Coming Events iv-isRummage Sale will AIl are welcome ha attend apen every Friday from 2 Liberal Rally. Orono Coni- o0 9 p.m. at former IGA Store, munity Hall, Wednesday even- King St. W., Bawmanville. ing. April 93rd. 8 o'clock. ll-tf Speaker. Bruce Beer, Chair- man of the Eastern Agrcul- Progressive Eucbrc and tural Commmttec of thue Liberal Bridge Tyrane Hall. Friday, Cauceus. 13'l-:2 Mar*! 29, 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Auspices of Hall Board. Cornz a Pappin', 1963., Townu 1,-1 Hall. Bowmanviic, Aprml 4. Manstcr Bingo, Thursddy night at 8 o'clack, sponsored by the Junior Charnbcr ofç Commerce. Rcd Barn, North1 Oshawa. 45-tf1 Reserve Wedncsday, April loth fan Bowmauuville Hugh Schoal "Hoot Nite" vanuety program in High School Audi- torium -ah 8 p.m. 1 "'-2 Dance, Tyrane Communitv ]Hall, Saturday. March 30o. Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers. Admission $1.50 per couple. Everyone welrome. 13-1, "Pirates of Peozamuce wv'I 1 be presented bv the Bowman-1 ville Choral Society on Marciu 28, 29 and 30. Admission: adulîs 75c, students 50c, 12-2 Bowmanvilie Luberal Com- 5 and O 6 . 81,5 pil It Repairs 1GUARANTEED television and radia service, toalal makes. Tt-levismon Service Ca. Phone 623-3883. 52-tf RADIO and Television Repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George'sz. 14 Centre St. Phuone 623-5713. 41-tf iREPAIRS toalal makes of re- fnigeratars, domestie and cam- 'mercial; mlking, coolers Hig- au'alabic from *Jack & Jill goîî Electric Limitea, :8 King Club menibers. Adnmssion 75c'. St. E. Pbonuue_623-3305. 7-hf Special student's prive 5S()c, for Thursday night ouly. Noa resr vd eas.Guest Speak( "Open Ilotise" at Memorial Park Club B-ous~e, Liberty St. Southu, tao meet Russell C. Hone-y, Lib-"i'ai candidate fai Durbani Coummt\, anud Mns 1-oiucy. Ail are welcom e Thursday' evening, April -4tLIb 7:.30t) ta10o'ci1o ck. 1- Pre-Natal Educatiomu Classes. The Spring Sermes of Pre r - Natal Classes wl start at the ' Hcaitiu Unit Office, Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, at 2 Thursdas'. April 4th, 1963. For further informationu Phonme Northumberlanud - D u r bi a nui Ilealth Unit 623-5661. 1 :1-1i ritue Rooms, V icutorldilUt Memorial Park Associationu, Apartments, 74 King W., open Libertv Street South, Spning daily 1 - à in afhernoons - and Time Tea and Bazaar lu be evenings. Telephone 623-5191. hcid April 6tlu froni 2:30 ta 11-4 5 p.m. Door prizes ha lic given SaUina Community arc lu- out at -3 p.m. and 4 Af- vited ta a Family Night at the tcroou tea 25c. Home baking.' Community Hall on Friday, fancv work table and good March 29, 8:30 p.m. Cards and used clathing, etc. Mayor Ivanu dancing. Ladies bring lunch. Hobbs ta open hazaan. 13-1 $1 per family. 1-3-I ATTENTION - Ail Worid Brown's Hornue anud Scbool Wýai' 1 Veterans living in Bow- Club annual Euchre anud Drawý mauville or Darlington Town'm- Pt Brown's Scluool, Fridav, sbip. lu Lu nat necessar ' tîmat ,April 5th, 8:00 Admi' - you be a mnember of the Royal &ion 50c. sodpie.R- Caruadiamu Legiomuý to attend a tresbments. 1- Dinnuer and Entcrtainiuent on Saturdav. Apt-il 6tlu inutue The Chair of Tu'iity 'Uni ted Legion Hall, Bownuanville. dimu- Church will present on Good îucr at 6:30 p.îu., ouclebra- Friday evenirug, Apuil IL, Itue tino of Viinu'y Ridge. This cu'- &;acred Cantata "Olivet To ening is free as .\.um wiIl lue Calvary". Guest soloists Ross guests of Braicb 1 78. Con- Metcaîf aiud Ross Cotton. 13-1 frmation of youmr att(,ndaiiç-e - must reach P. E. Greeuufield, Mrs. Stevenson, R.R. '3,P.O. Box 239. or telcphonue Blowmanville. reccived free 623-5521, 62.3-3814, 6231-3562 an gas at Ed's White Rose, Satur- 62.1-9430îu l April 1-ut. 11-3 day, March 23. She was tlue first in a series of evcry 25uh COME AND IEET YOL'R custamer ta receiu'e frce gas. Progressive C.onlseri-atîve Magi M.Narrýh ?6th. 1963 A charge of faiiing ta ste on a red lmght was dismisse against Sandra Marlene Pai heu', 17. Neu7tonville. Thi arase frou aam accident whic bad occunred at tlue King an LibertY St. intersection a Novenber 8tlu. 1962. E. F Lovckin. Newcrastle, was dt fense counsel. Miss Porter Nvas dnivin east on King St. wihî lier si: ter, Donna. Both gir'ls state rthe liglut ',as gr'een as the ýer on Cancer Mauice J. Grimes Exccutivc Dim'ctor Ontario Division Caniaciamu Cauuce Saciehv uili bc the guest speaker- at Bowrnauvill Brandii of the Canadian Canucer- Society open meetinj in the Lions Centie on April 3rd at 8 p.m. £1iIiiily Udance iiin teflacUk- Ji, v'ir. _x L EinicKarcLi i Maurice J. Grimes was barri stock Recreahion Centr-e, 5sLl0ii CartwrigtRcetoaCnrei vnOaianeda- sored by the ONO. Club, gtReraioa (ete iîuNn O ntal, ate duat- Friday, March 29th, 8 - 1'2 p.mi. Blaccd mu Oýe t ta'minia, aflnd uc b %7ombs Orhauti.$2a0lprcnginue-ing, bath of Vamily. Lunch wîll be servcd. Satu rday, March 30 :1c aigcai îrce 12-2a t 8:3 0 p. m. luum silice lis caris' yotlu. An oppaitunity and borne DANCE tb the music or the \Vhile engagecl in these pur'- bake sale will be hcld in Trun- "Raglan !verrymakers" su its be became iuterested iii ity United Church, Fridlav, IEYN LOE tlue work of the Canadiari April 19 from 9 a.m., under EEYN %ECII Cancer Society' and the nuaui the auspices or Durham Sponsoî;0'ed by the Car-tw.,riglîh u'niuntecm'ýs wbo hclongcd ta t. Chapter 181, Order of the Progressive Cansenvative More thaîî 15 Ycars ago lue Eastern Star. 13-1 Association. ' oimurd the Society as a x'oiun- 13-1 teer and iin 19.52 liee was ap- Woodview Communlty Centre painted Executive Sccretaryv of -Monster B i ngo. Twentyi \Vanted ta Buy tlîe Ontario Divisionu. games-twcnty dollars-, fuve' Ii 1959 MnI. Griuues w'as games-thirty dallars; $150' HIGHEST pnices paid for liv*e nade Executive Dircctou'. The jaekpot. and two. jackpots au' poultry, goose feathers, fcathu- grovth of thue Society bas beeru 250. Doar prizes. Nexter ticks, scrap iran, metals andpînomeiuaî and Mu'. Grimes pndàay, 8 p.m., Red Bara, raw furs. Phonue 723-2(143. 'bas plaved an important and Xhawa. 46-tf:Oshawa collect. - 12-t f integral'part in this expansionu. --ALL kinds of Ilve pauîtry, The work of the Society Lu LICENSED I feathers, new goose and duck lontonly Mr. Grinmes' businecss also aId feather ticks wanted. but bis vocation as wcll. fi Nurin H me flghstprices paid. m. Fîatt ,'us v'cIlkmo'u that mnany ev- 1Behhany R.R. i. Phone 7 r 1 cuiigs aiud weckends, far lie- SOUTH Haven Nurslng Hamnecollect 21-tf ,yond the raIl of duty, arc de- -Accommodation for privatef voted ta the cause tluat lue a n d semi-prîvate patients, 1 M ortages corisidem's of vital impiortancre lounge TV. Fully iicensed,,- _____ ta cucretyonne. inew building, madern. Visitars'MORTGAGE maney available. His travels acas hue pi'ov- we!come. Reasonable rates.!Peter Feddema, Realtor. Cal micc have given hinu an appar- ]Phone Newcastle 4441. 13-tf'623-3644. 25-hf tunity ta sîudy %va'vs aîud means of dcvcîaping the an- garization and have put hinu iapositionu ho bring a mes- UEU~W hueSocicty ibat is rauupre- W EEKEND SPECIALS t a f is1ecilýrtrr hensiveaîutripithe.Svc 'Union. w he attcndcd thur KING SIZE - 35c Off COTTAGE BRAND 1 tb Internîatiooal Cancer Con- F- a Im 1 M . - gres n Mosmowx as a 1rePt'e- I I D Joiet Tissue ONY$1e241 5 for 39c- MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS!! l T-BONE STEAK OR WING -STEAK BONELLSS' ROUND STEAKc OR Oniy 83 l SIRLOIN STEAK_ EXTRA LEAN GROUND STEAK Oniy 69 l ALL OUR BEEF IS A-I IN QUALITY RED or BLUE BRAND INPCE P OTA6TOES %0- Lbq. nIy $1.69 Large Varicty of FREE DELIVERY EASTER T'O VOUR 1)00K ALSO ACCEPT CHOCOLATES PHONE ORDERS AND Open Thurs. & Fri. NOVELTIES Nights tili 9 pa.. for your Corne and take a look! Shopping Convenience DYKSTRA'S pen Thurs. A IEY &Friday Naghts O D MI1 9 p.m. FO D JL'ST G(IV E iUS .1 < AL SALEM Salcmmu V C.\V l d Ilicir :\1ar nruicctmng at flic.rlurrb. Mrs. Jahni Coombhes aiud ber groump uw're munrlarzr. sev- emal hvmuus wre sung. NIrs. E. T\iwist gave fluc Bible rcad- mmm. For flie druxutiomual a nd program MDrs. Coonbes read severa 1 elaptens frnîu "Fli Word and thue Wav.' Wc tlucî dividcd imta discussinit gîouins aiid amsus cî'cd questiomns. Wr c'ermded ta semud oui' allocationu nimd expenses i ah onue ime, aiso Io gmu'e tluree dollars Ia flue Bursanv Fuind. W'e are ta) brivg ni hiin"samd ladies* good i sed cot lu mu un thue ('>: t nuedlut. Pi"îsInn catrioi' ,ou a bomspiel u'r'c rî.el 11L:mmulu ua...srudamd aŽsociaml thmuue eijoved. s ilmuere su mupa hîmu- is ex tenu - ed Io Mr. amnd NrXemlI\la-- iuamd anud fauuuilvand MiA Phmu i s Mavmuan'd inmutlie 1la. of tbemr father, Mm'.JohniMay- nard, Tyroîme. A iîiiuhcbr fiamn lieu e a ttcni- cd lime Jonior Farîuuers' ban- a item ai, lic Liomus Ccître au Fm'dau' ctnbîg,anmd tde Bar-- ber Sluap Quartet Concert at ficu'YlcLaughlin Srluool, Oslu- awa, on Saturdav evcuing. MnI. amud Mrs, WýilhLin Biack- btmruu and famuilv, Mlrs. Kaie Cowiiug. I1avýdoii. Mn aand Mqrs Walteî' Blackbumrn and fanlv. Dorn Mills. Miss steli: Blackburnu Towni, NI'r. aurJ Mvrs. Johnu Kiîîguoî'nu, Zian. MnI. Gîeîu Blarkkbunu vere Sunday suppen guests of Mn.raaud Mrs. Faneeli Blarkburnu. Mn. aîîd NMrs. FE. Tuvis<, Katuv aud NMurnay uwere Sun- d-ay simpen ues. of Nu'. anud NI~CIareuure Bel, Townm. Ii. Donu \\el'lu atteuuded Kerupîvile in grni culthural schomi vcar '63 dinunuenaud dauuea: OUtawuaamin Fridav cveninQ.Ilie al~o visited Mn. and Mr.lnsJiuuSaverv, Bnock- ville, ail Saturdav Mfiss MarionBttr'. itarn- cd homne omu Mandav aftcn aI- tcndmmug ihe Tri Slatr Canfe.- ere al. Buckhiil Falls, Peiiim- svl'.ania. -Marionmvas anc o! four Junior Farmrn -dec-czr wluo werc choscîu ta rcprcsen'. Ontario at this conference. sontatix'o of Ontario Division The man v cails for talks anc the showing of lus picture frorn tbis trip since bis returi have kept hirn busy iiîdeed. "For QUALITY Cars and Service" - SEE - McQUEEN MOTOR SALES . LIMITED - Earl McQueen, Pres. 219 KING ST. E. BOIV31ANVI LLE Authorizcd Dealer for Rambler Cars Phone 623-3356 1962 Chev. Impala 2-Dr. Hardtop V-8. autoniatic Power brakc' and stpering. Cleaminz hlitek vith red trim. 11,000) orizinal miles. 1962 Rambler "A.%IEiICAN" 2-Dr. Station Wagon Only 8,00)0 miles. One ow~ner driven. 1961 Pontiac Laurentian 4-Dr. 6 cyl., standard transmis- sion, custom radio. A-i condition. 1960 Chev. 4-Dr. 6 cVI., automatic ('ustom radio. (inod clean automobile. 1957 Bel Air Chev. 2-Dr. Hardtop 6 cv I. standard transmis- sio.îun 0ally owned, in good condition. FOR THE F.ARMER! 1961 GMC 3-on CAB and CHASSIS New tires 9.0'x2O. 1963 licence., .VW.24,000). Locally owned. A-I condition. EFxceptionally zood 'ariety of over 60 other makes and models tb ehonse from. Enjoy on-thr-spot, reliable Traders' low cost Financing. "The oldest al-Canadian finance company". 24 -110 UR TON,%ING SERVICE Starting immediately our SERVICE STATION ý%îIll be open fromn 7 a.m. until 12 midnight Phone 02ï-3401 After Ilours 623-5645 Meniber of N.A.L. CONTA CT: Farl 3cQueen NVeldon Brown Bud Fogg Jim Crombie Sales FComin gEvents ny car and thon pushimg in fasher and faster dawn grade. i braked hard, then switched HOME MODERNIZATION DIVISION off the ignition leaving the criin gear. then pulled an theCOSLATSEV emergency. brake. Bath cars 4 CNUTNSTO SREYOU stapped. Len Staff was the driver. He waved a court doc-- OR CONTACT- ument with his name an it and Lorraine Judsan's. He started OIEHW O E&PTR EE O A hurling insults at ber. A scuf- E4OIEHW HW EES EE OA fie follawed. I tried ta camne 4 REALTOR REALTORS REALTOR behween them. Thon the cn .MRO>EBWANVLEBOMNIL swinging started. The wamnanE0 R.A cBBEOW NVL RMNIL : in the ather car gat out and U Representative> came between us." 1Poe62-19Phn 2-51 hne6325 A red shirt sailed and rip- hn 2375 hn 6351 hoe6325 ped was intraduced as evi- 0 Umm________________________________________ dence by the Crown. Carl i c Clausen identified the shirt 1 O as the ane worn by him that 1 0 night and that it had beenlI19 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS 10 U%1710 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOIJ IOSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ORIE-7811 CUILOflEN fflASEA i. OSHIAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD I *R FREE E )ELIVERY PHONE 623-3541 lý Lj ghost fAwns er ghost Rreae.- ThA Canadian StatesmRnn, Igowmanville, Mar. 27, 180S "When an industry on which COU n ~~a flourishing cornity is-m.4H win j apearsnew ndu trie s-t .The Liberals will lwlin 1ion be induced te start in the seatsi Otri n QeeII has ben area and there wvill be gains in the 1i HeId in Bowmanvilte fuliv in England,- he asserted 1 Mrtimes. The situation inClu br-Hoias .The importance of smalWteweti much better thani businesses is kept in minci v as and enough seats are in; rounded the curve and pro- ripped in the scuffle. teLbrlPrt'Cei "siglit there. If we wark hard, Frs M e tn ceeded ta the corner. "A car camne down the road tebe ra at.Crdtmsai-d do not ]et up for a min- is M e tn 'd Mrs. Marilyn Rosseau. R.R. witb 'itwa men in il". coltn- eatilaere frtes he tiod ute between uuow and April Dtrhîaîn County 4-H Swine- r- Na. 4, Oshawa, stated she was' ued the witness. -Il asked thernetitrs ae. We tmewl u n ero Sgaing south on Liberty and' ta cali the police and I toak snall business cannot obtain wuere lie belongs as Prime, Club had its first mueeting on 'sav,, the light an the sauth- their names. Staff told them redtrha a1v xri Ministex- of Canada," Mr. Gar-1 March 2lst at the Odd Fel- iwest corner of the intersec- ta get gaing and mind their tarit interest rates. il cannat' o said in conclusion. Icis Hall in Orono. Unfor- lian tr re.Sesatdonbsns. compete with the giants in ils tur gren.Shestatedawnbusnes."field. A vote of thanks te Mr. tunatelv there was the dis. R. acrass and was hit by the Par- Constable G. Evans O. Mn'll. Gordon aisa dealt witil Gardon for bis excellent, apo lter car. Mrs. Audrey Sleep investigating afficer, testified heu subject of training pro- speech was mnovied with wit apontingly small turnout of, who was following Mrs. Ras-ita the marks on the Clausen!ad preito yF, m brs g:seaui's car also testified the:car. gîamns. He recalled that îm- ad apecain b' rn or1 umes l1iht had turnd green. miediatel.v after Warld War IÊRickard. The speaker had Officers were elected and îg e . Ceil Havn ad Wiliamhighly successful ones were be nrdce ; on~ are as follows: President,' dI Constable R. Parker, in- Chapman, Port Penny, were iîstituted for thase leavint James. GatYo iePeiet y vestigating officier, testified!called by the Crown and bath the services, and the same' Ruîsseil C. lioîue. Liberal GatYo iePeiet gtha e tceta teren saedpsiivl tate ai kind of energy and plans are Candidate for Durhanm Coun-jDale Stinston: Secretary, Jini ligt asno fuctonnganinvolved was the man in court, reeded iuoxvlhe explained., ty, spoke of Canada's need for Byers; and Press Reporter. - thers restcnperect work- Len Staff. Thev stated the-,,' -Tbose now responsîble at, the i sound gavernment such as Mr. fBruLce AlIi. Mr. Dairymple thrd er nprec ok were the nuen 'in the thitid fedieral and provincial levels, Pearsoti and the nmen i'11bis then proceeded to, teli of the i ngcar.foi' training pragrams do flot!caboinet would provide. Mr. Murray Porter, father of the The accused deîuied ail see eye ta eve and get ia Honev predicted that Walteriabjects and projects of the a ccused, testified that while kno\vledge of the incident and confliclt. There is no room foriGardon will be the LiberaliSwine Club in particular and lie was al, the scene of the said that hie was not atI lle pettv, squabbling on this mat- Ministen of Finance. 4-H1 work ini general. Saccident a man had corne with place in question on tbe 140, ter,'; the speaker stated. "Small business, spread as The objects of the Swine Sa ladder and replaced the burn-, of August. Mni. Gardon alsa discussed it is truhu h onrCu r o on epet ed ot blb.the Liberal plans for the es- industrv bath managementisec1ubre fostr aungtpeoplie Rudalph Seme, Toronto, 'alsiet f ainlD-and labor, and agriculture 1bsinesastato inpo the n pleaed iiity a achage f ~veipmet Crpoatin an dthe fundamental îndustry Ofibrecding stock on the home failing ta repart an accidentt P oint the creation of a Muicipal 'aur nation, aIl should have a1 farm, secre training ni ho, on December lth. This case Development and LoanFunibgviei aada fr, rd*uogn zci ran ~vs ls dsmssdFROM PAGE ONE.,uon *bgvoc i aaia far, routo,îdreev tan Cnsal ise . no F'n Rcadau lIe also said tluere is anu urg-,Mr. Hioîey stated firml. ngi good citizenship. ConstaforeCanaaDtaHtake flue The enarmous deficits of thu ro testified lhe was called t n-Jae.fimrîunbr fiut'tv i adta areorldDiefenbaker goverîument .îcs r fr eme ther accident 1/1t) of a mile parliament foris iig " trade. Isolationisni mwouid be castigated bY Mr. Hone.v. "W, afr n aefragl north on 115 from the junc-SR Lovekin, sertr-ran-fatal for Canada. lue added. are paving increascd taxes taI (weanling sow) aiud barrow lion with 401. An amber flash-ulier of the Durhuanu Liberal A'ý l'li tluis campaign Mn. Dief- caver th' ato cryn hs of purebred breeding. The ing sign with 'Keep Right" saciation, Bruce Tink aid W'i.- enbaker luas been stressiiug huge nuational debt," he ex gilt would be exhibited at the Iluad been knacked dawn. Dam- liam Bragg, co-chaii'mei Of tluree Ibemes: 1. pensonal andiplaiîued. Discussing tulis year'Fm Achievement Day and thue age was appraximately $80). the Darlington Liberal Asso- self inupased nuartyndom. Hie'Adeficit estimnated at $800ý000libarrow would be marketed. Teofficer stated the driver ciation. and Don Lamnb. pr'e- does nuot sav aîuything about 00(1 Mn. Houey said that iii-AIl production cashs must be of *,he car involved gave him dent of the Pont 1hope Ilîbenal b is closest colleagues who caoi- trsto ' .of 4pr etkept along with the records. l a license number which lue Association. nuot stanudlis one man goveriu-1 would anuaunt ta $32,000,000 Points are given on the pair thad traced by the Department High tribute to Ruîssell C. menut anv, lonuger, Fultoni,' a vean. The iîuîeresta th of pigs, for iudgjng competi- Iof Transport. The registrationl Honey was paid bv Mn. GO.- Hankîuesý,s, les, Sevigny, Fle- 1 total deficits amassed by th,'_jtionu, answers ta questioni, was Rudolph Seme, Toronto. dou. "He said tluat 'Mn. Houev ming aîud Halpenny, or of the Diefenbaker gov e nrîuinu e nil shownuanship, care and feed- Gary McEvers, 118 Stacey is a fine neprescîutaIiv'e of five muernbers of bhis cabinet! amounts ta $160,000,000 a \'ear, ugmtos rglrt n Ave., Oshawa, testified, "Three Durham Cotinty and luad made uvbo wene defeated last June. he stated. accuracy in mnonthly reporti af us were driving south on his mank in tbe 1-otise ,f Mn. Dîefenbakcr's se co îudý Allan Been, the Liberal and attendance at meetings 115 wluen we shruck thetr-Comndîinth sIpn buu Lbeaasrcio- Candidate for Durhanu in the and juîdging classes. fic island anud knocked clownîu liameîut. Mni. Gordonu rcferred isîuu, wluicb is noansense, MI'. camirug provincial election, ex-, More members are neededd the sign. Anothen sauthbouîud 1ta Mn. Hoiuey's speechues dur- Gordonu coîtended. "Tbe trulli.pnesscd bis ailegiance and if tbis club is te continue for vehicle also stî'uck the island ! 111 hue session onu a varietY cfr is iluat the Diefenubaker gov- support ta Mn. l-loîuv, anud tluiqscsason. Anyone interest- aîud dî'agged the sigîu alongi subiects iîcidiiug thue Fond eriment seerned pai'alyzed spoke of the good joblo'e has cd'inuti lbsol i u tlue highway. Whcîu this cal' 'aîud Dnug Act aiud the Excis?, during tlue foi'- fustratiiug done iin Ottawa. Canada needs the enî'olmeîut tari and send stopped anud the driver begaîî Tax Art debates. muontbs of tlue last paî'iiament. po.sitivýe pnogressive gaverju- il ta tîue Agriculture office in changiiug a fiiat, tire I went "RussellliHoiîe 'v a also Il \as teî'nified ta bring inu ment, Mr. Been stated, in urg- Bowmanville. dlown aîud asked if he xvas very influentialinii deu'eloping aniv pî'ogî'amiîu case its Social ing evenvonie ta vote for Mn. gaing ta stay uintil the police the Liberal Pant.v's pnogrnm Credit allies wauid fnot ap- Honey an Apnil 9th. arnivedi.lie said hie was ini a fan agniculture in Central and proue it."Ms .J amiiOoa luunry ta get ta work aîud that i Eastern Canada,' Mn. Gardon Regard ing Mn.'s: presideiut of the South Cn since it was only a fiat tire, pointed out. tirîd theme mn the campagmu, tral Ontar'io Liberal Women's he uas ging n. *Mir. Gordoîunci'vn six ;aniti-Americanism, Mr-. Gar-, Association, and E. R. Love-ý The accused stated that the points in the Libenal prograuu donu said Iluexe is ruot place fa:' km, secnetany-treasurer of tueý r anly damage ho had naticed fan expanding Canada*secrn- hat sort of thiîug in Canadal Durham Liberal Association,. e rsutig tamhitin te s-oms'. Regarding the îuecessan' aivnu ore. "Wc must getialso addrcssed the meeting" !land was a flat tire. Aftet' expansion of the manufatur- aloîug xitli u am best customer. bi'ieflv. At the piano Ro;s [ g9 din that anddîzg nl ngidsries u adta nud and allv. Duî'îng the! Metcalf, a weîl knowîu rmusi- realized bis Volkswagen was!Liberal goverrnuent wil au'e Cubaiu crisis we wene thank-~ cian, pleased the audienceý nu. riding in a bumpy fashion I a new Departmeîm of Inclus- fui Iluat the United States wasi with a number of finue selec- id and luad taken it ta be check- Ir .tluere ta deftend uis. There is1 lio ns. es cd. There hie learned that "The crealioju of iueuu jobs eiuouiglu bate in the world ,-n there had been mare serious il; of hue utmast, imuportanuce. ilithouL spî'cading itý among LLSLSC UN ! LVLNS danmage taeilue vehicle. The Thausarîds of ,,,oLiii peap.e'oaur friends and allies."R S LSC U T bill hiad been $150 for parts will graduate from scbols" Mn. Pearson's camri in and ç,50 for labour. within the next four var.coîtrast bias been on a bigh1 Alla Henrt eidR.R.No.and the unemployed mnust bhe level. lie luas uuot made ex- 1, Ncwtonville, was charged given the opportunilte la bavetravagant promises. Ho hias,* wiîh impaired driving on the work again." 1cxpliîîed the Liberal pragram 16th of March and fined $200 Ecanomnic problemuis miust lue and how it, will be introduced and $3 casts ar ane month i approached on a regionalý in ander of priarities. Ail Lib- MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE jail. His license was suspend- basis, Mr. Gardon explained.1 erals are pnoud te have a i Consuit a. Member of the cd. A second charge of having There is flot anc formula th2tý leader of Mr'. Pearson's char- liquor in an ilegal place re- cauld lue effectivciy applied toarater and courage, and tiiose! Oshawa & District sulted in a fine of $20 and $3 the entire cauntr', lhe added.iof uis wba have served lunder casts or an additional 5 day s. There should be actionu s0 that: hirn have great respect, ad- f Real Estate Board II I Accused had been convicted there wili net be ans' mare îuiation, and affection forl________________ on a similar charge in Peter- ýborough. SA AW O RD CS7 SA AW O RD CSLD Constable C. Suddard OPP, OIA AW O RDCSLD SA AW O RDCSLD tcshified, -I was an patral on No. 2 Highway twa miles wesh r o ln *nl of Newtunville when I observ- A e Y u Pa nn cd a car on the shoulder oetom the raad. A man was slumped a NewLHome ovrthe whcel asleep. I had Î_~~ ta shake hlmn several times 1.o wakcn him. The keys were iniis e r the ignition, the ignition s1witch :9hs e r in tlue 'on' position, and the ur radio playing.** "Constable DenHoed and 1 removed him badily from the oe f rY us l car and propped him up SeCo4Y usl searched his car for liquor. i - --PeopleD U iThe accused felil te the ground. ~W I~E U I Heu could not support himself. .M 1 asked hinu several times for Prefer Homes luis driver's license. Ho smell- r~~ ed strongly of alcohol, his < eyes wene very red and his > speech slurred. Hoe kept re- peating himself. We brought hlm in and lodged hlmn in the r F A Iw Fm F M i ' ýLd.lluiuiiLr Mr Pie-lrrrrA V.- il ir A 1 L- c Only 85 lb