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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1963, p. 10

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10 The~ Caniclian SateorMi, Bowmanvllle, Apr. 3, 1083 AS&P Hondies OaIy Mots Purcused Frn>aFelil>' Iap.ted P#cklag Houses SMOKED., COOKED,, PICNIC STYLE A PORK .SHOULDERS CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF, SHORT CUT PRIME RIB FRESHLY GROUND ALL BEEF HAMBURG MINCED lb ROASI lb67c BEEF sî,p.r-Right Brand COOKED HAM &oz 57C Choice Quality LAMB HEARTS lb35C Imeil Link, Troy Pack, Pure PORK SAUSAGE lb 53<, Bonelest SIDE PORK Stili Meadow Formn Brand, Hont & Serve CHICKEN Sliced lb S. PIECE 1l4 5 ib75c COUNTRY FR E D Choie* Quality,sknIes, Slomi BEEF LIVER Boneless, Solid Ment PORK BUTI ROAST A lgood, Smok.d, Slicad, Rnd lets SIDE BACON Cooked and Breaded 49c lb 55C 1-ib pkg 5 7c COD PORTIONS i45< se& said, Ocen PERCH FILLETS BUY RY THEf CASE AND SAVE DURING A&P's CA4NEO FOOD SALE A&P CHOICE QUALITY Reg. Price 2 tins 37c-SAVE 1 2c I. CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.96 - SAVE 48c Choies Gream Style Reg. Prie. 2 tins 37o-SAVE 12o Medjuni A&P CORN- 99c PEAS GREEN GIANT CASE 0F 24 TINS $396 - BAVE 48@ CASE 0F 24 TINS $444- Choie. Quslity Reg. Price 21*o-SAVE Se Libby's lb 35c I Reg. Prie* 2 tins 39e-BAVE Po ~15fl 37c -BAVE 24e Reg. Prie. tin 37e-SAVE 11e 20-11-u m u48-fi- @0 A&P PEARS 5'otms 99cPINEAI'ILE JUICE 3 o isuu CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.75 - SAVE 29e Canaden White, Old CHEDDAR CHEESE 1-lb pkg 59<c Kraft, Old Englisli. Pimento, Plain, Bwiss Reg. pkg 35e-BAVE 5c CHEESE SLICES 2 8-oz pkgs 65c Blue Pirate POPPING CORN 2lb pkg25C Waaeo Reg. Prie* RAISINS 2 lb. Jane Parker Reg. Prie. PEANUT COOKIES SHINOLA PASTE WAX i ACCENT *rings Out Ail The. Flaveur 1 e 9e-SAVE 6a pkg. 5 3c a33e-BAVE 4o pkg 29c 6-oz tin 49c -oz pkg 31 c Mitchel's Vitaminized APPLE JUICE 48-FL-OZ TIN 33C ¶me GREAT ATU>TM & PAC14C TEA COMPANN' M. AU. PRICILS IN THIS AD QUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL Sth, lUS CASE 0F 12 TINS $4.00 - BAVE 44e Ove,, Fresh Pe ... A s Ody> Jange Pufrker C(un BuSke Ih! This Week Featuring APPLE PIE Large 24-oz Pie ea39 REG. PRICE 49c SAVE 1lOc Jane Parker English Reg. Price. 35-BAVE 2o F R 1 each 33C Jane Parker Sliced Reg. Prie. 25e-BAVE 4* ITALAN 24-"7li Try Some - They're Deliclous JANE PARKER HOT pkg of 6 33 C WHY PAY MORE? 15e Off Deal Reg. Price 75e-BAVE AN EXTRA 6c .SPIC & SPAN gian sze box69C Facelle, White and i Pnk Reg. Price pkg 29te-SAVE 17e FACIAL TISSUE 4 pkgsf 333 99C Beef and Irislh Reg. Price tim 35c-SAVE 5c CLARK'S STEWS 3l5flozltins.00 Beelhive Reg. Prie 37c-SAVE 4c CORN SYRUP 2b tn33C Gerber's Striiined Reg. Prie@ 3 tins 39e-BAVE Se BABY FOODS 4 41/4o, gla.sses 49 c Monarch. Poticl Pack Reg. Prica 2 pkgs 3r.SAVE 4e CAKE MIXES 39-oz pkgs49c CAinpbpls Reg. Price 2 tins 31e-SAVE 10e VEGETABLE SOUP 7lo-fIoz ns 9 9 Fptst Relicf Reg. Price 93e-BAVE 14. BAYER ASPIRIN boUfle of 100 tablets 79c moriarch, Rr'qulir andi Quiirfers Reg. Price 4-lbs 990-BSAVE 10e MARGARINE 41îIb pkgs 89 c FRESII FRUITS ANS VEGETABLES - A RRIVINC DA Il Y ASPARAGUS Tender Green G rade lb 29C Arizona Valencia, Excellent for Eating or Juice, No. 1 Grade ORANGES 5-lb cello bag 7 .9 C 2bunclics25C1 Florida Pascal, Crsp, Tender, S CELERY bundie bunchkof 12 39 c HEARTS No. 1 Grade 19C The Oro Mrs. James E. Mrs. Ivan Farrow returneî. home on Saturday after a teci weeeks motor trip 10 A.izona iMexico and California. Mr. Marshall Chatterton Mr. Ernest Bowen and Mr IOrville Chatterton spent 1hc weekend enjoving ice fishing ai Sauli Sic. Marie and vîsit. ed Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ken. nedy. Mrs. Walter Couich and Mns Albert Harris of Bowmanville returncd home on Friday afier tVo monilîs winter hoIiday in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mrs. J. Bovd of Bowmian- ville w~ho broke lier ankle, lias lcft the M:emorial Hospi- tal and is convalescing in a casi at the home of hier sot Mr. Don Stephens, Mrs. Ste- phens and daughters, Somer- ville Drive. Mr'. and Mrs. Anchie Mc. Laren atiended a meeting for parents last Thursday even- ing and visited their son Mur- ray at The Ontario Crippled Children's Centre, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arm- strong have purchased the Ma- dison Hall bouse and land. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Keat of Toronto spent the weekend with bier father Mr'. Wm. Da- Mr. Jim Tamblyn and Mr'. Jim Middleton were both pat- ients ini Meinrial Hospital, Bowmianville, and returned home Monday. Mî's. Alex Wilson, Mrs Pr;cc, Toronto; Mrs. Bert Bil- leti, liamp1oný Mn. and M rs. Rayniond Clapp, Tyronie, vis- ited Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mr. Jimi Wannan, Indiari River, called on Mrs. Jame.3 Wannan and daugehien Jean of Kirbv. Mvr. and Mrs. I-arnv l\Mer- rcer, Mrs. 0. S. Cowan vîsited Mr. and 1'rs. Wmn. lnrnlnn of Ajax on Suîîda 'v, March 24th. Mrs. Henry Canircîl, Mrs. Cecil Joncs, Mrs. Bill Werry and Miss Carolyn Joncs spent Saturday in Toronto. Miss Margarci Clarke and Mrs. Phi O'Neil of Oshawa, MVr. and Mrs. D. S. Harness visiîed Mrs. Ivan Farrow and Mr. Jim Harness on Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Powers spent the weekend of March 241h wiih Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pow- ers. Scanborough. Mrs. Ross Gilbart spent Mondas' wilh hier parents, Mr. and M\rs. E. J. Davies, Wii- ,lowda le. Miss Marion McKelvey, Tor- onto, speni the wcekend with ber brother Mn. John McKet- vec . Mrs. Thornton Wilson re- iurned home on Saturday afier visiting ber daughter, Mrs.J FZed ni IVL prUL CMi- shed and family, Simcoe, for JOHN F. MAVNARD past ten days. The death of John F. May- Mr. Harold Power, Oshawa,' nard of Tyrone. occurred Sat- spent several days with Mr. urday. March 23, ai Bowrnaïl- and Mrs. Gordon Power. ville Memorial Hospital, after Mr. and Mrs. Mïrshall Chat- being in failing bealth for tenton visiied his brother Mr'. over a vear. Hie was in hWs and Mrs. John Chatterton, 83i'd year. Born in Whitby, hg H-avelock, on Tuesday, March was a soni of the laie .Jamç-s 26th. and Charlotte Maynard. Ha Mr. Harry Rowe, Mr. and received h is education in1 :Mrs. Reg. Sutton attended the Whitby. The deceased lived Thursday evening penKorm- with his son Roy and daugh- ance of "Pirates of Penzance",t(,r-in-law Mabel Mayna1c, in Town Hall, Bowmnanville., Tyrone, for 15 years. He farm- Mrs. E. R. Lovekin of New- cd in the Brooklin area until castie, Miss Helene Waddell, 19-13, he then was janiior at Mrs. Fred Bowen, Mr. Fred the Weston Hospital for 10 Truli, Mr, Wni. Davey and bis, years, ihen reiired owing Co daughier Mrs. Dane Found at- bis ailing bealth. tended The Durham Club in He married the former Jdý,- Toronto last Thursday even- sie Routley in Brooklin, who ing. predeceased hlm in 1934. Hb Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allan and1 was a mcmber of Brooklil daughter Trudy of Leskard!Uniied Church. have moved into the Post Of-' Surviving are four sons, fiee aparîmeni recently vaca-1 RalPh, Oshawa, Kenneth, Sal- led by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ma- cem, RoY, Tyrone, and Ronalý, dili and daughter, who are:Toronto, and five daughters, now living in the Logan Apart- Mis. Edith Walker, Mrs. Erte ment. Stainton (Marjorie), Bowmaa- Mrs. Laura Casey Bigham, ville, Miss Phyllii Maynard, wife of the laie George F. Salem, Mrs. Horace Hal, Bigham, passed away in Buf- (Munriel, Tyrone, and Mrs. falo, N.Y., on Thursday. March'Charles 'Ferry (Gladys), O0lt- 28ih. Funeral was frorn the awa, as well as 22 grandchild- Austin Funeral Home, Buf- ren and 32 great-grandchild- falo. Interment was in the ren. family plot Orono Cemetery The funeral service was on Saturday. ýheld at Noribeuti and Smith Mr. and Mns. .lames Ruth- Funeral Home, Bowmanville, erford, Dick and Donald of Tuesday, March 26, at 3:30> Kirhy, Mr. and Mrs. George p.m. conducied by Rev. Chris' Dunlop and daughter Doro- Dugan of Tyrone Uni te d Ili' atiended the Oshawa Ski Church. Intermeni Grovesida Club Banquet in Oshawa on Cemnetery, Brooklin. Saturday. Thr. palîbearers were 4 Mr. and Mrs. (Bun) 0. M. grandchild r Peil, Allan and J. Fagan, Michael andI Karen Douglas Walker, John and of Markham, spent the week- Lloyd Siainton, Stanley and end with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Ross Hall. Cooper. This week Mr. Fagan lias been promoted to specia! "~epresentative of IndustrialIC 'Dvlpetfor the Canad-L.j iaieC.A ian Imiperial Bank of Com- merce. Chartered Accountant * Mrs. D. N. Myles is (onval- escing ai the home of her son Whitby Mr. H{oward Myles, Mrs. Myles and sons, Church Street South, P. 0. Box 208 afier seven weeks in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Sec Coming Events ne Hand- Phone eraft Sale and Afternoon 'lea in Bowmanville un Fruday Orono 138 Dinrguests with Mr. andi Whitby 668-8197 ,Mrs. George Dunlop and dau- ghters on Sunday were, Mr.-,-- _____________ NEW FOR '63.. KEMHamonyGuide You May Borrow Our Copy FREE for Perfect Color Match S U PER The Velvet Finish KEM-TONE Wall Paint Durable and Washable - PLUS - K E M - G Like Baked Enarmel Ideal for Kitchens and Bathrooms ABERNETHYS Paint and Wallpaper .1. King St. W. 623-5431 moNews :. icarsEditor id and Mrs. R. Hollingsworth In and Mrs. W. Stutt. a, Mr. and Mrs. Len Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weir of iParrv Sound spent the veek- c. nd with the former parents i? Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson. el Mrs. Harry Jose, Newcastle, t-1,as a supper- guest of ber i- auni Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Sunday. Th? childncn and gra'n4- lchildrcn of the late Frank ýr and Laura Cooper and their Y liusbands and wiVcs, nunîber- ing 48, bield a family party i- in Oshawa on Saturday even. L, ng at a hall on Cadillac Ave.. iNorth. Games. dancing and a abuffet lunch %vere enjoved by n all. * Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ken. -nedv of Sault Ste. Marie re- centlY visitcd lber sister Mn,. Marshall Chatterton~ and Mr. îrChatierton. Mrs. Tom Pethick and Mr. Rex Sherrill of Detroit, Mich- I igan, spent the weekend with bier cousins Mrs. Ivan Farrow iand her brother Mr. Jim Har- ness5. M.and Mrs. Victor Mac- tFanland of Sydenham, Mr. and Mrs. Stani Seymnour, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Suggett, Tor- no, Visited Mrs. Wm. sey- mou11r. Mn. and MIs, O. M. J. Fa- gan, Michael and Karen of 1\anlcbam wcre Sunday dinner guesis of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Gilbart and familv. Orono Uniicd Ciiurcb Wo- men lield their, meetings onj Tuesday, Apnil 2nd. In the aflennioon, Unit two ai the home of Mrs. Harry Mencer. Unit ibree at the home of Mns. A. A. Drummond, and in the evening Unit one at the home of Mrs. Horace Besi, Unit four ai the home of Mrs. fNeil Porter, Unit five at the homle Of Mrs. Robent Ruther- fond, Unit six at the home of Mis. Roy Forrester and Unit seven ai the home of Mrs. Carl Billings. The Sacrament of The Lord', Suppen will be obsenved at 3Orono United Churcb next 1Sunday morning. New mcm- bers will be received. Mn. Grant Powers, O.P.P. ancd Mrs. Powers, Nipigon, vis- lied bis grandmothen, Mn,. Cecil Pow ens over the week- end. Mr. Powers bas been transferned to the Peterbon- ough Detachment. Mn. and Mns. Adam Sharpe, Enniskillen, Mn. and Mrs. Ce- cil Robinson were Sunday sup- per guests of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. OBITUARY Californici, Long, No. 1 FROZEN FOODS FANCY KERNEL A&P CORN 2-lb Reg. Prie@ 49e - BAVE 6o A&P FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 2 9-olt pkgs 31C SE^AIDRAND BREADED SHRIMP 20o1.k l49 Regl. Prie$ $1.55 - SAVE se Texas, Fresh, Ten de r, N o. 1 Grade British Columbia m 1

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