8 Tt*e Cmanmstateffan, Iownmvfle, eb. 13, U 1 ---------------------- ---------1: .SPORT«opmcs, Jl 623-721 a ý By Frank Mohun KROBEETS DOESN'T MISS! W. went out to Southview Tuesday night to watch the final gaine of the British Consols' Playof! between Murray Roberts' Unionville Rink and the Oshawa Golf and Curling Club foursorne, skipped by Le. Eveniss. [t sure was somnethlng to sec, the way that Roberts mnade shot afier shot - he just docsn't miss! As Oshawa, trallng 7-5, lay two li the final end, Roberts prepared ta deiver the last rock and the large crowd wondered-"could he miss". The Unlonvilie skip had blanked the i lth end on puwpose to give hlmn the final stone and he made it good. The Unionville rink was almost unbeatable and Oshawa was alxnast as good. Consecutive bad shots by Evexissali the sixth end made the difference - and in that league you can't afford ta do that. 0f interest to local sports fans - Larry lieffering and Bal Butler arc members of the Oshawa rlnk. This was the most important tournament ever held ai Southview, Uic winners advancing to further play in order to pick thc Ontario rink for the MacDonald Brier.. Union ville has been made the favourité for today's Oritari6 final li Toronto. Mr. E. W. Crawford capably handled the entire draw, and he was certainly a big help li giving us a complete report of the action. OLYMPIAS CAN DO IT Bowrnanville Olympias made it three wtnu In îheir laët four tari. Thursday night and this was the big one. The locals gave it everything they had, playing solidly as a teai to cdge penant-winning Uxbrldge 3-2 lnthie playoff opener. Vince Vanstone was superb in goal, Ted Fairey atymled Art Rennick, Ken Roberts was great on defence and Jean West, Keith West and Don Masters were top performers. The signing of Gerry Robinson helped boîster the club, and Gary McCullough is back for the series. If Ray Preston's lnJury heals, he wîll be a tower of strength on the blue-lîne. This Uxbridge outfit Is a really strong club and it will take contlnued ali-out efforts ta beat theni, but the Olympias can do it. The snall crowd near]y Ilifted the -roof Thursday wvhen Dean West fired the winner. But let's have a big crowd - the players are trying -- howvever, more suPport can lift the teain tf0 even greater efforts. Get behind the Olympias Thursday night for the third playoff game. One of the best hockey fans in Bownianville, Mr. M. A. Sleep. Liberty Street grocer, showed his support by award- ing five bucks to the player who got the winning goal - Dean West, and three ta goalie Vince Vanstone. t t - t t - -t IBADMINTON CHAMPIONSITIPS FR!. AND SAT. The big tournament goes thîs Frlday and Saturday at the Bowmanville Badminton Club. The top players who have been practising for weeks, sharpened their gaines even iurther over the weekend ln preparation for the Central Ontario Championshlps., j Entries are forthcoming 'from Belleville, Trenton 24ton, ]Peterborough, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whltby and probably several ther clubs ln the area. Top-rated among the local club members are Georg( Long, Mary Long, Doreen Reddoeh, Kay Hopkins, Gary Tlghf Jee àMarkle, Bill and Mcl Burgesa Betty Lobb, Colleer 0WI[utcbInson, Jeanne Slemnon, Keith Siemon and a few others Thm'a qutte ait imposlng lisi of badminton talent, bu' although Bowmmnvillc has to be favoured, the Henry, Charlton, Publow, Baker, Elmsley entrica will give themi good argument. Ge~orge Long This Saturday, Badminton players from the Central Ontario area will converge on Bowmanville Badminton Club for their annual tournament. Visitors will be welcomed ta waich the experts in action In singles and doubles, featuring both maie and feinale players. This is always an exciting event that pro- Olympias Edge Uxbrid >n Opening Game of I Bowrnanville Olympias cd-j ged Uxbridge Black Hawks 3-2 Thursday night at Mein- anial Arena in thec first game Af a best of seven Interjned- .ate "B" Lakeshore League emi-final senies. The Olympias, who finally oroke a lengthy losing streak only a week previously, turn- Ad ln a strong teain effort, 3attling for every inch of the ice ta capture the playtoff opener fràm the regular sched- on as the perlod ended. Wannamaker made a big save on Wakely, as he was in alone on Jack Sneddan's re- bound, early la the second. The visitors held a wide niargin in the play, but Don Masters bagged the only goal of the middle session, picking thc far corner with an along the !ce shot atthe 13:24 mark. Keith West took a pass froin Fred Cowle and carried Into the corner lZefore dumping the relay back ta Masters. F'or tie best badminton you're lilcely to sec tilis year. uue lainsUA. Down after stopping Bob doubles go Friday starting at 7 o'clock, singles Saturday Vince Vanstone wvas simPly Atkinson's drive, Vanstone mornlng, mlxcd doubles ln the afternoon and finals at p, great between the pipes, as made the save of the night o'clock Saturday night, ta be folowed by presentation of the Black Hawks hcld a 50- early in the thîrd as lie got 35 margin ln shots on goal, bis toc In the way of a sure prizes, lunch and the annual Central Ontario Party, doubling the count 38-19 over goal, when Rennisk had the As usual, spectators will be more than welcome at the the last two periods. Ted open net frorn close in. Bowrnanville Club. Fairey continued his top play, scoing the first goal Uxbridge finally shook loase t - f and checking scoring champ at 10.01 as Don Haynes' skiai- Art Rennîck right int the mer deflccted In off Archie LOCAL 189 LINE-UP SATURDAY ice. Ken Roberts, Dean West, Crossey's skate. A minute and Keith West andI Don Mastersi 5 seconds later Paul Tomlin- Local 189 Hockey League President Jack Baker has were the other big guns, but1 son broke away, went around announced the ail-star line-up which will oppose New it took a soli'J effort ail down 1 Cowle, the last defender, an-d Toronto Godyear All-Stars, Saturday night. 8 o'clock, nt the the line, anîd Ith playersldkdVntn o eui Memorial Arena. gave everything they had. nl. ý'lg goal. The 189 team will be tough to beat. the roster being: Alter Gerry Robin s o n, Dean Wrest rapped in Ale.< Rc-making bis first apeaace Wseman's rebound at the Vlae Vastoe, Slip Roe, ob arjrrisn, Mor" Rch-of the season, was called off- î 16:37 mark ta win it. Robin- ardu, Ted Fairey, Don Prout, Don Masters, l'Archie"' Crossey, side on a bad (and it was son started the play. Wakely Lloyd Hamilton, Raye West, Ron Pollard, "Jiggs" Cowling, bad) cali. Fair#'v opened th~e missed a perfect Fairey set-up 4"Hank"' Lane, Bob Abbott. Dan Girardi. Fred Cowle and scoring nit 8:31 of the openingÏ for what could have been tthe Nelson Yeo period. Neil Wanniinaker had liniciier. stoppcd a scorcher from) Paul Wannamnaker leït the goal Somne of the "old" fellows have found the gomng rough, Wakely when Fairey drove a 'wîth 501 seconds remaining, trying ta get in shape for the Bowmanville - New Toronto hard 25 footer ta the corner.;but the Olympias forced play Goodyear Old-Timers game which precedes the ahl-stars i Bowmanville started off into the Uxbridge zone andc starting ai 7:00 To give it more authentic flavour, Charlié strongly, but Uxbridge cameichecked vigorously ta, pre- Vansone wîul take over tae goal-tencnng cnores froni 1Harvey! Rowe. "Sip's" been a goalie for a long time, but hasn't by any means reached the old-timer stage yet, Should be quite a sports night - hockey and badniin-' ton, and this reporter is wondering how we cao be ia two places at the sane finie.i j. . PIcton Wins Play-off Opener Over Trenton, 9-7 t i. ' i t i. MIUST WEEKEND FOR PIC - 0 - MATS Affer losing a thrilling 4-3 decision to Dixie Bee-Hives' here Sunday afternoon, the Pic - 0 - Mats find themselves' facing a muet weekend when they meet Schomberg Fridayl and li their final league garne here Sunday afterneon. Bowmanville had beaten Dixie in the three earlier tilts1 at the Memorial Arena. and botlî clubs turned in an excellent, hockey show Sunday, but the Bee-Hives finally did it, extend- irxg the locale' disastrous January losing streak to eight gaines. Actuaily the loss didn't change nuch (except for a! possible tic game) because the Pic - 0 - Mats, trailing by three! points have to wln In Schomberg anyway, or they've had it., If they can corne through at Schomberg, the gime here' will be a dandy. If nat, Sunday'a affair won't mean a thlng. LAst turne we called for the Pic - O - Mats to go five points lxi front by bcting Schomberg twicc. That would have sait- ed It away - even a split would have left Uic locals a point1 up, but Schombcrg swcpt both gaines and now It le Bow- saavilIe Pic- - 0 - Mats .who are behind Uic eight-ball. 1 TEEN BOWLERS GET SHIRTS Teen-age bowling impressaria Harold Bennett was a prety hppyfellow last week. Hsbwes hog h gm« m onti ns of B ow anv ,8b:?i throlea ushae acqu-ed eamshirts to wear along the tournanient trail. A ti ofthehat to Dr. H. B. Rundie and George Stephen MERMEDIATE "B" PLAYOFFSi TRUR--DYFEB. 14 - 8:30 pa. ON" MhiAan*v& BOWMA- ILLE MEMORIAL ARENA I BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 NFRIDAY, FEB. 15 CHILDREN'S 1/ SKATING 3:30 to 5:30 prn. PUBLIC SKATING - 8 -10 p.m. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Oll.A. METRO JUNIOR -6B" HOCKEY 3:15 p.m. SCHOMBERG VS. BOWMANVILLE PIC - 0 - MATS ADMISSION Aduits 75e Students 50e - Children 25e .MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 SCHEDULED METRO JR. "A" GAME HOCKEY 8: 15 p.m. NEIL McNEIL vs. OSHAWA GENERALS ADMISSION A.i.ii. c 91f(id £5UUE5Ia oc - U S'S' duc '..n*A'.AAVJ.A 1,1 fauits eqplU'J iunents "é*Uc - ý.ii51UL u tU Pic-O-Mats Crushed 16-3 Led by starry Paul Laur- cnt, Lakeshore Goodyears crushed Bowrnanviile Pic-O- Mats «16-3 in Metro Jr. "B" league action, Thursday night sà1NoW.ur ULItnTtU. J.qWdhi-L 'FNTAL STANDINGS LAKESHORE INTERMED. "Bu Top Tea Scorers Player Team GP G Art Rennick. Uxbridge 20 2( * Joe St. Pierre, Trenton _____ 23 2ý Orv. Gravelle, Trenton 24 2ý Fred Etcher, Uxbridge 13 1 Paul Tonilinson, Uxbridge . 22 2 Vern Ferguson, Uxbridge 22 2( Wayne Redshaw, Uxbridgc 18 Iý Austin Scott, Trenton . -24 1I Keith West, Bowmanville .. 17 1. Jeep Colins. Trenton.------- 18 Il Fhuai TearnStanîdinigs Team IVw il T Uxbridge -212 - Trenton 24 Bowmanville ---20 Picton 18 Pte. IPIL1t 58 i 50 45 44 lit' 39 4 39 2C~ 33 9 A- Pt&, 97 30 ý37 29 135 21 A5 12 x-includes three 4-point wilis. y .--ilincles one 4-point win t t1 tj t f BOWMNANVILLE OLYMPIAS 1Player second win for the Goodyears KihW~ in iess than a week over the Junior West locals. Ken Roberts ___ Laurent collect e d eighit Jack Sneddon____ points on five goals and three Don Masters assists, mihile Dave Del Papa Paul Wakely- atid Jim Moore registered hat- tricks. Singles went ta Doug Bob Mari errison Dunnville, Jim Davidson, Rab. Dean West - bie Johnson, John Ritchie "Buck" Cowle andI George Minor. 1 ý d row Bob Bisihop scored twlcn: ,Teci Fairey and R-'oliincl Mackie a ddod thc2e othier for Bowmailville. "Aci "Ciobey---- Gary AleCutlougli Ladies Bowling il Bo Abott--- Teain StandinDon 1Idercer----- ¶'an tndgs Alex Wiseman -.-- Pis, Pins Doug Powell Patfield 9 .9425 "MI\ort" Richards Colville 7 9082 Terry MIasters.------ Etcher ô 8 823 Jolin Fowler Lobb 7 8722 Bucknell - - 7 87i)5 Goal Keepers Gibson - .4 8807 Vince Vanstene - CoYle 4 8209 Jackt Mantle ------.. - Hearl 3 8267 ItLIth - MaW I Dr. Keith Slimn ~ ~ ? o niight - laWk» duces plenty of excellent competition. Aniong thoselCoiville 262, Vi Martyn 253, who will be con-peting, George Long and Dr. Keith Dot Brooks 246, 214. Ollie Teain Standings Siemon of the Bowmanville club are shown here;Patfield 248, Lorraine Mar- doing some practisig. Dr. Slemon swung so hard tyn 216, Ede Mitchell 249,IM.. lIodgson on hissmah hatthecaerawas't as enughtoEna Etchier 233, Niai-ion Gib- . Crago- onthe sas histh cmek wantfat nuih o o,27. b. Burgess- stopth action of i racket. P______ . Paterson lm CoyleA jury, liopes ta see action next CO BOW LINGI veae Ig à 3v eek, and Garry Mculough 3. H. * 'den 36 G. Bain.-------- ge 3 2Is expected to heinthe line- ) ------- lo. Bo arersoBu b . Westlake 23 G;. Scott ~- - >I y f sn't in uniform for the garne. 2. B. Kunkel 17 F. Allen- Wannarnaker. up from junior 18.CShaz1 M. Sedmnan ___ serve the vn. replace regu Ilar cus- '16M. rg Cowle returned ta th'e lino- todian Joey Carpenter, %vas ~j aer . 6 .coylp ,- up, after playing early in thie impressi.ve. Fred Etcher, who 5. S. Hunit ------ 14 V] Waizrnan ----------- seaso. "Roby",%vas visiting bis wife ihos- S.e ig inl B~ Coombes - .... sesn Rbysigned lasI ilimiseLhadisttw es . r ipgle B* D. Holroyd lWeslake303;Tripe S.M. Firth week, was a wvelcorne addi-1periods, but really lit fire un- iBrock 663. L ugs Mcl Brown liad below par final 20 minutes. Tomnlinson,1 Men's High Single- S. Car- M. Foster games, bu', "Arehiie" Ci-os-!Redshaw and Ferguson werc son 28, Triple- R. Brock and M. Swanti sey col il h gap. flay thelosers est. FP._Blackburn 664. 1. Wright .... ..... .. n id 1 .1À.**... 166 KING STREET EAST so Pt&. ?.L5L 32 0 23 2 19 10 17 12 16 4 16 O 14 8 12 2 12 12 Il 4 8 9 6 24 5' 10 4 0 2 12 1 10 10 I 36 Aver. P.LM. 6.30 4 6.25 0 Ladies League Pts. F. Paterson ____137 13 J. l-olroyd 137 12 E. Pik ard1 36 12B. Wilbur . 13-5 Il M. Burgess- -____132 8 31. Parker ____132 4 B. Rogers ~_____131 .1. Scott _____129 227 E. Combes ____126 15M. McLaughlin 126 184 C. Cohirs 110 181 K. Camipbell -_____110 179 0. Moffatt ..105 177 High Single- F. Allen 310. 176 1ligli Triple- G. Bain 671. 169 200 Games .163 1'. Allen 310, M. Coyle 249, 158 M. MclLaughilin 243, G. Bain 158 1239, 233, 1. Wright 233, V. ,157 . Pickard 222, 232, 202, M 156IWisemnan 218, 228, 215, M. 154 Crago 229, M. Swann 215, "~ 154 !Burgess 210, M. Hodgson 201, 146209. PHONE 623-3396 5SON MTOR 'A Ail Set for Central Ontario Badminton- Tourn-ament 1 il, irhilelimon Afto.