraticinot guilty ta 'a charge of care- ta q uit*" * aries o! deceased polbcyhold- since then. The first night for study of manner, weaving aver onta less driving on December 29th. "I1 can imagine what your The slate of afficeî-s iS as commentai-y left eeyn ers. Dividends to be paid to The discount dollar at 921à, the Word and the Wav in the shoulder. Mr. T. Kelly,!Constable H. R. Cornell OPP, father said Ihis time," cam- folîows: Hon. Pres,, Mirs, R. P' with a great desiretovsthi Sun Lire policyholders in 1963 cents U.S. seems appropriatei1963, -%v a s last Thursda. ,defense caunisel, pointed out and Constable L. R. James mented the magistrate. "$15Osborne; President. Mrs. AI- fascinating city. wil be$46 milio- fve10 urrnt ircmstnce, ut igh wih Rv. reeanthat he was gainfulîy employ- OPP, gave evidence. and $2-) costs ai- 5 daYs." Ian Down lst Vice Pres., Mrs. Mrs. Ross -Peare epes per cent more than the 1962 he warned that the benefits Ieading. These discussions are ed at General Mators and had Wilfred Brown: 2nd Vice Pres,th thanks o! the gopt policy dividends. being derived frora the dis- very worth\Nhile and every- n previaus record. T* ~Mrs. Carl Down: Recording-Miss TrulI, and the rsdn Sun Lire assets, invested in counit dollar are temporary and!one' is welcome. CIhrence Joseph Kiîpatric. * Sec'y., Press and Publicity,!closed the meeting it th governiment and. municipal will disappear if costs are ai-] wr clgte aher31 omeî crtke f h * Mrs. Chas. Eîliott: Correspond- Mizpah Benediction. bonds, corporate securities, lowed ta rise further, thus'the voices of Mr. J. James Federal Building, Bowman- Mus. Douig. Pyzer and Linda.. Siunday Srhool Repart: TL%- ing Sec'.\., Mrs. Brooks Pearcc: Lunch was servedb Ms mortgages and real estate, iin- eliminating the competitive and Mfr. E. Younigmaa on the ville, xvas charged with theft Toroiito, speut' last w-eekend taI receipts $1631.40; expen.ses Treasur-er, Mrs. Harr 'v Gav: Alex Muir, Mrs. Brueion (reasedi $102 million in 1962 advantages gained. radib Sundav morning and do of seven letters fram the mail. ýwith Mrs. Harry Gay and $1462.81; balance 1963, $168.59'Leader Of Afternoon Unit. Mrs. Ron Bickle andM.K flot think Mr. Philp shouîd The accused, represented bvýJayne. Mirs. Carl Dnwn; Leader ofTink to the 45 ladiespeet have aboridgced Mr. Youngmaii's' Mr. T. Kelly, pleaded guîly r ar a a nQe Building Fund: Receipts '62. Evening Unit, Mus, Elmer______________ ilt! M. HrrvGavwasin ue-$3382.58; paid on note $4000.-'Dwn iN evicastle Girovier f etiate o h ttemn n letdtil ynai-bec last week curling with a 00, owing $2000.00; balance on Christian Stewardship and Insp- rae rJh , olnrink from Oshawa. hand $293.49. Social Action, Mrs. Robt. Muiir:' anInsctor Jon H llinsb' Mr. and Mrs, W. Br-own United Chur-ch W arne n:Community Friendship, Visut-1 th os ffc Dprîe ~ tîing and Membership, Mrs. 'P e en s B rie f on E ILthn e stOicetor e mploy:d bYwïth MOshawar. rodMembership 86; totalreceipt~ss awe Mr. nd rs.Flod Loydtestified, "This man a been' 27.0 oa xess$,ýosHwe ooeaini chlrn.MsesKrnemployed for six years as Congratulations to Mr. Perey 430.00. Included in this wasýChristian Education and Mis.- and ideMssesloKdaLeo! caretaker of the local tast Dalby on his Sulggestion'allocation of $900.00 and $1,inay Euton Mr. . T'obacco ankNncdwustPntth office. For tw rtreAward at General Motors. 0(.0t h uligfn Coverlv: Finance, Mrs. Gar-1 IndustryMr rnktoortrp 0 0 ote ulin ud Simms, West Guilford. mnh we have received Mr. DalbY was awarded $5001> Balanice Dec. '62, $240.00. nett Tubb: Flowers, Mrs.i 4M An active advisory com- he the poorest in dollar re- Mrs. Keith Davey and Elaine cmlin~rgrig mi.o rdy Parsonage Board: Receiptqs Oke: Literature and Commun]'- " fI mittee of goveroment repre- turas t o the fariner un 10 stayed a few days al Mr. Ca] On Februarv 7th, ten test let- Mr. and Mis. A. Gî-oukeý $495.46, expenses $386.58, bal- '" ' " bers were prepared. Five were ýand family, Oshawa, with Mr.:ance on hand $108.88. Bibleications, Mus. Chas. Found;ý sentatives, buyers, and grow- years, Mr. Newell said. lelSargent*s, Peterborough. pacdnth indeeciradMs.ATubScet iigs$20 eea:mntos, rsCrlDw; ' 'ers to work on a three year pounted out that if there has Mrs. Harold Ormiston vlsi, Scitygla h$9.5. ' ra Program, Mrs. Jack Litovchik; " .~and riveinthe outside one Eeee xlrr e for Class: Receipts $98.83, expený- Social, Mrs. F.ber Sniowdien'î ehl, Newcastle, stated at the age, the eut must be decided Oshawa. 10 letters ive8e0m6ssibglaHeei$359038expeGsýStewardship and Recruiting,' 11ýu first public hearing held byiby c-areful research and be! Mr. and Mus. J. 1-. Pascoe, was the ning onint e xecssweecnîcîd T:ReepsMrs. Ross Pearce; Supply and IIUU Ifefl the Ontario Governinent coin- directed by the goveraiment. Taunton, visited at G. Bow-eolypra iith Get-well cau-ds were sent ta es $29 171, balance $61.32. Social Assistance, Mrs. Grant mittee investigating the ta- He recommended that the man's. ineh etrtkrg tue Susanne Gay, Mrs. Tink and'Sunshine Class: Receipts $63.- Down; Quilîs, Mrs. Hlarold Os- f bacco industry, which was Iacreage allotinents be made Mr .and Mis. Jolinu Cattoni buildund I-le admite ihe enso.-sw r 6 xene 46,blne onry u s held in Port Hope on Mon- known as soon as possible. ýand children visited Mr. and Iioyadbuin th en-studying Hn og i o-ý$261 eeeyBoad:Toa velopes. He xvas also truthfu lHn ag.arwr 226.Cmtr1or.oa Mrs, Allan Down condUcted day. Later two mare hearingA Mr. Newell also stressed the' Mrs. Frank Sunallwood, Bea-abut vht ad ocre ship service was abolit thereceipts $.1063.21, ex penses the buiesprino hr Furl . 0 . jcwelry. .stvr will be held by the committee importance of statistical analv- vertoru. aoi hthd ocr Ling family going ta Hoing1$626.84, balance on hand Jan. uiesprino h inDehian S. hoas iso!buin tensan r ndMr Mrr Pesovec the period o! tu on. meeting, during which plansý M'arc ..- hobby cqipnet il Or twu Komong1hrs . ,a Cmmnitvil - 1, 1963, $436.37. Maney inieemd o eea roiès o ih es la he ompehesiv b iefistrf uctinneeedsogad-Wctr.San and Cindy, S t hs. lage. Margaret Down read bonds $3950.00, total bonds:wI aefrsvrlpaet lunih esrrsda Intecmrhniebi ntuonsheeddarins.cot L'a ad in S. Maistrate R. B. Baxter sert- Luke 5* 3,to Io. Carat Down and bank acon and fLunctians for the yeai'.' oxuhlotevai submited b Mc.Newel ingCatharines, visited at the E. L. tenced hum ta six months de The following announce- al esnlatce r this week he contended that-- Prescotl hai-ne. finite and three months in gave the prayer. Oui' offering M. & M. Report: Envelopes ments were made: World Dav beproaxr Ontario's syster o!fnmarket- The Younrg People's class determinate iin the Ontario Re- i will go in our Mission Box for $858,00, donations $260.00, ta-lof Prayer Service will be hcld worth. If they wre; ot igtobacco favars the buyers YELVERTON? hcld a tabaganning Party Sat- fornuatory. ]the next seven weeks whiîe tai receipts $1118.00. ltMpeGoehrhMrl stolen, damagedode to te gower' dsadantae. rdayeveingand ereen- dwad Bownig, 6 'Dvwe study aboiut Hong Kong. 14.-Romnecil rcported for Isi, 1963. Thece will be a st royed, yot'd want ta terow he4 ers'o di.Ra bisadvantage. ucdtay evenng wand aweree- Ewr rwig 6Dv-For activity we planted bulbs Session: Active members 180), quilting ini the Christian Edii- ae. .srnc o o Neyr i te 4 yerso! rs.Ra Roiion acr-ttied fewa' at ne Sio ts., Bowmanville, plead - for Easter. Clasing ceremaruies non-active members 28, non-IctnCnr nFbua lcd nuac flue-cured tabacco production panied Mrs. Ernestune Hendex - home of Ralph and Ken Cadli- d guilty ta consuming liquorr, caton Cente on Februa.y 0, valuables costs sautle. in this province have buyers son and Murray ta Guelph last!'cane. while under age an the 9thwr onutd resident members 6, totalý 1963. Presbyterial is being been in a more favored posi- Sundav ta visit Mcs. OrrÂie The attendance w as not o! February. He admitted be-'1 Ebenezer Congregati o n a , memnbers 214, home caîls 190,1held an February 12. 1963, at -ineans so Much. Cl st. ton, he asserted. Lamb (their aurit and sister- large at Churcli and Sunday ing convictied last Tuesday on!nmeeting held earlier ini the hospital caîls 17.5. Trinity United Church' in d.ay fordcctails 'They buy the creain of the n-law respectuvelv) who isýSehool dite to colds amoîg the saine offense. yeac showed mnany wortliwhie Business included mnotionisIBowmanville. Tlh e United crop without any obligation to 1 urrentIy i haspital there. the children. Mrs. Allen Tay- Roger- Goodwin. Lover's and interesting reports o! sep-ithat we adopt the UnitedfChurch Women wiII enter-tain absorb the developing sur-1 Tley w .ere also dinner guests lacrcad a missionary story at Lane, pleaded guilty Ia the arete boards and graups o! Church Manual as aur guide the chair al, a baniquet on plus," he declared. He adJded on retura home of Rev. R. R. Sunday Sehool and Eric Bow- saine charge. He also admit- the church made a mOIStlin the administration o! the Febcuary 23, 1963. that a record 40,000 poundsland Mrs. Bonsteel and fainiiy inan read -the -sciipture. - ted conviction iast TLîesday on successful 1962 for Ebenezer affairs of this congregation, Hyorn 252 opened the d>vo-ST A T B mey be stockpiled by spring. ! Bronte and ueport them. to ' the saine charge. United Church. The followingland tiat the Session be given tlonal, followed by the pre-iST ART R Mr. Ncwcll urged that a be 'in the pink." "For QUALITY Cars f Conistable L. phillips testi- reports were presented anId the responsibility of studying sentatian of the of fcring trained general manager with The Floyd Stinsons were and Service"~ fied lie was advised an Satur- approved: it and bringing in any changes ' suitable assistants, be appoint- this Sunday guests o! thle ay mnorning et 4:40 ain., that Board o! Stewards: Bal-'!in the division o! responsi-,'~ JA14ES 1 - SEE $2.30 iad been stalen from. a ance 1961, $905.16; receipts bility as they feel tic manuel GlCah£oa ;growccs and buyers. Lack of Many exciting gaines o!r ikbtl usd hedo-16,$710 xedtures indicates and such changes bc such a buyer has been thelhockey are reported hein- oM a nihorn pr n.$23120.41; balance on hadteefetatrapoa y For UAU LEpplaAGIces lINSURANCE REALSTT chie! obstacle ta making ta- 1played among the variaus 1la- o! n e tigthouri n par 11.2neni.ae fet fe apoal y mu 'liethie ha bee herd $11625.tie congregation et the nex. bacco la Ontario a successfuli cal teamns - Sr's, Jus. Dwarfs running clown the staîrs and Tr'ustee Board: Balanice 19611 anuiual meeting. That lie Ses-, through ý'Kint St. E. Bowmnll ifarnuing industu'y, he explain-jauid Pygmies, witî' home !ce seen driving off in a car which $1.330.36; Thank-offering, fain- sion be iin charge of Cliristianý S T A T EsHMA N cd. al the Jaruetville Arena. Ex- MO O A E was described to the officer. ily parties, etc. $1871.94; total' Education Building activitiesiOfc MOancue ORrlslesv eovto a ben IIE "Browning auîd Goodwin assets $3207.30; expenses $1,-,arîd the Clerk of the Session,ý C L A S S 1 FI1 E D S9fieEeIei~ , As man b ause no fsurls tnse b rteaxat iou -hs ci i , L MIT and two others were stopped 787.00; balance $141530; spec-1M. Wilfred Brown keep a, Phone 623-330362-612359 I between buyers and groweu-sispout euthusiasts o! that arpa Eari McQtieen, Pres. iii the car ten minutes jeter," f al fund $49.47. lîst o! ail future activuties _______________ on selluag, but buyers wudin fixinîg up tic rink, 21oKIG S E. sintelltedo ablho l dtherOHA AW DPR UCS T. negotiate with professianals, whirh tliev are tn hc heartil"' 29KN T . imlldo loo n hi Mr. Newell dcclarcd. ('oiniended. On Friday even- BOWMANVILLE eycs weî'e bloodshat. I lodged SA AW O RD CSL OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Acreege control, tic key- in-, tic J's. played atDn- AihrzdDae o hs two iin tic celîs. There stoni' of Ontario tobacco farm- fard in a close exciting garie, am erC s ie d been a coniplaint shortly in fr eesha prsadd osngbya5-4 margin. Juver- lafter midnigit o! a naisy ferirers to produce quantity ile dclinquency sliould neveurhn,6335 party in tie Browning apart-- raticu bien quality, he char- become a problei as long as* rW W CMA gcd. This has resultcd in de- aIl aour yoLung people are ac-, Magistrale R. B. Baxter vW er ea teriorating quelity. wil ike iny 1Qwhoesom ph issucd an aider for Browning _____E_________R____ Tic 1962 crop -illkl cal sparts. 192Ols2tr a remain iii lus dwelling for 1 anc week and Goodwin ta stay M 'T7fC1r~7TTTT n s."! ouar oud ut ~u.ow mileage. side yauî- homes yau got a l e ýtIe D WESLEYLLVILLE Inumaculate condition, for three montis," warned a s y o LI el poe Lest week's acttuiîe.s e the magistrate. Oi gent with lie Men's Club pot 1961 Pontiac 4-Dr. i I Septeniber, William Ar- OoenLife's representatives, for the j luck supper, held here foc thp LA URENTIAN hi Potr 2991Wnsr A. fourth consecutive year, sold over $1î Welcome charge. Thîcre wýere 6 cyl., standard transmission. f S tre e shaa, ofscharge billion of life insurance, thus casting about 20 pu'esent. Like New~. wt0atmtdtif !gs-j IF YOU ARE PLANNING6 the morntle of protection over coutl Mesdamnes L. H'oldawaY. and lhue and pleced on suspended 1 0 les husnd f e, omnan A. Austin and Messrs. Perc.v 1960 Pontiac 4-Dr. sentence for one year. iN children. Snel,,-araceNicaIs.ndone owner car, 21.000 l7t, o!1Setemre-o! divin PotHope haspialon Fr1- the latest ecui mn fr tnc rport. T'le accused u _______________ tral ein aot fenr1ae sW'forlinm placed on probetion for on Cati today and arrange to have one of our consultants cati framfeloTre sceittn ta bqhe l Alinmenj suppnortwine, b e odClvu ~~;I i~- fora on Ter sern I b AD upout is ie fg^dat y, rhome .. to assist y, in planning m- - al.. adtinancing! INnfl lq. ia a rash o! iand troubhle for l... IlIr% -1I1behaviouuc, abstain froin al- VOU Pald ta Polîcyhalders and Beneficiaries. 199,884,000 NUNv Life Insurance.............. $ 1,128,440,000 Total Life Insurance in Force ......... $10840,722000 Assets at December 31, 1962 ........ $ 2,583,033,000 $UN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0OF CANADA A coet.t he Annuel Report fer 1962 il biq ot vIotepelicyhelders. Copiés May' &/se b.e obained from an>'et tle L'vmpenr's hraach atticas.ost' te cosa'. BANNER PASSANT MA 3-3258 Il Rehder Ave., Bowmanville John Walter is still wearinc a cast, and this weck Sharon Thorndyke has a finger in a Cast aftei' fracturing a bone whil2 p]aying 'asketbali. Mrs. Wmn. Ash %y and Pe'arl Austin spent Feoruary first and second at Orono where the * were taking a course in sewing for 4-H work which thcy will give to the local club Quilting continues at Clara Darke's where another was finished last Tuesdav and another is ready ta begîn the, first of this comning week, Willena and Sholar Wilbur of Enniskillen visited with Mrs. C. Dickinson on Friday. There wvere 63 at Sunday Schrool on Sundav riorning with Murra 'v Pa * ne. superin- tendent in charge. Mrs. How- ard PaYne rcad the scripture. * A fresh green and white plant was the floral offering for the service, placed there by the Oughtred's. The choir's an- themn was a special arrange- ment of the local hymn, -Whal, A Friend We Have in Jesus", with Mrs. Km Dinvirr sijiý- ing the solo part. Rev. M . * Freemnans sermon reviewed' Wiieei Balancing Mr. Hugh Murphy k1.4weil qualified in this field hav- ingr had 12 years' experience. Corne In today and have hlm check yours! IVe are equipped to do your SIGN PAINTING or LETTERING on trucks, etc. 24-Hour Towing Service Service Station- 623-3401 Alter Il p.m.- 623-5645 We are now a recognlzed member of N. A. L. Our Sheil Service Station is open daiiy until il pa.. CONTACT: Earl McQueen Weldon Brown Bud Fogg JirniCrombie Sales BROWN'S Mcr. and Mrs. PercY Allin, and Mergo ettended lie 4Othl wedding annivecsary celebra- lion o! Mr. and Mrs. Norman1 Gimblett et Columubus on Sun-' da. Mrs. Jim Farrow, Bowmatî- ville , iehd a babyv ,ho>wei' oui WedncsdaY'in honour o! Mrs. Peggy Boyd. Miss Linde Caîl spent the weekend wuith Miss Ingrid Siil.Orono. Student teachieus et Brown's Sehool hast week were Mis3s Barbara Lowe and Miss Dianeý Loekhart, bath a! Scarbor-,i augi. The 'v boarded for tic, week with Mc. and Mrs. WiI-' hin Caîl. Another eveniiug o! cards in aid o! tic Record Player Pro-ý jeet was hcld et the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson on; Saturday evening. High prizer, for eucire were won by Mrs.f Flazel Melley and Mr. Welling-' ton Farrow. low prizes b'. iMrs. Feun Brunt and Mr. 1-. Mellcoy. PICK UP YOUR PHONE . %~SI//4PLAN AND DO IT NOWI NO PAYMENTS 'TIL JUNE lst O Yîoti can cnjoy your incwly niodernized home now ...and arrangements can be made on ouir deferred payment plan whcrcby you pay small monthly paymcnts to suit your budget. . Don't let Iack of rcady cash hold up your home improvemnents! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS Limited Ot 10) TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Oshawa Office and Showroom Main Office anid Showroom O OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COURTICE - 728-1611 Ï.Phone: 728-1617 BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 24600 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. I au