ENJOY tTHE QUALITY 0F À 2%o HOMO MILK arnd sa e quart We're happy that we can seil 2% Alil-Jersey Homo miik at 2É less than standard miik. Enjoy Al-Jersey quality and save ALL-ERSE Glezn Rue Duiry PHONE 623-5444 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVIILE Celebrate 5lst Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton, above, of Newtonville, recently celebrated their 5lst wedding anniversary on February 21, 1963. To mark the special event, a family party was held in their honor at their home. Because of iii- ness at the time of their Golden Wed ding, celebration plans had to be can- celled. However, family members made their 5lst anniversary a memorable occasion. Reports from <Q Women's Institutes NEWTONVILLE W.L. The Women's Institut e meeting was beld on March 2lst, at the home o! Mrs. How- ard Ormiston, Bowmanville, with 16 members nresenti day prize was won by Mrs. Haigh and Mrs. H. Dennis wil make delivery of the pnize. KENDAL W. I. the comfortable recreatin Mrs. W. Turansky was the room gaily decorated with bostess for aur W. I. meeting shamrocks. held Wednesday eveming, Mai, Mrs. Clinton Brown, presi- 2th, with Mrs. E. Couroux dent, opened the meeting with presiding. The meeting open- pleasure at the good attendi- ed hy singing the Institute ance. The Ode, Mary Stewart Ode foliowed by the Mary Callect and Lond's Prayer were Stewart Collect. The roll cal repeated. Minutes were read was answered by naming "One and approved by secretary thing we do, or plan ta do, ta Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Plans prevent accident or fires in were made for nominating aur home." The secretary- committee for Apnil meet- treasurer, Mrs. Foster, read ing; donation ta Red Cross, the minutes and correspond- also lettens from hlead office ence. An Officers' Conference were given attention. The sumn is being held in June. The o! $12.00 was realized from the different courses open ta us draw on the capon given by were also discussed. AIl took Mrs. Wm. Milligan, and wo part by giving a current ev- by Mns. Wallace Boughen. ent. Mrs. Turansky took up Master David Ormiston drew the Penny Collection, which the lucky ticket. instead of goîng ta the usual Mffrs. Melville Samis, con- fund for the sick is ta be kept venor, called on Mrs. Ormis- for the Friendship Fund turn- ton for a fine paper on health ed in at the District Annual. hints. Current events prepar- The progran- was then turn- ed by Mrs. McCullougb were cd over ta Mrs. G. Cathcart, given by Mrýs. W. Wood. The convenor o! Home Economies District president, Mrs. Wm. and Health. The metto was Milligan was given a hearty "A knowledge of First Aid welcome by ber home organ- rnay enable you to ease pain ization and she gave a thought or save a life." Mrs. Cathcart provoking article on merch- had chosen for ber tapie "'Arti- andising with many suggest- ficial Respiration." With the ions on wbat ta watch for in aid of Mrs. Manders she gave shopping and the expense we a demonstration on how ta do waste in demands for fancy it. The other ladies later tried ackages wbicb go in the gar- out being the rescuer and the age and do net improve the rescued. This is alsa effective product. in cases o! shock as well as .The ladies walked over te drown.ing. In the case o! Memorial Hospital wbere plans drowning the first step should had been made ta have Miss be holding themn up with the Barbara Mahony explain in a head down ta let the water most pleasing manner the use run out. o! the many devices ta help We were very pleased ta recovery in the Therapy de- have aur District Presiden:, partment. Mrs. Milligan and Bernice A bountiful lunch was ser- with us. Mrs. Milligan read ved by Mrs. M. Samis, Mrs. us an account of local histori- Roy Farrow, Mrs. W. Wood cal interest give.nlher by Mrs. Mrs. Ormiston, after which Beacock of Scugogs. Jacob Mrs. C. Ferguson movcd a German, an ancestar o! Mrs. heanty vote o! appreciation ta Beacock's, received a grant the committee in charge for from the cnown in 1802 o! 200 the excellent meeting. Lucky acres, lot 7, concession 7, cup prize was won by Mrs. Clarke. This is coxnposed a! Willis Farrow, and the birth- the farm now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley and the one owned by Norman M rs. Aiken MPa. Mrtin MandersMrs Addressesut inas nmntn Addr ssescommtteefor a slate o! affi- T rinity UC'vV icuslunchMwasserved ay The Mrch metinaur hostess, Mrs. Turansky. TheMarh metig o! Tri- A social hour was enjoyed nity U.C.W. was held in the and further plans made for1 S. S. roam on March l9th at the Penny Sale. A vote o! 7:30 p.m. with President Mrs. thanks were extended ta Mrs. Earl Osborne in the chair. Milligan and ta aur hostess, After business had beený Mrs. Turansky. The April dealt with, the evening wasý meeting will be held at the turned over ta Units 5 and 6ý home o! Mrs. Couroux with1 who were in charge O! the'Miss C. W. Stewart and Mrs.ý program. Mrs. R. Webber Couroux being on the lunch and Mrs. Lamne Kerr present- committee. ed a very inspiring worship service, the theme of which was "Citizenship." During the' SOLINA WL worship service Mrs. Lloyd TeMrhmetn !Sl Ayre sang beautifully thiý-e MXVo meentitugeof Si loveMy old psalm "TeLr held on March l4th at 8:15 in TsM heph gerd."fthe fn-the Sauina Community Hall. Thetwoguets ! te een-The leaders for the 4-H Gar- ing, Mrs. Payne of Bowman-f den Club will be Miss Pearl ville and Mrs. L. M. Aiken of Leach, and Mrs. Wm. Ashton. Oshawa, were most graciaus-ý The sehool for leaders wil ly introduced by Mrs. Ea be lield in Orono on Turs- Bragg, wha thanked both la- day, March 28th. dies for giving time from their'l Mrs. Ralph Davis, Presi- busy lives ta entertain tee ,peie o thebui U. Pyn.W.dre b eri ness meeting and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. aynerendeed a Ashton, Secretary - Treasurer, piano solo twa beautiful ar- read the communications and rangements o! two weli- minutes and also gave the fin- known hymns. ancial repart. It was decided Mrs. Aiken chose "Citizen-!ta give fifty dollars ta Red ship" as ber subjeet. SI-e Cross. Anyone wishing ta send spoke so fluently and se en-! for blankets please have wool- thusiastically about the dutiesj lens in by the end o! April. and nesponsIbilities o! eachý An Extension Short Course one as gaod citizens o! net, on Home Care o! the Sick will onily their own homes and'be held in the hall on April comniunity, but o! aur vast'4 and 5. The RaIl Caîl was- country and o! the whole Name a Cabinet Minister. world, that ber audience was Mrs. Murray Vice, Conven-; truly challenged. or o! group four took theý Witb a !ew well chosen'chair for the program. The: wards Mrs. A. Garson moved motta was- Be the best o! a hearty vote of thanks ta whatever you are. Thiswa Mrs. Aiken for ber splendid very suitably commented on address. Mrs. E. Osborne con- by Mrs. R. Parr. MiLss Peanl cluded the meeting wiith Leach led in a sing-song of; pi'a.>'ea1 Irish tunes, accompan.ied at I the piano by Mrs. E. Cryder- man. Mrs. Murray Vice, Mrs. P. Nesbitt, Mrs. E. Cryderman, gave papers on the History of Canada. This praved ta be very interesting. Mrs. R. Parr favoured with a fine vocal solo. There were twenty-five members and seven visitors present. Lunch was served in the lower hall by the group in charge. The next meeting will be on April 11, with group five in charge and Mrs. John Knox as convener. BROWN'S The synipathy o! the cors munity is extended ta Mr. aný Mrs. H. Sinclair in the passin, of bis father at Dundalk, On! Dinner guests Sunday ever ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ja. Curson Sr., were Mr. and Mr. Stan Couch and Linda, Mi and Mrs. Jack Hartwick, Tor onto, the occasion being Mrý Curson's birtbday. Master Cary Caîl entertair ed some young friends oi Tuesday on the occasion o! hi sîxth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Simpsoi entertained on Saturday at family gathening. P r e s e n were Mr. and Mrs. Ern Cal] Mr. P. Caîl, Mr. and Mrs. 'W Storms and Billie, Toronto. I was an occasion for severa celebrations, the birthdays o Mrs. Caîl and Miss Georgi Simpson and the anniversar, of Mr. and Mrs. Storms. Brown's Busy Bees met o. Tuesday night at the home c Miss Jean Perrin with thir teen members present. Mis Perrin conducted several con tests. Mrs. Annie Zamolinsk won the peanut guessing con test and Mrs. Farrow won; "gcar" contest. It was decide( ta seIl candy at the Home an( School Club euchre party Next meeting will be held a the home of Mrs. June Wilson BOILS PIMPLES Mecca ointmnent relieves pain. clears up fast trealing. SoId at al Jrug counters. fC P ittsburgh PAINT SALE Wallhide Rubberized Satin SAVE $2.40 Regular $8.75 gai. NOW$63 QUARTS - $1.95 * Also Save on . .0 MATCHING COLORS SATINHIDE *9 ENAML $7*GAL. QUARTS - $2.45 ABERNETHY'S Paint & Wallpaper Phone 623-5431 33 Ring W. Bowmanvllle n- id ig s. )n a t V. Home and School book, Witflthe .roly Spirit Et Lastandl With Fire." Il Home Thursday night Tyrone The meeting was adjourned al Hme nd chol Asocatin wth he ev.Harold Turner ýf enjoyed a good turnout to leading in the benediction. e participate in the monthly .y meeting. Mr. Everton White was the guest of honour andt 'AII nlhe showed slides of two of his Baprists VYill Dfrecent t ais oet the West r-Ide n h otherofSi zerîand. heHear Animal 'held his audience's interest kiwithout any effort, for lieN trtui i 1brougbt those far-away N tiins a very close, the nearest most ýd of us will ever get to them. Dr. W. D. Morrison, Ph.D., ýd The Eight Sharpies and a of Port Credit, Ontario, wil YFiat were good enough ta be guest speaker at the Bap- acorne along and entertain us tist Church Sunday next, !which they did with somne March 31. The sub.iect of bis beautiful singing - also they address will be "Science and made up a song for the Homne the Scriptures." and School which it would flot Dr. Morrison is well fitted hurt us ta, adopt as our own to sp'eak on this sub.iect. He special theme, permission be- graduated from the Ontario ing granted by Mrs. Vivian, Agricultural College in 1949 the author of same. For those and after being employed as of you who don't know the Territorial Manager for Mas- Eight Flats, they include Mrs. ter Feeds, lie enrolled in the 1W. Jewell Mrs. A. Hoar, Mrs: University of Illinois. He re- R. Glaspeli, Mrs. W. Vivian, ceived his Master of Science Mr. R. His, Mr. R. Glaspel,ý degree in 1954 and bis Doctor Mr. G. Brent, Mr. R. Coornbes. of Philosophy degree in 1955. The Sharpie, of course, Mrs. His major field of study was G. Brent, who else could lead Animal Nutrition. such a fine group of singers. He rejoined Master Feeds in There was also an interest- 1955 and ha s held the position ed discussion on a Home and of Director of Nutrition and -School pennant - two of which Research since 1957. Dr. Mor- had been created by the Seil- rison is a member of several ior Room for us to choose scientifie societies and basý from. One was finally chosen, authored and co-authored a and now Mrs. W. Murphy, number of scientific papers Mrs. T. Janczyn and Mrs. H. dealing with animal nutrition. Stainton are going ta try anda This is an open meeting for make it up out of materials ill to attend. There will be provided by the school board. ample time for discussion and' The meeting ended with a nice questions on this provocative lunch and a stiil nicer get- subject. together. Our last Explorer meeting was held in the church lat O T P L Thursday night. It opened uiT O L with the usual exercises Sorry to learn that the, which consisted of a few eight year aid son of Mr. and choruses, a prayer, aur hymn, Mr.BueStpesni purose motorai calmin- Civic Hospital in fair candi- utes, and the business period. tion after undergoing twol Janice Yeo then took over operations. wîth the worsbip period Local people were shocked~ which contained a prayer and ta hear of the sudden death1 the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. Philp of Mr. Jim McNeil of Fleet-I then started the Easter story wood. Deceased was a nephew on ber flannelgraph board. of Mrs. Mary McNeil. Then we sang some spirituals An officiai Board meeting which Mrs. J. Woodley taught wil be held in Bethany anl us. Mrs. Woodiey oontinued Tuesday night ta engage an teaching 16 Explorer girls ordained minister for the how ta make xnotber and dau- Bethany, Manvers Station and ghter aprons. Pontypool appaintments. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian at- Another well attended pro- tended the Chant Winter Pic- gressive euchre was held at nie at Hampton Hall, Satur- Ballyduff on Friday evening. f day night. Mr. Cecil Argue of Torontoý Mr. and Mrs. Don Real and spent the weekend with fri- boys, Greenbank, were Sun- ends bere. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr .and Mrs. St. Clair Dar- Robert Burgess.. ""à roch and family visited his Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, mather in Toronto recently. Toronto, were Saturday guests, Liberals and Conservatives and Sunday guests of Mr. and will bath bold social evenings Mrs. H. Windsor were Mr. and in the Orange Hall this week. Mrs. Chas. Kowal and family, On Wednesday evening the Oshawa. Liberals and on Friday the, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy; Progressive Conservatives wil j Bowmanville, were Sunday be hasts. 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Ail- We are glad ta report that dread. Mrs. Mary McNeil is makingi Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs visit- satisfactory progress in bas- ed Mr. and Mrs. Don Mount- pital.1 joy, Bowmanville. This writer received a cardj Mr. Fred Clark, Oshawa,,from Mr. Peter Waer -Mr. and Mrs. Ken Black and Holland Landing ifrnn i daughter. Oshawa. w @r e me that he will be Soin&g &to .............. Sr. Citizens Have Busy Winter Season Three winter meetings have been held by Bowmanville Senior Citizens this year. In January a bingo gaine was enjoyed by 76 senior citi- zens. Among those winning, prizes were Mrs. N. Mutton, Mr .H. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clemens, Mrs. Honeyman, Mr. F. Willan, Mr. J. Brununell, Mr. Crack, Mrs. E. Oke, Mr. Syer, and Mrs. L. B Williams. Mr. Crook read a report af senior citizens activities and announced that flowers had been sent ta two members who were ill. A note from Mrs. C. Siemon was read ne- membering kindnesses she bad received as a member o! Senior Citizens of Bawman- vile, Ont. In February a gnaup of baton twirlers from Miss Har- vey's School o! Dancing en- tertained. The members en- joyed seeing these children very much. Among the girls wha came were Diana Ther- tell, Brenda Henning, Miss Chamberlain, Patsy Blake and Marilyn Cross. Mrs. Ted Morris and Mrs. M. Cale sang a duet tbey had especially prepared for Senior Citizens. They sang some aid time favorites and Mrs. Cale played a piano solo. Mrs. Marris and Mrs. Cale present- ed a lovely box of chocolates ta the Senior Citizen wha bad a birthday closest ta Feb. l4th. The lucky winner was Mr. F. Willan. Mrs. Jean Sheridan took the reading group in the green roorn while others enjoyed cards and games. The door prîze was won by Mrs. Leg- gett. A deliclous lunch was served by Club 15, and the closing hymn "Blest be the Tie that Binds" was sung be- fore the group dispersed for the evening. In March, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hockin took the club on a visit ta California via pictures and an excellent com- mentary. Many slides were shown of Yosemite Park (the Falls and Redwood trees), scenes from downtown Los Angeles, San Francisco's fam- ous Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Bridge and cable cars, pictures of Sacramento, the Hearst Castle, the rocky coast near Carmel by the Sea, the renowned Lone Cypress Tree and Boulder Dam. The Senior Citizens appreciated this program very much. Mrs. Patterson took the reading group for this montb, wbile cards and games were played. The next meeting wîll be held the second Tuesday in April at the Lions Centre and any Senior Citizen interested is invited ta attend. TYRONE with the Lions Carnival. Ralph Ames, chairman of the Stag Night held recently, reported that the Lions Club share of the proceeds amount- ed to $553.55.. Guests present at the dinner meeting on Monday were: tGeorge O'Neill, ail of Port Zone 10 South Chairman Ed- gar Nichols, W. J. Bryan and Hope, Zone 10 North Chairman Alan Eason, Jack Nelson and Tom Weir, ail of Keene, Wal- »hospital in Newmarket for an operatian. Wolves are stifl being heard bowling in this locality. 60* temperature started the water running and lowered the high snow banks on Sun- day. If orderly thaws persist no serious flood damage is expected. Word was received this week of the passing of Mr. Bill Clapper of Peterborough. Mrs. Fred Youngman at- tended Drama Night at Lind- say High School on Thursday. Her daughter Linda was one of those in the choir. Ministerial Association The Ministerial Association met on Monday, Marcb 25, atý the Salvation Army Citadel.- After apening the meeting with scripture reading and prayer, the Rev. J. C. Ver- brugge welcomed the Rev. K. J. Frampton of St. John's Anglican Church ta the As- sociation. Discussion concerning the annual Decoration Day ser- vice engaged the attention o! the meeting. The Rev. F. R. Swann reported concerning further Young Peaple's Ral- lies. It was evident that plan- ning on this matter was well in hand. The Rev. Percy Page spoke o! the caming gradua- tion o! the Toronto Bible Co,'- lege ta be held Friday, April 26th. He spoke o! buses char- tered in Oshawa for this oc- casion. The Rev. E. O. Boomer an- nounced the coming o! W. D. Morrison, Ph.D., in animal nutrition, ta the Baptist Church on Sunday, Marcb 31, ta speak on the subject, "Sci- ence and the Scriptures!" Some time was given over ta discussion of some excerpts from Dr. Samuel Shoemaker's JUST ARRIVED 1 -..To match your Easter outfit. HOOPER'S, Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. &. Phone 623-5747 Iry C/eu 'tersChudl A politician was belngr lnterviewed by the press. One reporter asked: "Do Yeu feel that You have lu- fluenced public opinion,i sr"o"h nwrd Pb lic opinion is sometblng like amule 1 once owned. In i order to keep up the ap- pearance of belng the driver, I had to watch the way he was going and follow Closely."1 CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Proteet Yourself. Always insist Ed. Leslie that your retail stoil' guarantees garments sald ta you to be dry-cleanable. JACK & JILL'S "CORNZ A POPPIN' APRIL 4th - 5th » 6th I F IRT MEATS1i 47 KING ST. E. FREE HOME DELIVERY LEAN PORK LOIN SALE FRESH Bib End Centre Cuis Tenderloin Roasi or End Roast 2!2- 3 lb. ave. Chops 12!/ -3 IL. ave. 45cdb. 59clb. 49clb. WE SPECIALIZE IN SUPPLYING... CHURCH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR DINNERS. SPECIAL PRICES! Christie's Brookside BREAD6 IQAVES $10 BEEF SPECIALS SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF Short Bib LEAN, BONELESS or BLADE A C Or GROUNDC ROAST 49lb HUCK .l LEAN, FRESH ILEAN, JUICY 3Ilbs99c]I STEAKS 691 FOR YOUR FREEZER SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF FRONTS BIDES HINDS Ib.39c Ib.49c Ib.55c -also - WHOLE I * OUT AND WRAPPED FREE IBUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ON ALL FREEZER ORDERS 1 guesta of Mr. &ud Mrs. Carl The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlfe, Mar. 27, 198 Clark. Mr. Leonard Bradley, Brian McQuînn, Mr. John Bruce, Miss Carolyn Meadows, Bow- Lions Zone Chairman manville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. McQuinn. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Al- Urges United Effort dread and Maxine visited Mr. AM and Mrs. Ross Page. Onfl Clu Pro jects Mr.S. T. Hoar, Mrs. R. C u Wright and Mrs. A. Hoar at- Teiprac !uie e oeto n rdAs tended a birtbday party in effort tan eo ntdtrRbeto n dAs banaux o! Mrs. Edith Ander- efr n co-operation in tin, bath of Coboconk, and son t te hme f Ms sclub projects was emphasized Rev. John Frampton, the new sndi e omveofMS. by Zone Chairman Edgar Nich- minister of St. John's Angli. Rundl, Bomanvlle. ols, Port Hope, at the dinner can Church bere, who is a Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar visit- meeting of the Bowmanville member of the Orillia Lions ed Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc- Lions Club beld at the Lions Club. Mahon, Toronto. Comrnunity Centre an Monday Ross Stevens introduced Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley, eveninig. Zone Chairman Nich-. Ross Metcalf who presente4t Oshawa, were Sunday guests ols gave a short but inspiring a collection of graphic colour- of Mrs. Russell Virtue. talk. He was making bis of- ed slides taken during his trip Mn. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott. ficial visit ta the club, and ta Europe last summer. These Toronto, spent Sunday with was introduced by George pictures sbowed places ot Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. O'Neill, Port Hope. Vice-Pre- scenic charm, others o! bis- Mrs Eda Pilp Mis Jan i1dent Russell Oke expressed toric interest, and some o! the PhlMadMrs. R. Philp s ienth club's appreciation of his great cities and small towns anPhildrnvie Mr. and sR.Pipteresting address.inEgadScanFne and hilden vsite Mr.and Fred Cale, a past president, AtinEgand cl ,Fac Mrs. G. Philp, Morganston, o1 nd neraioa Cucilr ta and Italy. A vote o? Sunday. adItrainlCuclo hnsta Mr. Metcalf was Mr.an ~ T.Herb Goddard were honored moved by Ted Miller. Mr. ad Mr. T.Murphy by the presentation of 17 Year and boys, Mrs. Isabelle Mur- Perfect Attendance Awards. phy, Downsview, visited Mrs. The presentation was made E. Murphy and Mr. and Mr S. y Attendance Chainnan Bob W. Murphy. Mutton. Sorry there Is still quite a The birthdays o! Ralph number with the 'flu - a Kelly, Ed Leslie, Wilfrid Car- ~~I~ speedy recovery ta al ruthers, Lloyd Clifton and Roy ORTUMgJ Sympatby ta the famlly Of Turner were celebnated by r the late Mr. John Maynard. their fellow Lions. Accounts Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm at- were presented by the secre- tended the 40th Wedding An- tary, Bob Williams, and a mo- L niversary of Mn. and Mr3. tion that they be paid was George Rahm, Greenbank, onlmade by Stuart James, sec- Saturday afternoon and even- onded by Ralpb Kelly, and 4 ing. .carried. Kelly, Mark and Blake Smi1- It was announced that the ley returned ta their home in annual Lions Carnival will be Burlington on Monday after held on Saturday, August 24th spending several weeks with at Memorial Park. Lloyd Clif-, em their grandparents, Mr. and ton, the Canv4CXîmn Mrs. W. Rahm. distributed tickets for the Car .ý a PHONE 623-5081 ib. 3 9c