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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1963, p. 11

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'Playoffs Underway Cippers Top League By inning Coin Toss The Canadiaii Statesmnan, 13owmanvllle, Feb. 20, 1983 i was served by Mrs. Symons, 'Club Aerogen in Peterborouh Mrs. Irerie Bothwell and the1 last Friday evening. room mothers for Mrs. Blake-! h ynah fti om iy. The next meeting wiIl be ue y smpths' do tris com on March 13th at the West, xtne 1 Scliol.We s . T. Dickson ini the loss of School.her brother Mr. James Potts, Congratulations to Mr. John Marmora. Thev attendcd thei McGutirk on winning lst place;funeral on Saturday. in the Public Speaking con- M.r and N1irs. Rot iok test sponsored by the oW-__, - "l:SPEIUAL LOW PRICES I' * ON NATIONAL BRANDS * At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. 1111 BENYLIN (ough Syrup -. 1.29 P, BUFFERIN 36îs 76C ICREST Tooth Poste aa~85C ILECTRI-C SHAVE -z 77C ILISTERINE Antiseptic Decante-r Reg. 12-1~ 1.09 jj, LYSOL Disinfectant - 5- z 79c 1NIVEA CREME 1-0z. 39c 2-az 67c 4-az. 1.07 Ili. ORNAL (old Capsules ss 1.23 20'sç 2.58 lit. PHILLIPS'Milk of Magnesia iz. 61c ii SUAVE Ladies Liquid 4a.89C I'l. WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK BIOWMNANVILLE NEWCASTLE h? COWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSONS DRUG STORE IALEX NcGREGOR, DRUGSI ORONO JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY Ihàà À._ - à& m- - - A-& 4ý-e â à ý& -- seule] by Mus. Smith, Mis. Hoaî' an] Mis. Bill Alliî oui thie I heîe, "Stand]ards kýif Cii-cli Meunbeîs". The scrip- lulue as lakcîî trainthe Sîhi, 6thi anud "7h chapters o! Mal- TIhe g'OLIp couclude tiiei' Shudy Book. "Signais for the Sixties" xvth Mis. Howard] Allim givuig a splendid talk oui bue finluaIcepter, -Mech' auical Mire or Meii", The uall cal vas answere] x%'tl membeis giving sugges-1 liomîs for the meetings or sick ceils. Mu's. George Allin ex- pleine] thie selup tor visiting thie iic'k ami] shiut-mis fon the (comiiiig yeai vith Mis. Tomns.j Mu-s. Fluai ami]Mis. Myslop volunteeu'iug for the unonth o! Febiuary ami] Mis Howard Alui amnd Mus. George Ailiu'1 fon, the îîîonth o! March. Dis-' cussuaul !olowed oui propose] îiroiects for bbe yeai an] the.1 umienbeis decide] they would rcdi ve a doniation iii place1 of uuîdertakiig mociey raising projecîs.1 Mi.Tonis ueporle] ounimat- cials ucquie] for a balei whirh will be packe] ici Mey, au] il %vas amîuounced that the1 mext nMeetinîg xvoId be hel] et the home a! Mis. George1 Alliîi ouin archi l4bh., wilhj IMis. Br-unts graup iii charge. The îîîembeî's weî'e reminde] tuat if hhey have material Ihai coul] be use] for band- ages. t shoul] be brouglît ta uhe next meeting as a parcel1 s beurug seuit ta Miss Stevems1 uuAfrica. ReIreýhncuts wneseuved bv MNrs. Smubh's group an] thie liostess ami] a social lime Vcas eujayed by thieniembers. 'l'le Cul' of Belleville covers1 a land aiea o! close to 6,0001 acreF. an] iuclu]es nearly 2,0001 ac'ço!f waer aiea.1 The Village o! Haliburlon us1 at am altitude o! 1,200 feet1 above sea level, an] is sur-1 rounde] by more than 6001 lake'- Sawnimlls stili operatei un ihr aiea wxhere once ium,- bering wa-, the principal in- 1 dustry. NIAPLE GROVE WA. 'l'le 'egulaî inmhly uîîec- umîg of he Wouîieci's Instibute xvas liel] on Mon., Feb. 111h, aI 8:15 pirn. ini the church basement. Thie meetinîg openî- e] wilh thie singing a! "The Ode" ami] thie îepeatiuîg oÊ the Laî]'s Praye n i unisoui. Presideuît Mi's. How a r' cl Biadley conducte] thie busi- niess. the W.. Workshîap iii Home Management" is oun Maîch 8th, froni 10 a.mi. b 4 p.m. at Maple Grave witlî Bowmemville members as aur guesîs. lb wes decideci to senci for the -Federete] New.,- egaiii. 'l'lie îîonîuîîatiîg coni- mittee is Io be Mis. Roui Brooks an] Mus. Steveîî Doyle, iMi's. Cecil Milis, <'onvemar, for- Agricultur'e, p-esenbed the tallowing piogram: Thie mollo. "Consider thie I Untle. lie does nal progress untul lie sticks bus uîeck out" was giveu by Mis. Wm. Laird. She salit "that tlie tultle us nîotiouîless until he sticks lus hea] oui. A liard shell au' weil o! pi-ide iii oui luves (-an shul othiers out au] hem tus in. We nec]' two visions, amie o! bbings that aie aven au] one o! lhings that lue ahea]. If we aie will- umg to stick otui'-uîcks out ut wiil broadeuî outî- hor'izons_ giving us more sympa lby an]i undeîslanding. Spirituel hori- zonis aie necessary, for reli-î gioui is the most uîecessery toundation upon which lite is built." A Jouiori Farmers' Quarlet consisbing of Margaret Shack- leton, Mai-ion Buttery, Erie Shackletonî an] James Coom- bes favoure] witb two nom- bers. This quertet ha] tie] for ýsecoui] place un a Jniou' Farmers compelituoîî recent- ly. There were thî'ee discus- sion grouups oui Agriculture. Each group ha] foui ques' lions an] the fin]xngs ut ecdi group were reporte] by Marv Brooks, irma Morton and E]-I cia Laird. Thie meeting rio;ac] w%,it'h the iepeatinz a! ihe Colleet un. unison. Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 4' 200 I3undai Sti Wý jfSEAWAY MOTORS Ltd. Phe 68-589 USEII CARS 5AU TEUCES ýq- --4 TO alCNevcastle-_ The winncr (if In Wcdiiesda<.s gamnes the Sunday evening the senli- manville Branch of thI aalr wt e aens r n the top place ln the Town RoN ais defeated Orono by a final playoffs got underway d iani Legion in theSi.EeMr.Gdn dmî Lti Members Bruh Hear Prov. Candidate T m W l ce iHockey League was won by score of 9 to 6, and Bowman- wîth the Clippers and Oronq morning, las own il. Jfe.Ncm. I & ell wtha os o aBruls oo the Clppers 8 to playing to a four al l ie in thicmrig lsi o e-eu cievHe d lWe wth lague sfnîshed las t o the rtgm Clip ers for2. irst game with Brian Ro\%e Mr. and Mî's. Bill Row i up" on Lio s -electedHead When he2leKene GrashId and Busheelirsd gMre.cRoersCoore2 KersGraAgranculturl anC Mrs l e Coot Up on Lions R e-Elect P ercy H are e Wednesday evening, the Clip-'the Royals wcî'e Gary Me- Pwl crn o h lp-VoaCoîy rno rsettexckn î î and owmnvile wre ullogh . MllisBea 2,ers and Bob Westhauser 2, and Mi's. Charlie Bail or rnsr.adM.Sehn Clb;soyN ewcastle P tied for top place and, as the Larry Peaî'ce 2, and Bob Hol- ýGary Cooper and Teî'îy Carl- Hope; Mrs. Robt. Clubstle - 'Ie Anualwinner has the opportunity of mes 1, Orono scorers were tnsoigOoos4gas MoeJw ak;Ms dtî ntio i Lewbartel-Presidenta choosing the opponent for the Erie Carlton 2, R. Kennedy Mro.Trno i Newcastle-- At the iegularL i e a r\ie t!,leetîng of the Newcastle sem-final series it was de- 2, Don Lycett, Andy Souch and In the othet' series the Ro\ - rtn.t ioronthav enig~ilb eda h o meeting of the Lions Club on Progressive Conservative A,,- cided to choose the winners of Bob Westhauser i each. In ais took Bowmanvilie 10 to :l Mî'ecen rovisitors wi M.ano! rsDik odonTur E 11.11 ~ ~ ~~~-ociation was held in the the league with the toss of a the second game Danny Gir- with Don Rîckard 4. Larv rsHrodCocanfm-ayenngFb.2h.t Wednesday evening nith V CQ JeLions Room of the community/ coin, therfore, as the Ciipp' ardi, Bill Cole and Hank Lane Peaî'ce 2, Iv M Curogh ilvandhe Conce Mo iachnen etng nf heclbhd n pprtniy all on Wednesday evening. ers are bettex' gamrblers thanlvith two eaeh and Lloyd Bill Brunt 1. Buck Cowle 1. Hospital, Bownianvjlle nthclbhda potnt"President Tom Wallace wel-'lhockey players they become Hamillon and Ray Cî'ombie and Dave Rickard 1. Lloyd _______________ to brush up on the bîstor.y Nwat At the meeting %,ýorkers," Mi, Beer sai. ec omed those present and con- league champions choosing, with oneieci scored the Haniiltoni scoî'ed the 3 gocal< Mr'. and Mis. Ceci il ond meaning of the work of! o!) the Newcastle Libeî'lý agdta atog i r-duicled the business or the Orono as their opponents in ,eight (,,intei-s for Bowman- for Bowmaniville. The second were Sundiay visitors wt r Iheword'slares Sevic soiatonhel unHieCoucisent governiment had mnade airMeetinîg before callinig on the the semi-final series with the ville while Vern and Brian gam? of each seî'ics wilI bie and Mrs. Gordon Shun n effort'slagetSevto holdonh sprete Conclcial skftOtU' Club, Lions Inteernational. Chmei i lejecateffort biopurodse thdng Fedieral Candidate Garnet G. first playoff game ending in Rowe teamed up for the Clip- played Wednesdlay tonigbt> Mr. and Mrs. Roy GodPot Chme iteNwatefrti upsi a el-Rickard to conduet the elec-.a tie. ~Ieî's 2 couniters. 'and the third on Sunday. Perî'y. Trhe clubs International Cornnunitîy Hall on Tlbursda.% gently overlooked a pî'îmarin- o 936 officeî's which Cnellor, BrentoîL Rickai'd, *îîvinth fe d f îîoo 193-6 1Mi'.and Mrs. Eric u'tn conuceda uesio ad ns evening, Perey Hare %vas re- iesponsblt r tefedo esued as flows: ounsrio witb the members elected puesident o! the or-'euain President. Tron Wallace; Ist 1" OBITUARY Ohw.wr ekn ii wuertonn o anzton tero.iese "cOveî' 4,000 7xouîng peopie Vce-President, lrwin Colwil]: >1tor's with their son addu mayo! the facets o! Lioiîim de'lst vi-crsidte:-l %vho had completed Grade 13 -2id Vice-Pî'esident, Mrs. Ton' SAMEL ti0,11 1ghitcî'-in-law. Mr.a te wreIt ic- wei'e denîed the privilege oft-Williams and Secretary-Trea- Cecil iVIiLla OLE S îddiîotoop oLateî' the nienibers vcre di\ - Siduîev Feigusonl, 211(1vice- attending (nîîîvei'sitv or o: bei , i'ei'. sWillim, trk.On 'lhui'sday, January 24_ Mi'. and MiS. Tom rui'n ideci iito wo grups fi, et.a preid en Keit Aikei, andýiisttutio of hghe1.63,duMr.onSamuelStoCole196fMr. Smueanole Omily- were fSundawer contest in which the Linter- p'sdilKihAkiaî nttto !hge dct Followxing the election the) natonl -ased Mr. . bcase f helae o lail- nibrshead .askiwin, Alberta, passed awav 'gupstq !M.adMs nainl Counselloi' se ertayi'aciCiM'.C ecse Tof thelack of lacil- embe's1e1dan inspli'ng O 11 (of t geo 6yer.M r.i Osanad em- qustonof hetw rops01 egnad oekn.adrucss by cthe Fedeî'al .Caî- C m d (~Lft1, M'a. eCgeofle 6 vars ntieo questions o! thantwo grup othegiîl oMkn îade for' eveî 'yv vacanc>i c datefoi' Durham, Mr'. Gar- o i ) SoraM.Cl vsantv f'eil saa club ifftce r n noup!tages.oM 0r e tîîan S400,000,00l0 manv br'anchies o! studics a*, net Rickaî'd. foîîowed by a Bownanviîle and bis wîte_, Mr. and Mis. Caec woi'tlio! auto Parts was imi-RYei'son Iistitute. quiest'ion aand answer peî'îod. Ni s.Arthuru Rcdkiap \lu vs. r F . Jose, Mis j, Hoînies who survives, is the former Stainiton and daughter ee' Duriîg thie business portion poi'ted idto Canada during thw e bheetis&oiiiii M.Ae artesMPAlf red Gralîam and Mrs. and Mrs. W. Rudeli, ail mem- Neilie Higginson o! Darling- Iey, Enniskiilen, were Sna of the meeting. codcedb last x'ear for assembly in Oý- ,I, due to the tneglect lu pro- wcas eu cald po ad George Kiînball attended the ber's o! the United Church to.visitors with lier paretM. President Frank Huer, am-uropat.1 hs at'v:eti ieesuet.Ya' ea thef iîîfd oî'mativ dîe951h birthday anriversary of Wornien attended the Valentine' Surviving besides bis wif,' and Mrs. Dave Botil i lion was passed atboii'*"iîîg p maiîufactored in01 Iav asedwhi prepara- port from Qnîeeî's Park. Mrs. Gilmer Smith in Newv- Desert Tea sponsored by Unit are a soli, The Rey. Canon V 'and Bote. Bra' n ai Ihecomîtîe ookiîgmbtlî tain 0,0(1ne Ib.q would :ion sliouldlhav'e beenmunade '[l'e meeting adjourned itli y toîleo h urd Fbr-Io! bie ono îîtudyaed- -sulch P. ol !leu edagd-uc Bther . AandLWARrUPBEFRE RI nieeds of tic Lions Roon i b ceae Allauu Beer. Betli- to acconimodate these "L Ihe singiug of *'God Save th Maid-y 141h . SaleWor oenont Saurday n d te- so uRneCoeafredauc. MsoiZ. nd rs.Me SoIGMA AMYRCR N chae cm pait anhar orangaail\*. Liberal cauîdidlate for, ocople. Aliaccoî'ate record iý Queeiî uc rfehînt e f Bwmîvle weepaiiug yM . .Mitlthî,Jh Cl !Bwaî-trcitie aets r n rb amdunflybfoediig Durbarn o the comnig Pr'0-ikept oil clîldî'eu borli. aiicd were sei'ved and a social tiin- Sunday visitors with Mr. and o! Orono. ville, and two sisters, Mrs. W. Mis. Harold Coonev n a- Uvprzdaeutfgtmh wvork schiedole to î'e-decoî'ate incu ai election, told the meet- there Ls a day Io day revord d rHaodCu.D'.ndMsL.5Mko RigadMs. ,Drnel'.1whtcfdlgcndle1. teuded thero!abusieI-i'n.- OIlPublic and SCcoidai-'\ 'd.Mg aodCuh r n r.L .Mko iigadMs .J rnli -Je tegrant fa t -, rtý>shci ttnane rLIelv.V eMr. and Mis. Geor-ge Kîrni- eft on Tuesday for a two both o! Oshawa. ranMs.Rs .20.()0 ho the Midgel Hocke'c Mu'. Beci ernpluasiieo bd moo tendanoc haveaum-nalweu-e Saburday eveniuig week lholiday iiMexco. Funeral services weî'e lbeli oM'.anv] eMro, Ra 'd, ilhapoetsyuenneIl ,Rg oeii ntepoo e hedevelopuîîent and ecoîoi U i -rti icipate] this IuMorley RobinsUni Nuwson-manuel Churcli, WebaskiwiiHîr amî,SuhMn- te elydietecr las Reg. forveiîî otiepioposeuigrowtb, "One o!of ui rg'eats et.Mi Roe.iom, Nwto G o i Stoneow ereMr ndThe Rt. Bey. W. C. Buî'eh of- r lieMrs. Bar tar t n ast no uIyuh Lian fe. or tedlie ha] four effouts wllbe exeite] to aI- MBc- ec thai e SaleaieaMus. Dudley Salp 0.Loi'tu'eo Ptro-- ficiated assisted by The Rcv.dagte Hahe'Peeb- gehbebuoyr rioe nd eg. i'eported tibn aînd daughîer Joann !1,r-0g. is.JnesSon D. R. O. Stannard, The Rev. ough. eevstr ihM. ca nuac ihtt di'axvin tbemdaI the actbol\VOlls'tueOntariirtpo v i nce. edustes vse] BeI'e ale UuT 4 o! mie xîhM',adMs of n Vonît -o pickets pan] , va hngthe wtrac t, ndusîr'luOntai o.ina oîde teratio educatvof t borough were weekeid guestsOsha wa an] Mr. Smith of Canoni A. E. Thain, The Rev.! and Mrs. Gardon Beec Jn am Cl ety 1 rine.H ssSS.Jh o uri, MnutbaNorman Daughtry an] The'i ce an] Bonnie. nua! Victor'ia Day fiieworks fou' a full an] prospem'ous ecC-fart that bis i'espouisibiIit.s Uunied Chui'ch Womeuî bel] Mr. Raiphi Mur'ray o! Belle- Thîe Senior an] two Inter'- Rev. Boy] Dowden. Interment, Oui sympathy is etne duplay in May. otonmy,, ami] arrive at rnax,- munLst be propci'ls met i On- a sumccss!ul Bake Sale andc ville visite] wibb Mi's. George niediale Classes o! the United was in Webaskiwin Cemnetery.'tb Mi. and Mis. Tom MGuk~ iium em-tploymnenit," lie de-l'tario for the pioe develop- Tea iii the Sunday Schooi Smith on Satui-dav'. Chiurcli Sunday Sehiool an] aiyi h clamed. mnmt o! i t. citiLeuis, tiii hall (,ilFriday atteinooui. The Mis. J. Br-own, Mu.s. ç;. hîcîr teacliers enjoycd a skab- pessing o! heu- unie Mi 4-H Leaders "Ilhaseu ouue n b tegh fteountry, anud TeLi Table was beautiftully de- Dar'ling, Mis, D. Gray, Mi-s. iig Par'ty at the Memoriat M PL R V hre 4-H Leaders been pointed out by strengtli oace G. Rickaîd, Ms, IH. Toms ý;,Aina ()im Saturday evening. A L R V hre oeBel a, Libemal Leader, Iliat a Liberai able ' oung people who leave hiails amn] a Velentiuîe tîee Folowing thie evenings skal- Sna iba G-overment i thisprovine to fnd emloymen ingteliet young hpeopien reluin- The Febnua youn pemeetingur- The choies mMi.ngau]daMis.leMc- G-oeinenlin hisproinc tafin emlo'inuii î~ ~ ~l~~c'îîerts~ ~uOW lfg e] lu lire Sunday sehool hall the Honme an] Schooi Associa - 1Gurk. John an]d eh I H o d M e t n oul ] give assistance i a - U nited States. H e spoke o ! ado id the centre able. T e . l i ef 'e hî e ls T e eaf lonia b l a t e as e i.e] th Mr. a ne- uactiiîg induslm'y b.\ cutiîîg the Liberal Partvs interntionu ,,mall tables were decorate] edste Fllwnoi rs re rsms. Th-re Pters-on, Seoolo eld., Fe'astl3.:nedye. un Mild Monu]ay weatlîr gave corporation ax in ai] o'derl" sss the uuiveîsities an]d ,il Valeuntinie ('entr'e pieres. ers!tu igi crarint e Ms. iMiurraySto rs n Mi. l onFatesdh. Mi. A! Cîbs whlbo]a an Pnthusiasm ho the local 4-il !eshioîu. whicb would i'csutl,!otheu' educetianual institutiors' Much cu'edi s due Io Mi';.vibu laue o iecm-F'aîi Jn- ose. red t Alun, hsband !t r.el- Club leaders at a meeting iu industi-al expansionî andj ii the provision o! adequate ýW. M. RudelI ho macle an] muîity bowling lanes ducig rd A ln usai f te u sericeon Sua y v h el ] in D ep . o ! A gr icu lure g'ow th," i , B e cu' asser e ] , acco nm i iodcatio ui oi q ualified ar unge ] the d cora ion.s. the w eek ending F eb iua y MW oo d Mi-So! T o ron o a Sl ields ct p e ] sid e r eaM OI g t s 7:30e pm Board oom, Plans ft'he n "We hrar a great deal aboui! ttdens. ýMs. W. Rickad poure] tea 1 6. odasfTrnt adShesacdas ertryigal7:0pm coîning yearini 4-H clubs were the need for- more skille]' -. is a plau o! the ILibema' curiig the aflernoouî ami] Mm-s Muîday Ladies' League o!r. 'nowr e Sunae sîs he rea suîers'. odmreprt.'A- JohsonMcGik ! pe Gov KM dici! ed Aeiou teas-wi lbsorF'.'Bre tice fo in hee ftab e (200 M.dCoru 0. PKîaern235,.f BRINeSna get h tesrrsreot ten onMcG ko a ofdiscuse AIl ti -llbs r-P t inmak a crpletel F.. Btiws f bhetarg ta e f200 an ovet')30,. aern235),wibh Mis, Fer] Couch Sr., an] ýdance banners were awar]ed Sehool, who compele]ule gani'zed. New Ores for '63 mev dentl (boy or girlI) ta enter a study' o! aur tax strctuesons roonic They prograM, inte 21,ouiPeeT21es]ay eomaneningan, February olesMroII ndMssNublicw-astl*co be Tobacco, Grain Carmi ana Diplomia or degree course at an] 10 estabiisb onîe that willj seîlle]elady wuthA. edkaM.BWninu'210, B. LPel.210, eMi.Ne n Sams an]Mr.ohMc ole's î'oonnTh pan oii Puic Spekingcnethl any reconized Aricultual be eqitable smals teearo-! MishaA.eRe]knap.ved hM.icBuntingi o10, iB.sLakeed210' 1Leslie OAllimi.r lub may be organized duiing wcio rClee ince. iso gadetsnta i'C'iPDarling di] a mice Job wait- E. Watson 207, .1. Allun 200. 'Ithe Country' Four quartette by Mr. David Bowen. whose e] with individual us faatan]wintd mnth.tTetatvenpahsamiplans ilent wiesb mad ona caompuîgondtîefableaankthlladiTusday Men Legue ompse] ! Jck llintDo- toie as How a iprov beiflto!eheLionsClu Bo Mu'. Ivan Bell, agricutural HghiedmSTAT Tisws ol mrvile y rJ iepesentative rm Pic1 Livestock Judging Compeli- i I conclusion. thie Plates were Mesdames W 1 281,L. Pearce 265, A. Di- an] Glemîn Allin will be apFIshing * cluedflmdy E]wad Cunt ,adresedthetiolis, Lan]dju]giuîg rompeti- A voteolhauiks toMi Rudcll. H. Falk, A. Prout an] beau 258, R. Gianville 248, pearing oui thie Ken Soble FFsin antasies," settiuîg Mis. Janice BeeulMpeHa fce ootOtrf :meeting. He gave an illustra-ilion an] summer bus tripBerfor blis informative ad- F. ickar]. Thie tee w'as macle-I. Partnei 244, B. Lake 24()' Aiialeur Ilour uni TV Station being in South Amerîca. Mis Grove, aud Mi. BossFarw ted talk an exhibits an] 4-H weie made. These are all ar- dresg was move] b * Johnu :bv Mesiames P. Tamblyn,C. M. Menu-y 226. L. JohnsonCHCl.hanll, am-Aln, president, t h antr k e àýOroino, attende] the Tahr projects. He spoke o! artivi- bîvities o! interest to our rur- iekard, wlic reclle] that lie Selby ami] G. Rickai]. 226, 1. McCullough 226, R. taui, aI 7:301 Sattiday evening.'those whn parhieipated. Lunc-h Cahlege "At Home"hl]t lies ah Picton Fair "' gaveai vcuth ini the 12 to 20 ageha] satun Countie.9 Counuil Tlîe Home Baking table was Peaice 225, S. Barchard 225.1 tips on pieparatioi. ex- group. Any faim boy or girlj wiîh Mi. Beeî'. Me menlione] beautifully decorate] witb u'ed Wednies]ay Ladies' Leegue: ibibits. ilhis age group wishing to 'that Mr. Beer had beeîîthie ibbans an] tare heaits an] -- (200 an] over) M. CouruBs ntecofrtadixuyo eh The club leaders weu'e enter a 4-H Club i 1963 ivounigest War]euî a! the Unit- 1 was a p' etu'e wilh al]i s1300, B.- Tendam 265, A. Howe 0b,9ege Bsi pleased to hear plans of a, shoul] contact A. 0. Daîîym- ed Counties ever 10 bol] o!- goodies. Tho0se serving at the 242,B. Feiguson 235, B. Sha]- Fairlane! tsauiu xeine rr Scholarship of $100,00 tu be'pie, 14 Frank St., Bowman- tice. bake sale were Mesdames M.Idock 209, E. Langley 200. n erfcotiefres aevr offerevlle by Aphaiaad7Dis- Tlie Poil Captains appoiuîle] Gartshoi-e, B. Riekard and D. Teenage League- (175 andmi]te trict Beal Eslate Board. A Thie officers weîe returne] ee ou ikad i.Gawil i.C egsun lover) D. Budiman 218, J. Paw- ability-ytfu szisdeorbgfml rmitewas name] ta ou'- 1 office in the election. Pie- George Kimba'I, au] Mis,:ectinîg as cashiex'. elh 213, W. Pearce 9206. B.~cmot hoeapwef V8frtppr ganize and ho choose the win- isudeut- Ron Brooks, Vice- Ross Cobblelick. Presiden' Tîeî'e was also a cihildren',iHea 19620, J. McLeaii 199, comAforact rasot.'6 o aiu- lier o! the award. The buis- Presicdent - Gerald] Bîown, Miare auinouicedi thet a ueet' f isl pond operale] by' Mis. C.Good 19, . cLai 8:fEin ai-y will assist a woîthy stu- Secietaîy- Glenn Laimer. 1ngo' Ie xeu ivewll bz Caîvethi au]Mrs. A. Glen-(Thursa] oved JLPhe 4 agL1uE r ft M I~ c ieslk bel] ta appoint scrutineers. uey. butl a shoilage or chiI]-B (2()0 and o 237, . Aîhitt uitth rs2tofTrqeo t Mus. ohnRicki] as p ili soil] is e!ectvemss.drea] 234, A. Rowe 218. R. marueLI upninadtoog nuain ar ROUND & SQUARE DANCING pointe] lu take charge o! thf rwl 29 .Whte 09-upn lunch et the Campaign Clinîr t W M. Courh 202, A. Dubeau 200. O H N FI Elaeof to the music of ho be hel] in Newcastle n i o Thursday Ladies' Leegue - egns nldn w -'.FR - ,Tues]ay evening, Febiuar nt2 o (175 an] aver) B. Boisveî famous ervc ovnecefaue r Jim Fisher s Orchestra '26th. Pa s 'k 207, M. Farrow 197, M. Porte'rdiret It o inE. R.LvknrmnePln o ac 193, M. Fox 178. E. Williams standard qimntters Iii ~~~~~~those presenl thaï. the Libera 10 178, M\.Trim 177,. FRMNaiyTh usansgFR NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Nomination Meetinîg fl*tlîeia iedLau-.(20 OD federal election wili be hel ae n M y au] aven> B. Fei-gusan 299, Warrantcvr2 O mîeo2mnh Auspices of Hall Board iii the Communily Hall. r .Winy28 .Prnrbfl t ono, oui Tuesday eveiig 2- .80 A. Peexce 273, M.Peut csD EIsstanE Sotofteaomacs SATURDAY, M ARCH 2nd Marh 5h. He aske] ai lu Newc astle- Theebuai-v eu '39,L er 20B.Aicstle atted an brig trien]s. and meetinig o! Unit 2 o! the Uni- drea] 230, G. Rowe 2-23, L. attend an brîng - te] Churuchi Women w~as bel] Cunninîgham 222, L. Dyke 214, AD ISIO - - - $.01pe prsn social hour ta meet Ilie ted- Wih 5mebrsinated AD ISOeral an] provincial caui]idatez vti1 inbr c he] B. Hoogkamp 204, .1. Rckaî] -- - - - - ~~aulce. T'le metinig opeiîe] 203, A. Rowe 202, T. Enibly rnc:"' .' t~"~

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