AThe Canadian Statesinan, Bownianvllle, Feb. 20, 1963 I .7ATTENTION! SCUGOG CLEANERS NOW OPEN AT KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE 77 King St. E. Bowmanville. (Next to IGA Market) SHIRT LAUNDERERS STORAGE - REPAIR SPECIAL FOR FEBRU.ARY With Every $3.00 Order One DRESS or 2-pce. SUIT or 2 Pairs PANTS or 2 Plain SKIRTS CLEANED FREE!I FOR PICKUP =nd DELIVERY PHONE 623-m3961 here! ...the new Philco-Bendix coin-operated dry cleaner KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE <NEXT TO IGA MARIKET) 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLEý AMPLE PARKING AT REAR Featuring both Single and Double Load Washers IDB or financin, for Canadian busine'ss The Industrial Development Bank helps finance most types of small and medium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of purposes. If you are engaged ini a business, or plan to start one, and reuired financing is flot available elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions, you are invited to visit an I.D.B. office or write to one for a bookiet. wi INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK fi9 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA Branch Office: TORONTO, 250 UNI ERSITY AVENUE Telephone 368-1145 manville. Mr. A. M. Pearson, O.A.C., guest speaker. Thursday, March 28, 2.00 - Durham 500 Bushel Club Annual Meeting, Bethany Township Hall. Tuesday, April 2 - Durham Shorthorn Club Annual Sale, 1:30 p.m. at farm o! Fred Trewin, Blackstock. Wednesday, April 10, 6:30 p.m. - D u r h a m Shorthorn Banquet, Blackstock. Prepared by Ontario Dept. o! Agriculture, Bowmanville, Ont. Box 730. Phone 623-3348. 1 KENDAL for God bas made Jesus Christ the judge of the world, in res- pect to righteousness. This correspondent has re- cently read for the umpteenth time "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe; and if everyone would read it and learn to love and live Christianity as Uncle Tom did, there would be no James Meredith's fighting for a chance to get an education. Too many of our young people have the opportunity and do not make the best use o! It. Hampton C.G.I.T. met Mon- day at 7:30 and the A.O.T.S. Men's Club met at Zion on Mon. at 8 p.m. Hampton Ty- ros mt Tuesdav at 6:30. On Mrs. Eleanor Foster, Mrs. ýWedniesdaýy- Hampton -Littieë Luxon, Mrs. A. Low, Mrs. J. Friends Messengers, Hampton Stapleton and Mrs. G. Cath- Sigma-C Group A and Hamp- cart attended the morning and ton Hi-C beld their meetings. afternoon sessions o! the The second discussion group Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. for Eiders wiil be held next held in the Trinity Churcb, Sunday at the Manse at 3 Bowmanville, on Tuesday. p.m. Women's World Day o! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lang- Prayer wîll be heid in Hamp- staff, Linda and Debbie, spent ton,' Fridlay, March lst. Al the weekend in Toronto with women are invited. Reserve b er sister, Mrs. Ray Moore, March 5tb for the annual Ray and sons. Spring Hat Show sponsored Visiting at Omemee Sunday by U.C.W. with Mrs. Selleck were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gallant and Mrs. George MacDonald, and Ronnie, Oshawa, called Roy and Treasa and Kathy en Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock Smith. land Harry on Sunday after- Bobby Geach bas a cast put noon. on bis knee to stay for a per- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard iod of four week.s. Mr. Mc- Maban, bis teacher, very and caugbters, visited on Sat- kindly takes him to and from urday evening witb Mr. and school. Mrs. Ron Werry, Kedron. On Miss Diane Little spent Sun- Sunday they were supper day with Marie Couroux. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Reg. Elliott, Mrs. H. Frank Ballard, Columbus. Foster, Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mr. Verne Chant, Univers- Mrs. W. Mercer and Mr. j. ity of Toronto, spent the Stapleton o! Kendal U.C.W. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. attended the Valentine Tea Ted Chant. put on by the Orono 1J.C.W. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coutts and enjoyed it very xnuch. spent the wveekend in Peter- Their desserts were deliclous borough, attending the East- and Dick Morton's paintings crn Area Steel Worker's were of special interest as Council meeting. many of them were painted Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jeyes from local beauty spots. and family, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis at the Coutts home. and Leanne o! Ottawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashton witli Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jack- and familY, Pickering Beach, son on Tuesday last, on their visited Mr. and Mrs. Coutts way to Toronto. on Tuesday evening. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cora Leatham, Ajax, Perey Burley wvere, on Friday, was a recent visitor at the Mr. and , Mrs. John Bird Coutts home, as was also Mr. Dougie and Linda, and Earl John Glen, Coboconk. Burley, on Saturday, Mr. and On Thursday evening, Mr. Mrs. Shirley Vannatto of Port and Mrs. Hugh Coutts visited Hope. and on Sunday, l4rs. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wallace, D. Vannatto and Cecil. Newtonville. Our young hockey players Mr. Sam Dewell recently played against an Oshawa visited his brother Mr. Wil- team in Orono Friday night, fred Dewvell at Sunnybrook winning by a 4-1 score. Sat- Hospital. urday evening they played in Mrs. Perey Dewell attend- Newcastle against Zion and ed a Valentine Tea, at the lost by a 4-3 score, as usual home o! Mrs. Jack Newton, tbey play with the Orono Whitby. Bantam team. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Tuesday evening, a meeting Douglas, Carolyn and David o! the cburch board was were Sunday evening supper held wben among other busi- guests with Mr. and Mrs. ness the church membership Henry Goschal. roll was examined. Mr. Perey Dewell bas also A Valentine Party was beld visited his brother Mr. Wi1- at Kendal School Friday af- fred Dewell in Sunnybrook ternoon, wben tbe pupils en- Hospital. joyed a fine lunch and a good Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Far- supply of Valentines. In the row, Roger, Marilyn and evening the High Sehool stu- 'Gloria, visited Mrs. Victor dents attended the Valentine Farrow, Starkville, on Sun- Dance held in Clarke High day. School and report an enjoy- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil- able tinie. ikins, Danny, Trudie, Randyll borougb Branch o! the Tor- onto Bible College Alumni, at their inaugural meeting on Saturday nîgbt in Peterbor- ough. Mr. Page attended asl President o! the Oshawa Brancb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroydý Jr., Susan, Joe, Billy and Lyn visited on Sunday witb Mr., and Mrs. Brookham, Osbawa.î Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lowrie,ý Bowmanville4 spent Sunday wîth Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hol- royd. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hickey and children, Bowmanville,I visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoi-' royd Sr. We are pleased to know tbat, Mr. Jas. Hogarth is doing nicely mn Bowmanville !!os- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Len Player and Tommy, Bowmanville,I were Monday evening supper, guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kersey. Miss Darlene Hall was in! Dunbarton Scbooi ith eight hundred and fifty Girl Guides on Sunday afternoon, trying1 out for a challenge, aiming! for her Gold Cord. Mr. Len Bradley, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes,! Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Luke on Sunday. On Saturday evening, Mr.' and Mrs. Ron Luke visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Jonab, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Men- zel and Deanna, Scarborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mount- enay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grey, Cadmus, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Merwini Mountjoy. IVIr. and Mrs. Art Reynolds, Debbie, Steven, Jane and Tony, Balson, recently attended a hockey game in Mapie Leaf Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Eyk: and family, Tyrone, wereî Sunday supper guests with' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Peters,i Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dàvies, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whee- lock spent the weekend witl- their parents at Orangevilie and Caledon East. Mrs. Short bas returned after spending several days with hier mother, Mrs. Jean Manley, Peterborough. Mrs. Joe Chapinan, Oshawa, recently spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Siemon. Misses Linda and Beverly, Taylor spent Monday with Miss Sheryl Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Allun Taylor, Linda and Beverly, Bowmanville, were Sunday nigbt supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith. A large number of Hampton people attended the Masonic Ladies' Night Banquet at the Lions Centre, Bowmanville. on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrý. Clarence Tink spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Tink,, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trul visited on Saturday afternoon1 and were supper guesta with Ne w Business Methods Revifalizing Week lies ,Says President of OWNA AGRIULTUAL ieceves aste ~reaerShiedshawar. Franidlin Trufl, AGRCUTURL ecive M ste Beeer hildmr. and Mrs. aen and cons, Oshawa, were Sun- CALENDARday evening supper guests aFebruary 20 and 21, 8:30 Miss Mary Peters, Bowman- a.m. - Ontario Association ofvieiitd rs Agricultural Societies AnnualvClaencvse eoron Sndy . Meeoton,. ngEwrdHtl At the Home & School Club Toronto.neeting last Wednesday even- ThuYsday, February 21, 8:00 ing, Dr. Allan Sylvester, Bow- 1 p.m. - Quinte Branch, Ontario manville, was the guest speak. Institute of Professional Ag- er. He spoke on "Medicare" rologists monthly meeting, and after his address conduct- Dept. of Agriculture, Brigh- ed a questionnaire period. ton. J. Appleton, speaker. Miss Marlon Prescott, En- t Friday, February 22 - Mac- fed pn atTedyatr donal Colege oyal St.noon with Mrs. A. W. Pres- t Anne de Bellevue, Quebee. cott; Mr. and Mrs. John Ma-1 SatudayFebuary23, :00lette and boys Tyrone, visited Sat - ura, Junebruar 2, :0 at the Prescott home on Tues- t p.m.- Duham unio Farersday evening. Mr. Frank Gil- Dance, Orono Town Hall, with bert was a caller on Thurs- Jim Fisher's Orchestra. $1.00 day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. per persan. Everyone welcome, Jacob Kessler, Toronto, vis- t plan now to attend and sup- ited at the Prescott home on t port the Junior Farmers and Sunday afternoon and theno theirprogrmme.were supper guests with Mr.m Tuesday, February 26, 1:30 and Mrs. Herbert Prescott,v p.m. - Dr. J. Archibald, Vine- Enniskillen. land Experimental Station, A number of Hampton lad- and Blair Heeney, Smitbfieid ies attended the UCW Presby- i Experimental Farm, will dis- terial held in Bowmanvillea cuss soul management and nu- Prof. Gog E. atb of the Ontario Agri- last week. Among those who t trition in the apple orchard.Gog Ratb attended were- Mrs. Lorenzoa Newcastle Hall. Ail weleome. cultural College (left) is presenting a Master Breeder Truli, Mrs. H. Salter, Mrs. B.0 Tuesday, February 26, 8:00 Shield to T. Robert Flett of R.R. 2, Oshawa, at the Killens, Mrs. Lewis Truil, i p.m. - Durhami Beef Producers annual meeting of the Hoistein-Friesian Association Mrs. A. Blanchard, Mrs. L. e Clemens, Mrs. K. Caverly, Directors Meeting, Depart- of Canada held in Toronto. This is the highest honor Mrs. G. Balson, Mrs. P. Page,d ment of Agriculture, Bowman- that a Holstein breeder can win. Mrs. E. Luke, Mrs. P. Dewell, r ville.1:0pm -- - Mrs. M. Mountjoy and Mrs. e -Thesdy C arih Arcltua30s l I i L UR. Short.P -ocIgetCarwightsponsricla e-HJ V Oc -ea i rearti e s t congratulations e Sigentar wilsons¶ot amnae- e i . W od Haeextended to Miss LilianB ing n fam. wodlo mange-Page, who receîved word last ment in the recreation centreL A week that she had passed her o with a speaker froin Deartrw- . C f Grade 6 Piano with honors. nent of Lands and Forests.aEo 5JL5UIu F Ie£Us.iJIsn The Canadian Legion in Everyone welcome.g Bowmanville sponsored a Pub- Tuesday, March 5, 8:00 p.m. Bowmanville district farmi- an annual remuneration be lic Speaking Contest in Bow- - Local 78, Ontario Farmers er Lewis J. Wood was elect- made for this position. A mo- manville On Saturday morn- Union. Tyrone Hall. ed president of Durham Coun- tion was passed that Howard ing. There were eight contest- Thusdy, arh 7 800ty Hog Producer's Association and Bruce each be given ants from Hampton, as the Thum. - Tobarc GrwersMeet at their recent director's meet- thirty dollars and an engraved Principal, Mr. Lycett and the ing wit stbaff from tesDeeh- ing, memento in appreciation Of other teachers have done. a in in thef owntha ll, Herb Morton of Cavan be- their efforts on behaîf of the great deal to promote an in- Statoni h ow al cornes Vice-President and Ger- association. terest in Public Speaking. Orono. .ald Brown, also of Bowman- Hog quality, the perennial In the Sr. Elementary Group March 8, 9 and 10 - Junior ville was elected second Vice- problemn of the local group, those who took part were- Parmers Annual Meeting and President by the eleven dir- ever since its inception as. a Donna Terrill, Lilian Page, Conference, O.A.C., Guelph. ectors present. swine improvement associa- Mary Bradley, who came 3rd. Tuesday, March 12, 10:30- Howard Malcolm, the en- tion nearly twenty yer In the Jr. Elementary Group 3:30 - Durham Farm Manage- terprising secretary for this agâ, came up for an airing. A. were- Alfred Page, 2nd prize; ment Association A nn u a group during the past six O. Daîrymple quoted recent NancyVerleyson, 3rd prize; M~eeting; Speaker, Don Mac- years asked to be relieved of statisties to show the percent- Linda Coulter, Anita Truil, Arthur, O.A.C.; Subject "Bud- bis position. Howard bas given age of Grade A hogs marketed Christina Riddell. Three of geting". Everyone welcome. freely of his time wielding froin Durham County bas th cups came to Hampton, and Wednesday, March 13, 10:30- and steering the county group slîpped in 1962 to 36.2. This each student taking part re- 3:30 - Weed Spray School witîî through the difficult years just gives us the doubtful distinc- ceived a dollar. Prof, C. M. Switzer of the bebind us. Bruce Taylor wbo tion of being lowest in our ).A.C. as guest speaker. Reg- has been treasurer for five area. Lanark County has a FINE QUALITY stration fee $1.00 which wil year3 also deserves mention 47.2 average.MOUET AN pay for the noon lunch. Ev- for bis wvork in this period of Possible revision of mailing MNUMETSA eryone welcome. Blackstock time, too. The meeting approv- list of the hog producer's pub-MRK S Recreational Centre. ed motion of Howard Malcolmn lication The Market Place was ý 4 tokWM 1 r e and Don Staples that Glenn discussed and deferred. Meet- (Ra\uurani.. of pwmane Monday, March 18, 10:00 Larmer, Nestleton, No. 2, be- ing adjourned on motion of STAFOR a.m. - District 4-H Club Lead- corne Secretary-Treasurer and Lawrence Staples. OF RST .FFOD ers Conference, Dept. of Agri- BO.LD culture, Board Room, Bow- nanville. HAMP O Frîday, March 22, 7:00 p.m. - H AP ODAead Durham County Junior Farm- At the churcli service on and Jill were Sunday even- ers Annual Meeting and Ban- Sunday morning Rev. Percy ing supper guests wîth Mr. Safo quet. Guest speaker, Dean Page took as bis Scripture and Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Stafod rothers Richards, from the O.A.C. Reading, Acts 17: 22-34. His Courtice. LIMITED Lions Centre, Bowmanville. talk to the children was on The Hi-C Group held a de- Please contact Junior Farmer "The Stovepipe" and the ser- lightfuî Valentine Tea onnme s )fficers or Department of A- mon was on "'Race Relations" Saturday in the ChristianMou et Wednesday, March 27, 1:30 created ail men of one blood, zaar and Fish Pond. Over 318 Dundas St. E. Wlitbr .m. - Durham D.H.I.A. An- and thus ail men are equal by $40 was realized. Phonoe Vhiby -iual Meeting, Department of creation; ail men likewise Rev n r.PryPg Oak835 AgrculureBoard Rooi, Bow- stand in need of redemption, van Mr.Pey agMhwk8351Il ~greulureI . were the iuestQrof the Pt r 'a Weekly newspapers, facing a former president of the as- . a crucial period of test, due sociation, was named Mr. to rising costs, are being re- Weekly Newspaperman of the vitalized by new business Year. Starting in at $1 per techniques, Bert C. Smith, week to learn the printing 1962 president of Ontario trade over 60 years ago he 4 Weekly Newspapers Associa- established himself as one of Lion, told the annual conven- the leaders in the business, tion at Toronto's Royal York, highly respected in his ownd E'ebruary 8-9. home town as the owner of a Mr. Smith, who publishes prize winning weekly. the Weekly, Port Credit, said New officiers are: President, Lhat despite strong opposition Lynn Lashbrook, Rodney Mer- of other mass communication, eury; first vice-president, JohnA weekly newspapers are still a Morris, Prescott Journal; sec- A vital part o! Ca.nada's way of ond vice-president. D a v i d cc [ife. Dills, Acton Free Press; sec- "With the application o! retary-manager, Werden Lea- intelligence and imagination viens, Bolton Enterprise; past on the part of management, president, Bert Smith, The the bonafide weekly is still Vieekly, Port Credit. and will continue to be the The following directors were one medium in our land which elected: W. R. Workman, Win- is thoroughly digested in ev- chester Press; A. Y. MeLean, si ery detail," he said. Huron Expositor, Seaforth; K. Ed Youngman, a correspon- Glendinning, Delhi News; H.__ dent o! The Canadian States- D. McConnell, Tilbury Times; man, Bowmanville, was nam- P e t e r Hvidsteýn, Uxbridge ed Champion Weekly Corres- Times-Journal, Don Soutbcott, pondent of the Year and re- Exeter Times-Journal; Wilson ceived the award frorn J. A. Boyer, Bracebridge Gazette; PL. Blay of Ontario Hydro. Keith Graham, Chesterville J. M. Southcott, publisher Record; Kenneth Campbell, 623- of the Exeter Times-Advo>cate,_Stratbroy Age-Dispatch. TRI WHA VIN CONSIGNMENT SALE Monda y, Feb. 251h 1963 - 1:00 p.m. TbeatTREWHAVEN FAIM LTD. which is on the Scugog Rond 15 miles north of Bowmanville and 1/2 mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. 50 WE OFFER PURE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD W. are offering a useful group of Fresh and Springlng Yount Cows and 2-year-olds, as weli as a number of Yearlings and Caives. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED The majority are ready for immediate export. Ail cattie tested or eligible to enter llsted or certified area herds. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD MARCH 25tb Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARM LTD. R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 Auetioneer: HOWARD TREWIN, Blaekstock. (omplete Medical Coverage Including Home and Office (ails at 0 0 v COSTr DURHAM COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES NOW OFFER 0 0 *NO AGE LIMIT *NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION PLUS- Ail Settiements According to 1962 Ontario Medical Association Tarif f of Fees No Cancellation on Account of Age For Further Information PHONE HAMPTON 263-2744 -or - N EWCASTLE 3366 - or - BLACKSTQCK R. G. MOFFATI, 986-4995 Sec'y -Treas. ORONO 163J JACK BROUGH LUMBING and HEATING Division Street South 5615 BOWMANVILLE