TeCnia ttsaBowmanville, Fmeb. 20, 196 3 aiong well. The Girls Inter-' taken the fîrst place held by ,"1tonbyRvWhean a __________________________________mediate games have also beeni Speaks ai uRoary roses six or seven years ago, SJTA I.L IlL eerm ots nVln organized and take place Wed.- 1____________M.Jcmnsi httee. îeb r.Le alwU hurs.indh Frida yma.no flowers were once only sea- Mrs. Gordon Trim vstdM JkOd " houreSeinWSths gidyors y. lEJsonal, but that now they can er mother, Mrs. Cohlif, .a ena es ThsFrdyou tHoe1 'iE~be obtained 365 days a year. Scanborough, last wee(lwHloelwr epn B.H.S. NEW S :ry i"Scheherazade" is beinghemhd, etbmumg'I 5s ~ He spokeof thespecia ar-.MsGlzikrn ilefrtelvl uc n L s o d y o r Senior exciting right ta the end. The 1$5 guests. to hear round blo oming. Victo a r nt sorw'it n ta rs St k fo th LsMody urscore ended 23-20 for Bw We are ail sarry ohata rudbomn.VcrFrows Boys Basketball team played manville. Top scarer wasi Grant Thompson is in the hos-Te aetr cosayr MsdmsClTi inCourtice. Although theY Betty Pickard. 1ptlwt pedcts Ti o t mr c n Sl so here aretheecrs ayJar Mesam ealod, Bert home.w lost it was just an exhibition In Pickering al aur boys hope ta see you back soon , mn3, and 100,0001 were grown. Stark and L, Todd atne gaine. They won the league seemed ta have bad luck and Taullie. David McFeeters also Mr.JakI-Icae tatarset ea metn gaine against Caurtice earlier. lost aIl 3 gaines. The Bantams lhas had his appendix out and iI lA I iP llNii information concerning them United Church Wamenoth On Tuesday Sock Hops are lost only by 1 pt. The tapw are glad to see bim back S a y s B o w m a nE vile F l ris is kept in a book, and the Oshawa Presbytery atint bmnghld in the Girls' Gym scarers were Bantain, Charles ta school. staff knaw almost ta the day Church, Bowmanville' as. uwnge _____________when each flower will bloom. week. at 12:30. We would like ta see Ewert 8 pts.; Junior, Geraid Chrysanthemums are the buîlt a greenhouse in 1907, lexplaîned. The speaker told Muis dsreterpplr mùch better turnouts! Harness 8 points; Senior, John The Town of Boxvmanl'ille îeading fîowers in production Mn. Jackman said. the club that the soil texture ity fordev their a pulan Mr. and Mrs. J. ok tC1~'/1bW1UW The next day, Wednesday, Kilpatrick 6 points. was f irst named Dalington and sales ail aven North Am- "When the Dominion Organ bas been contînually împrav- quali tei e, adu rtty, eetng B rk. ans, wre sts aIl the basketbali teains ex- The week of the 18th the Milîs in 1805. Much of the erica, Ross Jackman told the Factany cbosed, my grand- ed. There ae sand en shailiv wth nk. an Mr.Cifr cept the Senior Girls played Girls teains play in Clarke land was laten acquired by luncheon meeting of the Bow- father apened a woodworking Different t io werns and sizes, and colors. either hene or in Pickering Wednesday. John Bowman and the settle- manville Rotary Club held at shop. It was my father who plants were discussed by Mn. A vote of thanks ta Mn. Mn. and Mrs. RuseliSv against Pickering. The Intermediate Basket- ment was renamed. Il was in- the Flying Dutchman Motor built up aur greenhouse bus- Jackman. Carnations and ras- Jackman for bis tremendously ery visited at Mr. Jin rk'. "The Junior Girls won their i bail schedules are moving corporated as a town in 1858. Hotel on Fniday. Mr. Jackman, mness. In 1947 aften 30 years es, bath popular flowers have interesting and informative M.adMs etTi -the guest speaker, gave an in- hie feit that bie had enaugh, individual probleins. address was moved by Tom wergstihM. and Mrs. formtiv adres ontheman an a ey an ad eki- He told the club that bis Rehder. The president, Dr. Shemiît, Oshawa. ~Iphases of a florists's business. ed overseas during the van. He finin imported bulbs; froin Hol- Keith Biilett, voiced bis per- A One Year Perfect attend- decided ta put the business up land last September, 5,000 sonal appreciatian ta Mn. Mrs. Jim Stark entetie l J, Pee Pin was presentedti r o ae daffodils, 8,000 byacinths, and Jackman, and presented him the ladies of Shiioh a e A N NA LRîbey. and a Three Year Per- Mn. Jackman tld tbe Ro- 1.500 iris. Tbey are planted in with a copy of l'Seveni Paths borne Wednesday atenn Mfect Attendance Pin to Don tanians that during the follow- f lats covened with straw, and ta Peace'", a book pubiished last week for the Ferur Morris, secretary of the club. ing months only one offer of cane must be taken ta pre- by Rotary International, meeting with an attednc hoimPalme the prsena- that0,he was the ift.HeForid vent the possibility of mice Bill Thiesburgen, chairman of thirteen. The meetig a charma, mde he reent- tat ie asthe a ift Formeating the bulbs, Mn. Jack- of the Crippled Cbildren's opened by the presidenMs tions. student at Bowmanville Hig.h man said. Committee, announced that Carl Todd wîth the( ar ofie hth ewRaas, nd hofort ce t b ist He spoke of the tight sched- the annual meeting of the Stewart Collect. Mrs. wr behaîfofalteRtrasan.jifocswt i th ule needed for Easten lilies. Ontario Crippled Cbiidren's Robinson gave the treaui ' 10dv pncsenîcd gifîs ta Al Wither- er in carrying on the family Arrangements must be metic- Society will be held on Wed- repart. The seipture esn EECRCLD spoon for his new twin sons. business. fd apr-lously made ta have thein nesday, February 27th, at 10 was read by Mrs. Jim tr OTATN EAR The"'CO TNU S ONI p cid, Dr. ihBl M ahe omdapr-boom durin- Easten week, a.m. in Toronto. and two poems by Mr.Jh CO TNU S O leIt, prescnîed Mr. Witber- nership with me in 1948. Dur- and this presents its own dif- Guests present at the lun- Stark. Rev. White gaveatl spoon with two baby blan- ing the following years the ficulties as the dates vary each cheon meeting were Dr. J. on the wonk of the Uie ERGRTOEETI kets. gifts af tbe club, for bis greenhouses were improved. vear. Poinsettas too are spec- 'Rudy, Whitby, Harold Cap- Church Women with sm e OO-AE-EVC infant sons. Tree weran e two onan ied, and must bloom at ýpin, N. Richards, A. Reed, marks as given by Rev( og TV ADO-APINE A L ACE IThe birtbday of James wneui ledthl eovated heristmsime. iStan Loveli, Fred Smith, F. at the annual meetinginB - iSer wsclewereyhsne uldnsadean completetelyuaiy fý. utn n edSreemnile helde BULOVA - ELGIN - ROLEX - CRUSADER !fcllow Rotarians. The winn- etn ytr ne. chrysantherhums, which have lall of Oshawa.aBbil contest onocua WTESFIED - AND MAN OT ER ATINAers of the hockey draw wcne Mn. Jackman explained that LL MadienrdHl there are four unit heaters Sden.fo ahoth iespre ADVERTISED MAKESj Introducing the gucst speak -fo ho h iesprt er Bob Stevens said Ibat Ras- green bouses, heated by 230 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL MARCH 14 Jackman belongs to a weîî hoareoc ol suedU adthisOM AVL L G ýknown Bowmanville family, ya olwsue n h ndvabonndduaeinheating requined 175 tansa NATIONALLY 1REGULAR MARCH am I sbis wn.ecaed prt-season. One ton would iast for -B WA of S.C ALO ANE ner cf bis father in the firm ightborsWhesad.VILLE Florists, wben lie was only 191 ed ta a gas beating system. i- years of age, Mr. Stevens the speaker explained, and i 5 l i 29.95 3.00 600 tobeclanerM. ckani te med ta tla enfudO rM Prices SaveY uMne poînted oua st he aded Ib a t it bas end o unreiv i a * 9 7 .C8 0*ate past president of the efiin.I Dcme h 39.7 -.08 000Bowrnanville Kiwanis Club. cosî of heating was $825. 100 0ie was instrumental in the "As more and more auto-Tb s w e k . esîablisb me n t of Kiwanis matic equipment was acquir-! 49 5 iPark, Jackman Road, which ated ebeaemoedeed i's a decided asset ta theat n leticity. We boughî ' o es DOUBLE 59 5 .a01 . 0 town, M. Stevens stated. a 10,000 orsepowen genera- ,59.,0 .6 1 1 .00 Many people believe that tan unit. Il is now overloaded,ý ta grow flowers ahl that basbu thsavdfeznot OUR tn bc donc is to plant some for scven years. UR69.450 7.X)14 00 bu ilwerbas o rfnc eou seeds and wait for them tao urpwrwsoffrfv bloorn. Perbiaps a description hours the night the Bowman- . *USUAL 7 . 0 & c 6 0 of tbe chores and duties of ville Foundry burned. We had 79 50b0 6 90 hi complex undertaking 'ta go ta Courtice ta obtain.0A Iu~i TRADE-INmighî hcofa inîerest," Mr. gas for tbe generator. The * TR DE-N 89 50 .00 8 0 0 Jackman said. lemperatune in a green bouse 89.5 .0 1, .00 M:lHe mentianed Ibat bis can drap from 70 degrees ta ALLO ANCEgrandfather, Sidney James freezing in 20 minutes wben MJackman, who was employed the temperatune outside is 10 Mpany in tbe late 1880's ta plained. JEWELERY &early 1900's, grcev flowens as He discussed tbe contrai of M A R'S EWE LER & I a hobby. His father, Sidney1 insects and soul bactenia, and M A R R GIFTSHOPRoy Jackman, who bad been said that negular fumigation working aI The Canadian is carried out every 10 weeks. B ~~i 1 ~ Statesman lf aji i He mentioned that two agents 39 King St. W. Svnso .Llow anvl.J.e faîber who had decidedlaI$1an$2aglonre av bm bn is hobby regarding used allernately for Ibis work....... flowers ino a business. They Those using tbemn wear gas Ma 'ing.1 Maple Leaf Rindless Sliced -1i M. pkg. "Soi] bactenia preventian is You cani see C hevy's wo rth t he m i nute you look a t th ose te rrif ic dn ysem sciiain SIDE BA O79 Irne. Yo cai fef Cevysworh assoonas ou tke ff fr a lie said. A line goes thnoughBA N79 I I I lo at efC e y' ot sso na o ak f o ile with a plasticocver. and Maple Leaf 1i1lb. cello pkg. Je-mohride. n o can el in Chevys ot ail thete the temperature is raised to I Jo iet-m th sc eAn d inYOU treveshe wo y-avng180 degrees, and left aI Ibis I N R49 you riv-wît suh reardng eatues s th baterysavng eat for four and a bal f boums Delcotron generator, self-adjusting brakes, long-Iife exhaust ýIl kilîs fungus. wbeat germs,:1 Lenten Special systemn. See your Chevrolet dealer-it's welI worth it! etc., but the salI concentra- IJ~ J(I IjIIj~tion riss, and this must ebFI c - watchied 50 Iat il does fot Smok ed IIIETS 9Z L. .IL s i 91become toxîc," Mn. Jackman__________ * there's no valuelikeCpHEVI Be as. os»Dns,,, on the CBC- TV n.twork each Sunday Check your ROY W. NICI CHEVROLET -OLDSIV. COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 BON UYU Only 20 Days Lef t to Obtain Licence Plates Witl' only about 20 working days left to the March 13 deadline for the renewal of 1962 passenger vebîcle license plates, only 35 per cent of . ... owners have purchased their 1963 plates, Transport Minis- ter James Auld announced to- day. Mr. Auld said this \vas some four per cent better than1 at the same time last year, bu. the present rate of sales would not be sufficient to avoid' ! long lincups during the last few days before March 13.* He urged the almost one milliqJl drivers who have yet1 'to get their 1963 plates and driver's licences to do so at once and avoid the inconven- i ence of wvaiting in line later. EU Mr. Auld said the issuing of- DE fices could easily handie this number, providing the public! purchased their plates as quickly as possible. m o re Mr. and Mrs. William Ad- r e ams and daughter Susan of ! Toronto were Sunday dinner r IIguests of Mr. and r.Atu w Mr. and elis, Sharon and Wendy of Peterborough spent Sundayý with Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pether- â i ck of Havelock movcd last week into, the Bruce Heaslip apartment. Carl is assisting Orval Quackenbush with his mobile feed business. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland ~ spent two weeks at the farm home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mecabe, Lotus, who made an air trip t.o Missouri, U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Thomp- son and Debbie returned home Wh1e.'1llJ/1res opeicaalaf itpXt,'a cost after spending some time in Toronto. They joined Mr. Flem, Thompson and Marlov; at a Valentine celebration a: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rohrer on the occa- R O LE valuel ýion of thcir 20th wedding A Vi6e Mr adr.Noma.yo- ocal listin~g for c/iannel and tme. c*1263 Herman Samells to Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson's whene she will spend the nemainder of HOLS the winter. H O LS Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams of Bowvmanviile visited Mr. MOBILE DEALER and Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer, ýWMANVILLE - Phone 823-3353 Warren and Douglas were in. ,Mitchell on Sunday to visit ýMr. and Mrs. Orland Rohrer. Fresh Cod Fillets lb. 61c FRESH Haddock Fillets lb. Fresh Sole Fillets lb. 73C 83C THIS WEEK ONLY AT BOWMANVILLE IGA1 PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS FRESH SIDE SPARE RIBS BEEF -LUVER HEADCHEESE SWANSON'S FROZEN TURKEY il-oz. Pkg. T.V. DINNER 49c Shrove Tuesday SPECIAL BEE HIVE 2 lb. size (orn Syrup 31c Aunt Jemuma Reg. or Buttermilkr - lb. boxes PancakeMjx 2,'39c Hospitality - AvaIl. Thurs., Fr1., Sat. only Apple Pie 39c SAVE 10c LB. SAVE ]4c LB. SAVE 10c LB. SAVE 6c LB. 651b 65cb 391b i lb. pkgs. TU LIP MARGARINE 21'49c DIRECT FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT FLORIDA IVER 10FOR59C IVERA Fery Red Beauties - No. 1 - 14 oz. cello tube TOMATOES 23c Frmn, Tender, Green - No. 1 (Grade LETTUCE 2heads29c Snowy White - No. 1 Grade l C AULIFLOWER ea. 19c Receive $10.00 in Bonus Tapes with 1l AERO PASTE WAX Clear 1 lb. Tin Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with EXTR A ALADA TEA BAGS 01%. PILLSBURY ~CAKE MIX l 9 k. A TOTAL 0F BRECK SHAMPOO 2 . ~aise D BLUE HEER 20c off qiant six* $42000 Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with ROLLS -Pillshiîry ::- BtteIih IN BONUS TAPES GREEN BEANS ON IONS BOLOGNA mcCains Fos.a 100os. pkq. No. 1 Grade 3 lb. bug Tabl*Rito SiIced 12 ou. pkq. Ail those good reasons why you bought Chevrolet in the first place are going to pay off for you when you trade. Chevrolet's popularity, good looks, great features, high quality-all go to bat for you corne trade-in time. No wonder fleet buyers-men who really know value-choose Chevrolet again and again. Trade-in time may be a long way off-but Chevrolet value is buiiIt right in-for keeps.. KAM 12 OZ. LUNCHEON MEAT 2 TINS 77 REGU LA OR CHUBDIE KLEENEX 2 PKGS-29 ROSE BRAND HOME JAR240Z-2 9 ' DILL PICKLES STYLE 2c OFF is OZ. .CHUM DOG FOOD 6 s49e