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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1963, p. 1

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~~erb~ Deoans At B H S Dance anabtmrn Staid old Bowmanville High School xvas transformed into a Sultan's palace on Friday evening, including many portraits of famed Scheherazade, for the annual formai dance. iDecorations were produced by Mrs. Helena McMaster gnd her art students. This photo shows Morris Honeyman, in an outfit right _ - -le A --I---- _ - _4ý'__ -4- -i-rI+1 -ili* +il,. out of Arabian iNights pointing at one of the paintings wnle Car( looks on with approval. _____ ___ Canada First, Party Second After A4pril 8, Rickard Says ~ 'Iepary eec t ower strong pposition party to ex- ~I ngon April 8 must put thewin- amine Tegislation in a es fto;t, tmn erests of Canada ahead of ponsible manner andnfot mrere- partypolities, Garnet Rick- Ily to obstruct the passage of ~N o ,in tioflard, the Progressive Conserv- bis through tbe House of lor N R'naion tivecandidate for Durbam Commons. said in Garden Hill last week. "I hope naturally that the Nex T'e5 ay Addressing tbe annual1met- Ccnservative party 'vIl get N ex Tueday ing of the Hope Township P the majority it needs to enact Hon. L. B. Pearson, Leader. Association at the Orange, legisiation At 'as prevented of the Liberal Party, 'vili be Hall, Mr. Rickard said, "It is1from doing in tbe last parlia- the speaker at the Durharn a matter of concern to all Can- 1i ment," be said. Liberal Nomination meeting adians that we sbould clect a1 Economie Upsurge to be held on Tuesday even-Igovernment wbich bas a ma-ý Speakirig about tbe econ- ing, Mardi 5tb, in the Portijority to put tbrough its logis- omic progress Canada had Hope Higb School auditorium.1 latiofi witbout obstruction." made under tbe Conservative Victoria Street, Port Hope, Iti The candidate added that government, Mr. Rickard said, 8 p.m.! parliament also needed a (TIRN TO PAGE TWO) Russell C. Honey, wboxvas elected Member of Parliamer.t for Durham in tbe election 5 Mr. Pearson on Monday even-1H I e e to ing that be would like to at-A tend the Liberal Nomination, Fo r41 Nvew C.anaaians, meetng hre. hisnecessi-1 tated a change in plans as Mr. Pearson will be in Peterbi ouh alir nth dY adýF IIowig C r m n wil go from tbere directly Io ai g C r m n Port Hope. Previouisly the meeting xas scbeduicd to b, "YouI have becomc citizcnzz the court room of the Coun-1 held in Orono. ýof a vcry great country in 'tics Building. This week Mr. Pearson h,,swbicb there is the most on- Judge Currcily rc m iiidcd1 been addressing large crowds portunity for advanccmcnt for thenm that thc stcp tbcy badI in the Maritime ýProvincL.ý 1110 individual in this co-'taken was of tbcir own froc, and Gaspe. The dav before lieu~' as nowbcrc cise in tlit' wll and "eve(n, God forbidl cornes to Durham b e will at- wold." said Judge J. N. C. that it sbould bappen, bos-1 tend meetings in Peel Couintv. Currc]lly, addressing 41 new\ tilities should arise bctxvceni ,After the Durlbam Liberal Canadians in Cobouîrg las4' 11w countrY vou bave just r0-ý Nomination meeting in Port wcekl. nounced and Canada. then! Hope. be will go to Toronto. The ceemonY took plac i i r TURN-TO-PAGE TWO r New .'A&P1 Food Store WiIIl Ollicia yO0 ~ 4bbon 1 Worship Mayor Ivani M. Hobbs will cut the ,ribontoofficially open the new Atlantic & Pacific jIfdStore at the'corner of King and Liberty Streets "Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Company officiais afid nembers of the store staff will also be prcsent to act as guides and provide other information con- ienît this modern merchandising establishment. 14 Pages VOLUME 109- Midgets Enter Eastern Finals Against Trenton Last night, Bowmanvilie *Midgets defeated Ajax here *to the tune of 5 to 3. This Wvin gave the local squad the series and now qualifies them to enter the Eastern Ontario Finals against Tren- ton. First gamne of the two-out- of-thrce series 'vili be play- ed here on Saturday even- ing at 8 p.m. Ken Sumersford, lni charge of the team, says his lads are ail set to play their best, after doing a terrifie Sjob against Ajax. He and the boys would certainly ap- preciate the support they deserve from Bowmanville and area fans. FALSE ALARM At noon today, firemen answered a cail supposedly from the Eastway Bowling Lanes at the west end of Darlington on Highway 2. Apparently, someone had turned in a false alarm, be- cause no fire couid be found '~~at the scene. Rotary Elecis G. Edwin Manni 1963 President Iý Dr. G. Edwin Mann has been unanimously elected president of the Bowman- ville Rotary Club for 1963- 64, and 'viii take office on July lst. This 'vas announc- cd by the president, Dr. Keith Billett at the Juncheon meeting of the club heid at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Friday. The far reaching assist- ance given to many thous- ands of crippled chiidren by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children 'vas dis- cussed by Jack Sarney, Toronto, a director of the famcd organization. Mr. Sarney also spoke of the great work which is financed by the proceeds of the apinuai Easter Seals Cam- paign. An account of Mr. Sarney's address 'viii be carried in the next issue of The Canadian Statesman. ,,Space Speaker BOWMANVII Durham County's Great Family Journal LLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1963 10e Per Copy NUMBER 9 Outstanding Mural Painted For Boy Scout Week Display i i j j, Although there were many exceptionally fine exhibits of skill and crafts at the Boy Scouts display in the former IGA store last week, none drew more interest than this mural which had been painted by a Grade XI student, Paul Mutton. He is the younger r ÇýI3s and' £-ktÔ,,eces WELCOME - On Tuesday, the Rev. Kenneth John Frampton, his wife and daughter, arrived in Bowmanville from Orillia. He is the next rector of St. John's Anglican Church and will preach his first sermons here this Sunday. A cordial welcome is extended to these newcomers to the community. IN HOSPITAL - is many friends in the area were saddened to learn that former Chief of Police Sydney Venton, a highly regarded citizen, suffered a stroke early Tuesday morning and is in Memorial Hospital. Early Wednesday, he was showing signs of a good recovery. T t t t RUMMAGE Don't forget the Kiwanis Club's big Rummage Sale at Don Millîgan's old IGA store this Friday evening f rom 5 to 9 p.m. They have collected a superb assortment of articles that will be available at real bargain prices. t t tL t t EXPANSION - The Bell Tqjephone Company's 83rd annual report was releaged- this week, show- ing another year of great expansion. In Bowman- ville 166 'phones were added, according to area Bell Manager J. W. Lowry, to bring the total to 3,432. No doubt, Bowmanville citizens are mak- ing a real contribution to the record held' by Canada for being the talkingest nation on earth. t t MISJUDGED - Some items of news have been held over until next week because we misjudged the number of pages which would be required, and learned too late that there would be quite a surplus of material. If your favorite news story has been left out or your community correspond- ence is missing, we are sorry. Look for it next week. t t t t FAMOUS CITIZEN - One of Durham County's most noted citizens died this week in the person of Alfred N. Mitchell, a native of Newtonville, who was almost 87 years old. He was a former Dr. . H ChamanAssurance Company. C On Wcdnesday,. Marcb (11h, productive career will bi tbe guest speaker at West _________ ___ Durbam Canadian Club will be Dr. John H. Cbapman. He I iis Dcpuly Cbief Supt. Defence -,Establishment aI Ottawa and[Pan lloe f andas uttadigý an ing Bo r .:scientists. His topic 'vili be I"Satellites and Space Travel'ý. -Tbe meeting will be beld atj At a recent meeting of the the Lions Centre, starting at1Bowmanville Planning Board 8:15 p.m. _____ the following officers and members of the board for 1963 were affirmed: )pen Tuesday Vce airnan L. n Smib; Vce hairman W. L. Lyith; Cole-, Mem-bers ex - officio, Mayor I. M. Hobbs. Deputy Reeve R. Stevens, L. C. Ma- son Q.C., N. Osborne. Peace Walkers, Drop in During . ,'15 PC Meeting Garnet B. Rickard, Progres- M" , "Ž sive Conservative Candidate (Duirham) 'vas host to three young men at bis home, Fni- day, Feb. 22, 1963. Mr. Lorne r Bennet, Mr. Peter Ligbt, Mr. Hans Sinn are walking from Vancouver B.C. to Berlin, *' Germany, and cailed on Mr. Riekard to explain their mis- sion. Tbe men were asked to at- tend the meeting of tbe Dur- hamn P.C. Campaign commit- tee whicb was in progress. Later Mr. Rickard invited them to speak. Members of' the "Canadian Campaign fori Nuclear Disarmament", they are walking across country, The latest in display arrangements and equipment paigt h epe I havebeeninstlle in he lrge tor, inludig atending meetings, and distri- - havebeeninstlle in he lrge tor, inludig *abubing pamphlets explaining, unique con\'C\or system for transporting baskets Of, their theme -"If we fail taý groceries from inside the building to waiting cars. attain peace, it will not bel These glamorous young ladies were among Details of specials, gifts, etc., are includedb in an'because peace is u natta inable1 those attending Bowmanville High School's colorful advertisement on page 14. i-but because not enurfomaî n Friday evening. Our photographer caught 1people took the trouble 1loo whirm le for it." 1therril they were waiting to have their corsages ýomplete details of his )e published next week. son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Leo Mutton and has been studying art for some time by correspondence. Paul is shown here standing in the foreground. "OId Parties Bankrupt of Ideas" 1Acclaim Hum pton M o!he r Candidate for N D P Part y Iln Second Bld for Election rThe NDP Nomination Con- Coutts is a xvoman of cour- le vention, held in the Town age, convictions, ability and1 Hall, Port Hope, on Saturday dedication, who is interestedi evening, chose Mrs. Eileenr in other people's problems. Coutts' Hampton, as NDP "She is a symbol for other candidate for Durham County women to play a part in poli- in the coming federal election. tics. The NDP is a peopie's I rThis will be Mrs. Coutts sec- party and Mrs. Coutts is def-i ond attempt in this riding for 'initely of the people," hie as- election. She contested the serted. seat last June when Russeliý In lier acceptance speech C. Honey 'vas elected M.P. for Mrs. Coutts charged that big Durham, and Mrs. Coutts !business is putting the farmer came third in the returns. and small businessmen out On Saturday Mrs. Coutts' of work. She calied for co- nomination 'vas moved by operative marketing of farm Ernest Dent, Orono, and sec- produce, and claimed that onded by Sidney Burgess, farmers are being sold down Courtice. There 'vere no other the river by vertical integra- rko'minations. tion.. In introducing the candid-ý Farmers and labor should ate Mr. Dent said that Mrs. work together, Mrs. Coutts de- Predict 5Oc/o increase High School Students During Next Seven Yrs. clared "We need an adequate Bill of Rigbts. What we want- in our party we want for ail Canadians," she said firrnlv. Harry Ashton, Pickering Beach, NDP provincial cari- didate for Durham CountY, introduccd the gucst speaker, The tender mot Gray and functions. Banks for the construction of Accounts amounting to $22,- the Agricultural Building at 610 were passed for payment. Bowmanville High Sehool was Tbe final budget meeting will *.. accepted by the meeting of be held in Clarke Higb School Mrs. Eileen Coutts the Durham County District on Wednesday evening, Feb- High School Board held in ruary 27tb, it was decided. Andrew Brewin, M.P. for Millbrook 1 a st Wednesday Tbe resignation of Mis,, Toronto-Greenwood. Mr. Bre- evening. Agnes Hutcbinson of Port 'vin particularly discusscd th,* The board decided to allow1 Hope 'vas accepted with re- unemployment situation. It the use of High School audi- gret by. bbe board. Arrange- should not be necessary to bol- toriums by outside groups at ments were made to have T.B. erate govcrnmcnt inaction a rental fee of $35 per even- tests held in the various when public investment could ing. Applications are to be schools, and il is hoped that step in, ho claimed. made to the principal of the everyone connected with the Mr. Brewin stated tbat thre High School in question, by institutions will have a test. NDP believes Canada shouid any organization wishing to It was announced that the~ play a conventional role, and use its auditorium, and the Officiai opening of the Voca- not a nuclear olle in NATO. date must fit in with sehool ITURN TO PAGE TWO) (TLRN TO PAGE TWO) pinned on by Jill Ames right, appropriately costumed t() carry out the Schc'herazade thene of the evenintg From left to right Dianne Biggs, Audrey Hayes, Donna IFerguson and Jane Oliver. 'I - - pot Waiting For Their Corsages at BHS Formai i rolyn Tennant

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