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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1963, p. 8

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g -ThOe a»adiin stateo1"¶a1¶,ewwi.imv'1UO. Teb. 20, PIC -0- MA' Despite playing "the best gamne of this season,' accord-____ ing to defenceman Geor'ge Ashby, Bowmanville Pic O -MatS just couldn't get the puck bouncing tbe rigbt way and had to'settle for a 4-4 fie in Scbomberg Frday nîiglt. A split ln points wasn't enougb, making Sunday's game here mean- . ingless. Bowmanvlle lest, altbougb if woild have been nice: to see a win in the final appearance. The Pic -0O-NMats showcd remar'kable impi'ovcment as the season wvcnt omi and in the end had a club that gaveF 77 the other teams a good tussle, particularly befoî'e the home-., town fans.t, If was unfoîtunate thaI with the top hockey players ~ ,we have developed bore ini recent years, Grant Wright was ' the lune Bowmanville î'epresentatîvc con the club. . But looking back bu those talent-laden years --lîcre's wasn't anywhere for home-brew t- uniors to pla.v. They1 either bad lu junîp 10 intermediate ai' bang up tbc skates.1 We've got the team and in a good league -- the Metru: Jr. "B". Couldn'f ask for hetter sponsors. and bave real' hard-working men on the' exeemtive. The gîcumîd work lias bien laid, so let's sec junior hockey s-ally go next year. j. t j' t jt CENTRAL ON'TARIO BADMINTON Gone again are tbc Central Ontario Badminton Championships, and gene again are the titles, carcfully stashed away for anothier yeai-, untîl George Long decides it's titne to defend bis triple crown again. George is clcarly the best badmntnon playex' in these i parts, virtually uncballenged now sînce Ken Sinith bung upý,1: his tack affer 13 years aI. bbc spor't. Long gel himselt quite, a- partner for bbe men's doubles in the person of veteran star Grant Henry. Allhough be bas slowed up a bit Grant lm imost of bbe answers eut on fli ccur't, and proviîîg b's, stil good - it was 26 years ago wben H-enry and Dr. Jack Wright of Mllbrook won bbc C.O.B.A. mem's doubles. Then George baU bu marry omie of bbc best nixcd plàyers in Eastern Ontario, in fait bhis wvife Mary probably, isthe best. 0f course Ihaf Usnt hurt George's chances of taking that event. Doreen Reddoch, vlîo seems ;to go on wînnimîg, wvas a! double champion, taking bbc ladies' singles and beaiing with Kay Hopkins in bbe ladies' doubles. With Bowmarîville menîbeî's, except foi Henry, wvn-; , iiing everything, if was îîice te see Joe Marklc and Bettyl Lobb in the finals for the fi-st tinir. t t ti. t SO TIRED! Badminton - Friday, badminton Goodyear exhibition hockey at night, cday. the Pic -O -Mats game, and then ail this stuff tu be ready for Mondayi We're su tircd, maybe if we hia ln the mixed doubles, or may be 1 should riot to try singles. Perhaps it was "tv alterward - but we have an excuse rnight loosen up our aching lirnbs, but it It would be nice tu see Strike an( and Mohun ini the finals once, but on probably couldn*t take it. The semi-fin t t t t UXBRIDGE - TRENTON FINAL Followlng Mondays 12-2 drubbir ônly a miracle can prevent Uxbridge fr eries tonight (Wed.). We understandf Picton defeated Trenton Mcnday tu ma Trenton. They were to play Tuesdayi wvere unknown at time uf writiiîg. It required, it goes Friday irn Trentoni. t t t ARENA PACKED Judging by the 1,000 spectators inorial Arena, Monday night, tu witness .Neîl McNeil Jr. "A" tilt, it might be Generals played their remainirîg weekda ville. The youthful Oshawa club wasc Éeil McNeil club, but they gave it a tri only by a single goal with less than cig The Generals still have a guod c: playoffs, but even if they don't, with thi junior hockey left for most cf ihe pl Oshawa will once again be the home entry. DON'T GIVE UI The road is oft rough, with ti And somnetimes even the best1 'The hili is long and often stee And therc are tears we ail rr There's dust on thc sheif. wvorJ- B ut an extra effort cari do no Care may be pressing you doý But what would be gained if Surishine is a rain-cloud turni And the wvorld is so full of dut Maybe we could try a littie J In God and Marn - and bury If you're sick - you may get w If you're sad - you soon mav Add up your biessings: Mýeasui Put your fet un a foot-stool -1 INTER31EDIATE "B" PU THURSDAY, FEB. 21 - IF NICESSARY UXBRIDGE vs. BOWN Aduits 75e Students 50c ~mEMi 1 ~BOWMJ V.-..Telephor FRIDAY CHILI SKI 3:30 to PUBLIC SKVATING O.M.H.A. MIDGET PLA THIS IWEEKEND Watch for Board Veteran Players Win Badminton Honors,..Acain ,,.*M -~ .,'s'ï I M. '.5'.. 1 By Frank Mobnun 62.3-7234,"1 kTS OUT ray Gramt-679, Johnî Carter Alley Chatter -6î3, Frank Wright-654 and, Wr mmw bave 50 bowleî's I Bill JolI- - 652. eut of 84 memnbers Nvbo are .Tobn Caî'tet"s 341 game took averaging 200 or better. This Ibigb single bonours followed represexits approx. 59.55% of by Murray Grant-4-30. Stu our league aîîd is a pî'etfy Carson--325. Ra ' vWcstlake-- 'gocd average in any type cfj '320, "Jake" Bro 11-309, Brîaîîlage Marbyn and BuU Henning- -1 Thi2 Liberty Bovl lcarn cap- 301, Benny King-296. Jack taincd by Maurice Richards Bond.---291, 283: Art Rowe- ,, noxv on top ini the teain 286, Romi Hayncs--285, George standings with là wins and 6 Sellers-283, Kaî'1 Pipcr-275, josse.s. Stephen Fuels bave 14!I Winistoiî Vaitonie--- '271, 'M'wnsfrscodpae .Wray---.270, Ar't Farrow-267,'il o eodpae Bilh Holrod--- 265, Frank Averages 21 2391 .11 238' 21l 228~ 7, 21 )281 9 2271 ght_9-62. '160: Alex Carneroný Ed Lugtenburg 260. Jack Gcheen-259, Ern Maurice Richards -ail day Saturday,! Merson E]lis'---253 and Hanis Frank Blunt referce hockey Sun-,Bosgrv els one igo home and write Teain Standings EvNlo morning. Combine.,; 36JRuss HLlanr ýdn't met those Longs! Mr. and Mrs. ereLnleft, of Oshawva, but 1mixed doubles. Doreen Reddocl îcook th ladie,'iLaboratcr*Y -6 Russ Hearlme. d aekow nuhmembers of the Bowmanville Badminton Club, wvalked singles and pai'tnered with Kay Hlopkins to Win thie,]raiders . 33 Dri. H. Rundie . wistng"at bc prtyoff the courts here on Saturday with a load of trophies. ladies' doubles. Competition was kecen and thei'c was Lead Press .2JonCre for~ ~~' tht hu htie won top honors in men's singles, joined f orces with >plenty of excellen-t badminton thi'oughout the cîtii'e Cornets...... 2BiI eslk t mae i wose.Grant Hen~ry. ih to take lhe men's doubles and Central Ontario tournament. Eîs -. 7Rs k idll rightndSlmo Fan Belts .26Laurence Leaman ri Meohund oSlt e, earn.ed. up with his wife to dlown ail opposition in Tgr r a amr Hose la Bob WVilliams als wear us out. 'Tie and Lose m . Office. 16 Bud Henhiing ___ .aue DWIflMachine~ Shop 1 3 Art Rw Lde B wigBanbury .10.Doug Taylor leani Standirgs Don Bagnel oli île 1) 10901 Bud Baî'ter ingo the oîrnpa S easofl E nds for P ic-O -M ats.Pg)feld i on DoetcSret i ot e Kr ie Irwrapping up the omnil Pc-O-MtoCiebdfatdB~ av lleBcnll 1~36wa built of stone frcmi the Jiin Callan from last reports that vWound up out of the playoffs '8-5. Etchel 7 10163 Ganiaraska River iin 1831. Now' Bob Richarde,-- ake the series 3-2 foir enae L au Btcifis eao fJi.Atou)û.1vsa"nt-Cyl 83 the home cf a dcntist, il, was.Dave McKnight in Picton, but resuits; "B Metro League hockey. :iîg'" garne Bob Campbell col- Gibsr4 j renovated in 1953. The Blue-, Eltoni Brock Ir a seventh game H îeîg os But flot before they gave it lc ctý-d a major for fighting and, Heai 1 9314 stone House is an example of iGeorge Stephien eveî'ything they lhad. Fridav a misconduct, while Duaine Histanoergandaictcture, Bui obn aardl Colîle -Viî'tue 0, Peter- ,nighit in Schomberg, in a w n'Rutley and Wî'i baldiî L \atn29 .Mît tn n tco o lnil t :son 5 - Callan 2 Gay 7 - Char- 'or cise situation, the Piesi the thîird, resulting in majors 234, Mnag Cuole 2 14. E,-________________________________________ les 0. played a great game, but the :and a misconduet for Wray. Heai-I 274. K. Dodds 220, B.Il_____ Colville .'33 puck just wouldn*t bounicel O'Flaherty clicked foi' a Sellcî's 200.,23:E. Mitchell Gay . . - 28,right and the rcsulting 4-4 tic 'hat-tî'ick tc pace the winners, 218, M. Moffai 200. M. C ol1- who filled the Me- Peterson -11 clinchcd a playoff berth for while Nelhiams added a pair ville 2-29, 209. D. Br'ook s -11, teshaGeeasCallan ----- 12 Schoinbcrg. ýaid Currie. Fci'guson and D. Paeden 217. _204. - teOhw eeasCharles 7 - Ilii te final home appeai'. Foran bagged one apiece. 111gb Averages 209 ie a gocu idea if the;Virtue 0 ( ance betore a very snmall; Rutley and Gor'd Wilson D. B rookis---- ay games in Bowman- 1 Higli Sinle--P Peterson croxvd at th'e Mem-oi'ialArnac scoîcU tvice and Stan M. Gibson . 191 outlasedby grat297, B.DB'ine163, R. Beau- five consccutive goals broke Wcst[all collected the other V Mitr 190jE ~mendos try, prie 247, 219. R. Viitue 230, up a 22 tie aF 'obrgtitePic-O-Mats. L, .....n 18. baence s r trailing 11 Oke 233, 1.7î7, S. Oke 22 '5,.-- . f ght minutes bu go. 1 rBrgess 219, 210,D. Gay f(~ lj layers, if looks as if H epie 641. r>. Oy , aa hjuI~T 2 1962 PONTIAC LAURENTIA: cfatp Jnor'" 'eenage Girls mvw erfI I ul e l M NiUI *àu*uuCustorn radio, white uvaliltires,1 Pacden 5 - Oke 2, Vansbton car. 100%l warranty. 4_Q - Brown 3, Jcffcry5 Gay Brfown 2Dws5lhw Gneas 0 o5' 1961 CHEV. IMPALA CONV Brown shwaGeerl.10t 'vJ rd u's Oe . -- :Il lJWhite witb red trirn, V-8, autorne Padn- . 19' Over 1000 paritsan. fa.iî.- tripp:ng, Paul Domm coi-Iput Oshawa back iri coin-H power steering, power brakes. tatbrs adn16 packed Buwninîviile Memoi- pleted a nice passing play tion at the 12:45 mark. 1i tostbrrs Vanstone. 1:3- ial Arena Ic cheer the Oshawa withi Mike Dubeau at, 1:50 cf: The gaine w-as lielcU up foir 99:A X AL -R E Gay Geuerals in their bld to take th(, niddle scssioî. Dubeau fi1e59inutes atter the tai knus t he ba HgnSngie-- P Jefeî- r sole possession of [oirtih set Bob Deali up 22 seconds;to.Ysed programnni.> and papeci, Lady driveji siîxce newv. pte k od ttebr,:4.201, 210, S. Burge-ss 300, lac he bbctre i-,Jr."' ate>' to ser1d Oshawa in frO"oiihe Splot1cdou tle iharm; H. Vanstorie 206, 221. '209, B. icague, Monday inighit. The agaiin, but Neil MeNeil iifl-d cii bb lie. I eooledciletu )vn a bit Brw 3 7,S al23 outhfui Geocrals twice hield in tliree goals iii a minute Grl and o adrni1 ecîs'igaated Giley. D. Cule213, K Ccui2?, - the lead and atter Neil Mr- 19 seconds to forge into a and-3 i lyha -smdGr 1959 PONTIAC STRATOCHI 124, H. oore K.Dineeii netted the cli icher.x you houd qit? Paeden 22,H orN28 . 'e1 Maroons hiad mioyeU in mai-gin before thc period 'vas Neil MeNeil added three more icd insideDouforWiseo0, D. front 6-3, Oshawa closed the niîue minute,- od. A n dr cla1eite garne as Bill Mc-,I Autornatie witli power brakes. bdiusi dout Wilco Triple7. P Ife gap bo a single marker. But Champagne ciekeci onsa pass MhaWlo n lUSi- 15 L S O IE "U E tbious doheleaue-cadiî Maroons frein Corbett, and Corbett, 99O D MO IE "U E Faith 647,B. Brone 65, S ures ad fou much for the figlîting îîettcd the next two. iWîVth two and a hait min-' utmrdo oe rksa y Wrath; 4,HVnsoe6. 'Gens. rapping in four '11-. Waton anîd Vern Batte igbîkdterdigt utmrdo oe rksa Juir osanare olsttu 0-,r ute -s lcft JimiiIKidý,an ptescr vell tomorrow, Jno osasec ol owo1'.wei-e haoded figbiting majors Dean picked lvici\eulsforX slsscr frce cfsorow;Nowlan 5 - Wilson 0,Dod George Vaîl took brotbcr by rcfeî'eee Saddlex' lgbing199 ONIAC ARS NN be- Richards 0. Terry's pass to open the scor-1flicpcriod.1199P N IC ARSE E .re your Luck, 'Nowlan --- 23: îng at 6:37 cof the first perîcd., Coîbets fourtb îal made Coi-bell î'egained the scai -. but- -----'t- Give--Up!- DoU..........2'Jii iKeon evened the score i 63 aris'in tbc third but ont otIeaders on wth u as- Wilson . -------------- 10 6-3yCutn ado ey encr -By ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ md-a MainFr ihrs-t--~adMkhrough the stanza ýDubcau easbed in a Bill LittleýPona outreaof ui- goals 1958 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEI - MroFodRcad5jan ieCorbett made if 2-1 r'and pair':c3 adsGeorge Dinee1 *High Single - S. Burgess ibfr the period ended. .ca t80 n ereVi was held 10 a single goaLt - ý235. M. Marsball 200. befrebeat Bill Henderson cleaniy'eîîg hopaedfrEl6 cyl., autornatic, custoîn radio, AYOFFS Higb Double - J. Dodds' With Mike Walton off for afîci' aecepting Terry-'s pass 10mia aant o-nnil Pciu we'snieo eu - 345, M. Marshall 338, S. But'- K SML Juveniles. scoccd 0on bis mimeý l - :0pm es313. NM Nappearance on the. f'ward H 15 O.ý!U1p5m.PONTIAC LAURENTIAI Junior Girls line. bavîng shiflcd to detence t Ma ig0,Bie5- aey0 hall a dozen garnes baclk. I V-8, auitomnatic, customi radio. L qANVILLEl tr5- ael0,Gud1RN THSiCoc Ma-Kigte r 5 - aely . ud DRN HSOiawNa goalmeir CouJi Ildes. Se this une! Children 25c Gould- 22 SPCA ~~~turiied in a spectacrulai' cftc t197j -D. Masters - - ... 'Y'2 PIEP Sas t11w collegians helU a bîgi C ER' Brine S-1'C Pl I 66-41 harg-in ini hot.s on goal.H V O E -R ST Hately ' . 1 to the FRIDAY, FEB 2 2nd Bob) Orr tbc 14 ' -eai' nd sen- V-8, autoinatic. Locally owned. M~ * King --------..... 10' sation didn«* make the trip High Single-J.Piper 29 S P RDen3onm uea u 1955 CHEVS. and PONTIA( KR IRL Srnls p. .29 I S EfSP R CAien om i Prrv SoDt home ail K. Burgess - 202. Geor-ge Vail werr Oshawa's!li Several to choose froin. $395 tu Hîgb Double -M, Hatcly abr% . UKE A 52P ebo 38..,B- INGO~-- 1952 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DR. M NA ocw ntam-Groms A H B W I GNew tires%, customi radio. Thisî ne 23-728Selera~ Maur 1, uni ~PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTREHSnxeo4 ýne 623-5728 ~Lewvis 0, Edmondson .3 -Bt aU- 1 .Sodn 1ev 2. -- 6 . S.Car'son' rFEB. 22 Bujrs. -.2 Over $ , 0 in Prizes including .R.Wslae.23 Boel15 R. Brock 26 .DREN'S Sellers . . . .15 1963 PONTIAC STRATO ('HIEF nr-S2,000 Cash. 2. B. Kunkel Goodvin Il-- SI,000 Hi-Lo (lame. S1,900 Big Snowball (58 Nos.) 8. C. Sc'hwarz. 16 ~TNGEcdsn.. -SI.10OO Jr. Snovbal (57 Nos.) Plus $600 regular 1. J . Baker- ' 5:30 Brad.ley gamnes. $450 special gaules. 5. S. Hunt 14 8 -10pLew. ihsînW W ei 205, A G S M U TE E High Doule - W. L ,e is 5 ais 11-1Sl n M. Ji. ~YO10 352F. Burs N.ond- ,UUU fl A fOUNT Prrs 9. E1VICER HighDoule \V Lews $ lbIl erson23; ib liT p1r, . Id1 ulai lýY sclbeduiFd ibis satur- MENWason*237;Iv.iT'pJý R day. _W5taefl 21 --21 9 1 -21 21 21 9 21 18 21 21 21 21 -21 21 21 -21 21 227 226 224 223 222 2 221 221 219 217 2 15 215 21.3 "2 212 212 216, iood used~ LN 4-DR. SEDI tinted glass, wheel 'ERTIBLE îtic, custom radio, A spotless, oile owi AN ss with custoni radi EEF 4-DR. SE] Spotless. One ow 88" 4-DR. S] id steering, wvhite E 4-DR. SEDA .Locally owned. :DAN ,white walI tires. [est! N 4-DR. HARI Lady driven since n 'TION WAG( ýVery dlean car in )0 $795. SEDAN car is in spotless ci VI m m 'Men's Major Lei Marc ihad tl cen- Ted Bagneil.---- ;È' 'tnues te be the bottest bowl-!.Miike Murphy --- - er in town and tbis wveck Mcl Burgess Richards scored games of 257, Brian Trinible '0 1 61 for a total of 826 toi Ross Wright * ~capture tbc higb triple prizelTed Hallmaii. - :!ofthebcwcck. This big triple Ait Samnelîs ,boosted bis average te 238 and Bill Oke no isseonlv ane point off the Les Sinale 1pae st b EdLugtcnburg Hank Janzen for higehaver-age. EU Leslie Brian TrirnbIc a new meinHry a bei. of the league had Murrax Larme. of 256-330-214 foi, a toa pis Si Ti-ewin - aIl cf 800. This is Triinble*s GoîgeBe bîgliest. score since joining the George Piper' M.qjors.Jack Bond GOODYEAR Mjos Pat Leddy 1700 triples xvent te Don Oke Jack Gav 'i8î. Ross Wrigbt î73, OlU Re- Cliff Tii\%7'mn BUV LII: hiable Jake Wcstlake 768, .im B W I GCallan 750. Karl Piperî' 45. 'eain Stanld Tol Thursday nigts play at Dcin Bagneli '735, Ed Lugten- Liberty Boxvl, tbbcoc-leaders burg 733, John Carter 730,'Liberty Bowl inoyeU tbree points in front Ernie Perfect 715. Hap Pal- Sbepb5ii Fuelso oni a pair' of shutots, as Corn- mer '713, Harold Bennett 705, Krainp's Furîîmtîii' bittes walloped Hose î-0 aind Russ Oke and Harr3' Snow- Lancci' l laiciwaî'c Laboratory. vbippeU Banbux'y den botb baU 702. Fratimk's Vam-îeîy '7-0. Don Oke came up witb a Beavcm' Lumbei- Braiders, stayed in scond,ý big :342 gaine to take bbc Selby Gr~ant Hecat defcaling Belts 5-2 and Conets, single prize. Don Bagneli 320, ' Nels Osbornie lus. dcf2ated Office 5-2 to tic Lead 'Doug Taylor 3.14. Ross \Vri- Cowanii Equipmcent Press, losers 5-2 10 Fan Belts'ght :311, 293, Bill WestlakePepsi Cola fom' thii', along wvith tbc 3. Pat Lcddy 307, Harî'y Kemi's Men's Wear Belts. Tigeis won uvux' Mach- ,Snowdcn 304, Russ Oke 29.1l Jury & Lox cll luie Sbop 5-2. Norm) Hening 284, Harr Arol ob boe ooeAkcy '281, Jirn Caltan 280 ORDER YOUR TICM with bis finest effort of the StnVeKil ur-d8 ter 26, agc__________ 'season and ftic higlmest triple ackgbt 278. 2Stu Cago cf the second scbedule - 28 ,JakLadt-24,Hmý'I ~ - Ar'nold put togetliex'r Janzen 2174. George Br'ooks, gaines '73.. Cecil Nlutten 272. Johin; cf 322. 274 amid 251 foi ' le re r 71'>' B oc 7 big total. Othemr bighi triples Cater 271,El tn ofk t0.e were rollecl by "Chuck" Wri- JaàLne atiio h .glt-754, BilIl Hlclioyd-752, Lanier Hardware team ledi Bud Hleiinimîg.---75l. Ray West- bis teani cii tbe draini xvben z lakc-744, Stu Cai'son-741, lie Lovled a single game ut, Jack l3ond-731. Art Rovic-- 74. Kai'1 Bickell had 115,' -. 706, Briait Mrvî .- 0,Jnn i cKniglif baU a triple cf lI Geoige Sellers-699, AIf Rau- 415 svile George Jones and ! - , ie 698. Fran k Sanîis--691 Karl Bickcll finislied ini a tie' iVinston n XstniUt1.Mur- :ai 4.30. See: girls - pageantry- stage anld pool presentations - diving champs - Aqua Mmniacs - comedians - animal antic.s starrimg in the lbulous DIRECT FROM MIAMI BEACH leatured at the sensational 16tIi ANNUAL CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW EXHIBITION PARK -TORONTO MARCH lUth - ZIrd (@xmt Swrday) SEE NORTH AMEIlICA'S FINEST SPRINGTIME EXHIBITION OF HUNT- ING, FISI4ING, BOATING, TRAVEL CAMPING, COTTAGE AND AUTO EXHIBITS. Performances twice daily (exeepi Sunday> 2:15 -8:15 p.m. Kvem - Evenings and Saturday aternoons Special combination tickets Res. Seats $1.75 Boxes $225 includ- ing admission to the buildings) lesq 25éf(or Chldren. Bargain weekday matifice (eîcept Saturday) Rush seuls -- Adulîs 75é - Chitdren 25é (Plus Admission to buildings) Ad- mission Io buildings only. at al l imes --Adulis 75é - Children 25t. Ex- hibition open da'dy (except Sunday) from Il am. o Il p. OR DUR TOUR TICKETS NOW The (amodiai Noional Sportsmo.'s Show EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO qIII dises. Spotless white ivali tires, ner car. jr,. onIy 25,000 DAN viler car. EDAN wall tire5. A Onîe owner car. LDTOP newv, enly 47,000 l ON nside and out! londition! PHONE 623-3396 r I qgue 2 210 *12 21,3 21 208 2 1 20.3 -21 205 18 '204 '21 204 21 0 3 18 203 <) 203 21 201 15 26 1) 14 7 1-1 Il 10 11 9 12 9 9 12 i> 9 9 1'2 9 4 17 4 ýETS NOW s 't' 1

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