Farm Home Burns West of Tyrone Red Cross BIitz Monday 7to Bp. me Hospital Holds Birthday Party Next Wed. The f rame f arm home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gaebel and their three boys, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, burned to the ground Saturday noon when a space Jheater exploded while Mr. Gaebel was lighting it. He was the only one home at the time, having just returned after taking bis family to Oshawa. Bowman- ville firemen were unable ta quell the fast-moving blaze, but dîd manage to save adjacent buildings. The Gaebels purchased the house in September. Those on thc scene hcelped ta remove some of the furniture but were forced out of the building before they could take the larger items. Mr. Gaebel was photographed at the fire while talking to fireman "Bun" Welsh. 1lear frcom Member v Beach Under Discussion Resîdents Query Council On Developments There Legion (h Sings me! On Friday After man', practice. m U S i c -Permission was grantcd the. hv the couincil. By-Law 1 870 Bowm-anville Boy Scouts As-' provîdes for certain exemp-)ý O jr ociation ta hold its annual tions for farmn lands assessedi Scouts Apple Day on May 4th in parcels o! not less than fiveý *fl hvb, Bowmanville Town Coun- acres as provided in Section ~ sia at the meeting held in the 37 of the Assessment Act. CuelChamber on Monday~ By-Law No. 1871 authorizes Nj Phve\ning. This was moved by1the conveyance of the closed NightCouncillor Ken Hoaper and' portion of Melville Street ta secondcd b ' Deputy-ReeeCarl Waverville, and By-Lawl wveeks of Ross Stevens !No. 1872 opens Mearns Ave- cdircctor A requesi was recccîvcd nue from the Base Line ta aa claiis ls forn he owinnvile ,nq-point 11,000 feet north. Royal Canadian 1, e z i (n i male voice cho<ir', plus , is ladies' chorus. will eonle t(>- gether on Friday nipht at St. PauI's ('hurch l'or a memorable perfnrrniuuîe. They iili sing excerpis nof the Easter portion nof the (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ,lin Club for permission to0 hold ils annual Carnival oni Jîlv 201h at Memorial Park, and aiso a Futuiramla cveningý oin Septenîber. This wvas grant- 1 rcl on al motion by Couincillor' llooper. scconded by Council-ý lor- Annie Oke. Three vLw were passed Winner 0f Case Pc T h e 5th Anniversary Birtbday Party of Memorial Hospital arranged by the Women's Hospital Auxili- ary, to be beld at the Lions Community C e n t r e next Wednesday afternoon from tbree to five 'clock, pro- mises to be one of the most enjoyable events in recent years. Tbe general public is cordlally invited to attend. The president of the Hos- pital Auxiliary, Mrs. S. G. McMurter, bas announced that she hopes there will be a large attendance at the event of people from the town and district. She em- phasized that ail wiIl be most welcome, although special Invitations bha ve been sent to tbe graduate nurses wbo trained at Me- marial Hospital, past and present members of the Board of Directors and their wives, and the Medical staff and their wlves. ~1 't I c :1 i Cobourg Editor Nul Address The Editor o! the oldest newspaper in the 'United Couaties, Foster M. Ruseli of he Cobourg Sentinel-Star wiii be the guest speaker at the Durham County Club of [oronto next Thursday, March 28th. No information was aîalable on bis tapie. In the same bulletin which made this announcem en t dealing with detaîls of the fial meeting of the season, t was revealed that plans are underway for the organiza- tion's annual tour of the old iome county. A brie! bis- tory of the village of Bethany wvas alsa included. Steal New 1963 Plates Thieves were busy hercl over the weekend after a' Acommunication announe- week of inactivity.tht rc cdihat flic annual conference Police reportedthï !e of the Canadian Building 0f- ambulance operator William ficials organization will be Harvey found $71 worth ofý hcld in Windsor on April 3rd. equxpment missing from his, This was recccîvcd and filed spare ambulance Saturday. on a motion by Councillor Harvey said the theft must Glcnholme Hughes, seconded have occurred in the last (TURN TO PAGE TWO> three days. -- ______-Saturday morning, police,' found the back door of Hig-1 tte ry gon's Electric had been forced1 open and an undetermined, >tteryamount of cash taken from! the cash register.i Shortly after, the Centrali Sehool janitor found burnedý matches on the floors of 5ev-1 eral classroomns and in one room found a burned candie. Police believe the thievesý lit the candie to see what they could take, but left empty- handed. Entrance was gained by breaking a window. A set of 1963 licence plates was reported stolen by John, Carter, 15 Park street. As usual. the town hall \vas 'jammed ta capacity on Friday for Mick' ~WWn bs annual Case show which has become quite an annual event. Winner q7 te big door prize, a set of Corningware, was Mrs. Richard Gibbs of Tyrone, wvife of one of the newly elected Darlington Councillors. She is shown bere receiving ber prize from show sponsor Browvn. Many other awards were dis- tributed at the conclusion of the entertainmcnt. Accident Round-Up Due ta the heavy fog on Saturday there were two ac- cidents on Saturday on 401 Highway. Both cars went off the road and the drivers then lost control o! their vehicles.j The second aceident happen-j ed at 4:30 p.m. on 401 High- ý way between Courtice andi Oshawa. Mrs. Eleanor Ta- lor. Hamilton, was the driver and there was eonsiderableil damage ta ber car. Constable Murray Joynt, O.P.P., inves-1 tigated. Early on Saturday morn-, ing, 1:30 a.m.,a car driven bv! Donald Hunter, Toronto, wýent off the roadway on 401 HiM way at Maple Grave Road Mr. Hunter received treat-,! ment for mainor injuries in th& out-patient department o! Me-, marial flespital. There was' extensive damage ta bis car.' Constable D. Stuart, 0.P.P., iwas the investigating officer., Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 109 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2th, 1963 School Board to Send Cost Details to Town Explaining Increase At the meeting of the Bow- manville Sehool Board held on Thursday evening it wasý decided ta send a detailed statement ta Town Council, which will show exactly why $31,000 more than last year is reurdfor 1963. r A new payment scbeduled '.n Scugog St. for provincial grants has been inaugurated, S. R. James, Fire believed to have been Secretary-Treasurer of the~ caused by a smudge fire ini Board, announced. The pro-I the new basement, did con- vincial grants will now bel siderable damage to the late paid in four instalîments, 10 Miss Lola Down's former per cent February, 40 per home on Scugog Street, cent in April, 25 per cent in Wednesday noon. The build- August, and the balance in ing is now owned by auc- December. Previously t hl e tioneer Clifford Pethick of grants were made in two pay- Enniskillen. ments. Hie stated that he bail left A letter was received from the site only a few minutes the Ontario Hydro Union, before the blaze broke out. which commended 1 o c a i There had been a smudge schools for placing hydro f ire in the basement to pro- notices on bulletin boards. A tect the cernent block work communication was also re- fromn frost. A new founda- ceived from the Niagara Parks tion is being built under Commission offering free ad- the old frame home. mission to student groups ta Firemen took about a haif Old Fort Erie, Fort George, hour to extinguish the blaze. and the Naval Hall. They were hampered con- The resignations of three siderably when their noz- members of the teaching staff zies plugged with packing of Vincent Massey School, used in a new hydrant in- Miss Jane Galbraith, Mrs. stalled near the Christian Carol Fulton, and Mrs. Joan Reformed Church. Coverly, ta be effective at the No estimate* of damage end of June, were accepted was given by Fire Chief (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Tom Lyle.__ ____ Town Hall Packed ýFor Annual Case Show Brown's Case Show, an an- nual event that is eagerly an- ticipated by hundreds of people each year, was pre- sented in the Town Hall aud- itorium on Friday evening, and again scored a tremendous hit. The large auditorium was filled to overflowing with a more than capacity crowd, and everyone enjoyed a wonder- fui evening. Don Brown, son of W. H. <Mick) Brown, the popular farm implement dealer, cord- ially weleomed the hundreds of people wy» atended. Ji% â'là '.anke'a eh the compan- ies that had helped set up the show and donate.d prizes. Miss Barbara Brown, daughter of W. H. Brown, was the attrac- tive M.C. The Long Sault Kitchen Band led by Mrs. Jim Wood- ley deligbted the audience. Their lively and melodious musie was played ln perfect tempo on a collection of in- struments eleverly made from kitehen utensils. Mrs. Don Da- vey was the pianist, and Mrs. Rye Gibson the drummer. Q3ïts There were 10 other talented ladies taking part. Several other members of the band were unable to be present because of illness. They were laid up with the prevalent 'f lu. The amusingly costumed band opened with McNamnara's Band. They also played Bon- nie Lassie, Road to the Isles, Grandfather's Clock and The Girl I Left Behind Me. Their encores were Darktown Strut- ters' Bail and Five Foot Two. The ladies concluded with You Are My Sunshîne, and the audience at the leader's invit- ation joined with them in sing- ing it. Great applause also reward- ed the presentation of a med- ley of songs by Alice and Bon- nie Beech and Dora and Dian- ne Hoar, a quartette composed of mothers and daughters. Their -lovely voices blen.ded perfectly as they sang When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, Sleep Kentucky Babe, Yellow Bird, a calypso, and My Wild Irish Rose. (TURN TO PAGE TWO> andi MILLINERY - If you sec a man walkîng around the area in a colorful lady's bat, don't be surprised. At the recent hat show in Blacksttbck, all the spectators were ladies, except one. Wallace Mar.- low wandered in ta take photos and oddly enough sat in the chair that was pre-picked as the lucky spot. He won a certif icate, entitling bim ta a new Spring bonnet. Incidentally, this may happen again here tomorrow night at the Royal Theatre when the B. & P. Club holds their annual display of millinery. t t t1 t t BAD BONER - There was quite a f lap arýound The Statesman Wednesday marning wben it was learned that in the Red & White advertisement we had made an error. We had cottage rolîs seli- ing for 69e a pound. It should have read 49c. Many 'phone calîs had ta be made around the country because dodgers bad been sent out and mats rolled for variaus newspapers. These things make life interesting, we suppose. FAST TRIP- On Sunday morning, 13-year-old Walter Pingle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pingle, Taunton, was assisting with chores due ta bis father's illness. Not far from the barn he spotted a balloon in the field. A note was attached signed by Bob Pancoast, 12 yrs., 912 Beach La., Grange Park, Illinois. The balloan was rcleased at 2 p.m. on Saturday and found at 9 arn. Sunday. Fast flying! t t t 'i PORTRAITS - Next Tuesday evening, a unique ceremony will take place in honor of the bospital's 5th birthday. To mark the event, considerable effort bas been necessary ta obtain portraits of as many as possible of the bospital chairmen dur- ing the hospital's existence. These will be bung in the board room with the new chairman 's picture added each year. OnIy three or four photos were unobtainable. Immediate relatives of former chairmen, plus representative officials of the hospital* will be present for the unveiling. RECORD ROLL- Manager George Elliott of Liberty Bowl reports that Dr. H. B. Rundle, bowl- ing in the mixed Major League this week, scored the high triple of the season, if not the record for the alcys. He rolled 388, 267 and 316 for a total of 971. ** t t t 1 TIED UP - In Town League basketball playoffs the Hotelers downed Coronation last night by only four points, 44-40, to tie the series at two games apiece. Third game next Tuesday at 7:15 at the High Sehool. This could be the clincher if it doesn't. end in a tie. 10e Per Copy NUMBER 12 Red Cross Awards Citations Two special citations, as well as several blood donor certificates were' awarded by the Red Cross Society dur ing their "Get Acquainted" night last Wednesday. The citations were presented by Argos football star, Dick Shatto, Ontario Chairman for the Red Cross C ampaign. Photo shows Mr. Shatto at lef t with Mrs. George Forsey who accepted the citation on behaif of her father, Ed Willatts for looking after the loan cupboard equipment. At far right, W. W. Bagneil is holding his citation given in recognition of his 15 years of con- tinuous leadership instruction in the Water Safety program. -Photo by Rehder Several ODutstanding Members Figure Skaters Present Third Annual Pop Concert Be fore Large Audience Automobil Hits Beaver A runaway car here Satur- day knocked over a parking meter and crashed into the front of the Beaver Lurnber Company store. Police say the car owned by Neil Hooey of 26 Liberty St. North, was parked on King Street, when it started to roll ahead. There has been no es- timate of damage. The Bowmanville Skating Those taking part ini It wore Club's Third Annual Pop Con- smart costumes composed of cert was presented in the Ar- black slaeks, white jackets, ena on Thursday evening, and red velvet capes, and silver it was tremendously enjoyed pilîbox hats. by an enthusiatie audience. The skaters ini the Military' The music and choreography Bail were: Jennifer Saunders, by Miss Barbara Ann Smith, Brenda Bamber, Dianne Cowle. the club professional. The Barbara Crombie, Andrea music was played by Stephen Ewert, Jean Hubbard, Sandra Oke. The Pop Concert was MeGregor, Louise Mann, Rose- sanctioned by the Canadian mary Merkley, Peggy Pass- Figure Skating Association, more, 'Rozanne Stackaruk, Pat. The pr .ogram was opened ricia Rudeil, Barbara Browes. with Military Bail a spectac- Susan Calver, Sheila Crombie, ular number, which afforded Dianne Harrison, Kathy Love. a fine example o! precision kmn, Evelyne Lycett, Kathy skating by a large group. (TURN TO PAGE TWO> Local "Timmy" Honored Guest Elwin Bacon, accoinpanied by his mother, Mrs. Roy Bacon, Simpson Ave., was the honored guest at Friday's Rotary meeting which was also the launch- ing of the Crippled Children's Easter Seal Cafnipaign. Guest speaker at this important event was former NHL great, Sid Smith, who described the world hockey tournàrment in Oslo and the dif ficu.lties which beset our teazris. Photo shows, Elwin Bacon, this year's "Tinuny" for Bowmanville and district; Miss Enid Bartieman, the district nurse for the Ontario Society for Crippled Child- ren, lef t, Mrs. Bacon and in the back row, club presidentDr. Keith'Billett, Sid Smith and campaign chairman George Stephen. Smudge Fire Starts Blaze 9)ieces