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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1963, p. 5

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\Lt. Gove,-rnor Present K['wanansEntertain j~n Second Charter J 's. Ladies: I'ight by Mrs. Win. Cobban Roomn where Mr. and Mrs. The last specn of the even- iansBrooks entertained them un- ing wvas from Harold Mitch- The Bowmanville ias tii dinner was announced. ehl of Dunbarton, the Lt. Club celebrated their second The ladies of Enniskillen Governor of this Kiwanis Charter Night, Friday, Feb. United Church provided the district. Mr. Mitchell spoke 81h, with a dinner and dance banquet- a good home- very briefly, but with im- a. the Lions' Centre. The cookcd meal, served bat, in pressive sincerity, of the mast roomn was decorated simply gencrous pro-portions, with important raie of the service with Kiwanis colours and good humour and friendlincss. clubs-different groups work- Epring flowers. The club While the dishes were being ing together for community rnembers with their wives and removed, Bob Carruthers and improvement. This spirit- a friends sat at tables for six, Jerry Brown led the company smail thing in a small town- grranged ta fan out from the in a short sing-song, assist- rcpeated over and over Iiead table where President cd by Mrs. Brown at the piano. throughout the world, in al and Mrs. Ron Brooks sat with wcre several comn- communities, would actually h'is worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs fortably short speeches, be- end the problems which gov- énd Mrs. Hobhs, Harold ginning with the cbairman's ernments of ahl countries M4itchell, Lt. Governor of Ki- remarks by President RanI spend millions of dollars - *anis Internitional Distriot 'Brooks. Mr. Brooks express- and millions of lives- trying >'o. 6B, and Mrs. Mitchell, and cd grateful appreciation ta the ta settie at higher levels. the presidents of the othertwo preceeding presidents, At the close of the dinner service clubs and their lad-i and confident, aptimis t i c, hour, Mr. Brooks invited the ies. hopes for the future of theiguests ta join him in the The profusion of flowers club. Past President Ross Green Room for refreshments, mnade thîs charter night alJackman introduced the headl while the Kiwanis men and light-hearted and glamorousitable: and each Kiwanian inP- ladies arranged the room for affair. Each small table had, troduced himseif, bis wife, and the dancing wbich was ta fol- à, centre-piece of daffodils and' bis guests. Then President low. carnations witb a tail white Brooks introduced tbe mcm- At nine o'clock, whcn the candie in the middle. Match- bers wbo had joined the club band arrived, and the guests ing arrangements were placed!during the past year. returned, the hall had been at intervals on the head: John Brownlee was asked rnfme itoacrig table, with a large and îovcîy ta toast the ladies; he did this trafrtmintablcharming bouquet marking the centre,1 witb such lovely compliments, fresh wbite linen, were ar- ,where the Kiwanis bell and [sucb outrageous flattery that aL di n afo h gavel were ready at the presi- there were those in the aud- ranged in fonershandfof te dlent's right hand. As guests jence who feared for hiscd candies on each. Two arrived, they were met by safey. At tbe close af bis ap onte bd sad ]Bruce Colweil and usbered charming address, he pre- amps on thes band s oftand Into the dining-room where sented a sheaf of red roses ta adndetandgv the tgoof th each lady found a flowcr cor-,the president's wife. Mrs. candes and ganveathe r. sage waiting at ber place. The! Margaret Brooks. Cwarm Ccan coniafr. head table guests were met Looking especiaîîy attract- CaleCcrn' adfo by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cobban, : ve in a chic black dress, l oawa semed lingpaticla- and taken ta the Green wcaring a corsage of rose, ly pgood opagra nice- _____________________carnations, and holding ber'ly plandned program of aid FINE QALITY sheaf of flowers, Mrs. Brooks BnueanC o vel athumeSo FIE ULI:was certainly the right per- Bruce Colwend alled the o MONUMENTS ANP son ta answer this lavish toast. Danesa d awrded the et MARKERS She broug«ht the ladies back prîzes Hedireed er novelty ta eartb gently, and remindeddacsndgnrly awt ~ 4L.. fo~N...IIftouthe Kiwanis men that their the business of keeping the (OIIIsucrant«~ of permanen*fce wives liked helpi ng in the Ki-1 party running smoothly. MmULIl1 1 This secmed an especially 0 STAFFORD wanis prajects, and bope hap party. Candleligbt, BRS.LT. tbey would be asked ta belphap .iIIS/ ROS.LTD it moe oftbe in 63. i fiowers, good music- this was Charter President Ted Hut- indee nlvlywy aspn 'd./ardton presented a plague ta neeig *Dealer Past President Ross Jackman, anid gave bim the best of ahilBE H N tributes- a brief run-down E H N S tafford Brothers of the accornplishrnents chalk- Gussat LIMITED fice. Mr. Jackman replicd that Hilliard Bristow and ber mo- Monmets whilc he had ta admit he was ther, Mrs. Fluena Davis, were Monum nts iglad bis term was aver, and Mr .and Mrs. Garry Davis and Box 133 in spite of the fact tbat it daugbter Darla, Glenn Davis 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby had been the busiest and at and Mrs. Isabelle MeBurnie of Phone Wbitby !some times the most bectic Eldorado; Mr. and Mrs. Ted r4Ohawk 8-3552 lyear of bis life- it had been Laidley and their children truly worth it. Paul, Dcbrah and Susan, of IATTENTION! i SCUGOG CLEANERS, NOW OPEN AT KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE 77 King St. E. Bowmanville (Next to IGA Market) SHIRT LAUNDERERS STORAGE - REPAIR SPECIAL FOR FEBRUARY With Every $3.00 Order One DRESS or 2-pce. SUIT or 2 Pairs PANTS or 2 Plain SKIRTS CLEANED FRE E!e FOR PICKUP and DELIVERY PHONE 623 -3961 Aklavik and died at Water- ways, Alta., in 1937. Minutes of previaus meet- ings and cards of thanks frorn Fred S. Gray and Mrs. George 'Page for gifts received; an invitation fram St. John The Baptist Church at Lakefield ta attend a receptian honour- ing their 75th anniversary on February 24; a letter from Miss Fledda Veals, missionary on furlough to arrange a later date to speak ta the graup, and a letter from the Toronto Diacesan Board concerning the new apportionment plan were read by Secretary Mrs. Noci Wood. Announcement was made of the coming showing of Pakis- tan Embroideries on March 13 and invitations for this event twiil be forwarded to ail neigh- baring church groups. Mrs. Emery Smith, treasur- er, gave the financial report with a balance of $241.60. In memory of Mrs. Hamil- ton, the Hamilton prize for »Sunday School attendance will be continued by the Auxiliary. United Church Women The United Church Women held their February meeting on Manday night in the Sun- day School room with- the members of St. Paul's Angli- can Church Auxiliary and Ladies Guild as guests. De- parting from. the customary program, the ladies listened by radio to a Farm Forum broadcast for a half hour con- cerning Canada's warld obli- gations and the part women can play in bringing about better relations between the countries of the world. At the conclusion of the broadcast they were divided mnto groups led by Mrs. Carl Porteous, Mrs. Addison Scott, Mrs. Noel Wood and Mrs. Ralph Preston to discuss the issues of the following questions - "Are you aware through the Assocîated Cauntrywomen of The Warld of your rights and responsi- bilities to The United Na- tions?" "How can local groups make full use af this affilia- tion?" "What aspects af world problems intercst you most?" "What help can Canadian wo- men give to people in other lands?" SummLng it ail up, the women felt that we should do more to promote education and christian teaching in for- eign countries; study more about the function of The United Nations; find the best way ta, share our surplus of foodi w i t h uncierprivilegeci countries; Canada should open its doors ta mare immigra- tion; Canada should send tea- chers ta developing countries ta show them. how ta use the things at hand and teach them ta help tbemselves. Mrs. Thamas Jennings chair- cd the meeting, welcoming Mrs. Hannah Cairns who is the vi-sitors-. Mrs. Harry -Ryley a patient in Civic Hospitalý had charge of the worship Peterborough, is reported as service of hymns, prayers and improving. scripture lesson ail relating RupertWod St. George's, to christian charity and love Newfoundland, visited witlh for fellowmen. Mrs. Creighton his son and daughter-in-law, Carr received the offering Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wood which was dedicated by the during the past week. president. Minutes and cor- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, respandence were read by Mrs. Simcoe, were gucsts with Mr' Addison Scott. Financial re- and Mrs. Thomas Jennings for Port was give.n by Mrs. Sam the weckend. Brown. Announicement was Last week's Bowling scores: made of The Werld's Day of Agnes Martichenko rollcd 341 Prayer to be held in the Unit- holding women's high single ed Church with members of score as well as the high tri-.Jthe Anglican Church partici- pie 66. Dnni Grenwod'pating. Mrs. Clarence Rowan had the men's high single with gave a report of the recent 270, Charles Baker high triple First Annual Presbytery meet- 667. In the tearn scores the ing held recently in Peterbor- Diehards are leading with 81, ough. In conclusion the mem- points, Alley Cats 66, the bers joined in singing "The Southenders, Pinbusters and Song of Peace." Hiililles re iedwit 58 Lunch was served by Mrs. Nightowls 50, Midgets 41 and Picton Porter, Mrs. Harry Ry- Spitfires 37. ley and Mrs. H. Coppins. Mrs. St. Pul's . A. Reginald Rose expressed the St. PuI's . A. thanks of the Anglican Church St. Paul's Anglican Church ladies for the invitation ta at- Woman's Auxiliary were en- tend. tertained at the home of their president, Mrs. Ernest Lamb, for their meeting on Wednes- day night. During the apen- SH W' ing prayers a minute's silence I The annual card party was was observed in memory of held at the schoal on Fridav Mrs. (Dr.) J. J. Hamilton, night. Ten tables of "5060" whose funeral had been held and eigh't af euchre were in that afternoon. Mrs. Hamilton play during the evening and was instrumental in organiz- winners were as follows: In ing the first Waman's Aux- "500" - high lady, Mrs. 0. iliary at St. Paul's and be- Bragg, low lady, Mrs. Bert came its first president. Mutton; high man, Don Mc- Rev. R. C. Rose showed a1 Arthur; low man, Wesley film strip, only recently re-iLane. Most 8 hearts hands - leased, concerning Missions in!Alf. Graham. In euchre - high the Arctic, giving a commen- lady, Mrs. Lee; low lady, Mari- tary of the work there. It lyn Quantrill; high man, Tom seemed particularly fitting, Martin; low man, Clarence that this should be shown at, English; most lone hands, this meeting, as this was anc: Mrs. Lee. of Mrs. Hamilton's grcatest in-! Convenors for the evening terests. Her only daughter1 were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ruth had been a missionary at Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. L. j. Wood. A party for children whose parents were playing cards fl xvas held in the junior room Il supervised by Mrs. Stewart S * Wood and Mrs. R. Smith Games and contests were held and prizes given to wînners. A delicious lunch was serv- cd by Mrs. W. RudelI, Mrs. E. Lavekin and Mrs. C. Gilkes. .........Next meeting will be Wed. N... àYMarch 6. . .LONG.SAU.. KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE (NEXT TO IGA MARKET) 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE AMPLE PARKING AT REAR eFeaturing hoth single and double load washers Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr and family were Sunday supper I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith, Scarborougb. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- eron and family spent Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. M. Kellett and family, Janetvilie, and were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oke, Oshawa. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable and Bruce were Saturday even- ing visitars of Mr. and Mrs. T. Barrett.o Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden and family were Sunday ev- ening vîsitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden. Mr. and Mrs. N. Davis and Jennifer spent a few days e with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hooge- boome, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. H. Partner and family, Orona, were Sun- day guests of bis parents, Mir. and Mrs. F. Partner.F Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr and famiiy were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wich- F ail, Brooklyn; Mr. and Ms N. Davis and Jennifer were ý 37 Kingi Sunday supper guests of the; *'Carr's. ZMON1 Congregatlonul Meeting by Mrs. Cathy Reed and read! Coldweater ddn' 'by Ileen Sobil: Balance on botd30wehersdd' stop hand Jan. lst, 1962, $21.60; abu 3 emesof Zion Receipts, $60.95; Expenses,l United Church from attend-$3.5OnhdJa.lt19, ing the cangregational meet- $438.254n0 ndJn.st93 ing, held in the Sunday 4.. School room on Wednesday' C.G.I.T. report - Valeriel evening, Jan. 16th, at 8 p.m. Stewart, treas, read by Ileenl Sobil: Membership of 241 Rev. Page chaired the meet- girls: On hand Jan. lst, 1962,1 ing, and the opening started $91.61; Receipts, $109.41; Ex- with showing a film entitled penses, $ 106.63; Balance on "Beyond the Bell". T.he color- hand, Jan. lst, 1963, $94.39.ý ed film and a running corn- mentary brought sharply ta Cemetery report - T. C. aur knowledge the wide- Glaspell, read by Glen Glas- spread work that being done peul: On hand Jan. lst. 1962, flot onîy in aur own country, $416.35; Receipts, $288.12; Ex- but in ail parts of the world penses, $176.95; Balance on by missianaries who have hand Jan. lst, 1963, $527.52. been helped, trained and sent Sunday School report- Ed- ta outpasts, through aur ward Haass, Treas: On hand churches. Jan. lst, 1962, $296.69; Re- The sincerity, willingness ceipts, $526.18; Expen s e s, and keenness of natives, (in $551.02: On band Jan. lst, different cauntries) ta acquire 1963. $171.85. knowledge of God, must be Tyro report -This group, heart-warming ta aur mis. with a membership of 17, has sionaries, and it certainîy giv- been replaced by the Boys' es us great satisfaction and Bible Club under the leader- bappiness ta know we are ship of Burney McQuaid. helping these people ta help U.C.W. report- by central athers. treas., Mrs. Glen Glaspeil: Mr. Page read a scripture Balance on hand Jan. lst, passage and offered a short 1962, $414.87 in bank, $10.33 prayer. Mrs. Ray Cameron, cash on hand; Receipts $1,- Secretary, was asked ta read 557.83; Expenditures, $866.55; the minutes of the last con- Balance on hand Jan. lst 1963, gregOtiona1 meeting. Tb's $1,226.48. was followed by the presenta- President's remarks, by Mrs. tion of reports from ail com- Carl Bradley: First U.C.W. mittees and graups of the meeting held in the S.S. churcb. rooms on Jan. 3rd, 1962, witb Church report by Hans 22 members present. The in- Geissberger Jr., Treas. On augurai service was conducted hand Jan. lst, 1962-$1,119.42. by Rev. Page during church Collections, donations and service on- Jan. 2lst, 1962. contributions, added $3,92 1.88, Our allocation ta the Pro- this including the "'well" visionai Committce was $140 fund canvass and annual ta the M. & M. fund, plus drive. Expenditures depleted $10 for Presbyterial expens- the trcasury untîl, on Jan. lst,1 es. 1963- the sum of $ 1,349.621I Following represerutatives was en hand in the bank. joined the church board in M. & M. fund by Albert these capacities: OfficiaI Bo- Eddy, treasurer. Donations, ard, Mrs. Carl Bradley; Bo- envelopes and remuneration ard of Stewards, Mrs. Hans from several services, plus Geissberger, Sr.; Christian end of the year canvass, the ducation, Mrs. Her ma n financial statement is that. Haass, Mrs. Arnold Geisbcr- $55 1.65 is in the treasury. Iger. Board of Session by Mr.1 The Study Book "Signal Page: Membership- Jan. lst,1 for the Sixties" was used, 1962- 126; Receîved by certi- Iwith emphasis on "The Church ficate 9; Removed, Il; Mem-lin the Community" and "Our bership Dec. 3lst, 1962, 124;lDuty ta the Church". Non - resident mcmbership, In Jan,, 1962, a formative 17; Resident membership, 107; meeting was heid for the wo- 107 households; 347 persans men interested in baving under pastoral care; 18 bap- their U.C.W. meeting in the tisms; 5 marriages; 4 funerals. cvening. In Feb. the Anne Doubles Club- read by Reed unit was formed with Glen Glaspeli: On hand Jan. Mrs. Arnold Geisberger, lead- 1lst, 1962, $68.52; Receipts ýer for the first six months. amounted ta $490.95; Expen- Mrs. Keith Stainton is pre- ses, $179.36; Balance on hand sent leader for this group of Jan. lst, 1963, $210.59. 13 members. ,Explorers Report-preparea Through the combined ef- forts of ail members, 97 lbs.1 The Canadiari Statesman, Bowmanville, Feb. 13, 1963 of clothing was sent to over- seas missions and 20 lbs. of 1!bandages ta a îeprosarium in times during the year- twice presented seven hymnaries Africa. Some of our U.C.W. at Eldad, once at Hampton (with music) ta aur choir. Our members, as w@11 as non- and once at Zion. Mr. Car- thanks to the A.O.T.S. Who members canvassed for thc rick wvas choscn conferencc upyu ih orwel Cancer Society, $300 being reprcsentative upon the re-supy swih ar eey collected for this worthy signation of Charles Naylor. church bulletins. cause. At Christmas tim~e The Sector plan was discus- The Gestetner is now in the three teen-age girls on the sed at one meeting, but after ad ofMsRnClm s Indian reserve, at Keene, were much controversy. gcncraî ap-hnd ofMsRnClmn remembered with gifts. Flan- proval was not given. and available toalal organ- nelette sheets, tea towels, ctc. The offical boarci voted ta: izations, free of charge. were sent to Archer Memor- Give moral and spiritual sup -_____________ il Hospital at Lamonte, Ai- port ta the Vacation Bible *berta.' Schools: Install a ncw septic GlCR rI~ *In April we presented three tank and disposai bcd at the Ge ah oa *life - members with u.C.w. parsonagc: Fixed dates for!~ r I pins - respectively to Mrs. summer and winter c hurchi orOl ppliances John Balson, Mrs. Art Stain- hours. ton and Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil. Edward Hoass, attended through We are, indeed, proud of young people leadership school S TAT EsM A N these faithful workers and at Kingston. A one-time mcm-, C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S 1 supporters. ber ot the choir, and helper Over 20 flower arrange- in Explorers, Mrs. A. Scott,1 Phone 623-3303 ments and 15 cards were sent now residing ini Montreal,'1 ýta sick people, shut-ins and bcreaved ones. This inaugural year was a ai I f~ svery busy one, with seven à~lf executive meetings, nine re- WVi5E U w , *gular ones and three joint meetings. Sorry ta report the 1resignation of four members. R E i i % t Congregational report, Mrs. Tom Sobil: In 1962, a number 3of changes were made for C I oc - Zion United Church. We hope, in the most part, for the bet- ter- but some things we would have liked unchang- î o rh m *In 1962 the formation of the U.C.W. of Zion United 1 Chuch tok pace.See our large selection or" At a board meeting in January, we were sorry to 1learn of the resignation of s Charles Nayior from the Bo- S NO T Y « ard of Eiders, also of Mrs. Naylor, as organist and choir *leader. Other business pre- A LP E S sented, as foliows: procure an organist; Committee to take care of diggîng a well; and building commîttee. Reports and o a meting er eentd oft dPANEL MURAISL oa metgber eentedf tht smonth. 1 Mr. Harold Ellis was hired ias organist and choir leader. -During thtt weeks before Mr. S? s t Ellis was fPree to comne, Mrs.p a 1August Geisberger t o o k à#DI> 111esimv 1oh/ charge. Our sincere apprecia- ition and thanks, Joanne. The "Well" committee is ta be congratulated on their promptncss and cfficiency. It meant many hours of sacri- fice and work for ahl the men in the community. This un- r t I T J ' each ad evter uy raatosAesR II ie d watersuy auseso B E N T H' ta voice a "sincere thanks" ta the committe- also a word! PAINT & WALLPAPER of praise ta the ladies who! supplicd lunches when neces- 33 King St. W. Bowmanville sary. The official board met four' SIMMONS 01 I M7uSALE Cash in your Simmons "Golden Value" certificat e on the mattress, boxspring or Hide-A-Bed of.your cliolce! Réemrber: this special o/fer expires Feb. 28, 1963! SIMMONS LIMITED MAKERS 0F THE FAMOUS '<BEAUTYREST" A. KRAI St. E. SIMMONS G4I, LI WORTH WORTH WORTH on the purchase of a on the purchase of an on the purchase of an CORONEl GIILT MATTRESS EMPRESS GUILT ATTRESS EARL HIDE-À-DED Sormatching boxsprinîg or matching boxspring This limited Edition Certifica!e will be redeemed by your Sîmmons Dealer displaying the Gold Certificate Barrer in the amounts stated if presented at the timea o purchase of any merchandise naned hereon on or before February 28,1963. Bp Furniture LiÈmited Phonoe6237071 1

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