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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1963, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bourmanville, Mar, 20, 1963 School * rýSeks at Newcastle 0 i u eC!e Speaks at Vocational Wing Opening ithreMGrE b OtE)Pb 1,I U ~ U ~ 3batflSOOsae i~ AchlBerford.the provnicial!,N eed to ia ke S o o er Lo o k McGùRkoaM kl Se-gaeai aeyMr k Greater Stress Beeing Given ennnifmd ~ N a a a e fI a i gla ShredWnvtphn n n tpouaiy tiere IS Maesy, 1Mary Oke. SuMaAnapasei asie.Shio4 9 laQueen Elizabeth Trulimadelly irth, LannaMa-cd love] in a hite long frin Techn'ical Training Programmes notha sh:as:spubli t ierai Landidate Liy eandPty\ihId:ndsgsisa eno schools o r lchildinswl until teyare of age. S a y sg sbrlieraandatred sequins.A Sa s F d r l L b u î ï t rof the board will accompan. a fine solo. SheI r eo-soyfahr Labour Mnister Hon. Mi- challenge of rapidi technolog- were unskilled and semii-skil- Parkin Associates, Toronto,'true to ourselves and to ourlin that time. We can do it licked bv Julv' or August.' ing sapphirebue eqne Ntontepgrmce chael Starr officially opened:ical changes in industry," said led workers for whorn jobs the builders of Ontario Street heiae, need now, more than1 only if we have an economy "A rapid and regular growthi skating dress.Shdeosr-teCobysoinl ou- the million dollar vocational the minister. erraildmnihn. Soocckheewer any lime in our historvcheco that is expanding stadily andofr our economy is the prime e ait fsesadhce nraitcloi<'os wihoolta ter Hope High Mr. Starr tracc'd the reasons, The deniand for a highcr lions of this building which1 take a sober l00k ai where, rapidly i. of Liberal Party policy. axels ancidoul îcov~ ~ t~~sac S c h o y in w hic h a in a c e r - b e h in d w h a t h e te rm e d " * ' le v a o f ed u c a tio n a n d loc h - w ill he a y e a r o ld in tw o ou r c u n try 15 g o in g , a n d f ' W h e e d w fi d o re a isi g t a n d a r d of TlIos'- e t k a r Te s y b l c k y n w r a nara e r g a n i a r i i gw lîc n i u o ttihe ew sap o l a ecev suhr a ew cn r i onlî a atr o was presented to principal P. of technical cducation design-!'it teftue e rde os headed," Russell C. Honey,icîv s heearenati on I living, and economie securitY Birthiday Partywr abr aus n i aprwr J. Bigelo. cd 10 rovide a etter trin I thn fuprevious er iCanda1 Lord Elgin School desnoti Liberal Candidate for Durham m +ca wheres w are Il. ~fralCndaso vaee ynBreMrrt a-wsensit n ekr peiu er Caaarequire any land across the County, told the executive 1~ age group," Mr. Honey sa;d ker, Bonnie FnrLui od The new Port Hope addi- cd labour force." nover traincd enoughi people street, although eventually it meeting of the Clarke Town- are in an economic qurr firmlv. Joanne MarsdeJdas 'ifcwo as cn n tion is part of the biggest vo. Four Factors to meet the necds of industrýy mav be in the market for ad- ship Liberal Association held cage where we have run ais, .-Tget lb started will flot more, Nancy RieTayaig h ae osdi h cramti na o l idi n g ps ro- F mphasis on t' n ca du h t-eie o kileIor er iacent land, it was decided. in Newcastle last W ednesday rialy f s a e c n now be eas * . First we have.Stutt, H ather n o d m ire a s w r Mr.hoîcal - from abroad.nThis supply wastAhetîer wîîî b sent Wîîfrîd eveniThisto restore international conft-nd Lou Castie, Joanne Diternexprnasive. Dennîs Barber wa Mr. tar sai. I is ne f 'ctio is he neviabl out fl0W wth uro eCathrs ai esn ht Wlbrd lb n.tis flot good enough. Not dnebCnd htcni n ac evsg rn 468 such projects approved un-1,corne of four factors: rapid ad- enom ringrccvoryth euspe'1 artlsainghak- here , "The -in'Catheastreet îcanor, who Nancow- deci rth aion anAc To ech- vges ofideeahndutrial c- er statced. yte5pa-is no objection ta his goingl'h record of the past five nearl y good enough for our-dence which fell se low dur-. da Moffatt, Ters(aeSa del raiegVcato adechm-, vancwesof ech nogial chan- ! ahead with a planned sub- yaso1tmln eveo o u hlrn ing the financial crisis of last cey Stutt andHehecdaogan skptby ber,196, b whch he ed-mand for higher technical Government Responsibility ýdivisian across the street from mental indecision has foreed' Ta ati rvnb h ueta h ifnae eral government and the pro- skills, lack of a formai train-, Mr. Starr said it had become! the sehool. a decisioecorupontus. We cao overnmetwsfrdtee! vlnLy vinces entered mbt an agree- îng plan in industry; the num- a responsibility of govern-, A letter xa received from someonegelsitermi nd etibake r government and in the I y on boans from Great Bni-'day Girl skateda neti-iii.lewr lc n ht nient1 e s capiapita coss onber omdrooutsnrom choo men in c-opeatio withla- fficals ootheDuremDuorhacorseour conîrywiîsiaxeîlasîsix onthsin prticlar.'tainand he llatndStatse1UningeoloSithtvrse.ihe ookedstriid ablie L 7-2urrseet ass. atto erouanteresytngbor ndlangeenatksc.îhnieran II ailh ni W mstvot s tatth by tdrhee b te isng ode t bilus r retir te lve'bosumiolTeusmd oCustu.e The scheme will providelin 100 many young people that large segments of the which outîined suggestd i-cao bnorelisnoou epîoed Toa,' "osel eonna sarCgod rocdeliedwitdglnxva wndrfly uny.As roo fo 13,00 sude 1sente ring the labour market poulation did fnot enter bcprtmht hec te aan dut S ht Canada, potentialiy a wcalthy'cd upward again, te regain!dnclrdstn bas ovfrre13ht0p00our own and ourneighbois'f The tofPatrick's Paî'onceas had ahaveeaheadhendtfePîn unpreparcd tn meet ils de-'labour market unprepared. tw' or ulcShPosrng neaai aeanation, tail. The five brown calsd wereeigli Hcoe.Toaladaos50ins Postima nds, hie said. 1tw* orPbi col, tog stable, and ositive!cent of ils work force lookinci confidience xiii not be easy. a particularly ejybenm H ocr oss Ca a , 50 i n ortim H u t d fg r s s o i g lCentral, V incent M assey, and governm ent," M r. H oney sta-p o k s t eB t i u t b o c n h e, an h k tn v s r - S n r e r g r h w e - to amount 10 $450 millions. The minister said that 70. Ihat 35 per cent had been OntroStreet. cd emphatically. 'ufpor ymen.Thiraste o a i rst ting tat is neededdthe lark anl d . t he1hel ,PtîcaRd],Mr k "This is an investment in the percent of the labour force leaving schooî wibh only a "Within the span of the! country in the Western World. thing ail Canadians have ii taking part wr abd~adIl lbpoesoaMs futreandon tat il pr- ody cnssbe o pofesin-grade eight educabion and 70 B next four years Canada mustl This, in spite of promise their power te do, is te dcle black slacks ad itshr.BabaAn mthAvyn vide great opportunities for al, skilled and white collar per cent of those who did go e c e create more than ,000,000 made by Mr. Diefenbaker lasti a strong and stable goveron- Thcy %wore padd re u-Lc'txa h needn young Canadians to meet the workers; the obher 30 per cent t0 secondary sehool did nlot e mcç new jobs. These jobs arc fori June that: 'Fui] employment ment on April 8tli," Mn.'merl)tinds and leadterbakcladJan iln complebe junior mabriculabion, 4b aur childnen who wilI be en-Iý is now about te bake "place. Honex' said in conclusion. black bowlerhasachda as1wwebakktc. inhsve h iiu- -baud iof greenibo.Ter TeCondssdnth ALUM INUM SIDING qualificationew ted mor jm uscussed - htsirs er adnetaiioacsumsowie qeuliftionPRM AG OE Need Majority Mandate wit re reearc n iidclr hmth ATTENTON HO EOW NE S Ie 1r95758 of those In school, by Cotiniilor Hooper. 0ciecrio n ron, d nr n hiacgprfcl A T N I N H M O N R 89 per cent followed academnie A letter from Rus~sell C froThn ktesb h t, Pa-natersofa0e1s1n courses designed ta lead on t10 Honey, M.P. for Durham . llo ,fa 'iekParty re arcaal hsebkn atw If you are considering rcmodelling your home university whereas only 10 the 251h parliament, Iiiio o tai PaBt yeISsn Bjh Rsmn ekeBed and eliminating your paint worries then give us i per cen cual ntrdun-Bwanil Bah wihEwell a11oenDhyBmbr hiaCrmiLl acl.Wtnoolgtoinyuw ilb ld versity. was refcrred Io him for in~f 1 f5 we, Lnarodd.Ln lapî' ahyLvkiILu a al. Wih e obig tont y u e wil e gld Hence, the minister siaid vestigation and reporti( inr te c e r a î cni ae, and ic ye s 'n, K ty M G ik te give you an estimate on your project, for the Vocational1 and Tec hni- far as il, relaled ta the aee.30 re lapr Alu inm idigWidow , oos, cal Training Act of 1960 was junisdiction, stabed that LindaBrto, Jae LrgLui SnoLnd Wbb AluAunnMon'Sis, JuliedowsoopeorPatseSNowla86 7 Sheila Shredd, an unprecedented step ba had hecard from Dr. P. E. Ire- ___w nd PeBurtoni t Awnings, Railings and Carports 1 grapple witb need for fuîî'her! land, president of the Prt 1 15 d 4 %LaealyirhJan ubrd techoical education. alntoi H r or C m ay.i l A dashing due ktd h y o M jr ue M n, D n We guarantee the lowest price, the best work- The speaker then went n Mr. Honv nrormed the: * Sandra McGrego n anuan ikle eg asoe nianship and most important "The Canadian Made i ta discuss retraining programns 1counicil that 'Dr. Ireland Indi-Teucmn eea c-"hswsfo vloe vn marked applaust hywrTrl. Produets" f~~~~ auomaioSen stisplteace by ated bi vh bai cncs lb it'et' on April 8th is perhaps within bbc ranks of our partvEarnbeIlBowmanvll: Dikgreinte shits,gre vitas.Wyenoiuksite A L A N A.L UM INUT'M sitY for a step uîp in tbis. In,'atîthorilies. "I amn awaiting al the most important one since! but it was donc hecause the ýGibbs, Tyî'one; Eleanor Staub, tlîl back slk (amie with a bilt-in tmorrow.25,000 unemploycd bad re-i of Transport, Ottawa, andi ard told a meeting beid by bbc tta reu'ognize the econoic' Carl1 Tamln C. Downey, hanLed with 4,600 thrce years ago. represcrutatives of thal depant-ý servalive Association on Mon-' t act iin the national inter- D. Kcatley, Courtice; Mrs. H.M gn olprorndbi ktn aiiy agtra MR. LORNE ALLIN, 1 Prince Street lFederal provincial assistance ment will mccl wibh mYscîf Cday cvening. estugh "DoMi-. rckaî'd said. Nicýhtols, BornJ anve; ruC lo pluedyadreiedapuscgetdhm sle BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE 623-3871 Ibasis, lic saîd. cil, the Port Darling o iar1a year of unce-lainty and dzc-1 tional fi eld day the Libenalsketon; Mrs. Walter Pieî'smawhite costumeba awieelndotnudtruot Sup rect h e d o ffi& D Oshdawa P mnioi iool uheme ubr many, and DramMdtfrhe rgrsieNosev-oadrtihhagst-taurtnvblaMckyBres,,n-bacad iaenbeldle n xiitoao h Tit now inoprtion inlea sciide iatfie fl-elb h ive Party that the countryî party had 'uinedi the national manville; Stan MeIlson, En-: shor't fluîffy skirwaadne Tbetieasofbcsov R.R. 1, Simcoe St. N., Lansdowne Shopping Centre whecmanagemenits, unions aoeocenc1aou c n edi-cm hough w ieth aisteng lt sothhe adisru'd us inill;n v G en, TBow ,-,t.lteiggensa-îokpîtibcGadFnl TELEPHONE 723-9843arnd goverfiments were ,lions in this anea of the îown. I uened e co ntry eaed. theM. cy of t ertd' mni ie; Tcay, rok.vbcpovdailngcma I EHNE73943c-1shali keep council advised, ," Btau outy anIln ear sed thal rone, Ron Wl eBowmani- The Westelrn atwiht b omnil ktn opcrating te retrain rinplo yed M1" 4 continuîe 1a rîourish under tieý Canada's growth rate of thei ville; Mî's. C. Penwarden, Ty- had thiree differn ubrCu'sms noal o persans ta meet rapidly chang- M. Honcy's eter stated conditions of bbc past vear.1 gross National Produict bad! rone; Mrs. R. Berry, Boxvman- xvas picturesque.Fstbcn-Ccr. - - ing industrial nceds. DcPutv-Recve 'Ross Stevens We must reîurn te bbc stabili- excEeed thal or evcry other ville; Miss J. lloskiii, Osliawa, dianis, six maiden naîhn naddatato a b Tbe fiî'st effecîs off tlic uew said that he bbougbt Ihat the by and progress thal cao be îîalion in NATO and the At-' Mrs. J. Coucli, Newcastle; tic appearing cosue ktdsîiecu robl ans cmphasis on vocational cdu- Planning Board had been - rovidd by a governimentilanii communily. He asoPhilip Stuîart, Eniniskillen;:in absolute unisntnug h is a b omn hO~~ and Save M ore ~cation were beng fel in the'struicted bo draft regulalions thbas beengien a ma- said thal the cost off living mMr. arlTewiiî, Mns. T.baaredce1ralyorhvle oarCubess dcesinsho rpustebnfurther permanent joriîy mandate of the elector- i Canada in 1963 only rose hyi Feddcma, Nesîleton; Ern Hock- 'American Indiantmo h onaniî iai lb rh p a d Sa e M r Mr. Stanr said. A majnt- prob- residences at, the Bowmanville ate. Il is well b decide as one per. cent. i aday and Mrs. Don Stapleton, girls xvore fawnunseddITh scodbomalam cmwhich schools xvere tack- Beaches. "The seceary of best wc cani.wbich party 1 To accomplisb prospenlty! Newcastle,. with fninge a. eoae a lydb h omn A t You REX A LlStorea s a quidance couirse to't1w Planning Board, Albert lHkey togive usa soundf and emuthaefaill i In Our-!j* J. Cs e Copanve by thes A ingl e al fahe Frtnleyq Teminister concluded cyao be doue. The Bowman- duning a bul erm loff office. couintr-y, Mn. RikardACnîpany saigCanada must develnp.ville Beaches are now zoned Mr. Riekard spoke of bis "*We believe Ibis state can erborouigh, Eastenni Farrn Ma- was . he b In'sba-crtreodoftecreo Vv'atch for Our Yellow Ticket complote training program. rural. Anyone wishing ho es- years of service in municipal best be rcached through the chineryGep:Fîctn ad h nin adn ihrgmbtteewr 1"I ldconfident that this tbishpermanent residence gvrmn.He also discus- ploe and programs laid lie PaSwift For tili - i wer esaaCobea-mrebussadahn n S e Iemscao and will be donc." Guide thenc would have bo have sed bhe experience and know- down by bbc Progressive Con- zen, Roy W. Niols, Countice;'IbrI - r Sale___Items__ sufficient acreage," the Dep- ledge he had gained thî'ougb senvative government. Arends Eloctrie, W. R. Chap. iut'&-Reeve asserted. "But tbis working in local and national He refcrred 1e ARDA, the! mari, Farmers Supplv, Dyk- Ilelene Curtis1 HAIR PRAYMURnCLtHstohp those aI present organizations. He said lie is Federal Grain Assistance Acîlsîra Foods, Sburrock anld Sons,c M E R C L1ls hybuild on bo their Conservabive candidate. Vocational Training Plan. Heland Jobonston, Western Tire, O N ERA T V Reg. $1.49 i collages," bc added. H-e spoke of the devaluation also stated thal expanded1 Tex pack, Pedlar People, Osh- _'. __ 99C PO D RCoring Friday Mayor Ivan Hobbs remind- fthCadinolrbyheakbs frraainpo awa; Beatty Brothers, MeGnerM MUE PO D Rcd counicil that il had tried bta foae oernmcn ul r iwaraiy gor Hardware, Canadian Tire, Curad$ rmt low rentai. housing Brantford Twine, Rcrh Rob.. prootebehaîf off bbc huge audience1 inson, Limitcd, Van Belle Gar- Reg-a 69for he own wbich would of PLASTIC STRIPS SReg $.69fer a solution for people liv- J. I. Co ýt ae rCBrwnand othe dNs' BokAlb - P'-sw Reg. 98c 1 4 9ilýg ail the year round in sum- .I.Cs ompany, adohr Nurseries, Aeency aints, Now 4c er ottges I bc to lcalFROM PAGE ONE) firrns, for the wonderfuîl even- Royal Thîeatre, Valvolirîc Oil, PASTETpeople bad hee inberested. - ROOM beaches. huit that net enough T1 omnil erainig onavleCenrSo Regular $1.39cu d icOnlfor$l.06erles performed several moderniwith the following original -- ---- r nwopni Reulr 1.9 --------Ony 1.6low î'ental survcy, but w Western Square Dances witn vers rle yhncf "And ORN L ol Casuescannot make people sign a grace and pep. The dancers ýnow tbere's one more thing~ Regular $1.39 ------ nly 1.00~ ing if hbey do flot want il," ces, whîch greatly pleased bbc iplIte for me. Ourî acîs were Ibe ayorpoined oît. audience. The group meet ne- great, our pictures good, and (RMrG.Ot CEPACOL Mouth Wash Roen eLisndLen gulanly aI the Lions Commun- ailel welljssi hud adRier, boLish aTnd oiyCnr frdnig0ndBtn1I1u.pee!te'Msih ritni 711~5 IGs ofbbe residiinos, butiexperaindod ih oe ieuncn obr.B olne,1 Regular 98 -------------- 1 armers are producung -more 'audience. _-Only49cruent residents dump their gar- food products than ever be- The Dî'aw for mYany fine A PRNMayor llobbs suggcsted Ibat and there is a grcatly increas- pnize was won by Jean Mal- I t e Reg. 3C -100'3...-.---O ly 6cbbh two sumimer residents, Mn. cd gencral crop ylcld Ihr-otgh- lette, Tyrne, and bbc Boy'3 Rider and Mn. Mc-Leish rnîght, out both Canada and tbc Unîi- pîib e n 1 urgo(,: R.R. 3, BRYLCREEM. attend a rnceeing of bbe Plan-Ibed States. 'Bownill uelcy wîîî-N Regular 79e -__-_----------- ---- -.On1y 61c Yning Boardi. lie sbated tbati "In North Amenîca efficient ner of bbc sel af Corniog ware \4 cunci wîl kce the la-methods and better farm ma- Idonated by the JJ 1. Case Coin-O tA N NV E R AR Y r MO E Sformed of funther develop-lchinery have resulted in food1 pany was Mns;. R. Gibbs, Ty- mients as soon as word is re-labundance, albhough because i rone. Regular 51c size Now 2 for 89c ccived from Mr. Honey. 'of old fashioned equipment, i Other pnîze wînners re I."The matter bas beeri put or primitive farm operation, M. Kuzenko, Hlampton; Floyd KURLEY-KATE SCOUR PADS onre afteP%,eNwcsl;W Y- In the bands of a good m an in rnany c u ti s h î b o .cI e c sl ; W s Y l for 9c, now and ihe is bound bo gel people of the world go hun-- lowlees, Enniskillcn; Grahamn D IR T H D A Y AT Regular 15ces ts," ounci3orfokestat-gry, Mr. LeValley stabcd. Lee, Cavan; Ed Hoskin, Osb- cd. Mn. Rider and Mn. Mc- An excellent film entitled awa; H. Cryderman, Lloyd of DeVilbissLihtakd onlfris "Farmers Meet the Challne Nichails, Mrs. Austin Wood, Desert F lower VAPORIZERS interest. and for listening bo produccd by the J. 1. CaseLindla Fine r.Lro hrt their problcmr. Company contrasted modernm Mrs. E. Collacunît, ail of Bow- M Deodorant $995 Value Councillor H-ooper spoke ni, agricuitural operations in Caoi- manvilIle; E. Copping, Orono; M M ORIAL HUO t"ITALBOMNLL Il ( C o w --- -- _ $ .6 6th e a rn o u n t off w aber in t eJ ad a an d bbc U n it d S ta tes 'M rs. W . J. B rag g , B o w rnan - Roll-on or Cream Nwsreso 1 ono u- wibh bbe out-daled tilling sys- ville; S. C. Boyles, Ca- *o Re.1.25 ea. couniIîems in undor - devcbopod van; . R. Kcatlcy, Courtice; Corîcid25îna day. le suggcsted that coun nries. Don Tanninglon, Port Hope; Special - /.5 COUGH SYRUP ' cil look aI various place, This motion picture sbowcd Ed Raas, Taunton, Williamn J. A $1 50 Value-2 There are problerns tbbc5Ccn,! the great rescarcb projects Bcacbam. Dun ci a s: Gerry U Now .$1 9 Walter Giordon with the unauthorizcd storm Companîy under tbe direction rone; Mrs. J. Fayce, Bowman- d e d y fen o , AC I 2 the Lîberal Parltys fuîancial seivcr prograrn bbc Roads andof ils president, Merritt D. ville; Mrs. F. Dayes, Nestle- 3:00 te 5:00o'lk expert and the author off the htet omtc pn nHlt ass b vrdc-!bon; Mis. E. Goble, Tyrone; farnous Gordon Report wbo wil Duke Street last year," hie re- veloping mechanization of bbc Wayne Wright, Bowrnanville; -a be bbc special speaker at the'marked. farm scene. Louise Taylor, Burketon; Les meeting to be held in Bow- Depuly-Rreve Stevens, sec- Don Brown then introduced Collacutt, Bowrnanville. Don JU R Y &'L IOV EL mianville Hh School next onded hy Couneillor Hughes.' a comedy motion picture that1 Davcy, Tyrone; Bob Casey,LIN CE TE B WMV LE jOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGEhC Board of was bighly cntertaining, and Orono; Mrs. Francis Jose, New- ,ateigt oclok. ll ntres. Wrksmeeingbcheld on'had many hurnorous aspects castle; Mrsý. H. Thompson. 2 King St. E. 623.3361 ,cd in hearing Mn. Gordon's Monday evening, March 25th, as wcli as a fascinating dra- Bonanville, Mrs. Garnuet ARRANGED BY THE WOMEN' OPIA LXIIRý address wiil be most welcome inslcad off Tuesday, March rnatic sbory. Rickard, Bowmanvillc; Mrs. toatn.i2t.This was carried, Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, on Earl Bradburn, Burketon, Bob __________________________________________

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