ICentral Ontario Badminton George Log Win ri Bowmanville Club's George Hopkins waged a couple Long captured badminton's great come-backs to walkc triple crown at the Central with the ladies' doubles, a!t Ontario Championships here Peterborough's MIrs. Charît last weekend. George wonXand Verna Rose had led ic the singles, teamned with wifelin each game. Charlton a, Mary ta capture the rnixed Rose regained a 13-10 fii doubles and partnered veter- game lead, but the Bowma an Peterborough star Grant výille pair evened the sco Henry to win the men's doub- again at 13 ail and won 18-1 les. pnoreen Reddoch took the Intescd oetR ladies- singles and with Kay IntescdcnttR Hopkins won the ladies' doub- doch and Hopkins scored t les crowfl.' first three points, but Pet( The twa day event got un- borough racked up tE derway Friday night with. straîght for another 10-3 le2 ladies- 'and mnen's doubles on This time the new chan the agenda. Saturday it was really turned it on rollingi singles and mnixed, culminat - gace by a large audience.Loa 18 Ptyf Ladies' Singes Doreen Reddoch was n, command aIl the wav as sheR a d r defeated Mrs. Maurice Char]- ton of Peterborough 11-2 andl 1l _5.1 Men's Singles George Long turned it on inC o n t the first game, running ten"Cm t of1 off1 fte r tn rs t D e 14. thei ter- e t ýa- -n ,s u ps s B straight points on joe Mvark:e After battling to a 1-1 tic i ta break Up a 5-5 tie. 1, tho labsI week, the Cornets, who second *loe led 10-98, then 11-9 vjound up in first in regulari after bath players had becnschedule action blanked the tied8-8 Whn Gergeroaecilast place Bruins 8-0 in the int a 14-11 advantage il ap-ifirst game of Sunday roorn- peared to be ail over, but ing'ý playoff double-header.i Markle bounced back to witn- The second contest saw the in a single point, before Long' Raiders down the Hornets put a smash away ta win 15- 4-2 to capture the bcst o! 13.three series in two straight Ladies' Double. games. Doreen 'Reddoeh and KaY Jack "Red" Mantle came ______________________up with another great per- .ý Ye for the Bruins in conten-ý _________________________tion with less than 12 minutes 'remaining in the game. But the powerful Cornets finally broke loose, firing six goals in W TH LJ#IOR FREEZIN6 an 11 minute span. LIFESNO TRA T.Don Prout and John Luo CALL THE SPEC/ALisrs each scored twîce for the M-ATAN BEaEA winning Cornets, singles gaîng ta -Moe" Richards, Bob Mar- jerrison, Bill Ellis and Grant Flintoff. ~ Ray Crombie blasted a pair of hard drives to provide the Raiders wilh their v.ventual imargin of victory in the sec- ond contest. Larry Piper opened the scoring at the 6:11) mark and Terry Masters marie it 2-0, before Gary Cooper ESSo BURNR SEVICEclicked for the Hornets on a ý nifty piece o! stick-handlinZ, q:[ . . g ,fer 15 minutes o! play. v Crombie got it back thrre? 14 ie and rail the three setT 1 The Canadian Statesman, Bowni point,ç to winl17-14. Rennick Scores Four tennhga Henry and' Long led 14-7 iri rslipngth ihgolars:( fl the 'second. Tighe and Bur- E ~ A ~the. une wth two minutes re-% **eCrw gess staged a great come-back ly pi s G D wn eIIe maini ng.% pie C ow 14-12, before losing 15-12 > Ni Linesman Ab Barnes macdei in a crowd-pleasing final.* ' ~ . L the draw for a suit of clothes,1 12 consecutive points for a Mixed Doubles wE , ,vhich was %%on bv J. H. Ma-1 15-10 decision. In the final event Marv T iE e io n s agt o, ..1,Bltmr. e ýLn ,efinest mixed plaver 4.mun thIsecndLad IhrNEl Men's Doubles o appear on the local courts' periodis Keith West receivodr The 'v took turnq. scoring in' vears, partnered wjth hus- Uxbi'idge Black Hawks un- four goal performance. and quickl , . Faire.- battled for the AI Clarke Memnorial Tro-E several points at a ,zervice in, band George to form an un- leashed a tremendous third1 even had enough encrgy InoIlhe puck at centre, got it over phv. as the Olympias' most( the men's doubles affair, but beatable combination. iperiod onslaught, resultin.g rn engage in the gamne*s onl ' to Bob Nlarjerrison and Fz"vuae player. from Jimi George Long and Grant Henry,.ý The Longs defeafed Betty five goals and a 9-6 come-ifight with Ted Fairex' at 16:57 laid a perfect pass on PaullClarke. kept on top to win 15-10 and Lobb and Bill Burgess 15-2: from-hehind victory over the of the final period. Both werc Wýakcîv-'. stick, as he roared, 15-12. atter Gary Tighe. and 15-8. Bowmanville Olympias at thegiven majors. in on the left side. Bill Burgess had staged a 17- Follwing the finals, Presi- Memorial Arena, Thursday Dean West sent the 0Ol*vii- Sv i seconds aft r Mar- ~* 14 corne-from-behind decision dent Don Allun welcomed the night. pias in front at the 5:14 mark. Jerri.-an w'cnt off for tripping,, in the first game. Trailing 9-6. competitors and spectators Nearly 500 spectators watch- as he blocked a shot inside h;-s Kcith West \vent iin on a clean to 11-9, but Henry and Long bv, Oshawa and Bowmanville. fine hockey performance, withand picked the corner on a 7ý:12 ofthe second. The team.- rallicd to gain a 14-11 game The priz". wrre awarded. then Uxbridge taking over to go in ýlow back hand shot. Rcnicik wveî-e plaving three aside when' bird situation. The local duo ever 'vone relaxed In enjoy a front two games to one in theýwas right on Vanstones door- Rennick,' using Gary McCul.-' stayed in there ta carn a 14- buffet lunch, and dancing. !best of seven lot. "B" Lake-'step ta ram in Nlurrav~ Jonces luhas, a screen, blazed hiS1 shore League semi-final ser-,rebound at 9:33 and a haîf 1 se-o'nd goal into the rgig Vinc Vastoe aaincamei1tipped in a blue uine drive by Freci Coývle and Wayne Red- __ ~~~~~~~u with a spectacular effort Don Havnes. 'e f orruhig(hralwBw a MW as Uxbridge held a wîde 48- Uxbrîdge goal keeped ddn' c n Robert.s and Elaynes Frel omn 2.5 margin in shots-on-goal.see Don Mer crsi ved a ' îîsîlii'orG T W Art Rennîck sparked thfe 13:14 and thLimeilwat rn JG T.W .7ainf F in a l B irth Black Hawks wîth a glîtterîng Olympias' uto cr r'1 -lijerr;son sent theh OllY2n1 Fis Cas e "Mb.L. b d off teps.Rnik dlank Br in -0 ai'h - Hawk" Ladies Leaigue bo i a.k 3Ù seconds beforeý ALSO ... teperiod cnded, culminating' minutes later andri rf1pr his opc1 un the seri e. Teamn Positions 200 Games a xbridge drive, on a nifty Men's, Woncn's and second ino the cage, follow- ing a scareuess 15 minutes af clos,4-checking hockey. Alex Wiseman put the Hornets back in contention, as eighit min- uites xvcre left ta plav. The Harnets pulled goali,ý Curt Vanstone with tirne ruoniog out, but were un- abue tc penetrate a tough de- lence. as the Raiders wrap- Cooper and Bob Fairey langled late in the game, %vinding up with fighting ma-, jors. Harvcy' v"Slip" Rowe carn- cd Ilhe first game shul-out. This Siînday Cornets play Bruins on the third cantesttalt 9 o-dlock, while thic Raiders await the outcome from the side-lines. M. H-odgson ............--- L. Burgess............... F. Paterson...... ....... M. Crago..............--------- ,M . C oyle ......--------- V. Pickard................... High Single- S. Coombes 26 High Triple- V. Pickard 66 OId-Timers and Ail-Stars Locals Down New Toronto It was "Goodyear Night" at the Mýemorial Arena Salurday as Bowrnanville tank the mea- sure of New Taronto in a pair of exhibition conlests befara a large crowd. camprised mostly o! employees from bath plants. Bowmanville Goodyear dep- fcaled New Toronto Gond- year 6-4 on the crowd-pleasing Old-Timers tilt., and the Lo- cal 189 Ail-Stars whipped the visiting Goodyear All- Stars 11-2, 10 send the home- town fans home happy. Goal-keeper Charlie Vanl- stone was whccled oui ta hisý place,- betxveen the pipes in ;; strategic manauver ta pre- serve Charlie's energy. Res- plendant in mask and heurnet the third Vanstone ta play goal tbis seasnnfbesides Vinice and Curt.) "robbed" the New.,, Torontas on a couple of oc- casions. although he %vas de,- tected looking inta the net for the puck. ,Jack Baker still showed he knows iow to take a manouit, of the pla 'y, George Pipr sbowcd somne of bis nIdI forci and Cc Mutton _- l'eçs heen ,sccrctlyv practisiog, anchored the defence. Black Jack Strwart--- no that. was .Jack Taylor R for- *mer New Toronto performer, jolted his former teami-malcs, but, the visitors' Vie Hugh beuted hack in a battle of the heavy-weights. Don Gilhooly took ovPr where he left off several years back, Lloydi Forsey was; flying in old time form and How f Iameless electric heat"ing makes ail other heating systems out of date!. " Its the world's satest heating system - does not use flammable fuel. " It's cleaner than any other -heating system - cannot create dust, sînoke, soot or dirt ai any kind. " You get custom-comfort in every roam-electric heating ai fers you a separate thermostat in each room. " Easy to install - a furnace or fuel tank. ,9 No annual maintenance costs-nothing to clean, no filters ta replace, electric heatini is truly a carefree system. Cail your qualified electric heating contractor or: yo Ur. hy dro LIVE SETTER ELECTRICALLY George Sellers and Jack Large didn't have mucb trouble tLrping back the dlock. AI Molta play cd a slarring raIe for Ne-w Toronto along wilb Harry Baines and Jim Seidwand andi goalie Cam Ru nter. Powmanville led 3-2 at haîf tîme and rapped in three ta tak-c a commanding marpin beforp the visitors scored twiN-ce in the final tbree min- lites. Gilbool ' and Howard Qîlin- ney cacb notchedi a pair. Lloyd F ors cy'vaondc George Sellers Scoring the othersý. Mollo wvas a t\\,-;zoal per- former for Ne%\ Toronto, sin- gles going ta Seidwand and Ken Steveoson. Harve y "Slijp " Rowe look aver the second Close to Brink haIt goal-tending chore fI Bowma ovil le. In the nightcap, Bowmar ville dominaled play througl ouI, ieading 4-0 nt the end( the first, 6-1 after two p e' iods of play and increasir it ta 9-1, before the visitoi countcd their second goalj the third. Ted Fairey was the big gu icur the Local 189'ers, seani three limes and assistingc two others, while Bob Ma jerrisan picked up four pain on a goal and three assist Don Prout, "Mort" Richar( and flan Masters each scarE twice and Bob Abbatt firE the other, marker. Chirlie Cudidy and Ken G) danecr were the New Toroni G. Sott213 215 22, Mpassing play with Fred Etcher, 15 isean 43.20 S.Coobeani*Paul T ornlinson. 263, J. Parker 201, V. Pi'kard Te1lwsdmntdpa 15 224, '226. K. (l'iiil1 214 in the third rifling in four 13 M. Hodgsan 205 220. F Ail ' goaisn ten minutes, as theyý 8 209. 230. I. Wright :1., C 'otit-shnt Bownianville 21-8.' 5Cohrs 226, ID. HoirnYcl24, Bill Cornish caughl the bottom V. Sarginson 2241I, J. I lolro -,d ;'orncLr ut 3:59 on a 20) footer, ý6. 230, 234, G. Bain21, 206. Reiîîick conbined with Et-, cher ta make it 6-5 and Budý ;64. Averages Leanman tipped Redshaw's cor- G. Bain ..............2 0 C)ler pas-out over Vanstone'sý V. Piekard.......--- 190 hcad for the important sev-~ G. Scott ---- 189. cnth -nal. Etcher banged liý ,M Hodgson....... ....... 18- Rcnnii"kýs rebound little over .F. Allen ------- ...... 184 a Minute later. M. Wisemnan ---_ ...... 182 'l'lie Oivympias got a lire M. Crago..................... 16rl9 xvhcn 1avnes leaped high and; J. Holroyd _ ................ 1 60 deflecte' McCullough's drive for M. Sedman............. 1(31 into i s own cage at 16:43, butý M. Cnyle ... 16 Pauni Tomilinson stole thepc n- M. Waizmarn 1i?,atIllhe Rowmanville ble n. h- D. Holroyrl12 'of S. Coombes............ 162 e - M . Firth ... ....... ----- 1.57 ing ors ýun ing on ir- ts. ds -ed ced M. Fster.....--......... . Waht..n............... L. Burgcss V. Sargion. .. E. Pickard . - - J. Parker -.... M. Burgess -- B . Wilbur F. Paterson.... B. Rogers .............. J. Sentt C.Cohrsý cr M.Mcagillin ta K. Campbell . ]am p-ligbters. 0. Moffat) 151 15) 17<~' I 16 129 i t l3t~ i t s 's 1:1 I 1 t o i 'f) t "6 I 25 1'*)7 Uxbrildge Wallops Olympias 12u2 Even lic 700 Iltrige fan:; îne 5-1 after the firFt pernd, Fred Eticher. wvre disappointcd in the xisit- 8-1 afler two and otl-sçoning Don Mercor and "u;he in- Bo-Pvýnanx'illc, Olympias'. Bowmanville 4-I10 the final Crossey scored for Ille ;m ioeptncss, as lxbridge Black'session. pias. H-awk.s wnlîoped ihe Olympiasý Art Rennick and Wayne. VineVan...tne. Oi va7 a 12-2 MondaY nigbt ta take a Redsbaw fired tbree goals onearmer) d e-b cVi.; .-1 îead in iehest of sevecniapiece bt pave the high-flying the on]iy vicason lh ciin sernu-funail It. 'B" Lakeshore H-awks. Bill Coroish bagged dido't, go evcn hîho. .h I.eague tzerues. a pair, singles goinpg ta Mur- Marjerrison, Kc n,[libi Uxbridge cornpletelv dorni-jav Jones, Bud Leaman, Dick Paul Wakelv aind Dean Wcst, nated plîjy tbrotîghout, lead-IBertrand and playing coach gave il, a big irs'. Town League Basketbali Hotelers Nearing Top McQueen s UDset Cafe B3owrnanville Hotel climhed ;wAitbîn twa points of leaguîe- leadin;z Stephen Fuels last Tuesdlav night in the secon.] garne of the Men's twin-bill, when tbcx' downed the Fuels ,37-27. Wtb onoix ane week rýemaininz un the scheduîýP, v'ctor',- prere.nIcd thc Htelrs. with a slum chance of ticiog for the leart. Hwveal- thougb S!ephens ýmccl lut, 1 paeMrQiueen'-, Motorrs, the Motor, came up with a firs, *ým_ 7um,1-,, vin over Corona- lion ,Cufe iaA week. 1b 1 e nigbtcup. the Hotele-.s, ztarted fasiuand) were never hiea der)da7 bobn FowIrracked, up 2) po in ts, Fred Cowlel niotcher) ight and Un 'oyd Cox'- nriev ,si'x. Scocing "King," Bcnn'. King again xvas' Sic- phen's top performer xih 16 points.,xvhiic Ted Dadson aud- cd fivr' and John Stainton couinlePcl a pair of bses McQtluoClls ;biilt up a '21-13 Mixed Major Bowling Team Standinzr' Budu v Beauprie Diun n Etc'her Patfié'ld Points ;Pin.e 1.3 250 p 9 21583 8 21 805, 7 2039 200 .Averazes E. Perfect Dr. Ruindie . ..... O. Etcher ...... . ..... P. Dobbins ... --.... .... B. Buda% ... ............... R. WXright... B. Hearle . .... B. Barter ....... N. Hienning .........-- J. Nolan B. Holrnvd .------- --- J. Murphy .. -- ----... S. B itckle ....------- -- M. Rrgess ........... G. Beebe, ---------- haIftime lead and held on tn gain a single point victory, afler latc-arrbving Dan ScIa sparked Coranatian late in the, camp. Bruce Bahl] ]d the laul- enders, scoring a dinzèn pointsý, Ted Fuirey hooped eight and Eric Rose bit for six. Norm VuîwulIda xith 17 wax thc game's top srore.r in a Iosinz cause. Fd Wildrnan seven points apiecc. Leazue Standings WV. L. T. Ptr Stépheri Ronwmanvllbe Hotll Conat in MC-Queeo's; Children's Shoes, Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Nederlanders I11 Laat um, schoenen vak- kundiz repareren v'an a! Februari 19 open voor al uw reparatie ook uwv addres voor heren dames en kindeiren schoenen, irubberIaarzen, sllpper, enz- Beleeft Aanhevelent J. VAN MUNSTER maînville, Feb. 20, 1963 9- Referee Joe Saddier seeme-,. obliviaus ta the Hawks'- dirty'e work. while the Olympias.. were given a couple of «"chèaft lies". Junior West djdn't shos. I Ray Preston was on nîghtýK Bob Abbott dressed but didWlt ~ see any action. Marje.rrison played a strong gaine in hi -> return to the fold. Actuallv," except for Jack Sneddon, th4'" Olympias gave it a good try, but Uxbridge was just tro OPEN DE REPAIR nvleShoe Repair) BOWMANVILLE xs f or Your Shoos Bring 'Em Here Reg. Price.2 tênim 10 - BAVE 10e CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.39 - BAVE -33o CHO0C 10 CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.1-4 - BAVE 66ô -Reg. Prieu 2 tins IISe-SAVE lie A&P GREEN BEANS 4 20R0ozm 59c« TOMATO JUICE FA&P POMMTES] 20-fl- 4oz tins 59C Reg. Prie. 2 tins 35e - SAVE Ile Reg. Prie 2 tins Se-BAVE ý'o é'î 3 48-fl-or .s7 9e ' CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF 751ziBEEF ROASTS- and Don Wclsh were good forMotors 4 9 0 R BcNELESS Ladies' Major Bowling League ROUND STEAK ROAST shuous nda new Whitine'yv2(11, ]Hld;i Sumiwîk POINT SIRLOIN leader featured Ladies' Major 203, Jackie Trimblo 217). Mu-- league bowling Monday nigbt. ion Martin 208, Don; bu1 22! UM R AS Baker whipped Joli 3-0 Ia 273, 222: Audre * Osmonlil1) OR R M R A T Buday% upset 3-0 by' last place Lyle dropped ta third, two points off the pace. Jn anoîber uipset. Ga also previouslv relcgated ta the cellar, turned on O. FIcher for a 3-0 win. Preston edged DUIIn 2-1 ta sta\x a point back of the lead- (IrS. Whiie Haynes traunced E. Etcher 3-0, maving ino a lie mt uday, as Etcher wound LithB b îin ast place. Brooks defeated Bickell 2-I. Doris JolI rollcd up a 72-7 series ta capture higb triple honours, allier big fatals go- ing ta June Baker 693, Lor- raine Martyn 681 And Donna Preston 690. S. Brown's 296 gamne waq bigh for the night, followeàdi by L. Martyn 294, M. Harvey 275 and D. Joll 273. Team Standings B aker ...... .......... Preston .................. .... Haynes ... ...... B udia ------ -------- Joli ... le -- ------- Brooks............... O. Etcher.. .... Biekeli................... D unn ..... .......... . E. Etcber......... ion Slagbt 249, Joy ec Major 222, Bernice Terr ' v2031. Enma Bromel 227. 2)05: AMolilorO man 204, Ena Etubor 209,201 207; Thel mu Fuoreci 200 202: Liîîda Gibsau; 24. PeggHiayncs 220), -222,Dell i\'Insu 22.7, 215, Meg Gibbs 2'.shi;:- leY BiL-ko-Il -16,1 R uaupr 239, 24:3; Mac lurv -175, 204; Dot Brooks '-16, 21)6. 217; Barh Buttonshaw '261i , -2< 12, Connfiie Osmonîd 2:19, Marg King 215, Glad Rahmc 21H, 206. Dori7s Joli --- - ----- Biérnice Riuday..... Onie Etcher..... Dot Brooks ------ ,lune Baker ----- Ena Etcher ..-..----.---.-- PI.Bernice Partrner- 14 Peggy Haynes .- --- il Helen Durno -- ---- 12 Marion Pearson 1! Donna Preston 10) Emma Brommell SNancy Brvans ---- q Shirley Bickelî --- oJackic Trimble- SDell Vinson 7 Ollie Patfteld Lonrraine NMart.%. 21g 237 2.16 211- 20,3 206ý 20 1 193 197 1 91 1 91 D). B kis........0 200 Games Manjon Siaght18 G,. ElliotI ...........03 Lorraine Martyn 294, 245: K. Beatuprie . 03 tla ron26OneEhr P. Paterson0 SelBrw 29,OteEcr lgbSinpîleF. Pe,-frfet , )16, 203: Dot Bond 213, Helen Hig Trpl - . Fchr h&VPiper 228, Helen Dunn 231 HiRhTrî!e 0.Etcer 00.Nancy Bryans 249, 221; EtbeS C A H H11gb 200 Cames Morganî 222, Donna Preston1 Whuîi kidnes fail to femave 1T. Tri'rbep 28-1, B. Hearle 224, 250, 206, Marg Perris 2.5 1oxests acids and Wastai, '169, G. Befbe '26:3. Dr. Rundle 904; Dore Mutton 206, Joyce J isturbfd rest nftpn rîay 2,59. 25 A. B. Racr 256.'263. Lylc 231., Jovce Tennant 210. êIfw. Oodde Kidroy Pli'% 'r 17 41' TIMtOste k)dreys 1to normal S Bick 263, 305, J. Major Miarilyn Wiggans 217- , ,'uty. Ynu led botteriep 296, Dot B3:-oks 261. E. Pler- S. Bickle 232, 21.5, D. Haynes 091tu. work bettu. 60 . fect 2;ý5 M. Perris 285. 2n7. B. 1luday 251, 214,- IrÉne 1 ROUND STEAK MINCED BEEF Fruits and Voeetables CIfoI'iU, Cria, iPr? Heais, No. 1 Grade, Large Heada LETTUCE eackl19C Imported SW EET POTATOES 4 Is 29C California, Large Original Bunchp No. 1 Grade BROCCOLI bunch 2.9C BON ELESS FRESHLY GROUND ALL BEEF HAMBURG lb45 sUPER-RIGHT, VAG PAC COOKED HAM 6-oz pkg 5 9c BURNS, $WEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 16 59c__ CHOICE QUALITV, SLICED, SKINLEB8 BEEF LIVER Yb49C .11* .i i Ti Ail Prie@ Shawn In Thiis Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, F.bruary 28ed, OU $ p For the BEST in . 0.0 PURE BEEF CHARCOAL BROILED BURGERS visit FS 14 Div isinn St. S. SAM I~BOWMANVILLFE QUICK SERVICE ON TAKE-OUT ORDERS regardlegs of quantity ! Ail Cooking Done in Our Open Kitchen JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE large 39 24-oz pie39 Reg. Mit »eh 0ôh - $AV£ 10. 'f good, 11 4 .