S Te Canadian Statesrnan, Bowmanville, Mar. 20, 1963 friends Ilr gathering and! r o he aso .e1t, NSMAH drnstge. Wth ch e rof e e1 . u a ~ m 9th and 20th at Brighton., W. Durham Canadian ClubCa t rg t C u cl Iilaisaedtaten Vew _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c a lf at th e p ia n o a n d th e G le e ' ,vthlg l v , S i x ig ee seiyn Club on the stage, the pro-, The regular meeting ot Committee reported on ti~ he onday ev aening essuto& Anli Cciiciclci's ~ gram alne with 0 Canada, Cartwright Township Coun- revision of esf n crai onday evening, ta be! I unlode the eaershipuof M il wTesas held at 1: 10 p.m. on wordings of the Building tByI quilted this week. Mrs. V. er orssoe i orn Conn Clake endeingthree1Tday, March 5th, inth Law; samne to be r-ratdPeacock gave us two papers fefr t xrs asniet shpHlwthalmmfone t.eigo cucl n Lent and Easter, which we Flowers aewle bfr ygz musical numbers, "G r e e n espeen.Mnts of the Motion by Coucldrcedenjoved vex-v much.Addaedeinanstohae Grow the Rushes O", 'I Sow- past meeting were read and 1 the-clerk to notify a Mr. Wal-i Mrs. Milford White spent, But nothntom sqieogrd To Space A ge Pro gram s N1higl."AOl-c pla C b Hrnto aspied with a directive from! tai and will be in Tornoti cdThe SRidg " and Swcet pre soed as forrthed. ter Rmiley hth a ltcm-teweinPrpop op- A h am od Iudrtn" Co -the .buidnjg Inspectr. week. setdb 4of Grade 9 Pu-i mitte reported that the wa Muicial Auditor, Walter' Miss Muriel White, Toronto, Sneey Z c ie r itis f pus. Wit Patnicia Wotten atter suppîy in the reservoin H. Pope presented his 1962! pn h ekn tM.ad- ai n Fr D.escrioeci J>thepiao nd avi Wotei was down to three inches. Audit Report, the financial Mrs. M. White's. on guitar, five bo 'ys sang sev-:Council left the said commit- pr !wihwi ecru-Svnlatne h pn eal Western songs. Grade 9ýtee of Hamilton and Swain in patd o ha h i ll epay e it nge ercîeat d dthe pn V- a d Mn. C Bety d M sa cc O nn M rchr thhh e6C n a d inhD ct o r teandP h sic s atch eo1 4 9, a ndinn1 9 6 a t e n ddst eas agtt h e e h o r u esann dr n c h ,c1a ge6o h a i ngnh eew t erth e i 1 93cT aar gm ndo f- c ti o al W ngtahP o t H o e G a. M G a herv1ite3G e a T h e B o y c o u d ann oo 'Club of W. Durham was i-isame univesity. He won a, 16th course at the Joint Se-- LePett N vr," " u Cansuppi3r replenished. Couni - tices. M . Pope's comments ini High o l on St da evd P d~~~~~~"e la LuN"andire JAc l a it is preýbre a cas cS tining hne wcPre cause orchestra .vi]eged ta have Dr. John number of scholarships whileývices Staff College in the, on Hmion ao reoted f h~ea cae on Saturdasy In Ton- ThehSeth Chapman as speaker. Meeting ,at both universities and heldlUnited Kingdom. I 91~~ques?"Five members of Grade i otc ihteFn n eayTesrro h colexcg.ellespaereseeandteot.ful iUb ae %vas held at the Liens Centre, a National Research Co cl was nam d a senior scicnisr l 1 pesentd a Tukish play, Igade and the question O! a Boards ils inadequately bond- shol b d en rtj d. Cf Ch ch evi s wec a S vea ae sck n th Dr. Chapman obtained aFcllowship during 1950. ýat thc Defcnce Research Tele'SnayCssFveP s"jCutc Faeak.N d. To counteract thc increas- fce and kIes were served. Garden Hill. Sna colcmux~wt od n ~E c n adi P yscs t he From 1940-45 le serve'dcommunications Estab 1 i s rincipl Mn. aihsl Misnd The o wasutaken on this. al ing Taxes in Arrears, Council M n. and Mrs. R. White, M r. was hene with afar ten f u University of Western Ontarioýovex-5ea with the R.C.A.F. as ment whcne he was in charge fou other tahnMs!Tcod ujc !toba-should levy fan an increain In 1948. The following ycaria specîa]ist radar officen in Of the îonospheric RescarchHub sClr, r shand Mn. Gd lownereeveo orig ud. Th he took his Masten's degreel Britain and West AMfica. Hc Section and later appointed ton an r odfrey, in Turk- was again shelvcd until Coun- Treasurer reportcd that total In Physics at McGill Univer-! a icage rmtesn-Spnnednto h a- ish costume, presented an cil members can again visit basa phsdaeb oei !LAYicewitatdcranwo Fligat uniatios Wng!t te Shir-f hilarious n u mber which thc location and funthen con- $40,000 and that ratepayers I . aitY~~ 96 vn w er ae iceuttencsumin li t uni- ecay Lon iat. n 95 Ibrought rounds of applause.,sider action nccessary. A cou- in arnears of taxes tîrce onr veritycarerand was a hie became Deputy Chic! Supt j The Glee Club rendered thneeiple o! gentlemen repnesenting more years arc a debit of aven SERVING MANNINO cst aer r ntefmr ubr,"a h!agoupo cottagers in Plan $8,000. Also for information, 1RB unirepoeefro1DRTE Yowes," Rounds in two, threej 287 again requested Council l 16Asssetfrhi two years. He worked oni r.Chapman has and cighttpars,9ancito act ith regards t ' , Board projects at the Eatonin runatl nesa rsltItryad gtoprs, Theat i earst pro- township totals $1,728,768, a Eletrnis esarh abra- nmeou atile a a "Glob a he." They were. eedings before the Couniesconsiderable increase .from! E ~ ~ ~ ~ Etro whi escar ching o ite, n-i re be f!oned by the audience for Judge ta change said Plan o! atyar ~*~ tr hl ar i l "osýThe Queen." The pngram registration in part; Counil Mn H e r b o m s rsn Dr.Chamanbccme ulI ecs, he anaianAssciaionwas well prepaned and excel- approved subject ta the guar- - o! Physicists, the Assoc. o! lcntly prescnted. The school antl of costs and changes be- bifyt îcs nlso time Board staff member in magazine was on sale. If any ing met byth eong the Liability Policy and insur- S ~--Professional Engineers oInl mse lcan cp oubd.peiinnc1e coverage and was pre- tanio and is Chairman of the ~t hCntuto dîoyI sented with their cheque fan Canadian Commission Il Of should s51 ry taget ancas Te Cnsrcto Avs$y1 ,608.28 fon the annual prern- ~~ ~U.R.s.î. iésracitrsig.Bsns u anil approved by ne --~i BWAV E H e servcd as Pnojcct Mana- Again on Satunday nigît a Buies irectory 'tion* the retaining a! Allan empting, Flavourful 1W ~~~~~J W~~~~~& ~gen of the team that dcsignedlagcrdgahrditeBackaanasabgea- -R W -L 623-5589 and buit Canada's Alouette, Cornmunity Hall, this time to Becckaai sgabgecl th is pc nf rdcdsay adieu ta Mn. and Mns. Ray c c o u na n c lecton with contract to bc es- Gheiisba A Y ttprduedablished at $1,000. !by any nation other than the Gwho nk and four children RAY .1'.ILLING The 1963 Fie preventian RU. & S T. ~ foniae625t ies dhusih t on ae ndmod ta Jat- 63-381 sockStret Lghtswen fi was fir&d int o7bpt, in Cai e week, and Mcssrs. Wiî- Chartered Accountant ]evy was again appnovcd ai betand Roy Reynolds who 93 Church Street $20 per assessment. Black- Newv Sprlng - No. Last Complete 8:30 friaO2rmlsegoo hv lraymoe a aet 2-36FtokSretncyswrcfn Excellent ali-color science fictionSet2916,fotcpups ville. Dalton Donreli as M.C. LEONARD JAMES BROOKSlly approdvied at 3,0matcn of studying electrons in the CBA E-l.8 NO ER /9 Q io os hee. It lis icua nvited thc îanond guests toi Accountants - Auditors ' n m n m n oe a Palm Garden - No. 1i 14 oz. ccl. tube Fr , Clp n. F n y -6 q. b k Li osa r sohrbi tng a curththe stage and pesented them' Trustee in Bankupty an mdetvodama ai ot.Cndinsînit with thc gifts which lad pre- Suite 205W 725-9953 jonîtyo!acifvurotc TOM MTES ------1c SYAPE-----819c "D ino auru "' adim ith.Cais lkelytst viously been placed behind Oshawa Shopping Centre Blackstock residents paying AND orb~~climit for 500 yeas B nitshthe curtain - namely a stu i~for a greater portion o! the Ontario HothouseMISct o i-Pg f2oin diDaocoudorco0feeartable, two . 3. la. COGGINS icosts o! samne. H BR ------ID27 scientists say it will be 20001 da occfee-tbe wî Cîartered Accountant The 1963 Salary Schedule RUABl.2c SA IHO IN 9 "d. f LAA i ~ yers.Atth en o tht er-s fi ablestotbelmps! Second Floor establishedb yLw11 - -e aU I. id t thilencornetatparth l a.ndfbower dish, and games New Library Building iw. iened fiBn-aw 1086 "4 -D M AaN"ho t ing setaIt o stfor the children, ta thc GiI.- Cor. King & Temperance Sts, adwassen tie alen .~~ ~ i "wonk" ail thc time, approxi- ansanacadtbeel- Phe62-31 first of the yean. A discussion- DISCOUNT SEIL '.DIU~i'LO YELU~E~~T atev 5 oun a dy, hentric kettle and elcctric dIock, YALEFR----NDE Ion the potential viciousness! data 'is collected at variousto the Reynolds brothers. Allifcrai osad h at mad fitin relie. Te e-jý & CMPAY that German Shepherd dogs YOU SAVE 10c!- POP-UP 400's ~ < 'At thc time o! the meeting,' nn a petiiacngt hreedAcutns arc almost always the ones Aluteadmd218 -music pnovided by sevenal Liccned Trustee in akutycghdon damage ta live- biutsman aed,8o!rmiesfnom Oshawa, Enficld andi esIsok ouncil deferred action aitsec, raoun d the weof mld Cartw right, with Mrs. Howard 64 King St. E. 728-7371 at this time. Subject Dogs aise L E E I S in 1 lotir, 45 minutes. DataiLea h in.Abutfl___OhwOtna caigde a nndc~! YOU SAVE 9c! - GREEN GIANT FANCYQA1T lunch bnought thc evening I'Alttafo Ms yd cornes in on 10 miles of mag-, a close. i MOTITH MONTEITH Abte nmMs yd 'netie tape a day, making 150iM.ad r.JmMlo! RIEHI. & Co. Kyte and David Ballirgal on ~~A miles tMndaneMrs. partsMare 135Simcoe St. N., Oshawa behalf o! the Teens Club re-' Y ýwonking pen!ectly yet. To theiMr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson,'etn oni' priso RE E MmileantoMdate.ailoparts a en 13Chantercd Accountants tquetg CouciserisionCn ' uninitiated the marvel is, ta Mr. and Mrs. Hoar ode an r 728-7527 taueteRcra1nCnr spa re parts work on command, Mn.sha n Mse t og Howard. Fonder Partners: on altennating weekends and YOU SAVE 2c! - 1i-oz. BOTTLES TOMAT A ME-FL ROUTON- NRSLITENTNXRLMfrorn.the ground. The bat-' o! Os aa ent gthe SlongHn- .W MnetFCA. relquesting a reductiono fnfIf jf IIteresarerechage bysoaeskend atenin SgdtueySînn-A. B. Mnteith, B. Coin., C.A. rental charge; Council felt iE 'f cells. Important expeniments en osili u'uyad G. W. RiehI, C.A., RIA. that in fairnnss ta othen or- ij, WeI-ad hrrr nryfrm ngan. by Alouette. Dn. Chapman' san Mrs. Jack Marlow and. G. E. Trethewey, C.A. be adjusted at this time. i Wel-ad ororenr fomEnlnd epAtîo ofatis waseost ain- Seveenladesfomhee R. F. Ligtfoot, C.A. Buis and Accounts were ap- YO SAVE 6c! - PACKAGE 0F 60 Color.Aduitenterainmet expanatinea!ntcecaselo!faeilfLivly. iWILSO &BUR --S poved fan payment ta a total Color. Adult etertaininentteresting alndinfs omt fve attended the St. Patrick's Des-! I9N&BROS lf$0399 n h 93 Mreias ben dleafrmdativertTainPiceAbrton Chartered Accauntants o l,7.0adtc16 ab jet e i riceAbetonýRoads appropriation at $46,- DO E T A B C 9 More____________ ll'Fridav aftennoon. l14 King St. East, Oshawa, COnt.' uu!wasdisusseSE ifly ___________________________________________ ewmots, han in thela Sevenal tram here attended Partners: Council adjourned ta meetl dad.1the Case Show in Bowman-, Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Monday evening at the new YOU SAVE l8c! - 12c OFF PACK - 2-o.Sz TOOH AST SAPsatellite is ta measure noise M. er Snîgt.of Grandi G.Phone_728-7554 ýthe month's business. oforow aaxa wl sView, Manitoba, is guest of! A Y LlIIUI D t SPECIALSSPECIALSdistant galaxies. By thijz, '. ad fAns. Herb Swain and- S# lPECIS d --79 0Cks PEalS!urn alxy s elsiin an te, err1aiesChliir O P r a c f ~c BUBKETON YUSV 0!-1l.Pcae 98e size Pep~oden~ 79c 10 Cakes Palmaive 'scientists will eventually de-,vstn i h ohrrltvs Colgate Paste and 4 Cakes Yardley Soap 1.75 xvhv these noises exist. Th n.Gore o1eletChinopractor M.adMs .R ru 98esie Ian __79 So 9c velp n udestadi fri hsare. Mg oraî' MG. End MrMANN,.DArgu M L isterine P aste and 15 C akes is i s a tenn , a sa mp88a w eeks' visit w ith his m other, 15 E in S , co . ! H a s y . at e d d a w d ng n O - Bruh 9e ilse Sop 8e an eae !ahsatlle' o 'ia nn or a t15 Offie: ., ONARCH M argarine 2n R 43cyandviste Brish- - 89e 12 Cakes Ivory Soap- 99e which hie showed, and demon-1 sisten and brothens In Cork, Phone 623-5509 relativeOinTwed o Mudar strated some o! its qualîties. County, Ireland. lfieHus yApiti ie nTedo udy Cnd sith pc g Mn. and Mrs. Blake Gunter. fieHus'B ponmn.Mn. and Mns. K. G. Rablin Bubble nstan anitr. nAlouette!Rah spent a few days with friendsuait Cold Remedies Cnais inouetheSeAe!adM.adMs tnRai! Da ~ i itn 1u iy Met Bath Powd. Tablets ~~T second part of bis ad- took the Panther Patrol o!iDl a i itn B at P w d V ck C ug S ru - - 9e Tab et d es d aî w th an îc pa ed C artw right S couts ta se c the O ur om m unity h as ad M A P L E L E A F "M IL D C U R E D " E X T RENS W E I K E 79e Vicks 1.25-2.25 69 sac tal wthta ptedm Spontsmens Show at the C.N.I DR. V. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. several cases o! 'flu recently CRYOVAC HALVES Forula"44 1.15-,.2589 a!eteradenibinthe o E. grounds Satunday cvening. 75King St. E. Bowmanvillcî I lape this genm will soon~ . VFuu oPrmusnctswula"4l.9 .9Atrdesbikey eah he mone Glad ta report Mrs. Scott inOfice Houns: disappear. Vauu erusi cots wul ikl rac hemorOshawa Haspital and Mrs. Ed ' 9an.t .m al Mr. and Mrs. D. Lane and! Bottles Syrup - 69c, 89e, 1.15 Emulsion Dr. Chaprnan gave his per- Darcy in Port Penny Hs ' aýClased Stu- InD.nayfmiyhaetae7 C es- Hospitanonlo cndtinsrOfficeaPhnea a- u6a2fmiy3av-akn7p90s- 1.oho . 00-.0 t ecpce ntcmo.are progressing favorably. ce-123570dence In Oshawa. o tai o 89e 1.0-2. Bcaue etedmonlnot at villeM Edna Gibson, Bowman House Phone - Newcastl 3551, Mn. and Mrs. Lindsay Coul-' Nyal Croup Syrup 49c, 89eci______thmaoi.__sMnrst-__________ace. Vick Tripan abs 1.35 vilespent VIe weekend, andi-iDR. E .SS ter and Susan, MiLENt-z, France.TRM' ~ A.S.A. Vlks Tnispan abs. 1.35 ,masphere, almost a perfect Mn. 'and Mrs. Leslie Graham LDSDDS n pnigafwdy il N-TSY-WL RME Tabets OrnaI Caps. 1.39, 2.97 WtruysIvacuum, it las lacked starrinsr Sunday visitons with Mn'fiei i oe Mr. and Mns. A. E. Ribey.i 5 lb Y Tbes Naremide Caps. 1.5Cmon and is much like it wa s at wer. OfficeIinD(hDV home 8e erssnSry 1. 1.98 1.50 creation. It rnay reveal wlaii and Mrs. Oscar Graham. 100 Libenty St. N., Bowmanvilîe' Mn. and Mrs. J. Hogervergti h u d r P R 89e__________________Spray____1.19,_ erthwas8ik1atc0etio . .Bill Ferguson visited Phone 623-5604 iand f a mil y, BowmnanvillcWL TRAE ML UE e t a iea rain r and r.GatFguojfieHrs were Satunday evening guestsi ELSRAE IDCR Dristan Nasal SprThc moon Is thc way-station Mnend mrs. GrarntFgund.1 i l Houns: o! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turn-. Drsa aa pay 1.25 Geritol -Tabletis or 1 ta the stars M. famiy, TornoaSndayr.1ClosedaWem. tay-p.m. dal bull and famiîy. i Lean T E D B Bayera Nose Spray 1.25 Liquid 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 ilDuring lis cîosing remarks MRgrCdTOono!D.~ cnsay-uNda T E D A ON l. k. 9 WampolelDr.arClapmanastatedTeSuR.lC.F. CATTRADDS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenc Tyin N se Dr ps 1.6 xrael.6, 289 w-r. c not a lo e i n- e nt creek nd rit tIc aO fcre w o , M n. Faen eT y Se k o -- u oa l gTr n at rs lc d -4 V n HaroSi :eý lHeI n -u:-in. 5- ig t.E1Bwmn--e r -noa,1 n Nrmn Si e pay12 ha7oelhl..5 Pe hpin hs s a e e. an r. C. H 1 afie Hoi:tro l, K n al ee re e t ~e lY awarded thec Lawnence-o! ay evening in Maple ceîeý INL uie vrenKin St W. Bomanil' Mn. George Wolfe left by you Save 2c! - Red & White- Arba ea frhs evccs raigMr n Ms ani hoe: Owffnîcplane for Ireland ta spend two Homnogenized 16-os. Jar THEM STRONG! 1ArabtaeArab warld. srisson's silver wedding aniiivcr-, Residenct- 623-5553 Snday Seloat il es. a! tasary. rv .a e b r r' - - S n a c of il b t IFE T R ! - S co M n a n i- z. T bntig n.ad rs IS Planes: Offce63-68 ekswtîrlaies EMNUT BUTTER 35cORANGES 2fr47 the orchestra for the eveninz's: M rIS terPHA i iorGN 10:15 arn., and clunch wor- MiIk flot Only entrrtainmen nis, oictr slip at 11:15 arn. A cordial l'au Save Zr! - Tree Swect 6-os. Tins Featur -SpeeBadi-s a BLiACKJSTOCK i:Mrs. Ida Taylor .îotnsd tlir ali !nvitationi- - -_______aU tastes gaad - . s fanîily and relatives at the 4EakSt ___ A verv nterpstng etening home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. RICHARD LOVEK LM NJIEN o 9 r Ml ie isRecreation Centre by7 a la rge day, when tley were cele-' Barnister, Slicitor ELZBT VLENonFood Fgaue number o! ladies wlo attend- bnating the 48t1 wedding an- King St. E. Newcastle'O ensa ehl tr________________ th imte ce d thc Widernan's o! Bawm n niversary of Mn. and Mrs. Plane 2246 1C et tMsCa akg hevmtenedAville Hat Fashion Show. -sds.Wilbert Malcolm and bath Hur:9-:0 - Wed., Sat., 9-1'i c Bat'shm. ehng -AV 4! 5 FFPC for school and play. Carl Wright, Neil Malcolm,I their birtldays March 17t1.g a goad attendance. Mrs. Trew ~~~e Satet orfaiyHarold MeLaughlin, Jin Mar- M or age s opened thc meeting and Sec-E m a * . S o tr e at y o u f a m ,I y ~l 1 w a n d M iss L y n d a K y teF I E Q A L T _ _ _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ r t a y M s T i c s n r a tI to pI.nty of milk. madelled tle numeraus hats' MONE UENT AND ADIE HAMILTON - ORONO mite s.!thelast mrentmghe and several coats. During tIc OUET N hn 6mnte ftels etn. K N S Z evening Candy Malcolmn and, MARKERS FrPlMrane r 16 Mns. Trew gave a repart o! YO SAVE 10c! FAee P g a cd t o lv -'4L"f e» .lsV eirsen tgag- Funda thc annual meeting which wasP c ag Alyne Page ancd M twHo lve-, ffl o ,,,,,* Re Bsidnes P r ma tes held at Coîborne. Thc new1 KYte sang two solos. Alidn t o fW nou r ta nd M Following thc showîng a STAFFORD Mortgage Loans liofWrwthanas lavelv buffet luncheon and B~aJROS. LTD. Prompt, courteous service sIc wished to visit the groups,'K1E A I R soiltm a noe.Te1h HAROLD C. PEDWELL we have dccidcd to invite ber socal urn wa enoyc. T c ~Real Estate and for June. Thc film which we Ail Dairy Products processed in our new plant 1 persan sitting on thc luckv ,fuýru MrggeBoe ,wni i acot$,anÀs chair, and thus wînncr of a' utoiNwatPaed386 artdn ilsugeste,ad tIs the nMost up-to-date dairy in lat donated by Mns. Wideman,ii MNUENS ethnGýre nHesugetetin hIe:e ffciea h ise e ht Fo trsol takeher Sntaro.r1 j fieman esîa ting t h e SuhnOnai.was Mr. Wallace Marlow who' rthr .>pom1 Y'eidedwaoud g ost e alongecieatte itd e ctures. This entertairimenti eie ew ud g ln wvas sponsorcd by No. 4 Unît' LIMITED KEITH -A. BIL LE TT, 0. D. witl that. G LEN RA&E DA&IRY 'Thre was a good attend- monuments 4 King St E- Bowmanville j meeting and we Weie o C RN G O E A K T t apiGov ) anc aitheCarngîtHgBx 133 TePhone 623-3252 thc Way and didd to IStS M RK T e .. Oo Scloal Varietîv Nigît in the 318 Dundas St. Mon.-Tes - I -FRNiliHstntMtAtaeET Phone 623-5444 ~~~Commrunitv Hall on Thursdav Poo W Itj9am t ..ta ave the irst. chaptr a tand Friday nigîts. A record-, MPhneWk 8-3552 , m 12 tl51Mav meeting.iP R ERS M R T......Nwtn l !player provided music wîîileA ak8-52Tusdyeei s I a raeetind ORERS MA KET.-