vife.. anid Mrs. Kersevy 'rhe f4rst charge wil be ln the, The CanadianSaera,~w avlFb 3 9l were presented with a card I,~( Lindsay Presbytery and theî C ).I c-> ( 7 \ I table and a gift of money 5' .# Di L g I C other in the Peterborough We1r or oha !tn u yptyt hs c)ocîl C, J-'eronat Congratulations to this couple.:'Ke51 ggHiiiPin GEE es at Sp eker Presbytery. the suden asgo rs h S o i lq/ uMr. and Mrs. E. Pettifer, A goodly crowd were pre- Ernest NicosnoWekr. Mn ap eun oMs Downsview, were Friday and sent in' the basement of the Deceased hdfrel ie ereWiewoclbae ___ __ ____e tary03 unchendon. . oranof Western Canada taken andi __________ __________ _________ ___aclient________ ____Mr.r. nd Mrs.aF. Dorlawd, byby rMr. oG rdon Kirk - or enueCOF. .50-50 Mr. Alex Ewing, Capreol,!Mss Elsie Oke were Monday nuac ns fn ht i lsiw R. REGII\JALD GEEIhown Dra McGec, Town, n bHe.m .untads. Wme wisvviitr tinitne ureOhw. the main source of their cli- afford and tailor a program 'n.the student minister, MNr. Tay- of $3 Ton,1n.heam. hin srthrM. Lewis'. Jiim'M.angr.Lly s tents is composed of men witil for his needs," Mr. Hockini A vote of thanks te Mr. ion. Lunch was served. peet Mf$3.25dMsG . Good- Ewing and.fanMil of Sever.HadoMrs. R.J.ormis--ton!thle desire to obtain adecjuate:stated. He told of how other Hocki for his excellent clas-ý Local residents were curi ptein for their families,' leads in addition to those re- sification akwsmv fellow, Toronto. were 'Sunday Island, Que., who are guesswere recent caîlers at,,.prKe cki ttd i i erdaefud h e akwsmvdb U hnte a w el Fv e ,KenHocin tatd inhisfered re fund Th nes-1G]enholme Hughes. The pre- dressed couples walking up Fv guests of Mn. and Mrs. E. V. o!Mr. adMr.Lei. i d~' Tamblyns and Mn. andclassification talk at the Bow-ý papers. are checked. The ident, Dr. Keith BilUett, also'h tet foî ilgr Hoar,,-Çing St. East. and Mrs. Wesley Down and Mrs. J. D. Brown's, Orono. 'manville Rotary Club lunch-inames of people purchasing a!expressed personal apprecia- cently, taking photos and giv- Mrg. R. V. Duncan of Mon- family, Ebenezen, were Sun-! Mr. Bill Begley attended eon meeting held at the Fly-: new home, receiving promo- tion te Mr. Hockin. ing the town a real look over. trel, ue, i viitng erday' evening dinner guests; the 4th wedding annii7ersarv ing Dutchman Motor Hotel on' tiens, and starting new busi James *Stutt on behaif Of Sonie thought Ibat our village Ii brother and sister-in-law, Mr. with Mr. nd Ms. Lwis of Mr. and Mr's. Norman, Friday. nesses are noted, he said.l the Rotarians presented gifts wvould be the rirst target when R e c i andMrs Jak MNuly. It may prove ob ulirbet oubs A. H. Strike, who introdue-There is a big market forýto Eric Whyte, Newcastle, for the first nucîcar bornb dropi- r Dogas, K ing s , Cpet as embers o! the fair sex. It and Douglas spent Sunday that hie is proud to have been registered retirement plans, sident Billett made the pre-ione citizen that soi .ne o! theml Thua y wn intonhispe athe, seems employees of hat manu-1 with Mr. and Mrs. K. Pooler, I Mn. }ockin's sponsor for Ro- the speaker declared. sentation of a gift from the wr rr otpo.Mn i ceSre ntdC uc CalseAe facturers in Tononto, re.portedOshawa. itany whien he joined somel The fact that the mainiclub for little Painela Whyte.:mouthishirc, Wales. This wi-- L. B. Nichols,: to be one of the îargest cha-t1 Miss Nancy Johns, Mrs.: months ago. He said that Ken source o! anm insurance agent's A donation of $10 was made er wvas vers' sorry hth V Miss Jane Briggs of Mon-ipeau centres, are threatening Helen White, Hampton, Mr.»Hockin was born in Darling- prospects is "the average ev-lby Mn. Whyte to Rotary In- did tmet hee eo le . iaeal, Que. and Thetford to strike. Should this trans- Milton Siemon, Mr. and Mrs. ton but moved to Bowman- ery day guy who wants pro-itennational in his new baby's'w noe eea ex~ ies, is guest of Mr. andpîre many ladies will be Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, were ville w~ith bis fanmily as aýtection for his wife and fam-iname. heduig ordW" W dsd yF b ua y 2 Mrs. Jack MeNulVt9, King S.waLn year's old hat" Sunday visîtors with Mrs. F. hl and receivedth major. iIyi the event of his death The birthdav o! Clane Gair- This Welshi naniesake towiiW Mr .and Mrs. N. Mof Pet-Imbls.eir new Spring en- Toms. part o! his education here. was emphiasized by Mr. Hoc- ton was celebn*ated by bie- bas a population of over 40 a 83 pn and Miss Jdt n.o e-smls Mother's Fellowship was, Foi- a numnber of years Mn.!kmn. low Rotarians. The winners,0)00 iieair Cardiff and Newport. erborouh, were Sunday visl-1 Mrs. Rose White, formerly1hdatteom o!M. Clar-'Hockin has been active in thei "It1i sornetimes necessary of the hockey draw 'eeKnThe people are verx' bospil(ol-ir o uidn udo h topsonhrch tre. cePntyly a inerainedence Stainton on Jan. 21st.1insurance business, and now to firmly present facts to con- Hockin and Bill Mornison. ale ncIsre egtf0RolCndinCIg fOgast Thopon it h Std rs. ranco!Pntypol at ine, the lMns. F. Toms had the Devo-1 heads the Life Insurance De- vince them o! the' need of Guest.s present at the lun- being able te return the coi-E Mn. orma Allsonwho s hoe o!her ephe. Mritional. Mrs. Earl Trewin and partment o! Schofiel-Aker, protection. I strongly believe cheon meeting were Fred'pliment. If anv other Pontv- 'rd.Grhn . etafAR.T apatient in Memorial Hospi-iLewis Wood, Bownanville, in Mrs. Allan Werry had a dis- Limited, Mn. Stnike said. Hein nsrce and carry a Lewis, Jack Montgomerbtuin from Wales reads this *r.R ctARCT Us 1 rglARCT tal, is rmaking satisfactorv pro- honor o! hier 9th birthday, cussion on many articles from stated that Mn. Hockin and lange amount for the benefit o! Oshawa, J. T. Taylor, Pet-. and wish to visit here. we will gness, though slowly. At pre-, which fell on Tuesday, Janu- the Christian home. Electon bis wife are past presidents1o! my own fainily," hie said. erborough, A. Gardiner, East see thev geltherdcre Ruth SkineARCT o. 'to senthe i unale t hav an 29th Ais preent ereof offîcers followed: Presi-jof the Jack and Jill Club, thel "People think that. $10,000 York, M. MeGregor Teronto,ltreatî-neiit. Tis does elt ap- Mrs. WV. TyoARC visitors. 'b~er niece Mns. Pence Cooper,j dent, Mrs. H. Ashton~ Vice- organîzation which each yearion $20 000 is a lot of insur- and J. Jubinville, Tilbury. ph 10 nvboe hete HerVadgat Mr. and Mrs. Art Dolan,1aiid Mn. Cooper, o! Oshawa,!Pres., Mrs. Shirley Pollard; presents t h e entertaininglance. 'But break this into Reports were presented bylladie.s that" 1 left there. as 1 Willowdale, and Mn. and Mrs. and nephew Mn. Fred Wood!ISec., Mrs. A. Werny; Gift: Cornz-A-Poppin , s h o w. Mr.1 monthly income and you will A. H. Strike, chairman o! the am now a happy niarnied man. AIf. Dolan o! Downs\7ie-,and Mrs. Wood, also o! Osn- Committee, Mns. W. Griff in; Hockin is Senior Sundayýsee tliat it is nlot muce i-VctoalSrieCmi- wene Satunday guesîslaof MraW.ndMs. G. Werrv. NextScbool Superintendent o! Triueot h onhyamuttee, AI Withenspoon, chair- werdSaMrs.E J a iry Kn hi eked te oa meeting at Mrs. H. Ashton's-,' nit), United Church, Mn. vouir !amîly requires andî man of the Club Activities! ~ andMs. EBadmintonKClub is b h o f0rFeb. l8th. Lunch was enjoyedStrike stated. imultiply this by 10 or 20'and Conference Committee. CoinpetitiePie lsProa evc St.and r. Vern ot'. the Central Ontario Badrjfi:,by ail. "In my five years i the:years and it will give an idealand Tom Palmnen, Attendance ___________ . .aougwn weend to Asciton chmio< Mn. and Mrs. K. McGill and insurance business only twolo! the total ovenage requir-'cbairman. guetswit teirdagbtr.hips. With a large entny and:b03's were visiton-% on Sunday people bave asked me to sQellI gund son-in-law. Mnrs lyr o xelntclbeat Mn. and Mrs. Sam Piper's*. them a policy." Mn. Hockini and so -i -la , r.and Mr.1lay rs of excllnt calbr,M aple Grove. :said in explaining that it is:y ~Palh elyBnanand Allan,ithe games should provdeMr and Mrs. Clarence:necessany for insurance agentsjL.e ion Ladies' A uxilia y I Thn tee.e public is invited to at-' Stainton and Beverley %vere to solicit business. They must Il Ilh ~Fiday calers at Mn. and Mrs. find people with a need, lie1 President Audey Bate pre- jported on the trp by charter- Mr.ens, Tononto, ran Mn. a ndpor n y t wcbfre n n are',Bowman ville, iadded. sided at the meeting of the:ed bus te Toronto lastweek to n'iens, LTvrno nedCr.ns po ins ttoe wt o! the stand Sunday tea guests o! Mn.j Prospects are obtained !rom jBowmanville Ladies' Auxiliaryj see the Ice Follies, which was SAVE T D Ya'ID A Hampon ene innr gestSstnnuou an skll.fl so ~and Mrs. David Bothwell,i various sources, but the main te the Royal Canadian Legion 1ee by 38 members. Presi- TeeSEILPiE n 'e.1 HampGnrove. numberuetS corneosfrodmkiwhat sprtsheld in the Legion Hall on 1dent Audrey Bate gave lher re- h o! thein parents, Mn. and Mns, including hockey. Incidentally Sonle to earM. itnuknwn as ron ha 'Monday evening, Feb. 4th. tpr as catering convenor for Albin Clemens, on Saturday. j t's good for the ivaistline t1 itn00wna referred leads foi announced that Zonelthe Burns' Suppen held by HIDA 50BRg Mns. Go. W. ames atend- nd forwe reired irdhnton is quite ill. We 'vish1lsatis!ied clients, wvho are o GrrueWihas'h Bwavil . .. Md alunceon W.lams atuedAdayorchasers" îts a cance o re- a speedy recovery. best advertisements," h ie Com caer viitrude llaux-theBand. ileLegion Pipe sa ts/ teA. Biad .0 e edaluceo as atrayýhaes"i'sachne ereýMrs. R. D. Preston, Maple speaker pointed out. iîara is istmetngi in Toronto, given by the Do-1 live bighlights o! active par-1 Grove, Mn. Ray Preston and Mn. Hockiiî toîd the club' Mlaya 151rt etngi s Vice -President Rena i . D 6 / Rt 0 rnninTa adChmia C.ticipation in the game. HopeiTammy,, Bowmnanville, were:that when lie cails on a pros- PrsdnMe Sehno ahgtCneî carat / _arc i. ad heniILKo. 0FhatMAGNESIAharmn, o! Montreal for the conven-to se you thene. with Mn. and Mnrs. A. BritC etv letb is nr-Banch 178, Royal CanadianpeetdbrreotfrJn I.D.A. -4 z e.12 tion nmemrbers o! the Ontario1 Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Hughes;i Mns. Pat Tnesise and girls. duces himself and bis coin- hgliemmnedhi Iur. onae rceMrdc egion, hMINEJIAL dthlury CinIL 93c Mrdli Weely ewpapnsAssocia-;,entertai ned the St. CatharnnsiMr. Athur Wright, Oshawa,'pany, then discusses the per-fieîoko heaxîay presented the Birthday Box tin IlckHwk uno ""hc- w.ere at Mn. and Mrs. N. Eq'son's problems and endeavons'a brie! address. He t and Sergean Bro aetheat-Arm ;kyteam on Friday afternoon, Wright's, Saturday. Oketo arrnive at a solution. Ithe members for the great bel urton v the Bingo ST o. C P DER18 Mn. Lann-Y hompson refor dinnen. Twenty-one n m Mr. aid Mrs. Cameron Oke . s rr t id a y nl h have given Brandi 178,r, e m nt. To.- eg 25 bers of the team were present. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. F. Don-i with toc much insurance, al- and assured them o! bis readi- i It was decided that the aux- TSYCLGE..i2 seeked ta ena neWrThey were netunning from aniland, Miss Elsie Oke, Mr. Al.: though once in a long whileiness to be o! assistance to the iliany will serve the lunch at! eua Insitue tene Hebadbeeexhibitionî tour in Trenton bert' Oke, Miss Mauneen Mc-: some unscrupulous agent hs auxiliary ini any o! its projectsj 1the Bowmanville High School SHULTON'>sr lwr PrePiun 5 Intiue th. eh e and Pembroke.' B n en te ri" Nain weîe Sunday dinneritried ta sell a man more tharnIPresident Shieehan expressed'Promn on February 22nd. Plans 25's vacationing wihhsparents,, Hughes, their son, îs a mem- guests at Mn. and Mrs. C.;hle can afford. This is whyitbe lhope that the auxiliary will wene discussed for a visit te, ALKA - SLZR.SprSeilSi Mr. and Mns. Eanl Thompson, ber o! the team. iiose wbO Averyýs on the occasion o! Mn11.bigh pressure selling is de-igve him the saine support asDivadale Lodge, Sunnybrook II10' iOrchardview Blvd. assisted te serve the deleet- Oke's bithday. Congratula- cried. A client wlbo is foncedil b as given ho the past presi- Hospital, Toronto. Tbe Secre- ANACINFOR . 74 Old friends and acquaint-iable nepast wene Miss EileenIlions to di-op some o! bis insunance dents o! Branch 178. tary, Comnade Helen Wallis,! N C onces, here, will 1 rytruhs is ai otro r.adMs rn ery,is left with a bad taste. Conrade Edythe Rundle re- was requested te write the !eann of the death o! eieKna, i onyHges. Susan anîd Scott were Sund 6 oz._ 8' aiauthonilies thene and ask for EX-LAX.M. . 4 bank manager Howard Lapp Mns. Dorothy Bissehi o! Lon- dinneir guests at E. A. Werry*s. * i . A a date te be set for the aux- 62~ ln Bnockville last week. At don, Ont., returned home last,1Mn. E. W. Begîey and Carole: JL Il iliany*s visit leu Divadale: FLORIEN"ArIedrn 3 -one lime hie was manager o! Monday a!ter a week's Visît were Sunday tea guests o! M.' jWatens nM *l.9 Z the local bnanch o! the, then, with her sister, Mrs. Arthur1 and Mrs. Gardon Shunk, Port' hr a eodatn-dn niesr eerta h uiir ged t 9iq /. &J B3an.k of Commence. ÏG. Brooks, Silven tre. -Perry. . neo-0ta una cooI for Mr~. and Mns. N. Gimblett, serve a lunch at the Publice', z Mn. and Mns. Nelson Fîce, on Sunday monning. Mrs. Columbus, on Sunday. Speaking Contest ho be held, OLD SIE feShv Loin . 18 I ýITauntoni, were Sunday cahiers John Knox prepared themi-FV yBac 17 onStry,4z at n. nd ns.C. ver's. sioary proram in whi Saly. Tommy and Fy yBac 7 nStna » -NP K L E tM.adMs .Aer'.soayporm n hc Langmaid were Sunday tpa mornnng, Feb. 9 in the Legion j, ý - OnSundy mo nîn a lnge harg anda gîl o!Mn. and Mns. A. L. Wearn Doneen Ramer nead the seni p- guests o! Mn. and Mrs. D. Hall. The auxiliary wiIl caler:o e Ille ,eek T0ÏI HFemnet.........9j on und w orshipp rens cha rg e' nd àorwarded mnneyland Susan wene witIh Mr. and lune lesson. Mrs. C. Langmaid.'Flett and family. for the Vimy Night 7 oz. "onpany of osiprshdi engl add te the Mrs. Don Wearn, Scanborough. led the smaller members in a ~ hta be held by Branch 178 on'atepne ïoi VITALIS arToe the weatherman co-operating çsnlcken and bereaved parents -'r. and Mns. JT. R. Knox song. Ellen Cryderman gave OMme. and Mrs. Tom 31l prl6h.alereie,; 1020.Z :fr change b* pnoviding a !raom the Sunday School. have been dischanged from1 a reading and stories were ApnilMr nd rs VÉT eunny cal.m winbe's morninig Rernember the S. S. Work- Memnonial Hospital, Bowman- read by Mns. Frank Westlake Westlake and Kevin, Peter- Following the business nmeet-,A eitflayoro ndOu 9oz 1-wh nthbey attended the morn- ers' Rally at King St.. Unaited Ville, and are conval -igadGay Yloles h borough, were Sunday visitonsling a social bour was enjoyed.deighflwytryuadvu 7 Inth sanctu r fnSun., Feb. 16 and 17. mon. sueitedn frtismnh and !amily. ahAn ean Burton andý Jet-away to onfull iI week of tun and_________________________ 2nI sge wene réceived, as the The meeting of bhe Board Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Inwî*n, hre iMn. and M.s. Alec Fishen, Standard JBearer Georgina atefmu otg ec messages ~~~~Donna Gail and Ro.dney wr OSZo istdM.adMsCarter, the~ convenor-s. iHCtÈ in Nassau. Al you do is ill out the o! Mh amtn ren s TS!Zj Frnk Wsthed r. and Mrs. ------n-. fnu20H r e e a coracv a ildtofStewards, Club bewameeting free TUSSY entry form available al your seating rapacity. Under their poned because o! bad weather, MsuaBre uce IwiT no no in'sth lubZion Churc on gn-Frank Westlake Sr. adMsîIDA D..g'Store. ..., the first 20cus- leaer rs.E.Wright and Jr.l be beld Truursday evTon-ntoday tebronua.rch8. I ýran Wsymalb Sr, A ÙIITITTt tomers at your I.DA. Store can gel this WRDFMU WEEE nganist Lois Ashton, the J,- 'in Feb. 14, ah 8 p.m. Donna Gail remained in Tor- o! Solina Women.'1snetrs. Styid Hockaday -iteetyomshryEtrodY onto for a montb's nurse'si Membens o oiaWmns[e eMs i okdyo E IA E H IL Choir gave a delight!ul ren- The third session o! the' iCnetcoe trldihFbur ditono!ananhe .1 MutBible Study Group was hehd Itraining at the Weston Hospi- Institute are entertai.ning theirithe sudden death o!biei- bro Coth nte toe a nodncgt eraryh -lave JesusanWithe."Ti n te pasng ody ta]. husbands at thein Valentinelther, Mi-. Frank Cowling, On Monday evening we liad'11.Wnet eanucdMthBh aoi-re*f fe-at 'Hae esu Wth e. Ths n te arsnae Mndy, Mrn. r.Er Trewin,inieetiiig on Tbursday night, Hampton. ;our Women's Institute ineet-: 2nlusical support was a PerfectIFeb. il, at 8 p.m. Mr. Craw- Doreen and Donald wene Sun t av1.iite al I n n ns nn et n hMn. and Mrs.Russel' T1~.f l.> 0 alt 12 complement ho Mr. Crawford-s. fond continued the lectures on;da viitos wtl M' vn 8:4.Tbin teanlHdl, ake.Mr. and familyFrand Ms Wîe' om.A e o hen"' OicCan semo etile "odNeds'The Word and the Way,"iM ýs Countney Graham, Pr ihpeettefl,~rî'Fak Wslk i.wereimen attended. Mns. Mercer i S.Lqud85i ou"He said God commis- stressing "Creation." Due toiple Hill.Demt elt. Tedyte usse x.adpeie nd Ie muue Oc.Lq~29 siens us te start with Him, illness several were unable toe ulaî- CGlT metigR\s eDna Mclaghn Ms.N.Fie, a uton . en red and tpned. Wiue andHiswidomaidgudane ated. he ttndace was h~ eldl Feb. 6th at 7 p.m. iniand Sheena Sandison, Hanlil-1 Mn. Wm. Ashton is in Osh- plan te have the euchne panty étres will provide the answers fan Miss Lois Ashton attended the S5S5 oo The Worshp' o H, itI Barbara Eveniss ýawa Hospital for a medicall00 Friday ni.grht, the one that fuaVtrfceloýbte sueor igmrtla Gr. XIII panty ah the home 1ro 1 ndce y ai aihteadPa --ceku.wspotoe atmnh ib ran calenes auî0~Mis anl hub eLra Gnîffin d ghuvsObtaGed PHoptli MssVir-eSewr, ir Oi as ot couredwas discussed us du t t e vls o! JC lo sY o rhce M ri D a er a Dan A - arIela i o ting nrse ao! Dzý s et he i ee e d vih Jo n an pa s ide fo- il hihland f c s bct - 9:00 - COMMUNICANT CLASSFooin ashrilns, radMs.W.Cut, The 4-H Club met on Sat-'allocation foi- oui- Missin IVACE E sth PLN U 1. nd rs Wn. urtsuday foi- the firsl meeting o! Mns. Milford White bo be in 0 2 7:00 p.m. - SERVICE 0F WORSHIP the deabh occui-ned on Mon-, Bowinanvilie, wcu.e WednieE- the new projedt, "What Shah icharge. The minutes were chfd20 ede kn ' s AND DISCUSSION Elizabethville, Ontario, day cahiers wilh Mn. and MrsisI Wear?" The meeting was' nead and appnoved. Mrs. Mon-ý Mn. Wilbrt(Rueb n o C. Wilson. !feld in the hall. Fifleen girls ris and Mns. Thickso'n had two,4c-7c-13-35 Sv ntecro Beatty ndte ay r.Wlabis 751h ear. JO Sympathy or the communi-,'were present witb the lead- contests. Lunch was served. ,___________ el Th eM.Beabty ian tyis extended ta rs.W.'ens, Mrs. C. Hamer and Mrs. Sunday Sehool was beld as, SUDA SHOLbonn in Elizabethville and svas;Couville in the loss o! herF. Watson. The officers elect- usual on Sunday. Cliunch seî- Interiediate and Sniorothensnoftea le.Mis. Mantvn. ed weîe: President, Phyllisvieweea Canton. S 'Bat n ac aeite iWonian Tortured S L 9:45 .ni. Junir, Itermeiateand SBeartyhe ndso no! yhe ae Riharit On Tuesday sevenal neigh-ýAnn Westlake; Secretany- 1Mr. and '\s. E, Elu mat 'A lYI l e edcgpdIt o a 11:00 a.rn. - Nursery and Beginners eca If-on eidentbois o! Mns J. R Melcal! Treasuner, Jean Baker. The 0hawa. visited in the villagc L~R<u'n~IP l% he~ma jy~ey~ aI the place of bis birth, and sunprîsed lier \vith a visil ta name chosen for the gnouP'on- Sunda. u 5JIIU e. BO I 1D ~ tmeu a501 on 11:20 oami. - Kindergarten and Prinary he married the former lana 'celebrale lien birthday. Thev' was "Solina Sewenettes." Mrs by n oniy h sio wnI'Tmpî 'Q A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Evelyn Tnew w~ho survives. preseiited le il eeiýasndsrbdtetpso'M.adMsVrolPaý11ACK -m!t~ ad a bilhdav a e hial which %% es ui-rock look Ms E. White and ý ThIrrIen f/oupid.u.éOmbioema ~dbt _______________________ - ife and upon retinement mov. made b' MN11s. K. C. Hopkins.'ed to the individual. :Mrî C. Beatty' ho Taronto to , nt-uo,,dercrce LSTCTPP\toS'r.Mm r site ed to Elizabethville six years' \We are sorry la report Mn. Mizs Pal Knox and Hanoldiv'sît with Mr. White whO ,imhaepv.'u ,"y'i aîpdrreirswes 0SanBattanns ison lbh sickýYeilowlees attended the J anls elysedy r...amvp fÇ? nakanrihdset.18 EH B T H IT~ d JLefIta bmur is passing listan hope he is soan well'Farmers Leadership Tan*gWhlt stayed in Toronto, Hr' lserlifrot I are bis wi!e and three daugb- and istnong. Sehool at Clarke High School! Mn. and Mm-s. E. Yanurow; aue, s oh ýf aingrýhe j bers, lana (Mrs. Aubrey Gil- Mr'. Albent James. Bishop- on Satunday. and familv, Oshawa, called at ,,d eczemna wich an am zkg ne cetf EFORI%4ED CHURCHmoun) o! Elizabethville, Ir- ton,.Quebcd, was a Tbursday' Bradley's Community Club Mn. and Mî-s. Fowlen's, Satur- mdiamd<'em ilh1 ene (Mrs.CHJoe Thompson) wilb bis aunt. Mrs. C.'ill boid their Valentine soc-'day hl ome *dSJd______________ Scugg Sreet BomanvlleGrace (Mns. Marshall Fallisl,lWils>on. ial meeting on Friday nighl. i Mns. Adamn Stec î-etunried eed., hpesçaîc g S JonC. VeSrre A, B .D. Mi nîste both o! Millbrook; Leo Fallis Mrs. Robent Lapum and, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryder-,from Memonial Hospital, Bow- IDon t ufter! Get LANACANFa dugi55 e , Re. oh C VrbugeB..,B..,Miiser a grandson, now o! Mill. Jackie Peterborough, wenelman and chihdren visted MIS.;manrilie. on Saturday, whereý 1.35 - 2.29 , o 623-5023 ~brook, made his home with Saturday aftennoon visitors'S. Rundle and Jean, Bowman-isebsbe o e as Telephone ~~~~~him since childhood: also, with Mn. and Mns. . C o-vle nSna.________ - fine othen grandchihdren andijkins. Mrs. Ella Taylor and San- WORSHIP SRVICES geleven great - grandcbîldreu.' Mi- and Mrns Lee Wood' dra, Toronto, v'îsted relatives P N YP L __________SERVICES____A brother Clanence o! Eiza-lwand and son Matin, Tarante,,at the weekend. O T P L 9:00 a.rn. - Dutch ibetbville also survives. were wveekend guests o! Mn.i AWI Juanita Fraser, Roclk-' r sr 11:00 ar. - English -g ed by Rev. George Wigbt,ifamily. spending a monlh's leave wth' in the Nianvers Pastoral 7:30 pm.- English ' Canton pastoral charge, was' Mn. and Mns. Clifford XVil- ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. fl.iCharge. At a meeting o! the' beld in the Ross Funeral son wvene Sunday evening diii- Frasen. Other Cuests included Officiai Board held in Betb- -was in Wehcome Cemelery. birthday in Oshawa. :Port Credit, and Messrs. E. One wil be romposed o! Jan- IIV L.To ' 2"Palibearers were the de- Mr. Boy Van Camp. Mr. and, Martin and David Ponlon, elville, Mt. Horeb and Yel- ceas e d's gnandsons, Allan Mns. Sam Van Camp and Lorie iEriglehart. verton: the othen composed5K ngS.W -P o e6 3 79 ICK113, Oshawa. at 9:15 p.m. every Sunday Larry Thompson, Tnevoi, Fal-.Van Camp's sister. M1rs. Sid- and sons. Blackstock, visited and Pontypeai. These changes 5E Iflis, Maurice Fallis and Ralph'ney Lodge. aid other neha-ion Sunday with Mr. and Mlrs I expeet lu be endorsed by