Coming Events1 Corne to the dance at Solina Hall, Saturday, March 23. JimC Fisher's Orchestra. EveryaneE welcome. 1- Dance ta records at Tyroneýi ]Hall, Saturday, March 23," auspices of the Hall Board. Admission 75c. 12- 1s HT Wate GrdnLib- 3 eral Financial Expert, Bow-q y manville High Schooî, Tues- day,_March 26th, 8 p.m. _11-2 Kiwanis Rummage Sale will be open every Friday from 2 ta 9 p.m. at former IGA Store, s King St. W., Bowmanville._ Messiab, excerpts E as te r portion, St. PauI's United -Churcb, Friday, March 22, 8:30 p.m. prompt. Tickets 35c.- Monster Bingo, Tlîursday9 iight at 8 o'clock, sponsored by the Junior Charnber o! Commerce, Red Barn, North Oshawa. 45-tfC Everyone invited ta attend% 5th Anniversary Birlliday Party Meniorial IlospiaLioîîs Centre, Wednesday. Ma-h 2a 3 la 5 p.m. 1- Ontario-Durham New Denîo- f ycratic Youth are sponsoring a r tea and bake sale, Mai-ch 23, et 2:00 in the Union Halu, Bow- inanville. 1- "Pirates off Penzance"w i î-be presented bv the Bowman- /l ville Choral Society on Marchl 28, 29 and 30. Admission: adults_75c, -students 50)c. 12- 2 Two charter bus trips. Easter In New York, April 11-14, stay et Dixie Hlotel at Times Squuar<e. Florida, 4 - 19 May, 15 îights Jin AAA approved accommo- dation. Very reasonable. Write ta Calmer Travel Service, Box 631, Bowmanville. Plione any- time, 623-3265. 12-1' SAVE!$4$ ROSE BRAND MARGARIN E - - . Magistrate ys Court HeId in Bowmanv~iIe The Lanadian Statesman, Bowrnanv-ille, 1V Speaks at Pontypool Ltiberal Advocates Comirig Events 1 Coming Events î March 19th, 1963 'Januarv to having liquor in OPP and P. DenHeod OPP,' m AllenFrost a meal ~ an illegal place and careless and myseif to carry l t h The Choir of Trinity UniteV/ Bowmanville Liberal Com- iAlen r osa 3lfn driving. He was convicted and celis." hi ote x Church wil1 present on Good mittee Rooms, Victor Manor ' er 9, Bowmanville, a ie l n 2 css o rc ugs, R , B w sacred Cantata "Olivet To daily 1 - 5 in afternoons - and î iarn Boyd, 68 MacMillan;ýdaonth$3 costhorg andî- nitale offeneorofnnden Calvary". Guest soloists Ross evenings. ephn 623-5191. Drive, Oshawa. The alleged F o r n 3cst ratad- nitbeofes fidcn Metcalt and Ross Cotton. 12-1 Tee1-n 4 offense had taken place out tional 5 day's on the second. assault on March l5th. He!Tbc c e - side Bowmanville High School' Constable H. R. Corneli pleaded guilty and elected Fr Tbc o e Family dance in the Black- Dance to the Cavaliers,' on Friday, March 15th, short- OPP, testified, "I was \m'est- trial by Magistrate R. B. Bax- stock Recreation Centre, spofl Southview Gol 1f and Curling',1after 4 p.rn. bound on No. 2 Ilighiwav when ter. Emphasizing the importanceý dressed the executive meeting1 sored by the ONO. Club, Club, Saturday,, March 30t1 "Bydtsiie h acsd bevd an eastboun * e Constable G. Evanis OPP, of the tobacco industrv ta of the Manvers Township Lib-' Friday, March 29th, 8 - 12 p.m. $3.00 per couple. Contact bad tried to run bim domn idce which did not dim ils testified, "-\Mrs. Gal Hooey Durham CountyRseiC rlAscainhl nPn Toombs Orchiestra. S2.00 per Marie Yeo for tickets, 623-3077.1 with his car and had leapt out lights. 1 lurned around and hiad been staying at hier moth- Honey advocae h estab-1 typool recentiv. farnily. Lunch will be served.lTickets limited. 12-1' and grabbed hlm by the coat followed il from Solina Road er's, Mrs. Grace Downey's,, lishment of a surnmer experi- Sc arowudas 122in a threatening manner. He ta the overhead C.P.R. bridge since the birth of hier baby.i mental farmi in the county for provide private facilities for Snîn Ht hx~ sonord Memorial Park Associato, admitted that Mr. Frost had .whe,"eelhe stopped. In that dis- She mas sleeping with one of research into the problem ofý experimentation w-hich l by 'the Business and Profes- LbrySre ot,'aa rmhstehgha n arwyronwe h a aee sinlWmnsCuwl eTime Tea and Bazaar ta be sions to shi m n sevraocca- stane he forcead lxo ars off beorn \iden sin a dowanar evoacwe ea-hepices h rd i siol Womene'soClbheialre held April 6th from 2:30 ta daughter. missed bitting several athers. by a man standing over lher. l hel attheRoal heare 5 p.m. Door prizes ta be given rs adh a i a At Brooks Corner lie was ai- i-e threw back thebdlto Thur rzsandrch 2st 8 utat pm. nd -..Af g oft her moo bs t completelv' aver the and began mauling ber. Shr'Legi on Ladies P lan Doo pize ad lck i'w1 ternoon tea 25c. Home baking, gn et f hrcoîbsxht centre linc. Hli had a screarncd and lie xvnt off into Tickets 50c. 10-3 fnywoktblrn ood Port Hope and get loto ýfl nte ato h os.' Woodview Communtty Centre used cloth ing, etc. Mayor Ivan Boyd's car. Ih made hlm so, fuil pint of aie n thecrand ne a rto h os 1 or his eyespe w'ere 121 agbloodad ehtdthsanel see his way lhe flicked on o Z one iv eering -Monster Bingo. TwentyHOb aoe aar 21anr ebdvne i el his speech slurred." qiaot ihe n h a ,ames-twenty dollars; five-ig nahasrn anr who it mwas. She ran to ber games-thirty dollars; $150' ATTENTION - Ail Worîd' The magistrate placed Frost: Roland Tlîompso<n, 48, Iîanp-r ohsbern.ManhîlLJ% $250. Door prizes. Next manville or Darlington Town- warned Bodt vidfrhrimpaired driving and failing h i te on Ar l 2t Monay 8p.., edBanship. It is flot necessary that trouble by staying away fromlta produce evidence that bis They sawv him bi the moon-, Oshawva. 46-_t! you be a member of the Royal the girl as requested by bier: vehicie wvas insured. lie had ]ight and both recognized hinm. At the meeting of the Bow-, that, the date of the auxiliary'S r Caadia Leion a atenda ftbeî an moter.been convicted in 1954 ad'The back door liad been leftmanvileLde uiir a rpsdvstt iaale'- ICornz a Poppini', 1963, Town Dinner and Entertainiment on Raymond Neit Brown, 329 1958 on impaired driving cbar- unlocked by Mrs. Downev's th e yLCadiA a Legi o od Snybok oia,' Hal, owmnvlle Aril4.Saturday, April 6th, in the Elgin Street, Oshawa, was ges. Thle fin-e mwas $200 and bubn we e ettawr eld iin the Legion Hall on Toronto, April 2nd, bas beent .5 anîd 6, 8:15 p vo. 'l'icketsiLegion liai], Bowmanville, din- chai'ged on December 21st with $16.10 costs or 15 di *vs (on, on the 1l ta 7 shift." Mondav evening, plans werc, confirmed. The auxiliary de-1 availabie frrnm Jack & .1<11 ner at 6:30 p.m., on celebra- baving only three lighited the first chiarge and Sî and Nlagiýtrate R. B3. BaXter re- dis-_ussed for Mondav, Apt-il ('ided ta donate $10 ta the Club members. Admission 75c.' tiî)0 of Vimy Ridge. This ev- ia ps'. -e xvas found guiltv; S3 îasts or 5 addinil nii ~\ ancd the accuscd in custody 29th. whien the localauiar'N Special student's price SOc, ening is free as you Will b nd fined $5 and $3 costs or on(file î~second. lis îie--lie a oappear in Cobourg l"ridlý',\viîî îiîertaiîn the ole lt ' T'pmetn v dtohl for Thuîî'sday niglit onfly. No guesis of Branch 178. Con- 5 days. snspeîîded for, liree miontls. ic 22nid. Ladies A-îxiliiaries ta the Rov- a draw hI-Ii sumer. rhe înern-it reserx-ed seats. 12-2,firmation of your attendance Constable M. Jo ' nl, OPP, iý'Irs. Giadman lestiiied. , David Forhos Bruider, 24, 8 ai Canadiauî Legian in Zonie bers wcere asked la considerE EVERYONE INVITED TO must reacli P. E. Greenfield, lestified the offense had taken ]iý'e on SolNna Road Nrh FetStreet, Bownanvile, FI. ideas foir pî-izes, and presen-.I ATTEND P.O. Box 2139, or telephone place at 11:20 on No. 2 I-ligh- On the 28th of Febrnary. hav- pieadcd guiitY ta having liquai Conirade Dorntlhy Rich- thiir suggestions at the next 623-5521, 623-3814, 623-3562 or way at the Town Line, Osh- ing gaîe Italied at 9 p.mi., 1 in al, illegal place on Janu'- ards %vas eiected secrctary inimeeting. 5th Anniversary 623-5430 by -A__pril Ist. 1l-3,awa. He stated hie had seen m-as awakened at about 11:30. arv lKth. lie mIas fined $15 succession ta Comra de 1-bIeni Foliowing the business meel- 1Ihe car turn int the Spuir A brown car had driven in. a an-d $3 tls ni' 5 days. WVallis, who receîîtly resigned ing a sociallor ase'yd Stto i h ight mari gaI ont and, fallirîg down Constable R. S. Diamond tiiis office in which she bad and a deliciaus lunch mvas ser-t B IRTHDAY PARTY Durham County headlight smashed in. Exarn-' twice on the wy came ta the OPP, testified, "Oui Saturday served for several years, for yod by Comrade Bni os Shothrn Clb iatonprvedth mta wS! door. He asked tao use the bath- miorning, Jan uary l9th, I was reasons of health. vert and Sergeant-al-Arm Mernor1ialrhon Cub badlv rusted îndicating the rooni. Xhen 1 refused bini looking foi' a car' aohr at rsdetMileBae1Ja ufln ,42nd Annu l Sal Iledligt had been out for a adit1tanco lie banged on the malter and sînpped this ve- presented the Bingo and Kit-. The membeî's of the execu-1t Lin C nr ,2d n ul aeconsiderable lergth of lime. door and swoî'e at mie. 1 pick- bicle occupied bx- four per- (.Ihon reports and President tive of the Boxvmanviile La-' 'W'dns.,Ma. 7 a Bacstok Eic McFadden, 336 Braid- ed up the phione o taeauthie sons. anc of theni Bruder. Audî'ey Bale in the absence dies Auxiliaî'y to the Royall wood Av., Meearogh.aspliea27o o bcli*heTe ' xas anl open case of aie of Comnrade h-lilda Humphrey Canadian Legion were enter-1t 3 5 p.mi. ITuesday, April 2nd' hre ihcrls rvrgcraddoeaa 'i h 'i ihfu uipns gave the sick report. Ail were! tained last Friday evening by aI1:0onm 401 Highway an Januaryý Constable Ir. R. Coîneil foui- paît pints aind the i-est sorry to learn of the il]ness the Cobour'g Ladies Auxiliaryý Arranged by al13 ..1th. 1-e was found guilty and O~P, answereI ru M-s. (a-emt.'of Comrade Florence Kîîighl, ta tbe Royal Canadian Legion. Women's Hospital Auxiilary Bulles Ready for Service - 'fîned $10 and $3 costs or .5,ma'n aial. When driviiîg noîth David Bruder pleaded guil- a foi-mer president. Slie is a 12-1 Somne eligible for Bonus' days. A setifd hae oepaîtmet on Solina Road hoe noticed laui y ta a charge of public intoxi- 'patient in Memorial Hlospital.SEVN MAKO ing to notfyte earm i ights of a cal- proceeding on cationi on March l6th. John1 it xvas decided ta cancerlEVN AKN Coswih lvsa fo !drasporgt onaichianda further norîi. Ill talking ta Alexander' MacDow, 23, R.R. the arganizalion's meeting - Bred and Open Heifers adrs ruh onito n Vrs. Gladmaî ihe found a 1, Newcastle, pleaded guilty to sclieduled foi' May 5th in ordeî- Hone ad oled a fine of $10 and $3 costs or spring on he scrcen dooî had a similar chai-g. that the auxiliary may cater I Hrean old an additional 5 days. + ~ Diner vaiabl bytheladesýConstable R. S. Diamond been pulled off and Mrs. Glad- Constable J. Bird testified, for Ilhe Ladies Major Bowling I)nnr valalebrth ldisOPP, investigating afficer, mai llîad a brîuise on1 lier band "At 1:05 a.m. Saturday morn- League's annual banquet. The F'or catalogues wirite to Sec'y,itestified be was westbound tr-ving ta liold the cloor shuit. ing we rcceived a complaint auxiiiary xdll also cater for, 1863 -1963 Gea. Carson, Pres.. Orono when a car was observed ea,-t i'"Ipi'oceeded nauth," con- fi-rn Mîs. Claude Bissonette, 1flie Stag Dininer la be beld in, 0001John Rickard, Secretary, bound weaving from side ta tiiuied the afficer, "and juttDivision Street that two men, the Legion Hall this Saturday RES L SC U T side. He turned aroLund and north of tleellîird concession aile in a plaid thi-ce-quarterireveîîing la raise fuiîds f or the ES L SC U T Newcastle, Ont. overtook the accused. :I1 caught rip la a bî'own car- Iength coat, bad been in bier1 Newcastle Cenotaph. The cat- 12-1* ,H1e bad been drinking,," beiiîg driveiî 10 ta 15 miles bouse in an iutoxicated caoi- cring convenors will be Coin- stated the officer, 'I besitated al] houi- in a jerkiîîg fashion dition. lier busbaiîd was a aeGaeMrohadPe ATTENTION 'tao charge bim wllli impaired fr*oî,-ioîue side of the road ta woi-k. Conîstable Parker and Iisident Bate. CA ~ D~TS driving. H1e bad bis wife and,. Ille other. Wheii I stopped iiîîi went and searcbed the area The auxiîiary wiil caler for I/E! IJJJJ±BIT GROW ÂL> small baby and anotlîer woman the acciised was slumped over. anîd fouiîd MacDow and Brui-!:the Vimy Night Banquet ta be' $ S A V E! You are lnvited tb attend a with hlm. I followed lîim ta the lic turned off the ignition keys der staggei-ing up the centre'lbeid by Bî-anchi 178 cf the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE! RABTGOES Bowmanville H-otel wbere lie but lcf thie iights on. I brougit of George Street, between Royal Canadiani Legion on' Consult a Meniber of the bad a substantial lunîch ho- bîni iîî ta Bowmaîîviîle Police Cîîrrch anîd King Streets. Bath! April 6th. The -atering con- W'hite Swan - Asst. Colors M'EETING. ofl fore proceediîîg." Station. H1e was quite belîig- iintoxk-ated." venoîs for tlîis event wilî be Oshawa & District Toilt Tisue hursay, ar. 8 rLeonard Robert, a labouîrer, erent and refuîsed ta go ta lhe Magistrale R. B. Baxter 1Vice-President Rena Bath- RelEtt or Tole Tss eal 8:30 p.rn. at the Ipleaded guilly on the first of Bir -d a n d C on sta -b les- J. Reimner eosts or 5 daYs. President Rate annouîîced Save 13c Save 16 5 IBS. $1*00 8 rails $1,000 FLEECYKLEENEX Laundry Rinse REGULAR or CUB Save ge a 64-oz. btl. Save lic onîly 79C j6 pkgs. $M PREMIUM Asst. Colours ROUND - DEEP Strong Polyethylene 99fl Laundry Basket only 7 with $3.00 purchase Cone and get yours now While they last Regular 2.49 retail 4. A REAL SPECIAL!! New OMO DETERGENT onIy 7 5 C for a giant pkg. Cone and get it w-hile they last! PRODUCE DEPT. SPECIAL! McINTOSH 3 lb. cello hags APPLES on'y 29C a bag FRESII - CR151> CELLO PACK (ARROIS TOMMTES 2 pkgs. 29c 2 pkgs. 35c MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS 11 jýyw S.X. BRAND Bologna31bs99c BONELESS SHORT RIB ROAST or Steak Roast Blade Roast RÀ&PS FIDR FREE DYKSTRAS H0Nl1 DELIVER Y VARIETY Open Thur, F OD réFriday Nights O D tul 9 D. JUST GIN1E US A CALL!! COMMUNITY HALL Newcastle Our new rabbit processing plant is now in operation under, Federal Veterinary Super- 1vision and we can give grow- ing contraets ta good rabbit- producers. Be sure ta attend ta get ail the information on thîs new prof- itable commercial rabblt bus- iness. Sponsored by PIC-FREEZ RABBIT INDUSTRIES LTD., PICTONý 2-1 Repairs GUARANTEED television and' radio service, toalah iakes.ý Television Service Co. Phone! '623-3883. 52-tf RADIO anid Television Repairs.- Prompt service. Pick-up and' 1delivery. George's, 14 Centreý St. Phone 623-5713. 41-tf I REPAIRS toa al makes of re-ý frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hîg- gon Eictrie Limited, 38 King St. E. Phone 623-3305. 7-tf Wanted TURNIPS suitable for waxing. Apply Fred Stevenis, telephone 655-3080 Brooklo, Myrîle Sta- tion. 12-1* PASTURE-for 12-15 -head oa cattle. Close tc, Newrast le preferred. John Rickard, New-' castie. 12-2 DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly., Telephone collect 263-2721,l !Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.1 'Licence 245-C-63. 8-tf FOR pick-up of donations of any article. clothing, or any article for Kiwanis Rumnmageý Sale cail Ron Brooks, Crans-1 ton Scott or Ross Jackmaîî. 10-tf THE STATESMAN SOLD BY THESE DEALERSi W. Reid, Bethany Joliisn30 Drug Store, Newr~astle T. Enwright, Newcastle Newcastle Taxi S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Store, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen J. H-. Slcmon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone H. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. L. Martyn Store, Blackstock 1Keith Bradley, Pontypool Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson Book Store, Oshawa Mike's Place. Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa -Bo wmanville - Rk-kaby's Ltd. - "Big 20"t Frank's Variety Store Jack's Smolce Shop Pearson's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovell Libcrty Bowl Okcs Smoke Slîop The Flying Dutchnman H-earl's Store Crystal Dairy The Statesmara Office i "For QUALITY Cars - SEE McQUEEN MOTOR SALES « LIMITED - Earl McQueen, Pres. 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Authorized Dealer for Ramnbler Cars Phone 623-3356 1962 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible V-8. automatic. Power brakes and steering, customi radio. white wall tires, windshield washers, etc. Lady driven since new. Only 8.000 original miles. See this one! 1961 Corvair "*102" mntor with 4-%perd floor shift. custom radio. 11,000 original miles, neiv car condition. 1960 Pontiac Convertible V-8, automatic- Power brakes and steering, custom radio, etc. 30,000 miles. Immaculate. 1959 Buick 2-Dr. Hardtop Custom radio, other extras. Local car in top condition. FOR THE FARMER! 1961 GMC 3-Ton Cab and Chassis new tires 9.00xZD. 1963 licence. G.V. IV. 24,00n. Loraliy eownrd. A-1 condition. Exceptionally znod variety of nver 60 other makes and mnodels' ta choose fromn. Enjoy on-the-spot. reliable Traders' iow cost Financlng. "The oldeet ail-Canadian finance company". 24-Hour Towing Service Service Station 623-3401 After Il p.m.- 623-5645 WNe are now a recognlzed member of N. A. L. Our Shell Service Station la open dally until il p.m. CONTACT: Earl McQuecn Weldon Brown Bud Fogg Jïm Crombie Sales urm >earch Canadian tobacco, Mr, Hone.y. the Liberal Candidate for Durhani. told the meeting. 'Attenîtion ta, raising the qual- ilv of tobacco is necessary if Canada is to capture and mairitain a fair share of the cxport nmar-ket," ho declared, He chargcd that the Diefeu:- baker govcrnmcnt bas failed ho recognize ils responsibili- tics toward stabilization of! 1 his industry aîîd as a result the tobacco growers are in -a scrious position. "A new Liberal government wvill do two things to assist ini the stabilization of the tobac- (-o industry. Firstly, as, an- nounced by Hon. L. B. Pear- son in Port Hope, we will immcdiately seck agreement witb the provinces for the es- tablishnment of national mar- keting boards. This is the only realistie solution for the im- mediate problenis faced ini tîîe selîuîîg o! many agrîcul- local romniodities. Tobacca cspccialiy is a commodily wlîich should ho marketed on a nlational level. "Secondlv, a îîew Liberal gsovernment will take aggres- sive action ta locate and main- tain cxport markcts. We wýll iestablish a revolving fond 'n finance export sales o! &l' farma producîs This fund wUI ho available ta, support the vigorous cxpansion of export maarkets iin ail farm cammodi- tics," '-Mr. Honeystated.- HAIRDRESSING PERMANENT WAVES and FINGER WAVING 200 King St. E. 15 the l*ime- to Order Yoý OTTAGE Save tirne . . . and money . . . Order your P-B Cottage now and it will be f irst in line ta be erected as soon as possible. In addition . . . by choasing your cottage early, you cari often save during "Pre-Season Discounts" on some materials!1 M00 Spacious 20 x :10 size 3 Bedroons Bathroom iOption al Cottage Roof Iiiterior Partitions Finished on Onîe Side with PI>1ytood hEU IIEDV WITHIN FREEDELIERY100 MILE RADIUS NO DOWN PAYMENT ON OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN "The Mattawa, NO PAYMENTS 'Tl SEPT. COME IN TODAY FOR COMPLETE DETAILS "63 a e and GET the BEST" Oshawa Office and Showroom OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE P>hone 728-1617 - m i i l l 0 is i 11 .1 1 I s s u m a i mosHo ~NEW for '63 "Th Piewod" ~3i~VAsk about the Exciting. "BUDGET-AI R" COTTAGE 1 WITHIN REACH 0F EVERY BUDGET t "DEAL with the BEST O&fi»T W74ri OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS Ltd. 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Main Office and Showroomi BOWMIANVILLE - 728-1611 COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 Mar.,2n. 1963