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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1963, p. 3

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Blitz Drive Here Monday 5Oth W edding Anniversary mot, ho allC1a S nTy e Cadantaeinow nvfeMa.0 13 - 3 - _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _th Mr. and M rs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Griffen viirs fMsRigteMs.elSh n Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton' Neil Smith andchlenCl MsRdSmpnaitd etails of M any Services Hmro. anCr.S esy arr, BowmanvleM n ae h on epei Mramtnd . Ro M Mrs. Rae Cowlig Wîb h hrhSna vnn Mr. ad Mrs Roy eGilli Mr. and Mrs.VnenRe whntypeste afim were callers at Mr. and MrsJ din.g, Pefferlaw. tescn nasre fLn J. Kinsman's, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs.W.WteadflimsThrwsasot A t " e c u i t d N g tMr. and Mrs. K. McGill,! family, Whitby, vstda .srie o eitr At "Get Acquainted Nigh t"Dae and Brian hdSundaylLee&s.hnn lo okn o The rnany services provided dent Rudeil ntroduced the Mrs. Rundie informed those e rsLyl by the Red Cross for the others on the platform as fol- 'present that the Bowmanville Mr.and Mr.HreKcMsGennoh ranei, Wîb utb hswyi ne people of Ontario were em- lows: Don Marsden, Welfare and District Red Cross Branch Milr nd avy ea-,uest Gean fom her ted h es phasizd by Dick Shatto, Red and Disaster chairman, Mrs. is still in need of more volun- Gif wee and rs. M Staintani Cross qrempaign Chairman for B. Burk, treasurer. Mrs. Ed teers ta sew and knit to help Tho e M othend rs' M.Fellonh 1 ednaiversary ele- Onaiwop tdou hRdî .Women's Work chair- meet the great demand for hea otlucksuper on' b ation of Mr. and r.Ca- these services are flot provid- man, Mrs. Roy Spry, the vice-;these necessary articles. hl o ukspe nbaino r webn ohe r organztion pesl hidea nt. wo is Cuarig Mrs. W. Roy Spry as Loan Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp.j Mr. and Mrs.WifdBo- whn eadrssd h wl- harnaan La CpoadCupboard Convenor told the Thirteen couples enjoyed ai man and Mr.Gore ow1 Ptbu I" attended "G e t Acquainted convenor, Mrs. Fred Griffin, meeting that the Loan Cup- deliclous supper. The rest 0f, man attendcdCoeeRya Night" held by the Bowman- co-convenor of the Loan Cup- board has hospital beds, bed- the evening was spent playngl at Guelph, also vstn r vil n ititBnh of board, W. W. Bagneil, Water side tables, crutches, wheel-' cards and a good time was'and Mrs. A.J.T bl, the Canadian Red Cross Soc- Sals!Y chairman, Mrs. Don:car bdasan te ltinTiiyUnited Church Marýcien, secretary, and Harry csirsm eqpmes nd t hlbe .ad Mrs. Vra1osyt Bd ratnd . mHr Sunday School Roonis last Davcy, Blood Donor chairman. Mwhenever neededandand addedr Weneda vein.Ronali, Toronto, spent the! and family, SoutMoahn Wednesday evening Mrs. H. Hibbcn, co-conven- that these articles are always weedwt r n riM.adMs uryPect, The president, Mrs. W. M.'or of Women's Work, and Fred lnt fee f chrge Mr. and Mrs. Lsi 9 eerte hi . .Omstn ua and CinSt.Caha- lag Gifiwh ssss h Ds, r adMr.LeleBrooks, 6 Scugog St., Bowmanville, clbae hi Mrs. Forsyth and Ronaldi es. wr visitoswtth audience which included cap- aster Committee, were unable: A Citation to Ed Wllatts 5th Wedding Anniversary on March 6th at a famuily gathering on Sunday at accompanied Mr. and Mrs.E.LanDoldrsots alhd tan adcavssr o het b reet.Te rsietfrom the Red Cross Branch for tE n oa tian a CroCaif he rS Rudpeli, alsohe resdat ' his valued assistance in look- ! the Acres Restaurant. Friends and neighbors called throughout the week to Ormiston to attend the 40thl Mr. and Mrs. EmrLe tnal ed onronsda aMar P ublc ellatiosearvesa ing. after the lban cupboard! offer their congratulations. -hoobyRhdrWedding Anniversary of Mr., Judy and ubere ai _____________on________________Public__Relations_____________-Photo___________ anddMs.r ClarenceVice one Ms.nDonald LeDandld LE 25th, and many other inter- Don Marsden reported thatequipment, was presented taoi- Saturday afternoon.i ste Mran Ms.DvdSV $24 ested persans. The president 20 people were helped during his daughter, Mrs. George For- rare still needed for the local1 ite Mran stated this Red Cross Branch the year through Red Cross sey for hini, as Mr. Willatts Red Cross Blitz ta be heîd in Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis-1 Lee at their new oena eulr$.5gi urgently needs more mcm- welfare, and 13fiedstrwaunbetbepsnt Bowmanville onisMon dym SI, i VIf Rnald were Sunday dinnerl There was a gteîgi bers. The full Red Cross teani victinis were assisted. Bedd- The Ontario Red Cross Cam- March 25th, Mrs. Spry said. the:o rs .R adwl, h fr far in this area is compased of, ing, lothing, and food were1 paign chairman, Dick Shatto, A Red Cross Canvass will e, otHp.IseolStra ih only Il members. given to these people during peene aSeca itainconducted in New ca s t leA Port Hop.fl 'oolSatiid presnte a pecil Ctaton Mr. and Mrs. Can'eron Oke,' old pupils and finso r and Mr. BerineA'ms I nd Mr.tWhlAshto had Following the singing of 0 their emergency pe1d.T ta W. W. Bagnell, which read Shaw's, Maple Grave, Cour- Caaawith Mrs. RSot sWlare and DisasterComt1 as follows. "To Mr. William W. tice, Salemi, Providence, Hay- rs ewnA madms wli ývsoe-tecaraMr. Mrd I BgelChairman o atrdon and Tyrone, throughoutKm a ll rs tC vr'.pormM. and Mrs. Ashtonpy'i o pian~isa the meeting out teKhiminrse anei f ae H m I /e t g, Little Britain, were reminiscing. AfIrasot ed with a special prayer byalso stated that 25 addition ai Safety, Bowmanville and Dis- the month, Mrs. Spry stated. Hm Sunday clesa .Aeys perMrs. Allan Werry, Sch o Sand' ra, wr rese, ndwihafor Rev. W. Housiander. Presi- pesnwohdbe f trict Branch of the Canadiaa Introducing Dick Shatto, the r.AlnWrySad, wepestd _________fected by minor disasters, IRed Cross Society, in recog- Red Cross Campaign Chairman A very interesting film was1 gained from a field day. Tt Sharon and James were Sun-' lamp and electriefynpa. which includcd other f ires and ;nition of 15 years continuousfor Ontario, Mrs. Spry told given at South Courtice Hm a eie hr ol edytaget tE er'.W ihte ayyaso major dîsaster, the Rcd Cros.~ his leadessns fmls eln o h oraDyHen or ay spanteievetsThe om e ayge Dr s, shaait E e hs ss- ae id cqataes rma s flooding, were also given a s- instruction in the Water Saf- the meeting that hie has al- and School for their March an inter-sehool field day in Mr. Bili Begley and Carole health and happnesater Buy The BEST sistance. In the event of a ety Program in Durham Coun- ready travelled many thou- meeting. The titie, "PoisonslJune. The teachers would wi th Mrs. M. Ashton and new home ini CaEsraAmgAoSven ** Natona Diastr srvie sp- anyhundreds of children wonderful work of the Red1 of a day in the lives of the1 and Sehool wili co-operate ter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Davad, tance was a ppilofoy MAC NG CL S ýports anîd augments local ef- would be unable ta swim ta- Cross and urging people ta 1 doctors and nurses in the and have a treat for the chiid- Toronto, and also visited his'years ago in theproif forts, Mr. Marsden said. day, and would be lacking in donate generously to enabie I Poison Centre at Sick Child- ren. Committee in charge, Mrs. niece, Mr. ans Mrs. A. Dean, Mrs. Verna Forsyte eeO- lWork chairînan, reported that intcrest and training have en- 'with its great communiy, pro- The urgency was impressed Goyne, Mrs. Jack Morton. Davidson, Oshawa, returned Mrs. Scotchburisbcat NA E --AL 1,3001sewn and knitted artic- abied many of his students ta vincial, national and inter-na- on us again t, keep poisonous Mrs. Nora Hornick was ap- 'home with themn. ber duties aga n atrawe , les werc made by local volun- become qualified swimming tional services. Mr. Shatto, itemis out of reach of child- palled at the iack of interest' Very sorry ta report Robert of 'flu. Fooiw ear teers and sent to Red Cross instructorsY Cta the popular captain of the Tor- e and irresponsible people. hw by the parents in the Slemn, while playing with McalCto a enQAT HedcuatesTroto t sp Mr. Bagneil expressed his onto Argonaut Football Club, The film also showed graph- music festivals. She hoped other chums around the quite il with 1pnemna o- nationalna an a nerntinternationalortheSpparentsa isawouldor fattendth orgreenhousteesitde siipped 1 haandlpaputs olowatendgrtheose'flu.pedandPutlowng he f'u We sell nationalli> i warchouses. "These articles tion. He tedhahi great-1 Y.M.C.A., and anhanorarY estk in these matters. I h festival i Ajax eryi his hn thraugha windaw,l Mr. Lloyd Cochrn n ID EIEfI advertlsed brands arc ept on hand ta be of im- est pleasure came froni being director of the Y.M.H.A., Mrs. showed a definite lack of un- May, when Miss Dianne Cook- cutting an artery and cordsl Oshawa Hospital.Wehpai mediate hc]p in tume of dis- haiied by the youngsters, and Spry stated. derstanding and co-operation man's class would compete. leading ta his fingers. He re-1 aur ailing friends ongtui an I * NATURALIZERS 'aster anyxvhere," Mrs. Rundie being told by them that "now The tremendaus scope of on the part of the father. evd firt i b- rs ie-i r'- gan expaindwecnsi"Heetatdhesriesuped yth Thmetn opnedwt Mrs. R. Storey thankedcev s1auYMr.N-arndgi. BUSH PUPPIES ,Setltemeting hat ta he .H s ttaug tete s e rics s w ulined by the Tsinging o eCnda fol- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright for sen before being taken ta The most indusrasfor 1 She tol the meetng that hitthe skatinghtpartyenGradesoss emorialliHospitaheinBowman- CU.Cda olmembersiahavesptultedwanPhone 623-5431r for men, womnen :11,905 swabs and wipes for 5,000 and 7,000 persans ta Mr. Shatto. Referrîng ta theilowed by the Lord's aPrayer.1an1had njoaryrdttervleb egbrM.Jh w ulsattehm fMs'73Kn . B~mnll an hlrnthe Red Cross Blood transfu- swimn in the years hie has been Red Cross Campaîgn here, Mr. Garnet Goyne welcomed ad8hdejyda hi il.yanihoM.Jh w ulsa h sion service werc made here instructing. Mr'. Shatto said: "1You give those who had come on suclipae ete odo seilGifn oetishm aA tbeod * SAVAGE SHOES during the year. Mrs. Rundle Toepeetwr non-ncsayhl a teswe tryngtliue eeItrips which are being piannedsti] resting from the ordeai. There was a 1l ttne a a ii 1 ia Il Centenniai uci ofthie extent of the Water ytigile Io the Red Cross, rra'1 ,ind approved also theIt aesho hirnt uheprya no coi for the entire famnily . .. quilts arc ta lie made by anv aey rgai nti laeiand remiember that the can- 'minutes of the last executive Ottawa hyntra in. Two dFidyniÈtw lneludlng Children's lwamen 's groups interested aeyPormi hsaevsrwoclsa ordo etn.Tefnnilrpr taab ri.Tota Up- M m r 1lP r vaerwh cMr.a yurdor eein. hefiania r per Canada Village, May 24thiv mo ai r r Orthopedie Shoes andtheywiîî be disp y Mar. Bagney, l. o oo savlner"H de htra yMs rhrPa by Savage I throughout the country t, a rr aey lodDnr svolunteer."f Hlag erfdc 1that ed by Mrs$ Arthua e1and ItOttawa June 20th. 'lepcet neeti 93techai.rman stated that three o haespr-'n hwdtat$0hdFurther information mi bVeMs cir C l a e s Cuc e hel ceae itees in193 heclinics are held here yearly,i more than 90 per cent of work sent ta Federatian for Foundoand froAssthcteacier DACK and Red Cross'Centennial year. îof aur Canadian Red Cross er's Night. Eight new mem-ýbandfo h eces and 670 bottles of life givingiI B CTT McALEThee ws a exelentdis bl ar gîen he extRe Society. bers enrolied, and a balance The April meeting will beH SSOM aGEB piyof ioally ae tcles ros-l blood Doiv nors inie Te issRreerics heon hand oo$f 74 pr$29.a74..Th peke hîhwaAuc amre.'wl b hl a8heLonhen RdCrs poid8e:g1c5M. RbetStry'heo wl bsr.ZpTeZaer.keerln W O R K B O O TS - tr~~w ll e hn M a th e a dLor oven1 ,5 0 C na ia s, w on the banner w ith I 9 points. IM rs. W esley Oke and M rs. m ei g o a c 2 h a AlsK OfuleOSs EC o etfctswr peetdma oe n hirn A letter was received from i Sm Penfound will be n Memorial Park Association A man was cosltn use MECCAdnorswhohav every year. The majority r the sehool board stating that charge. meigo ac 2h a permission must boobtained Mr. Fre Wright introdve-opened with President Mrs. Psychiatrîst. Am gote SCRAPES f--M "i mrebotlesofvictinis of fires," hle p---pin ermsinmsdeotie r rdWih nrdc agJfeyi h hi. qetosted RUBBER FOOTWEAR blood as0foriors: GarnetGo- out. I froni the school board before, ed Mr'. Storey and calied onMr efr nth hi, qetos h otrakd given or"heRd rssi a itly anything could be purchased bu ta show the filmn. Mr. Cblae i.Hwr "Are you troubldbyln Ail sies ~ .heen, Wiîfred Brown, Cour "TeRdCosiasvtlyfrtechoanthtn-Hrb Mkethkd Mr Corden, was present to dis- Price ange îtice, Lloyd Cifton, iorley important infpeacetime as it thing iost or stolen would be Storey for presenting the cs h aigo u lo rprtogt? Popular IM'ecca, a favouute family Flintoff, Eustace Holdstock, 1 ' in war. It is the duty of the trae nisanmrt. fl n o h neeth in the recreation rooni of the -at - ufl es minai wounds. J a in e s Lawrence, George Re1rs astpi hn Regarding a field day in has shown in Home and ~prwr asata Wy o"asee h MekWilliam J. Ormiston, ever and wherever nelp 'S 1'June, Miss Dianne Coakman1 School. The meeting closed soon as possible. Expense IS patient. "To til o h HaNy on.cutGoronMoa! eeed.Th rMen eksua ,ta lie shared by by Memorial drgcutr.oeat o .Hooper, Alex'in Iran killed 10,000, injured __ ______ Park Association. truth, doc, JL rateno et McGre-lor, Patrick MeManus '3,000, and ieft 75,000 home- - Minutes and reports were them!", Buy Meccand E less. Within 20 bours the Can-EI radatwhanaprvd Shoesin tin or icbe Ms Sr,1h Cm adi n Re d Cross was on hand E NIS KUNE U New drapes are ta be hung alLse 4 KigSrtWstchairman, announced t h a t Ou, clothing and tentswo enyGodou Bo9manvige'srquot forstheand badly necded medical ,Ormnse etws fu h eyGdoi time,: Mrs. Margaret Jeffery and CLOTHES CAREHNS BOWMANVILLE '4 * Cr~Iowavess uamp for$250thesppie. Father forgive thcm, for they our talents and our substance. Mrs. Helen Park were invit- Tm otlkc trn orwne ot* tt BOW ANILE EULUNGAN c hesaine amaunt as in pre- M--. Shatto toid the audience,. know flot what they do," asi The gambiers parted His rai-',d tothe ub super ad tbe vios yars May cnvsses tat n adiionta hol bladhe continued with a series of!I ment and cast lots. We ques- were very much impressedyurelaeloldycan. theCandin Rd Cos blodLenten sermons. He spoke of tion "What can we give?" with the training procedure, _____________________________________________________________transfusion service supplies the different kinds gatbered, Jesus gave everything, leav- and necd for tile floor. i BOWMANVLEB .RTSO bospitals with vital blood pro- around the cross today evenî ing bebind an open door for: Afternoon Tuesday bingo RYLTETE - TUSMRH2s ducts such as gamma globulin, as in Jesus' day. Some bave' us, ta salvation. Like the: was taken over by Mrs. Char- ROA TH fibrinogenni serum albumin, faith, some rejeet Jesus open- gambiers at Caivary we can'lotte Clarke, and the Wednes- antihemnophilie globulin and iy or by negleet. be sa obsessed with lesser day afternoon Euchre was S Sfreshi frozen plasma. Mr. Crawford spoke about1 things in the text, or like theltaken by Mrs. E. Ciapp. Imm. Thevistin ofical lsotwospeife kndsandtherîtwo thieves wc may be lik-e' The Friday night bingo bas Th iii g ofiil as wo s eii in s a d t erthe one whose conscience was: been doing well so we haveM . spoke of other Red Cross en- attitudes viz: the thieves andSsc ared hie selfishly and ar-lfadded another $25.00 Jack',______________________________ l of lae l .deavors including Home Nurs- the gamblers. He pointed outý rogantly sought escape, or likel Pot, making it three Jack_____________________________ ing training, Water Safety in- that thieves gathered at Cal-1 the second thief who humbiy; os eaehvn e ____________________________ struction, Visiting Home Mak- vary were and still are those'cnesdadwsgvni-iPA ytmisald u n ers, arts and crafts programIcnesdan a ie iPAsytnisale.O'A- ediate pardon by Jesus. We;nual Bazaar which wilbeM for hospitalized veterans, RedB Blackburn whose sb mutyicld to the constraining beid in April was discussed. - Crospitiizde vr etes o ject was "Trees"; Linda May- 1 ove of Christ. A second me 1s-j A banquet is coming up oni, F R mlc ri ea ighsitied eMraonti ond Wlgon" r. T. Br andars. E.inWraghwsbt i uet' Meel t n a djour cnend T . HN 6358 m akes ail other ~ ~~Cross.and thecial _Atr1he -gig- aT1A ~d~~O1 w - ek, th -_i1- ITRKSEAL * Yu gt csto-cofot i evry oomeletrc hatîg aler yo a composed of Mrs. E. Twist,: Mrs. Sexsmith had passed School T.B. testing program Toronto. separate thermostat in each rooîn. ~Mrs. K. Shackleton, Mr'. Bob' away. To those who mourn, a A turkcy supper was beld 1 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownell, _______________________ Craig and r.JTwst fav- we extend oui' sympathy. 1a the home of Mr'. and Mrs.1 Valerie and Lee werc wee-BEFS CAL ared with a selection. ' Mar c ett n onoSrdf hindCharestBrofncl, incbte, Ont.' Mi'. and ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry ta learn that Mrs. W. FodBceto audyîcdget fbsmteMs Farewell ln frac o ue an., .Boggs is still in seriaus con- lt'8t td b i f ti SWv TSTNDRDBE Eas t intal-n frnce r ueltak.Blackburn eanBrian werei dition n Peterborough Hos-! ather's ng îbray. Toýse1Several ami les LEAN FRES LEAN na îler tarelae, withMr. and Mrs. Wilbur' pital. Donald Lambi, Rosella and' ance at the "Brown, Case' BA Blackburn adMs Kate, Six of oui' local youths who William, Bailieboro, Mr. and Show" on Friday evcning and, L D No anualmainenace csts nohingta danMr. and Mrs. Leslie Weish! hockey teams came home' land, Mi'. Dawson Beckett,! tainment provided. Mi'. WayneI and Mr. Larry Wclsh, accani happy Saturday night. They j Tommy, Barbara, Brian, Tcr-l Wright was the winnei' of a ETALE HRTRBo panied by Mr'. and Mrs. Ste- had assisted thcir team n ! firy and Harvey, Maple Grave, j tractai' seat. 1 ETALA phen Jeffery, Maple GroveI winning their last gaie. They Mrs. Elva Beckett, Mr 0.1 Mrs. C. Staples. Mi'. and STEW BEEFBNLS Rodcedopratng oss- n mnymoniptites herat fo eectic attended the Kemptville Agri- celebrated by enjoying T-bane Beckett and Arvilla, MWcidj rsm .aPrlerrndDid, ee C UKlNOA Tl Roduco operaing ~cultural School "College Roy-; steaks etc. at thc Brown Res-i Mrs. E. Hoîdstoçk, Bowyîan-Mr.L ean.tpe and DavidJGh4 ~ many muniîpa~'îes te rate for lectrîc . ville, Mi' and Mrs. Lloyd All- 1 Bcthsa, Mi.ondMr. oh RU ND 7 HU heatn bas been reduced as much as 30,7 during the last 2 years. Several fi'om' this communi-' Another w e h1 attended dread and Maxine, Tyi'one,j Saturday cvening guests cf' tn vattendcdth W. H. Brown Euchre a held a the school Mi'. and Mi's. Garry Bccke.t,l Mi'. and Mrs. Edward Foley SE K rR A T Case Show on Friday evenin,, on Friday evening. Some very MratndMs l.onir. f ad fa iiy.wnl n OND-S and the Holstein Barn Meet- higli scores were attained. M' n r.Af rw, M' oneBonl n ON ILI -OE-WN ing at H. Jase & Sans, New-' Winners for the ladies werei'Bowmanvillc, Mi'. and Mr,.î iMi. John Alguire spent theý ROUND STEA rsa castle, on Saturday. Mrs. Robert Brown and hign j Harold Skinner, Tyrone, werel weekend at their respective'NWU Cal eu qlflUiedeeti etngcnrco r The annual Home & Sehool; gent was Mr. Clifford Cri.Snday visitors of Mr. and parental homes at Ingleside, RUMP Club "Open House" was beld1 Consolation awards went ta Mrs. Ross Sharp. and Finch. BONELESS R M 1OL on Wednesdav, Mardi 13. TbeMrs. Gordon BrittonadMi. i' and Mrs.Or-!efey, Mr and Ms-s. K. C. Hopkins! a-tnac a'dspanig Fe ieo.Part Perry, were Saturday teaj werc overnîgit guests of their;FRYU REE due to the poar weather. ' guests of Mi'. and Mrs. A. daugbter and ber family, Mr' Ater thie parents had view-1 We understand that Ms-. Brunt. and Mrs. Kenneth Hartley and, SWIFT' E D R D B E y or y d othw okop n detig ay hr nd hieson of Mr. and 1Mr'. and Mrs. Grant W::ry Rirky and Heatheci, Barrie. lb.RONTbS5 y o u h yr omeeting was heid. Mr-s. E. lMdrs. nTmasThits ai ' and famnily were Sunday tea Mi'. and Mrs. Keith Biekell,' onutdtebusiness. The' man operates a store in Lind- Sewell, Courtice. gucsts of Mi'. and Mrs. Fred IL 39 LÈVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Junior rooni won tic attendî- say and \illi Midn h re'M. and Mrs. Keitb Cryder-i Wright and family. cUTADWAPDFE fance pennant. . My very bcst ta you bath. man *and Joanne were visitarsi Mrs. J. A. Barnes visited BDE EM A EARNE y Mr'. Webster introduced thei L.O.L. 444 and L.OB.A. 1314'at Mi'. and Mrs. L. Stainton's.; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 pupils who took part in tic1 held meetings in tie OrangeMi'. anîd Mrs. A. L. Wearn1 James Bancroft, Newington,ý ON ALFEZRODR public speakî.ng. These were: Hall on Wed.nesday- la.nd Susan called at Mr. and Ont., over the past weekend. I el

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