Little Kevin McCullough I was ini Bowmanili , Hosptal a (71 last week for a ton_ýii1ectomy. S ocia -% (7r)à%ý i, s o i achy and son visited Mr. Reich. es-g rath recently. Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood %vih M. ad rs.Harldby _____________________ ____________________ Wood, spent Saturday even- visitos wit Mr. oung ad Mr.Yaung ing in Toronto, gests of Mr. eîddfr at ek * Sunday vstr ihM.YugadM.Yug Bridge- and Mrs. Jack Pe-Finch. (neddfrls ek and Mrn James Colville, wvere north. Enroute home they Mr. and Mis. Jack Elliott1 As we walk through our Mr. iand Mrs. Don Hamm and called to see their daughter and Dorothy were Saturdayl various retail establishments' faiyof Orano. and son-in-law, the Rev. and, night guests of Mr. DeSmit's,, these days our eyes are being Mrs.DoiEcet Scar- Mrs. S. Snowden and famliy'iný Orono, ceiebrating Paula's'drawn ta diversified adver- borough, spent last wveekend Of Milibrook. l6tli birthday. :tisements reminding us of al with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Diulu-eehazyt s r The Community Hall n'as particula.r day in whlch wel ing, Queen Street.R.P"ic"lcabKg the so-ene o! another success-jare encouraged to show our l4ijss Kim Masters enter- Street merchant, back on thse fui local dance Saturdlay night, love, ini a special way, ta those tairfed several littie iriends job last weekerid. He had just with Farrow's Orchestra pro- we cherish. February l4th. last Monday afternoon, Feb- retu.rr.ied home !rom haspital viding the music. has become another important ray18, in celebration afilier after undergoing. eye surgery.1 The local Red and White, day in the commercial field, ruary IGro cery Store, owned and land efforts are made, accord- seventh bîrthday. We understand that Mr. Rc-1oepe y M.adMsjnlt rn hsdybfr Rlck- 'anerated by.Mr. and Mrs. ingly, to bring this day ber-r Mr.andMn.E. . Fire, ay wl] ndego imiar ur-Murray Porter, has been sold. the attention o! the public. King St. East, were Saturdziy gery an his other eye In a Mr. and Mrs. Gardon 'Tini In like manner, in the relig- guests of the lattcr's sister, 1 few weeks time.j were Sunday visitors with I ous wvorld, we have days set lits. A. Dolai' and Mr. Dolin Have you noticed the Scout Mrs. H. Trim. I apart during which special of Willowdaie. and Cub display in the former'lMr. and Mrs. Bert Staple- emphiasis is made ta encourage Congratulations ta _Mr. D. lDon Milligan I.G.A. Store in- ton and fan-ily of Bowman- the expression af love ta thse M,. Kilgauînon, Liberty St. terior and wiiidow? If not, it ville visited at Mr. Don Ste- God In whom we believe, and boutt, wbirthday flebte i ridy s well worth your vihile tolpleton: on Sunday and caîl- whoin we profess to serve. February 22nd. j pause for a moment. The ed on Mr. Bd. Samnis enroute. It is flot aur design ta pro- variaus Items depicting thel Sunday dinmýr guests with -pose changes in these accept- Masters Randy and RoddY, rnany craifts are most interest- r.S..LncseI ed arees of action, and think- and Miss Christine Coombes. ing and the young men are were Mrs. W. T. NichisMr. ng, but ta anelyze their mer- kialem, spent Sunday with to be commended for thelr M. Nichais Mis. R. Hap-its and weaknesses. In the their grandperents, Mr. and efforts. shire, Mrs. W. E. Nichais andirealm af commerce there is L. Coomibes, Liberty St. Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Viîue Miss Wilma Nichols. monetary benefit to be real- lýortih.Haito lavths ee Mrs. Win. Lane and daugh- ized In emplhasizing certain Weedguests with Mr. oamitnae hswe ters. Port Hope, were Sun- days; but every businessman Weeendwîthinoe Toronto Ski Club day visitors at Mr. C. H. lis aware ai the fact that his and Mrs. R. D. Kerr, Elgin members for a skling holiday Lerue's. daily living cannot become ,Street, were lier sister, Mrs. In Switzeriand. fluring their Mr. end Mrs. John Carlawv dependent an these speclal W. W. Dickson of Otttawa, three-week vacation they plan visited is. Zena Carlaw i days alone. There must be the arnd their son and tamily, Mr. ta vlit Ramne and ather Eui-o- Memorial Hospital, Saturday, day by day application af and Mis. Robert Kerr and Ian penn cities before returning and spent the evening wrth sound business principles if he o! Waterloo. homne. Mrs. Virtue Is a daugh- Mrs. W. H. Jones. is ta acquire a benficial i-e- The Cauntry Four, Don Sta- ter af Mr. and Mrs. R. L. M.adMs ri rgtptta nacmuly n pies Meril Bron, len Mithel, CntreStret. and son, Larry af Lindsay,, to achieve the standard aof liv- Aluin and Jack Allia, ill be Mr. and Mrs. R. Coonmbes Mrs. Helen Bowen and Dar, iriglhe desires. contestants on Ken Soble's motored ta Montreal last Fn-. lene of Newcastle, were din amateur program this Satur artTh Stra vn e uet udywt e recipient af varin dayevnin, -8'cock oertng Mrs. Coombes' sister, Mrs. and M.s. Clinton Farrow and!cmodtesmay experience ing la sense af pleasure and grat- Channel 11. Dorothy Burnside of Mont- Gien. iuefrseia tetos Miss Rose 'Marie Birketi, real, returned with themn for Mr. and Nits. Adams, Tor-i-- efrseia tetos Mn. Gary Conway and Mr-. an extendcd visit %with rela- anto, visited et Mr. Reich- these occasions, however, carn- and Mrs. Maurice Conwav tives here. While their par- rath's on Sunday. in otue love, ift ers-th spent the weckend wvith Lieu- ents were out af towvn, Wayne Mr. Raymnond Bruce was a sonyf wren c love ths ish tenant and Mrs. Jack Eggens and Gary Coomnbes werc with clnhler guest Sunday et Mýrs.lsoyw. in h bsence i l vt Alliston. On Saturday theïr gsandpetents, Mr. and-Gea. McCulaough's. , sidenc nes ofsncee oncernl night they attendcd the Vral- Mrs. L. Coombes. M~r. and lMrs. F. Gilmer avn ersoal inte-est, specia enÜne Dance -t the officer's To vrn, ~ wre Saturday evening visit- obs eranes cneebecea mess, Camp Borden. skating speedster ofDaso ors at Mr. Jlm Gilmer's in salve for a guilty conscience, Shop awnrers are certainly Creek, B.C.. won the Bantam Port Hope.anc endgnrt io trying ta bring Spring ta us Championship at the Canadien Hockey- Newtotîville hoc-ancneedgnrteno e-ven if the weatherman Isn't aeu pe Saig key teamn last a close-check- anerpty shamn or a hollaw lAaerS'e ktn As- îng lyf gaine ta the Mer- pretense. The impulsive dis- very es-openative. Their loy-I sociation Chempionships lheld ay i o tHoei nd play of affection which Is sub- ely window dspiays of beau- in Kitchener last eturayaternoon by te score ai stantiated b a consistent way tiful Spring merchandise teill and Su~ day. Victaries in the o-.Golffrte oahier ue, is thet which evakes us lua Od Mn intr s 0fl220 an d 440 yards and one- scored by C. Trim from R. the gneatest response. t he way out, ai-d Spring isisixthý-unile races gave hlm a Robinson, P. Gulmer îromý Turning firn aur observa- i ust around the crne-çve 'total of 15 points ta take the oe r and Coroux T. Lane tions in the seculer realm ta hope. 1l.HsuceadanMr. .,omperimandou,. Curxte spiritual reaim we are MlI-. and Ms.Charles 1at its. RucendHawtn, from Tian d Eaf . Cuou confronted with similar princi- Johns, Liberty St. North, werej Liberty St. North, Town, were For the 'Merchents, Steven. pies as those expressed above. Eunday dinner guests af the1 on hand lest Saturday ta see son periorîned the hat trick In John 14:15 are recorded the former's sister, Mrs. W. R. one af his wifls.______ with 3 goals, Dotzko got 2, words o! Jesus Christ where Graton asinle. ise'lie seys, "«if yc love me, keep tookton a s0 in. enaltiers iy commandmens." lanthese took8 of10 mnor den tis easily understood words the t~d E W T O I~d I L E x mnate useOcond Lord Jesus lays down a plan Counties Warden and Mrs. theni bain& Mr. John James gaine ia this quarter finalIso cmprehiensive, and yet sa Earl Walkey were in Toronto o! "The Statesman". Pictures set-les will be piaycd et 4:00impsiletat t e il nih on Monday and Tuesday af were taken af ail and sundry, pa.i _______ upon. It is truc that this last wcek, when Mr. Walkey especially the guest ai hion- saeetcnb ral x attended the convention of! or, compiete with hier cor-.statdemestlcan btheatlyimpo- 'The Ontario Association ai sage ai pink anîd white car- 'KEDRON ;opandmsaed ia tue al rprt Rural Municipnlities, at the nations. Later an Mis. 'Mar-- iated, but the basic truth will lXing Edward Hotel. jonce Caswell entertaincd with Mui Shirley lceIieac- remain unaltered, unless via- A products demonstration an enjoyable vocal solo, quite oness et NortÈminstcr Churci, lence is done ta the text. was heid at the home a! Mrs. impromptu- "Silver Threads wifl be thse special speaker et In the words, "if ye lave Raymond Trim, Wednesday Among the Goid"', and even the World's Day o! Prayer me", is revcaled the niotivat- evening. a littie stcp dance wvas per- service on March lst at 2:00 ing c force whirh should regul- Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow formned by anc ai thse other pani. at Kedron United Church. etc i u eatosiswt and Mr. Stan Boweni attend- get, ho emnsaon-Ail ladies frorn the Kedron the Christ af Glory. Anything Sed the funeral ai their cousin, mous, (by request>. and S". Stephlen"s commufli- that is done in out waik thse late Mis. Norman Lee of Mi-. and Mrs. Charles Bois- tics arc Invitcd to attend. through lue thnt does not Cambray, a week aga. While vert and deughter of Oshawa, Valentine's Day was cele- have at 1ts source an unquali- there, they cailed on Mi-. and wei-c Friday cvening visîtars brated with a stating party ficd love for Christ cannot Mris. D. Spence who celebra- wvith Mr-. end Mrs. Phil Oul- as well as an exehange Of posSibly nict '.sth Divine ap- ted their 7lst weddingc anni- mer. cerds at Maxwell Heighflts proval. It is inconceivable hovw versai-y on Fcb. 17. Mi-. Spcn- Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence flay- Sehiool. The pupis of Mrs. an acceptable expression of ce, hale and hearty et 95 wood o! Orillia, -were week- Beard's roorn, Mr. Tremeer's love ta God cen fbe given on years a! age, is stUll driving end visitons et tise Manse and roomn and Miss Coscn's room special occasions if in oui- lis car! Mrs. Bruce Eiliott was a enjoyed an hour of skating at daily ectivities this saine Mrs. WIÇ. Wood,.NMrs. A. caller during the waek. the -North Oshawa rink. and quality of love is absent. The Wade, Mrs. J. Elliott, is. ".I. and Mrg. James Airn- returned ta these Choo] for ho! love that v.,e refer ta here is R. Farrow and Mrs. S. Lan- strong af Toronto, wei-e visit- chocolate and doughiuts. not that which is comnonly caster, were amouig tiiose rt- ors aver the weekend with At a special service held at accepted by humani standards, tcnding the fi-st annuel incet- Mr. and IMis. Doniald Mac- the church on Sunday aiter- something that fluctuates with Ing o! the Oshawa Presbyter- Donald and famlly noon the sacrament of bap- every transient ideal, rather l United Church Wamen, in Mr. Ken Stapieton, Ton- tisrn was edministered by 11ev, thet which is graphîcally out- 'Tinity United Churcis, Bow- onto, was home over the week- Ronald Love. The childi-en lined ini the 13th chapter of znanville, lest Tuesdey. Oui- end. who were baptised were: the filst Epistie to the Cor- mnister, 1ev. R. C. WVhite, Another af thse papulan card Dwayr.e Ernest Ginîblett, son inthiauis. as chairmen a! thse Presby- parties, spansored by the Wa- ai Mi-. and Mrs. Bayne Girnb- Just as ia the sectular real.m tory, broughit greetings and men's Ii-stitute. ;vas held hIlctt; Carol Lee Brock, daugh- true devotion, and dinqe1e li- pedd for the clection and the Cornmunity Hall, Frîday ter of Mi-. and Mi-s. Murray toi-est, wvil] manifest itself iii installation of new aificers. evening. In spite of very cold K. Brock;, Brien Fredcrick oui- attitudes, and aur actions, Mi-. and Mis. Fred Hender- weather, somne 20 flubles were Williamus, son of Mr. and Mrs. tovvards those .,.ho are the ob- son were recent visitai-s with in play, with pizes belng Fred Williams; Russell Craig ecets o! aur love, so will it li. and Mrs. Ali. Perrin. won by the following- Fiai-- Cockburn, and Diar.a Lynn be in the spirituial realm. Jes- Aif._Grah-a- ,WM; -.1- ioN 1 Bey.- Turner, -, Wllton F - q1ýAr.-Mr. . Bi-i -y Cockb__-urn,- -__ - TRINITY UNITED CHURCH -Ministen - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mn. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.RS M. 11:00 a.un.-MRIG WORSHII> ""When Standing Stili Is Progress" 2:00 pan. - GUIDE, BROWNIE, SCOUT AND CUB CHURCH PARADE 3:00 p.m. - COMMUNICANT CLASS SUNDAY SCIIOOL 9:45 a.m. - Junior, Intermediate, and Senior 11:00 a.n. - Nursery and Beginners 11:20 amn. - Kindergarten and Priniar3' A CORD[AL WELCOME TO ALL I REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bown anville Rev. Jo1111 C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 %VORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 am. - Dutch 11:00 *.M. - EngIigh 7:30 p.rn. - Englitb Proclainiing the WhoI, Counuel of God "Back To God Hour" Broadcasts CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.rn. ev.ry Sunday - At theirsna meetin g of tise' year thse Con-mittee ai Slo-%v a rds for 1963 wvas formed as: folows: Chiairman, Douglas Love; Vice Cluairrmax, Cliris Collings; Secretary, Mis. Ross Lee; Treasuncu-, Jolin K. GIav-' er; Envelope Secretary, Orval Jackson; Clîairi-nan o! Ushers,ý Jack Francis. Tise other men-1 bers o! the Board are Bill 1 Hanncck Lnd Bert Smithî. *Rev. Ronald LoGve acted as, chairniuan et tise annuel nmeet- ing ai the Christian Education Depantment, held in thse Low- er lHall of the churcis. Jh !K. Glover wili be supervisingi supe rintendent, assisted by ,TdMaidman, Walter Devis' and Harvey Farndale. *Alvin Spencer arg-ed o continue as tu-asurer. Mu-s.; Douglasý Love wiIl serve as' Missionas-y Supenintend eon t, Walter Devis as Teînperence ,i Superinteuident, and %,rs,,Xii- -~lieni Werry as Superintendent of'a the Junior Congregatioln. iMichael ,Huî-st was appointed' IM. &M. Treasurer for tise, contributions frin this de-' pestment lest year ttalied' $303.33. Tise teneherq for tise yeer; arc: Credie Roll. Mis. Joeý ,Starr; Nursery Class, Mi-s. Il Ronald Morrîson, 'Mss. Cliai-- i ýles Thomas ad M-s. Peter; Mrs. Wilf Pascae and Mrs. I iaroid Cern; Junior Prixnary1 'JiGIrls, Mrs. Johin K. Gloverý !a ad Mrs. Jack Francis: Junior Prnmary Boys, Mrs. Williamn ýWoodward; Senior Prinueryi iGirls, Mrs. William Rosnek;i Senior Primai-y Boys, Grant ,Spencer; Junior Girls, Mis.! Ronald Werry and Brien Lee;, Senhnr Girls, Ms-s. B s-yc e ,~Reeves: Senior Boys, Bill \Vcr- ,ry and Jack Francis; Feoples' Clas, Orval Jackson. ion for Today Rev. S. A. Grant read >ftue scripture. Tise chair The Canadien Statesman, BawrnanvMle, Peb. 20, 10U3 rendcred a number. 1ý0 On Friday night about 30 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pea- week. gathened et Mr. and Mrs. Han- c*ck took Rev. end Mrs. Mr- and Mis. A. Quantil vey Muldrew's home te play Wr-ight up ta see Mr. E. White Ivlslted Miss Freda White whe cuchre. Lunch wvas ses-yodlan a Toronto hospîtal this' is ini Oshawa Hospita. Pnizes were wvon by Mu-s. Mc[- Walker, Mrs. G. Morris, Mi-. ______________________________ H. Quatrili and Bob Mencer. Lis unveiied tise touclistotue af ors, whetlier they appeal tW . ~ i< ist ecn spiritual love, or unqualîfied us on repel us, indicate e sinu- I ilflfliY er stbecn love to Himseli, when He said coi-e concern for theur spirituel.i gnatulated on getting secor.d "if ye love me, kcep my cani- or oven temporal, well-being? et Orono on Wednesdey even- madments," these wonds Cen it be seid that we love ing in thse public speeking. "keep nuy commandments' i-e- one another as Christ loves Oui- het course on Tuesday, i veal ta us how Christ cen as-, us? Can we deciere that we Wednesday and Thursdav was ses ar lveta im Hedi love God and hoid in aur a complete siiccss. Abouit 15' not leave us un ignorance as 'heaits feelings o! bitterness, took thse course. Hats of or-' ta whaàt Hriecant by His envy jealousy or another km- ci-y color and style wcre commandments fon in John dred mal-feeling? Cen we Mrs. orris and Mýrs.ý 15:16 Ho states very cleanly certain days, be it once in a B. Gray made drapcd hats "This is my commadment weekz or once lni a year, corne which were quite attractive. tliit ye love anc another, as before tise presence O! AI' Tise course 'vas held in the I have loved you". Tise quel- mighty God and declate aur basement. We taok oui- dia-: ifying clause in this stete- love for Him while la oui- for- ners and thse ladies supplied, ment Is faund ln the words mal course a! duties ve have tee. Mis. Har-vey MuldreW "as I have laved you." NVhien feiled tu demonstrate real tneated tise ladies ta ci-emn we reelize tise full implication lave fon others? Would not puiffs one day. Mrs. Hutchi- ai those wvords it cen change tise words a! the epostle John son, Oui instructor, steyed la' oui- complote outloak upon rise up befone us like an ac- part Hope and taxîed back aur fellow ma. The apastle cusing phentom when hoe and forth. We have feir wea- John in his fi-st epistle chap- says, " 1If e mani say- 1 lave ther, no storms, su tisat none ton 4:19 declenes, 'Iwe lave God, and hatetis hus brother, o! tise ladies rnissed comiag. Hlmn because Ho !kist loved hoe is a lier; for lie thet lavetis us." It wes flot oui- love for flot lis brother whoni lie hatis Mr. Alan Moi-cor and Mrs. Christ thet rnoved Hua ta i-e- seen, how cen lie lave Gad O. Moi-cen wtere in Tanonto,' veal His love for us, but tise whom hie th nat seen?" Saturday. very opposite. It was Ris love Tise worid is stil valtii Mrs. E. WVhite has returned for fallen, wvay-wvard, blighted for e practicel application clihomne from Toronto.i humanity that brought Hlm spirituel truths ta human Mu-. and Mns. E. Robinson fram the glanies o!fiseeven ta prableme. h lies been demon- and family, Shilois, had din- tise corruption o! eerth that streted intermittently, ona a non with Mr,. and Mrs. H. Ho might, thi-ougis His own minai- scele la veriaus aieas unrl nStra vn perfect sacrifice, provide eaad wherever experience luas 9ntrl n auda v way for nuankind to becorne llfted individuels, or corn- ug acceptable ta God. As tic munities, ta a level whete tise - eyes of aur understending are narne ai Christ lias been ex- opened ta beliold tise wonden aited and tise scripture fui- af tise love ai God and tise fiiled, "lot your llght su shine magnitude a! the price paid before men, thet they niy ey e for aur selvation we shalne- your good works, and glani.fy echa tise .ciy o! tise apastie" your Father which is la Hea- we lave lm beceuse Ho first ven." loved us. Whet vould BowmanvllO With tise !aregaing trutis and ai-ca ho like if tise ou !irmly established la oui and I as individuels applled hearts and minds wve sialon- tise simple and yet prafaund Speci deavoun ta analyze aur out- stetement a! Jesus Christ ta look upon oui- fellow traeol- oui- own lives, "If Ye Lave T ors ta eteraity. Do our ac- MUe, Keep My Commnand- tions and aur iliterest la otis- ments?" By Bruce Roaberts and Bertha Clark Thse students o! Clar-ke wishi ta extend thelu- ieautiest con- gratulations ta aur principal, Mn. Witherspoon, who oný .Mondcuy nornirig proudly re- parted thse arrivai o! tw-o isealthy tex exemptions and future Clarke football play- ers - (twin boys). Candid Camera Week be- gen withi many students eager and neady to snap pictures that mlght find tisais- way in- to the year book, The teach- ers t.hough, dreaded Friday since thse students hiad been uu-ged ta shoot alI tise teacis- ers they could on thet day. A fi-ee yearbook will be pi-e- sented ta thse peu-son sibînit- tin the bcst picture to thse Camera Cub. -Currently, thse yearbook staff lias started ta calieco matenial and if ail the tbard wvork pays off, mre are sure ta have an excellent book. There- fore, Clarke students, bo sure you get a capy, In tise future, Clar-ke Riais cen expeet a fine gyunanas tic team due ta the diligent work of bath gym teechers. To complete aur equipment panai- lci -bars wlll bo added soon, Thursday evening aur girls, altisougis tiey tried liard, were unable to defeat tise Ajex basketball teanis. Tise boys experlenced thse sanie fate Friday wvhen bath Ban- tam and Junior teaxnts lost tal Anderson. To end thse week off suc- ccssfully, Clarke wvas tise site ai a gela tri-school dace. Our guaests were Millbnook ad Bowvmanville. Cartwrighst wvas also invited but wes un- able ta attend. As it wes a "Fi-e for Al" dance, tie et tendance wes extra ordina-y. Il cen truîy ho stated that *good tinue was haed by ail. ýÀM RA Ae I Commemorative Stamp, 'Ille Postinesuter Cenes-el ta- thse ISOtli nnlvorses-y of tise day releaged details of a ne-w birtisof i Sr Casimir Gzowski. I commiemorative stamp which Si Casimir wes bora la St.,: will be issued an Mas-ch 5tis. Petersburg, Itussla, thie son aiý Tis stînp'vii ommmoutea Polish. nobleajan. Hie camei ta Caniada in 182 and as anî Y ELVERTON dierand educator Caniaca's developrnent from Sevei-al Yclverton coupl~es tisen until his deathin i 1898. attended tise St. Valentine Thse design. o! the staimp, dance party la the Parisis Hall, -%hieh 's thse -work o! Piship i B1ethaîîy, on Thursduy niglît Weiss o! Ottavea, shiows Sur and report a most etijoyable Casimjir as a man o! about 50 evening, witis good music sup- years af ege. In tise back- gr'ound to tise rîglit of tisel plied by thse local orchestre. stamp are a sîiip in a canal, I Mn. anîd Mrs. Floyd Stinson an engine and e bridge, syni- I ,were awvarded e "dioor puize" bolizing Sis- Casirnir's engin-I -an aid door whiclî was leter eering proljects, whicis Include I exclieuiged for a bjox af choco- Itise -wldening o! tise Welland! laies, We uîuderstand tiso Canal, tise building o! tis floor show provided was also1 Grand Truak Railway bctween' %vell îeceived. Hop)e circuni- Sarnia and Toronto, and thse stanices permit aur ettendance i construction af tise lterna-; et the next anc,'tional Bridge betwveen lFort; Welcome hsome ta Ms-. and Erie and Buffalo. 'Mrs. Wm. McCabe 'riso ne-ý In addition ta luis engïneer- turned hiome thîs vcek froni i ng projecis Sir Casimir frund' toil auniai survey o! U.S.A. 1tiui'e t be one ai tise foundÀers No particularns anad ios to 1of tlie os-ganization wich lat- where they visited. or becarne thse Engineering' is ,piig really ia tise air? 11u:eittute of Canadla and to bc Indiertion o! this possibil- first Chaj-man oftise Niagara' i*y vw as theL sigiut o! crowî ' Falls Park Conm'ission and ti; near Lindsay (loolcing ove: sit on rnany boards and com-' thue menu o! tise Barbecue mittees, some 2 weeks ega) and this Mu-s. pairclOugli, I arnunc- week (Wed. e.m.) Mrs. Jaes îng tise stamp, stated tsaI sse Grey sigisted e woodchuk in liad remenubered ier phedge1 front af their house and kill ta nake Canadien starnps ed thse varmiat as proof. 1 or clourful and chose a Puetty unfriendly gesture1 tolssade o! purpie for the new oui- ~ ~ ~ O sPsthebigeo 5i- issue. She mentioned that this We'îe picased ta got "Our cisoice %vas mnade efter she isad Board ai Couitrol" (tise dole- had an opportunity to see tise gate with sole powers o! veto'! atanp ln severai colaurs. She la tise Melcona domicile) 1 said that sho blt biset tise homne on Fs-iday aftcrnoon! colour ciiosen best suited tise %vlth aur miniature addition. fine engraving of tise new Isn't lb ridiculous ho-w rucisIconumemorative. fuss and attention is paid ta ______ a little wee bundle o! pink and white wligglyness and what a conversation piece for M usic Resuits tise ladies as tisey compare notes together in whispered Piano exenuînatuan results confidence- must be te:king! (LindsayCnr) uiso about kaitting socks- as oean ne yCler, Apupi. ls o brags to, anotiser ad muttrs srnehing eh au ~candidates auccessful. slouîd have put la anotiieri Grade 4- Honours, Pisyllis isaîf dozen, Tise poor aid mana Youngman, Betiseny; Pess, gets about as mucis attention!' Veneta bcGil,. Janetville, as a defeated candidate at a' (68'%). municipal election, lialf-heart-1 Grade 1 - Haonaurs, Alex ed words a! consolation orj McCabeý Pentypool; Angele congratulation ln a "~serve ROSsi, Pontypoal. you rigist" tone o! voice. Tise' Oncancetise aid boy geWs to dtise wee thiag is blet-jE Z B TH L E ween 1l p.m. and 6:30 a.m. E IA E H IL Justice, Bah..- Sundey Scisool and chuncis Misses Parnela Stinson anid services were held isere yes- Mitzi Malcolm are ta appear terday. Mr-. Milford White, Tuesday evening on Channel tse superintendent, conducted aif tap dencers on tise pi-o-! about John tise Baptist. Bey. grain "Talent Time. " Wrighst spolie and Alan Trew COME AND HEAR DR. GUSTAVE GINGRAS Nkontreal Rehabilitation Institute, at OPEN MEETING of ONTARIO, COUNTY REHABILITATION CONFERENCE in SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCU on THURS.,#FEB. ZSth nt 8:00 p.rn. QUESTION PERIOD Orgatu Music front 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. by MR. REGTNALID GEEN, L.P.C.M%., S.C.C.O. No Admission Charge - lake up a cerload M- r Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service ciaI Values and Reminders Effective Ail This IVeeli hh .o 4 4J(.AT- .I RT 4A.L5hJ nA 9R nu5 4 SAVE luI BENYLIN Cough Syrup BRECK Shampoo ,1,1 BUFFERIN -------- CREST Tooth Paste DELSEY 2 pak 53c. 3 tN GERITOL Llquid, 21-oz., or Ti Egg Ci-rne Shampoo or HUDNUT Crerne Rinse Reg. 2 for 29c I.D.A. Cold Cream Soap LECTRIC SHAVE.----- Reg. 1.25 LISTERINE Antiseptic D LYSOL DISINFECTAN1 NIVEA CREME 1-oz..39C2. ORNAL Cold Capsules PAL BLADES---.,-eg. 57 -- PHILLIPS' Milk of Magr I.DA. Brand - Reg. 55c SACCHARIN Tablets SUAVE Ladies' Liquid- DAY AT I.D.J > ~1.2911 1FREE Set Mist iEcorioniy -- 1 .69 76c 85C wvin paks 89c rablets, f' 4.79 79c p 6 for 75c -3.0z -- -- .-77c >ecanter 1.09 r-os79c, 1-os. S7cî-oz. 1.07 Blt .1.232os 2.58 24's Plus 100 couvois 20 for 49C 48'3 Pius 20a couponx nesici S1 43c 89C aoaqntCiiuuse froi Wild Cherry, P ~ Black. Medicated or Srnokers' Drops. with~-~ Respir-aid trc MEGGEZONES IgAT]j - 69cfor fast relief rsToP QUELLIDA ~ Coucjh Syrup - f roin congestion âuick Aetlng, Pleasant tast1m j a1r of COLDS, MEDICATED FOR IIAY FEVEIt jQIICK RELIEF. DAILY USE CONDITIONS THE LIS, KEEPS THIEM- -- 1.39 SOFT adHATY Early application usually - nrpup '. V f1 i b 1e Ab 1cil1 l1r Ideal f or children.' Soothes. Reduces' air-borne bacteria. 39C 75c formation of a cold soi-e or fever blister. 59 c Ready to uas-fatS e this bait freely md Wa se eteotivo thon la' monsy back gwuti on4 ImpS&kag Prescriptions , I.D.A. Remedies', AlAex. McGregor eDRUGSe 5 King St. W.- Phone 623m5792; g MoDdes 1 96c 1.86 Is of odess, FREE with purchi any one size of Mo a Port-A-Fold. AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE PREMIUMS As LOIV As $25.00 ]PERIYEAR *Budget Trrns Available *Easy Monthly Paymeetu We are as near an your 'phone Evenings Don Ellison -72-6687 Gerry Osbornee 725-7294 Ralph Schofleld- 728-3376 Reg Aker .725-0201 LIFE INSURANCE Personai Business Nlortgage Pianned Programnuing Contact Ken Hockin Representint Empire Lite 62.3-5055 Schofield -Aker Llnited 360 KING WEST OSHAWA . ONT. Phone 723-2265 Ample Free Parking j, -- t -M-ud IL% a n r il ý ý ý ý il D t 1 n il il , e ki o 'l 0, il ý ý îl D il m ý izlit --