Spring Is Coming - Women's Hats on Display Mar. 27, 1963 Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 109 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27th, 1963 10c Per Copy NUTMBER. 13 Socred T'he B & P Club of Bowmanville staged their crowd of ladies was in attendance. Models who iShow- annual bat show last Thursday evening in the Royal ed the apparel were, from left to right, Mrs. Robert! Theatre, assisted by Wideman's Ladies' Wear who Gill, Misses Edith Brooks, Velma Gay, Helen Nellos,ý supplied the gorgeous cr-eations. As usual a large Patricia Gui and Margaret Cowan. __- Speaks at BHS Six Point Programme Poetry Under Discussion By Teachers Fmx ug*ulgiu vatuliuriher7iA Clarke District Teach-ý. I es Asociation met on Mardli 18, al, Kendal Sebool. The topic designatcd for dis- 1 cussion was the tcaching of1 :Outlined by Gardon ýpae!ry appreciation andi the [writing of poetry. The ibeal Prty' proraVr. McMahon demonstrat'ed The[ierl art'sprgrrn Jesse Van Nest, president of the mnethod wbich he finds cavers ail aspects of the na- the Bowmanviiie Liberal As- most effective. while the teauh- O rono Fair - ýFen -, Walter Gar- sociation, was chairman of the csmd eihils'ih don a m eof helasi. meeting. Others on the plat- and once again becamne pps Parliarnent.an candidate for. formn were Russell C. IHonev.' He spid that: each chi]d seîr W di r eaiure Toronto-Davenport, stated at Liberal Candidate for Durham be alloweci ta itcl"lioc the meeting held bx' the Bow- CounitY, Mis. l-oncv, NMaxor. poeml as ho wishes andi1Ut manvilie Lîberai .\ý,iciation Ivan Hobbs, Glenholme Hu- have' a predctcrmined "lLH Fat Caif Show on usa evening.. Gor-jghes, president of the Durli:ioiii res, the aiin,' don epaie h atthat TI îngAsoiaio,"rs M' orcd uponh irm ti >-At the March mneeting of the' if, Bowinanviile Illîgh ScbuOIIJ. Tamblyn, Orono, vice-pre- spector, ilso spoke coîv'eriiiiii gricu1tural SacietY, plans it is essential tliatil 1i're of theident of the South Central aîc vtmof~ ~nto Vere made for new features, things xve need sbould he pro- Ontario Womien's Liberal As- for grade eiglit \xl hli xiii et the 1963 Fair at Orono. duced in Canada, and thlsisociation, Alian Beer, Liberal give gracies 8, 9 anîd 1(i inîî- The dates are to be Selpt. 5, 6:means stimulating and ex- 'Candidate for Durham i0 the imity. Instead of a 60", aV"- and 7. Mf., Gea. Carson, ihe pnigCndinmnfc comîng provincial election,agsdntarrcic t niew fair manager, reportcd turing industries.I (TURN TO PAGE FIFTEEN) iobtain 50 i'oiecdi suhiect. that the Promotion and Pub-'-_________________________________ licity committees had met and, Patients Stay Longer discussed the program for a bigger and better fair. Mr. Lawrence HooevY has effered to sponsor a _Fat Cali Shw n Aci<. Hospital Administrator be open ta anyane who lhas a. 850 lbs. These cal ves \vil1 l bel# C ~ l~~ judged on Frida-, afternoon PIreJ'seintsEWJSp5ecJialJ Report and auctioned Friday evening R before the Tobacco Show 5 andhoedueinsfomrîz ýn ExpancieciFac ilities rnoney. Il, the past, the fair board has brought a parade of' an-, At thec regular mont hIvrman afi the Ontario Hosialptientca1.buta'a h tique cars ta the exhiibitionlimeetingc of the Board of Mc n-Services Commission, Dr. R.l miuch miore difficulitita k ("f which bhas ereaied a -i-e'zit Lu-l aal Hiospital field on Thiurs- W In ruhr, tth nprodcintg Ibis ('are atila (..; terest in the comnmu n it\. This' da\ cvcning the Administra- - which tbis countrY ran ia tlord. year tbev fhope to sponsor a tor, Bernard -Holden, rcported ln optl soitoý This voluntarit-, îa 'ii ,similar show or antique iarmi on tlic N'ar 1963 ta date. annual convention field iasIt must not be allowed ta foili îî-i _____________ TO PAGE TWO Mi'. Holden stateci thaï; it islFali. In bis address Dr. Ur-1'don on the rock of fil': ~ ~'~URN_-over a 'can sîce the'quliari. said "If the bospia cos. new ddiion ad eenopcned: people of this Province - and, new aditin badbeenI refer ta the trustees, the acd- ' 'Costs ini 19613 12(uc"i New a nag er for patients. and tbat froro' mi nistrators and the doctors - rise however, du aue~x ew th~ýile great increase in volume' r w 1 e-il eiat ,ae dw~. A4t Lom ban k i r. ned H i on]e-au to the yreat task ai' de- Holden in biis rernarks Pointi th potd htvcloping a hîgb standard ofi TURN TO PAGE TWO, aven 200 mare emergency cases tneated in 1962 than iti 1961 ?.nd that wc could welU cxetan even greater nom- ber in 1963. Eniergency'. cases average about 90-100 per "Tegreatest increase. how- ever, was i0 the amaunt cf' cane given ta patients admit-i ted to hospital. In 1961. there1 j were 2,658 patients adiiitted, and 432 babies bornnt the lbospitai. In 1962, 3,0416p- tients were admitted. an in-ý crease of 388 oven 1962 or a)-. pnoximatelv 15',: the number' of babies born in bospital re- CII ducd slightlv, bowever. ta, 427. a reduction tram the pre-1 viaus icear or 5. tAlsa rat\ increased were the numiben of davs of care' given, as each patient stayed[ longer' in 1962, ini fact anc dayý liger.ci vi ne a n average len2th of sîav for ail patients ao' al types ai 7.4 daYs each. "Each wcck of 1963 is set-ý <olln Cooke ting a ncw ig.h record for, It was announiccd iecentlv the baspital. JanuarY, Febru-1 by Lonubank Canada Limited arv and 'Manch ire alwavs the: that a lie\% manager bad biisien montbs dute ta seasonal! been appointed foir Ibeir ailments. Bv' mid-March, file Bowmanville brancbi on thue bospital bad alread, bad some corner af King and Temlper,- 80 admissions more tban in ance St.s' lie is Colin Cooke, the saine two and one-haïf 32. a native ai Toronto. wýith month period ai 1962. 81., %,cars experienco in Ile During the past two wecks, finance campany' field wvith there lhad neyer been fewer Union Acceptance Carpara- than 100 patients in nesidenie' tion. A graduate af Danfortb and on severa] davs Itberel Terh, be is married ta the were as manY as 116 patients The Santa Claus parade fund and minor hocey ai former Gloria Wright and the\' hcîe. Mr~. Holden stated. He groups received a considerable boost this week vvhn have one daughter, Coleen, iîîrtber reoorted that the pub-poedofaolcdne r tndov o1ILT agedl 7. His family vîli he lic-seemed ta be ca-opera.igprcecso1apliednc er uî.dovrto1m mvng lere as soon as a suit- welcl witb the bospital and ,n a generous gesture. The Bowmnanville Police 1I1) &e home can be located. Mn. doctons by not visiting if tbeyi'Association and the Ontario Provincial Police Associa- e ke is a member ai the hiad coids ar the 'flu.: tion in this area held a dance on Feb. 2nd. The Minor Tj -'Ïnsmnen Club af Scarbaî'a and The continucd ising cast ai Hockey MatFiers Assni. Fas receivecd S72.12 and the rn expects ta transfer ta the ba'spitais vas nientioncd and Bowmianville Club. His In>b- attention %vas broupht ta the Santa Claus lparade fund S100. Rept'esetntati\-ç,eýid 'j , bies are basebail and goa%4 comiments made by the Chair-îbothi expressed sincere appreciatioil of the donaLtionis Candidate Enters Race,1 After running for several weeks as a three way con- test, the federal election here noiv has four candi- dates. On Thursday, Wilbur M. Crandail, 49-year-old head of the Commercial Dept., Port Hope High School, flled his nomination papers with Durham Returning Officer Carrol Nicholls. His nom- ination came by appoint- mient from the Ontario head- quarters of the Social Credit. Previously nominated were MINrs. Elleen Coutts, NDP; Russell C. Honey, Liberal and Garnet B. Rickard, Pro- gressive-Conservative. Tvice before Mr. Crandali has been a Socred candidate, in 1957 and 1962, in Prince Edvard-Lennox. lEn the last election in Durham Kenneth Toms of Mililbrook xvas the Social Credit candi- date. Born in WVashington State, Mir. Crandall came to Cana- da at the age of four. spend- ing nmost of his early life in Western Canada. He holds a diploma from the Alberta Agricultural School, a B.A. from the University of Mani- toba, a theology diploma fromn the United College, Winnipeg, a diploma in higher accounting fromn the International Accountants' Society of Chicago and the Hligh School Teachers' Spe- cialist Commercial certif- icate from the Ontario Col- lege of Education. lie has also completed the intermediate examinations of the Gencral Accountants As- sociation of Canada. The Socred candidate hias also been a Baptist and United Cliurch minister for seven years and from 1948- 50 %vas Utnited Church min- ister at Bethany. He served three and a hiait N,'ears in the ROAF and has been a high school teacher for fine years. He was principal of the Tamworth Continuation School when hie ran in the 1957 election. :àlr. Crandail came to Port Hope Hi.Fh School in 1960- Ife is treasurer of District 22 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. He is married and lias a son and daugh- ter. The candidate said bis campaign would be a limited ie since he is teaching school cvery day and busy marking examination papers. The party has no Durham A memorable ceremony took place in MemorialE Hospital Board Room on Tuesday evening when thec 5th Birthday presentation of the gif t of the Graduate1 Nurses, who trained at Memorial Hospital, took place. On behaif of the nurses Mrs. Rupert Hamlyn present- ed portraits of J. W. Alexander, the donor of the original hospital, and of ahl the past chairmen of the Hospital Board during the last 50 years to James Stutt the Board Chairman. Mrs. Hamlyn and Mr. Stutt are pictured above in -front of the portraits. * S iC .eot ea i t.t.C T. t ne or-ti ganizatian, now over 15 years olad, had. over 1,000 policy I haiders in the United Coun-< tics, and had paid out overý $22,000 in benefits hast year. I iiusiness had been so good! I that a 10% reduction or rebate bad been given on last year's prcmiurl.s. Tbeir new programi includes 1 a Surgical, In-Hospital Mcdi- cal Plan which costs families $60 annually ai individuals anly $30. It includes surgical j operatians, fractures and dis- locations, burns and lacera- tions, services af anacsthetics, Cystoscopic and bronchoscopie j examination, confinement, in- cluding pre-natal and post- natal care, X-Rays up ta $25 per contract year, doctor's campaUg4IILanizainuII U t srvioes for a meuicali ulness M r. Crandaîl said a nunber in bospital, tonsils, adenoids, of w'ell-wishers are helpingj childbirth, prcgnancy an d hlm. __ _ other features. Portraits of Past Chairmen Presented Fa Memorial Hos pifai Thbe ')Oli Birthday Presemît- u'anged- by the executive af ilion ai the thaugbtful and 1tbe Graduate Nurses, who had nî'usgift ai the Gu'aduate1 trained at Mernorial Hospital: '.'uîrý(-s wlua ad trained at;'Mrs. Harland Tru, president, lînonial Hospital xvas held iiiý Miss Velîna Gay, secretary- lui' Board Room af the hospi- 1 treasunen and Mrs. R. K. ta la'st (veniiug. On bebalf oai Squair. Other Bowmanville hoi Bowrmanville graduates, graduates present were Mrs. lus. Ruipent Hamnlyn present- Jack Braugh. Mrs. Ron Aider, -d portraits af the donor ai Mns. Glen Martyn and Mrs. lie original biospital and ai Rupcrt Hamnlvn, who made lue, pasl Chairnecîîoa the Hos- the presentation. ital Board ta James Stutt,' Bernard Holden, the Haspi- lu" prescrit Board CIuairman.1 tai Administrator, was the Tlie donation had been an-:i TURN TO PAGE TWO) Ielped By Policemen and the Police offered their thanks to members of the Letgion, where the dance wvas beld, for their assistance. The photo shows. from left ta rigbt, Louis Phillips,I "i'osudent Bowmanvîlle Police Association; Mrs. W.1 R. Simpson, Piesident Hockey Mothers and Secretary- rreasurer, Mt's. Geo. Cawker; Santa's Finance Chair- nan Jack Schill, and H. R. "Pat" Corneil, represent- ngi, the Pohice Dance Committee. O~Bits anc1 9)eces PRODUCTION - General Motors will step up production fromn now until the end of June to meet sales demands. Employees will work an extra eight-hour shif t almost every Saturday, except Easter and Victoria Day. "Business lias neyer been bettei'" says the company. t t t t t ATTACK - Hîs many friends at Goodyear, in hockey and bowling circles will be most upset ta learn that Morley "Bill" Oke, Wellington St., was rushed to Memorial Hospital early this morning wîth a seriaus heart attack. He hias been connect- ed with sparts i n this community for many years. .1 t t t t1 TOP STUDENT - One of our informants tells us that Dr. Howard Rundle's boxer dog Kim, bias graduated cumi laude (whatever that means) from a private school in Oshawa. He or she is supposed ta have achieved 185 out of 200 in exams for obedience. The Rundies have a oertificate whîch they undoubtedly will bave framed for posterity. t. t PLAYOFFS - PolitiÉ ai bigwigs are now baving considerable difficulty arranging their meetings s0 they don't coincide with NHL playoffs on tele- vision. In Oshawa last night, wbere two meet- ings were being hehd, they started one at 7:30 p.m ta get the crowd back home in ti fr ie. Oddly enough, Red Keli' R T I for the Liberals, is probail aMM working bard on the icE UL would be knocking on do. IGS.QAI J. 47KIGIT.E. STRIKE VOTE - Memlý Rubber Workers on Sun( favor of striking the local ment cannot be reached1 are about 470 in the loca apparently wiIl be no f; line until a conciliation report. The union is askii plan, better hea]th and tions in its supplementar plan and in its collectiv t t 'f i BEDLAM - Work is proi windows in the former, King St. W., where signsi styling will open on AI A & P store, the Carter Fý a new oven and prepari, new prernises. Mulder'.1 former Carter Family st( tions. In Don Milligan's Kiwanis Club is having a disposing of ail manner making a considerable amn club activities. Keith Ja staff are just about readj back to the east side of t aration for final touches t t i. CAMPAIGN - Young Rickard, son of the PC his best to he]p fatheri Mrs. W. R. Simpson says a recent game "WiIl you score three goals?" Sht any promises, he didn't s<] manville PC President J Iing most of yesterday. bilîboard type signs pi candidate. 1le placed a]ongside his shop and ti school where people attel ing there on Tuesday cou too long before it wvas re position and laid fiat on 1 until the meetiUng was ov LEAN ]Rib Enc Roast 2!/2 -3 Mb. ai d45c 1 i In an address to the mil- jbrook and Cavan Township Conservative Association on Tucsday, Durham PC candid- ate Garnet Riekard expresse.d concern at the mounting caet aif too frequent elections. The iMilibrook hall was fiiled for the meeting. "Thue Consenvative govern- ment did not scek this elec- ,tion. We wanted ta continue Witb aur legisiative program and ta bring down the earl- iest budget on record. The gavernment w\a s seriously ob- ,struictednigut fnom the be. gînnîîîg af the session ini Sep- tember by a party which was detcrmined that Parliament shouid 'not funiction under a minority government. There welre 31 hbis on the Order J Paper wbcn Parliament was dl'csolved and the 1962-63 bud- stîtmates had been partly ~'Hvevrtbis is ail water lndet' theý bridge now. We mus' beho('ncerncd about the future ai Canada. Our demo- cratir institutions will decay ifwe are ta have repeat per- Jaorniances ai the last session aller the Apnil 8 election. "This election must be the 1last for the next four or five years. Not alone from the cdst ta the nation in dollars and cents but in legisiative action in bhe interests of aîl Can- BRUS TY MEATS PHONE 623-5081 FREE HOME DELIVERY PORK LOIN SALE FRESH ýd Centre Cuts Tenderloin or End Roast iv. Chops ?.2 -3 lb. ave. b. 1 59c IL. 49c lb. WE SPECIALIZE IN SUPPLYING... CHURCH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR DINNERS.. SPECIAL PRICES! Christie's Brokside 0 BREAD 6 LOAVES $1 .0 BEEF SPECIALS SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF Short Rib LEAN, BONELESS or BLADE A c or GROUND r c ROAST 491b CHUCI< jJlb FOR YOUR FREEZER SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF FRONTS BIDES HNDI Ib.39c Ib.49c Ib.55c -also - SIDE OR t WHOLE P 0 R m ib.39cý * CUT AND WRAPPED FREE * BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED fi ON ALL FREEZER ORDERS Nurses Present Photos of Hospital Chairmen .1 i - v b Over 1,000 Large Millbrook Meeting Now in Co-op Leaisiation Obstrucfed Directors of the Durham County Co-operative Medical Services met at the home of their Secretary -Manager R. GBy One Opposition P art y Mof fat in Orono on March l2th to hear a glowing report byý Mr. Moffatt on the progres of hi e plans. PC Candidate Declares