place tie wlth the ?at .~og Sleep-746. Aif Samells-744.1 The Canarban Statesm;nBwa'î1 c 27193. $';cîo mcrntion Reviews 1 nadies" Major Bowling Mague P~rS~~%A A [SE iÀigClub Pop Concert the Bethar". Ski Club will out ta Mr. Wayne Ring. Please In the third Atomn gamne the Afrtpaedalc aioi26 4,Mr he Bwmanill Skaing olda clinic for Junior Ski mail to: Mr. an ig Giants and Ryl played ta rtpr-. ;2 oor iha60ttl preen thirThîd nstuc oan S atunr da y, Director of Recreation, Col- a 3-3 tie. Ken Rowe (2) and reated in the Ladies' Major j 39. DoreMuton 1 Bernice .'.erages nulPpConcert on Tus Mrh9th. mnorning and af- borne, Ontario. David Ormiston scored for the e-1ue Monday7nîght whenPPartne-8-6-1e--B2- Bna Hoky Rayais. Steve Reynolds (2) :Preston edged Buday 2 ita kel-4 Ka\ Beaprie fijncPou ~ 2 day, March l4th, at Memnorial ternoon.~tmHce and Glen Rice accounted for, pull even with Baker, upsetJcari Sellers 209. \ igie Faire%, Jîck Pcrfect----- 24 220l Senia starting at 7:30 p.m. The morning lecture will In the first Bantamn hockey th1instre ol.Te2-1 by Joli. 205, 210. Rosze Birchett -22î, .Ho%\ard Bromell 9 4 21 'eanda edattrctio thetakepliconttihenHause61plgaeeteaTiersxefeaedotustile61theGiatsei thuehTHynesearnd a -1 d- 2theEn Eteer 70. arol Beneti 4goalshe.deahgithef oil *jnis, Kinsmnen, Lions and: Park St. N.. Peterborough,i Braves 4-2 to move inta a Banc' Rà'tary Clubs will play a with the afternon demonstra- third place tie with the Hu-paejteplayoff stand- 0OnOe . Etcher to take Browîî 210, 20l), Dot Br-ooks c Wlh .- 1 1 broombalTournament. The tions taking place at Kemp's'kies and Braves. Mike Bath- ings. while Bi sesioade th bigg- 223, 26. an itie smond !Boap Panle........-24 '2,15 Lions Club will piay the de- Hill. well, Lee Lemon, Don For- In the fourth and final Atom est gi.wpin cear2261, Carg î ng 10 oan rn e Et---her - 24 2151 fending champions, the Kins- Mr. Williami Bonne., nem- sev and David Gibson scored gamne the Rams defeated the .dwelling E. Etcher 3-0. in -Marýtv\n 21 , S-l raî if San___ls24 2 1:l men wjth the Rotarians taking ber of the Canadian Ski Pat- for the Tigers. Brian Peters Bombers 20t oeit te cinJl ls - a25 eeeBrcs .2 lf atHrison - 4 2 on the Kiwanis Club team. roi and Chicf Instructor (if the and Dave Burdett were the second place tie in the stand- Dunn and Gay defeated Broks . Alan Lobb , 20,-))8. -- - 24 13 14iinlc for Junior Ski Junior Ski Echool in Peter- goal getters for the Braves. ings. Paul Slemnon and Randyl2 Bok Team Standings Mator isoan ---2--4 2 111 borough will be the instructor. ,la the second Bantam gamp Rogers accounted for the ors ol cin N Bke wMl Bires-1. 4 20 Instructors The clinie is designed for of the day the Pirates defeated Rams goals. 318 sngl tome'.vin th Bow rqotie Bres 4 _0 The Peterborough Recrea- instructors of Junior skiers the Tee Pees 3.2 ta move inta 1 iget i h o-15 rn rgt----- 4 26 tion Commission in co-opera- and senior studonts aspiring seconci place in the playoft Midget Hockey manville Cleaners $5.00 van- Preton --- -----1,5 Arniold Siccp __-- 24 205 tion with the Cammunity Pro- ta become instructars in their standings. Rick MacLean (2) Inl the first Lions Midgetta ernieceherry-288, er on .n- uev are-- a14 girl& first- love- -ý 120 grammes Branci, Ontario De- awn communities. Please note'and Gary Bail accoune o League game the Raiders i ce a Ter-288, eBaer- , ------- 1.3 Elton Brock ------ 24--203 partment of Education dne e adr'iePrnr22 ue ae Jl ---- -- _2 0 and that there wîll be lecture ses- the Pirates goals. Bilt Eby and; came up wîth their first win Bic keil ---- er asters __ 110 __________ - sians in the morning and a1 Brian Evans were the T ee Pees Of the playoff series defeat- -281 and Bernice Buday-27 île---- - 20i)2 erv patcld onrain a t 'goal th Cornets 4-0. BilI, Bernice Partncr's 731 total 1 %-e.........................----- 2 Cec Mîîtton 2 9 Kemp's Hill in the afternoon. laI the final Bantamn game Sumersford, Bill Depew, Peter ýto high triple honours by a' ai -i-- M--n---Grdra Grant..2. 197 Ail participants are expected o (f the day the Flyers dcfeated McCullough and Doug. Peel-,isingle Pinîî e Doris Joli at Dtlll _n_-îîra rnt q Brieca y wr 1 Brooks .IlDuke 'Brunt24 I- Jhr fnilmrehrlhd ta attend bath sessions. Bring the Huskies 4-3 ta take over'îng scored for the Raiders. 0.0BericeBndy ws cos yorsi.first place in the standings. IntescndMde a e Tenan with 727 and Joy~ce O ther-.- ------ Kein Lîxton --:--1-1 194 oei r In hyourn skis.gme Tnnntrecordcd a 715 triple. E.iFcneBrdlch..24 18 Thue orse catonendwprol- Lnyun (2) and Wray of the day the B.T.S. defeat- 200 Games Averages Dorecen Charles ----- 24 185. xqlledimn in'Com clue oganzaton nd ro-Readcll (2) scored for the ed the Generals 5-1 ta move JOyce Tennant 204, 246, 265, D)oi.jiH 245 Bcttv Lobb21 15-- frmarlgeeitonnw motoncfskiacoas, lesson Flyers. John Taylor (2) anld into second place in the play- Marilyn Wiggans 219, Shirle -Brije Bîa... .4.23 ,iCox 9 4 194 planing grup ontrI ad, oug Grop acoutedforoff standings. Gilbert Waga-1 Bickle 205, Elsie Spencer 222, Oîîie Ece . .Ml ea . ..4...1.80' ltcaching techniques. grading, -the Huskies three goals. The mese (2), Scott Langie, Clyde 25 a. Hve 0,JueDtBok .............20 Marv Nowl,,an . 24 180 use of ski tow etc. gm sbeing protested by Pryor and Art Inglis account-e24,Baisy1, arlnslat206, lune DtBaokers .....2) akSOl 1 19 Which cd te or i o, te aCcept- the Huskies. oce ed for the B.TS. team. John! Joyce Major 215, Bernice Ter- Ena E.che... Audrev Siecp .2 4 178t.i. tPetmorniHockee Kilpatrick acutdfor t ry 288, Onie ERulO MitcheDlt24 175Bill.éhar'* at Dixon House and advance Charelesll24 lý registrtions wth aor $.00heu:e In the first Pee Wee ga me Generals only goal. Bod Duaine Palmer 200, Peg*v Ha\vne(s _2 1 of the day the Canadians and In the third and final Mid- Peggy H-aynes 255. 0111e Pat- ..i......kel î ary Wilcox 24 173, came oersîon e mder for 20Mpr Rangers ..piayed ta a 0-0 tic. get game the Maroons ehalk- field 208, 26(0, Ada Richardls, Helen Dunni... .........>0GaeWrgt -24 173ý r ~ u Mury akc, AiîtatThe tic eft the Canadians ln d up their fifth win by de-1211, Helen Dunn 210, 216,1onna Preson lî .. 200iso Director of Recreation, City sol.c possession of second place feating the Orphans 2-i. Phil Nancy Brvap)s 204. 2(04. Karer. mx ýce Lme 9 Marion Wisemnan . 24 17() first? 'Hall, Peterborough, Ontario. la ce points behind the league1 Johnson and Dennis Homen- ýBeauprie 2_05, Mollv Mairs 211. 1ilie Patifield 9 Thelma Bennett , 24 1_10 l'hone !Majorette Leadershp Cus leading Wings. uik accounted for the Mar- ' 257, Linda Rundle 212, or NSancv. Brvans I1raiWnaot 2 6 In.Rceton Dîetr the second Pe eýoons twa goals. Terry Walton Joli 212., 200, Shirley Davis Emmia BrommreilDon Bî-adley - 24 167 62 3-.5 7 Asso cio r eastio Cetraigae the Bears handed the scored the Orphans only goal.! 222, Doris Poilly24, eln oraneMaixn 9 'Were flot wuie. But. we do Onai nd Ihr Communitv Leafs a 7-0 defeat ta mnove: The win movcd the MaroansiNicholson 20(o lîene Whitney Jackie 9.he19' Ucine Burgess '24 165 lcno thLWheyounsur BrnchOntriointo third place in the stand- ýita fiirst place in the leagcieI201. Hi]da Simnick 213, 245, Marý perris Mrc easn 2 165 for a private ProgrammesWodard(2,'Mr-Ralph Melanson 24 161 hwn through our agency, you Department of Education arcns ihWowr () u-' standings. 'Jackic Trimbie 214, Bernice Jovce Tennat .... . 191 Murrpv Winnacott 21 s164n Juvenile Le lwys 0ra aguen(2, enTabBuday 275, 279, Donna Pres- Marlon slaght 6 RthGrn 4 12 N biain caefi~..awas ur sponsor 1in g a n Advanced ray 0'Bian (2'> Ken TaboFobligCxa24on6 mrain intcrest is in serving q InhpCurefrBtn 2 n ihrdLw ee l the only Juven 24gam Majorttesthis coming Satur- the Leafs goal scorers. iegreEseCx2 6 yourneeds.If youwantqual- da.Irn2d tCnrl l the third and final Peq playd the Mt. Royals defeatM ixeDBolen M t on dat. ' o 2n ntrraal Mstrs'i 168 iyinsurance, round-t he- Schcal,ý Coboug. Ontario, Wee gamne the Wings scored ed the Aces 3-1 ta move PnoM x d L a u o ln atrion! 24a clock, service and profes- 9:30 a.m. six times in the final Pc riod first place la the standings. abMse 11 sional advicc that keeps voi t hecore îl e I o 'adefeat thp Rackets 6-i and iDoug. Nichais, Jack Whalen' Team Standings [Harisoitn 6,SBob (,Ianxtlle]mathlotan24 154 in ii mdrst. clip out Ihis the direction of Miss Elizabeth tae ve frstplcela the anMt.ryRogrs. scoredcforP-o.126,59 36 2 D oreen Chai-les, hie24 14 mesage and file it under "S" V. Ewald, teacher of the Cao-i standings. Ron McMullen (q) h M.Ryas imAce Bromeil. 2457q9 -15 es; b"t Of 263 aurd Cule Maîg Welsh 24 147, for ... someanelIshould ser adian Blue Jets Kitchener- Grave Bennett (2) and Tim accauntcd for the Aces only! Etcher - 2:3624 i,5'Etcher--2ý60. AdHel Schi- - --- 24 147, EV ~ LK' ,~ i yed.ron.Watrlo, ndEdiorof heTaylor (2) were the Wingsgoal. IPalmer 237 i îî~adBonls75ttlDine Paimer---- 24 14736EL E 'Canadian Twirling Associa- g9al getters. David Wigganii1 Sehedule Saturday, March 2nd Gianville. 22.964 .11wshei(oa0en lhoti]r Netie GPanlme---- 24 1356f igS. .6354 tion Magazine. accountcd for the Rackets Pet Wee League Grant 22798 26 w700'.; o'tii aBh ihohNt Glanville Mariai29tKPerStect The course is rdesigned for anti goal. 701 P.eaainsv run roc __2__2___83___26____,__-__BI__21___1_____ 7:00Hokcya.m.-awkin v is .,efc 233 2 6 :ton B ck 75., Arnold Dot 2hompsaa21 13 instructors and senior pupils tmHoky7.45 am-ak sRnesBennei 22318 '-61212 _______________________________ STUART B. iwith a view ta instructing in! ltathe first Atom gamne. he 8:35Bennetock2ts1v :Baton Twirting. Teaching me- Barons had ta corne fromn be-Lxtn22,329 9 y thods for bath beginners and 'hind Ia defeat the Bisons 3-2 atmLau Ladies High Single - or-' J AMES advanced pupils \viîî he cav- Murray Cawker (2) and Dan P:20> arn-Braves vs Cubs een Charles 263. WAVLEIAMRE e-ed as weIl1 as advanced Robinson scored for the Bar-: 10:1.9 ar.. Lions vs Tiger" Ladies High Triple - Cal INSURANCE REAL ESTATE! twirling under three instruc- 'ans. Wayne Harness account- 11:00 a.m.-Huskies vs Pirates Etcher 610. OMNI LG A tors. 'cd for bath of the Bisons' Atom League Men's High Single -~joe Ring St. E. Bawmanvillie Regitratilon mray he made goals. The win was the Bar- j'11:5( a.m.-Vikings vs Hornets'Nowlan .150. B WA I L the day of the course in Ca- Ians fifth straight ionfthe play-' Men's High Triple.--How&ard- Office Residence bourg ai. q:30 a.m. or advanced1 off schedue - Lions Mdget Leagîe Boel75 OMNI L 623568 62-543 rgisraton Tit\ 0 maiied: la the second Atorn garni 12:315 p.m. - Gene-raIs vs Or-- wîth a cheque or monev or- the Hornets defeated the In- phans h he-a i o li der or 2.00perpetsonmad dias 30 t mov ino a ecod 130 prn.-league, v Read- eagu lbrokenbrke Fn-î crs separatp the top fIe clubs,urMtPrc sS vY uM o e Lions Juvenilî Leatue Prout rooved in front hy a i..'% 2:5pm igt sMt. single point on the stceogt1i J I ~ i i ~ /, Rayals. of a 5-2 win ove.r last place-~~/ A 3:00 p.m.-- Ares vs Canurks' Luxton. Bromellt tmouined ' Sehdul Moday Maeh tbBenlnett 7-01 ta tic Etcher, 4-:3 ' / \/ 'V < ' oceueMnaMrh4hwnesrver Glanville, for i' -tmLau the cunner-up spot. " 5:45 p.m.-Baroins vs Giantrs Brock ptîlled off a 7-0 up- 5:45p.m- idian vsBomeraset victory aver Palmier ta o 6:30 p.m.- Royals vs Ramns knock the lasers ont of the IL Â- . r ACOUSTICAL -TILE "VELVET 1000" 13½/c Carton Lots OnIy (Coverage 64 qq. ft.) Mahogany DOORS ($ 3 .99 PREFINISHED Anather Beavêer Carload Saving Prefinished 12" x 12" Veivet White TiLe with aver 1,000 micro saune! ahsorbing, perfarations per tile. Tongcme and grooved for accurate, quick appli- cation. Now yan can have prcfinishcd acoîmtical tile for little more than stand- ard tule. ARMSTRONG V inyl Asbestos FLOOR TILE *For any room in 'our home Appiy wîth onhN' scissors and brush. 1963 calamina and pat- s' eras - Honey Beige. Rainbow Taupe, Hiawatha Beige-. Snow Gold, etc. Carton Lots Oniv 9y /sc (Caverage 54 sq. ft.) EACH ALUMINUM DOORS NEW 11/4" SEALMASTER E$ A 9 HOW TO DO IT KITS FOR REC. ROOMS S ILP by stp illustratéd tter Hmes & Gardens bookiet and full information on how ta buile your rec. room. Free at Beaver. CEULUNG TILE First quality, standard 1,-" x 12" tule, tangue aud giooved for au- citrate, fast applica- tioni. Another Be-aven Carioad Saving. Carton Lots Only (coverage 54 sq. fi.) EACH I I DEPENDABLE QUALITY SERVICE BEAVER LUMBER 96King St. E. THE (OMPLETE JOB ONE CALL . . . DOES IT ALLI 1 Beaver Lumber's Home Improvemnent Contract Department does thé complete job ... from planning to completion on any remodelling home improve- ment. Farm buildings today' have to bc planned also t-o do the job. The field experience and con-e struction know-how of the Beaver "Fat m Rep" can help yau plan the right building for vour f atm program. For an "at home" day or evening appoitment 'Phone Romnke Stel 623-13.3ô8. M-M-M- M- M MM-M M- Bowmcrnville Romike Stel m-m-a- - The Eastern Ontario Little Grant lost 5-2 ta Perfect. N.H.L. Zone playoffs will beý Joe Nawian set the high hcld in Bowmanville on Sat- single pare with a nie,.50 urdy, arcg9ih starting ai game. followed by Don Rrad- 2:00 p.m. l' ey--326, Aif Sanielts-313, Nineteaa hve eenen-256; H-oward Bromell- , 307, Nineteam hav bee en-262; Dick Perfect -3031, Etton tered in the three classifica- Brock--275. Frank Wrightl tions Atom, Pee Wec, and 1 273, Mei Burgess 272, Fiar- Bantam. There will be three id enei21VncPru teams from Bowmanville, Ca- '20Anl SepadMt bourg and Port Hope in the,- The winners in ecd seri.s' wil avaceta the Ontarioa e nage e g , Championshipu which will be held in St. Catharines during Teenage Boys the Easter holidays. Victup 7 - Gay 0, Pctei'sn _____:_5 - Charles 2, Colville "à- Cal-' Ian 0. Te-arnStandings GOODYEAR coay ie -411 Gay -18 1 Peterson --- 26 BOW LING 'Callan . .12 Charles 9 Holy mackerel there Andy -- Viltue 7 laok what happened in the High Single - B. Colville i od goodyear ]oop Thursday 3j09,_),92, Tr. Callan 208g, p. night. Farewell Blackburn rail- Peterson '201, D. Mè-Kniglht cd games af 357, 280, andi 233 257, C. Mutton 232, 235, f. for the season's top triple-- a Gay 206, G. Clark 238, R. Et- big 870 total. But you a int cher. 286. »(3. heard nothin 1 yet-- Jack Duno High Triple - R. Ktiber came up with the highest, 769, B. CalvitIe 737, C. Muttomi single of the season-- a te-r- 6,10. rific 383 game, and that Tfenage Girls isn't ah- - these guys bawl on Okp 5 - Vinsmoie '2,jeft the same team yei.. No won- 7 - Pateden 0, Brown 5 Gay dr the Office racke-d tp a 2. 3611 tota- and folks that's Teamn Standinzs the best in league history, A- Bronît110 cording ta statistician Arnold Jeffery 28 Lobb. Oke - 24 John Luxton recorded an Paeden 16' 806 series, fallowed by jacl,'Vanstone- 115 Dunn--753, Ray Westlake__ Gay 1.1 734, Bill Holroyd-730, Jim High Single r . Jeffrr Murphy-722, John Carter~ 322, 227, 206, A. Kitsorî 261, 719, Russ Hately--715, Brian,204, f. Morris 228, K. Oke ,Martyn- 714, Fred Smith - '206, M. Lymer 203, J. Bennet 709,. Bill Joil-692, Art Far- 220, 291, S. Etcher' 202, S. row-688, Bud Henning--685. BaIl 325. C. Luxton 207. Ernie Hansen-681, Howard Hligh Triple -- P. Jeffery-. Brome-l- 673, Jack Bond- 75i, S. BaIl 63,5, A. Kitson 600(. 671, Ted Tice-660, Leon Con- Jiunior Boys nors-654 and Jim Houck- Nowlan 5 - Richards 0, D)odds 653. 5 - Wilson 0. Ted Haîlman was the thirdi Te-ar Standings 3M0bowler with 304, other high INowlan .28 scores going ta Jim Murphy! Dodd!s .-----.-------17 _-298, John Luxton--295, 273; Wilson p 1) Jim Houck--291, Ron WhiteliRichards 5 -291, Bud Henning-28.1, Art' High Single . G. Adam3 Farrow- 281, John Carter ý205, D. Malley 185. Stu Carson and Ken Nichais High Double-- D. Malle-y a&l at 279, Ray Westlake-277, 356, G. Adams 3,50. Brian Martyn-276. Leon Côn- Junior Girlg nors--275, Rusa Hately-268 Gruldi 3 - Samelîs 2. Masters Walter Goode-267, Ernie Han: 5 - Brine (). Hately 3- King 2. sen-262 and Jack Bond -- Te-ar Standings 95 260. G ould 26.Masters --- ---25 The Combines and Lahorat- Hateiy . -13 tory remained deadlocked forKig .-1 first place winning 5-2 avec BKing 12- I the Beits and Bralders res- Same-Ils> - . - __ 4 pectively. Cornets whipped HigO Single --- N. Gould tail-end Banbury 7-0 ta niove '15 C Bradle-y 216. within a single point of the " 1'lig Double - - N. Gouid runner-up Braiders and ma a 403 P Debea 375. pair af upsets Houe defeated ' 3na Girls Fan Belts 5-2 and Tigers down- Burns 5 - Major 0, Bram- ed Lead Press by the samne e-l 5 - Edniondsan 0, Lewis 5- score. Sellers 0. Goadwin 3- Brad- Team tandings le-y 2. pts. Team Standings Laboratôry .--- -- - ---- Braiders.---- jCornets -.. . Tigers ~ .-- Lead Press ----- ---------- Fan Beltz Off ice --------- -------- Hose - - -------- - ------- Machine Shop Banbury 41 Bramp-l - - 20 3,5 Sellers ...... ............----15 34 Major -- .15 30 Goodwin --- --- 14 29; Lewis .- .. .. . -- 10( 29 ý[Edmondson-R 28! Bradley - - - - 2.1' High Single- N. Goodwin 23 235. W. Lewis 19. 13 High DOuble -- W. Lewis 10 a36, F. Burna 344. FOOD PRICESY fEB. 25 NEOUR NIAR. 1, 2 IVe resprve Ois right tao lmit. qîtantifima t [1 SIR EICH DOLLAR S SLE' THIS WEEK ONLY AT BOWMANVILLE IGA PEAIMEAI, - SAVE 10c LB. FRESH SIDE - SAVE lé1,1 Cottage Roils 6 51,b SPARE RIBS 651b SAVE 10< lB. SAVE f6e LB. BEEF LIVER 49lb HEADCHEESE 391b FRESH, LEAN IZF llc Pork Shoulder 39clb FRESII, LEAN Pork Butt Roast Fresh, 'Tasty. li'eI l'rimrmcd PORK 49 1 Royal (;uest Rindless - Slired Bt hpL lb 5cSieBacon P k6g. 10 FATHOM EXTRA COUT EX T RGovernment lnspecte-d tA$34 00 in 331b TotalBonus Direct froni Sunny Israei - Large size 90' SUf3 ETRN T aiîrpesJn R NG S 6 Receive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes f it a ffai 5<:. t 'i'dz Sco tis A mIE PA K Wh2o rPîkgs. Produce of USA o rd Scottiesn'4"r"L BAYER ASPIRINS o 8 hN EW CABBAGE ec . Reccive S4,00 in Bonus Tapeswtl Produce of V.S.A.. - No. t Grade - Large Bunh ec 5 FLEECY LAUNDRY RINSERE H B O C L29 YORK PEANUT BUTTER 16e: ' FRE H B O C L 9 Recciv'c S2-00 in Bonus Tapes with B.C Fancy Grade - Red - Size 100%s Mixed VEGETABLES F"'27 ib. bn Delicious APPLES 6 for 39c Kraft MILD H CHE SE «ck. B 1011 raf MLD HESE12 BONUS GIFT TAPE 0F THE MONTH S Pc OO HATMSNm. 1 Grerde BEAUTIFUL tU FtIFREEI For 1/1 aide-r P.E.t. POTATOES 10 lb.baq$5i s tq r3c~S . s -tu ni mon a MMAR