The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, Feb. 13, 1963 CANADA'S e~rewo *o FINESTSTOKELY'S P EAS 15-oz. GET 1T for 1 CENT When You Buy 5 Tins at the KRegular Price of 5 for 98c GET 6 TINS FOR ----- 9 STOCK UP ON THIS ON Kraft DINNERS When You Buy 6 at the Regular Price of 6 for 99c - Plus Deposit VAN CAMP - IN TOMATO SAUCE PORK AND BEANS GET 1 lTinfor 1 CENT When You Buy 5 Tins at the *b Regular Price of 5 for 88c GET 6 TINS FOR NATURE'S BEST- CHOICE QUALITY CREAM GET1 CORN Ti for CENT When You Buy 6 Tins at Regular Price of 6 for 98e GET 7 TINS FOR 99c CANADA'S FINEST - GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF Rump, Round Steak ROASTS ROUND - SIRLOIN - T-BONE PORTERHOUSE - WING STEAKS HILLTOP BRAND - ONLY AT DOMINION - FROZEN FRENCH FRY POTATOES GET 1 When You Buy 3 Tins at the Regular Price of 3 for 93e GET 4. TINS FOR ------9 dC Ail merchandise sold at Your Iominion Store Linilted hs Uncondltlonally Guaranteed to 'Glve 190% Satisfaction Vajoes Effective Until 6 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16, 1963, in Bowmanville ASSORTED JAMS GET 1 Jafor 1 CENT When You Buy 4 at the lb Regular Price of 4fr98c 1GET 5 TARS FOR -----9 C id Play at Home Show TV's Most Popular PLAY DOMINO CFTO - TV Channel 9 - 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Monday to Friday 9-oz. Pkg. for 1 CENT When You Buy 6 at the Regular Price of 6 for 87c GET 7 PKGS. FOR 88c STOKELY'S FINEST - FANCY QUALITY FRUIT COCKTAIL GET 1 Tfor I CENT When You Buy 3 Tins at the Regular Price of 3 for 99e Get 4 Tins -for -------- loMI mNION i 16I Il RICHMELLO - 5 DELICIOUS FLAVORS ONLY ATIC CRA DOMINN ICE CREAM GET 1 Bickfor I CENT When You Buy 4 Bricks at the * Regular Price of 4 for $1.0 ~ f0 GET 5 FOR ---- 14. PURITAN BRAND BIEF STIW GETI1 Tin for 1 CENT Get Domino Cards et Dominion Today AMPLE FREE PARKING t ri g.-', r i a 1 89