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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1963, p. 4

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'i I t' [I The Canadian 9-tatea1n an, lowimanvIlle, Teb. 2n. 1M~ EDITORIAL COMMENT The Young People of To-Day '1 Onie hears so much about the vouth of to-day being so bad, and flot the "good littie dearse' of older days. This is a lot of buncombe. Unfortunatcl., the teen-ager who gets the m-ost. publicity is the one who gets imb trouble, appears i coul-t, etc. This group is a minute percentage of the young people, yet, they seem Io set the reputation in the mids of too manv aduits - who should know better - that ail teenagers are bad. We have heard and îead of rnan v fine dèeds by teenagers. also the splendid morals which the 'y practîce and promote. A storY appeared in Thomas Richard Henry's column in Saturday's Toronto Telegrani. which we cansider merits reproduction, be- cause it proves that the vouniget- gen- eration is thoughtful, and kind wl-ien- Grass A newspaper story repolrts Ihiat, to get at "the grass roots oif Iublic opinion," questionnaires weîe distuib- uted ta the audience at a T1oronto rall v -ecentiy addressed by Liberal pauty leader Lester Pearson. The questions. it must be assumed, weu-e hand-picked ta suit the party's publicity put-pose. But the answers sbawed a disturbing,1 Jack af realisis with regard to how any government of Canada could pax- for expanded welfare spending. On the question of whether the old age pension should be iîîcreased above fis present level of $65 per month for a single persan, 68 per cent said ves. To the questian of wbetheî ihe gaverri- ment shouid provide a medical cal-e pragram that would cover aIl costs for doctors, nur-ses, hospitals. dî-ugs andi appliances, 72 per cent said yes. But when il came to the questioni of pa 'v, îng, only 30 per- cent seemed ta feel that they wauld have to belp bear- the cost. On this point the question was: "If mare money bas to be îaised bythue government through taxes, would yotî lie in favouî' of a tax onî those items eonsidered by mast to be luxuries rath- ri- than an increase in yaux- income taxes?" The answe-s heu-e showed 70 pet- cent in favar of a luxury tax. In other words, mast of thase who wrere at the meeting seemed confident that bigher welfare casîs cauld be paid main- ly hy the rich and If this is really "the gî-ass x'oots of Ilie opportunity arises. The article is as follaws: "An eldeu-ly man and bis wife bath fell down in one of the shopping plazas. The wife's glasses were broken, het- clbo%\, vas cul. and she was badly bruised. Fouir young students picked themi up and hielped them bt a dactors office. 'rheîi the lads went the "second mile". Xhen the elderiy couple were leaving the doctors office the nur-se handed themn a dollar bill, explafiiing: The young people lefi this su that vo u cuîuld go home in a taxi. This is a t-ue example of thougbt- ftîlness Ibat would be sbown b y a vast majoui- y o<f oui- yaung people and teenagets. Please do notjudge themn Ihv the smiall number of young punks wh;Io au-e ahxvavs in trouble.- Smiths l'ails Rec-oîd-News. Roots Opinion? IILbIl uîpîiu ichaven hélp bbc ivér- age mani.Ilie is in for a terrible shock if hie assumnes that a tax on luxuries, or an 'v additional taxes on weaitb, would iaise the billion-and-more dollars that %could lie nceded for' ail-inclusive medi- -at-e and bigliet pensions. The present Il per cent sales tax-which is Ievied on bhe rnanttfacturer's price of gaods puîoduced in Canada and on the duty- î)aid value of' goods îmported into Can- acla - lias pî-oduced an annual aver-age of just Ovcm- $800 million through the past f ivc- vears. Other- excise taxes have addcd ami average of $270 million a yeau-, antd excise duties oui liquom amnd bobacco auotlieu $330 million. Boosting the lev 'v on aiytbing that cauld he coiisidem-ed a luxurv would not add mîtch to these totals since higlier taxes ,would sîmplv î-educe consumrption. As fai- as heavier taxes oui highi iiîuomes au-e t'oicerrued, if the state in the most tecent vcaî- of r-ecor-d had conmfscated the total iuicame of cveu-v- onle iii Canada with ilîcomes of mou-c thauî $15,000 and bad then paid it all otut for welfat-e or- social sccurity, with- ont amîv deductian foi' wrapping and mailiug. il would bave amounted bu 0111ly $677 pet person pet' month -- anîd thlat kind of* money would nal pay for- mucb of an inliecase in welfaî-e services. Tt would be the iowet- and middle imcome group, aînd nat same mythical xvvalth 'v class, that would pay foi- any added state set-vices in this country. Keeping Up With the Americans A ronsciaus atempt thl-otîglu 15 post-war y2aî-s ta keep Up With the American standard of living is blamedt by the Canadian writeî- Bruce Hutth- ison for mucb af this countty's preseuît economie woe. "We accepted the fal- lacy," Hutchison wîites iin a magazinîe article, "that, living beside the richest nation in the world, we could soon enjay its standard of living." It is flot likeiy that mnanv Cauîad- jans were hopirig ortbrying ta keep up with their American neighbox-s. Sanie of the international unions, notablv 'the steel warkers, did preach wage parity for a while. But everu theit cîvu -canomnic advisers seem ta bave loung since conceded that, mainly because of the smailer market, the Canadian work- ri- genueu-ally does tiot prodtuce as nuchi wcalthi as lis Ameî-ican counte-pa-I and tlier-efoi-e cannot have the same income. As Mrdi. Ilutchisori notes, Canada eujtyed a seller's mar-ket immediatcly after the wau-. Not unnaturally, Cati- adiamîs souglit bbc higbcst possible rc- lurmi in wages. salaries and prices. We had a great prasperity, we enjaycd it, and we benefited fram il. \"ve ov'cu-borr-owed anîd oîcu-spent - particulaî'ly our gavernments-and we will have Io be industrious and thî-ifty ta pa 'y aur debts and maintain Mit'- living standards. But if wc had liot liac those years of prospeî-ity and expansioni we would be in rnuch vlc shape toda\. Are public speaking cuntesîs, of a iii use? They have become faitîl'vypuevalcuit in î'ecent years. Pupils burn luliiorl. I high schoal. grades take part, î-eceux-c prizes, a few cash awau-ds, and hrips lu, various conventions. But there ai-e nîau-e lasling gainis, comments The Tîentonianî In a xxorlcl where education bas deccîied the spiit. of competitiou, and 'et \vou-deu-s xlix- il. cannaI arouse cîtitusiasm. il is x- fî-eshing ta sce c ompetitioîî pen-pctuated in this way. Even the apostle Patul cammended the idea of vying fou- puizes. Same modemn educatianists aire so mucli wiser that they consideu- campeîiîioîî hurîful, injuriaus ho petsonalit'v, anîd otherwise undesit-alle 'Flic speak ing contest preserves an elemexît Cssentual ta achievement. campctitiou fou- some kind af prize. In addition, the *y'oung people 'xlii pat-ticipate became accustomed tIci ni thieir language, facing an audienice, anîd doing some Ihinkiuîg oui Ileiu- let. 'ilie benefits may nat be immediate ou- îatigi- ible, but there is no doîtbt tlîat f liose wlu lake piai-t learn sanîebhing of poise, anîd mental dcvelopment which stands îlîer n iiguicî stead tbîough latet- ic. It Can Be Done lIV(u-ilved explau-ations hy television pepeabout. thc problem oi bîoadcast- îng commecrcial messages ai the sanie souiîd level as btheiest of the pîagram wmînld itîdicale ils ain impassible bask. Buit Ilicue ai-e pî-ogu'ams which do nuit offenci the car-s wbeuî the cam- nici-cials arc, pîesented Onte of these us fle lînpeuial Oul hockey belecast. 'l'lie Impetial Oul annaunicer duies uot shout and scrcam at-d t-cal his Kitdieiîce lîke lard of hearing imbeciles. \Vc îx'ould ventur-e ta say te lm- 1îeuial Qîl (commericial annuiuncer, liv îî-eaîinug is leat-ers ivîlli a measuu-e (f c-tmmouî sense, bas builî mou-e gaad- wxill tha- could ever- bave been dorue lc thie ai-crs anîd ranters. In fac-t - il would lic diffluct I o t liik cf licke - ight in Canada ivithi- ouut alsmi t humking oif Esso anîd Atlas. - QiangevilIe Banner. Durham County'x Great Family Jouiunci) rstablhshed 109 years egqo in 1854 Also Incorporatinq The Bowmanville News Th-e Newcastle Independent The Orono News "Authorised es Sond Clsps Mrti by'the P04t Dttic-« lPi-or t n d ,, l rt yvmpnti ep oMnq. ifi Produced every Wedniesdray by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITE;l P0. Box 190 62-69 King Si. W., Bowmanville, Onîori-> IORIN M. JAmES DitTOI-PULISNa 84.W0et Yom, atrictl'y in cdvence t;FrO p MORRI5 IRIsiNus.5 Mu-us. 5$ $ 0 Il earIn the Uruted Stcites la %h Ultfm.e la Antl-mih M1sfle e .- - 'b- ;UGAR v and.3 li *.:~fl~ ~ v Bill "miley Pl""'rmi" ilieme onîce wasi uuua isin, MWbo jusb i-cillt a ke aa<Jrisiccui 1lP Nvas xcillilug to figlit, .1ui1t theuiglti t uiou-glî i 'Ic idst Iobbuiiuclca i fissuon. Ilis ciics '«ci-e qtuit-k tic strrotuid ii iii Ilis htiddies ail iallidarimuiiicîi, Excepl foi bhe fexv Wh-o decidcd Iou d Wlliat tile.x-'d lonig w auîtrruI fi.uand cooul ucuid l i Anid tlbat is ni ,v sole oti- legisil atite fo , logcabi bLitinlu the clr eîl r(oifused a CornînoniVlarket frimn a picture tii Canadian poliis. market gardeiî. liavc shjakýeji By the %'av. lave *you taken a ne %w tb their crtin grasp of gond kick at Dief Yel? No'« the situation, and their <rsa s your cliiwe. G ive lirn a clear exposition of tllie plI-nb gond one '«biile lîcs on tlie lems. ropes and bis imotitbpiece lias fallexniut. l'Ils flie un iii 'iankls.' <aile On ly tiiig tlbatlibas pleascd voter iiiformide.. mc 'Te vi e mre grcatiy in tibe past couple behind th boe tlbnîg. of weeks is the recognition of Thie. \e becu sure at uis everi the solid intrlligice. tlîe sinice Lauî-a Secord \v e, nlt basic reliabibity, tbe sturdy mnarching Ibrougli Geni-gia independence, of the Caniadian wit11hlber -o'«. in Illîe xar of voter. Wbv, every.body ' vVe 1812, lbandinlg OUI îhocilates talked to could sce titis (risis bto ie ne«ly- freed Slavccý.' coming long ago. People 1 This was a lad ' vvotr.i,1 '«as certain didn't knnw a rnighl adld. A1\ ai sleuR iig and Distant PaSt Vrom 'The Statesnîan Files for the women's angle. Another political type, Whos bas voted the atralgbt Tei f(J ticket for years. told me ar bluntly that hel& seen t Y ntIG -ti n s C lii error of hi. ways. He'm mwungý Royal Coat, that French fella! Arthur Phelpx, M. C. of the zier ofr olto, '«ho hiad Alfred B. 0Oweîix wvho wavès his anis a lot. That'Sunday morning edition of heard fice broadcasî. andi- e'! Inibis î-eph., Mr.i Crucial Credit sounds prettylNeighborly News, will be along congratulations ini an gcsted that 1 lbad gond to me. We need a lot pleased to learn that, as a re- interesting epistle. 'rake a abiitv. and lie wV more of that. these days." isuit of luis February O0'n bovv. Mr. Phelps, surpriscd to sce nie Another chap who has gonelbroadcast, I receîved some un. The Weslevville coîc Wi-'riting for one îight down the fine with thelexpected and welcome mai!. dent didn*t ltM. ils eMlrpl'a al Conservatives. is fed up. He A letter camne from Jîm Ward- awav wvith ainv abridgcmenî t o'Vrars ]lter, 'hil bias swung far to the left, and i law of Islington. D u r i n g Youngman's estimate of The '«ith the Caniadia is now. he assured me, a solid:World War 1, Jim and 1 were Statesnîaîî. I've been ecalied ofteîî \ci-ote letter ,supporter of "thal Tummyýin the samne unit, and djd our mans- things. but file Yl\er ho dîdllt haveft Touglas. Tummy lias done abesi bo keep bully-beef and ton cO1unkni:l (aile un '«ilîx a lu orguinizations thb greal .Job foi- the common nxan, bard tack from going rnoldy good one '«hen lie îefci-îed ln thlîi pii-cels. S( since be quit practisin' med- by eatiîîg the damn stuff whilst nme as *ctcoie ous<urce- '«liOs ecnlmcîîbal-v icine cnul 'vest. Neveiz rmade giaring at Kaiser BillEs hii-ed pondent.- Thanks. }ave.ha eriu negleree a go of it as a doctor, any- moen who were doing the sarne-for mneatioîîing iclitra-\,rt ail Iheir lettE b>'«. 1 bear.- :10 us. We didiîVt hale the fel- efforts. Ynu«i-e kr kiîîder tiaret. cve OrS Quite a lewv people aîen't los on the otheî- àide of thr ftic pompoîîs nid liifiî ho Afler sc(ttlirig nlear goirig t vote for the Go,,'ern- barbed wire. we jusi kne%\ clainried that slw neer ;ýboieî - imure tilait fortv- v ment, because theyv've already they weî-e a buncbi of no goodci d reading Ed Youilgmail~'s aw a pîcasarJe, to got thal new dock or post office niks.l was Jim's first ]efet- columan because il contaîac 1 oblige soillc Or ou! Dief protmised themn, and to meie n nearly forby-nitme ncitheî- literarviloar itiaIii eghbors %vichOuu Ilcvevte -o him three years of acquaintance. tir, meî-it. To \vlich(-h nu late Englisbi on '«ci! -I limes. and they figure he's Edtr eled Mve su hai: fi fhi ' C arS ago. berri paid foi- il. Now they're Aniother letter caine fronii h epl 0 di «aeo uicr-sod '-'ady lu tîv cole of the other Ed Meredith of Bolton, '«boni illcp - ýi vaeo olcreplcel pu rties, and sec «bal. Ibey <an 1 haven't heard fî-oîn for à loi of papers.' iig ii'«a\ - aiîdas- '«anigle Out of il.- long lime. He, ton, "'as '«ith aPiieo a mpmoîi, for i. ck iilI rl***Canadian unit in France: i-ovrev ofard. n, oi.I iî ed a fresb i cý One clderlv lady orfrny was a good outfit but titîîob ov] >v ar. rapc i ilîîee a'«esi trJ acquaintance, '«ho hbi been 'a be compared to ors.Ed in- I1gues.s iimv %'r'9o hre\e Gr-and Oldi Toi-y vev cî since cluded a tear sheet from tue bea îî wbca t hrcc t houin.awltiha t niiiav ceai ;. ,lie ceascd heing a FightingBolton Enterprise in whichli hi. miles scparated mv vuY()îîi, r~ei coîrrsponde YOung ,l Cousex-vative, 'vould talented '«ife. MarJorie, bad brother and 1 I. '«he 1i \-- piletd. Then 1 siiever (-(nsider ebaniging beriproduced the best î-eview or rinle O-er fage. and lie sev- the ,Erditor's stiggesl vote. But she's a ltIle soi-e: Rachel Carsons','S 1i Il e neteetin onilis «oîu agei - M. prelcai orniai T alI illc paity foi- accepting Spring" that T have seen, evet* ']onfe oI-îuî lan d orucastue' eriicd veaso l ChIul-ehIills i-resgnation Sv in publications '«îth inteiiia- wndersi hand, cî conviiihript ion. lite« L 1 tliiik ils dcspicab lioalcveag.bccau:-e lie canie te Canadla a te ted i hat I %,as c site snapîicd, -after - '«bl The third letter <ane frun' coupfle of* eaî-s a fter iir. lu Sonivonle, il a v( did duri ng the '«ai. A fter aIl, asraer Isa bel Keffer Bic- When 1 waut; i eI'«u to'i I3iood, Swcat anîd 1'caî-s - Fiplit nothelicBeaches. 1Irlied lu expiain thaI ilI i J ) o \vî.s Mr. llar-kncss, a foi-mer ei é)fl Gj'( scbool lcachei-. 'ho had tre- sigticcl, and Ibat Mi-. Chur-chill lîad bcrîî proniuted frorn Vet- i .5,woburi A vu- . 'Fbicrej s oi lv neîissue mi dîenît Esiln« cmans' Affaiî-s to Defence, and' Toronto 12, Onlt. - n uclaranis *urvsta I<-ca.A îîerîu-aiî gucci-ijîrl thal Si- Wiîîston was a Tory,, Déai- Sirs: bac adthient rnege.. al tidwngtaI1, but tint in Ibis country. H. Please find eiuclosedi her-- The issue statcd clearlv i5ýbtlclzn htC '«as no use. As 1 left, she xvas Mwith my subseriptioxi rene'«- Mso ob b usiuî 'a iinc i Shkighe fs ad hilinalfo-another yeaî-. Should Canada hecomie a '«as also itidispeii,u, GieUs thie Tools and We ' We are only suînnîer resi- ful cle îîuclea i powver lu nîediatui- and corrc Will Finîisbhueli Job.'"I1î-atheî- dents; of Bowmanville. anidtbb. fuIlI extent of ils ecuî-iî-s sI iii able Io pet adrnircd ber. really enjoy out 'Statesman' omii ca Pacit . "ie decisili fuliî-tionii '«lli -Pe By the ivayv. don't make any bhrough thé. winter months - 10 beinade lîaviiîg beemi pie- -1. llie uise of tilese, rashi bet- that the Liberals We are veiy iiuterested in th e mted I al" îlot goiîîg I-) decices '«ould sbili1 w~ill w'in in a waltz. V've talk- news and future develop- take fble sicle of tlie ceas be-\vian olle cd to ai least 10 wonxen who men' of Bowmanville. il, is a 'cause 1 considci-filat ibis is by blictise of lai- proclaim vehemently. "I can't. gaod town, and deserves a fibe finîal inegative step. 1 am- punls w'«ili cnsequé STAND) that Pearson!" 1 a&kýplace on the map, as an 111_going lu take fbbc ide of t11w balîoîîanîd iossiblec them w.%h3'. They can't ex- 'dustrial Community. nays hecause ilIblis Ilx-u of oui- ctii-e civili plain. But they simply wiII Tlbanking you for- yoLr (-o- îeasl Iheir. is a positive role A ceptiîig Ibis.1 not vote for him. 1 think it's tinueri service. anîd wishiiîg \veciau 1i l.Ihave al'as Iflie rca] reasuui fo; bt-cause helokstoo m 'fil CnaianSttern cn-listeiîed lu otbil'aides and] altackui the Pi\i li i so .ody's b muter-.-tiued sucana .tveigbed the propositions, giv- '«ould allow nme oi 1ik a onboy rohrw. iue tc-sing short shrifît t attempîl)S 1I «oilId liRe luoj l vT. R. Spencer. 10 ,, IlAt.i- - -41 .-.. i 'Ilie muist iibamrasaing or and coni. t-aL i ll thie it erview«s I'xe doue. Box 488, Oshawa. On: Theu-efoie 1 xcuiî d iRe li)1mC f thluigli au-e tose wîtil ladies Febrîuary 14, 196i3 starl '«ithil Ie assuuîupt oui111 '«ho lea n aI uie femveuuly amnd Dear Sir- Ilbat w-e lia ce sut fi-ui îlot-LJ- tii i-ou. "But doii*t you think Mrc erPvesaiita l(j D)iefenîbaker is a Wonderful Febi-uarv is Hearb Month ier p'e-sau tîtmal. al]ai arms wtil] be uoufluolled bv aIll M"ani' I1nican, 1 realize tjlati Canada. You'-e heard a gi-est balanced detei-iei Illeih' a h lie hasu'l DONE auwtbiuug, and'dea] about tlie encouraginig moIti la tecal nuitî-I-ar dcisa'riia- i llat the -ourtrY is on the aspects of heart resear-ch:luov aillent pact, ppoeuI.supr-ie ru k . a ( ne p o m n s rheu mnatic leat dis ascis ed1eusue tsi m *v iosu bir- le terrible. anîd al] that. But beiuîg coniquet-ed; how the coi-eic.'obepiivxeîîî 1 11011't .\Outu liîk lie's a Wond- 0f congenital hîeaî-t condition 0or- o'«ards tbc latter alnd Pol euttul îîîauî t" s being effected througli sur- 110'« 1 lîcair the nivriad arut- .Ierz, a-s the kids say. gery: and thi-ough the uise Or uîent., huit luto îcni say, ife Nuxc. 1I Rno'« youu-e husydelicate and coiplex pîoced- u h- i es",;. niiulling the vhoIe thiuîg overlores of investigation and ct- eio on oIl on x But f hope tlîis brief gliimpse seau-clui, how the heait fuuîc- o euo«rieh leîcAniî inoIl erigmn f tutons. Ooui- puescat probleni large- A Cauîadiatî voter. alerb, ivelI Heau-b dLseaseiis rcspousibe itiii tiilti ag \,ci ard. xcill lîelp ;ii tbe trying for moue than onîe haif of tih-- Ftbcl Iul ltai ea deut--.1 six weelis ahcad. 'deabhs iii Canada Ioda, ovcr f a aflu 'Iolins Pe ou-eioî- ' Onie lasIt tougl-*. MWouldi't! 66,000 evervy year. An ala ol tllie Iovely if we could bottle , iu-ig biiideed, pau-iculariy l eui huaI bbe Bciniaii-A xvéiFfiei aIl the gas thal is going b be 'hen su often ilbtakes a al-,rulaped hefuje '«e go\vil 11aHi. Piodoccd betw«eu' noxv and'iii bis prime, '«heu, '«ith h fýouluidabi-umls n. Iba Ioitl., wa April 8t' We t-ould he'at evers- ýlifetum-e of experience, bu ouîofmls dcd iii home ill Caniada, fiee, from maost productive years are los! , uu elad bue BndonirevB An îîu' unutilI lune., ta bis family and community. in îtîe saine Posïiinasthie 11iL -Much stili remains to be Bî,iîi,î vith bbe Sî*y Bt nCa 1 11 1learned about the beau-t In ii ns evelit tbese misguided Ai van ie t ealth ai-d disease. This ue- missiles of fate xvutuild lire- bc Je se lan es quires the wou-k of mnais' sent a role iii xhiclî thex hbe i ing* abil'ty and 'patient would be as effective as aI- 25 YEARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO nblt n aine - tacking a iger %vith a tooth- .igads Liberais ei ud «mnwho aile pieRk T w xould oer (Feh.24. 938)26 914)lesse Van Nest was eleu-ted' trained in the exacting meth- cueabe 1w-o sccious situations. Excu -. Clliffoi-d Sler, Su ia ii To-uiibuipresidenil of the Boxwnianx 111e'odl of researchi. I. Thev '«ouldbai<Caad Vie-P-eidiî aud atto-y Mi. C A Cxvcrs Isî iLbcuai Associatioaua aMeet-' c1ae oe.Ls as a nitcleaî- powver. Excepl ung held inidlie LonsdCom- uideu- pressutre froiii Mantager of tue Ameuican ling ier- susler, Mu-sý. (Dr..) Temi Cieldinte oui s Corne- the OnariotheaulicsuFoundat o themita- aîd umslb Goodycai- Couîîpany: Geo. L. uiaut, PeterborOIgli. mt.iriit\etv eo ria v - eOtroHatFudtoitmltr n sjb Mt-Cuea, Sales Manager of bbe Mis. S. Adamis ùee Et f(,1el ciuîg. Mrs. J. J. Cuddahiee was wuth contribution.s exceeding'bics, as dcscuihed hy Pues:- Mecanial ood Deartien Frelnd) Toono, s, istil- clccted secrebarv-treasucei-. 1525,000.00. In the esearchih of Goods-eair: R. C. Beriiu- fiieuîds lierer. Those on the Campaigi' laboratoi-iesý. these becomne shav, Vie-P-esident aud Gei- Mia.- T. E. Kiio'«lItoii alid Cominitbe aie Mayor- Ivan' teligenb dollars. They bring eaI Manager of the Canadiauî Miss Mar-Jorie Kig, 'Toonto, Hiobs, La'«ence C. Mason new hope to life. ina e fee Spo rtsman' Gooycr omauY. îdFI s1'i tidva IaîrKg s Dr. H.- B. Rîîndle. Glen î v dom from suffering and molle Kokeuî. Geuici-al Fat-toux- Sup- Mu% F. R. GuiYne,-. Wuiiiipeg. Cuit'l .Iacksouî, Allan H. Os-ua hpies EAR erintendcnt oif Goya-sMu. cii islcu iiuý ou r.Rhu .Bt RESEARCH ANY W I E P E Mus eei uto n is, ,HELPS HAT VR-Ha s M any Cauîadiauu planîts, wcee iiiai-'is taucle. Mn,. Auîdi-euPeu)- S 'et-l Muto aîdMr E AEVR tenidance Frida ' vniglil '«heu iiiigbuui .andîtl ler uelatives ndSante tetrcso-yadto Iolieu-e lias mel trniedhonteuî.- Many people are <ontii! the loc-sbGooIe addlat h TO on f os lime, effort and mne yjrch 1 (oialyoicd. Hollyau-d McGihi, B RlT N rsxusporeteîer Fîllu-i0110 ll. Aniouîg those ctiii ertaîuued ai xvzr ce badîx' injiu ur--d xi l \rcs spotFtu- Io ît.OID baduîîu uîtuuuiandultca il tbe slcigi- rudinîg duixv i lî hi' Aldei l-ubbau-d cailed datioun with morme5? Ma il plays <if alinost veer Y îoru 'Toronto A rîni Il-îîr i e S '«ccc utMuîginconuuutac-t %iilb a lu-atiunMu-s. Marie Ashton au-d chicques todaY'. (payable tb piuîttMade fui* rsi n- Mes:damies A. Wlieeler, E. C,<if logs. fnivanîd vîsi teni «iihMi'r the Cauîadian 1-earf Fuuîd) Io (-i-al ou, tu-a icI aiid caiipilig. SouhrY Il M.NanonC. i,.andX wll-Dorobbx Bî-vauî auîd Miss Hîlda Mcr G. R. Mules. Taronto-Do- as weiii as a ofrel <h ic Cattuari, A. Etiiiieti. nIaIt anîd <laiglilei-s. i« Hall, Oshaxca. minian Batik. Oîliawa - Il %vil feabuuu-les aod Iat ttuîs ciii Miss Vera Ioisbeu-vi-v Florente and Ccoinstancie, tir Couigiatuiaîiotils tii Mn. and niake ouirjob of caiivassig t-omn-bîe Ilui ake Ilit- I196', visiîiuig frienits inTIi 'uiiil. Wiuuiiipeg. Mail., aundhsolit, mii, i.Birkett (nee Reta Hax-- mnuch casucu- An officiai]ie. Cauîadiaui Natinal sports- Mus. JohnuuIlyde and isol, Arthur Wiiîdatt. orif .uGilliri.s) '«ho'«eu-e maru-ied an Sai-l ecipt fou- inconue bax ptuupose.z. meuis Show, sucliduled lu be a-y. 'louîo vu veei nvust, MouIbu-etl. xveu-etLii-day '«ilI be fou-warded. Be goad I',eld nithîe Culisrum, Toronuto. guesîs of liet. nither., Mus.,.liei-e at ici-eX x iitîu bus 'Ne '« tone lMrlanid Mr S. ta Youir beau-I. tFioi Mnrli15Iolu 23 exti A. MeClel latit. iotlex. is. Rît-larcilWiuidait, l'islîel i-M îîO.sbaxva 10 otur V aj icpei-.amnonilte litst ecxc i elddlit Misses G-;Ia IMiiluda.N, Bolîv enroute 1Io Spainand tttcSrilx oiiilLtuiittx - ichitiari-Iuving ini .M Sul.Canada.- Siîow,ýdeii aiid \Vinnie Lamitasterbi-c lex- ev-ile'o icuî at'x Vi tllii M. Loi-uîe Dean. L .SLci isa ldctdldvb spenm libcxv k:'îdittIi IV rix-weks in iltha. Ialrit- Sorix u o ear Ibal Mr-ý. Ru-(laimai'bi xaiitc-iultuix-h- anîd Vira. Elgin Munudav in Euuopeauîrluiiatc. icl1 Car-ter uuîdeuwvent suîge,: Oshawa Chapter. Pu-usideiil Firank Il. Kucctughit wclile auîuoancing dates fuir the- Bellev-ille. Miss Madelin uie îsîani s vu5- Ili Wiuidsoi, Geuierai Hospita i I tbli a ni uai spuills ext ravd- H-is miauî fni-ids au-e pîras- i luuu- fuicuids iiiPetebhroughi. 'Xe al]xc ish fil- a speedv me- Fcb. 9, 196:3. gan-sul* cd lu sre NI rD. A. MeCti 1- Miss Munliu--l F-xt.oalk- t-uxerv. Box 89. Bowxmanvulle. - iii Siiont Ilesot- lotughl «k ing III)buxvui aga iii '«od, aud Miss Elvx:uAu clris ýMu-. and NI us. Ruissell h lo'« i- Editor Thle Statesmnauî, neul 'ashox ili 1963, huas alter heiuîg loind tir)sei aim e t-Bowuniuxivil. xl icled lilîî ('r.xisitcil lieu fatiiex-. Mn Jlibfi'Deaiu Sur :beuthei-a- s ili tlt-pasl. xxiii se-uotus railie bail hefuuu tOtIiiu NI is S la it uîb>Nasli. xlîis il]Ilit HlaniilionrWodyîipes r--tî~aaiuh-i.ct c -rvuu Cliistrofs.thîucutI hus tif bcothe M iss ut-at ý,lig Ciii calon . -î î plIoir Suiax.iletîcu-as te opinion tif 0ui varic-d anicxtenuiv -urugra ii Souîe cf Mis Jssu' Buuigiuuii l iluuu Mir and Mue. Jack Peel ing1 veberail of World War 11, to cnsrv u tur al-e u- I uw-m wu-e mumtited ueuicwiug theie te au thlic skul inug riii k îud t tîuî ilu- Oshaw'a -.'«eu-e vos se-iesaeaaiabem -esuftit-t-uelai lhci r v-utllî fianti loopet-, Satuu-daý a fteruion n doî umili-aRe SLIdav guesî ofMu-. m-ca a ervy iesfrbbeeice bedmlcc., ofu. Kortu-ie laed Bull Maxynairl and JbahStaucv heu - igig ai-li. Baile ..esu .o of Ibis î-a anY titcx-.for t dfiu id S te"Nîr'«o tiiihiu-îi iii were seuîoit skating'l'huis- 'lhie hîust iuuuox Iuf Ilei' Mr anîd M s. Gn-e h of a nth pI Vleae fIin ti lue (i wls inulNit cuuca day niglnl he i(-.\-roatis an-d seasoii al 'Fb IOCS A ut-iat-cti auîl'fuScixeeSuid cseuefribi us apcsouual 948Sportsieu Ncx usan-cl sidc-xwa IX. Tliurmsdavni glu? - %vas il ge l\ 1IicsIsmof Mr. aud Mrs. Franik expr'ession fou- which I 1have well ocr i IIi(lilhi, alluit More hi lc'i(j friilds aîîd attended a *uud a gtud diiiigSAli: .-îuand family. Oshiawa lasked cuidoisabion iteither ichihi I itvs Ici-cin t-i, unt-n relative.;;fuoni Ostia'«a anîd sport ciijovecl Pnu"- inîIu-r Me rs. I Il. .Snlitll. Lvie from My parby o lepo-uiuR'l fc rîuur i' Bowauiîhl gahieerIat th xvre:Bea i-slimc lau~ issSiuiti and fiend spent Sumu-,pective federal ca-didates. au-ross the ntiin. Il thble ulu home of Mr. aîîd Mrs.,lohîn A Lepha Dant-asîcr: (lu girh, Nor- daY- 'ith frieuîds in Kingston. Tdvw ar winsiiyer4sprberntboî- Tait, Chtîr-uîStreeti, ouiSatur.j ma Mulir: do genit. Pcc -Pi i- The U.C.W. imet ah the hom-e sigos of te limes aste usun at :1 $24 seate gixxcu t- uacfot day venng 0 sowe- Ie e: d bo. H'«ad MClclau; o Muauî Mc. JA. urnullwide differences of opinion uSpou'cs Show profits Ittt liî nex"Iy utarnud M and Mis. cruick, Norniîaîî1Pîîuîh - epre- x'tîi a good attendamîce.M.aperithatmpsbc-fautuctii-xaiit cîdt Gerald 'rait. The young seitati-ve of aux uîutuuut i-y Mi,-W H.Cafod siovd a pain bbchecaetsebaex- u nic-ae conlu'.' tonrc totuple îxere-e Ibmn--ipients of Jean Dumias. tWnvH.îttreagfiluîî. bt a ai e nt gobac lauii«a,i Ivos. o many beaubiful gifts, The fire brugade xvas ualriit M nd rs. K.fH.lin, ec'Olimewp.iorta une 196.a îîd o aîioi i. )'iuit¶u c Newcastle: Miss B. Mm-nlaslîout Friday uîoonî to mxtuuguislî r- n r.K .VckIvtrepirt ue 92 l]Ain lc igiiziii>fi us holidaying iii tbc Bahiamas, a fire uiî Mr. Geo. Bau-bu sanîd fanuuily- Mr. aîîd Mrs, Dave %ve find Ihal in 1958 alter aiu such grantîs xcu-n- lithe it- princupally at Nassatu. bouse, Liberty St. The hut-kct atecl, Mc. andiMs Clif- appeal bv theîP.M. for a strang atuoti CtuuIil cî f Dturc,'i Orouîo: Messr's. Fred Sissoui brigade aund clic uîîit-al ngiuie toud Bcoaxn ud famnily. Osh- governnîent the people gave Onttarîi Fcderi.cii of Ai and Cliff Jorieq have becuî held thie flanîcae u-inc-t-R until a'«a. xcere StundaY guests Of him a overwhelming i-ajorutY ler-ýanuud bluiu-I lic Vu-dm-ri.î- a.ýsistiîg MnI. Juuuî Richarýds aI btce'«ater xvas tuned oui frontNIMr. and Mus. A. C. Stephen- but ex-cuts fî'omIn 958 ta 19)-) luoî ti ou ilaiou i-lui Nuulu un nelleur radiuîg. the fhy dr-amil. ('itsidci-able t(f-. suad fanilx'. surels- indicate thab a laige Soliuîa: Mu-s. Suxalrlz. Don- ficull '« mas frtunditii figlituig - Tbe *Woild Dav Of Pr'a ver"' majority ils naltltîe essence mofI'R bartoui '«hio s speudîig thie the lire as ut see-ned Iitic"êSel-vite will be be]d in -the gaod govcrniment. The receoh wiube '«bh leu-so. n. as cofiedhet«c letîî .aîS olaciFrd vnn. Marcb nuclear confusion was brouglit Smnalcs. fcIllSaturdaY and and parttions orîflic Iunef. Istlai 7 uni ., .-ponsored b*-e on by the theuî inenimbeuu Suux'sla lo luî Iii hmoke lier bup. Mueli of illie i-uuteuits nflite ile C.G..T. Acoi-al invita- Minister of Defence v'oIlTuîli - Loxi - anit îu Slarkville, MIr. amd I Mcabouse '«I-ui x.vas ttf fi-aneti tuuîîs extetîded tnalal ladies. though bie had an il]UStr.iuii Tlie-e Ils a imvsteu'c in Ornie Fallis entectaîncd a fexv con5stritili s alnio'nl a '«reck. Mr. and Mrs. Glexi Lowvre' military careet- in W.W. 1. '«a; A ft hnealw fruentis the intier cvening. Mi. anîd Mrs G. A. Corden antd fainil.y spent SunudaY with Ithe epibome of moribun-1 si odiug-alx Hampton: MiFs Brrnice Rog- spent the ixc-endid '«ulh im- ea ive niiPiclon. tbunking wben if came to uta- IUndvir île suiui, a dal crsý Bo'«mlanvilr, spenb Sun- aluves aI Reuidal. Ml: and Mci. .J. Hagcu-veris tional defence., Afler bis u-A ilc'\v bfliti cahlîta day aI home, anu fanuiix . Boxvnmariville.ta'il- tirement to B.C. sorrowfullx' !U1 Felîiuauî' Mcoii Blackslock: Misse.s Ioni S Houîîe ecouuonîîsîs a c.airduou fnueuds in bbc villagelwc observcd a dcvastalcd, Larmer, Lola Sinson, Dorobby doina;d lisltutc. Guelph, tell on Sunday. Canadian aircrafh industirs' Youu lonîger liglit isa Wright, Wîilma and Jessîe Van us ibhat butter «ilI c-ceai niant' Stundav Sebool w«Ill bfal and the prospect of nuclea'r Of Spî-îng! Life's :ilei, C'anip V. ci-e cterîauuîedt on easîly of il is p)laced in a Iîaw .I 10 15 a.. and Church Wor- toys whicb expert opinion 1 Ever \Vrain a S1îtîlr-. il Siclida',- hi- l'i vprna MC - that ba s Ilicbenn is-eed witIi -bi-mati 1113 m.m ýA cordial bat dfescribed as a laughingi Nally, -,- _ _ boiling watei. inviationu ta eàbended toalal. stock. ilk pru nshe s î . z)s1 .sth 1ile Qtetu-o Founda- I iii ancd Ille Audubon Society c-f Canadaî. tut addition, dishiursc.ments 1icitalluug $40,625 foc bursa- uc-s,fehvsip aiud granîsi hi pu-oiects were, miadelu stuhi I istitutionis an Ie Ontario Agriculbural Col- legu (', lie University of Tom- cimi I ut-eUniversihy or Bri- liuslu Coulumbiua anîd Carleton lut-lcl-dinIllte vamio)LuS les- t tiies aund attractions aI thue 193 Caîîudiauî Na t i on a 1 SPorlsn',Ieus Show wilI be a lîuat sb'oxv, a mnotor show, tra- i1 o-iýmv clx' ottage show, con- su-c-n1i u it lcî'«ai-d hhree dog ahcs, u iu-l as a hrand-new Pîcugiuin oft tetanmumt iii Ibm-rna fci'inladdition. there \vtil] lue a sîîcîît s demuonstra - tli anet aa denioisbratiuu ca. stilig 1l()()], - lt'nsive mamp- ilîg clisplax* s zan-d denionstra- I ciii ;1i1(1 <fi ic attuatiouîs A ut lilleccatinîg fcalurp QO t11)r îeî ig Is Mai-ch 1',, muIll lie t i lue se-ioll ai c-icx iuugoft lu,' Omitdoor;; Girl cul Cdunda'. 'li .is wull muark ilR't, finals iii a unique, iiaticîi-wide cmnpetutiouî, joint- 1i% :-îunc th e bcOntario I"ecitic- ou <cf Amîgleus anud I luntu s aund bbe Canadian Na- tîcînal Spoctsmeui's Show. Do'g ,usioxws '«iii be hcld on Ilî- List foui- days, Mat-ch 20, .1 . 1 u" a d 23 auîd h u n d rc d . cîf Ilic- uuusloýt utstanding and I (/-i loig,,uon the North /\uiimunî contuinn wiIl be oniti~I~'~ O%-ens Sur-' Jd esru itive tuid flot b. l.some day/. (if the big e~ A fev [1' ov-ersea% ' r an Army, ; Isfor nmeu- lie -knac, C? ducaajlb on el hadý ià ters In Hiefr sa Peti l*earl - r out spou lî: aboît li oue h ii- c lHbePl at Co-nedt tu, -riti avae bey, ndde- al ,ys luita of mi mie II,ýp dry modest Awm da '«lu cblq As a ýelatotalid ,an i1 bands. be q uelete- cielý l weic- mmt devas- clestÇ utî te rlier, c tusd -sayîng Ihial ile iba i au bc1 U.S. Stat e De ar- luit.- anîd thierefore I le \Ad- iitistcatimî 10 luse fat-q I111 Icii- uv-n c-untî- y h )i ni t- t-e, of trm-de xvîtl Cubha Ialuî le sale tuf xcleaî lu Chimia. 'lie '\apparcnitly lb uRikt bat. icxclîaîge fuoi- a fexv halîsl- ecs, a itcxv gove-uuîueritîwoul-t e asier- b use as a iiiiiýt,-or )fuiIlier I lu-irm îv îîdomesliie h hui(a I anîhbitoli. Al îr. Thiîompsîui cx pies-Se ,r aboutt au elet-tion Canm. -nuli hai \xou Id permuit thle pru ssiuuî of so cal led alo i. iu-ic-iî5ui.This us a dain, ( pit piilosopliv as, 1Ii, aiur isstues u .n Ibis clectinl 'e laninuiug for econamue xcl.enployuncnt au-d na- ual licali anîd a mo- erc. icuse of the tax dollar. ov.'t'xer. aiiyoue agrceiue itI 'rbuuinîsoiî etc. that bt-< g ro-Cauadiau is aiti - mecan is doing Canada ail justire auid if being pro- nadiaui uiakes me anti- r-u-ricaii tleîî 1 'il] proudîx' c-allcd such. Neyer Jet me u-al]ed Pro-Ameu'ican if it eans aiuti-Caîîadian. ;o Iueui let us be done witlî iopsoui and others of thai xvlîo would smother aui ide tai Caniada anîd ou- riglît Pox'e-ui Ie affairs '«hicx îîuld be ouir o'«r. YOtU-S siuucerely, HdrxY Harold Asluton. Show 'eatures îîu liwe e eegedî l ilie uultl iluiduil avvauls andm salec lu of a Heginnlirg, a fuîuc.'mlng ,i [.-,il --13y Marion Ford Public Speaking Contest CFO. W.GRAHAM AD-V'r-; MANAC-ri SIJESCRIPTION RATES, hC! 1 el

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