le The Canadian Statesman, Rowmanvifll, Feh. 1., 1P63 Publir Property Comte Schewchuk. 205 King Street 0r~~~~ok:Fbur investigate and order WarbastDaL'ortet to teBow- !Lon C Uç7 ,Jc Hloe adA Fly powder for the coming , manville Police that while he, D arlington Cou ncil j pavetertii atiand BýStevery working in Bill's 'Lions Clubavesan Ry ryonwMrc D a fn t n C u c l and passed a By-Law to pro- Billiard's, King Street East, LiosCu ~shae ~~hDnTlokadGO vide forpatcaio in the Il it a window on the east side of Harcla J. Morrov rsdn Ontario Municipal Employees 1./N e s U n d e rthebuidinswu ssmsieobv'of the orgaflizatoî îd1 Accounts mutn to $34,- Short for anal\sî5 and a re - Retirement Fund. This was an uknown Person.te m dth dierm tnîhr.t ment at the meeting of Dar- Reeve rnoved that the Road ubeedByLa 12. doIwwasiabrlokenftantarmmap- Lloyd C]iftonsone bx lntn Township Cpay- Spr t onn c i TheDeutv- C.umbered ncesLaon2102. Ap-e:ra l nImeitl Uengton eCouneio n d peared through the opening1 R. J. Dilling, nie ha h held last Thursday afternoon to takc ail tenders to the De- pearcd ibAfore councilM eeand and fumbled wîth the catch.i Bowmanvîlle Lion lbhl and evening in the Township partment of Highways for asked that a small side roadMrScehu htteamaCniatissm r.Ts Hall, Hampton. This was analysis. This was seconded by his propery be improved. r ce* bbtte raCrnvlti rnoved by Councillor Carl by Countil Richard Gibbs, This was referred to the Road By Secretary Don Welsh 'ava ilable f rorn the governi-' A R u r alI Redevelopment and the man ran off. Cor- 1 \as carried. Onamoin Yr Down, scondedby Counillor nd caried. ' Oiflflitte~ o a moton by heefutue of tetrura ment pro- cte AB.JJ pro- ornmitee was stabfihed fo pora . . Freehy is ivesti-Mr. Clfton, scondcdbysRus Down, seonded b Couneilor and arried.Committe on gramme. bTThisfurogrammeh riraluramme.Countprotommeromoureagatîng. tselimoOketithe sclubOdecidede Mary Budai. Councillor Budai was ap- Counil Down and Count-. population was discussed bY divided into three sections ý action, not only by the Federa- Sherwood Townsend, Apart- hold a Car Dr;wi onc Five tenders for the supply pointed to attend the Plann- cillor Budai. They also moved ta eus rmK eesGrant Wallace, O.F.A. Fieki (1) Programme for alternate: tion of Agriculture but also ment 4, 16 Division Street, tion with the Cri I oauncl. R J. Callaghan Wsten tar heieon ityb- rega ring snow owing et Staff, at the regular Directors',use of land; (2) Soul and wa- to initiate co-operation and stopped Constable Louis Phil-' Port HopeR. J.pamnt t rar y 27sthrnOtiows o edreferrdntsowthe oad Com- meeting of the Durham Coun-iter conservation practices; (3) study with other interested lips on the street nt 4:45 a.m. BbWlliams,thscray Port Hope, epartment o ý ruarY 27h. This wtymoFederation tf Ahrculture,- Ruralerdeielopment projectsRuralroupsopwithinojthescounty.s ThehontheaturdayThandntoldrdhin anresentedn thepeaccountsh Highaysand . M.ShotR.b M.ptShRoveMuir sec mitee nd tis ws caried reentc- ifthe resntandnd RDA illgiveassitanc mebersof tis cmmitfe hthe2:30had ustbeeneakd'motontioJak BrugJacec t h Ile Road Superintendent, ondc'J by Councillor Down. Deputy-Reeve Muir moved continues, by 19 75 one out Of ý to people other than those in! are Douglas Kemp, Bowman- from bis milk bottie. Mîr. onded by George rwta were present during the open- Deputy-Rceve Muir, Coun- that a request by A. Crawford every ten young people willý agriculture. Tourist regions, ville; M e r r il11 VanCamp, Townsend told the police of-lail buis be paid a arid ing of the tenders. cillor Budai, P. Wcstlake, H-. to hire a bulldozer for work be remaining on the homelhunting facilities, etc., will be Blackstock; Dalton Dorreil, ficer that he had seen a youth Tlie birthdays c i uk The tenders were as follows: Yellowlees, Bruce Tink, L. at the dump he referred to farm By 1970 only one out ,of' given consideraton. .S i nu ce Blackstock; Bill Tomlinson, get into a late model car par- Jack Brough, Te MieradATO Cowan Equipment, Interna- Broome, B. Taylor and E. the Property Committee. This everýy twenty people wilI bc Durham Cou nty is close ta Orono; Lawrence S t aple s, ked in front of the building, Alex McGregorweeeeba tionàl R205, $13.184; Roy w.IVice wcre appointed members was carried. engaged in some phase Of ag- large cities there will be aBtav and drive away. ted by theirfeow Lns I ?ichols, Chevrolet C8303, $13, of the Solina Communityv It was moved hy Counicillor riculture, hie said. great need for these recrea- A ieadersbip school is being, The BowmanvileScu Mo 211.69; Peterborough White Centre Board for 1963. On Gibbs, seconded by Councillor Il must be realized that thetional areas in the future. Un- planned for Durham County thers Auxiliarv atrd o ]Reo E502, $15,450; Cliff Milîs . ' o' pt-eeeMir:BdatatteTonhp' small family farm operator, der the development of thîs ta be held the latter part of, thA*I ULUC t Motors, G.M.C. A6505, $13 510;' seconded by Councillor Budai, agreement with Stephen Jef- cannot be saved by the subsi- programme it is recognized March. 1 A ccident Glen Martyn, tepeiet Bi rmley Motors, Mercury George Totten, Cobourg, was fery be amended ta relieve dies and floor prices whichiby the O.F.A. committee that County committees for Dur-1 announced that h a enURANC On motion of Dcputy-Reeve for Darlington Township forIment of replacing top-soil communities, as the farmer'slmore significant than whether for 1963 were appointed as K Ul-> chairman of heI ntr-lu H. C. Muir, seconded by tecretya.atreprto fteare wealth diminishes, so does!we get cornmunity pastures, follows: Insurance - B r uc e Comte, hateanal L Councîllor Richard Gibbs the' Clifford Pcthickwa re- !ment, and also ta relieve it, the prosperity of the com- tourist development, or refor- T a ylIor, Merrili VanCamp lInter-Club Dinnr ilbC' tenders were referred ta the, appoînted Warble Fly Inspec- :of ahl responsîbility for con- munity. Unfortunatelv thereiestation. The commîttee feit Howard Quantrill, Leslie Prit- There was a collision on held at the LionsCrmntyp A Roa Suernteden, -r.byorfDepu3Tyhcvei a n dtonship empoes dthat remany country churcheslthe whole programme is the chard, Eric Fallis, Dave Wil- King Street in front of Stan- Centre on Thursa eig CoDuncîllr Gibb i wan d- townîship sigingofers d bhteclosing because. enough in ter- ýmost signif icant thing that bas son; Property - Clarence AI- ley's Lunch on Thursday bel- March 28th. *iayMnhyPyet cîded on a motion by the De-! authorized ta emxecute sucil est is flot being realized ta came along ta assist agricu!- lin, Eric Fallis, Howard Quan- Weena r driven0b GeoSre James Bell inoucdRel r anera put -Re~e seoned byan medmnt Ths esluinkeep them open. i'ture and that we must dé- trill, >Horace Best; Poultry--W Prd,10 ig Ste, guest speaker, Ae opr Since the, ecndd y announcement. Thivelop theo programme on a Ron Brooks, W. Nowak; Wheat and a bus owned by Dover- 'an exective cf theTATu- ~ u poi ______________te_ aspssd Sne h anticmetofvIo heIe dalle Coaclh Lines, 431 Ontario'M.Cop Counîllo Bîdaitha thewaspassd.the___programtmeprorame DARA((Ari-if rf bais 5bthtiitdseonat- Rg Falis Llod Kllog -trRtCoborg.The rivrloydt oard Toonto Boarding Evenun cultural Rehabilitation and, break down at a later date. Tom MeCamus. oSteCbu g.was eCarlton er gave a vividIc ~i[NDREL Developmcnt Act), the On-aen,6JeteBo- addrcss on Jamaia i c-~ ~~l - 7568 tario Federation of Agricul- p a v* Lcribcdategeanv atraction ture bas set up a Rural Re- r. ~~e u vile. Daag estanthe1tw of the island, in h ie ;rvOhre-7579 development committee ,Re . .Svehiea s t Cswale esJo h a nv$100i variety of exceletcom-RphSofld-2-37 study the importance of this' A osal oh idivsi dation offercd to ouit g kr - 7-20 an htmight be don C f ofufl y O range iv eet OnStra at 9:08 p.m.athe.L E 1959 Belvedere Cut Oshawa, and owned by James by Mr~. Cooper.Itdpcd 4-Dr. U olS ' fDurhalm West was helci in weekend at Mr. George Sta- Hsod ftesaead essy the c pial bauiu O cL, ado, ashrs ~ i y Rosemar.v MIalkie%%icz 'rhp opportunity is bere soi*.afln ucrcaftiBlackstack on Tuesday, Feb. pleton's. collided with a car driven by 'cnrtepcîrsu i-IenlBsns dises., adod decr. whe On Thursday, Feb. 7, the. take advantage cf it. .c.Ater' the regular busi- Mcad r Wîîc BuRichard Vanderlek, Toronto. ;ies owns andvilg, - andnir ndSeiorgilsba--e' esdyedtrnonsavdays te evfBo. re San genattndd he- hisacidnttapeed t hequsie ardns.ad ardy Plane Pogamln an e.ketbalteams pla.ycd AndIlr- Our'confident hockey len G uil rfBwavle(us pak nteGre ilUetincorner cf King and Libert *y 'leb oeahs M.oprssn ot i ~o Saoy 4Dr.son Street ini Whitby. The'leave for Blackstock Ia play! <Crrom PAGE ONE)o omnvle(uetsek-i1h Gre il ntdStreets. Damage sustained by Ae opr ~amme 1uios9o5b7 soe f 8wih atwiht Ti wsou sal peil qîpei-oro) addressed the meeting. Church basement, Saturday the Iwo vehîcles amounted to oOf the RCAF, wsaseilK nH ci Members wrehpreset from aterntoneso.lowin1thebutbmorefthnt$100. onstableguesndatthindinnrtmeetin. andpreeleiag Epire Lin c y ., h e l i e s n wSies . o r1 7 s b t, fre d t u a te l y cide o d a e wt.h m n e p e w h o n t h ' e ira O r o n o a K n d C a r, t w anigh t .n o - c o t w d d n , t h r . D o n A n d e r s o n w a s th e i n v e s ti- 1 B i ll B u r k m o e d a v t c f6 3 5 5 One080ogn es, Snoswrcdfac. fo'tescndtm er-place for the p irsuit of teI yonlndCrtrgb.Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Eyke gating afficer. thanks Ioi thegutspar SOwocne tion. Thiursday night, grades 0 lurned triumphant with a hobbies. Wor. Bro. Wm. Brady cf and family of Tyrone were -____ fin-a Sormcodto, A. B. C. hl ucsf- score cf five ta three. Goals It wa decied t jj theWhîtby <conducted the election calin on. friends in the vil- fho iinte faddesa o 1957 Ford 2-Dr. formi part yv An rvcning cf xvere s'ored by Arnold Waî- Bowmanville Handcraft Guild and installation cf officers. lage, Saturday, and were sup- L b ~ President Martynas xrs S h fed-A e day. ht ndbu.Oemncingvs f ollwd bya].frcsh- lace. Grant Willias, Bihwill hold a Tea and Sale of Officer.s elected Immediate per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lb rai 5 rPlanfl sed his appreciatoit c iic owc ar., hie an sdbleOn e ntl was einyr y 1ail. cot Iwo.nd gra lt noodCrafts in Aprilat, the Hobby Past Coutl Master, Wesley Bill Stacey.'Cooper. :o IGî'S Mrd and.MrsntEd. aodwehwa a foryDrawlwrre:rFeb; aruntf Mas an ti.xill be. Candiid Camera week. ' b Mr. McMackin and the S how will be held there in ter, Roy Patton, Orono; Dep. Apreefl Vn n hfluofThOfll 1956 Dodje :This is an oppnrtunity for boys of the team for tbeir June. A directors meetingr of Countv Master, Lionel Byam, Gordodn MacNeîhl and Gardonti n 723-2265ere: evcryone 10 gel their photos 'fine performances which were saedi teCmPhoneil5 GrdnMaNi 'in the ycar book. the best any athletie team th guild will be beld 'this Tyrone; C o i in t y Chaplain sta e teCuni its Hin:rch Hawkshaw; Febur(0h Re e t2D. lýfrom Clarke bas shown thus wcek. Earl D o r r e 1Il. Blackstock;Sauday eveningrocerGi oT ues1 Marc cludedWiso Papl pneaste irobarocker, 1oSecy. Ro Fr-Fay Joncs and II ros ml e akn Radio, washers. New paint ,~"" far. Keep up the good wark! epeitrse noti-Cut e.ScyRyFr china cabinet, two end tables, Fcbruacy 23rd, RlpManr Job, white and bIne. Last Wcdnesday the school' On Friday, af ter school, bath ing further information about gusan, Nestleton; County Fin____________________ Shockey team played Millbroak boys' basketball tennis went the organizatian and the Hob- Sec'y. and Treas., G e o r g e and step table, card table and Russell C. Honey, M.P., was - 1955 Dodge R y lin MlbnkAea h i-1 oriehpn hstm by Centre shculd write The Morton, Orono: Caunty Lec- chairs, set cf TV snack tab- a headtable guest at the an- no al awsore was six to cime fr he ouîd c ome et i tar: Bowmanviîîe Handcraft Guild, turer, Richard Gibbs, Tyrone; les, and a sumn of maney. Dur- nual Liberal Cauncil meeting ff 4-r.Millbrook. Oui, onlN' scorer iaus. Cocirtice won bath gam- Post Office Box 1523, Bow- D cpu ty Lecturers, Geo.airng terevenindtoar-dne bld t the Cauateaun Sttaw on Mon AuLomatie, wheei dises, mir- was Bill Scott. Our tcam .lust e-s with Dominic Gallelo and manville, or telephone Miss Brown, Bowmanvilîe, a n d ha.is werdoateta te Laurier ing.OT wo o- ror. Witeandblak. couldn't seem Ioscore which îdso ad orPr e Weirsma as the high Helen Van Dusen, 623-3857. Sanv Morehl, PortecMry-hal in meory cf uitbelaedayeeing . s Te Iodab y ros.Whtean bac. va aslight change from the scarers. -Cut Mrhl, atrM rare ladofe wit bly de Me eti s attende by Lib 1954 Dodge 4-Dr. greplaycid against Cart- : Clarke High Notes phy, Tyrone: Auditors, Herb. graved plhaqe iile addige ndaer a nd emb es from acofy Radio, mirrors. wright. Cnenedfor îast * *ký Swain, Burketon and Lyah anthesenchairs, lat o ter. an ingCada and epresntivesscf Good running car,.ltcddfo at1 ek The year bock staff is ncwl D u hc Lowery. adlnhruddofteLbrlpic aigasc 'workci ot jsingo h islak h itit og fCr-evening, for the majority, but jations. Mc. Honey, Liberal P A L M E R C ] a r u c e g ' s c i n c l b m t t e n d eo n t h e i r ct i o Cfla r k ee T f h e t i t h d e o e e s a î ot t r n a c a i a i M . c m a i d b t M s M n y U G byBuc iin High magazine. The commit- wight povided lunch and al* a dozen couples or so went on member for Durham, was ac- ,fril irtmeeting on Tues- 'c msurisdig t CO PG N> hours, aftec a very enjoyable and Mrs. Ted Lane. Getsekra h éqe :!dy. nyoe ho olIItsbet t gie te tudntsaý ndprofitable evening. Miss Joyce Campbelalpent was the Hon. Lester B. cear- "Mr MOTOR SALES 'da Anynte who ohlts bst ga7ie th t ude ntsant bave their tninds made up -- h wm en it ine on , 5 Leader of the Lherai Mr or wants to learn about ten~m~aRa o hmbthehes EBonnie Gle wiehr part .Power. CHRYSLER- PLYMOI TH lis welcome to join.hoompyeant events o the Present at the meeting e ce: UTk~TT ents were away.. Honey will remaîntr VALIANT - DODGE sho er So, every stu- Wm. Ccix. Francis 9Wer ryý, VV J UJ.YJ.JIJ.L Mc. 1Herb Heard of Port Ottawa until Fciday winding for 20 King~tréetFast 10A and B Dance Club dlcnt is ucged ta buy a maga- Harold Bal.son, Mr. and Mrs Hp iie udya c . i uisi rprto hadthirf t ane ine hezine 10 remember those "good Garnce Rickard, Darlington:' Mc. and Mcs. Ed. Rowe cfBw' sfothe Durhm MP ill eturn Moey! Phone 623- 5487 holhdays on Wcdncsdas'. Caorie day's cf '62 - '63." 1 BcroRiwesneecoog'saesee..fo h orhoin lcio. Ls an al] cf '>au xho cant dance iThe Student Countil *SJlie Reid, MW. K. LReit, Les- !aterbsrfathers, ere, swhe Mand arry we.eHSun a is Th uhmMP.1l eun Mny and heacn the latcst steps. m'isitpssblloce eLoeidry K aet La,ýthsfthrhrwie n ar eeSndayMrs. ta Port Hope on Saturday end studn t it o sshav e a fco r ing . 'Ted begin an extensive tour of is stdn ohv colring Stocks, Icwin Colwill, New- ing in Port Hope. ýLane, Orono. constituency. if thry so desire. Theserig castle; Miss A. Hughes, Geof-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jimr Gilmer' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood The Federal Nomination bave the school crest and Convention ofthte Durham mota ,nd re urcase fr frey Bonnycastle, Mcs. Ann1 and family, Port Hope, were and f a mii1 y, BawmanvilLieaAsoatnwiltk Give Her Your Love Tph Cat, truh Tmso, m.AtiEc-!Thucsdav night dinner guests wece supper guests, Sunday, place an Tuesday evenn, C m Students Council. The Co etBowJcuWie tMcnimrs-ods Marcb Sth, in the Orono Town- CD Ycil is also s11. gscbool crss Hope; Alex Carcuthers, Mrs.i Mc. and Mrs. Fred Hender-! Congratulations ta Mrs. Gil- ship Hall at eight p.m. jfl ~ seng cres.A Carruthers, Hope Twp.;i son and family wece FridaY mer-Smith on ber 95th birth-- ___,. Teto em em ar igh ehoos lbr Olan, Roy Fern, Clair evcning guests of Mr. and Mr-s.! day Thursday, Feb. l4th. U Wdays at Clarke. Winslow, Dr. Jack Wrighl,,Bey,. Henderson, in Bowman- Mr. Ed Samis was a SundayiLetter ta the Editor i Mr aeBog.Arthur Thorne, Cavan, Robert;ville ývisitor with Mc. and Mrs. CI.- EEanEIA Mary JanerdBcougb. nl Miss Dale Inach, Toronto" Edgecton. JhnSuinday a.m., Feb. 10.!. FRONT PAGE IN COLOR Hamilton, William Fergusnor the weekend.1 were supper guests, Sunday,'1 1 am enclosing the beadline! A recent edition of "Ex- Cartwright; Jack Brough, MiI-ý Mrs. F. Anderson and son1'with Mrs. W. H. Jones. clipper from. the Honolulu Fancy ecutive", a magazine Pub- ton Elliott, Harry Sauinders,l Neil wece recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 1George Skel- Star announcing the resigna-' BoeIlshed by Southam-Maclean Howard Gibson, M 's. G.s Mrs. M. Walkey. ýding and family cflwmn ion cf George 1lces and Pierre Bx has a. coiored photo on the Tbrasber, Bowmanvîlhe. Mrs. Zena Carlaw was ad-'ville were visitors nSndySvigny. Here we are neacly caver, showîng Rt. Rev. F. Delegates chosen from Dur- mitted ta Memorial Hospital, with Mc. and Mrs. Bill Skei- 15003 miles away and this ncws H. Wilkinson and his execu- bamn County ta attend the On- Saturday, foc observation andiding and Betty. 'was on the street in a few ChoI olaIGLs tîve of the Diocese of Tor- tarie Progressive Conservativel tests. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade andheurs (note difference in timie onto In the Anglican Chnrch. ýConvention in Toronto, Feb.! Mc. and Mrs. EI McEwenIsons were Sunday supperlof 5 hours). $1t 5A m o n g those seated 118-19, are Miss A. Hughes,! and family of Petecborough guests at Mc. Ross Brown's.1 Canadian businessioen end -rud h Uge. tble a-1_hn amIonArtThrn ---e eviitrsatMr, C. u-'Te_ otlymetn -o h__eCaaia ep_-rejs Teyar 1962 establislied a 11tid like to present to intere'sted groups 41000 l Ib.(,O\AI (FROM PAGE ONE P 5-C ETrecard 'in dollar sales as wellI I *-and a determination ta ftr-- ~\Toothpaste as unit and tannage produr- and (luhs EnsiînRylSaz hrteitrssc h c cgs 3 88C lion. Earnings dropped, how- a :W0 minute ,( - 2482- skiied Excallenat- tche trsaidrth. gn Reg. $1.05ever, because of lower selling 2a828er se ew bed Ecant x- ee drautinganti rn- ~reme lbour an maIecathcob.draftingOntndo, ha LISTERINE Lustre Cpri fce o stn tidust ghry ORE A rID M ed byR. P. Stenger & Sons, dorsing 0f a sodn c Eertifila.e.n O atationsusd.Tepanihane;yN W N S L Decanter Shmo Wocking capital amounted wt on ~ just been issued a 4,000 lb. aspects were thoroughiy dis- Reg. $1.2, îh rc Btah$ 27,264,190, substantially she produced 73,547 Ibm. of'pcta. tiigvemmd ATF V R E the same figure as the pre- This is available froinmikad491bsofat iate care for the needyadY U T R eg. 1.98vieus year, and the ratio of S091is a so wnroffa.balogrnepviosfa- - - - - - - - ' YY 'Special$ 1.04 current assets to current lia- Feb. 22nd to Feb. 29th Goided la i erofa a lont riange pratesinsat bilities was 5.1to1 ompared aTo!o Gold certificate. minimum cost, and net place j with 5.2 ta 1 at the end of This mnovie . . . '________ a heavy tax burden on people. Rapi hve 1961. Rai hv h erfor epnioi-ta the dactors, and wili al- TI bbcymenandforepants m- iIu..utfor un" WouId b unTie:: slothe continued function of Reg. 89c - --73c prvmnsadrpamet jme present medical services plans. O i totailed $3,709,131, more than In ~ I1 c ertl h etn twice the 1961 figure o! SI.- shwsa gflseof at wh M. en odthDuhmeeting show a gimpe o!thesuni 1/that it was most interesting METRECAL Glette Blades 55.1691, a nd depreciation mer activities of Crippled PasFie twe h uhmdlgto METRECALamaunted ta $2,578,2G8.('hildren. The Ontario So- BiII' get together and dis- ~ O F" A MO Liquid, 6 ins - $1.4 (Super)Taxes and duties cf alB lsBiiad wsthcomtemein2 o Liquidî6 ti--$--ec-alC kinds provided in 1962 totalled ciety for Crippled Chiidren thaomttene y e eeTig MIRAC E D T R E T S7,8100, quvaentto$2.4 oerte fie amsmantin There was abra-n en- familiarized the entice dele. .stock, as compared with $8.- ed b>' your generous donations Massey Schol ducng the icy, he pointed ut. 2c Off ail 448,000 or $3284 per share in ta the Faster Scai campaign. Thucsday night or in the '"We are in a position to (,ospon pertie 1961. early boucs of Friday mcmn- give everyone in the riding a JU R& O V EGodyar s heon]' tre HOEîng. A filing cabinet in the' comprehensive account of R DAE company which has Canadian office was focced open and Liberal policy," Mr. Beer sta- Your Rxl Store shareholders and is the only. MR. WiM. THIESBURGER $6.48 was stolen. A tape re- ted. He urged ail present atitur hiCopnoN..Set exa ~~large companv in the rubber corder was also taken. Can-'the meeting to work hard, I(ma> er~naie~ o ea. KIG T.E .,, ndustry which reports the, 263-2721 stable D. Ronald Parker is in- 'and cxprcssed the hope that CO, I 2 KINGST.E..- 361 iresults o! ils apecations ta tht. vestigating. their efforts will meet with L public. _____________________________ On Friday at 2;16 a.m, Maxdecided âuccess.