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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1963, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Stateumaxi, Bowmanvllle, Mar. 27, 19631 sallor of rough Swiss brald _________________________________________was much admired, and a be- witching pink whimsy adorn- ed with crushed flowers wasi also applauded. The wide sel- B &P Spring Hat ection of whimsies are particu- Iarly adaptable for the newl bair do's.1 There were many tall Show (aptivates crowned bats. These were chic, and had perfect lines. The pilîbox bas come into is own again and is the ultra ac- cent for certain ensembles. A Large Audience lovely hat in nectar yellow bad a wide brim, and three A preview of the charming- styles and colors," Mrs. Frank folds of organza on the narrow ly feminine styles for spring stated., deep crown. and summer 1963 delighted Mrs. Rata Wideman, a mem-1 There were several fascin- the large audience in the ber of the B. and P. Women'ý ating off-the-face bats, each Royal Theatre on Thursday Club, was the well qualified with the perfect touch of evening when the annual fashion commentator for the adornment. A velvet ring bat Spring Hat Show of lovelyshow. The stage setting was encircling a beautiful flower inillinery f r o m Wideman's enhanced with crysanthemum was Most pleasing, as was a Ladies Wear was prasented by plants in yallow and a deep textured straw in a soit pink the Bowmanvilla Business and: pink shade, and a profusion with delicately shirred crown, Professional Womefl's Club.1of ferns.1 straight wide brim and a sn- 'he convenor was Miss Velmna1 h tratv odlwogle blown rose for accent. Ga1 displayed the becoming bats Mrs. George Graham, 34 President Victoria Frank u and down the aisie, were Jane Street, was the excaed- welcomed the large nurnber of Miss Velma Gay, Miss Edith ingly fortunate winner of the women who attended the: Brooks, Miss Helen Nelles, special draw for a hat donated levant, which was appropriate-! Miss Margaret Cowan, Mrs' by Mrs. Wideman. The win- ly beld on the first off iciai day1 ayGll h medaeps ning ticket was drawn by Miss of spring, March 2lst. "Lok-~ president of the local B. and Velma Gay. Ing forward to the good wea-IP. Women's Club, and her Mrs. Mel McNulty and Mrs. ther ahead our thoughts turn 1 younger daughter, Miss pat Elva Beckett were in charge Io clothas, and a new bat isS ili. of the draw. Othar prize win- en absolute must. Naturallyl Discussing the most odis1 nars in addition to Mrs. Gra- 'we think of Wideman's Ladiesl colors for this season, c1! ham %vare Mrs. Joe Levett, 'Wear where thera is a fine; mentator Ms Wideman said1 Mrs. Bert Mutton, Mrs. C. ttLC,n1lPtt . *Lhstvle -,IHobbs, Mrs. .Jean Turner, Mrs. linery in al shapas, sizes,j Buy The BEST Spring Footwea r We seil natlonally advertlsed brands * NATURALIZERS * HUSH PUPPIES for men, women and children * SAVAGE SHOES for the entire famlly . lneludlng Chlldren's Orthopedlc Shoes by Savage * DACK and SCOTT -McHALE * SISMAN and GREB WORK BOOTS Aiso fulli une of RUBBER FOOT WEAR AiU sizesi Popular Price Range - at - Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King Street West BOWMANVILLE & OPE? on or( 1MONDAYý FOR APPO PHONE 62 VOTE NEW LEADERSIH D EDICATED CA] P OSITIVE PLAN THIS TIME Elleen C lnsertec He Sticks His Neck Out sýhadeslack, navy blue, and'--,--- ------- -------------..~* ~ * 1 hdsranging from a pale Ross Grant, Mrs. Ruby Hutch- & 111111 ecru tbrough beige, coffee, inson, Mrs. Hoopk'ramp, Mrs. At tbe Sunday morning ser- for dinner with the Wray's. and mocha to spring brown J. E. Syar, Mrs. William Log- vice a large congregation en- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billatt, are especially good this year. enman, Mrs. L. Smythe, MrLs. joyed another Lenten message. Scarborough, with Mr. and Other leading shades are mef . . . rmstnMis Helen Mr. Crawford's text was "And Mrs. R. McGill. on, glorious yeilows, tur- Allin, Mrs Hazel Crago, and sitting down they watched Mr. and Mýrs. Jim Kinsman quoise, peacock blue, ail pinks Mrs. A. Gibson. The president, Him there" whare he drew a nd Lisa, Courtice were caîl- from pastel to deepest water- Mrs. Frank, and Mrs. Rhoda attention to anothar group at ers at R. McGill's. melon, coral, apricot and cher- Anderson assisted with tbe the Cross viz:- "The Specta- M.adMs itnSan ry rad.drwi tors and Enemies at the Cross". 'ton, r n r.Caec i"Tha finest and most flex- Mrs. McNulty was assisted Ail kinds were drawn to the Stainton and Beverlay were ible straws and braids are im- with the extra draw by Mrs. Cross thus many spectatorsi guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn ported from Switzerland and Jean Devitt and Mrs. Ruth viawad the torment of the Cru- Dickey, Bowmanviîîe. Italy, but are dyed ini Canada! Barclay. The winnars wera cifixion. Among these were and the United States. Thei Mrs. A. Jop, Mrs. Mary Glat, the sadistic ones wbo starad as~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt 'shadas, parti.cularly those ofi Mrs. P. Finnay, Mrs. Mona Jesus gave up the Ghost, those attended the funaral of the trimmin gs, are carafully cho- Swan, Mrs. Bert Parker, Mrs. who in their carelessness and late Russell Robinson, Port sen," Mrs. Wideman asserted, Stewart McTavish, Mrs. Feer- indifferenca fait it was too bad Hope. 'and axplainad that this season beck, Mrs. M. Kerr, and Mrs. it was Jasus, those wbo in ig- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry it is more important than ever Tom Gatcheil. norance almost enjoyad Jesus' ware Sunday visitors of Mr. that a bat ba as bacoming agony of soul and body, thea nd Mrs. Gordon McKee, Port from bath side views and saterests who regardad it as Perry. back, as it is from the front, ELIZAIBETHVILLE a carnival, thosa wbo in tri- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stain- Among the most appealing lumph and hate ridicuied and ýton, Peterborough; Mr. Ross hats from the wonderful array mockad Him, thosa who look- Lee, Kedron, ware Sunday, I axhibited were an exquisite Church services ware at. ed on incradibly, tbe women dinner guasts of Mr. and Mrs.à deep apricot modal covered Canton. Sunday School was1 and disciples who looked on with organza petals, each cen- held bere as usual. lfrom afar, the Scribes and tred with a touch of yellow, On Monday evening, Mrs. Elders who represanted the and a deap crowned cloche Morris, Mrs. C. Beatt, M . Corruption tbat can exist in with crown of pleated braid in K. Trew, Mrs. Thickson and!bigh places causing justice to pale beige. Also one of cham- Mrs. Quantrili motored to 'fiee. God was also at Calvary pagne chiffon ruffles, tier on Brighton to the annual meet- in the heart of the Centuron, tier, with a tiny brim, and a ing of the Bay of Quinte Con- in the earthquake, cemetery dashing Spanish roller in: ference. They arrived in time: and the randing of the Tam- azure blue with two layars of for the evaning dinner which pie Curtains. Mr. Crawford I5 organza on the brim. Anotherý was enjoyad and stayed for advisad bis people to talk to i iwas a beaven blue flowered the evening program. T h eour souls rather than about I cloche with petals of chiffon guest speaker for tha aven- our neighbours as he pointed iOne exquisite bat was of' author of "The Word and the' included anemies in particu- sbirrcd and draped floral' Way" The church was full lar at Calvary. chiffon in shades of green, l and aIl enjoyed bis address' The Sr. Choir Antham was gold, and apricot. The travel- - concerning chaptars 15 and 17 "Nailed to the Cross" on ling bats too were most charm- 1 which ware about tha church, which a lovely duat was ran- ing. Thare wera sevarai with l and its meaning. derad by a sister-brother taam flattering wida brims, and anl On Tuasday evening Mrs. Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Mr. Ray outstanding, smart and dainty1 Morris, Mrs. Quantrill, Mrs. Ashton. small one in this category wasý K. Trew and Mrs. Thickson at- The Massengers met at the formed of sbining navy blua tanded the Cancer Society same bour with their leaders straw braid topped by a fluf f meeting held in Hewson Hall, for their monthiy session. onie fod aiza fscopica isyor tHopoesso. rigatU of n.They viawed a film as part of lonefoled elecopiall fo isry rofesorat . o T.their program. Illness lowared packing as the modal demon- spoke on the research dona on somawhat tbe S.S. attandanca. strated. tobacco smoke and how it af- Pleasa bring your jubilate A wide brimmad Breton fects lung cancer. Lunch was sang book to Sunday School servad by Port Hope mam- this coming Sunday for Anni- JF bourg and Peterborough at- MisEia kepntas tendad.MisEseOesntlt iMany attended the funeral week in Toronto with friands. of tha late Russel Robinson, Mr. M. Heard bad a very 'R E IG S Port Hope. Ha was a former narrow escape this morning irasident of Elizabathville. when bis wali caved in under HAIR 1 A ~~~large crowd attended the bis.fa.Ms re rpr dance and auchre at Canton M.adMs rdDae -~ on Friday night given by Mr. accompaniad Mr. John Grif- and Mrs. Honey. fin to bis cottage on Sunday ;T Y L N G r. nd rs. . Eliot, sh-at Kirkfiald. Kin St Wrawa, visitad witb Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jack- ' 5Kn t eQuantrili, Sunday. son and Stanley were Sunday Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. J. Fait and 1iiosa .J ritns Vicki, Pontypool, with Mr. Miss Linda Sharp was a and Mrs. O. Marcer. ýlittle visitor with Mrs. R.J. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yarrow,Orit. Oshawa, cailed at Fowler's lMr. and Mrs. Joe Switzer Y Sunday. Gates Milîs, Ohio, Mr. Floyd i Saturday many attendad the Pethick, Toronto, were Sun-~ arealal going back ta Holland S. R. Pethick. after the sale.! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tur- about Ms adl teddtenr Oshawa, were Sunday 4-H Club meeting which was dinner guests of Miss Elsia and held at Mrs. Walker's on Sat- Albert Oka. Mr. and Mrs. John urday. Oke and family, Oshawa, wera Mr. and Mrs. Thickson spent, Sunday callers.I A P R e lst Saturday evening with Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, , P.ltLockwood who calabrated ber Courtice, were with Mr. and ont, sentSatrda wTo hr- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- parntspet. tray t e ton were visitors on Sunday' parets. __________ with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turn bull, Burketon. Air, Rail or Steamshi ' Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Ella )I T EN ST I C K E T S and family, Mrs. Leslie Ella TO EVERYWHERE and Melmedil. Weston, wvere1 Consult callers at Mr. Johin Griffin's.1 ~3 29 2JURY & LOVELL Mr. J. Thomas, Toronto, and L3 2 9 22 King Si. E. 623-3361 býis friand, Solina, wara ra- Bowmanville cent callers at S. R. Pethick. .~,Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin, Uf j I Carol and Gail, Mimico, Mr., and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa,i were Sunday visitors at Mr. --and Mrs. Earl Trawins Mrs. Geo. Irwin and Rod- EIlEN nay were Saturday dinner EIL EN E swof Mrs. Geo. A. Sot Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeGili, Miss Clara Page, Toronto, Mrs. COU TIVOT Robert Preston, Mapie Goe with Mrs. Etta Page. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Coul-' ter, Mary and Aileen, Lind- say, Mr. and Mrs. Tad Yeo, IIPFOROUR N ATONWhitby, at Mr. and Mrs. G. HPFO O R ATONYr'. and Mrs.Pa risi and girls. Oshawa, wera Sun-. UETERM NATION day callers at Mr. and Mrs.' NDID TES ITHN. E, Wrights. SNIAE W ITHOUT ERO RSINATION fmic ily, BowmanvilieMr. and Allan Wray. Sorry to hear ofi gratulations. j and bridesmnald, MIrs. IRoy! Stainton and wlfe lnEeiN Mrs. Ross Lee's accident, we1 Congratulations Is extended Hope, Port Perry, Mr. Henry1 Washington. Mrs. L.B.Wl wish her a speedy recovery.1 to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- Stainton, Tyrone. The wedd-1 liams. Bowmanville, caled Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil-, ton who celebrated their 25th ing cake was made and beau-!also. Mrs. Williams wasma son and Brian, Oshawa, were "%vedding anniversary on Sat-, tifully decorated by a sister-1 ried from the Stainton's homo Sunday dinner guests of Clar- urday. in-law Mrs. Cecil Mils, Maple some years ago. ence Avery's. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. John Belle, Oshawa, Grove. Louis Johnson, Lindsay, were and Miss Mary Griffin spenti Pouring tea was the grooms, Sunday callers. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. mother Mrs. H. Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller, , Walker, Tillsonburg. a cousin Miss Mabel Brown, CtCs oa Miss Doris Wright, Oshawa, i Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, Toronto. Nieces and two young ulCs oa Mr. Murray Axford, Hampton; Thornhill, were Sunday din-1 friends served lunch. Neigh Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, ner guests at Mr. and Ms. bours helped in the kitchen. For OId Appliances Betty and Lawrence, were John Slemon's. Other gifts received were' Sunday evening dinner guests1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- a purse of money from the re- through of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clem-1 ton were pleased to receive latives, a chenille bedspread 1 ens, Hampton. their friends and relatives on fromi the immediate family, a S T A TE S MA%~ Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard the occasion of their twenty- lovely aluminum tray from celebrated their 3th wedding fifth wedding anniversary. their granddaughter and sev-i C L A 8 1 F 1 E D 8 anniversary with their fam- Among the gifts they re- eral gifts from friends. ily at the home of Mr. andi ceived was a lovely floral ar- A nice surprise was a tele- Phone 623-3303 Mrs. John Lyte, Oshawa. Con- 'rangement -from the best man phone call from a brother Jim' ____________ HOME H EAT SERVICE A. H. STURRO(K & SONS LIMITED STUR ROCK RD. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-5516 DISCONTINUED COVERS-1 or 2 0F A KIND, TWIN or FULL SIZES and CONTINENTALS'amp Fumnitume LI1M1T E D BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-7071 9

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