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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1963, p. 11

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few days with frends lni Cas- The Canadian StatsaEwinlle p.3 93 i tieton this week.i. Lions Club Plans etnil ... 'ahson1 DThe United Church Womnen busy, wholly depedbe i db r.G culuh c> IJA~IV __________________________________a held their meeting on Wed- ways on hand amdfl fgo r.W.MliaMs u Agne, Edtar nnua Vi tori D a7grne f a d nii. h e rl ood books h andtfwnb A n a et rbasement with a splendidl Mrs. Werry inrdcdWv h uk u rz a Gardon nw dfrPhoe3621 ù MErs. I.II.Wilfred Wood, presi- h ln o h 1wSna ers irha yMs e- ~~om m un t y Fdnt opened the meeting with Sch9o curriculurni chwf i et a pca ip duties of secretary were taken The thoughts she ruh tadsl fdcrtdEse ____________________________________________________by Mrs. Mary Wade as Mrs. this Easter Seasonsolpr-esmdbyEeeSal- ___ ~~~~~~~Newcastle- The members Ilected for want of glasses. Olive Henderson was a vic- pare us for mordeoinltnad hchhiuitwl je v e I ~ ~~~~~of the Lions Club at th eir bi-1 Several members from the! tim of flu. living,.s'a t rjc o asn E lecilo li wcas t/e ronthly dinner meeting on Port Hope and Keene Lions A delicious lunc a e-mny Ilct o nplarWens forthenigdiscussed Clubs visited the meeting The president conducted the annalmamoh eeintspprtfor their can- business which included pla ns fireworks display sponsored didates for the ofieo 1e o h Go 'ia evc by the club. A committee was puty District Governor. The on the l2th at 2:30 p.m., Rev. In" re a e s e reappointed to take care of the Port Hope Club is sponsoringJ. P. Romeril, Courtice, to be Newcastle -With less than course that day it will be open, ness men of the village to be and the Keene Club their Zone ou ice uple;dnto aweek to go before voting from early morning until late canvassed for funds and a col- Chairman Lion Alan Eason.i to the Red Cross; invitation bothinthe oldrl elepati areat Tht rgrsie osev- Mrs. Henry Bowen accomr- residents of Newcastle and lection to be taken at the I wsanoucd hen o MorspeaCer; to ear peaedgrae u bohteodln ate r h rgesv osrapanying Mr, and Mrs. Clinton members of St. George's con- park the night of the fire- meeting would be held in the isoaysekr eut-wt ahcro f6 utepping up activities with re- ltives announce the establish- Farrow of Newtonville were gregation. xvorks, It was stated that this Lions room of the community fuI quilt top was received; ceptions for candidates, estab- ment of committee rooms also, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie FrCheFanMIller, De- system had worked out satis- hall and would take the forrn, plans started for May yearlyEsoM GrseCtids lishment of committee rooms where sîmîlar information re-1 Wright and Larry and Mrs. 'puty Chief Lawrence Gaines factorily last spring and the of a family night with a pot, hnsU p er eveal d so etc.garding that party may bel Kate Agnew in Lindsay. and Secretary Treasurer Al-~ ebr decided to repeat the luck supper. Each member istakswrred The Lîberal Association held obtained. Each have telephon-. radMs vsnMna etNyo ftelclFr system again this year, rather urged to bring a son or daugh- Unit leader No. 3- Mrs. Ir- areception for their candidate es înstalled so that the voters lof Bowmanville visited with l Department were among the than the bouse to house can- ter (his own or someone elses. ma Wood led in the worship Russell C. Honey and his wife mav phone for information or:i Mr. and- Mrs. D. M. Bernard 'more~ than two hundred fire- vass. which was conducted in A feature of this meeting will service which included thou- .Amie in the Lîberal commit-,to arrange transportation toi on 'Sunday. ýfighters who attended the previous years. 'be +lhe appearance of the local ghts on the Golden Rule, Bible tee Room last night and a sim- the polis on election day etc. ilr ffîrfo te onera The other two parties don't Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch1 funeral of Fire Chief Kennethj Lions Chas. Megit and Chas. contestants in the district reading by Mrs. G. McCull- flive canidatef r nt Rc ad pp r to hv sate theirCnonauseerBety viste oni Baird of Cobourg on Tuesdy Gilkes were appointed a com- semi-finals in the Lions Pub- ough followed by prayer by is scheduled for the Lions campagns locally, at least Sunday with Mr. and MVrs. afternoon. Chief Baird , mitt to arrange for the col- lic Spealking contest hed i ur s peaker.ofthe even Rom n hecomuit hllnt n ubic W hveno eogeBereinGrenan.collapsed and dîed of a hailection of eye glasses which Lakefield. Orsekro h vn an Friday. had a caîin fromieiter ha e 01 MergeH. C.Agenew of Haven sizrenDr.D E ielsare no longer in use to send to The members were enter- ing Mrs. Kenneth Werry, New- e i ea ls have ha caidats as et dthe v lofktvisitd on Sunday even- Office in Cobourg on Saturday. the Lions International Eye- tained with two Esso films,j caste, was introduced by Mrs. co mit e o m a lse d a e ' n o n e n o a n ~ih hs b o h r M . G r he ar a e n under Glass Bank where the glasses the first a cartoon dealing W m . M illigan. Our organiza- andm nnited oom et m med aentn. cdan don Agnew. itreatment for heart trouble are repaired refitted and with the evolution of power tion as been blessed with an ipan ing o iformato nwve yti time neeingt Mrs. Leslie Guy of Oshawa since last November when he ground for use in underdevel- and the second was a film on inspiring message more than However y this tin nHospi- oped countries where the the development of oul in i once, and it is always a plea- regw aing t infermction adweek it will be al over and and Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Os- spent two months in_______otepopeae___ lady. Cnad. s e oen otdedir emak rIeare iing the Pinanty we will be publishing the re- 'borne of Bowmarivilltî were tal and returned to his duties ce ftepol r e-WsenCndsr olse oti eiae telatform. Eplsew he r thiy sît.Sunday visitors with their with the department six weeks Elady.M wi h ea poe r ith he rs n a d r . lew eotigl sister, Mrs. Carl Selby. ao. He had been Chief of the N wi N V I L Lthough tro ig compar h ors he ommtte romMr, and Mrs. R. Rensink Cobourg depatmen sinL v pag e cmiero is & an family of Whîtby were 1950. He was the Mutual Aidl sons: Some people are like open until election day and of Co m unLIÎiy Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Co-ordinator for Durham and Mr. Aif Graham came downi here with Mrs. Chas. Ruther- wheelbarrows, nouUse unless MsBeHogapadfm Notubrad outs. from Toronto to attend the ford, some years ago. The fun- pushed; Some people are like ily. ~~~~Mr, and Mrs. Clarence J. funeral of the late Mr. Fred eral will take place on Wed- casnoes,dthey.driftearound un- B wigMrs. Norman Samis return- ' Allin have returned from their Neatls odyadwsnedy espdld oepole are Newcastle- Following is a ed home on the weekend fol- winter holiday in Mexico and a suppelr gestat r. an oMmrial Frowstak li onkeeaest ringl onayif yo CHURCH list of the hîgh scorers in the, lowing a week's visit with ' California. Mio.Wlrd ods ndto MmorilHsia rydnt epasrigo hm vroslausoth o-Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Wood- _________ Mr. Harold Burley return-Moaymrig Some people are like tennis NariWCASegueson C m 3 nTrno ed home f rom Memorial Hos- Mrs. N. Samis and Mrs. F.: balîs, you just can't tell which NEWASLEmunity Bowling Lanes for the pbams in Toronto. weekendng arc 30h. r. Ry AlinandMr.i ,Couch, Newcastle, and Mrs.: way they'li bounce next. Som Hol ~'ek ee enîn Mrc 3th MrRo ~I\ak pialonThrsay Woodhams, Toronto, were! peuple are like balloons, ful PAM UNAY (20 ndovr)R.Coch24, orn wr weeenia od visît-Mr. and IMrs. Earl WalkeyNE £ s o P TO MA I Holy Wee Moday adis' eage- Trono wre weked vsit' Fieme M a e, ttended the 50th Anniversaryi Sunday visitors with Mr. E. of the wind of their own im- Comunin . Mdil 29,M. oser 19 ors with Mrs. Fred Couch Sr., ýBirthdav Party of the Buw-Sai.prncadredtobs. N. TusMmnileMeoia osial Ms.H goFAhghqalt, n-hnroeaxd219eu, oplt 8 a.m-HolyM. Winter 219, E. Dost 217, R. Mrs. Norman Samis and Mr..lS__ ila..Blssn o teFoster 209, V. Watson 205, E.LsiAln last Wednesday. 1'feil xeso oe o sorti rc f$.5 Palms Procession Perrin 203, M. Coucb 203, D.' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Diekensi Newcastle- After a com-, A book displa12"forethelecon- Holy ommu iLangstaff 201. of Markham were Friday visît-, paratively quiet winter, the venience of the Clarke Town. - Yours now at a svn f$.5we o ucaeoecro c 7 p.m.-Evensong Men's League -- (225 and, ors with Mrs. Pearl Hutchîn-, local Fîre Department was, ship Area teachers, was held N ~ *~ I~ of 60 Esso MPGeseatrdelTeur3eoocawa * * * over) K. Whitney 298, W. Col- 'son. called out twice on Tuesday, in Lockhart's Scbool, Thursday N O T ICE_________to kêep your equpetntowoig Monda, Hoy Comunin lir 277__L.Peare 26, H.Mrs. Alfred Garrod was hos-! and neither caîl was to a grass' evening. cniin e n onfo a~ Monday, oly Comunionie-277,_L________62,_H._ tess at a birthday tea atbe fire. 7 a.m. hoei ooro r.Jhn Aot94 ..o us Mr. Jim Nesbitt returned toi We wish to announce that as of April lst Imperial Esso Aet Tuesday HoIy CmmunionGarrod's 82nd birthday. Alday the firemen were called istmein reandFor Newc astle faueo h atywsapeiute oeo r ogasia aIFia.the business known as NEW Esso CHFNA TILB a.m. ur ftepat a pe ote oeo r.Duls Amung those attending the Teisanoldalups Wednes., Hola.Cmmuio sentation by Senior members Miller on Baldwin St. where Vegetable Growers' Banquet TheD à~~canswolinCnd ta il obt 7oI m munonLiberal of the St. George's Wurnan's overheated sPveRipeEweS 'REDe Prt op Maoni aizmMUk oùhainw Eensdy og -Cop.m Auxiliary present of a beau- causing cuncern. No damage Temple last Thursday even- has been sold and will be known as c husdy HIyCmmunion Committee Room tiful plant tu Mrs. Garrod. was reported. ing were Mr. and Mrs. Ross' 9 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Magill Then about 2 p.m. the Volun- Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Evnon ndWshn O e D iy and family of Woodstock were 'teer brigade was called toi Hallowell, Mr. W. Boughen, MATTHEW S' RED & W HITEA .H S ur o k &on Evnsnand asingOpn D il Sunday visitors with ber par-lehigh a f ire in a car on Mr. a nd Mrs. Murray MeCul- iN W O IL * * * * ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Al-: the ighway 401 interchange loughi, Mr. and Mrs. TruemanLMTE 2:00 p.m. to 9 p.if. lin. 1'at Mili Street. We bave been Headerson, Mr. and Mrs. Sid E T N IL G o rdyMr. and Mrs. Arthur Lester unable to get the namne of the Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jam-! We wish to take this opportunity of tbank- H N 6351 God1 riayM Phone Newcastle and Mrs. Tbacker of Toronto owner of the car or the extent es Imlach, Mr. and Mrs. Don: ii u utmr o hi otnudlylSURC D O MNIL SRIlE A.M.E were Sunday visitors withlof the damage. Stapletun. Mr. and Mrs. Mel- igorcsoesfrtercniudlyl SURC SERVCE POPERMrs. Pearl Hutchinson. 1 _______ ville Samis. patronage and hope you will extend the samne 8Fpan. EDY iOi unrl erie asc Mrs. Laura Hickey of Tor- courtesy to our successor. 8 p.m - EVNSONGducted in St. George's Angli PUE onto, was a weekend guest !KT' YOIJR AGET IHWTTEIE ________ ýcan Church on Saturday Bl Cle W iIlS with Mrs Wm. Milligan. MUitRRAY AND MILDRED) PORTER. i I~~~l March 23, 1963, for Gladys A suceessful card party wvas M RAL OILMTE Lumsden, beloved wife of M r. h'eld in the Community Hall,----- TheNewasle roresiv CosevatvePary George Lumsden, who passe d ~ni irWj Friday night under the aus- Th Nwcste roresie oneratvePaty away at bier home in Coilin g- Ce oapn r pices of the Hall Committee.1 cordially invite the Public to attend a wood on March 2th. Mr. andThrentbs r iply Mrs. Lumsden weîe former' Newcastle- The Cenotaphl wThirte tes igwoerefly 'Committee Draw for a made- wt rzsgigt h o-. .mA to-meaur sut f cotesorluwing ladies: Mrs. H. Trim,: Andress 232, R. Glanvilie 229, uvlnt in ladies' cluth- Cx i.MliaMs 1 Tea & Coffee Part yC'loxr Mos& edrso iln, Mrs. aJns 01- RMANCE tPRO ' M. Henry 225.19,'rr ori&SnsLd in he IOS ROMof OMMNIY HLL Wednesday Ladies' League- 'ýwas made at the community avendMis on rraineBrones M te IOS OO ofCOMUIT HLL (200 and over) W.Simpson hall on Saturday evening b n mrs. ofinyon. ade 215, J. McCracken 213, B. Fer- Mr. S. Sowden with a number'_A________of_______ladiesPER FO R M A N C E_____1 were canvassing for the Red _________________________ _________________ to meet our candidate guson 202, B. Shaddock 201. of men present as witnessesCosn audy Teenage League (175 and to the draw. Cross on Saltury. th G A R E T I (K A R Dover) D. Rudman 260, N. Gain- The lucky winner of the shaiehiolders uf the Port Hope' 1899 Fair Wages Resolution -lied the way i atn w aso GAR ET RIC AR es23, C Sork 24,R. Goud draw was Mr. Bill Cole, 56 Telephone Co., was beld oncodtns 233, J. Baskerville 221, W. Church St., Bowmanville. ýSaturday afternoon in the! AND HIS VIIFE ANNABELLE Pearce 205, B. Heatlie 204, B. The committee members'Lions Ruom of the Newcastle: odtos Tendam 200, J. Martin 183, have been working bard sell- Community Hall. r:.. 1J. Cunningham 190. jing tickets on the draw dur- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gow-1 90C niito c salse h dr Triday, Mpri. itn Tbursday Mixed League -'ing the past couple of months er, Oshawa, were Saturday! F[IUd~~~~~~~1 ~~(200 and over) A. Rowe 258, and cleared $75.00 for the evening guests of Mr. and 10 ala aorDsue c rvddfrabtain from 3 to 5 p.m. and 8 to 10 M. Alldread 252, G. Rowe 21 1,i Cenotaph Fund on the draw. Mrs. Earl Walkey.193R iw yLbu DsptsA t- ro de A. Dubeau 206, B. Ferguson Inteasrpottefn Watithgt uear- EVERYONE WELCOME 206, G. Couch 205, G. Barch- 1std at report8the and vi ha iforth unhth of Ma rch 1905 Conciliation and Labour Act - consliiae ale ttts _______________________ard 205. B. Carbrey 200. - the proceeds from Ibis drav was established last Saturday Tbuusday Ladies' League- the fiînd total lu date stands, rnoîning, when four local resi- 10 nutilDsutsIvsiain At Our Committee Rooms are Iocated in the D. Stark 215.a1436. dents cnjoyed their coffee- 197Idsra Dipts nv tg tonA . Friday Mixed League- (200 a l433.bekolieo the south R B. RICKARD BUILDING, King St. East and over) G. Rowe 363, K. i'ucwtotcas ree 1908 Governnient Annuities Act - so tha[t thosiihs alicre Forfurherinormtio PhneWhitney 274, 1. Cunninghamj 4, sweaters. 283, G. Kimbail 265, L. Pearce Messrs. Ross Brown, Bill ca dsaefrter id g. NE C245 496P, L. Dyke 237, P. Storks[ rn and Grant Wade attended the!ol aefrt i ld g. NEWCASTLE 4296235, E. Embley 217, H. Munro I Hockey Banquet, Saturday1 1910 Combines Investigation Act - ta combat peaoy patcso _______________________1_______ 212. B. AMldread 211, H. Dyke fi ,,rtip ntpLeo al jSehool wee hehci here on mr-- -ýo1Vu WL. - y w m n Sunay. \Vebada vsifngnigbt visitors with Mr. and .YW iln -111 13Lnda. W ha a isiingMus. C. Brown on Satiuday. EX-LA .--- -.- î's--------------43c Poo em oroTnto. e RnMs. Maje r Watonnd 1956 Unempicyment Assistance - for thosefotcerdb ue- us an excellent addresr-, onto, were Scîidav visitous ployment insurance. FASTEETH 5e --------On--------- ___39c "1a1 es wjth Mîts Anne Ncsbitt FAS EE H. re.4c- -------39ciiI<quilted another quilt in th, Mi.. and Mrs. George Kimn- 1957 Unempioyment Insurance - for fishermen G RT L_-TABLETS 80s or LIQUID 24-oz.---46 11Mu. and Mus. M. McAllister weue Sunday dinner guests .1spent Sunday with their dau- with Mi. and Mus. C. M. Jon- 1957 Hospital Insurance - f ederal- provincial pa apoetCnd J. J.BAY PWDE -9-o.---- 8c,' and Mrs. Don Whithued Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow ians against costs of hospital ae Je &Je ABY OWDR--- 9-z - --- - -------- 68 and Mrs. L. Muldrew, Oshawa and Glen were dinner guests - iIspent Saturday at Sunnyside Sunday, at Mu.EretWih' M iand bad Mrs. Walters and .Mrs at Lindsay. ME C for BouIs - small size --- --7c 'Smthfor tea on Saturdav an uufaÏ visitors with Mu. History Showsa evnig cluded Mu. and Mus. Anthony PRILIS'v il o ManeiaTABLETS - 100%73s.11 Toronto, spenta day i swe WTnad nhn tv bera I G ov't. a nd P os1rt MuThcois. bt a oeen, Poit Hope, the latter slay- WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK r.M.Wiewshm ing wviîh bis grandiparents this Sfor the weekend, and Miss weck while bis parents are .oýMuriel Wbite, Toronto, stayed preparing to move into their 'k 'ki witb ber for the weekend. new. home. A lw ays G o TIogle 4>1 Mu. and Mus. Wbite and Mr. and Mus. Wallace 'Bou- a BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE 'family bad tea with Mr. and ghen weue out lu Lindsay on cMus Hie, Colhoîne, on Si- Stindray. m COWLING'S DRUG STORE JGHNSON'S DRUG STORE 'l av rs ilUNn n 1 ~~~~~Mus. E. Whjtp has heen otit d1aighteus. Port Hlope. weup 'VO T I E A O à%E qGROIDUUUROO 41lut sec Mu. Wbitp in Peterbor- dinner guests wthMu. andO I LIB RL -VTHN E NcGREOI, ONO ugb and be bad bad the tIti Mus. C. H. Lane, Monday JURY LOVLL SUTTS PHRNAY -11 ad wan'tso wll.Word ha.N been received JURY& LOELL TUTTS PHRNAMr.i an~d M\jÇC Beaty' e- hre of- the~ deatb in Chatbam The National Liberal Federation of Caad __.41 terîaied the speaker,' Ron of Mus. Janet Hassen, wbo -~j Poole, on Sunday. uscd la spend the suminers

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