14 Te Canadlan Statesmnan, BowmanvMfe, Mar. 27, 1903 Births mn Memoriam -,arcis Of Tnanks Articles for Sale - Articles for Sale Help Wanted Work Wanted ReiEtt o aeReal Estate fo ae HOOYR-T Mr.andMrs BAT-Inlovng remoy o Oursinerethans t re- JUNIOR boy's bicycle, $10. MANURE for sale, $5 per load. WAITRESSES. Cali Bow- PICK UP and delivery srvice.LNDsiaefohusgn B. L. Hooyer (nee Duivesteyn) my mother Elizabeth R. Bate atives and friends for their Phone 623-3513. 13-11 Phone 263-2430. 13-1 inanville Hotel. 13-1 Phone62-8213* of St. Foy, Que., a son, John who passed away March 16, calls, cards, gifts and flowers_____-_____Peter62-84.131 Kowal padrod William, on Mai-ch 16, 1963. 1936, and dear grandmother that made our wedding anni- GOOD stock trailer for tractor QUANTITY of baled hay. MAN for farm work. Wilfrid WILL baby-sit while mother REALTOI iml rmsho.P~ 13-1 Annie C. Bate who passed versary very pleasant. luse. Newcastle 3851. 13-1* Phone 263-2140. 13-1 Carruthers. Phone 623-5923. works. Phone 623-2668. 13-1 and GENERAL INSUAC ecsl 34 31 - StartandDoren Tc darchy26lo 96. Mevere and Leonard StaintonIMOTORIZED bicycle, in ex-I REMINGTON Portable type- 13-1 52 King St. W. 2253FRSE LAB-SurIn oenTodal oe vrt e 13.1*1cellent condition. 623-3857. writer sale, 20% off, with free WAITRESS, full time. Apply A Member o! Oshawa &Dsrc W-TRY6ro nu (nee Holroyd) wish to an- forgotten. *n1 13-1 typing kit. Cook's Office Firesîde Bar-B-Q, Highway < Real Estate Bodbrchusewyeoatd nounce the arrivai of Linda -Shirley and Bob Bicklean 1 ihttakDr.Se Equip., 10 Richmond St. E., 115 Gail on March 26 at Memorial'children. 131- oUiacDr. IWATER for sale and cielivered. Osaa.1.21-.3 Pu bn et 13-1_ on, H. Rundle, Dr. Wrn. Ru. Oshawa_13_2_BildingotinS Hospital, Bawmanville. A deil, nurses and staff of Me-f Ca11 Cliff Pethick 263-2131. HAIRDRESSER for ne W, PHONE 623-7127 $1,700.00. lctdiitebsns eto sister for Donna and Darla. BATE-In loving rnemory o! morial Hospital for care and _________ 32-tf USED TRACTORS modern shop in Bowmanville. Cotgçnlk 13-1* Mrs. Roland Bate Sr., who al who sent cards, .gifts, ASTRAL refrgeatr, perfect Farmal Cub with plow, culi l4hn66323. 313-Nlo t. Bwavfe otg nlk hr.~o ecsl ertefu passed away March 26th, 1961. etc. during my recent illness. condition, 3.Poe6327.vtradmwr aml ATESS tay adprice $2,000. Termsnncisn.Clsn!at eb MILLER-Terry Wayne an- Days of sadness still corne o'er Paul Stiner. 131* 1,$3.Poe63-75.Suaer Cand m2owr; Fiar a rtWiRESESRotadyLund46-tf . arred Inspectionao! pro STRAWtearva fhs e s,-B25 isl guaranteed like Highway 115, Phone Newcastle Sv olr!Rv orcet at Orono. Only $12,00 otci~ r.Mrae i sister Cheryl Ann, on Wed- Tears in silence often flow, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose STA, 25e bale, good claver new; Long tractor, 3-plow size, 4561. 13.1* erave ladars ae-up host- 40 Acres and n(wbna eOrnPoe24 nesday, March 20, 1963, at For memory keeps you ever would like to thank ail their seed. Austin Wood, 623-2212. $295. ril n hir euhlt o with garagejs f Oshawa General Hospital. near us friends and relatives for the 13-1* CASHIER, part - time; also ered. Free estimiates, sampleslwTAE0 Proud parents, Sharon and Though you died two years cards, gifts, flowers and calis, WATER Haulage, reasonable USED I'MACHINERY maridu"e t tehoe Hgw dway aie. nty$300 LZBT AKN ______Mller________________ ago. omen only.y hApplytotakJohnns.yWRON'SiuUP623-581RING Brand newply bungalowON 3 bed-SEROronBandOntariaa Ir v i M i l e r n e e K il p tri k ).a g d o la n ,, d a u g h te r t or l a y yh eped tg a m k r t s W . H a i k 6 3 5 3 1 1 5 -ru n S e e d a n d F e r tiliz e r S e to , C o ro n a tio n C a fe , P h o n e 1 29i v r S . P o e 6 3 5 5 a m , k t h e , l v n - o m o i i o o s a e Deaths Rse DnGladys and girls. vrayuha îaa ~13-tf Drill, double dises; 13 run 623-5412. 13-1 Sle t hn 2-tf5 inng ae, -ice bah.OnIl2- HEDRO-t eoil13-1 vc@aysona 13an o-iSEED grain, No. 1 Rodney Seed Drill, Massey; 3-sections LICENSD mechnic forgen- Cr'TYTE HENDERON-AtMemoril cason. 1-1 oat. J. . B____Phon_3 ra8,sofJ. W.gToBoydrrPhon2eLC3NrE18, haif foring- ETootTANKarr2,48vs;w2 Haspital, Bowmanville, on 1Ooo 31 etoso mohn ïr rlrpi ok oeat-Rnhro a Sauray Mrc 2, 96,LUXTON-In loving rnemnory We wish ta sincerely than Ooo1.1 eton !mooh atr tra nsmpis orsio e uo-C AN $248 dn Satrda, Mrch23,1963,o! a dear mother Emma Lux- Group il of Trinity United cY'elin sizes 4 and 5 os Case 3-furrow Flow, on P M IGwt olwo i hislia82 n year, eod inhus n ho passed away April Church Women for the loveîy girl's clothing, size 12. Phono steel; 3-bar Side Rake with preferable; also wanted x WHITEW7ASHING STABLES place and rec. roonpatyRELO ba nd of Isabeloiderdears lst, 1952, also a dear father, ftwercivdo te 623-5932. 13-1 Tedder; International 3-point perienced lube man. Apl done. $3,000 down.MaeGrv barederiIskeLuxtonlrwhoeap s edceiveion a!e .-_hitch Mower; Masscy 3-point Ted Miller, Nichais Motor BERT TOMPKINS Trade or Sale: Colna1/2Cal6350 CuathoefMohnel îizab aFeeic uto h pse ocsono ur 50th Wedding 1,000 BALES goodceanhitch Mower; International Sales, Bowmanville. 13-1 PHN CLRE42 trybik wi iaeth away Aprl9h 99 rniversary. straw. H. Glecoff, Oshawa, No. 45 Baler, overhauled and WOMAN to lbe in charge at NEWTON VILLE Foatures loads o!fxrs w edombikvne (Mrs. R) o nt, dEcesd One by one they go before us, Leslie and Gertrude Brooks. 725-3445. 13-3 guaranteed; International NO. Bowmanville Museum three 38-tf_____________2_______ 38-tf bRolaods, 2 baths, hot water bungalowiwith garage,1on1 Ethei (Mrs. John Shaw), The rw aigliete1- OUTBOARD motor, '27 El1t-o, 5OT Baler with Cub engine, hours each afternoon includ - heatîng, etc. Will cnie ce fln.Akn rc Markham; Irene (Ni-s. Dnl But e w te'ewth 12 h.p., good condition. Tele- $150.00; International Model 2A ingr Sundays, Mondays off, Plasterin- Repairs your home as trade-i.$89. Dign) ari;Mroald we now e y' uac, We would like ta thank phono 623-2158. 13-1 Hay Conditioner; International fromn about Juno 1 ta LaborQUC SEVE We have many othr. iCurce-5arso!an (Mrs. Robert Kent), New- th g 'dlte fair, the aur relatives, friends and -R f- o 6Blr opcniin a pl nwiig ta P.Ev reidetiaSzon.VAkin Gate;, uretoa n d WilliHam Teythe o ,neighbours for their visitsCRRTS or table use ~nO 42 ase r, to p condtio; Dy Apy0nwrtnSTUCCO AND E OKEen ngs. rc 600wih$,0 on GaeBreoadWlimTh tu.cards and gifts which made feed. Robert Stephenson, 2 aeTatrSraes . Box 528, Bowmanville. D-E .OI A. L. Hooey - 62764 CoetOrnadTuto Service was held in the Morris Tey are waltlng for us only, aur fortieth wedding anni- Newcastle 3741. 13.1* Fleury 4-wheel Spreader. 13-1 nde ti R L. T A F T P. Kowal - 6356 od n celt,$0 e Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Where no pain can ever versary a very happy occasion. COCKSHUTT seed and fort- TTcOME iN 'DTT1 nt insoîl- 1- on Monday, March 25th at Dermar, Caenean-ea"ic.ilzr rll -E T U K ing ur p nents omeis 54 King St. E. 623-5030 O.1. Derones who left us îoneîy, ClrneadJa ie lzrdii urray ByersILJ.JLL ~ garpout.Cseis, 16-tf 3:30vlle m e tery. î3o-~ Watch us through the gates 13-1* Blackstock 986-4796. 13-1 1955 International 9-passenger culinaries, family medicines, 3:30 p. m Itermen 1o3__1__QtJANTITY of baled timothy Station Wagon. daily necessities. 45% coin- Electric Heating Peter FeddeaWle Frn LAMORJseh-nMo- h r .ohrtee h aîyo h at i~ a;bldotsrw uryImission realizing profits from ________________aTh______ote_ CeMr. hy;baed ats0V/ANura $50.00 ta $8500 weekly. For Sonroom, Recreation Room, REALTORRE TO ARORJoehOMo- father, Albert F. Cox, Oshawa, would Payne, Newcastle. 13-1* O A Premiums for bath customers Bathroom n any room nee- Highway 2 17Cuc tBwavu La, arur o! Bow63nvioeph in e d b thsegates ajarike ta thank the Bowman-1WTR alae$5d" ,0 da, arorcof 2Sth, 1963, osnh Gne l thî hse ySdadvil e and egursiWT obaaert$Cook, 23-208, I ENT Co. and dealers. Gaod vacant ter- ing heat - or complete home. East o! Bowmanill Xis 7sand Mr. Jarrnel.D ened.-131gafor the obovelyookowers06andtories. Samplo-caso $25.00 Your Qualified Electric Cail 623-364415Arsf ,8mie caranddss Jaeceivedl Deelduri-ngfo the loel foer adR.R. 3, Bowmanville. 13-1 134 King St. E. Bowmanville may bo roturned during 30 Heating Contractor 300 Acres, ail builig niot !Bwavîe tem Rested at the Northcutt and o! thsreilv uing fthe PO TAOE, hai --etal Phone 623-5689 day trial peniod. JITO, Dept. !goad condition, 70 arso osbr 6x8.Oî Smith Funeral Home. Service QUINTON-In laving memory anfsther. 13-1 Hie moherPon lectrio Ltd.tale Was hld a 2 ocloc Wedes- o a darndfe ad moher,13-1 stock; small patatoos for sood. 13-1_____________ Q, 5130 St. Hubert, Mantreal. HggnElcr Ld hard maple bush. Pie$200,$, on %vasmel te2ry. 13Wene-1Oaway Mar i-cf2,19atnd d wshta express o i-PANOandorbe n 13reen,3-3 ig t .$8,500 on termas, o 50 10Ar ar ana ulay. Interment Bowmanville Della Quinton, who passedLeleTyoukeo.1- Cars forSale___ YOU'LL NEVER KNO _6 3-305BKmnvingOoo 3berot.hme tra., odc4ash.Trns Deer, Alberta. sincere thanks ta the Black- tone on tone bnoadloom 12'x '54 CHEV. wîth radio. Phono TILL YOU TRY THIS OshawaullExcellentbuldigs bUNRJh .A e omn hnshv apndstock W.I. and other friends 12'. Phono Newcastle 3611. 623-5497. 13-1* I1f you have any doubt wheth-4tfuiasenew ilum-10Ardirfana M Anor A R Do pi , J on m. a t Ml e - Sa n any h i gs hav e dh appe n the_______ _ _forth e_13-1'r you can break into ur big B R E . P f f ace, f ur-piece bat h ni e y B w a v l e G od b l i gs en tria oal, M Bowma2v19 e3 S îm nce she ws t csale w a i n thoe cammunît fo r g te 13-1as 1956 GM C haf-ton truck. m n y sales job . . . you can BA N E & BM landscaped. Price o nl 95 0 al bie r a r na e Saura, ach23 96:Semaythns ayhrewt uslovel Kroeher rc ienUSED/ asherParts, ail makes; Phone Blackstock 986-4786. find out now. We pay fromn PLUMBING & HEATING 40 Acres, 5 roomibnao 4,0.Trs John F. Maynard of Tyrone, ber t sfllwnhu rcn . p. matons. Paddy's ____________ 13-1 $6,000 ta $12,000 in a year ta SALES & SERVICE bath, ail funnace, henbue 6Sei ce ihfs beloved husband o! the late Had she been left ta stay. marriage. Mar-ket, Hampton, 263-2241. 1954 CHEV. Bel Air bardtop, aur mon ia 36 other cities. We2-H R garage. Price anly $300 ru tem erLsad JeseRoutley, dear father of Her thoughts wene aIl so fond Jean and Danny Colacicco.1-5 goaonditinradooURs. hvean peinginBowan Mm.aC.h o! Osbawa Ms. . eneeanuddogeKEYS eut automatically, while Cal263-2669. 13-1 ville area, for man aven 30. OlBurnere rvi easyActens.-6ro XIalh(MunOeh)wand roy o! A n 50 w l ore tik thr h edesnFm ihyou wait, at McMullen Hard- ;-5-5BUlCk-Ro;admaster 2-door Write F. V. Swallow, Pros., SEPTIC TANKS AND home, attached garage ml erBrea ih2,0 Tyrono;(MuKen)nh o S ÏAnd, sw hei ta w eT hnkrends, neighhors sware, 36 King St. E., Bowman -oe adordo ht-Southwostern Petroleuni Ca., TILE BEDS bank barn, excellentlocto.Soc ie 400-$,0 ~toal o Toono,'VIs.s.She must be watching yet. and relatives for visîts, acts of vile wails. Fully. power equipped. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. PHOAceNEsoryhoe 10Ar Walker (Edith), Mrs. E. Stain- -Ever remembered and sadly kindness and expressions o! SEWING machine tune-up, Phono 263-2495. i31 ____ _ 13-1 A PONE26-P28ice $10ro,50 nDwn$20.dn lteaBwan ton (Marianoe) and Phyllis o! missed by husband Chnis, sympathy, also the Rev. W. K. any make or model, by your KE TA oNIG TYRONE 263-2650 ace, 5 bedrooms, smalbrn ce ihgo rc attavll, nh 3rdand sons Lloyd, Jim and Houslander, dcos n ur-En dae, saaSewing EKIN S HAPON23-2819-t! twco batbr$12,900. i 1 r~~Ve,$,50 year. Rested a te_______fmlls.1-1___saf________Hopta,_etr,_28291_1- FOR p omnt. Easy torns.i,0 on Service was held Tuesday a!- RtOMBOUGH, Anne-In loy- of their father. 13-1 building an cernent founda- Have Us Wokpayemet-alcn ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. In- îng memory a!fxny dean sister tian, good steel noof. Murray 1960 Pontiac Y u a o near school. Pnice $900gaStet-3edom terment Groveside Cemetery, Anne Rombough who passed May I sincerely thank ail Payne, Newcastle. 13-1* . . Ntc ~htc u m-D;T~j~bik îelclnelt awyMacr2,198owosntcrd ndgft n BUYING on seîîing furniture Lcturentian 10 Acres, good gardnad$3,0.250do. Brookli. 13-i-Sadîy missed by Bella and those who called duning my on appliances, caîl Elmer, AND Brakes - Exhaust System level. Pnice $2,60(.Dw aka rocn pl. NESBITT, Frederick Arthur Bob. 13-1 stay in hospital. It was alI Hampton: business 263-2294 - 2-Dr. Hardtop atrIgionSse$10. -At bis residence, Newton- I A greatly approciated. Special residence 263-2695. 6t6 lauoti usmrdo, S L ME Tires We have aecatl -Nw -bdro ville, an Saturday, Manch 23,RMA thanks ta the nurses who weneweldss wiwl iesAIl Work Done by buyens for pasture ln.Cn bnaohî,o. s, 1963, Fnoderick Nesbitt, be- MEMORIALS kindness itself, and ta Dr-. BEATTY Washers, new, aswhedicvhtwaIirs loved husband o! Vera A. Mikios. low as $99.00. Full lineofo backup lights. Local, anc How would you like to have Licensed Mechanics tact us for quick action on Nesbitt, dean brother o! Mrs. Monuments on display at Helena Hoar. 13-1 Beatty appliances. P a d d y' s owner car in two-tone black pleasant and interesting part- R .Lvkn-Nw J. Sigsworth (Jane) o! New 152 Slnscoe St. S. Oshawa Market, Hampton 263-2241- and grey. Real sharp! time employnient for 9 te 10 R .Lvkn-Nwate24 cein erNwate Wetmnser .C; rakln Phone 723-1002 I1ol ietaepesm 11-52 hours per week, spread over ~.1d$.0.$,0 on o! Saskatoon, Annie o! New- '<Complete Monument and sincene thanks ta my many CARPETS and D R A P ES 90Pnic4D.3t Évnnst 'lck ELETT tnyhm nlnelt tonville, Alice a! Toronto, and Inscription Service" friends, relatives and to Dr. (Samples taken ta the homo). 6 cyl., standard transmission, No lnterference wlth preserit 85 King St. W. Bowmanville Income: 4 unit apatetcneine.Wl et - James R. a! Flonida, in bis 9-tf Keith Slemon for their many Free estimates. F. A. Kramp cuns t oni radio, windshield ernployment, earnings $3 per Phono 623-3134 and lange modern tr, i id n et5îuso 75th year. Rested at the acts o! kindness during my Ltd., 37 King St. E., Bowman- washers. Green. Good dlean night plus attractive comi-131artesansoe Nothcutt and Smith Funeral Photography recent illness. Special thanks ville. 623-7071. 20-tf car! missions. Car required. Coach- 1i1aatt and stse ore ccpeCal6339 Home, Bowmanville. Service ta the gang "North o! the INSULATION, blawîng meth- ingthand trailg arerby Auctio adlesd.LwSoapalAec hus was hcd an uosdaya!ten tracs". . O~fl Airn t ni entco!rTerbontynSae mont. Balance on tons Intenment on'...gÂLJi.alter-zod, witb rock wool. Work- 1959 el Ai r ev. mSnaroroutes.to 3 Bedroom home, imc-Jc iad --6335 Orano Cemeery. 13-1Keith Shackelton. 13-1 manship guaranteed. Free esti- q' WEEKLY late, a pleasure taow;olAd eIi-Ooo10 Portrait. tePa. 13r1 mates. Harny L. Wade. Tele- £I-D.L.r Swol ~~~rI--Vheated, garage, nicey ad.oeBrok*Care20 FlowersPortdaits Aniverts I wish ta express my sin- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf 6clsadrtanmsIon, you ol like LIE T C SALES scaped. Low downpaen.3- a pclljcere appreciatian ta mny ALUMINUM do or s a n d custoni radio, white waîî tires, f urther inf onnation at Durham County Sales Arena Balance on easy ternis a!ncalyfiends and ta, the Red frors windows. Caîl us today for wheel discs, windshield wash- Orena - Eveny Thurs., 7:30 p.m. A modernized, quiet onr onF eit FLOWVEH SHOP A T R SU I and the Salvation Ammy frfee estimate. Terms arrang- ers. Clean inside and out! cail or write Horses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, home, beauti!ully ketbhREL R £B-b'jT R TU IO their many kindnesses during ed, Cowan Equipment, King etc. For truck pickup Phone inside and out, low axs CAR ATRNA3TinION E m sayin osita.ins tast E.iBwranvli. Pon 158 oniac4-r. FRE F RME Oon 5 1 b1 1p.. dy ! Trns.BeofnllTer14raas.St Z ea fo th eti:Dr. Miklos and the staff a! 623-5689. 45-tf sae$.A10i o, ae î,000 down, 120 acefr ,Dal63 95 FUNeR AsfRRANG Es NT Phone 023-2502 Memoiai Hospital for their _- 6 cyl., standard transmission. 13 RiversieD.N Managers. 2tgodbiinscre FUNEAL RRAGEMNTS41-tf cane. LADY'S Royal Blue Spring Local, one owner car in ie Drr_________________ WEDDING BOUQUETS Mrs. Ruby PAndress 131 coat, sizo 16 and lady's olive beautiful condition.fn oenze oe i ROSPIAL ARANGEMNTS N ticesgreen poodie cloth, fitted OSHAWA Pets,.eated. , gaTbilig.Hoowil orsPaesANyAsicenENthansotairoi-Winter coat, aisa size 16. 3.*Impenial "Self HeipHoe CosgsM icr hnst rl aecl ecsl 51 1957 Chev. 4-Dr. ______________ COLLIE, throe months aid. No down paymont."efmdm cneine.Ak and all iL~I If you have a dinking prob- atives, friends and neighbours Pleasee caîl Newcast3le 3521Home ma Cnt Flowers le1m Phono 623-3500. 6-t! wha wome sa kind ta nie in the after 6 'iock.- 13-1 Station Wlagon Teachers WT chsdantd PooOrn t8 1.*Hl" ho siyc urm 1,0 ens '4 ~loss o!fniy dean sister Mon- CTAEPnecision-Built, V-8, automatie, custom radio. S.S No 13, STUD service, Baron North mare and you may deleetmsdcieo.Godblin. Phone Dr. E. D. Hubbard's officeCOTGS Darlington, ne- Star, regîstered Samoyed. Caîl fnam the succeedingstgsaAkng$250 Tei. Orders !rom wilI be closed froni Manch 23 garet Chapnian. Also a spociai a plan ta suit every family's Real sharp wagon. 4 other quires a st Class Protestant 623-33.1- o hoe ot Nastlroe *ta Apnil 10 inclusive. 12-2 thank you ta Dr. Keith Slem- taste and need. Priced from 157 laInbath 2-Dr. and 4-Dr. toucher for an 8 grade scbool 13-1 o hose.i tlypy9/ cefanrl Wn Oonon and the nursing staff o! $650.00. Free Delivery and j mnts a sut yor inomeOsbaa, lnge iver goo Cali CalecI % To Whoni Il May Concern: Memoial Hospital and ta Bev. easy ternis. Olive Howe Real mdl.cminigSpebr 1963. FREE ta gaad homos, black based on 12-year planbidnsisig $500 623-7141 ~~Anyone having cdaims against Percy Page. Estato, Phono 623-7159. 131 abadr Vauxhali ApplyTh "Bdgt-ir a cenient mixer ieft at Ennis- AdeE ik 31RCNIINDsw -ga 98V uh l 4-Dr. qualifications and salany ex- Phono 263-2606. 1-*3bdomkthna Afe Hus 62-14 iln ut hn 23265b-chines, Singer, Seamstress, 4 cyl. economny car, custoni pected, ta Soc.-Treas. Miss 131*--oroon is, it chanling 0Acear wth od We send flowers by wlre fore April lst, atherwise it will Our sincere t hanks ta etc.Potablescanosai $20 radio, two-tone paint. One Grace Smith, R.R. 1, Tynane. BOSTON terriers, well mark- rudge. Fthreach o eveybidns ten. Akn Oc. es, osTel ephone 263M-s7budgt.3-1ee dlivery utta $9,00. Ternis anywhcrc 12-tf be sold ta defnay storage friends, relatives and neigh- uçi. By youn Elna Dealer, awncr car in geod condition. 3-79. 3- d rcited. Appl e 150 miles. No down pyet 7 cefnwt om Engage ents carges.11-3*bours for thein many kindness- Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 Several 1955 Chev's and ' HSAS . o 0 a- Phono 263-2503. 13-1 Es ers Ray's Barber Shop os, flowers and cards o! syni- Simcoe S., Oshawa, 728-2391. Pontiacs priced right lingtan Township requires ex- ______________ We have homes lain w Pie$,00 ens Mn, and Nns. Mike Zachano- pathy in aur recent bereave- -13-1 for quick sale. periencod toacher, duties ta and Wbitby or lot us hl o 2Ar aecletsi wicb, Courtice, are pnoud ta PONTYPOOL ment. A special thanks ta Dr. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash- bogin September. Qualified ta Notice ta Creditors plan on building you e -bpd aa one annunc te egagmet o Oen ondy 7 .m.te9 pn.H. B. Rundie, Dr. Fergusan, ions, duplicators, chequewrit- Corne in and ask for a teach Grade I ta VIII in anc ----home with low down 1amn.hm.Wtr nnlbidns thei in dagerkf V7;ilt aM. r.Cid adsafa os+aponoesheohn- dmnsrtoie!nK-ualsho.Aîî aNTC T RDTRSNHA irtae.Ol $,0 o Mr n h -a'm--hath 31 Whilc They Last in this area. -Sec Gerald YOU-NG pigs. Phono Ray Bowmanvilic, Ontario, dean. Parigsac.$750HMSbul t*orsei Mn Mn rs. Robert C. necccved. Iv hnbe Brown, R.R. 4, Bawmanvîlle, Bradbumn, Blackstock 986-4496. Solicitor for the Executor. nianthiy. Phono 623-243iain.Fiacn mag Black onnounce the engage- DATED at Bawnianville, On- We wish to express aur Robert___________Phone_6231*813-3 Yo0(1. Lots3avouable M ent B o her sis te Jaquethe tai, Iis 25th day a! March, sincero thanks ta neighbours, ORONO 12-2 proud o! your Pride Corn.f TWO Holstein calves for veal- lM.a d urfo, Alber!theu 1963. friends and relativs for ing, nc Holstein heifer cal. Wanted Tenders wan~ le huseU far, a vecî Con LkeLAWRENCE C. MASON, Q-C., flowers, kindness and syni- SAMSON NOVW IS THE TIME Phon 2632768. 13-1lrm *Oon 0 tod oEeetCaeLkBARRISTER, ETC., pathy shown in aur ioss o! a 150 HEAD choice Hereford PASTURE for 12-15 head of FOR Sale by Tender.Ten, T on k o!fN. ca st l liamnt. 30 ing Street W est, loving w ie and m ther, also T V T O W E R S t a o rd e r a d D n a i y a - i n ate l s a N w a te d s . L t o a d a d s h e o *- B t a y 3 r T. La e o Nw asl e, O t B x 2 ta "D C mppyl!aid an ECONO MY and DELUXE tw -y ar ad stocker steers preferred. John Ricka d, New - situated at D evitt's, C r- J h . S n y - 7 5 S i The arriago will27,ake6place Bowma'nvilie, Ontario, Regiment, Staff o! P.U.C., on30 aturday, pn i 2,16,a Solicitor for the Executos. Ontario Street School and Buy nw for the best price SPR IN G G R A IN and heifers. Sale Wednes- castle. 12-2 wrght Township. Se aae _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St Gogesday, Apnîl 10. Gea. A. Mc-- tenders acceptedfah for-1- 2:3noglcan in St. e enase's 133 B.H.S. Special thanks to Rev. Fnancing Arranged Leadng Vareties Avalable Gowan, Phono 778-2213, Have- DEAD and cippled fanm lowing: new flooing,1stv, W a t d b R n A n cntC hur h,-Nw cas le F amipton, nurses and staff o k e d l v r13 2 s o , pi e u p o m t y 1 b o -c e, 1 o d Ont. 13-1' R eception and dedanrs aI Memorial Hos- O SH A W /A C ER ESM O R ElckW ed iv r1 -2 so , pcod p pom ty 1 bo -ae, 1 od w o, 3 Mr.Rptl lo ors F n ri1Telephone collect 263-2721, blackbards, 1 dsk and c ar T R E - b do n, m d m __ pilaI, also Morris Fune al T V S U P P L L T D. F A R M SP e rso n a l M argwill Fur Fam , Tyrone. 12 desks. H ighest or ai y t n : h ~ i ow a vlo o l Piano Teaching Mn. and M G RY Hepburn Homo. _TV____________________ Licence 245-C-63. 8-tf ernont necessarily accpesg w erbs.Wne SPECIAL Course-in popular wrea, !nends and hegh-h 13dr al.1 361 GametST.HYGENIC supplies - (Rubbern - Arrangements can blx d y i.Poo 2.33 623-2697. 6fr 4f lden.b h app e oeieIhi TeRedramet.6 IBO S.B. Rickard goods) mailed postpald in plain FOR pick-u !dntoso o npcinb cehnn 3' iOPU LAR i fa n chiIl: bosia nohe Counity C nre h n 7 8 8 8 R. R. 4, BOW MANVILLE Six samples 25c, 24 sanples article for Kiwanis Rum ago taS c'y-Treas. Mrs. P. Rm1es n ber n. W ie A vr POULR ino playiag for froni 2 -4 and froma 7:309:30, ±n.l Day or Nlght '.si ps,, Carh bV Sh . 3 iduts n prviusinsrutin o te ccaio o tear 401h PfANO Tuning. Arthur Col- BILL L K Po.P hione 623-7150 Nov.-Rubber Co, Box 91, ton Scott or Ross Jackman. I Area, JBoX 1).Blackzto , On. an PO Bo cSs8&y Cail 6M32697. 6-tf Wedding Ann1veruary. 13.1 Iisoei. Phone 623-3900. 36-tf LESPop. 1-1li ao ont. 1-42 190,