14 1%e Canadian Statesnan, Bawmanvllle, Mar. 20, 1983 The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. G. L. MeGee: Mrs. Elgin Seymour, Mr., ta have Bowmanviile tie It up spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seymour of' with a goal by D. Homeniuk. and Mrs. H. R. Patterson, Mi- Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Karli Fisk cf Orono scored from A. chael and Nancy, Toronto. Hall of Bowmanville visited :Wallace late in the period and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lunn, Mrs. Wm. Seymour on Sunday.. this proved ta be the winner. Whitby; Mrs. Robt. Dionne and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Is-' Congratulations boys! sans, Oshawa, visited Mr. and lington; Mr. and Mrs. Neli n the first game Zion won Mrs. Archie Lunn. Elliott and Karen, Weston;- the consolation crests by de- Miss Mary Jones, Bowman- 'Mr n r.Nra l n feating Newcastle in a high ville, spent the weekend with and Sharon spent Sunday with i scaring gaine 10-6. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. First period scores were visiingberspe Debbie- four-year-oid dau- Newcastle 3, Cobblediek un- Mrs. ChrenvsiTyn rreil n ghtcr cf Mr. and Mms. Ron assisted, McCuliough fromn ghter onniein Ki dston Hancock bas been a patient in Walton and Richard Rickard ghtr Cnni i Kigstn. Memoial Hosoital, Bowman- unassisted. Zion 2, Devitt from Mrs. Wm. E. Armstong and 'ville. Burns, Simpson Warner from Mrs. Howard Lintan spent Rev. Dr. Stuart Johnston Devitt, Burns. Monday in Toronto. cf Montreal epresenting The Second periad Newcastle Mm. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Canadian Bible Soc. was the scored 1, Rickard from Me- Mrs. Heber Souch. Mr. and guest speaker at the regular Cullough. Zion 5, Conners fromn Mrs. Cari Biliings were din- service cf Orono United: McNair, Meadows, Burns un- ner guests cf Mr. and Mrs.' Church on Sunday. assisted, D. McDonald froin Ed Grahamn and son Terry on 1 The Clarke Township Tea-1 B. McDonald, Warner from Fiday, March 8th. chers held their March meeft- Bumns, Burns fromn Conners, Mms. Mac Canleton is stray- jing at Kendal on Monday f hird period Newcastle 2, lng at The Lodge Nursing andF ternoon. Cobbledick unassitsted, Wai- Convalescent Home at New- Mrs. Phoebe Norfolk Gar- ton frorn McCuilough, Cobble- castle. don, widow cf the late Mr. dick. Zion 3, Warner fram Mr. Wm. Watson bas been George Gordon cf Saginaw, Burns, Wamner fromn Devitt, a patient in Oshawa Hospi- Michigan, passed away last'Simpson froin Devitt, Burns. tai for the past ten days. 'week at St. Mary's Hospital, Officials for bath games Mrs. Wm. Hooey and daugh- Saginaw, after a long illness. wemc Tim Cox and Robbie ter Shelly spent last Thurs- Mrs. Gardon was born at Robinson. day with ber gandnaýther Stratford, Ontario, August 3, The teains in this Midget Mrs. George B. Stephens and'1883. She leaves two step- League as the playaffs have Mm. Stephens, Toronto. 1 daughters and a stepson, Mrs. shown have been very evenly Mrs. Jin BaIl spent Sun- Angela Symon cf Saginaw, balanced ail winter. Standings day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mms. David Patterson cf Flint, after sixteen game schedule Gay and son John, Kendal. Michigan, Mr. Claude Gardon saw Orono on top with 9 Mr. and Mms. Tom Hardy cf Baton Rouge, La. Mrs. Gar- points, Newcastle 8 points, and family spent Sunday af- don had spent sevemal yeams in Bowmanvîlle 8 points, Zion 7 temnoon with Mr. and Mms. Orono caring for ber uncie the points. Reg Skeltan and family, Osh-! late Joe Robinson and made Omono players weme: Charles awa. many lasting fiendships heme Reid, Terry Grahamn, Allan Mr. R. Campbel cf Ca- and she had returned ta Or-1 Fisk, Temry Ccx, Jin Richard- bourg bas been staying with ana each year while ber health son, Gardon Dent, Robin Tag- her niece Mrs. Ross Knapp perimitted and visited with gart, Gamey Lycett, Arnold wbo suffered a breken collar 'Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Wallace, Dane Rogerson, La- bone in a car accident on Hockey News verne Brovwn, John Grady, Sunday, March 3rd. Orono Fuel and Lumber Ron Richamdson, George Vani Mrs. Clifford Cooper is con- championship crest was won Dam, Bob Luxton, Dave Green, valescing at the home cf ber by Orono Midgets, with con- Dennis Wilis, Fraser Wallace. daughter Mrs. Wm. N. Arm- solation crests going te Zion. Thursday night Orono Ban- strong and Mr. Armstrong In second gaine Saturday tams defeated Little Britain Jr. after sevemal weeks in the'night, ta wind up the Midget 3-1 in their first gaine in the Memarial Hospital, Bowman- hockey in Orono, Orono de- Cannington Little N.H.L. gain- ville. 'feated Bowmanville 4 to 3 ta es with Brian Foster scoring Mrs. Hector Bowen return-, win the championship. Bow-, 2 and Gary Van Dam 1, but ed home on Tuesday afteri manville went ahead 2 ta i in were defeated and eliminated three weeks in Memorial Hos- first period on goals by Read- by Canningtan 7-0 Friday pital, Bawmanville.' 'cm frein Bail and Bail froin nigbt. The Omono bays jaur- Mm. Roy Patton attended Reader. Orono's goal was neyed ta Cannington again the Sportsman's Show in Tom- scored by Fisk. Second per- I Saturday for the noon ban- onto on Saturday.F iod Omono tied the game with1 quet, and stayed mast of the Mrs. Thomnton Wilson and' a goal by R. Richardson frein afternoon ta see saine cf the Mrs. Etrl Grady cntertained Fisk. Orono went ahcad early emaîning gaines which were their Bridge Club at luncheon1 in the thirdi period with ai real thrillers with great bac- last Thursday. Mrs. Norinan goal by R. Richardson frein key abilîty being displayed S. McNaily cf Ceiborne, Miss Willis and J. Richardson enlyF by ahl teains. Kate Foster cf Oshawa were among the gucsts. Mms. Mary Luxon, M'~r. and M x dL u u o ln Mms. Roy Mercer, Kendal, v ix d L a u o ln ite M. ad .,ýrs HaryMer- cer on Sunday evening. The top two clubs bath won Nowlan 257, Howamd Bromeli Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn re- in Mixed Bowling League ac- 255, Arnold Sleep and Vince turned home last weck from tien Friday night as Etcher Prout bath with 254, and Cee Memomial Hospital, Bowman- downed Grant 5-2 ta inaintain Mutton 250). ville. their four point edge on Prout, Team Standings Mrs. Annie Kezia Luxon 5-2 wînners ever Brock. Hall, age 61, wife cf Mr. Allun Pts. Hall. mother cf Don and Vic- Glanville moved past Pal- Etcher ......................52 tom passed away very sudden- mer into the show position , * u ..................4 ly at ber home on Thursday besting Bromell 5-2, while Pou evening, Mamch 14th. Funcral Palmer was being upset 4-3 Glanville ....................... 45 was on Monday. Internent in, by Perfect. In the only shut- !Palmer ..........................43 Orono Cenetery. iout of the night last placeBaa........4 Mm. and Mrs. Tom Hardy 'Luxton took it on the chrn,1 and fanily visited Mr. and trouniccd 7-0 by Bennet.t. ' Brock........................... 40 I Mms. Lloyd Ransberry on Sun- Mai Harsn wB alte nnett .................. .......39 day cvning.honours with a 781 triple and1 Peret..........? Mrs. Milton Birch is a pat- ý3lssingle, and Emma Bromeili.Grant ............................ 2 ient in Menorial Hospital, and Marie Leaman led the 'Luxtan ......................... Il Bowmanville. ----ladies with 733 and 303 scores~ - ~~~respectively. i' G O Y A IBob Glanville was nextin G O Y A L.J S af C. A.'lne at 768, followed by Vinceý Chartered A. Prout 738, Cee Mutton 724, B V LII ChareredAccountant Elton Brock 716, Onie Etchcrý O LN 685, Harold Bennett 682, AÉ Lobb 678, Mel Burgess 675.' It looks like a battle rigut Whitby Barbara Masters 665, Jue down te the wime in the Good- P.O.Bo 28 Nowian 659 and Dick Perfect year League. Thursday night P. . ox 08 651. a 5-2 win over first schedule Other big singles were reg- champion Braiders hoisted the Phoe stredbyAiLobl? 310, Bob Combines back into first place,l Glanville 287, 253, El t on when Laboratory last 5-2 ta Orono 138 Brock 285, 251, Mel Burgess'third place Comets. 285, "Hap" Palmer 283, Aif The Hase hopes weren'tý VWhtby 668-8197 Samells, Jin Cox and Harold belpcd much as they werel Bennett 2î4. Emma Bromeli upset 4-3 by Beits anid Leadý CAN 1DB HELP FINANCE YOUR BUSINESS? ...**...... ...... .. THIS BOOKLET TELLS YOU HOW If you are engaged in a business-or if you plan to start one-and required financing is flot available else- where on reasonable terms and conditions, you are invited to discuss your needs with the Industrial Development Bank. For further information, write for this descriptive bookiet, visit an IDB office, or consuit your auditor, lawyer or chartered banker. wu INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT B3ANK 22 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA TORONTO, 250 UNIVERSITY AVENUE TELEPHONE: 368-1145 B an tam Bowlers Corne Every Saturday, Liberty Bowl is crowded with generation who take this alley bowling game very Lean, of Bantams competed in the Toronto and Dist won second place, just 16 pins back of the winners. further playdown events later. Included are, front, Bromeli, Nancy Edmondson; back row, Debbie Selei Lewis and Nancy Goodwin. Wins Singles Crown Gail Mulholland This young lady didn't even know until almost the last minute that she would be bowling in the Toronto and District Jr. Bowling Tournament recently. But, this didn't prevent her from winning f irst place in the intermediate section by roliing a three game 707. She is Gail Muiholland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mulholland, Liberty St. S., shown here in action at Liberty Bowl. saine boat, howing 4-3 ta the iers dwlngchnBeI -2Night Hawks" cellar dwe Facn eltSh5-p and Office won 5-2 over Ban- Averages bury. G. Bain --------------- Jack Bond came up with hisýF. Allen -------------- best effort of the season and M. Hodgson ------ ------ what an effort it was as he V Pickamd put together gaines cf 363 281 G. Scott- and 248 for a teriffie 892 tri- S. Coombes - ---- ple hihes inthe league for M. Wiseman oiehighst i J. Holroyd_ _ 12-3D. Halmoyd - "Bud"' Henninc acked up M, Sedman ____ an 805 total, other higb triples!FM. Coyie going to John Luxton 739, Don M. Swann ______ Oke 735, Jack Haneyman 720 M. Crago l and Jim Allin 681. M. Firth__- John Luxton's 310 greIL. Burgess was runner up in the sing Fstle_______ division, followed by "Bud" I. Wright -- iHcnning 301, 254 and 250, DonE F.Pierdo O0ke 295, Howvard Bromeil 291,IV.Sagno Ron White 286, Walter Goodejj Scro 265, Winston Vanstone and J' Rogers---- Frank Sanis 263, Ken Nichols B.WiRbgers- George Dadson and Ted Hal'- K.Cinbeîî ,man 258, Dave Park 257, Stan'J.*Pamker ----------- Hodgson 256, Farewell Biack- C. Cobrs------- bourn 254, and "Bud" Perfect TanStnig 253'Paterson 2! Team Standings ýHodgson Z-____ Combines.................... Laboratory ................... C onets ... ............. Braiders ..................... Lead Press ............ Tigers...-...................... iBelts ............................ O ffice -............. .. Fan Belts -- ........... Machine Shop . ........... 29 28 Pts iBurgess--_______23 57,Cmago 72 55ýPickamd .. 13 Coyle ---------------- -------'12 200 Gaines 47' M. Hedgson 207, F. Allen 33, 285, B. Rogers 236, V. Piekard 37'256, 210, E. Piekard 200, J. 37 Scott 219, G. Bain 213, 209, L. 37 Burgess 204, M. Wisemnan 240, 33 S. Combes 208, 207. 31 High Single- F. Allen 285. 20 High Triple - V. Piekard 19 621. Second cnutd recently from Brandon, Man- itoba, where he was an in- terested spectator at the Mc- Donald Brier Curling Cham- pionships. Mrs. Gardon Osborne, Hamn- ilton, is ta be congratulated' on her recent graduation as a i certified nurse. She spent a by Francis Curran pending threat hangmng over few days with her mother It is "that time again- the schooi, the wheei of activ- Mrs. A. Wilkins who return. Exains! !adwt hsi-iyhscm oahl.O ed home fram Bowmanville 1 n ihti n- t a on aahi.Q !---- - --course there is an exception Haspital.whose funeral was last Tues- Ito every rule and the girls' Mrs. Harry Huron is a pat- day. ivolicybali team is it. They ient in Bowmanviiie Hospi- Reverend Wm. Davis of travelied ta Cartwright High tai. She suffered a broken !Winnipeg, the Manitoba Dis. Schoai iast Monday, the eiev- ankie in a fail while walking trict Secretary of the Can- enth, ta play vaiieyball. Bath to church last Sunday. adian Bible Society, spoke at the senior and junior teams Mrs. W. Cameron, Mrs R. the church service. piayed two gaines, swqcess. Wiggans, Mrs. Illiffe and MIrs. Communion service wili bel fully defeating Cartwright in W. Brown attended the Red. heid next Sunday, March 24, ail four games. The scores Cross Meeting at Trinity Uni-1 at 10:45 o'clock. were Junior 15-12 and 15-6. ted Church on Wednesday' Over 30 members of Sun- Senuios 5g0air 1-1.son evening. Mrs. Brown receiv-Iday Schooi were presented rtlain grs ed a certificate on behaif of with attendance awards on ý No school is complete with- Wiif Brown, froin Mr. Harry Sunday morning. out a littie "frîendly" rivalry Davies for giving 20 biood Ms on cahi ~adti vsiisrtdis dontins ortheRe Crss Toronito was a weekend guest Wednesday when grade il Canvths dsrs isrly eclin:o Miss Pat Davis. ýplayed grade 13 for the inter- in hisditrit horlysobc' Miss Evelyn Hockaday has school senior boys' basketbaUl prepared and weicome them.acpeapoionnthof championship.Gae1 s Several United Church Wo: fcceptedsha oitininer of- victoriaus w. Grae sc3r 8a2 men from Ebenezer and Cour- pititetcoel-2 tice attended the Cooking ptl ______________ School in the Town Hall, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice, Taun- March 14. Lucky winners of; ton, visited on Sunday with bags of groceries and baking M r. and Mrs. Frank WesUlake were Mrs. H. Sweetmnan, Mrs. Jr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake M. Osborne, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Sr. W. Down, ail from Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown at- and sons were Sunday guests tended the officiai opening of at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tink's, > " Life Is the Port Hope Vocational Ebenezer, on the occasion af Schol onSatrdayevenng.Barry Shackieton's fifth birth- SeolonStrdyeenn.day. goo d Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bur- S OLINA rows, Oshawa, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Spir- we Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, es. happiiy received many rela- Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires, Lar- yur tives, friends and neîghbors ry and Ken visited Mr. Elmer at their home on Saturday Crouse, Oshawa.freo ----- --- - ---afternoon and evening, March Mrs. Dave Dyer, Columbus; membes of he yonger16, on the occasion of their Mrs. E. H. Peever n r.hm oi i mmbes f te ouner40th wedding anniversary. W.J1yr iie last week oionn The annual meeting of the at Mrs. Rae Pascoe's. seriously. Recently, this Sauina Publie Library was Mr. and Mrs. Don Pascoe itrict Jr. Tournament and held on March 6, 1963, with and sons, Hampton, were S un-wrre They wili take part in the chairman, Mrs. John Knox day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. left o rigt: JoAnnepresiding. The secretary-trea-I Rae Pascoe and family.Hadnhndwhtepe- Juait TceWedysurer's report was given by Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, ures of homeowning are rs, unt ie ed Mrs. Stanley Milison. During Miss Marjorie Couch, Bow- _____________________the year 57 new books have manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. dangers which can cause Se- been added with special lem- Tom Baker and family. rious financiai loss to your (~TflTIE9-' phasis on books for chiidren Mrs. C. Surphlis and Ricky family. Let us. show you how COUfl.IL, of ail ages. New members will and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Brough- our modern insurance pro- be weicorned by the librarian, amn, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Down gramn for Horneowners can Ebenezer Explorers met for Mrs. L. Kellett. The members 'and Heather, Ebenezer, were help protect you against ini. the weekly meeting. Opening 1'for the Board for 1963 are: Sunday visitors with Mr. and surable dangers, Cali us cereonis wre cndutedChairman, Mrs. B. Hooey; Mrs. J. Knox. tdy cereanis wre cndutedVice - Chairman, Mrs. 'Wes Mr. and Mrs. Ken MoMinn tdy by the new President Wendy Yeliowlees; Secretary -Treas- and children, Mr. and M%&s. C. Brown. Penny Bickie newv urer, Mrs. Stanley Milison; Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. Frei- LibarinMrs. L. Kellett and tag and sons, Oshawa, visited Secretary read the minutes.i Assistant, Mrs. Wes Yeilow-,durîng the weekend with Mr. ST ART B Collection was taken and we lees. Lunch was served dur- and Mrs. E. Cryderman. also opened our Mission Box ing the social hour atth Mr. and Mrs. Keith CrydeAKE that held aur of fering during close of the meeting. ýman and Joann visited Mr. JAME our Mission Study and we had A number of seventh line and Mrs. L. Stainton, Ennis- $ 10.40. This will be dedicatedi peoffle attended a presenta- kilien, on Sunday. INSURANCE REAL ESTATUI inter to aur Missionary andl tion for Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradley's Community Club Maintenance Treasurer of the Ashton at Enfie]d School on wiil meet on Friday nîght, King St. E. Bowmanvile Church. Worship service wasSaturday evening. Marchi 22. conducted by Margaret Down The flowers at the church Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor, Office Residence and Wendy Brown. For a aitar on Sunday morning and children visited Mr. and 1!358I6359 treat we had Fortune cookilesj were in loving memory cf the Mrs. A. F. Abernethy, Mvan- 2686359 and had fun reading the for- late Mrs. Margaret Chapman, illa, on Sunday. ____ ~ 'w CANADA NEEDS GOVERNMENT WITH PURPOSE More than anything, else, Canada needs a govern- ment with purpose,, a governiment with clearly. stated objectives for the country's economnic future and for the people's weIl-being. That kind of government-purposeful and decisive-can only corne frorn a party that knows where it's goiig CO Liberal objectives are clear: (1) to provide decisive gcovernrnent so that Parliament can do its job; (2) to harness the energies and brains of labour, management, farmn groups and goveriment in an expanding economy that wiIl create the jobs and job-security that all Canadians must have; (3) when this is accornplished, to rnake sure that al Canadians share fairly the benefits of economic growth. 0 The Liberal Party asks for this great responsibility, knowing that the job to be done is an enormous and difficult challenge. o Your Liberal candidate asks you to turn to the Liberal Party on election day, April 8, so that a decisive Liberal governoient can get down to business, and achieve these objetives. IT'S TIME FOR ACTION - VOTE LIBERAL p-4ffl ~by M, aI 1"ub.ual FU..UO Durham-RUSS HONEY LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS If you wish information on Voters' Lists or Polling Places VISIT 74 KING ST. W. - OR PHONE 623-5191 , 193