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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1963, p. 1

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95 Years Young!1 Mrs. Gilmer Smith Over 40 friends and relatives dropped in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer in Newtonville on Thursday, to congratulate Mrs. Gilmer Smith on attaining her 95th birthday. She is the former Lucy Lena Maud Pethick, born at iBrooklin, 95 years ago, and one of three surviving children, of a family of fine, whose parents were Mr. and Mrs. John Pethick. They moved to Newtonville about 90 years ago. Her first husband, John Gilmer, died in 1908, and their two children, Winnifred (Mrs. Milton Kim- bahl) and Franklin John Gilmer, reside in Newtonville. Her second husband, Wm. R. Smith, died some 30 years ago. Elmer O. Pethick of Toronto, and Sheldon R. Pethick of Enniskillen are her brothers. Direct descendants include seven grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Smith's memory is excellent, and she enjoys receiving cailers at Strathaven Rest Home, ]Bowmanville, and, (of course), reading that popular riewspaper "The Canadian Statesman". 0f Acquiring New Pro At the meeting9 held in the. veyance of four feet o! land Council Chamiber on Monday extending from the front ta evening, Bowmanville Town rear of the westerly part of 4un agreedI to r.k ~ ~ t h popcienew owners of the Bowmanville Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marydad, Toronto. ,ïý'Ë stërn StarThe request that this land It e conveyed was received b I council in a letter from Ste- Celeb ates Its phen Krapakevicb, Toronto, rn-ilawyer for Mr. and Mrs. Mary- 3z5tn Birthdav dad. Hiscomnatn a- Ied that there had been an en- Mrs.Audry Matin .M.croachment on this strip of Mrs.Audry Matin by the hotel which has and Mr. Chas. Greenham W.P. been located on the site for presided when Durham Chap- approximately 75 years. ter No. 181 O.E.S., celebrated Mr Krapakevich also askedl their 35th birthday. Th~e ee tit em1so be given toi was heliciin tne I.O.'j.r *ai on Tuesday evening, February 12th. Five charter members were present- Edna Anderson P. G.M., Elsie Alldread, Mille Edger,' Mae Gartan and Hazel Gibbs. Twenty Past Matrans and four Past Patrons were also present to make the even- ing a very pleasant one. The A.G.P . o! the Grand Chapter o! Ontario, John Muir, also graced the party. During the evening Mrs. Lloyd Ayre favored the gath- ering with two vocal solos which were greatly enjoyed and several draws for door prizes added ta the merriment o! the evening.. Following the diraws a deliciaus lunch was served by re!reshment con- venor Mrs. Leola Thrasher and her commîttee ta canclude a delightful party. _____-- A meeting o! the Bowman- ville Handcraft Guild Execu- tive was held last Wednes- day evening at the residence a! Miss Helen Van Dusen, 27 Harsey Street. Miss Van Du- sen, the chairman o! the Board o! Directors, is also secretary- treasurer o! the executive. Other executive members present were Mrs. William C. MacGregor, Mrs. N. W. Gow- er, Mrs. Hugh Gannon, and, Durham County's Great Faniily Journal____ VOLUME 109 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2th, 1963 10c Per Copy NUMBER 8 At En loyal The Brownies of the lst Bowmanville Pack were bas- tesses for a very enjoyable evening, Friday, designated as an opportunity for their moth- ers ta meet each other, and their new friends. Other guests of honor were Mrs. W. M. RudeIl, District Commissioner; Mrs. J. T. McDonald, Brown Owl of 3rd Bowmanville Brownie Pack, and the Misses Rose Marie Roach and Betty Welsh of the 3rd Guide Com- pany. The Brownies saved their allowance and funds for some time ta make this occasion possible. A bounteous dinner was catered by St. Andrew's Evening Auxiiiary and the table decorations were made by the Brownies. Mrs. Rudel said Grace and also proposed the Toast ta The Queen. Mrs. R. Scott provided piano ac- companiment. After dinner, the youngest Brownies demonstrated a sing- ing game, and the semaphore. was signalled in a version of, the Alphabet song by Bren- da Thompson, Peggy Pass- more, Judith Trewin, Janet Nimigon and Jennifer Saund- ers. A short play was present- prietors his clients to erect an addi- tion ta the building with the wall as a continuation o! the pres4nt westerly wall - of-he hotel. Mayor Ivan Hobbs stated as the hatel had been erected more than 70 years ago it would be undesirable for council ta take steps detri- mental ta the business. He voîced bis opinion that count- cil should agree to the re- quest for conveyance of the land in question. His Worship explained that permission could not be given regarding the continued wall line of the hotel for the pro- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Mrs. Walter Sewell, ail of Oshawa. In addition ta the executive the Bowmanville Handcraft Guild wlll have an advisory board o! directors ta be select- ed from the membership. Each member o! the board will be expert in a craft, or hobby, and will be able ta assist in- dividual members of the or- ganization with their own (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Oxygen To NEW BD]UID At Town Council on Mon- day, third reading was given to By-Law No. 1866 authoriz- rdertain ing the agreement between the town and the N. E. Sweet SCompany, Limited. Accord- ci Fn enUS ng to the termis of the agree- )d Friend s ment the town will put ina sanitary ,wer, watermain and hydro electricity from Simpson e àI P art y Avenue to the Base Line ta be avallable by April l5th. The N. E. Sweet Company, Limit- ed with Patsy Bell, Sue Mann, ed, wlll construct a 10,'000 Sharyn McCulloch, Beth Anne square foot building to be coin- Clifton, Sally Firth, Linda pleted before July 3lst. Kelly, Alexis Hutchi s o n Three readings were given Faye Jackson, Elizabeth Spry, ta a By-Law, No. 1867, author- Mary Parker, Jennifer Saun- izing a similar agreement be- ders and Susan Mountjoy tak- tween the town and J1. Reznik, ing part. Oshawa, for the necessary Through the courtesy of services ta a two acre parcel 7-Up of Canada, two films of land fronting on No. 401 shown of Girl Guide interna- Highway, and abutting the east tional camping, one at On- limit of Simpson Avenue. tario's own Doe Lake Camp, His Worship, Mayor Ivan were of particular interest. Hobbs, stated that K. N. Morris Everyone was refreshed by a of Schofield-Aker Realtors, and glass of the company's pro- his client, Mr. Reznek, had ap- duct. peared at the Board of Works meeting. He said that Mr. A highlight of the evening Morris had told the meeting was the presentation of. a that Mr. Reznik plans ta con- Golden Hand Badge ta Miss struct a 10,000 square foot Brenda Thompson. Ail pre- building for an industry, and sent afforded themselves of requested formai indication be the opportunity ta wish many given by council for provision Happy Returns ta their Dis- of services to the property in- trict Cominissioner whose volved. friendship and guidance are Appreciation of Mr. Morris' so much appreciated by the efforts in having this proposeda pack. Mrs. L. Chittick, who industry locate in Bowman-n has been acting Tawny Owl (TURN TO PAGE TWO) for some time was also in-___ troduced to the gathering. . This Sunday, Feb. 24, the ay rut ur~~ Scouts, Cubs, Guides andSc u iph Brownies will parade ta Trin-s ity United Church at 2 p-11. The District of Bowman- v ileRo.s.,Jtg r. sh tow,i- On TCA Coursel G. B. MaeDlougal Gary MacDougal o! Jury & Lovell Travel Agency was a member o! the Trans Canada Air Lines Training Course re- cently beld in Montreal. The Course was conducted for one week at the T.C.A. Sales Training Centre, and covered aIl phases o! Ticket- ing, Tari!!s, and Domestie and International Regulations. -Photo by Astor Studio EDITOR'S MOTHER CRITICALLY ILL Mrs. N. S. B. James, Centre Street, mather a! Stuart R. James and Statesman Editor LJohn M. James, was rushed ta Memorial Hospital Tuesday morning where she is critically ill. She had returned home from, hospital on Feb. 8th a!ter recevering from. a cor- enary thrombosis. Equl pment At a special ceremony ast week, executive furnish the children's playroom -~ the third floor members o! Bowmanville Kinette Club made an when it is opened, probably not in 1963. Shown in aLdditional contribution ta Memorial Hospital when this photo, from left ta right: Hospital Board Chair- ,hà gave acheque fer $200 te purchase an oxygen man James Stutt, Kinette Past President Mrs. Osborne iluscitation-Aspiration unit, part cf which is shewn Williams, Hospital Vice-Chairman Keith Jackson, here in the background cf the Emergency Dept. They, Kinette President Mrs. Murray Cain, Vice-Presidenti have also assisted the Kinsmen in helping te furnish 'Mrs. Don Stutt and Chairman of Fund Raising Mrs.i the Physiotherapy Dept. and have pledge to equip and1 Arnold Sleep. ing a wonderful Scout Week dlsplay in the former IGA Store, King St. W. The out- standing exhibits cover every phase of Scouting, and the many lnterested observers who have vlsited the display have hlghly commended the work of the boys. There lu also a fine exhibition shown by the District Cubs. The Boy Scout Week Display will be continued ail week. It is open to the public, and is free of charge. 1NDUSTRY FACTORY HERE Kinsmen Donate $1,000 for Physiotherapy Department Bowmanville's Kinsmen Club last week added At present, the Physiotherapy Dept. has accumulated another $1,000 to their previous donations which had over $4,000 worth of equipment which is being used amounted to $2,200 for the Memorial Hospital, Bow- extensively by patients. This photo showrs the cheque manvifle. Their donations were specifically for use being presented. From left to right, Kinsmen Past in the Physîotherapy Dept. and they combined with President Osborne Williams, Hospital Board Chair- their lady counterparts, the Kinettes, in raising the mnan James Stutt, Kinsmen President Arnold Sleep, required funds. The cheque for $1,000 will enable the Hospital Administrator Bernard Holden, and Kinsmen hospital to purchase an exercising bicycle which Vice-President Bert Snowden. should complete for now, the equipment needed here. __________________ _____ Sixty-Two Entrants In Speaking Contest Held at Legion Hall_ *The Public Speaking Con- test held by Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion on Saturday morning was the most successful and interest- ing-of these annual events ta nu-u% and1 6Pieces MORE FOR SANTA - Bowmanville Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion has decided to donate the proceeds of the May 50-50 Draw to the Santa Claus parade deficit. Anyone wishing ta seli tickets should contact Chairman Glen Virtue, even- ing 'phone 623-3997. They will be available April 26th and the draw will be held May 23rd. IN THE NEWS - The Town of Bowmanville will receive special attention in the Durham County Club of Toronto's bulletin now being îssued ta members and friends. The entire back page will be devoted to a history of the town. Incidentally, this popular club will meet next Thursday even- ing at IODE headquarters, Lowther and Spadina, when Past President Orville Henderson wîll show slides and tell ef his recent trip to Europe. ti ; GOING BACK - As everyone knows, this is Boy Scout Week. We are deeply indebted to former Bowmanvilleite Harvey Joint, now cf Lindsay, for forwarding photos of the original Boy Scout Troop formed by the Rotary Club about 1925-6. Fred Palmer was the Scoutmastcr. Un! ortunately, the pictures were net too reproduoeable. One included such youngsters cf yesteryear. Art Kent, Ken Mitchell, Ivan "Shorty" Leighton, Jimmy Williams and Brent Hazelwood, while the other showed the entire treop at their first camp at Oakvîhle. Many thanks, Harvey. t ti t t t. GOOD PROGRESS - Every day, the new A & P store at the corner cf Liberty and King cernes just a bit dloser to opening for business. The shelves have now been installed, the huge sign stands eut like a beacon at night and the opening announcement date sheuld soon be decided upon. Once that occurs and the old store on King St. is vacated, several ether moves are expected te take place along the shop ping section. ENUMERATORS --Ail week long the election enumeraters will be calling at every house in town, trying their best te locate every person who is entitled te vote in the April 8th election. Inter- ested persons whe do net receive a slip f rom the enumerator should take steps as quickly as possible te ensure that their name will be on the voters' lists. Se far, the parties have net set up committee rooms but this should be takîng place within the near future. Incidentally, the ND Party is having its nomination meeting in Port Hope on Saturday. Check the advt. in this issue fer details. *. t t t CREDIT UNION - Orono Dist. Credit Union will have the Rev. J. Verbrugge as guest speaker for their annual meeting in the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, on Monday, Feb. 25th, when a potluck supper will be served, starting at 6:30. t. t , I t NEW BUSINESS - This week, Bewmanville's newest retail and service stere epened in the Victor Manor Block, King St. West. Joe Van Munster, formerly of Pickering, has opened a shoe rearcentre, and will also be selling new rnen's, lde'and children's footwear as wehl. His equip- ment is installed and ready te eperate, se bring in those worn down heels and scies and have themn fixed up for Spririg which should be just around the corner sornewhere. pants in the competition. The whose topic was Buffalo, and Junior Elementary Division, 3. Nancy Verleysen, Hamp- Grades 1 ta 6, had 27 en- ton Public School, who chose trants. There were 35 entrants Pigs as her subject. in the Senior Elementary, and Pupils of Hampton School three contestants iii the;Sçpior distinguished themselves in High Section. the Public Speaking Cantest Zone Commander Albert by winning four o! the six Mavin, Branch Public Speak- trophies in the Junior and ing chairman, was in charge Senior Elementary Divisions. of the event. He was assisted The winners of the Senior by Branch President Ted Elementary Section were: 1. heehan, o O'Neill, and Sec- John McGuirk, Maple Grove ret aryJms Firth. Public School, who gave an The Junior Elementary win- outstanding address on Tel- ners were: 1. Patsy Blake, star; Caral Bain, Central Vincent Massey School, wha School, whose topic was On- gave an excellent address on tario High Schoal Education, Baton Twirling; 2. Alfred (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Steals Pistol From Garage There was a break-in, entry and theft during the early hours of Monday morning at Foran's Esso Station, Liberty~ Street South. An automatic pistol and a quantity of cig- arettes were stolen. These articles were recover- ed later the same day when an escapee f rom the Ontaria Training School for Boys, Bow- manville, was apprehended in a car stolen from Herbert Gib- son, Concession Street East. Constable Don Anderson was the investigating officer. Avelyne Lycett Wins Jr. Trophy Figure Skating Avelyne Lycett, Bowman- ville, won the Junior Figure Skating Trophy in the Annual Competition held by the Osh- awa Figure Skating Club at the Children's Arena o4 Sun- day. George Jacho, Oshawa, whose son, Don, captured the Men's World Figure Skating Championship last March,' presented the trophy to Miss Lycett. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ly- cett, 88 Queen Street. LCompetition was k ee n among the contestants in the Junior Division. Shawn Led- dy, Bowmanville, although not a winner, also gave an ex- cellent performance. Presented in Dutch Play Recails Floods In Holland 10 Yrs. Ago was filled nearly ta capacity with an appreciative audience for the presentation o! a suc- cessful Dutch language play by the Christian Drama Club o! Rehoboth Church on a recent evening. James Strikwerda is the president o! the club. The well staged three act production was entitled "Ruwe Storem", and it dealt dramat- îcally with events during the 7years ago. The members o! the talented -cast were Mrs. Douglas Dyka.9 tra, Mr. and Mrs. R. Snyder, fJim Bandstra, Mrs. J. Strik- twerda, Miss Carol Hoikema, sMr. and Mrs. John Vanoos- treum, S. G. Vandermeer, tand Joe SmIdstra. The settlng of the first act was the living-room o! a farm TURN TO PAGE TWO) Last week, the Intermediate Olympia Hockey Club comnpleted a draw which entitled the winner to a free new suit o! clothes worth $75. The winning ticket was held by Dave Mason, R.R. 1, Baltimore, who works at General Motors and commutes from his home to Oshawa eaeh day. While he has y4e to me the Olympias in action, he certainly was most happy that they held t1eiîr dra1w.. He is shown here at right, receiving a cheque from the club's vice president, Joseph Cuddahee. br UNIDENTIFIED PLANS Brown les Ei Mothers an May Erect an Addition Bowmanville Hotel 'in Process Handcraft Guild Elects Executive Plans Its Pro gram Kinettes Donate Emergency bi %.ana 5 Oits

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