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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1963, p. 2

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2 \ Statesmnan, Bowmanville. Mar. 27. IPSI Thunderstorm Hum pers Red Cross 811ftz on Monda y Refurns Now Over $1627 cames mare and mare dif! i- by 10 per cent. etlt in a large institution 10 '"Presidcnt Kennedy drew pleae eeryne.These are attention ta the fact that Cao- facts mwhich the board mcm- ada had tbc best record of prîce ber, administrator and theislabîhity o! any indtîstrialized % PI 1 pbimutbainmind'nation in the world in 1962 8:00 P-M.s while evaluating criticism o!fnda12ntincoSrIa food servce. shad al anada warsotennrr~ DNlAA fnodosnviscreort h~osîsessful i Cnd kseeig . VAIT rm%..IIrv Adminrto hvi seodtthe1downthsce cst olvin keg V REYPO A ) adihitatorthe expete1do Busiescok o! Dccin. 2, 1OLECIO"A9D Bor ttienes fr 163 oud be 1962,iressort f ed aacac29,IVE tin alm s f30r00,9hichwould D u96rpedhet adaowhrate o!VRCOLCIN TDO amkethe000, hosi aou 50any thtietcgonîunratecofi paetent bsithanl abtrv.yAlatc omuico 1961,cnd ustha wit orwa- Mn r.Rcadsi en 19ie ntoe taff nd more pansons ckrshowdtha cn- contmpe staff nthe re uld lns saidlsstas a ad-c boe many aditîal tr olmis cntage ! ttaesnasoa Pi'"' tabe mnydeatwith g robesc io ia ntoalPO to e eal wthduring th dcti thian in the U.S., Bel- year. gium, Italy, France, United Health Minister Gives Support to The Red Cross Blitz foriJacknian. Mesdames .1. Wer- son. R. Welsh, E. Masters, C.M funcis held Monday night in ryý, G. Vinish, L. Berry, G. McFccters, P. Greenfield. Bowmanvîllc, Maple Grave Goheen, E. Tomlinsan, Ann District 10 and 12- Mr. and Courtice was most success- Berry, J. Hcndry, K. McQuar Harry Davcy. Mesdames M. f ui, despite the sudden heavy -rie. Cain, S. McTavish, C. Austin, thunderstorm. Total receiptsi District 6- Capt. Mrs. Clin- R Burns, H. Collacutt, F. for the ane night amounted: ton Henning. Mesdames L. Thampson, Miss J. Barr, Miss ta $1,627.46. iMilison, K. Niekerson, F. Mit- E. Vermeulen, Miss Semplon- The local Branch executive 'chell, H. Henning, A. Walker, ius, Miss L, Gibson. W were most gratif ied with these V. Snider, G. Mutton. District 13- Mr. and Mrs. returns and hope that when District 7- Capt. Mr. Crans- F. Griffin. Mesdames G. Spar- ail the town canvassing is ton Scatt. Mesdames H. Rae- row, D. Caverly, J. Lander, compietcd and the rural re- craft. F. H. Cook, F. Hooper, T. Dustan, M. Vanstone, P. turns are in, the full quota af G. Elliott, G. Wallace, D. Gil- Cawling, M. Stout, J. Dunn, $2,500.00 will be reached. ýhooly, H. Anfossi, R. Preston, M. Yourth. Anyone wvho was iriadver- S. Norrish. District 14- Mr. John Liv- tently misscd and wishes ta District 8- Capt. Mr. How- ing. Mesdames J. Brown, S. donate may leave their dona. ard Gîbson. Mesdames L. Con- Murdoch, J. Mantle, R. Hay- tion at the Toranto- Dominion nars, J. Parker, R. Mitchell, es, T. Rehder, H. Moses, J. Bank or with the Campaign L. Parker. W. R. Simpson, Fair. chairman Mrs. W. R. Spry Miss A. Hadgins, Miss Jean- District 15-- Mrs. L. Lucas. 623-2343. ette Lobb, Mrs. E. Blake. Mesdames J. Ootjcrs, A. Lobb, Bowmanville and District District 9- Capt. Mrs. BiH1 J. Biggs, I. Munday, B. Pas- At a meeting of the Progressive Conservative also spoke highly of the ca Branch executive wish ta ex- Burk. Mesdames R. Oke, N. sant, A. MeGregor, J. Thomp- press their thanks ta the fol- Osborne, S. James, C. Marri- son, N. Smith, W. Bromeli, party in Courtice on Friday evening, the guest speak- 1 candidate Garnet B. Rici lowing volunteers who gave- Mrs. H. G. MacNeill. eï -,._. the Hon. J. Waldo Monteith, Minister of right, Chairman of the E of their lime and ta ensure the__* District 16- Mr. W. w. Bag- National Health and Welfare, who deait with housing Brough, Mr. Manteith, Mr viansthouanccof cd Css r- aur nelI.' Mesdames C. Burdett, R. and other accomplishments of the government. Hei Darlington PC's Francis V vices troughot thisarea WJoncs, A. Cuthbertson, W. -- ___ Canvassers IFROM PAGE ONE) ]agxiell, W. C. Parsons, L. _ District 1- Mrs. E.ý Rundle machinery and would be glad Brooking, J. Leddy and Mr. be a Fi nc Exrt P as H Capt. Mesdames G. Cawker, ta hear from anvone having J. Meachin. J. Bedford, R. Johnson, K.* Par- such machinery in their pas- Maple Grave - Captains .... ter, P. Chant, E. Thompson, session. Mr. R. Brooks and Mr. J. Col- L. Dodds, R. Swann, R. Bacon. liss. Canvassers- Mesdames District 2- Capt. Mrs. R. The sehool parade will bc R. Rage rs, W. Bothwell, Jeani 13ate. Mesdames M. Rand, j. held again this year W ith11L.Sodn H hossan lwn d-Bothwell .Sodn Lunn, P. Bathgate, R. Perfect, bands, hre n lwsad Stevens, R. Brooks, J. Mor- Miss L. Kilgannon. ing ta the fun. A Tug o! War tan A Campbell, A. Porter, District 3- Capts. Mr. and competition is to bc featured C. H isn .Dye Mrs. J. D. Marsden, Mesdames with entries o! a ten men Leslie, R. Scott, K. Craga, C., C. Trewin, H. Lake, R. Poste, team framn surrounding comn- M sadM.J ohel A. G. Etcher, J. Strachan, D. munities. To date Kirby nold- îî n r J ohel Fallis, M. Tabb, D. Jcnkins, 1 the championship for the arca' Courtice- Captains Mr. and D. Martin, L. Eldridge. and welcomcs ail contendcrs,1rs. Bill Cameran. Canvas- District 4 -CPt. Mr. D. ta "mcel themn at the faijr."A s fers Mrs. ety Httns, Mrs. Mvountjay. Mesdames G. White, l This year two field crop MC.IJohffo, Mrs. Wiggansrown. G. Moffal, Wm. Vanderbyl,' .cC. Jahnson, Mrs.bcW. J. Brawn M uM. A. Slutr, N. L. El apttaswllb ed n dridge, E. Oliver, W. C. Scott'.!in oats and the other in grainr j District 5 Capi. Mr. Ross bcrn The prize money' 15 10. "',b $25, 20, 15, 10, and 5, and H ospital the winners must exhibit an M AC A H > 8" sheaf of oats atthfar FO PAEN) ta qualify for the prize manev.otta it h e d 1 The poultry building sta lion of 116 beds the hospîtali ..foI'me. be moved from its Preseiit hastu ondeadbu space forI For relef rom location and enclosed and fit-ifuture de ad es ut ta t untor Fercrelhef for h ted with new Bantam cages. such lime that it has an av- tiraed-otelin A new feature of the 4-H Club1 erage daily patient census of! rdofepe ing exhibits will be a Tobacealover 150, the operatian o! the ClubwithMc. ohn ngra tahaspital wauld af neccssity b.' in charge. The Amateur Show'1 samewhat uneconomical. Aý will notbe hld this year but stead.y 85 per cent occupancy willin ll lkelhoodbc port, i conideed ncesary ta sored in 1964.1 achieve the most econamica] To add variety ta the Fair1 cost of running such a hospi- program, a special show Ofi tl, he asserted. "T.V. and radio entertainersý He went on ta describe sev-1 7S will be at the fair Friday andj eral probiemrs which the extra~ Salurday in the person af the work has caused but remark-! Bowmanville lHi h Sehool auditorium was the1 candidate Russell Ilonev a, ____________"Slim McClory" Show. ted that in general, the fulI- scene of a Liberal Association meeting on Tucsday had done an excellent'job 1 temendolifstjob overdthe evening, which was addressed by Walter Gordon, M.P. his election in 1962. Photo A L M I U S D NG past vears, especially the last for Taconto-Da\,cnpo-t ai-d Chairman of the National manville Association Presi A L I u M iD Gtweive months. Many had Campaign Comittcc for the Liberals. Mr. Gordon, Honey, IMrî. Gardon, lus V S warked extra shifts reccntlv who has often been rcfcîced bo as the ncxt Finance and former M.P. W. Frank due ta the number Of staffMinistcr called for- enthusiastic support for Liberal ATTENTION_____________________________ sîck with flu, and their cf-i--- ATTENTION HUM LUW NLK~~~~ I farts had enabled the hospitaiKndm emn n h o hc iue If yoit are considering rcmodelling your home l aewîhteadditional, rC M Ngethcrlay ndste ariable. iursweea and eliniinating your paint worries then give us Patients. ialbe The busier hospitai haq The candidate then went " arn flot saying ail is well a cali. With no obligation to you we will be glad made additional problems for: PROM PAGE ONE) on ta quote some figures from in aagriculture, but we are mov-' to give you an estimate on your project, for the medical staff, and it was intcrr'uption. As a partycpe- the estimates o! lcOtrigi the Ontarirctonaa indicated by the Administra- setyrprsne i vr Deparîment of Agriculuî'c. îgi h ih ieto n Aluminum Siding, VW indows, Doors, tor that the hospital would be1pronc eprcscned in e eryati eHn ilimSeatrcii consideration from' co-pertin wih Ie mdicl poviceI bliee w ca jMinister of Agriculture, re-the Conservative governmcnt' Awnings, Railings and Carports staff again this summer * eue htmairty or epin Durham can give the gav- narid ta tegrs as nanerfic. formersadneyeraiotn- W urneth oetpieth etwr. provide facilities for a sum- crniment anc of the 17 scats il of nai amr a ndi'tefre diitain Wegaate h ows rce h es ok mer doctor. If had been re- nesfra overaîl mjrt. al l ime high in 1962 reacliing Mr. Rickard outlincd the manship and most important "The Canadian Made ported that the medical group neMrs for a maiarity.'t a total of anc and a quarter Eastcrn Farmers Grain As- plans simîlar. taulastc yearga nd tey e ul nt rue u th1billion dollars. Net incarnelsistance Act which, he said. plas smilr o lst ea an atly e oul no rle ut hefrom Ontario faî'mcrs went up the goverrnent was pledged ALC N A UM I UM that the services o! a fully possibility of another minari'- rom $869,285,000 ta $890,- b 1introduce. H-e also went with a built-in tomorrow. qualified doctor would bc ar- ity gaverrament. '065,000 in 1961, the ast ycar oveî' an cjighI-point plat) for ranged by the medical staff as, "I,15 nat a situation th>it I - Cail your local agent ýextra coverage during theiwclcorne, but if that is whatI summcrr nonths. r happens, we miust learo ta LORNE ALLIN, 1 Prince Street A departments expand, live with il at Ottawa. Thos;e BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE 623-3871 add.unltand ade-wog hr fc pi peri' nced staff are required, ntgotrepdedaac or direct to the head office in Oshawaanthrisagerlhrae in Canada's interesîs and not o! uch staff, Efforts are be- ta pursue party ambitions. Supremne vvlflOW & Door Products ýing made at this lime ta get "Let it ho said of Canada '- R.R. 1, Simcoe St. N., Lansdowne Shopping Centre cdiareiîerd nrs e an a'atives that they kncew how ta "Iwoj. TELEPHONE 723-9843 dictitian.j act iin the national interest, D on t M iss 0 1 "'The fhraeo hospital whcther as members o! the -trained staff plus economies governmont or opposition par - required by the Ontario Hos- tics. BOWMANVILLE 6 pitl Services Commission did hieei pfoae much ta influence the work not promises. But this promis of many departmcnts. A imit I wilh miako ta the peopleof o! k is set on the amount o! money Durham, if they sec fit lao n available for staff and thc me ta Ottawa on April 8, 1 SCHOOL mont a e opn nvariouslWîîî spcak foc Canada. M itms, u tc spduge n d sr-1wholc municipal career, ifiU gical supplies, iaundry andhataghmcntigatil housekeeping supplies, raîv1is that gon legisiation came"., food, and other items is also fi'ori the frc expression of conroled ndlimtcd jopînn b y peaple whosc ai Mr ole tîterrmrk 5 Hsrv heOcmmnt Catl is l'or a compicte prop- erty insurance check-lip Mrs. J. E. Rand was electerlLd Iy president for 19634~4 at, thei meeting o! the Catholie Wo-1 men's League held in St. Jos-ý eph's Hall , Liberty Streec TU R South. Mrs. Michael Heena1 the retiring president, presid- J ME cd duî'ing the electian o! affi-1 J A E cers for the c'oming yeaî'. INSL'RANCEE Other officers elected were: lst vice- president, Mi,11s. Del- King St. E. bert Hendsbec: 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. William Cowles:, Ofi,',- secretaî'Y, Mrs. J. Nowlan; andý treasuî'cc, Mrs. Bert Payne. 623-5691 T he electian o! counciliors is a hard-wýorking M.P. who bfor his constituents since oshows, ef t ta right: Bow- ident Jesse Van Nest, Mr. Vorship Mayor I'an Hobbs' kRiekard of Newcastle. national developoment. "I hope I haven't weacied Y0I il\ith tan manvfigures. ýBut gaiîîg around the riding, I have been împressed with bthc serlous attitude o! *people 1;a0 this cloction. They want bbce facts and no truth Squads, lioming pigeons and coînie colouriiîg books." "An in!oî'med public is dernon rai y*s suiest safegtiard. Hospital portraits FrOM PAGE ONEi M.C. lie 'keicomcd thr im modiate relatives and fricnds of the Granluate Nurses, w ho had trained at the hospital, and of the Boar'd Chairmen,1 also Ille doctaî's who had gath- erced to attend the mnemorable Mc. Hodeiîtsinttat dur- ing the, a!ternoon lie had gone I tfhroiigh il. original hospîtati building. now the Powell1 ('hemicai, and had picturcdi the ,ceic. o! exn'itimnthore c< 'ars ago whien the Lieu-!r tcnant-Govcrnaroi!ofOntario officiated ai the formnai apen- ing o! the hospital. "Thousands and thnujsaiîdsý of palicnts !roni the ta\vn and surroundiîîg area have c-orne ta aur hospi tais, thli originalý one, thîs hospital which w'as apencd 14years ago, andit îîu'w addition apec'n i ast 'cir.Mc. Holdeiî said. lite rcfecred ta bhe honor ttîat the Bowmanvie Gcad- uiate Nurses were ta pcr!orm at the 5tt Birthday Present-' ation ceremony as a fittingI tcibute ta the donor o! the or-j iginal hospital and ta the Bo- ard Chairmen who had done' sa much for the haspitat. Mr'. Holden paid tribute Ia the untiring work a! the g rad- uates in regard ta the port- raits. "Mr. Astor, Bowman-. ville's tlhnted photographer, had a tremendous task in re- gard ta tbc portraits. Some of the material was old, and di!- ferent techniquîes had ta be c'mploycd as he workcd against lime ta have the portraits rcady for today. The lettcring, was donc by Mr. Plinsky,i also a resident of tpe îIwn Mr. Halden painted out. The hospital Administratorý read a note written by Missi Florence Galbraith, a patient, ta Mrs. V. H. Storcy, whieh mentioned that Miss Beatricei Fairbairn was the first pat-, ient in the hospital, and re- ferred ta other matters of interest in the early days of' the institution. Ho then calledý on Mrs. Rupert Hamlyn. î"On behalf o! bhe Baw,ýmaii-! ville Graduate Nurses I arn happy ta prescrit the portrait o! the donor o! the original, hospital and adjacent property, J. W. Alexander, as wcll as the portraits o! tbe Hospital Board Chairr'n during the hast 50 yvars. We are happ'y tai honor tue chairmen and ta, commemnorate the great pub.' lic service these worthies havei RE AL ESTAISR Bnw manville Residene 623-5493 I OF MONEY llouseho!d Finance has ieil the ÀNSWFERS Get answers ta money probierns based on 85 years of special. ization in making loans for every good purpose-paying bilis, shopping, home repairs, autos and athers. Every year, hua. dreds of thoîisands of Cana- diansfind Househotd's private, AM'NT MONTI4LY PAYMINT PLANS OF .;'(1 ; 30 1 20 12 neighbourty aid and advice iS LOAN monij,! mnri,, mog*/,, mnt/, the rightanswer.Visitthe near. îll$ $ 5rt by HFC office for the conven........50.3: .~51.2i4 7.......11 .15 413 69.21 jent answer ta your problem. non0 . 41 5.1 9i. 16010 6(1.85 hi(t 4,1 1 Z6.5" 2200 3.71 94 (:' " 9.41 201.48, Life insurance available 25n 9.. I'ý 107î 147.M5 228.9.1 al /0w groî,p rate Abov y .mos ciid Pricipoal and i iot. and v a ,d An iPomni [anvgin. bul do wI HOUSEHOW FINANCE 64 King Street East.. . '. . ;. : Telephoms 723-6526 Oshawa Shopping Centre '- --; ; x Telephone 725-1139 OSHAWA JURY &LOVELL t~Yardley's Boxed Soap~~. ONE BAR FREE $le I with Three - Only Richard Hudîtut Cleer Sheen SHAMPOO $1.69 Value.-- $1.29 Richard Hudnîît Fashion Set Hair Spray $1.69 Value . NOXZEMA Skin Creani Reg. 2/$1.09 Special - 2 for Colga (e's SOAKY Reg. 89c Special $1.49 99C1 MULCIN 8 oz. - 3.25 Now Only $1.99 16 oz. - 5.50 Now Only $3.69 PERTUSSIN Cough Syrup 65C Size BRYLCREEM Reg. 98c --_ 73c CURAD Plastic Strips 53e Value Alkct Seltzer Reg. 78c __ i EX-LAX Reg. 87e NOMZMA Reg. 89eC o 5-Da v Deodorant Pads Reg. -3c 43e - --- 3 You Save More at Your Rexali Store JURY& LOVELL-1 WE DELIVER 2 KING ST. E. I'HONE 623-3361 jrendered to the commun!ty,*" for the eomIlng year wu sa]so Mrs. Hamlyn said. held and those holding tlia Rickard James Stutt, the present office now are Mrs. P. Wil- Hospital Board Chairman, lems, Mrs. P. Kirsten, Mra. P. thanked Mrs. Hamlyn and the Whitoveon. Mrs. Henr i. Graduate Nurses who had ens. Mrs. James Fair, Mrt H. trained at Memorial Hospital Willems, and Mrs. J. Scott. for their splendid donation. He M rs. Heenan moved, that a- - stated that it was a tremen- newc% president's book be pur- dous pleasure and honor tai accept their gift, which gives 1 chased for Mrs. Rand. This due credit ta Hospital Boardsl was seconded bv Mrs. Hends- î bee and carried. It was de- a! th las 50 yars.cided ta send a Mass card In "The 62 graduates 0f this Mrs. S. Babitch on the death hospital have done yeoman of her mother, Mrs. Mette. service," Mr. Stutt said ini ex.- ____ tending a sincere vote of ap- preciation ta them. "Froma humble beginning 50 ear ago we are proud. nf the strid- es that have been made in of-, fering better medical care ta o the cammunity and surround- IJI ing districts," Mr. Stutt de-I- clared. In addition ta the original hospital donor, the past Chair- I men of the Hospital Board honored in the presentation, were as follows: J. H. H. Jury, 1912-1913; Rev. H. B. Kenny,I 1914-1915; Christian Rehder, Y u Dr. J. C. Devitt, 1922-1923; . Rev. D. W. Best, 1924-1925; is protec ted ** Norman S B. James, 1926- 1929; F. F. Morris, 1930-1936; JosphO'eil,1937-1943, 1952 are you? -1954; Dr. William Tennant, apabilities of the PC Durham 1944-1945; R. L. Mitchell, 1946- M'hen ~'ou take onit a mioIt- kard. Photo shows, left ta 1947: George F. Annis, 1948;ý gage («In youir home, the Bowmanville PC Assii. Jack M. S. Dale, 1949-1951; Harry hank, of couirse. has ta make r.Rickard and Chairman of V. Cryderman, 1955-1957;, Ivan trisincn1ni nued M. Habbs, 1958-1960; Glen- lrisnsncninued Verry of Enniskil]en. holme Hughes, 1961-1962. i Don't forget ta sec that the linnlortgaged part of yolur home . .. the part Nýj veai. loney ready paid for . .. is fu!Iy oneyCW L Elects protectcd w ith insurance, r r 4 ,New Ollicers .58C 39C 1 . 67c-i 179c 1 PHONE 623-3361

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