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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1963, p. 4

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A federal deficit of $600,000,000 for the fiscal year that will end on Manch 31 1963, is the prediction made by the Canadian Tax Foundatian in its annual budget fonecast. And for the year ahead, with the qualification that bath revenues and expenditures are subjeccl ta future economic conditions and gav- ernment pragrams, the Foundation forecasts a deficit of $600,000,000 to $800,000,000, says writcr C. J. Harris. In eight of the last 10 years the fed- eral government bas spent mare than it has taken in. The cumulative deficit for the period-assuming that the Tax Foundation's prediction for the current year will prove accurate, as it probably will - will amount ta $2,674,400,000. This total is exclusive of defîcits in- curred at provincial and municipal levels; collectively, the deficit of these governments has been higher than haif of the Ottawa aeficit in recent years. There are a goad many persans, highly optimistie, who contend this is ail ta the good. Their theory is that deficit spending cures economic ilîs, (though it has clearly failed ta do sa over the past five years), that the debts can be passed on ta posterity, and that the incrcasing charges cao always be easily carried because every year thene It hardly seerns possible that George Timble has dîed and been bunicd. We didn't even know be was sick, yet here was a man who brougbt happiness and good cheer wvhenever hie xvent and hadn't a mean banc in bis body. We used ta live beside George on Scugog Street, noth cf the CPR tracks, in the first place we set up as aur own rented home, just aftcr the war. He xvas stili working wîth the Goodyear company in Toronto ah that time, but came home every weekend and spent many hours, long into the early morn- ing, improving bis pnaperty, tending bis garden and working like a beaver ta make everytbing betten. Many limes. lue paid us a visit ta bring vegetables lie hiad grown, ta pass along a bag cf candy on an orange ta our youngstcrs, plus a little religiaus pamphlet and a word cf gospel. He was a wonderful person, not a big shat in the town but a clean living, devout man who enjoy- ed a simple life. One of the neighiboirs wî'ote ta us this week, saying "I suppose the usual obituary write-up 'viii be written fer We don't care much where it came fr6ôË, Asia, Africa, Europe or even home grown, this flu bug just has to go . . . and fast! It has become noth- ing less than a dreadful nuisance. Sa far, its devilish dealings have escaped us, although psychoiagically we have thought we had it several times, only to discover we hadn't bren going ta bed early enough for required i-est. But it is most annoyinîg to 'phone someone and hav~e a raspvl% voire answver in a tone that Icaves yOu \wondening haw long thev Nwuhl br .with us. We have had ti3 happen iiînurable tîmes in the pas et .' NN-ceks. Mien, there are comnitiîenietitngs of vary- ing types. a.nd ini Bow-xianvxille. there are at icast hall à do:en iiin progress every evening. pi-epnrîuug for some- thing. cleauing up fi-onu s.omething or just meeting to deal with generai bus- iness that auises. of late. there have been se miany a11.euitees thaI the situa- tion is stultifyunz thr town's orderly progress. lucre cre toc> few around to take cane of tlîungs and there is no point in appoiuuhuug u\ people because they are no sooîîcr siguued on tlîan thcy fade out and head for bed. If this keeps oni at ts present pace, wVe ma3- hav-e an eNti-cmiely poor show- ing of votes on electiouu day, the Jack & Jili Club's Coruiz a Poppin' extrava- ganza and Murdochu Beaton's Legion Gice Club singing 'Messiahi could be considerabiy reduced in numbens. Also, it could have a bearng on the Red Cross drive for funds. Canvassers, nua rnatter what the weather, could bc greeted by walking ghosts instead of eagen contributors next Monday. In.- stcad of taking the money pnoferred with a shaking hand, they could be rushing toa8 'phone ta sec if there is are mare people producing mare wcalth. This sanie theory that a balanced budget is a tcrribly old-fasbioned idea is the doctrine of the Kennedy Admin- istration in the United States. And there, as here, il has been consistently argued that coutinued defîcits necd flot lead to seriaus inflation. However, that latter agument is naw being modi- fied. Gunnar Myrdal, a Swedish econ- omist who is a frequent visitor ta the U.S. and whose economie thinking par- allels that of Washington's advisers, concedes that big deficits do brîng a real risk of inflation. However, Mn. Myrdal rec-ntly advised in a speech ta a group cfhis Amenican friends, this danger of inflation could be minimized, d"par'ticuiarly if the Government is pre- pared ta extend its contrals over in- vestments and, perhaps, over pnices." For a major prophet of the doctrine cf deficit spending ta admît that it can resuit in serious inflation is quite sig- nificant. For him ta admit that the next step shiould be pnice contx'ols - whîch would be a case cf doctoning the symptoms aîîd fot the disease, and which bas neyer worked - is even mor'e significant. George Trimble in your newspaper, but 1 wish you would pay tribute ho him from bis many neighbors, for be will be sorely missed. "He wvas a deeply î'ligious Mali wbo attendcd church every Sunday. 1 believe lie must. have read the Bible froni caver ta caver for be couid quote somcthing for cveî'y occasion and be lived and belicved every word cf t. He had a kind word foi' everyoîîe, stranger, ou' friend. Hc kîiew every cbild in thc ncigbborhiood, even their name and birtbday and not a bouse was misscd ah Christmastime. He always knocked aI the door with a Christmas grcetîng and a little bag cf candy or oranges. Uc hock such joy in bis property aind evex'y reighbor neceived vegetables or beautiful roses tram bis garden. To sum il up, be xvas a truc friend, a good neighbor and a real Christian." AIllcf the heighbors. pash and present, must have felI that way about George and wil moumn bis passing. His achievemenîs will neyer make the bistory bocks, but if ever a man deserv- ed an bonored place in Heaven, that man is George Tnimble. Durham County'a Great Family Journal Established 109 years ego in 1854 Alo ncorporaing The Bawmanvlle Newsi TeNewcastle Independent The Orono NewsL -Authozised Cà Second Clan MNadl by th Post Office Dept.. Ottawa, and fer pcyment ci posagoe In caish" Produced every Wednesacy by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, OJntorîr' JOHN M. JAMCS EDrra-pubLimuN $4.00 a Y'er, tletly la advc!nc. GEOý pzMORRIS Buastas mGaq. $5 50 a Ybar ln the United Stittes ,4 The Canadiais Statemnan. Eowmaiill, Mar. 20, 1ogo EDITORIAL COMMENT "The Flu Bug Is Past a Joke" Tomonto-Fiday iiglil qddress-ivuil, lia,, heen ivisiting iî. uc.teu xperience courlis dcccased was a 5so1 <il hie Ecouiomies sectioni of the On- :Planniîîg". Most of hem talk ing the West. Toronto Laymnen'siDaivid Ste"euîs, Maiposa, anîd for nothing as compared with' laie M« anid NMm George faria Eduicational Associa tion'1 'vas devoted ta (lie work of AtMnKet Flkc'ste m.A 1 Tîeilo a t~the euthusiasm of flic begin- 'mumblE> (nep Sarali Sîiite) 'net cou Saturdlay, Mau'ch 2.thue ibrec, -eparate committeeq cîAI. un eth EakneAdtriu ýMi AralNJ. ura, o 1- ning teacher. For wbat cisc I-le aileîîdied rbaaî af aMapl i1963, un"thie Dr. F..J. Donevan uni course planning. In piann' Thursday evenu¶ug. Mr Blass to. 1speuuit SUur;v <t i-, ipar-,bs eaTherebfmm o- u a te P ('r'rnibl:gIafVc lk-ca esa wa uuugfeHomre ,tEco ps he 'P. Canmpbell lhad the pleasureents, lege except entbhusuasm' She' Tle c aed n Moum niuull adMi Vfor aurlM'4opy(< Hm Eanmic, 'o!heain G~enaîy Wllims MrWatcrPuglehi.~ e-has a very nîcagre store of rs ad in B w Tontofor '6 OReilly weme the lostess ýsocial furions of a tamiuly at the piano, accompaniyingiturned ta Carlyle, Sask., afterlknlowledgc. no experi ence eyeaOrs arid b New Toronto far an theacmari Mm.Falne. ,pedin to uîoitb withbi wbteer ubr i tacbing or,40 years. For years bie was a Approximahely famty mcm- agement, thougbt stimulation 'Mr.ic therBySotbnutprns.m udMm.Timsdaigwt bîrn e tire builder witb the Gaod- ber:; were present represent- bui, Ie pupil, tborough Aess in 1a npars nFia ige liuS patience is untmicd and hierlycai' Tire arîd Rubber Coin- ig Linîdsay, Cobourg, Oshi- teac1iîng anîd correlation ta Iniglit ai. St. Jons Parisb Hall, Mrs. Ed. F. eekes anîd sonistamina, either physical or:p.' eetrdoOtbraw, xbic, Sufvlesneetetwtb thru- andwbn te hue o Poic Jak efiSaurdy orSt. mental, uiîtested. 2, 1953. AI that time lie was Wb'tby, Oshawa, Peterbor- ,jects bave been taken iota sa up0is sagestives May1aju he ubn just cannot belueve that in New Toronto. The deceas- ougb, Sutan, Newmarket, Por*t consideration. Grade Il and entercd the back pomcb of the wbo is foreniauî of the st.iMm. Thompson really meant ed was a member of the Gos- Perry, Cannington, Bowmnan- 12 will be cailed the two sen- bhail and stole a large piece o! .Marys Journal. wbat bie is reported ta have pel Hall, Osbawa. ýville, Campbellford and PortJ'br years. Part A could be cooked meat and tlîrec quarts' Wm. H. Yeo rcpresentedsaid or that hc intended ilta .oMr. Triru-ble is survived by1Hope. Mrs. Galbraith a! Co- Ciatbling and Textiles while o! mlk.BowmuîvllePurpe Gardsound as il did. If the epLi" onc brother, Arthur Timblc'baurg. Chairroan a! the gnoup, Part 1B would be Foods. Miss Mapl Grve.Mis EvlynL.O.. N.2341i.te rnenced teachers wemc ail ne- of Maple G raov e. Sixteen conducted the business part, Lawson stated that most of the Evans. of Ontario Hospital,'Lodge session lîeld iin Liodsay,lplaced by new, untricd peaple nieces andI ehw loo h etn isK a-bcisfrteSno ore 'Toronto, spent the weekcnd at1Wcdncsday and Thîursday lasi..:I'm sure tbe supervising prin- survive dougail and Mrs. Pilkinghan wcere in the praccss o! being hom. M. JhuîW. eys Derai, cpaiand inseetr wuld The funeral service wa,-'of Peterborough were elected worked out. The speaker now Nestcton Mis Hazl McMîc., vsitd bi lateMm. ath e cying 'un le" behld froni tbe Marris FunerailChairman and Secretary res- outlined new ideas in roomn Kee return-ud Wecdnesdiay ta W. L. Keys aven the weekend. fore thc end o! the first terni. C i apel, Bownîanville, onýpechivelv, for this region., plan,,ing, for foods, ta make New York. Mns. J. T. Bragg u,7 visiting I hope the parents o! pupils Thîusday. March 14, and wasý Miss Elliot a! thue Teachr' ofsea!more tdnt b Newtonville. Mr' Melville.frieids n Clarke. wbosc teachers arc still doinai condudi.ed by Mm. ArnoldCallege un Peterborougb gave prau-tical section. Joncs intends ta uefoest the' Tyrone: Mr. and Mrs. Mii-'an excellent job aften manylMattice. Int.enmeut vas in a talk on thie Consumers' A- Miss Lidkea and Mms. fan he as urcase frni on emr, ei.ctaied nu- years of po pay and por Bowmainville Ccnutery. sociatian af Canada, anîd ils'O'Reiily of the Donevan Col- Mrn he ha. Snul bfomt er ! frens rid a vnurng.tah odtoswl oc'Lovely floral tributes froin înporance. AI] members were legiate staff semvcd a buffet Orono. Miss M.A Taylor' Enfucld: Ail the' fruends bere;their apeciation weevrnegbosand friends we: e!urged ho joi. The O.EA. news lunclican. ,who fell and broke bier sbauid-ýane glad hto sec Miss; Irene H-+tbe opportunity arises and not evidence of the esteern iru was reportcd by Mrs. Gai- Oui behaif of the group- iem is getting aiong nicely in'Bray fîlliung bier position as;aUaw these teachers ta feel wbuch the dcceased was beld. brai.h, Mrs. M. McIntyre niowMrs. R. Conlin o! Cobourg Bowmauuville Hospital. arganist again tJ'ai thcy are cast-offs wbo Palîbeane rs w e r c Messrs. introduccd the guest speaker. moved a vote of thank 8 Ir Newvcastle NMisF Darotiy' Enniskillen Mm;Y W Leec might as wcil nof bave tried Hernan Fice. Raymond Fiee., We wert- fortunate iii havingMiss Anne Lawsan for-~ ,Tmenwuthi Sbaw's Busineýss us in Toronta nAhendr pac e Petern, HB. pon,:Mo! Home LEcoîiomi for ui- ta us, innd also t M s i College, Toronto. -spent the Hanupton Mm; R ic ha rd dr Wsew Feter, B Brown, fmucAîe Lawou, iefon- tar iandss n caMigsta idkea Iwccekend aitlber bomne on A"ýerv-entertai-nred ;rnme !nns Yours t-uly, and Archie McKnîgbi., Osh- tamua. toarlddmess îils. Msaund Mis O'Reilly for their .Churcli Street Tuesday evening. Interested Reader. awa, Lawson spoke on the work of ihospitality. any blood available ta improve the flu victim*s color. It could be serious. We ran int one local doctar in the post office only this marning. He was literally a mess, ail covered with cold sores, dragging bath feet as though they wvere weighted. He wouldn't talk directly ta me for fear I would become infected by his bugs. We carried on not a ver-y bright conversation with him looking one way and us the other. Most annoying. We aiso heard of an- other doctar wha thought he was com- ing down with it and decided ta mnake a fast trip ta the bowling alley ta ral his league games early. He was sure he wouldn't be able ta get his head off the pillaw by the regular night, Wcd- nesday. He shauld bowl this way al the time, he came up with a 971 for three games ta set an ailey recard. These are the bright spots conncctcd wii.h this dreadfui disease. We have a message for those wha have not yet contracted the germs. If you get them, you might just as well go ta bed instead of passing them arouuîd. You woî't be any good around the bouse or- office anyway. Also, doî't expect ta feel eager about doing any kind of work for at least a week. This is the way this f lu works. It couid change the entire pattern of aur living if somebody doesn't came up with a cure. Sa, keeping aur fmngers crossed and hoping the dlean, pure life we lead xiii somehow give us some type of immun- îty, xve wisli you all weil with your particular dose of the f lu. Funny bow we have started aching al aver, jusi. writing this editorial about the pesky illness. Hope il doesn't lay us low untîl aftcr the paper is out. kids stroll through pudtdles over thier boot tops. iu n 3, the bush, t.he trout streams, !< I. £>, black eels against the snôw,l e -' 'an s < zit mnort and chuckle and burbief wit.h pure pleasure as theyý race ta their nameless destiny,' Wiiy does everything havethe big hot air register in the 'tas more water in the latter, free again after months O! to happen ta me? One morn- front" room. The biggest after the washing, than at thie ailent slavery. irig Iawoke, but didn't switchl trouble was the fact that, al- start, which made me bow.' on te lghtandlook at thelthough 68 years of age, I had 1eggcd lugging tosieo Dawn at the dock, the boat' an okfo eri as!never done any laundry, flot empty. owners prowl, calculatlng,jlri cok o eri estmatngfigrin th das etting up time. Then theeven a pair of sox or a hanky, Th cotesos okd . . . . . . . until they can launch that' phione rang; 1 nipped out o! but that didn't faze me, 1 "fig-.ii hnlae ihsx Ieak, plntpeelng onuentkip, and skidded downstairs.'gered" that anything that a fn ve oddwthsx teaky aneen onumenUp I. was aur son, Gordon, 'phon.ýdame could do. I could do hankies, towvels and undies, but th bi, h fntisar ~j1în ro risaw lbrabttr ~~h kepi flopping sideways, ta the the ill, te faatis ae stllibou hiswif's ccidntandfloor. when the wet blanket at It. hurtling down over gr1av sbseut hs itacidetn, and Apparently. there's more ta sheets were put on it. After el and grass, rocks andrmots, isuEdmonts tlztin this damn wash-day business the floor looked kind of clean and occasionally some snow. Ednionn wood in bath kitch- thani meet.s the eye. After the and the sheets were kind of Up n he edoo, te oo ene umrequired amount ofvater, and grtib, and1 had used up a wife inwshewith orrithe9d e stove and fumnace, Sa You detergent, plus soiled clothes feNv '-.ords of body Elglish, wifevies, ithhorifid de can bet that at 5:30 a.m. they light, the sickening shade Oflwere bath kaput, and with the ,wure in the machine, it became thai contrat->, "lorse" couldn't last year's wallpaper, revealed!ousd eprtr,:essary ta move a lever to be knocked over. by the yeliow March sun..ilow zero, the house was chilIy, satteaitr atees ihdocsoal er î Down in the basement, theýso get a load of your Scribe,' only two levers on the blamied %vfe mention something about fisherman putters and mutters,ý i his birthday suit, sitting!thing, sa I pushed the nearest wbat ta do if anything got swears and glares, ties fiies. gnel nteeg !aci one which vas a mistake as wound up in the 'vringer, but Dawn at the park or the'wooden chair, in a very cold aur dog found out when the:as that .was in her department. tbjet of hat, soapy water caughtjjs eti non a n poalmor the post office, office, trying tu talk o .î doe h on theoulut etoter. onesa w asut n- the oid gents, sick ta the soul,'phone whiie the old taisete te.sawsqut n withconfnemnt, uckin t&crnib-crushers were ciacking north end while hec\vas looking!prpaed we tLapnd Sun, shivering, blut once again'away like a set of Mexican south-I had pushed the watcr AIl I could think of wvas ta> defiantly alive, part of the castanets, gone mad. pîphneta npisheylI"ba u the thing didn't worid. Up in their rooms, the After my wife had been in niahie stop untîîîI b it the release- teen-agers seem ta be studying BowmanviIIe Hospital for a Another (onundruni was Loo liard, 1 guess, because the for their Easter exams, while fortnight, it seemed prudent how ta get the duds fromn thelsilly roller sockets ,iumped through their heads and bodies'ta do a spot of Iaundry. Rîght'machine and into the î'ý nsingcdeani oui of their siots.' swiri the heady fluids of life, away, Dora, Helen and Susie tub without fiooding the kitci-1 Too bad I put Butch's white the juices of spring. affered to oblige but 1 couldn't en; 1 did the best I could but slips and other unmention- * ~see that it was fair ta add ta there was sure a lot of water ables in the same tubful as My Up in the attic, the blackiany of these young matrons' laying around. It wasn't until two mcd shirts. How was I. a squirrels perform their end- laundry burdens, i-specially the laundry was finished thatrank amnateur' Iaundry man, Iess do-si-do. interruptedt on1when we had a good electric I realized that I should haversuppsdt knw ha th by queer periods in wh ieh they, washing machine, plenty of swiing the wringer over thelcolor would î'un? She'll just don't scuttie, but chortle and available hot water and an machine and shovcd thie bave ta pray that the wind croon ta the doubtless thous- aiod fasbioned clothes horse clothes througb it, into the doesn't play tricks with ber Iles young boys are just twvo of the thousands ands of babies they have pro-Ithat could be straddled across tub. By not doîng so, there skirts, in public. ofcrp l hildrrD who are being helped at crippled!duced inth___e mnhs1 chlrn treatment centres in Ontario. ContributionsiDown in the basement crauchesl the cat, vast with unwantedl! aD f ta aR p r ta~~~~~~ thearSelCmag n S. brooding, patient,' for Crippled Children and its affiliated 223 Sei-vice green .eyed. Clubs the funds needed for the treatrnent, eqttipmient' Ours, Uni afrald, I1qflot the' crippled child. The $1,000,000 objective for 1963 musît land, Now That April's There. The Tw o A ppro aches It's not the sprlng of tlny be met ta guarantee that no child will go Witihout help.ilionquiîs poking their dalnty Ota.- hecmag fstmdthtopoicarwanad rfrec l h "- ~ head throuh U~e urf. t'sthe two main parties in this goîng ta niake it into a politi- wards" of bein Prime Minis. flo te srlg o ardisadgnrlceto r eydf cal rally. He was ail for keep. ter. blossoms of gambol*i n ams gnrl fcio r vr I ard tnde gren bds.Al'eet The speeches by Primne'ing Pearson out of the amena Wîtaeterwrs"h I thisIs tw month awa : Minister John Diefenbaker entirely. But cooler beads pre-'has asked. Te eteu Ousi«.avgsde and Hon. L. B. Pearson are vailed and Mm. Pearson wa.s lousiy answers, "I wili retire ursprig, a aruged nryunlike iri tone and contentiable ta attend and watch the'0 a sio f$,0 e ra and wkwar d, unepece y and, even the physical aspects play for a whiîe. 1 ask you ta remember that." uncamfortabie, muddy andl0 the campaigns show a' That incident was tic ex- It is too early ta determine Smoody. But it's neyer duli. sapcntatception rather t.han the ruile. which camig istemr ~PiW jEAnd boy-o-boy-boy, aren't . Prime Minister Diefenbaker Genemally the Liberai organi-[ effective, that of the Liberals Iwe giad to see it. is travelling by train thiszation futictioned smootbîy at or the Conservatives? Mm. * time. In the 1962 election he ,eacb stop. Theme were few if, Diefenbaker' is making anL * travelled by chartered plane.' any hitches. The Diefenbaker' emotional appeai. Hie pulls n nu ciut hie did nat like il. Now tour organization is not as ef- out ail the stops. Mr. Pearson D-1DII 1)iIe le bas gorie back ta the train fiicint. Fao r example the is making an appeal fer a There's one tbing about where they'd bc ',tunned Inta J nd makes brief appearances1 Prime Ministei' seldom if ever, canimorisense a p p r o a le h ta Candia wathr yo'I sule surnssin y I bere tlhe train stops. produces a text for the benc-iCaîîada's problenis. He wants Caiîa dien of thr i' -- yui i s ullenofuthe. dion y tsu r ut! He likes ta say, *Last Ltme fit of the press travelling with' the Liberas ta xin a majoritv 'my tbougbt for the week as their passage ta the tropies 'I flew above the people. 1 hîni. Mr. Pearson's pamty pro-'of the seats sa they can form the equinax arrives. 1 thiîîkand let them mouîd un the Marc'b 8, 1963. Jooked down an theni. This duces notes which are ta bc a souîîd administration at Ol.- a CnadanMarh 2, he irs mlde o mootoou dap- ea Si: ime 19m travelling by train,l the basis of the Liberal Lead- tawa and set ta work ta pro- day of spriîîg, is just what the ness. sa 1 can meet the people and e' pehta ib.Sm-vd odgvrmn.Te' i wrd uggsts Eqino isOn bebiaif of thie Ontaria find out. wlaîtlihey want."times il is not available until!is littîe if any emotion in bis wod ugess Euiox~ We sbould be pi'uud of aur County Rebabilitation Coun- This usually brings applause 'lhaîf an boum before be speaks, appeai. 'from the Latin Equus-borse, winters. for exaînple. They'rle cil may 1 express to yau ouri However whiic Mr. Diefen- but ane is aiways available. Naxnigit.Eîîlih tansa- ean lugl oî deils gini- appreciation and thanks for baker personally prefers tbc Mr. Pearson bas bammered tion-nigbtm-arc. ly cliîîgiîîg to Ibeir rcigîî until yotîr most valuabie support ýtrain foir campaigning theme bard an tîîe fact that Canada:Memoricil Hospital We don't know whetber thcy've wmung the last ounce and excellent coverage befome, is another reason why the'needs a stable Gavernmn on'r the in t e sutn, !o r swem.anc nifus oe-e and during the Rebabilitation ' Tory party bas lefi. the plane He states tbat tbe first roi'W eot unh paii the birds hav-1tmes, 1ser n oewe Coeference heîd in Osbawa ta go back ta ground travel. of a ncw Liberal Governmejil ly R ing lnhwt h id yeil-lof cold weather wouid have îast wcek. A lack of funds. It is much would be ta take immediate For the week of Mareh 11- îing widly and the grassýevcryone in the nation at eac ewrdigîe ytenoeepniet rvre îdncsaymaue 7 incuie: sprauting green, or huddled byothers'eilie y h mr epniv aibroats.ncesryresue 1 ncu thewido wtba cdna e.' îie îoe~~ attendance- 320 participated tîîe country by chartered "involving bard and unpleas- Admnissions 5 Iooking ai. a backyard of crcdibîy soft. cai'cssiiîg days,ý during the tbree day confer-;i plane. But travelling by plane ant decisions" -- ta restore Birtbs. 2 maie, 7 female. navel-deep snaw, witli a gaie tbeîî tîe wiîîd i velvet froni ence -and the presentations bas the advaiîtagc that you the confidence of Canadians Discliarges .. 6i bowling about the bouse. the soui.b, tbe suin îicls ice, ýbytbe many speakers and Icaver mucb more territoryii tbemseives and of thic Major operations .........2 It' rerehin. y Gore. ad sawwit lot.raishngpanclists wiil provide the mare quickly. You can be in warld in Canada. Minai' operations . .1 havs efeier e patenc or t'angue, guwtot grgi, and Counicil wîth a better under- Saskatchewan anc nîglît andi He saysthai. as leader o a Emergency treatments 19 sympathy with,, those traitors'tberesaIvl tn te standing of the rehabilitation; at Port Arthîur the next. 'Yeu Liberal Goverrnment bl wîîî Visiting boums 3 - 4 p.mÙ. who complaiÙ continually wrappîngs are peeîed tram programme., see mare people in Iess prepared ta rnake unpieas*, and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. 'about aur Canadian weathte ratting, buried body of the! The Hon. Dr. M. B. Dly- by hopping fram point tb ant decisions, if tbey beconîc, .What we should do is Pack ecath. monci. Minister af Health for'poit eesm.M dstota *them off ta England. ivhere IL ' Ontamio, wbo gave the kcyîîote1 The Diefenbhaker canîpaign be will becIhappy ta înaký, UITIUARY r rains ail the ruddy time; ori out i iii te ice, tule stcani- addmess said "Rehabilitation paty rides tbe train witb tie pleasant decisions wlien, ti.2v ARRY B. POLLOCK sbip thcm ta the desert, boats bellow like irapped buf-i deais with people.- îîot witlî Prime Minister occupying bis are possible, îiglî and finan- conditions. It deals witb the special car'. There îs a eoacb cially sensible. 'He was not The dealli of Hamry Bruce 'wholc nman and requimes a ta. 'of small cubicles known as offeriîg -promises. Pollock occurred suddenly at -u ~~tai teani approacb. We bave "*rooniettes" foi' the presz.-. Deebke n he bS home 4Crii v. i r.t e J~donc the job oniy when weTliey make the train tlîeir,'allier* band was makin.g luS[ Bowmanville. an Tbursdav. In th ifl :'have reinstated ail ta ful bu- 'base of aperalions, There is a main thenie an attack Onthiel Maî'cb 7, 1963. He was in bis man ighls, and donc this with third coachi for ]lis staff.,Liberals. He lambastes theîiî 701h \'eam. uninîpaimed dignity ta the in- Comfort is at a premium and for obstruction accuses thern The deceased was the saon and dividual". 'batbs are bard ta corne by un-ý of bringing on the election b-a f the late George and Sophia Again, our warmcst thanks.!lssanie lime can be snatch-Icause tbey were hunigry forlPollock and was bamn ai. Youms sincereîy, c d al, a botel enroute. i power. Me complains aboutlAurora. Ont. He attended iThe Pearson Party rides a powerful f or c es fighting!Jesse Ketebum Sebool and D it n a tMrs. E. A. Collins 'speeiaily chartered Canadian against hini tram witbinan ilisCleatinToto I'rom The Statesman Files Pi'esideiit, Ontario County Pacific Airlines DC6B air- witbout bis Party and tram In Juiy, 1927. bc married the _____________________________________________Rehabilitation Council. craft. The organizatian warks' witbin and witbout Canada. ýformer Damotby Burfield wbe well ai. cacb stop. Theme areý There is an undertone o! survives, 25 VER GO4 EARS AGO cars laid on ta transport the'anti-Amcmrica.nism-. He docs Mr. Pollock had eided i.1 (Marh 2, 138)(Marh 2, 114 'STICKS UP FOR OLD PROS' Party ta a botel whcme raomnslnot resori. ta any direct crit,-'Bowmaniville for 30 years, (Nlarh 24,19B8owmanvi26l1914 have heen obtained. The press'cisms of the United States or1coming bere fram Toronto. Miss Clama Ashiec, R.N., Mrs. G. E. Pîimdy aînd Miss BoM 18 1963 retumus ta the hotel after tue nast, coînnents of Canada's4le vas starekeeper ai.tthe Taronto. bas beeîî îeîîcwing Era ecenlly visited friends ah inîceting ta write tlîeim rcparts.lAmeî'ican ailly But hy innui- Ontaria Training Serhool for Deficits Lead Where? One of God's Children GUO. W. GRAHAM ADVIM. MANAGMa SUB3CRIPTION RATES

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