\ t I l GE0RGEýfWEAR 42 KING STREET EAST SPORT COATS$ Ail Wool, in Plaid,- Patterns - Reg. $19.95 1 ý9 $4*99 DRESS SLA(KS The latest sty les in Greys andl Charroals - Reg. $7.9.5 SPORT SHIRTS $ 09 Made ini Canada ...i Plains and Pnpular Prints 2 2 for $500 E AST E R SPE CI1AbL MEN'S 2- PANT SUITS Gond selectîon nt Greys, Charrmals, Bites, Etc. 2m9 Ail %vith 2 Pair% Pants---- MENS DRESS SHOES Ail Leather $7.49 up FAMOUS ASTR-ô ... WIDE RANGE 0F GREAT vrs . .. FIVE TRANSMISSIONS Pontiac's engines are potent plus! The ight, thrifty Astro-6 or excep.. tionaily spirited V8's. INTERJOR or EXTERIOR PAINT Quart 95C PONTIAC OUALITY SEATS WINTER RUST Body-protecting Zinc-O- Bonding, water-washed, air-dried rocker panels and aiuniinized muffler ail cut corrosion. NEW! TILT STEERING WHEEL Adjusts and locks into any of 7 positions. Flips upto make entry and exit easier. Optional at extra cost. M" NEW STRONGER CHASSIS COIL SPRINGS ALL ROUND, 1119 sure ta watch '*The Tommy Ambrose Show-, on the CBC-TV nietwork: Check< local listings for tir ). ROBSON MOTORS W ~6 King St. E. Phone 623-3396 "N*ght.halwks" Y. Allen ~ G. Bain ----------------- ---- M. Hodgcon - -- 18 V. Pîckard -------------- 17P S. Coombrs ---- ----- --- 17 M J. Hoù'oyd ~ 17 G . Sent1 ---------- 171 M. W isemnan - --------- 171 D. 1-olroyvd 16' M. Cle16. M . Sedman Vl M. Fîr-th l6C M . S\vann ------------ 15 R M. Crago .150 L,. E ur g e s --- 1: E. Pickard -1..92s M. Fostpr 151 1 . Mlricht - ---- --- 141 B3. \V lhîr ---- 144 .1. Parkfer 14.4 K. Camphell 143 B. Rogprs 4 J., Senti -- 4 V. Sarzînson .-140 C'. Ce.hrs 1,4 M. Bttreess; - -- ----- 132 E. Coombe7 - 1129 M, Mclai; jgh li n 127 0. Moffatt12 Tra m StandInts Hod.g.n - .12 Burgess 29 Cragno32 2' Pickard 115 coyle ---- 10,2 Murray Grant --36 Joan Brunt-------- 39 Terry Masters ---- 33 Ken Luxton-------3 3 Doreen Charles---39 Ferne Bradley . 39 Betty Lobb ----- 36 Jrni Cox 39 Don Bradley 36 Emma Bromell 30 Audrey Sleep 39 Mel Wiseman --39 Mary Nowlan ---- - 39 Jack Schili 36 Mary Harrison 36 Bill Charles 37 Ruth Mitchell --39 Thelma Bennett- 39 Mary Wilcox ----- 39 Grace Wright -- 36 Murray Xinnacott 36 Helenr Btirgesç ----- 39 Mai'on Wisemnan 39 Dore Mitton 35 Miriani Winnacott 39 .Barh Masters -----36 Ralph Melanson -3.Q Essip Cox - 39 Ruth Grant - 36 Marie Leaman - 39 Pat Prout . ---- 39 Muriel Melanson 19 MIarg Welsh ------ 39 ,lim Thompson -.39 .Aida Luxton 39 elnSehilI 39 Nettiie Glanvîlle .19 Marion Perfect ----533 Dup.inr, Palmer 39 Dot Thonipson 39 Ladies High Single- Elcher 2,95. J. Holrnydf 266, G. BaRin '2 Il. Bnei6,4. B. Wî'lbiur 206. M. Hndsn Mns -ig 211. F, Allen 2n,9. 2,13, 'B. Býog- Nowýjln1.7. erg 216, M. Crago 214, M. Ser- m-a n 229. G. Seott 200, S.- Mens High Coorrbe'; 23..Harrisýon 821. H'gh Ssnge-J. l-llroyd 166. 1-~HiTceekJ Hlov 7. 19 3 191 191 187 183 1ai 182 180 190 179 177 177 177 177 176 17,5 i 1 15 173 173 - 17:3 170 170 17() 166 164 162 161 159 156 154 153 149 143 136 1.36 133 123 Oni e iTriple-Thelmaè Single -Joe Triple -Matt *Neighboring Clubs Guests At Southview Tuesdav, March 26th, waz: a rather special day for the; ladies at the SouthîTiew Grolf and Curling Club. The *v were hostesses bo the Port Perrv and Whitbv Clubs. Four rînks from the Porti Perrv Club played with fMur rinks from thie Bowmnanvillei v i Club on bbe- 9 o'cloek draw, The- werp mmcd at 12 o'clock bv four rinks froni Whitb'.' and th(snt-hp.r members o! th- Bowmanv-îl1e Club. A fdelicioti; luncheon was* served in thp lounge, which, ;"a,; ver-, sorînglike in it-. decor. Yellow, green and white prednminated throughý tbe use of candies, table r cloths. daffodîls and pussy wîllows. Ojieenie- Fletcher welcompd the guests on behaîf of the club. She alS4o announcpd that th@' guesi whosp. birthdav, was closest to the 26th would: bc- the î'ecipîeni of a cake mrade and donated bv Maîud: ~?ffRoenîgk. This wa,, won b-" Àor ane of the skips from Pari Prizee for tiis draw tvere then aresented by Pat Burk in tbc absence n! the gamiez convenor, Freda Kran. The orie wtnnîng rink was Vi Wloodlock skiai, and Dorothv Wonlsev of Bowmanville. R-- becea Bruton. Margaret Cor- nish of Port Perr, The afternonn draw wa;ý made up of four inks from, ýWhitbv and four frnm Row- ýmanville. Thiq was wonhby Mildred Bel] skip. Clara An- derson, Shirley Robson and Lil McMahnn. This i,, the ia.qt social za- thering the eluh ladies will be having this season as the plav- ~ offiz are ,schedulpd for the week o! Avril lst. However. it was a great euccess and oublie relation.; with neigh- borînz clubs bave been lxel! established, Both visitors and local members expressed the desire tn continue these jet- iozetbeî's when curling openîs agaîn in the tall. Ladies' Bowling 1 Seo Team Standings your Pta. Pins local 16 2061-6- PontlaOCC oyet ---- ---- 16 1988 Buc nel ------ - - 1.5 19411 dolr IPatfield - - 1. 20044 'Lobb 12 19588! TODAYI Gibson 11Il 18287 Hearl 5 17991 ne and channel. food Gamnes Rose Cowain 199, Dot Per- fect 214, 222, Bea Sellers 24.5, L IM T Etyn 214, 268, Lorraine Mr Dot Brooks2, E238, Vi Ma- Bowmanville 2,11. Jean Lohb 205, Marion 'Gî7b.son 214. Nellie Mi-Feeters -2i. Emmna Clark 220. Short Rib Roast 47'lb DIRECT FROM JAFFA Orainqi ONTRIOGROWN« MUSI4RC \PRODUCE 0F 'U'S'A TASTY CORI \pIODUCE OF U.S.1 CRISP C ATTF \\NEW BRUNS, CANADANoi< Potat a m0 mm , M M- . ýr= -ý - sUNNY ISRAL juffBo___ Size 90'r OSdoz.e -Sn God. SaMafy )OMS SWICK CRADE toes in lb. Bag The Canadian Statesnan, Bowmanvlie, Apr. 8, 1983 CROSS CUT RIB OR BONELESS SHOULDERROAST 53clb FRESHLY GROUND \ IMIN(ED BEEF 43lb î~TABLERITEc \\WIENERS Pk.49C I1\IlI~- w ays à491b 35Ç~ 1 ,IlixdLeaigue Bowling Moo CubDrves October and National rZM M ot r C ub riv rs was aprx,înted to manage 1t affairs, The- twn clubs ha e, Etcher stayed on top of the 254; Vmce Prout- 262. Dick formed a group know~n a:,ihr, Mixed League standings Fni-lPerfect- 260, 253: Harold' F orrr P artnre rsliip Motor Racing Partnership to da nîght, but lost a single ýBnnt-,5 uryWna' -manage the track. point off their Iead. Ina rar.'cî-5 n rn rgt li-rme. the firgt ini Mîxedýrt-5 n rn rgt Tepartniership was form-cmriin th jIed.2. El edv~hen h bcame aparen' rock*s hopes 6-1, but Prout Ta tnig To O4perate ditnspforthe fnanStanrd-inrs ihttîehtenMos portpnted a 7-0 zhutnut over Per, thr-6 The SFi- 'ih h Empire Motor l'iite an it principal cre- ,ret to close the margin to Ptr----------- 1 .E~ AUU J'Club and the Canadian Ricinrdtr.f. h iaca e trppit- ru ----3 Cwaw BOW yLiIG'Drivr. Association h a vxr oîganizain of the eompanv Plmer trounired Bennett Plmer -- --54 agreed ln rUn Mosport, a 2.4- wnuld ont finish in limef for 7-0l to hold third place and Bromel --------------52 H.Snowden ' mile auto racing track 50 the start of the racinz spason.lBromel. making a late 't- Glanville 49 Carson ................(r mile- ea.gt of here, dîirinz the "The le bn as ziven 1j ,tempt to catch up. swampediBok------------------ 8 1.Kunkel _. ... ........ 1comnc racinR , eagon while' time to arrangep our financin- cellar - d1welling Luxton 7-0,Brennett -44 R. Westlake .... . ..... 41 th, traek's owner; try tb ar-itvith the crpditorç,' said Pauîl Glanvillr sia.ved alive by edg-Grn J. Bker.............42 ang financial stabil îv. lSîilivan, prpsideni of Mo-pr n rn -.3 R. Brock . .................. hsm. Mail Harri.-n racked up aPret3 S. Hunt...............271 To HeIp Owners Limilprl. h"and1 ripe o gaestheLxio - 1 C. Schwarz 2n Th e two rgai--nizatini.-4 trmecontnu oertin8fhe 2fin and 2:3., but Joe Now- Averame Laisednl,24 Cr; f a joint azrernient Iirn: an grabherl the hîgh singl' Viner Prout -, ---926 Laies'Trinple 796, Carr.li he<lurniwh Naina I-He exp>cteri the conpanv with a;;nîce 337 score. For Harold Bennett 39 294 RobertsTrpl, 96 C rol st Cwpnd wi.vth Npation- al dits credîtor-, to reich the jiadies, Thelma Bennetit O- Dick Perfect -36 ;222 Moerts, TrustCompavM. operatiectht.inancial agreemrot thii sumi- talled 634 and Onie Etcher Mqatt Harrison ---39 â221 MesSiae,'7xi crcimer, after which thq companv rol1.cd a 25,9 single. Alan Lobb 39 2 19 iphens; Triple, 796, M. Ste n.opoi-t limited. w h e h %oulId he taken out of- rp- *be Nowlan camne up with Onie Etcher 39 216 phens. )YVIVn thie track. wrnt in1o Iceivership. Telegramn. a 759 eus followed bY Al Elton Brock 39 215 Samnelîs-73.5, Pick Perfect - Hap Plmer 39 215 ,30, Arnold Sleep-722. Me' Joe Nowlan 39 214 Eurgez-5-7l2. "Han" Plmer Ai! Sameils 39 214 ,~~Qt c~~~~ -681, Elion Brock-677. Har-Hoad rmel 3 21 ol ni Bennett-676, AI Lobb - Bob Glanville--- - 39 211 6o4. Vinre Proui-665, Don Me, Burgess -- --- 39 211 Bradîley-654 and Lew Welsh Arnold Sleep----- - -39 210 -1.Lew Welsh --- 36 208 Other high singles wvent tb Frank Wright----- 39 20.5 Mel Burgess-316, Elton Brock Cec Mutton ----- 39 201 -'193. Arnold Sieep- 28,5. Bob Leaman_ _ 39 195 - STARTS AT - Duke' Erunt-282, Ai1f Saro- Gord Wilcox ---- 39 195 ellr-272, Lew Welsh-_267, Duke Bruni 39 195 i. Galion $3.49 1:1 BLADE ROASI BLdc BEONED Jc -o 1 Grade N~~ RODN539c A. No iGrade - Gnardi rh NApFTON Ly 2 AT TIS MARKET ONLY ROYAL GOLD IGA Butter 1lb. Print INSTANT IGA Coffee 6 o.7 Jar Q9 W. réserve thé right to limit quantities or at the WIN FRE GIr YCLEBICK'S PICKLES WI FE ICYCLEDISPLAY BOWMANVILLE IGA FOODLINER